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- # CONFIG.INI for PC-CONFIG from Version 7
- # Lines beginning with # are comments only
- # Possible switches Schalter: 1/0, ON/OFF, YES/NO
- # Identify installed memory size and speed of graphics adapter?
- # NB! For this test graphics modi are switched. If CONFIG is running under
- # WINDOWS in a window, you must disable this test.
- VideoTest=no
- # Skip test to identify the chip-set on the graphics adapter?
- SkipVGATest=no
- # Write direct to screen?
- DirectScreenWrites=yes
- # Wait for flyback with CGA cards? (slows video output, but possibly
- # avoids flicker/snow with older adapters)
- SnowCheck=no
- # Always use BIOS routines?(switch on if problems arise with less
- # compatible computers)
- UseBIOS=no
- # Test access times for the hard disk(s)?
- AccessTest=yes
- # Always force the data transfer speed test for hard disks, even if an
- # active cache is detected?
- ForceHDspeed=yes
- # Skip the test for an active cache?
- SkipHDCacheTest=no
- # Initialise the modem before testing? (some modems may otherwise not
- # be recognised)
- InitModem=no
- # Try to identify main board chip set via hardwaretest. This causes some
- # computers to crash, and can be disabled.
- TestBoard=no
- # Enter boardchipset manually, if detection should fail.
- # These numbers are vaild:
- # 0:Autodetect 1:UMC 2:SIS 3:CONTAC 4:ELITE
- Chipsatz=0
- # Test the access speed for Extended Memory? (Can be switched off if
- # this test leads to crashes (because of privilege violations etc.)
- TestExtMem=yes
- # Skip testing of the short interval timer? The test doesn't work on some
- # 486-66 MHz boards, so it can be disabled here:
- SkipTimerTest=yes
- # Try to get information about IDE hard disks? Can cause problems
- # with certain MFM/RLL contollers (eg OMTI 8250).
- # For registered users only!
- ATbusInfo=yes
- # Look for sound cards?
- SearchForSoundCards=yes
- # Look for resident CRT (screen output) accelerator programs?
- SearchScreenSpeeder=yes
- # Look for programs loaded in Hi-Dos?
- HiDosSearch=yes
- # In case the RAM disk was not detected, its allocated drive letter
- # (letter only) can be specified here.
- RamDisk=
- # A particular drive can be specified here for the DOS read/write
- # benchmark test. If 0 specified, the test is skipped. If left blank,
- # the current drive at the time of test will be tested.
- DosDisk=c
- # Run CONFIG as continuous demo (only available in the commercial
- # version with a special key).
- DemoMode=no
- # How many seconds should the demo run for?
- DemoZeit=180
- # How many seconds should each window be displayed?
- DemoDelay=8
- # Automatic logging during the test?
- # (only in the commercial version with special key)
- AutoLog=no
- ## What should be logged/ which windows should be displayed in the demo?
- ## Choose only from menu choices H,W,S,M,B,G:C,Q,T,V,X
- Protokoll=hwsmtxv
- # Load and show own comparison list (CONFIG.VGL)?
- ShowVGL=no
- # Enable program end with ESC key?
- EndeBeiESC=no
- # Window colors for monochrome display:
- # Window colors for color display:
- # Background color: