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- /*
- STEREO.C a module to view 3D images.
- Written in Borland 'C++' by Paul de Leeuw.
- From an idea in "New Scientist" 9 October 1993 pages 26 - 29.
- Change History:
- 11 June 94 - Modified to reuse existing Fractint arrays TW
- 11 July 94 - Added depth parameter PDL
- 14 July 94 - Added grayscale option and did general cleanup TW
- 19 July 94 - Fixed negative depth PDL
- 19 July 94 - Added calibration bars, get_min_max() TW
- 24 Sep 94 - Added image save/restore, color cycle, and save TW
- 28 Sep 94 - Added image map TW
- 20 Mar 95 - Fixed endless loop bug with bad depth values TW
- 23 Mar 95 - Allow arbitrary dimension image maps TW
- (TW is Tim Wegner, PDL is Paul de Leeuw)
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <time.h>
- #include "fractint.h"
- #include "prototyp.h"
- #include "helpdefs.h"
- char stereomapname[81] = {""};
- int AutoStereo_depth = 100;
- double AutoStereo_width = 10;
- char grayflag = 0; /* flag to use gray value rather than color
- * number */
- char calibrate = 1; /* add calibration bars to image */
- char image_map = 0;
- /* this structure permits variables to be temporarily static and visible
- to routines in this file without permanently hogging memory */
- static struct static_vars
- {
- long avg;
- long avgct;
- long depth;
- int barheight;
- int ground;
- int maxcc;
- int maxc;
- int minc;
- int reverse;
- int sep;
- double width;
- int x1;
- int x2;
- int xcen;
- int y;
- int y1;
- int y2;
- int ycen;
- BYTE *savedac;
- } *pv;
- #define AVG (pv->avg)
- #define AVGCT (pv->avgct)
- #define DEPTH (pv->depth)
- #define BARHEIGHT (pv->barheight)
- #define GROUND (pv->ground)
- #define MAXCC (pv->maxcc)
- #define MAXC (pv->maxc)
- #define MINC (pv->minc)
- #define REVERSE (pv->reverse)
- #define SEP (pv->sep)
- #define WIDTH (pv->width)
- #define X1 (pv->x1)
- #define X2 (pv->x2)
- #define Y (pv->y)
- #define Y1 (pv->y1)
- #define Y2 (pv->y2)
- #define XCEN (pv->xcen)
- #define YCEN (pv->ycen)
- /*
- The getdepth() function allows using the grayscale value of the color
- as DEPTH, rather than the color number. Maybe I got a little too
- sophisticated trying to avoid a divide, so the comment tells what all
- the multiplies and shifts are trying to do. The result should be from
- 0 to 255.
- */
- typedef BYTE (*DACBOX)[256][3];
- #define dac (*((DACBOX)(pv->savedac)))
- static int getdepth(int xd, int yd)
- {
- int pal;
- pal = getcolor(xd, yd);
- if (grayflag)
- {
- /* effectively (30*R + 59*G + 11*B)/100 scaled 0 to 255 */
- pal = ((int) dac[pal][0] * 77 +
- (int) dac[pal][1] * 151 +
- (int) dac[pal][2] * 28);
- pal >>= 6;
- }
- return (pal);
- }
- /*
- Get min and max DEPTH value in picture
- */
- static int get_min_max(void)
- {
- int xd, yd, ldepth;
- MINC = colors;
- MAXC = 0;
- for(yd = 0; yd < ydots; yd++)
- {
- if (keypressed())
- return (1);
- if(yd == 20)
- showtempmsg("Getting min and max");
- for(xd = 0; xd < xdots; xd++)
- {
- ldepth = getdepth(xd,yd);
- if ( ldepth < MINC)
- MINC = ldepth;
- if (ldepth > MAXC)
- MAXC = ldepth;
- }
- }
- cleartempmsg();
- return(0);
- }
- void toggle_bars(int *bars, int barwidth, int far *colour)
- {
- int i, j, ct;
- find_special_colors();
- ct = 0;
- for (i = XCEN; i < (XCEN) + barwidth; i++)
- for (j = YCEN; j < (YCEN) + BARHEIGHT; j++)
- {
- if(*bars)
- {
- putcolor(i + (int)(AVG), j , color_bright);
- putcolor(i - (int)(AVG), j , color_bright);
- }
- else
- {
- putcolor(i + (int)(AVG), j, colour[ct++]);
- putcolor(i - (int)(AVG), j, colour[ct++]);
- }
- }
- *bars = 1 - *bars;
- }
- int outline_stereo(BYTE * pixels, int linelen)
- {
- int i, j, x, s;
- int far *same;
- int far *colour;
- if((Y) >= ydots)
- return(1);
- same = (int far *)MK_FP(extraseg,0);
- colour = &same[ydots];
- for (x = 0; x < xdots; ++x)
- same[x] = x;
- for (x = 0; x < xdots; ++x)
- {
- SEP = GROUND - (int) (DEPTH * (getdepth(x, Y) - MINC) / MAXCC);
