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- /*
- zoom.c - routines for zoombox manipulation and for panning
- */
- #include <float.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include "fractint.h"
- #include "prototyp.h"
- #define PIXELROUND 0.00001
- static void _fastcall zmo_calc(double, double, double *, double *, double);
- static void _fastcall zmo_calcbf(bf_t,bf_t,bf_t,bf_t,bf_t,bf_t,bf_t,bf_t,bf_t);
- static int check_pan(void);
- static void fix_worklist(void);
- static void _fastcall move_row(int fromrow,int torow,int col);
- /* big number declarations */
- void calc_corner(bf_t target,bf_t p1,double p2,bf_t p3,double p4,bf_t p5)
- {
- bf_t btmp1, btmp2 ,btmp3;
- int saved; saved = save_stack();
- btmp1 = alloc_stack(rbflength+2);
- btmp2 = alloc_stack(rbflength+2);
- btmp3 = alloc_stack(rbflength+2);
- /* use target as temporary variable */
- floattobf(btmp3, p2);
- mult_bf(btmp1,btmp3,p3);
- mult_bf(btmp2,floattobf(target, p4),p5);
- add_bf(target,btmp1,btmp2);
- add_a_bf(target,p1);
- restore_stack(saved);
- }
- void drawbox(int drawit)
- {
- struct coords tl,bl,tr,br; /* dot addr of topleft, botleft, etc */
- double tmpx,tmpy,dx,dy,rotcos,rotsin,ftemp1,ftemp2;
- double fxwidth,fxskew,fydepth,fyskew,fxadj;
- bf_t bffxwidth, bffxskew, bffydepth, bffyskew, bffxadj;
- int saved;
- if (zwidth==0) { /* no box to draw */
- if (boxcount!=0) { /* remove the old box from display */
- clearbox(); /* asm routine */
- boxcount = 0; }
- reset_zoom_corners();
- return; }
- if(bf_math)
- {
- saved = save_stack();
- bffxwidth = alloc_stack(rbflength+2);
- bffxskew = alloc_stack(rbflength+2);
- bffydepth = alloc_stack(rbflength+2);
- bffyskew = alloc_stack(rbflength+2);
- bffxadj = alloc_stack(rbflength+2);
- }
- ftemp1 = PI*zrotate/72; /* convert to radians */
- rotcos = cos(ftemp1); /* sin & cos of rotation */
- rotsin = sin(ftemp1);
- /* do some calcs just once here to reduce fp work a bit */
- fxwidth = sxmax-sx3rd;
- fxskew = sx3rd-sxmin;
- fydepth = sy3rd-symax;
- fyskew = symin-sy3rd;
- fxadj = zwidth*zskew;
- if(bf_math)
- {
- /* do some calcs just once here to reduce fp work a bit */
- sub_bf(bffxwidth,bfsxmax,bfsx3rd);
- sub_bf(bffxskew,bfsx3rd,bfsxmin);
- sub_bf(bffydepth,bfsy3rd,bfsymax);
- sub_bf(bffyskew,bfsymin,bfsy3rd);
- floattobf(bffxadj, fxadj);
- }
- /* calc co-ords of topleft & botright corners of box */
- tmpx = zwidth/-2+fxadj; /* from zoombox center as origin, on xdots scale */
- tmpy = zdepth*finalaspectratio/2;
- dx = (rotcos*tmpx - rotsin*tmpy) - tmpx; /* delta x to rotate topleft */
- dy = tmpy - (rotsin*tmpx + rotcos*tmpy); /* delta y to rotate topleft */
- /* calc co-ords of topleft */
- ftemp1 = zbx + dx + fxadj;
- ftemp2 = zby + dy/finalaspectratio;
- tl.x = (int)(ftemp1*(dxsize+PIXELROUND)); /* screen co-ords */
