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- /*****************************************************************************
- This is a simple example of some graphics functions in C. I got a bit bored
- one day so I decided to make this little plasma. The original idea came from
- Jare/VangeliSTeam's VTIRIS and was converted to C just for fun. This program
- also makes use of floating point and inline ASM just to show that they do
- indeed work under PMODE/W.
- *****************************************************************************/
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <math.h>
- #define M_PI 3.141592654
- void vmode (unsigned short);
- void waitvr (void);
- void tweakvga (void);
- #pragma aux tweakvga =\
- "mov dx,3c4h",\
- "mov ax,604h",\
- "out dx,ax",\
- "mov ax,0f02h",\
- "out dx,ax",\
- "mov dx,3d4h",\
- "mov ax,14h",\
- "out dx,ax",\
- "mov ax,0e317h",\
- "out dx,ax",\
- "mov al,9",\
- "out dx,al",\
- "inc dx",\
- "in al,dx",\
- "and al,0e0h",\
- "add al,7",\
- "out dx,al",\
- modify [ax dx];
- #pragma aux vmode =\
- "int 10h",\
- parm [ax] modify [ax];
- #pragma aux waitvr =\
- "mov dx,3dah",\
- "wait1:",\
- "in al,dx",\
- "test al,8",\
- "jz wait1",\
- modify [al dx];
- void main ()
- {
- static char wavetable[256], pal[768];
- int v, x, y;
- char z;
- char *vidmem = (char *)0xA0000;
- char spd1 = 1, spd2 = 2, spd3 = 3, spd4 = 4;
- char pos1 = 0, pos2 = 0, pos3 = 0, pos4 = 0;
- char tpos1, tpos2, tpos3, tpos4;
- for (x=0, y=0; x<64*3; x+=3, y++)
- pal[x] = y;
- for (x=64*3, y=63; x<128*3; x+=3, y--)
- pal[x] = y;
- for (x=128*3, y=0; x<192*3; x+=3, y++)
- pal[x+2] = y;
- for (x=192*3, y=63; x<256*3; x+=3, y--)
- pal[x+2] = y;
- for (x=0; x<256; x++)
- wavetable[x] = 30 * (1 + sin(x*2 * M_PI / 256));
- vmode (0x13);
- tweakvga ();
- setpal (pal);
- while (!kbhit ())
- {
- waitvr ();
- v = 0;
- tpos1 = pos1;
- tpos2 = pos2;
- for (x=0; x<50; x++)
- {
- tpos3 = pos3;
- tpos4 = pos4;
- for(y=0; y<80; y++)
- {
- z = wavetable[tpos1] + wavetable[tpos2] +
- wavetable[tpos3] + wavetable[tpos4];
- vidmem[v ++] = z;
- tpos3 += 1;
- tpos4 += 3;
- }
- tpos1 += 2;
- tpos2 += 1;
- }
- pos1 += spd1;
- pos2 -= spd2;
- pos3 += spd3;
- pos4 -= spd4;
- }
- getch ();
- vmode (3);
- }
- void setpal (unsigned char palp[])
- {
- int pcount;
- outp (0x3c8, 0);
- for (pcount=0; pcount<768; pcount+=3)
- {
- outp (0x3c9, palp[pcount]);
- outp (0x3c9, palp[pcount+1]);
- outp (0x3c9, palp[pcount+2]);
- }
- }