- else
- SEP = GROUND - (int) (DEPTH * (MAXCC - (getdepth(x, Y) - MINC)) / MAXCC);
- SEP = (int)((SEP * 10.0) / WIDTH); /* adjust for media WIDTH */
- /* get average value under calibration bars */
- if(X1 <= x && x <= X2 && Y1 <= Y && Y <= Y2)
- {
- AVG += SEP;
- (AVGCT)++;
- }
- i = x - (SEP + (SEP & Y & 1)) / 2;
- j = i + SEP;
- if (0 <= i && j < xdots)
- {
- /* there are cases where next never terminates so we timeout */
- int ct = 0;
- for (s = same[i]; s != i && s != j && ct++ < xdots; s = same[i])
- {
- if (s > j)
- {
- same[i] = j;
- i = j;
- j = s;
- }
- else
- i = s;
- }
- same[i] = j;
- }
- }
- for (x = xdots - 1; x >= 0; x--)
- {
- if (same[x] == x)
- /* colour[x] = rand()%colors; */
- colour[x] = (int)pixels[x%linelen];
- else
- colour[x] = colour[same[x]];
- putcolor(x, Y, colour[x]);
- }
- (Y)++;
- return(0);
- }
- /**************************************************************************
- Convert current image into Auto Stereo Picture
- **************************************************************************/
- int do_AutoStereo(void)
- {
- struct static_vars v;
- BYTE savedacbox[256*3];
- int oldhelpmode, ret=0;
- int i, j, done;
- int bars, ct, kbdchar, barwidth;
- time_t ltime;
- unsigned char *buf = (unsigned char *)decoderline;
- /* int same[MAXPIXELS],colour[MAXPIXELS] */
- /* following two lines re-use existing arrays in Fractint */
- int far *same;
- int far *colour;
- same = (int far *)MK_FP(extraseg,0);
- colour = &same[ydots];
- pv = &v; /* set static vars to stack structure */
- pv->savedac = savedacbox;
- /* Use the current time to randomize the random number sequence. */
- time(<ime);
- srand((unsigned int)ltime);
- oldhelpmode = helpmode;
- helpmode = RDSKEYS;
- savegraphics(); /* save graphics image */
- memcpy(savedacbox, dacbox, 256 * 3); /* save colors */
- /* empircally determined adjustment to make WIDTH scale correctly */
- WIDTH = AutoStereo_width*.67;
- if(WIDTH < 1)
- WIDTH = 1;
- GROUND = xdots / 8;
- if(AutoStereo_depth < 0)
- REVERSE = 1;
- else
- REVERSE = 0;
- DEPTH = ((long) xdots * (long) AutoStereo_depth) / 4000L;
- DEPTH = labs(DEPTH) + 1;
- if(get_min_max())
- {
- buzzer(1);
- ret = 1;
- goto exit_stereo;
- }
- MAXCC = MAXC - MINC + 1;
- AVG = AVGCT = 0L;
- barwidth = 1 + xdots / 200;
- BARHEIGHT = 1 + ydots / 20;
- XCEN = xdots/2;
- if(calibrate > 1)
- else
- YCEN = ydots/2;
- /* box to average for calibration bars */
- X1 = XCEN - xdots/16;
- X2 = XCEN + xdots/16;
- Y = 0;
- if(image_map)
- {
- outln = outline_stereo;
- while((Y) < ydots)
- if(gifview())
- {
- ret = 1;
- goto exit_stereo;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- while(Y < ydots)
- {
- if(keypressed())
- {
- ret = 1;
- goto exit_stereo;
- }
- for(i=0;i<xdots;i++)
- buf[i] = (unsigned char)(rand()%colors);
- outline_stereo(buf,xdots);
- }
- }
- find_special_colors();
- AVG /= 2;
- ct = 0;
- for (i = XCEN; i < XCEN + barwidth; i++)
- for (j = YCEN; j < YCEN + BARHEIGHT; j++)
- {
- colour[ct++] = getcolor(i + (int)(AVG), j);
- colour[ct++] = getcolor(i - (int)(AVG), j);
- }
- if(calibrate)
- bars = 1;
- else
- bars = 0;
- toggle_bars(&bars, barwidth, colour);
- done = 0;
- while(done==0)
- {
- while(keypressed()==0); /* to trap F1 key */
- kbdchar = getakey();
- switch(kbdchar)
- {
- case ENTER: /* toggle bars */
- case SPACE:
- toggle_bars(&bars, barwidth, colour);
- break;
- case 'c':
- case '+':
- case '-':
- rotate((kbdchar == 'c') ? 0 : ((kbdchar == '+') ? 1 : -1));
- break;
- case 's':
- diskisactive = 1; /* flag for disk-video routines */
- savetodisk(savename);
- diskisactive = 0;
- break;
- default:
- if(kbdchar == 27) /* if ESC avoid returning to menu */
- kbdchar = 255;
- ungetakey(kbdchar);
- buzzer(0);
- done = 1;
- break;
- }
- }
- exit_stereo:
- helpmode = oldhelpmode;
- restoregraphics();
- memcpy(dacbox, savedacbox, 256 * 3);
- spindac(0,1);
- return (ret);
- }