- tl.y = (int)(ftemp2*(dysize+PIXELROUND));
- xxmin = sxmin + ftemp1*fxwidth + ftemp2*fxskew; /* real co-ords */
- yymax = symax + ftemp2*fydepth + ftemp1*fyskew;
- if(bf_math)
- {
- calc_corner(bfxmin,bfsxmin,ftemp1,bffxwidth,ftemp2,bffxskew);
- calc_corner(bfymax,bfsymax,ftemp2,bffydepth,ftemp1,bffyskew);
- }
- /* calc co-ords of bottom right */
- ftemp1 = zbx + zwidth - dx - fxadj;
- ftemp2 = zby - dy/finalaspectratio + zdepth;
- br.x = (int)(ftemp1*(dxsize+PIXELROUND));
- br.y = (int)(ftemp2*(dysize+PIXELROUND));
- xxmax = sxmin + ftemp1*fxwidth + ftemp2*fxskew;
- yymin = symax + ftemp2*fydepth + ftemp1*fyskew;
- if(bf_math)
- {
- calc_corner(bfxmax,bfsxmin,ftemp1,bffxwidth,ftemp2,bffxskew);
- calc_corner(bfymin,bfsymax,ftemp2,bffydepth,ftemp1,bffyskew);
- }
- /* do the same for botleft & topright */
- tmpx = zwidth/-2 - fxadj;
- tmpy = 0.0-tmpy;
- dx = (rotcos*tmpx - rotsin*tmpy) - tmpx;
- dy = tmpy - (rotsin*tmpx + rotcos*tmpy);
- ftemp1 = zbx + dx - fxadj;
- ftemp2 = zby + dy/finalaspectratio + zdepth;
- bl.x = (int)(ftemp1*(dxsize+PIXELROUND));
- bl.y = (int)(ftemp2*(dysize+PIXELROUND));
- xx3rd = sxmin + ftemp1*fxwidth + ftemp2*fxskew;
- yy3rd = symax + ftemp2*fydepth + ftemp1*fyskew;
- if(bf_math)
- {
- calc_corner(bfx3rd,bfsxmin,ftemp1,bffxwidth,ftemp2,bffxskew);
- calc_corner(bfy3rd,bfsymax,ftemp2,bffydepth,ftemp1,bffyskew);
- restore_stack(saved);
- }
- ftemp1 = zbx + zwidth - dx + fxadj;
- ftemp2 = zby - dy/finalaspectratio;
- tr.x = (int)(ftemp1*(dxsize+PIXELROUND));
- tr.y = (int)(ftemp2*(dysize+PIXELROUND));
- if (boxcount!=0) { /* remove the old box from display */
- clearbox(); /* asm routine */
- boxcount = 0; }
- if (drawit) { /* caller wants box drawn as well as co-ords calc'd */
- #ifndef XFRACT
- /* build the list of zoom box pixels */
- addbox(tl); addbox(tr); /* corner pixels */
- addbox(bl); addbox(br);
- drawlines(tl,tr,bl.x-tl.x,bl.y-tl.y); /* top & bottom lines */
- drawlines(tl,bl,tr.x-tl.x,tr.y-tl.y); /* left & right lines */
- #else
- boxx[0] = tl.x + sxoffs;
- boxy[0] = tl.y + syoffs;
- boxx[1] = tr.x + sxoffs;
- boxy[1] = tr.y + syoffs;
- boxx[2] = br.x + sxoffs;
- boxy[2] = br.y + syoffs;
- boxx[3] = bl.x + sxoffs;
- boxy[3] = bl.y + syoffs;
- boxcount = 1;
- #endif
- dispbox(); /* asm routine to paint it */
- }
- }
- void _fastcall drawlines(struct coords fr, struct coords to,
- int dx, int dy)
- { int xincr,yincr,ctr;
- int altctr,altdec,altinc;
- struct coords tmpp,line1,line2;
- if (abs(to.x-fr.x) > abs(to.y-fr.y)) { /* delta.x > delta.y */
- if (fr.x>to.x) { /* swap so from.x is < to.x */
- tmpp = fr; fr = to; to = tmpp; }
- xincr = (to.x-fr.x)*4/sxdots+1; /* do every 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th dot */
- ctr = (to.x-fr.x-1)/xincr;
- altdec = abs(to.y-fr.y)*xincr;
- altinc = to.x-fr.x;
- altctr = altinc/2;
- yincr = (to.y>fr.y)?1:-1;
- line2.x = (line1.x = fr.x) + dx;
- line2.y = (line1.y = fr.y) + dy;
- while (--ctr>=0) {
- line1.x += xincr;
- line2.x += xincr;
- altctr -= altdec;
- while (altctr<0) {
- altctr += altinc;
- line1.y += yincr;
- line2.y += yincr;
- }
- addbox(line1);
- addbox(line2);
- }
- }
- else { /* delta.y > delta.x */
- if (fr.y>to.y) { /* swap so from.y is < to.y */
- tmpp = fr; fr = to; to = tmpp; }
- yincr = (to.y-fr.y)*4/sydots+1; /* do every 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th dot */
- ctr = (to.y-fr.y-1)/yincr;
- altdec = abs(to.x-fr.x)*yincr;
- altinc = to.y-fr.y;
- altctr = altinc/2;
- xincr = (to.x>fr.x) ? 1 : -1;
- line2.x = (line1.x = fr.x) + dx;
- line2.y = (line1.y = fr.y) + dy;
- while (--ctr>=0) {
- line1.y += yincr;
- line2.y += yincr;
- altctr -= altdec;
- while (altctr<0) {
- altctr += altinc;
- line1.x += xincr;
- line2.x += xincr;
- }
- addbox(line1);
- addbox(line2);
- }
- }
- }
- void _fastcall addbox(struct coords point)
- {
- point.x += sxoffs;
- point.y += syoffs;
- if (point.x >= 0 && point.x < sxdots && point.y >= 0 && point.y < sydots) {
- boxx[boxcount] = point.x;
- boxy[boxcount] = point.y;
- ++boxcount;
- }
- }
- void moveboxf(double dx, double dy)
- { int align,row,col;
- align = check_pan();
- if (dx!=0.0) {
- if ((zbx += dx) + zwidth/2 < 0) /* center must stay onscreen */
- zbx = zwidth/-2;
- if (zbx + zwidth/2 > 1)
- zbx = 1.0 - zwidth/2;
- if (align != 0
- && ((col = (int)(zbx*(dxsize+PIXELROUND))) & (align-1)) != 0) {
- if (dx > 0) col += align;
- col -= col & (align-1); /* adjust col to pass alignment */
- zbx = (double)col/dxsize; }
- }
- if (dy!=0.0) {
- if ((zby += dy) + zdepth/2 < 0)
- zby = zdepth/-2;
- if (zby + zdepth/2 > 1)
- zby = 1.0 - zdepth/2;
- if (align != 0
- && ((row = (int)(zby*(dysize+PIXELROUND))) & (align-1)) != 0) {
- if (dy > 0) row += align;
- row -= row & (align-1);
- zby = (double)row/dysize; }
- }
- }
- static void _fastcall chgboxf(double dwidth, double ddepth)
- {
- if (zwidth+dwidth > 1)
- dwidth = 1.0-zwidth;
- if (zwidth+dwidth < 0.05)
- dwidth = 0.05-zwidth;
- zwidth += dwidth;
- if (zdepth+ddepth > 1)
- ddepth = 1.0-zdepth;
- if (zdepth+ddepth < 0.05)
- ddepth = 0.05-zdepth;
- zdepth += ddepth;
- moveboxf(dwidth/-2,ddepth/-2); /* keep it centered & check limits */
- }
- void resizebox(int steps)
- {
- double deltax,deltay;
- if (zdepth*screenaspect > zwidth) { /* box larger on y axis */
- deltay = steps * 0.036 / screenaspect;
- deltax = zwidth * deltay / zdepth;
- }
- else { /* box larger on x axis */
- deltax = steps * 0.036;
- deltay = zdepth * deltax / zwidth;
- }
- chgboxf(deltax,deltay);
- }
- void chgboxi(int dw, int dd)
- { /* change size by pixels */
- chgboxf( (double)dw/dxsize, (double)dd/dysize );
- }
- #ifdef C6
- #pragma optimize("e",off) /* MSC 6.00A messes up next rtn with "e" on */
- #endif
- extern void show_three_bf();
- static void _fastcall zmo_calcbf(bf_t bfdx, bf_t bfdy,
- bf_t bfnewx, bf_t bfnewy,bf_t bfplotmx1, bf_t bfplotmx2, bf_t bfplotmy1,
- bf_t bfplotmy2, bf_t bfftemp)
- {
- bf_t btmp1, btmp2, btmp3, btmp4, btempx, btempy ;
- bf_t btmp2a, btmp4a;
- int saved; saved = save_stack();
- btmp1 = alloc_stack(rbflength+2);
- btmp2 = alloc_stack(rbflength+2);
- btmp3 = alloc_stack(rbflength+2);
- btmp4 = alloc_stack(rbflength+2);
- btmp2a = alloc_stack(rbflength+2);
- btmp4a = alloc_stack(rbflength+2);
- btempx = alloc_stack(rbflength+2);
- btempy = alloc_stack(rbflength+2);
- /* calc cur screen corner relative to zoombox, when zoombox co-ords
- are taken as (0,0) topleft thru (1,1) bottom right */
- /* tempx = dy * plotmx1 - dx * plotmx2; */
- mult_bf(btmp1,bfdy,bfplotmx1);
- mult_bf(btmp2,bfdx,bfplotmx2);
- sub_bf(btempx,btmp1,btmp2);
- /* tempy = dx * plotmy1 - dy * plotmy2; */
- mult_bf(btmp1,bfdx,bfplotmy1);
- mult_bf(btmp2,bfdy,bfplotmy2);
- sub_bf(btempy,btmp1,btmp2);
- /* calc new corner by extending from current screen corners */
- /* *newx = sxmin + tempx*(sxmax-sx3rd)/ftemp + tempy*(sx3rd-sxmin)/ftemp; */
- sub_bf(btmp1,bfsxmax,bfsx3rd);
- mult_bf(btmp2,btempx,btmp1);
- /* show_three_bf("fact1",btempx,"fact2",btmp1,"prod ",btmp2,70); */
- div_bf(btmp2a,btmp2,bfftemp);
- /* show_three_bf("num ",btmp2,"denom",bfftemp,"quot ",btmp2a,70); */
- sub_bf(btmp3,bfsx3rd,bfsxmin);
- mult_bf(btmp4,btempy,btmp3);
- div_bf(btmp4a,btmp4,bfftemp);
- add_bf(bfnewx,bfsxmin,btmp2a);
- add_a_bf(bfnewx,btmp4a);
- /* *newy = symax + tempy*(sy3rd-symax)/ftemp + tempx*(symin-sy3rd)/ftemp; */
- sub_bf(btmp1,bfsy3rd,bfsymax);
- mult_bf(btmp2,btempy,btmp1);
- div_bf(btmp2a,btmp2,bfftemp);
- sub_bf(btmp3,bfsymin,bfsy3rd);
- mult_bf(btmp4,btempx,btmp3);
- div_bf(btmp4a,btmp4,bfftemp);
- add_bf(bfnewy,bfsymax,btmp2a);
- add_a_bf(bfnewy,btmp4a);
- restore_stack(saved);
- }
- static void _fastcall zmo_calc(double dx, double dy, double *newx, double *newy, double ftemp)
- {
- double tempx,tempy;
- /* calc cur screen corner relative to zoombox, when zoombox co-ords
- are taken as (0,0) topleft thru (1,1) bottom right */
- tempx = dy * plotmx1 - dx * plotmx2;
- tempy = dx * plotmy1 - dy * plotmy2;
- /* calc new corner by extending from current screen corners */
- *newx = sxmin + tempx*(sxmax-sx3rd)/ftemp + tempy*(sx3rd-sxmin)/ftemp;
- *newy = symax + tempy*(sy3rd-symax)/ftemp + tempx*(symin-sy3rd)/ftemp;
- }
- void zoomoutbf(void) /* for ctl-enter, calc corners for zooming out */
- {
- /* (xxmin,yymax), etc, are already set to zoombox corners;
- (sxmin,symax), etc, are still the screen's corners;
- use the same logic as plot_orbit stuff to first calculate current screen
- corners relative to the zoombox, as if the zoombox were a square with
