home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /** targa.c **/
- #ifdef __TURBOC__
- # pragma warn -par
- #endif
- #define TARGA_DATA
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #ifndef XFRACT
- #include <conio.h>
- #endif
- #include "targa.h"
- #include "fractint.h"
- #include "prototyp.h"
- /************* ****************/
- void WriteTGA( int x, int y, int index );
- int ReadTGA ( int x, int y );
- void EndTGA ( void );
- void StartTGA( void );
- void ReopenTGA( void );
- /************* ****************/
- static unsigned _fastcall near Row16Calculate(unsigned,unsigned);
- static void _fastcall near PutPix16(int,int,int);
- static unsigned _fastcall near GetPix16(int,int);
- static unsigned _fastcall near Row32Calculate(unsigned,unsigned);
- static void _fastcall near PutPix32(int,int,int);
- static unsigned _fastcall near GetPix32(int,int);
- static void _fastcall near DoFirstPixel(int,int,int);
- static void _fastcall fatalerror(char far *);
- static int GetLine(int);
- static void _fastcall near SetDispReg(int,int);
- static int VWait(void);
- static void _fastcall SetVBorder(int,int);
- static void _fastcall SetBorderColor(long);
- static void _fastcall SetVertShift(int);
- static void _fastcall SetInterlace(int);
- static void _fastcall SetBlndReg(int);
- static void _fastcall SetRGBorCV(int);
- static void _fastcall SetVCRorCamera(int);
- static void _fastcall SetMask(int);
- static void _fastcall SetBlndReg(int);
- static void _fastcall SetContrast(int);
- static void _fastcall SetHue(int);
- static void _fastcall SetSaturation(int);
- static void _fastcall SetHBorder(int,int);
- static void SetFixedRegisters(void);
- static void _fastcall VCenterDisplay(int);
- static void _fastcall SetOverscan(int);
- static void _fastcall near TSetMode(int);
- static int GraphInit(void);
- static void GraphEnd(void);
- /************* ****************/
- int xorTARGA;
- unsigned far *tga16 = NULL; /* [256] */
- long far *tga32; /* [256] */
- static int last = 0;
- /************* ****************/
- static int initialized;
- /************* ****************/
- static void (near _fastcall *DoPixel) ( int x, int y, int index );
- static void (near _fastcall *PutPixel)( int x, int y, int index );
- static unsigned (near _fastcall *GetPixel)( int x, int y );
- /**************************************************************************/
- #ifdef __BORLANDC__
- #if(__BORLANDC__ > 2)
- #pragma warn -eff
- #endif
- #endif
- static unsigned _fastcall near Row16Calculate( unsigned line, unsigned x1 )
- {
- outp( DESTREG, (line >> 5) );
- return( ((line & 31) << 10) | (x1 << 1) ); /* calc the pixel offset */
- }
- /**************************************************************************/
- static void _fastcall near PutPix16( int x, int y, int index )
- {
- unsigned far * ip;
- /**************/
- ip = MK_FP( MEMSEG, Row16Calculate( y, x ) );
- if( ! xorTARGA )
- *ip = tga16[index];
- else
- *ip = *ip ^ 0x7fff;
- }
- /**************************************************************************/
- static unsigned _fastcall near GetPix16( int x, int y )
- {
- register unsigned pixel, index;
- unsigned far * ip;
- /**************/
- ip = MK_FP( MEMSEG, Row16Calculate( y, x ) );
- pixel = *ip & 0x7FFF;
- if( pixel == tga16[last] ) return( last );
- for( index = 0; index < 256; index++ )
- if( pixel == tga16[index] ) {
- last = index;
- return( index );
- }
- return( 0 );
- }
- /**************************************************************************/
- static unsigned _fastcall near Row32Calculate( unsigned line, unsigned x1 )
- {
- outp( DESTREG, (line >> 4) );
- return ( ((line & 15) << 11) | (x1 << 2) ); /* calc the pixel offset */
- }
- /**************************************************************************/
- static void _fastcall near PutPix32( int x, int y, int index )
- {
- long far * lp;
