home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <os2.h>
- #include <pmbitmap.h>
- typedef unsigned int WORD;
- typedef unsigned long DWORD;
- typedef struct winicohead
- {
- WORD icoReserved;
- WORD icoResourceType;
- WORD icoResourceCount;
- } WinBitMapFileHeader;
- typedef struct winbitmapinfo
- {
- BYTE Width;
- BYTE Height;
- BYTE ColorCount;
- BYTE res1;
- WORD res2;
- WORD res3;
- DWORD icoDIBSize;
- DWORD icoDIBOffset;
- } WinBitMapInfo;
- typedef struct windib
- {
- DWORD size;
- DWORD width;
- DWORD height;
- WORD planes;
- WORD bitcount;
- DWORD compress;
- DWORD sizeimage;
- DWORD xpelspermeter;
- DWORD ypelspermeter;
- DWORD colorused;
- DWORD clrimportant;
- } WinDIBHead;
- typedef struct winrgb
- {
- BYTE blue;
- BYTE green;
- BYTE red;
- BYTE res;
- } wRGB;
- void disp_wbmfh ( WinBitMapFileHeader * );
- void disp_wbmi ( WinBitMapInfo * );
- void disp_wdib ( WinDIBHead * );
- void disp_rgb ( wRGB * );
- void disp_colormap ( BYTE *, WinBitMapInfo * );
- void disp_monomap ( BYTE *, WinBitMapInfo * );
- void disp_byte ( BYTE );
- int bitsperpel ( BYTE );
- void write_mono_rgb ( FILE * );
- void write_os2_rgb ( FILE *, wRGB *, int );
- /* OS/2 structures */
- RGB rgb;
- void main
- (
- int argc,
- char *argv []
- )
- {
- FILE *fp;
- FILE *ofp;
- WinBitMapFileHeader wbmfh;
- WinBitMapInfo wbmi;
- WinDIBHead dibhead;
- BYTE colormap [64 * 64];
- BYTE monomap [64 * 64];
- wRGB rgbtable [64];
- int i;
- int j;
- int pels;
- fpos_t curpos;
- long last_bafh;
- if ( argc != 3 )
- {
- fprintf ( stderr, "The correct call is:\n cvtico <infile> <outfile>" );
- exit ( 1 );
- }
- if ( NULL == (fp = fopen ( argv [1], "rb" )) )
- {
- perror ( argv [1] );
- exit ( 1 );
- }
- if ( NULL == (ofp = fopen ( argv [2], "w+b" )) )
- {
- perror ( argv [2]);
- exit ( 1 );
- }
- fseek ( ofp, 0L, SEEK_SET );
- fread ( &wbmfh, sizeof ( wbmfh ), 1, fp );
- #if defined (DEBUG)
- disp_wbmfh ( &wbmfh );
- #endif
- for ( i = 0; i < wbmfh. icoResourceCount; i++ )
- {
- fread ( &wbmi, sizeof ( wbmi ), 1, fp );
- #if defined (DEBUG)
- disp_wbmi ( &wbmi );
- #endif
- fgetpos ( fp, &curpos );
- fseek ( fp, wbmi.icoDIBOffset, SEEK_SET );
- pels = 8 / bitsperpel ( wbmi. ColorCount );
- fread ( &dibhead, sizeof ( dibhead ), 1, fp );
- #if defined (DEBUG)
- disp_wdib ( &dibhead );
- #endif
- fread ( rgbtable, sizeof ( wRGB ), wbmi. ColorCount, fp );
- #if defined (DEBUG)
- for ( j = 0; j < wbmi. ColorCount; j++ )
- disp_rgb ( &rgbtable [j] );
- #endif
- fread ( colormap, sizeof ( BYTE ), wbmi.Width * wbmi.Height / pels, fp );
- #if defined (DEBUG)
- disp_colormap ( colormap, &wbmi );
- #endif
- fread ( monomap, sizeof ( BYTE ), wbmi.Width * wbmi.Height / 8, fp );
- #if defined (DEBUG)
- disp_monomap ( monomap, &wbmi );
- #endif
- last_bafh = ftell ( ofp );
- /* Write it out now */
- bafh.usType = BFT_BITMAPARRAY;
- bafh.cbSize = sizeof ( bafh );
- bafh.offNext = 0L;
- bafh.cxDisplay = 0;
- bafh.cyDisplay = 0;
- /* The first bfh is for the AndXor mask */
- bafh.bfh.usType = BFT_COLORICON;
- bafh.bfh.cbSize = sizeof ( bafh. bfh );
- bafh.bfh.xHotspot = 0;
- bafh.bfh.yHotspot = 0;
- bafh.bfh.offBits = last_bafh +
- sizeof ( bafh ) +
- 2 * 3 +
- sizeof ( bfh ) +
- wbmi. ColorCount * 3;
- bafh.bfh.bmp.cbFix = sizeof ( bafh. bfh. bmp );
- bafh.bfh.bmp.cx = wbmi.Width;
- bafh.bfh.bmp.cy = wbmi.Height * 2;
- bafh.bfh.bmp.cPlanes = 1;
- bafh.bfh.bmp.cBitCount = 1;
- /* The second bfh is for the Color mask */
- bfh.usType = BFT_COLORICON;
- bfh.cbSize = sizeof ( bafh. bfh );
- bfh.xHotspot = 0;
- bfh.yHotspot = 0;
- bfh.offBits = last_bafh +
- sizeof ( bafh ) +
- 2 * 3 +
- sizeof ( bfh ) +
- wbmi. ColorCount * 3 +
- wbmi.Width * wbmi.Height / 4;
- bfh.bmp.cbFix = sizeof ( bafh. bfh. bmp );
- bfh.bmp.cx = wbmi.Width;
- bfh.bmp.cy = wbmi.Height;
- bfh.bmp.cPlanes = 1;
- bfh.bmp.cBitCount = bitsperpel ( wbmi. ColorCount );
- fwrite ( &bafh, sizeof ( bafh ), 1, ofp );
- write_mono_rgb ( ofp );
- fwrite ( &bfh, sizeof ( bfh ), 1, ofp );
- write_os2_rgb ( ofp, rgbtable, wbmi. ColorCount );
- fwrite ( monomap, sizeof ( BYTE ), wbmi.Width * wbmi.Height / 8, ofp );
- fwrite ( monomap, sizeof ( BYTE ), wbmi.Width * wbmi.Height / 8, ofp );
- fwrite ( colormap, sizeof ( BYTE ), wbmi.Width * wbmi.Height / pels, ofp );
- fsetpos ( fp, &curpos );
- }
- fclose ( fp );
- fclose ( ofp );
- exit ( 0 );
- }
- /**/
- /**************************************************************************************************/
- void disp_wbmfh
- (
- WinBitMapFileHeader *wbmfh
- )
- {
- printf ( "icoReserved = %x\n", wbmfh -> icoReserved );
- printf ( "icoResourceType = %x\n", wbmfh -> icoResourceType );
- printf ( "icoResourceCount = %x\n", wbmfh -> icoResourceCount );
- }
- /**/
- /**************************************************************************************************/
- void disp_wbmi
- (
- WinBitMapInfo *wbmi
- )
- {
- printf ( "Width = %x\n", wbmi -> Width );
- printf ( "Height = %x\n", wbmi -> Height );
- printf ( "ColorCount = %x\n", wbmi -> ColorCount );
- printf ( "res1 = %x\n", wbmi -> res1 );
- printf ( "res2 = %x\n", wbmi -> res2 );
- printf ( "res3 = %x\n", wbmi -> res3 );
- printf ( "icoDIBSize = %lx\n", wbmi -> icoDIBSize );
- printf ( "icoDIBOffset = %lx\n", wbmi -> icoDIBOffset );
- }
- /**/
- /**************************************************************************************************/
- void disp_wdib
- (
- WinDIBHead *dib
- )
- {
- printf ( "size = %lx\n", dib -> size );
- printf ( "width = %lx\n", dib -> width );
- printf ( "height = %lx\n", dib -> height );
- printf ( "planes = %x\n", dib -> planes );
- printf ( "bitcount = %x\n", dib -> bitcount );
- printf ( "compress = %lx\n", dib -> compress );
- printf ( "sizeimage = %lx\n", dib -> sizeimage );
- printf ( "xpelspermeter = %lx\n", dib -> xpelspermeter );
- printf ( "ypelspermeter = %lx\n", dib -> ypelspermeter );
- printf ( "colorused = %lx\n", dib -> colorused );
- printf ( "clrimportant = %lx\n", dib -> clrimportant );