- upper left (0,0) and width/depth 1; ie calc the current screen corners
- as if plotting them from the zoombox;
- then extend these co-ords from current real screen corners to get
- new actual corners
- */
- bf_t savbfxmin,savbfymax,bfftemp;
- bf_t tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, tmp4, tmp5, tmp6,bfplotmx1,bfplotmx2,bfplotmy1,bfplotmy2;
- int saved;
- saved = save_stack();
- savbfxmin = alloc_stack(rbflength+2);
- savbfymax = alloc_stack(rbflength+2);
- bfftemp = alloc_stack(rbflength+2);
- tmp1 = alloc_stack(rbflength+2);
- tmp2 = alloc_stack(rbflength+2);
- tmp3 = alloc_stack(rbflength+2);
- tmp4 = alloc_stack(rbflength+2);
- tmp5 = alloc_stack(rbflength+2);
- tmp6 = alloc_stack(rbflength+2);
- bfplotmx1 = alloc_stack(rbflength+2);
- bfplotmx2 = alloc_stack(rbflength+2);
- bfplotmy1 = alloc_stack(rbflength+2);
- bfplotmy2 = alloc_stack(rbflength+2);
- /* ftemp = (yymin-yy3rd)*(xx3rd-xxmin) - (xxmax-xx3rd)*(yy3rd-yymax); */
- sub_bf(tmp1,bfymin,bfy3rd);
- sub_bf(tmp2,bfx3rd,bfxmin);
- sub_bf(tmp3,bfxmax,bfx3rd);
- sub_bf(tmp4,bfy3rd,bfymax);
- mult_bf(tmp5,tmp1,tmp2);
- mult_bf(tmp6,tmp3,tmp4);
- sub_bf(bfftemp,tmp5,tmp6);
- /* plotmx1 = (xx3rd-xxmin); */ ; /* reuse the plotxxx vars is safe */
- copy_bf(bfplotmx1,tmp2);
- /* plotmx2 = (yy3rd-yymax); */
- copy_bf(bfplotmx2,tmp4);
- /* plotmy1 = (yymin-yy3rd); */
- copy_bf(bfplotmy1,tmp1);
- /* plotmy2 = (xxmax-xx3rd); */;
- copy_bf(bfplotmy2,tmp3);
- /* savxxmin = xxmin; savyymax = yymax; */
- copy_bf(savbfxmin,bfxmin); copy_bf(savbfymax,bfymax);
- sub_bf(tmp1,bfsxmin,savbfxmin); sub_bf(tmp2,bfsymax,savbfymax);
- zmo_calcbf(tmp1,tmp2,bfxmin,bfymax,bfplotmx1,bfplotmx2,bfplotmy1,
- bfplotmy2,bfftemp);
- sub_bf(tmp1,bfsxmax,savbfxmin); sub_bf(tmp2,bfsymin,savbfymax);
- zmo_calcbf(tmp1,tmp2,bfxmax,bfymin,bfplotmx1,bfplotmx2,bfplotmy1,
- bfplotmy2,bfftemp);
- sub_bf(tmp1,bfsx3rd,savbfxmin); sub_bf(tmp2,bfsy3rd,savbfymax);
- zmo_calcbf(tmp1,tmp2,bfx3rd,bfy3rd,bfplotmx1,bfplotmx2,bfplotmy1,
- bfplotmy2,bfftemp);
- restore_stack(saved);
- }
- void zoomoutdbl(void) /* for ctl-enter, calc corners for zooming out */
- {
- /* (xxmin,yymax), etc, are already set to zoombox corners;
- (sxmin,symax), etc, are still the screen's corners;
- use the same logic as plot_orbit stuff to first calculate current screen
- corners relative to the zoombox, as if the zoombox were a square with
- upper left (0,0) and width/depth 1; ie calc the current screen corners
- as if plotting them from the zoombox;
- then extend these co-ords from current real screen corners to get
- new actual corners
- */
- double savxxmin,savyymax,ftemp;
- ftemp = (yymin-yy3rd)*(xx3rd-xxmin) - (xxmax-xx3rd)*(yy3rd-yymax);
- plotmx1 = (xx3rd-xxmin); /* reuse the plotxxx vars is safe */
- plotmx2 = (yy3rd-yymax);
- plotmy1 = (yymin-yy3rd);
- plotmy2 = (xxmax-xx3rd);
- savxxmin = xxmin; savyymax = yymax;