- lp = MK_FP( MEMSEG, Row32Calculate( y, x ) );
- if( ! xorTARGA )
- *lp = tga32[index];
- else
- *lp = *lp ^ 0x00FFFFFFL;
- }
- /**************************************************************************/
- static unsigned _fastcall near GetPix32( int x, int y )
- {
- register int index;
- long pixel;
- long far * lp;
- lp = MK_FP( MEMSEG, Row32Calculate( y, x ) );
- pixel = *lp & 0x00FFFFFFL;
- if( pixel == tga32[last] ) return( last );
- for( index = 0; index < 256; index++ )
- if( pixel == tga32[index] ) {
- last = index;
- return( index );
- }
- return( 0 );
- }
- /**************************************************************************/
- static void _fastcall near DoFirstPixel( int x, int y, int index )
- {
- int cnt;
- TSetMode( targa.mode | 1 );
- for( cnt = 0; cnt < targa.MaxBanks; cnt += 2 ) { /* erase */
- outp( DESTREG, cnt );
- outp( SRCREG, cnt + 1 );
- erasesegment(targa.memloc,0); /** general.asm **/
- }
- TSetMode( targa.mode & 0xFFFE );
- PutPixel = DoPixel;
- (*PutPixel)( x, y, index );
- }
- #ifdef __BORLANDC__
- #if(__BORLANDC__ > 2)
- #pragma warn +eff
- #endif
- #endif
- /***************************************************************************/
- void WriteTGA( int x, int y, int index )
- {
- OUTPORTB(MODEREG, targa.mode |= 1 ); /* TSetMode inline for speed */
- (*PutPixel)( x, sydots-y, index&0xFF ); /* fix origin to match EGA/VGA */
- OUTPORTB(MODEREG, targa.mode &= 0xFFFE );
- }
- /***************************************************************************/
- int ReadTGA( int x, int y )
- {
- int val;
- OUTPORTB(MODEREG, targa.mode |= 1 ); /* TSetMode inline for speed */
- val = (*GetPixel)( x, sydots-y );
- OUTPORTB(MODEREG, targa.mode &= 0xFFFE );
- return( val );
- }
- /***************************************************************************/
- void EndTGA( void )
- {
- if( initialized ) {
- GraphEnd();
- initialized = 0;
- }
- }
- /***************************************************************************/
- void StartTGA()
- {
- int i;
- /*
- This overlayed data safe because used in this file, any only used for
- fatal error message!
- */
- static FCODE couldntfind[]={"Could not find Targa card"};
- static FCODE noenvvar[]={"TARGA environment variable missing"};
- static FCODE insuffmem[]={"Insufficient memory for Targa"};
- /****************/
- if( initialized ) return;
- initialized = 1;
- /****************/
- /* note that video.asm has already set the regualar video adapter */
- /* to text mode (ax in Targa table entries is 3); */
- /* that's necessary because TARGA can live at 0xA000, we DO NOT */
- /* want to have an EGA/VGA in graphics mode!! */
- ReopenTGA(); /* clear text screen and display message */
- /****************/
- /*** look for and activate card ***/
- if ((i = GraphInit()) != 0)
- fatalerror((i == -1) ? couldntfind : noenvvar);
- VCenterDisplay( sydots + 1 );
- if (tga16 == NULL)
- if ( (tga16 = (unsigned far *)farmemalloc(512L)) == NULL
- || (tga32 = (long far *)farmemalloc(1024L)) == NULL)
- fatalerror(insuffmem);
- SetTgaColors();
- if( targa.boardType == 16 ) {
- GetPixel = (unsigned (near _fastcall *)(int, int))GetPix16;
- DoPixel = PutPix16;
- }
- else {
- GetPixel = (unsigned (near _fastcall *)(int, int))GetPix32;
- DoPixel = PutPix32;
- }
- PutPixel = DoFirstPixel; /* on first pixel --> erase */
- if( sydots == 482 ) SetOverscan( 1 );
- TSetMode( targa.mode & 0xFFFE );
- /****************/
- if (mapdacbox == NULL && SetColorPaletteName("default") != 0)
- exit( 1 ); /* stopmsg has already been issued */
- }
- void ReopenTGA()
- {
- static FCODE runningontarga[]={"Running On TrueVision TARGA Card"};
- helptitle();
- putstring(2,20,7,runningontarga);
- movecursor(6,0); /* in case of brutal exit */
- }
- static void _fastcall fatalerror(char far *msg)
- {
- static FCODE abortmsg[]={"...aborting!"};
- putstring(4,20,15,msg);
- putstring(5,20,15,abortmsg);
- movecursor(8,0);
- exit(1);
