home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*
- Miscellaneous C routines used only in DOS Fractint.
- */
- #include <string.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #ifndef XFRACT
- #include <dos.h>
- #include <io.h>
- #include <process.h>
- #endif
- #include <sys/types.h>
- #include <sys/stat.h>
- #include <fcntl.h>
- #include <math.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include "fractint.h"
- #include "fractype.h"
- #include "helpdefs.h"
- #include "prototyp.h"
- static int menu_checkkey(int curkey,int choice);
- /* uncomment following for production version */
- /* #define PRODUCTION */
- int release=1920; /* this has 2 implied decimals; increment it every synch */
- int patchlevel=0; /* patchlevel for DOS version */
- #ifdef XFRACT
- int xrelease=300;
- #endif
- /* fullscreen_choice options */
- #define CHOICEMENU 2
- #define CHOICEHELP 4
- #define CHOICESCRUNCH 16
- /* int stopmsg(flags,message) displays message and waits for a key:
- message should be a max of 9 lines with \n's separating them;
- no leading or trailing \n's in message;
- no line longer than 76 chars for best appearance;
- flag options:
- &1 if already in text display mode, stackscreen is not called
- and message is displayed at (12,0) instead of (4,0)
- &2 if continue/cancel indication is to be returned;
- when not set, "Any key to continue..." is displayed
- when set, "Escape to cancel, any other key to continue..."
- -1 is returned for cancel, 0 for continue
- &4 set to suppress buzzer
- &8 for Fractint for Windows & parser - use a fixed pitch font
- &16 for info only message (green box instead of red in DOS vsn)
- */
- #ifdef XFRACT
- static char far s_errorstart[] = {"*** Error during startup:"};
- #endif
- static char far s_escape_cancel[] = {"Escape to cancel, any other key to continue..."};
- static char far s_anykey[] = {"Any key to continue..."};
- #ifndef PRODUCTION
- static char far s_custom[] = {"Customized Version"};
- static char far s_notpublic[] = {"Not for Public Release"};
- #endif
- int stopmsg (int flags, char far *msg)
- {
- int ret,toprow,color,savelookatmouse;
- static unsigned char batchmode = 0;
- if(debugflag != 0 || initbatch >= 1)
- {
- static FILE *fp = NULL;
- if(fp==NULL && initbatch == 0)
- fp=dir_fopen(workdir,"stopmsg.txt","w");
- else
- fp=dir_fopen(workdir,"stopmsg.txt","a");
- if(fp != NULL)
- #ifndef XRACT
- fprintf(fp,"%Fs\n",msg);
- #else
- fprintf(fp,"%s\n",msg);
- #endif
- fclose(fp);
- }
- if (active_system == 0 /* DOS */
- && first_init) { /* & cmdfiles hasn't finished 1st try */
- #ifdef XFRACT
- setvideotext();
- buzzer(2);
- putstring(0,0,15,s_errorstart);
- putstring(2,0,15,msg);
- movecursor(8,0);
- sleep(1);
- UnixDone();
- exit(1);
- #else
- printf("%Fs\n",msg);
- dopause(1); /* pause deferred until after cmdfiles */
- return(0);
- #endif
- }
- if (initbatch >= 1 || batchmode) { /* in batch mode */
- initbatch = 4; /* used to set errorlevel */
- batchmode = 1; /* fixes *second* stopmsg in batch mode bug */
- return (-1);
- }
- ret = 0;
- savelookatmouse = lookatmouse;
- lookatmouse = -13;
- if ((flags & 1))
- blankrows(toprow=12,10,7);
- else {
- stackscreen();
- toprow = 4;
- movecursor(4,0);
- }
- textcbase = 2; /* left margin is 2 */
- putstring(toprow,0,7,msg);
- if (flags & 2)
- putstring(textrow+2,0,7,s_escape_cancel);
- else
- putstring(textrow+2,0,7,s_anykey);
- textcbase = 0; /* back to full line */
- color = (flags & 16) ? C_STOP_INFO : C_STOP_ERR;
- setattr(toprow,0,color,(textrow+1-toprow)*80);
- movecursor(25,80); /* cursor off */
- if ((flags & 4) == 0)
- buzzer((flags & 16) ? 0 : 2);
- while (keypressed()) /* flush any keyahead */
- getakey();
- if(debugflag != 324)
- if (getakeynohelp() == ESC)
- ret = -1;
- if ((flags & 1))
- blankrows(toprow,10,7);
- else
- unstackscreen();
- lookatmouse = savelookatmouse;
- return ret;
- }
- static char far *temptextsave = NULL;
- static int textxdots,textydots;
- /* texttempmsg(msg) displays a text message of up to 40 characters, waits
- for a key press, restores the prior display, and returns (without
- eating the key).