- zmo_calc(sxmin-savxxmin,symax-savyymax,&xxmin,&yymax,ftemp);
- zmo_calc(sxmax-savxxmin,symin-savyymax,&xxmax,&yymin,ftemp);
- zmo_calc(sx3rd-savxxmin,sy3rd-savyymax,&xx3rd,&yy3rd,ftemp);
- }
- void zoomout(void) /* for ctl-enter, calc corners for zooming out */
- {
- if(bf_math)
- {
- zoomoutbf();
- }
- else
- zoomoutdbl();
- }
- #ifdef C6
- #pragma optimize("e",on) /* back to normal */
- #endif
- void aspectratio_crop(float oldaspect,float newaspect)
- {
- double ftemp,xmargin,ymargin;
- if (newaspect > oldaspect) { /* new ratio is taller, crop x */
- ftemp = (1.0 - oldaspect / newaspect) / 2;
- xmargin = (xxmax - xx3rd) * ftemp;
- ymargin = (yymin - yy3rd) * ftemp;
- xx3rd += xmargin;
- yy3rd += ymargin;
- }
- else { /* new ratio is wider, crop y */
- ftemp = (1.0 - newaspect / oldaspect) / 2;
- xmargin = (xx3rd - xxmin) * ftemp;
- ymargin = (yy3rd - yymax) * ftemp;
- xx3rd -= xmargin;
- yy3rd -= ymargin;
- }
- xxmin += xmargin;
- yymax += ymargin;
- xxmax -= xmargin;
- yymin -= ymargin;
- }
- static int check_pan(void) /* return 0 if can't, alignment requirement if can */
- { int i,j;
- if (calc_status != 2 && calc_status != 4)
- return(0); /* not resumable, not complete */
- if ( curfractalspecific->calctype != StandardFractal
- && curfractalspecific->calctype != calcmand
- && curfractalspecific->calctype != calcmandfp
- && curfractalspecific->calctype != lyapunov
- && curfractalspecific->calctype != calcfroth)
- return(0); /* not a worklist-driven type */
- if (zwidth != 1.0 || zdepth != 1.0 || zskew != 0.0 || zrotate != 0.0)
- return(0); /* not a full size unrotated unskewed zoombox */
- /* can pan if we get this far */
- if (calc_status == 4)
- return(1); /* image completed, align on any pixel */
- if (potflag && pot16bit)
- return(1); /* 1 pass forced so align on any pixel */
- if (stdcalcmode == 'b')
- return(1); /* btm, align on any pixel */
- if (stdcalcmode == 't')
- return(0); /* tesselate, can't do it */
- if (stdcalcmode != 'g' || (curfractalspecific->flags&NOGUESS)) {
- if (stdcalcmode == '2' || stdcalcmode == '3') /* align on even pixel for 2pass */
- return(2);
- return(1); /* assume 1pass */
- }
- /* solid guessing */
- start_resume();
- get_resume(sizeof(int),&num_worklist,sizeof(worklist),worklist,0);
- /* don't do end_resume! we're just looking */
- i = 9;
- for (j=0; j<num_worklist; ++j) /* find lowest pass in any pending window */
- if (worklist[j].pass < i)
- i = worklist[j].pass;
- j = ssg_blocksize(); /* worst-case alignment requirement */
- while (--i >= 0)
- j = j>>1; /* reduce requirement */
- return(j);
- }
- static void _fastcall move_row(int fromrow,int torow,int col)
- /* move a row on the screen */
- { int startcol,endcol,tocol;
- memset(dstack,0,xdots); /* use dstack as a temp for the row; clear it */
- if (fromrow >= 0 && fromrow < ydots) {