- }
- /*** the rest of this module used to be separate, in tgasubs.c, ***/
- /*** has now been merged into a single source ***/
- /*******************************************************************/
- static void _fastcall VCenterDisplay( int nLines )
- {
- int lines;
- int top, bottom;
- long color;
- lines = nLines >> 1; /* half value of last line 0..x */
- top = 140 - (lines >> 1);
- bottom = top + lines;
- SetVBorder( top, bottom );
- SetVertShift( 255 - lines ); /* skip lines we're not using */
- if( targa.boardType == 16 )
- color = (12 << 10) | (12 << 5) | 12;
- else
- color = ((long)80 << 16) | (80 << 8) | 80;
- SetBorderColor( color );
- }
- /*****************************************************************/
- static void _fastcall near SetDispReg(int reg, int value)
- {
- targa.DisplayRegister[reg] = value;
- TSetMode(targa.mode&MSK_REGWRITE); /* select Index Register write */
- OUTPORTB(DRREG, reg); /* select sync register */
- /*
- * Set Mask register to write value to
- * display register and to set Bit 9 in the DR
- */
- TSetMode( ((targa.mode|(~MSK_REGWRITE)) /* turn on write bit */
- & MSK_BIT9 ) /* turn off Bit 9 */
- | ((value&0x0100)>>1)); /* set bit 9 for value */
- OUTPORTB(DRREG, value); /* select sync register */
- }
- /*****************************************************************/
- #define WAITCOUNT 60000L
- static int VWait()
- {
- int rasterreg;
- unsigned GiveUp;
- rasterreg = RASTERREG;
- /*
- * If beyond bottom of frame wait for next field
- */
- while ( (--GiveUp) && (GetLine(rasterreg) == 0) ) { }
- if (GiveUp) {
- /*
- * Wait for the bottom of the border
- */
- while ( (--GiveUp) && (GetLine(rasterreg) > 0) ) { }
- }
- return ( ( GiveUp ) ? 0 : -1);
- }
- /*****************************************************************/
- static void _fastcall SetVBorder(int top, int bottom)
- {
- /* top border */
- if ( top < MIN_TOP ) top=MIN_TOP;
- SetDispReg(TOPBORDER,top);
- /* bottom border */
- if ( bottom > MAX_BOTTOM ) bottom=MAX_BOTTOM;
- SetDispReg(BOTTOMBORDER,bottom);
- SetDispReg(DR10,top);
- SetDispReg(DR11,bottom);
- }
- /*****************************************************************/
- static void _fastcall SetRGBorCV(int type)
- {
- /* set the contrast level */
- targa.RGBorCV = type;
- targa.VCRCon = ( targa.VCRCon & MSK_RGBORCV ) |
- (targa.RGBorCV<<SHF_RGBORCV) ;
- }
- /*****************************************************************/
- static void _fastcall SetVCRorCamera(int type)
- {
- targa.VCRorCamera = type&1;
- targa.VCRCon = ( targa.VCRCon & MSK_VCRORCAMERA ) |
- (targa.VCRorCamera<<SHF_VCRORCAMERA) ;
- }
- /*****************************************************************/
- static void _fastcall SetBorderColor(long color)
- {
- targa.BorderColor = color;
- OUTPORTB(BORDER, (int)(0x0000ffffL&(color)));
- OUTPORTB((BORDER+2), (int)((color)>>16));
- }
- /*****************************************************************/
- static void _fastcall SetMask(int mask)
- {
- /* mask to valid values and output to mode register */
- targa.Mask = mask;
- }
- /*****************************************************************/
- static void _fastcall SetVertShift(int preshift)
- {
- /* set the Vertical Preshift count level */
- targa.VertShift = preshift;
- OUTPORTB(VERTPAN, preshift);
- }
- /*****************************************************************/
- static void _fastcall SetOverscan(int mode)
- {
- long tempColor;
- targa.ovrscnOn = mode;
- if ( mode == 0 ) {
- INPORTB(UNDERREG); /* select underscan mode */
- SetHBorder( (DEF_LEFT+targa.xOffset),
- (DEF_RIGHT+targa.xOffset));
- SetDispReg(4,352);
- SetDispReg(5,1);
- SetBorderColor(targa.BorderColor);
- }
- else {
- INPORTB(OVERREG); /* select overrscan mode */
- SetDispReg(0,64); /* Set four of the display registers */
- SetDispReg(1,363); /* to values required for Overscan */
- SetDispReg(4,363);
- SetDispReg(5,17);