- }
- /**/
- /**************************************************************************************************/
- void disp_rgb
- (
- wRGB *rgb
- )
- {
- printf ( "%02x %02x %02x %02x\n", rgb -> blue, rgb -> green, rgb -> red, rgb -> res );
- }
- /**/
- /**************************************************************************************************/
- int bitsperpel
- (
- BYTE colorcount
- )
- {
- if ( colorcount == 2 )
- return ( 1 );
- else if ( colorcount == 8 )
- return ( 3 );
- else
- return ( 4 );
- }
- /**/
- /**************************************************************************************************/
- void disp_colormap
- (
- BYTE *colormap,
- WinBitMapInfo *wbmi
- )
- {
- int w;
- int h;
- int width;
- int height;
- int pels;
- width = wbmi -> Width;
- height = wbmi -> Height;
- pels = 8 / bitsperpel ( wbmi -> ColorCount );
- for ( h = 0; h < height; h++ )
- {
- for ( w = 0; w < width / pels; w++ )
- printf ( "%02x", colormap [ h * width / pels + w ] );
- printf ( "\n" );
- }
- }
- /**/
- /**************************************************************************************************/
- void disp_monomap
- (
- BYTE *monomap,
- WinBitMapInfo *wbmi
- )
- {
- int w;
- int h;
- int width;
- int height;
- width = wbmi -> Width;
- height = wbmi -> Height;
- for ( h = 0; h < height; h++ )
- {
- for ( w = 0; w < width / 8; w++ )
- disp_byte ( monomap [ h * width / 8 + w ] );
- printf ( "\n" );
- }
- }
- /**/
- /**************************************************************************************************/
- void disp_byte
- (
- BYTE b
- )
- {
- int i;
- for ( i = 0; i < 8; i++ )
- {
- printf ( "%d", ( 0 == (b & 0x80) ) ? 0 : 1 );
- b = b << 1;
- }
- }
- /**/
- /**************************************************************************************************/
- char os2_rgb_defaults [] =
- {
- 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
- 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
- 0xff, 0x00, 0x00,
- 0x00, 0x00, 0xff,
- 0xff, 0x00, 0xff,
- 0x00, 0xff, 0x00,
- 0xff, 0xff, 0x00,
- 0x00, 0xff, 0xff,
- 0x40, 0x40, 0x40,
- 0x80, 0x00, 0x00,
- 0x00, 0x00, 0x80,
- 0x80, 0x00, 0x80,
- 0x00, 0x80, 0x00,
- 0x80, 0x80, 0x00,
- 0x00, 0x34, 0x78,
- 0xc0, 0xc0, 0xc0
- };
- void write_os2_rgb
- (
- FILE *ofp,
- wRGB *rgbtable,
- int colorcount
- )
- {
- int i;
- for ( i = 0; i < colorcount; i++ )
- {
- fwrite ( &rgbtable [i].blue, sizeof ( BYTE ), 1, ofp );
- fwrite ( &rgbtable [i].green, sizeof ( BYTE ), 1, ofp );
- fwrite ( &rgbtable [i].red, sizeof ( BYTE ), 1, ofp );
- }
- // fwrite ( os2_rgb_defaults, sizeof ( os2_rgb_defaults ), 1, ofp );
- }
- /**/
- /**************************************************************************************************/
- char mono_rgb_defaults [] =
- {
- 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
- 0xff, 0xff, 0xff
- };
- void write_mono_rgb
- (
- FILE *ofp
- )
- {
- fwrite ( mono_rgb_defaults, sizeof ( mono_rgb_defaults ), 1, ofp );
- }