- tocol = startcol = 0;
- endcol = xdots-1;
- if (col < 0) {
- tocol -= col;
- endcol += col; }
- if (col > 0)
- startcol += col;
- get_line(fromrow,startcol,endcol,(BYTE *)&dstack[tocol]);
- }
- put_line(torow,0,xdots-1,(BYTE *)dstack);
- }
- int init_pan_or_recalc(int do_zoomout) /* decide to recalc, or to chg worklist & pan */
- { int i,j,row,col,y,alignmask,listfull;
- if (zwidth == 0.0)
- return(0); /* no zoombox, leave calc_status as is */
- /* got a zoombox */
- if ((alignmask=check_pan()-1) < 0) {
- calc_status = 0; /* can't pan, trigger recalc */
- return(0); }
- if (zbx == 0.0 && zby == 0.0) {
- clearbox();
- return(0); } /* box is full screen, leave calc_status as is */
- col = (int)(zbx*(dxsize+PIXELROUND)); /* calc dest col,row of topleft pixel */
- row = (int)(zby*(dysize+PIXELROUND));
- if (do_zoomout) { /* invert row and col */
- row = 0-row;
- col = 0-col; }
- if ((row&alignmask) != 0 || (col&alignmask) != 0) {
- calc_status = 0; /* not on useable pixel alignment, trigger recalc */
- return(0); }
- /* pan */
- num_worklist = 0;
- if (calc_status == 2) {
- start_resume();
- get_resume(sizeof(int),&num_worklist,sizeof(worklist),worklist,0);
- } /* don't do end_resume! we might still change our mind */
- /* adjust existing worklist entries */
- for (i=0; i<num_worklist; ++i) {
- worklist[i].yystart -= row;
- worklist[i].yystop -= row;
- worklist[i].yybegin -= row;
- worklist[i].xxstart -= col;
- worklist[i].xxstop -= col;
- }
- /* add worklist entries for the new edges */
- listfull = i = 0;
- j = ydots-1;
- if (row < 0) {
- listfull |= add_worklist(0,xdots-1,0,0-row-1,0,0,0);
- i = 0 - row; }
- if (row > 0) {
- listfull |= add_worklist(0,xdots-1,ydots-row,ydots-1,ydots-row,0,0);
- j = ydots - row - 1; }
- if (col < 0)
- listfull |= add_worklist(0,0-col-1,i,j,i,0,0);
- if (col > 0)
- listfull |= add_worklist(xdots-col,xdots-1,i,j,i,0,0);
- if (listfull != 0) {
- static FCODE msg[] = {"\
- Tables full, can't pan current image.\n\
- Cancel resumes old image, continue pans and calculates a new one."};
- if (stopmsg(2,msg)) {
- zwidth = 0; /* cancel the zoombox */
- drawbox(1); }
- else
- calc_status = 0; /* trigger recalc */
- return(0); }
- /* now we're committed */
- calc_status = 2;
- clearbox();
- if (row > 0) /* move image up */
- for (y=0; y<ydots; ++y) move_row(y+row,y,col);
- else /* move image down */
- for (y=ydots; --y>=0;) move_row(y+row,y,col);
- fix_worklist(); /* fixup any out of bounds worklist entries */
- alloc_resume(sizeof(worklist)+10,1); /* post the new worklist */
- put_resume(sizeof(int),&num_worklist,sizeof(worklist),worklist,0);
- return(0);
- }
- static void _fastcall restart_window(int wknum)
- /* force a worklist entry to restart */
- { int yfrom,yto,xfrom,xto;
- if ((yfrom = worklist[wknum].yystart) < 0) yfrom = 0;