- tempColor = targa.BorderColor;
- SetBorderColor(0L);
- targa.BorderColor = tempColor;
- }
- }
- /*****************************************************************/
- static void _fastcall SetInterlace(int type)
- {
- targa.InterlaceMode= type & MSK_INTERLACE;
- SetDispReg(INTREG, targa.InterlaceMode);
- /*
- */
- if ( ( targa.InterlaceMode >= 2 ) &&
- ( targa.PageMode> 1 ) &&
- ( (targa.PageMode&1) != 0 ) )
- TSetMode(targa.mode|(~MSK_IBIT) );
- else
- TSetMode(targa.mode& MSK_IBIT);
- }
- /*****************************************************************/
- static void _fastcall SetBlndReg(int value)
- {
- /* set the Vertical Preshift count level */
- if ( targa.boardType == 32 ) {
- targa.VCRCon = (targa.VCRCon&0xfe) | value;
- }
- }
- /*****************************************************************/
- static void _fastcall near TSetMode(int mode)
- {
- /* mask to valid values and output to mode register */
- targa.mode = mode;
- }
- /*****************************************************************/
- static void _fastcall SetContrast(int level)
- {
- /* set the contrast level */
- targa.Contrast = level &((~MSK_CONTRAST)>>SHF_CONTRAST);
- targa.VCRCon = ( targa.VCRCon & MSK_CONTRAST ) |
- (targa.Contrast<<SHF_CONTRAST) ;
- }
- /*****************************************************************/
- static void _fastcall SetHue(int level)
- {
- /* set the hue level - Mask to valid value */
- targa.Hue = level&((~MSK_HUE)>>SHF_HUE);
- /* mask to valid range */
- targa.SatHue = (targa.SatHue&MSK_HUE) | (targa.Hue<<SHF_HUE);
- OUTPORTB(SATHUE, targa.SatHue );
- }
- /*****************************************************************/
- static void _fastcall SetSaturation(int level)
- {
- /* set the saturation level */
- targa.Saturation= level&( (~MSK_SATURATION)>>SHF_SATURATION);
- targa.SatHue = (targa.SatHue&MSK_SATURATION) |
- (targa.Saturation<<SHF_SATURATION);
- OUTPORTB(SATHUE , targa.SatHue );
- }
- /*************************************************************/
- /*** UNUSED
- static void _fastcall SetPageMode(int pageMode)
- {
- pageMode &= 0x07;
- targa.PageMode = pageMode;
- VWait();
- TSetMode( (targa.mode)&(MSK_RES) |((pageMode<<SHF_RES)&(~MSK_RES)) ) ;
- if ( ( targa.DisplayRegister[20] >= 2 ) &&
- ( pageMode> 1 ) &&
- ( (pageMode&1) != 0 ) ) TSetMode(targa.mode|(~MSK_IBIT) );
- else
- TSetMode(targa.mode& MSK_IBIT);
- }
- ***/
- /*****************************************************************/
- static void _fastcall SetHBorder(int left, int right)
- {
- SetDispReg(LEFTBORDER, left); /* set horizontal left border */
- SetDispReg(RIGHTBORDER,right); /* set horizontal right border */
- /*
- * Set DR 8 and 9 since they
- * default to tracking DR0 and DR 1
- */
- SetDispReg(DR8,left);
- SetDispReg(DR9,left);
- }
- /*****************************************************************/
- /*** UNUSED
- static void _fastcall SetGenlock(int OnOrOff)
- {
- TSetMode( (targa.mode)&(MSK_GENLOCK)
- }
- ***/
- /*****************************************************************/
- /* was asm, TC fast enough on AT */
- static int GetLine( int port )
- {
- int cnt;
- int val1, val2;
- val1 = INPORTB( port );
- for( cnt = 0; cnt < 20; cnt++ ) {
- val2 = INPORTB( port );
- if( val1 == val2 )
- break;
- val1 = val2;
- }
- return( val1 );
- }
- /**********************************************************************
- **********************************************************************/
- static int GraphInit()
- {
- int i;
- int bottom, top;
- char *envptr;
- unsigned switches, got_switches;
- memset( &targa, 0, sizeof(targa) );
- targa.boardType = TYPE_16; /* default to T16 */
- targa.xOffset = 0; targa.yOffset = 0; /* default to no offset */
- targa.LinesPerField= DEF_ROWS/2; /* number of lines per field */
- targa.AlwaysGenLock = DEF_GENLOCK; /* default to genlock off */
- targa.PageMode = 0;
- targa.InterlaceMode = DEF_INT; /* Defalut: Interlace Mode 0 */
- targa.Contrast= DEF_CONTRAST;
- targa.Saturation = DEF_SATURATION;
- targa.Hue = DEF_HUE;
- targa.RGBorCV = CV; /* default to Composite video */
- targa.VCRorCamera = CAMERA;
- targa.PanXOrig = 0; targa.PanYOrig = 0;
- targa.PageUpper= 0xffff; /* set the bank flags to illega& values */
- targa.PageLower= 0xffff; /* so that they will be set the first time */
- targa.ovrscnAvail = 0; /* Assume no Overscan option */
- targa.ovrscnOn = 0;
- if ((envptr = getenv("TARGA")) == NULL)
- return(-2);
- switches = got_switches = 0;
- while (*envptr) {
- if (*envptr != ' ') ++got_switches;
- if (*envptr >= '2' && *envptr <= '8')
- switches |= (1 << ('8' - *envptr));
- ++envptr;
- }
- if (got_switches == 0) { /* all blanks, use default */
- targa.memloc = (signed int)0xA000;
- targa.iobase = 0x220;
- }
- else {
- targa.memloc = 0x8000 + ((switches & 0x70) << 8);
- targa.iobase = 0x200 + ((switches & 0x0f) << 4);
- }
- if ((envptr = getenv("TARGASET")) != NULL) {
- for(;;) { /* parse next parameter */
- while (*envptr == ' ' || *envptr == ',') ++envptr;
- if (*envptr == 0) break;
- if (*envptr >= 'a' && *envptr <= 'z') *envptr -= ('a'-'A');
- i = atoi(envptr+1);
- switch (*envptr) {
- case 'T':
- if (i == 16) targa.boardType = TYPE_16;
- if (i == 24) targa.boardType = TYPE_24;
- if (i == 32) targa.boardType = TYPE_32;
- break;
- /* case 'E' not done, meaning not clear */
- case 'X':
- targa.xOffset = i;
- break;
- case 'Y':
- targa.yOffset = i;
- break;
- case 'I':
- targa.InterlaceMode = i;
- break;
- /* case 'N' not done, I don't know how to handle it */
- case 'R':
- targa.RGBorCV = RGB;
- break;
- case 'B':
- targa.VCRorCamera = CAMERA;
- break;
- case 'V':
- targa.VCRorCamera = VCR;
- break;
- case 'G':
- targa.AlwaysGenLock = 1;
- break;
- case 'C':
- targa.Contrast = i * 31 / 100;
- break;
- case 'S':
- targa.Saturation = i * 7 / 100;
- break;
- case 'H':
- targa.Hue = i * 31 / 100;
- break;
- /* note: 'A' and 'O' defined but apply only to type M8 */
- /* case 'P' not handled cause I don't know how */
- }
- while (*(++envptr) >= '0' && *envptr <= '9') { }
- }
- }
- if ( targa.boardType == TYPE_16 ) {
- targa.MaxBanks = 16;
- targa.BytesPerPixel = 2;
- }
- if ( targa.boardType == TYPE_24 ) {
- targa.MaxBanks = 32;
- targa.BytesPerPixel = 3;
- }
- if ( targa.boardType == TYPE_32 ) {
- targa.MaxBanks = 32;
- targa.BytesPerPixel = 4;
- }
- /****** Compute # of rows per 32K bank ********/
- targa.RowsPerBank = 512/(targa.MaxBanks);
- targa.AddressShift = targa.MaxBanks>>4;
- /* if initializing CVA: set these before we quit */
- SetSaturation(targa.Saturation);
- SetHue(targa.Hue);
- SetContrast( targa.Contrast);
- /* Set Genlock bit if always genlocked */
- /* Set before flipping and jerking screen */
- TSetMode( (targa.AlwaysGenLock<<SHF_GENLOCK) | DEF_MODE);
- SetBlndReg(0); /* disable blend mode on TARGA 32 */
- SetInterlace(targa.InterlaceMode);
- SetFixedRegisters();
- SetOverscan( 0 );
- top = 140 - (targa.LinesPerField / 2);
- bottom = top + targa.LinesPerField;
- SetVBorder(top,bottom);
- SetVertShift(256-targa.LinesPerField);
- SetMask(DEF_MASK);
- SetRGBorCV (targa.RGBorCV );
- SetVCRorCamera(targa.VCRorCamera);
- /* See if the raster register is working correctly and
- return error flag if its not */
- return (( VWait() == -1) ? -1 : 0);
- }
- /**************************************************************/
- static void GraphEnd()
- {
- TSetMode( (targa.mode)&MSK_MSEL ); /* disable memory */
- }
- /**************************************************************/
- /* Set the registers which have required values */
- #define FIXED_REGS 10
- static int FixedRegs[] = {
- DR6,DR7,DR12,DR13,DR14,DR15,DR16,DR17,DR18,DR19
- };
- static int FixedValue[] = {
- };
- static void SetFixedRegisters()
- {
- int reg;
- for ( reg=0; reg<FIXED_REGS; reg++)
- SetDispReg(FixedRegs[reg],FixedValue[reg]);
- }