- if ((xfrom = worklist[wknum].xxstart) < 0) xfrom = 0;
- if ((yto = worklist[wknum].yystop) >= ydots) yto = ydots - 1;
- if ((xto = worklist[wknum].xxstop) >= xdots) xto = xdots - 1;
- memset(dstack,0,xdots); /* use dstack as a temp for the row; clear it */
- while (yfrom <= yto)
- put_line(yfrom++,xfrom,xto,(BYTE *)dstack);
- worklist[wknum].sym = worklist[wknum].pass = 0;
- worklist[wknum].yybegin = worklist[wknum].yystart;
- }
- static void fix_worklist(void) /* fix out of bounds and symmetry related stuff */
- { int i,j,k;
- for (i=0; i<num_worklist; ++i) {
- wk = &worklist[i];
- if ( wk->yystart >= ydots || wk->yystop < 0
- || wk->xxstart >= xdots || wk->xxstop < 0) { /* offscreen, delete */
- for (j=i+1; j<num_worklist; ++j)
- worklist[j-1] = worklist[j];
- --num_worklist;
- --i;
- continue; }
- if (wk->yystart < 0) /* partly off top edge */
- if ((wk->sym&1) == 0) /* no sym, easy */
- wk->yystart = 0;
- else { /* xaxis symmetry */
- if ((j = wk->yystop + wk->yystart) > 0
- && num_worklist < MAXCALCWORK) { /* split the sym part */
- worklist[num_worklist] = worklist[i];
- worklist[num_worklist].yystart = 0;
- worklist[num_worklist++].yystop = j;
- wk->yystart = j+1; }
- else
- wk->yystart = 0;
- restart_window(i); /* restart the no-longer sym part */
- }
- if (wk->yystop >= ydots) { /* partly off bottom edge */
- j = ydots-1;
- if ((wk->sym&1) != 0) { /* uses xaxis symmetry */
- if ((k = wk->yystart + (wk->yystop - j)) < j)
- if (num_worklist >= MAXCALCWORK) /* no room to split */
- restart_window(i);
- else { /* split it */
- worklist[num_worklist] = worklist[i];
- worklist[num_worklist].yystart = k;
- worklist[num_worklist++].yystop = j;
- j = k-1; }
- wk->sym &= -1 - 1; }
- wk->yystop = j; }
- if (wk->xxstart < 0) /* partly off left edge */
- if ((wk->sym&2) == 0) /* no sym, easy */
- wk->xxstart = 0;
- else { /* yaxis symmetry */
- if ((j = wk->xxstop + wk->xxstart) > 0
- && num_worklist < MAXCALCWORK) { /* split the sym part */
- worklist[num_worklist] = worklist[i];
- worklist[num_worklist].xxstart = 0;
- worklist[num_worklist++].xxstop = j;
- wk->xxstart = j+1; }
- else
- wk->xxstart = 0;
- restart_window(i); /* restart the no-longer sym part */
- }
- if (wk->xxstop >= xdots) { /* partly off right edge */
- j = xdots-1;
- if ((wk->sym&2) != 0) { /* uses xaxis symmetry */
- if ((k = wk->xxstart + (wk->xxstop - j)) < j)
- if (num_worklist >= MAXCALCWORK) /* no room to split */
- restart_window(i);
- else { /* split it */
- worklist[num_worklist] = worklist[i];
- worklist[num_worklist].xxstart = k;
- worklist[num_worklist++].xxstop = j;
- j = k-1; }
- wk->sym &= -1 - 2; }
- wk->xxstop = j; }
- if (wk->yybegin < wk->yystart) wk->yybegin = wk->yystart;
- if (wk->yybegin > wk->yystop) wk->yybegin = wk->yystop;
- }
- tidy_worklist(); /* combine where possible, re-sort */
- }