- It works in almost any video mode - does nothing in some very odd cases
- (HCGA hi-res with old bios), or when there isn't 10k of temp mem free. */
- int texttempmsg(char far *msgparm)
- {
- if (showtempmsg(msgparm))
- return(-1);
- #ifndef XFRACT
- while (!keypressed()) ; /* wait for a keystroke but don't eat it */
- #else
- waitkeypressed(0); /* wait for a keystroke but don't eat it */
- #endif
- cleartempmsg();
- return(0);
- }
- void freetempmsg()
- {
- if(temptextsave != NULL)
- farmemfree(temptextsave);
- temptextsave = NULL;
- }
- int showtempmsg(char far *msgparm)
- {
- static long size = 0;
- char msg[41];
- BYTE buffer[640];
- char far *fartmp;
- BYTE far *fontptr;
- BYTE *bufptr;
- int i,j,k,fontchar,charnum;
- int xrepeat = 0;
- int yrepeat = 0;
- int save_sxoffs,save_syoffs;
- far_strncpy(msg,msgparm,40);
- msg[40] = 0; /* ensure max message len of 40 chars */
- if (dotmode == 11) { /* disk video, screen in text mode, easy */
- dvid_status(0,msg);
- return(0);
- }
- if (active_system == 0 /* DOS */
- && first_init) { /* & cmdfiles hasn't finished 1st try */
- printf("%s\n",msg);
- return(0);
- }
- if ((fontptr = findfont(0)) == NULL) { /* old bios, no font table? */
- if (oktoprint == 0 /* can't printf */
- || sxdots > 640 || sydots > 200) /* not willing to trust char cell size */
- return(-1); /* sorry, message not displayed */
- textydots = 8;
- textxdots = sxdots;
- }
- else {
- xrepeat = (sxdots >= 640) ? 2 : 1;
- yrepeat = (sydots >= 300) ? 2 : 1;
- textxdots = strlen(msg) * xrepeat * 8;
- textydots = yrepeat * 8;
- }
- /* worst case needs 10k */
- if(temptextsave != NULL)
- if(size != (long)textxdots * (long)textydots)
- freetempmsg();
- size = (long)textxdots * (long)textydots;
- save_sxoffs = sxoffs;
- save_syoffs = syoffs;
- sxoffs = syoffs = 0;
- if(temptextsave == NULL) /* only save screen first time called */
- {
- if ((temptextsave = farmemalloc(size)) == NULL)
- return(-1); /* sorry, message not displayed */
- fartmp = temptextsave;
- for (i = 0; i < textydots; ++i) {
- get_line(i,0,textxdots-1,buffer);
- for (j = 0; j < textxdots; ++j) /* copy it out to far memory */
- *(fartmp++) = buffer[j];
- }
- }
- if (fontptr == NULL) { /* bios must do it for us */
- home();
- printf(msg);
- }
- else { /* generate the characters */
- find_special_colors(); /* get color_dark & color_medium set */
- for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
- memset(buffer,color_dark,640);
- bufptr = buffer;
- charnum = -1;
- while (msg[++charnum] != 0) {
- fontchar = *(fontptr + msg[charnum]*8 + i);
- for (j = 0; j < 8; ++j) {
- for (k = 0; k < xrepeat; ++k) {
- if ((fontchar & 0x80) != 0)
- *bufptr = (BYTE)color_medium;
- ++bufptr;
- }
- fontchar <<= 1;
- }
- }
- for (j = 0; j < yrepeat; ++j)
- put_line(i*yrepeat+j,0,textxdots-1,buffer);
- }
- }
- sxoffs = save_sxoffs;
- syoffs = save_syoffs;
- return(0);
- }
- void cleartempmsg()
- {
- BYTE buffer[640];
- char far *fartmp;
- int i,j;
- int save_sxoffs,save_syoffs;
- if (dotmode == 11) /* disk video, easy */
- dvid_status(0,"");
- else if (temptextsave != NULL) {
- save_sxoffs = sxoffs;
- save_syoffs = syoffs;
- sxoffs = syoffs = 0;
- fartmp = temptextsave;
- for (i = 0; i < textydots; ++i) {
- for (j = 0; j < textxdots; ++j) /* copy back from far memory */
- buffer[j] = *(fartmp++);
- put_line(i,0,textxdots-1,buffer);
- }
- if(using_jiim == 0) /* jiim frees memory with freetempmsg() */
- {
- farmemfree(temptextsave);
- temptextsave = NULL;
- }
- sxoffs = save_sxoffs;
- syoffs = save_syoffs;
- }
- }
- void blankrows(int row,int rows,int attr)
- {
- char buf[81];
- memset(buf,' ',80);
- buf[80] = 0;
- while (--rows >= 0)
- putstring(row++,0,attr,buf);
- }
- void helptitle()
- {
- char msg[80],buf[80];
- setclear(); /* clear the screen */
- #ifdef XFRACT
- sprintf(msg,"XFRACTINT Version %d.%02d (FRACTINT Version %d.%02d)",
- xrelease/100,xrelease%100, release/100,release%100);
- putstringcenter(0,0,80,C_TITLE,msg);
- #else
- #ifdef WAITE
- release=1900;
- patchlevel = 0;
- #endif
- sprintf(msg,"FRACTINT Version %d.%01d",release/100,(release%100)/10);
- if (release%10) {
- sprintf(buf,"%01d",release%10);
- strcat(msg,buf);
- }
- #ifndef XFRACT
- if (patchlevel) {
- sprintf(buf," Patch %d",patchlevel);
- strcat(msg,buf);
- }
- #endif
- #if 0 /*WAITE*/ /* realdos.c */
- strcat(msg," for the Waite Group's Image Lab 2nd Edition");
- #endif /* WAITE - realdos.c */
- putstringcenter(0,0,80,C_TITLE,msg);
- #ifdef WAITE
- return;
- #endif
- #endif
- /* uncomment next for production executable: */
- return;
- #else
- if (debugflag == 3002) return;
- putstring(0,2,C_TITLE_DEV,"Development Version");
- #else
- putstring(0,3,C_TITLE_DEV, s_custom);
- #endif
- putstring(0,55,C_TITLE_DEV,s_notpublic);
- #endif
- }
- int putstringcenter(int row, int col, int width, int attr, char far *msg)
- {
- char buf[81];
- int i,j,k;
- i = 0;
- #ifdef XFRACT
- if (width==80) width=79; /* Some systems choke in column 80 */
- #endif
- while (msg[i]) ++i; /* strlen for a far */
- if (i == 0) return(-1);
- j = (width - i) / 2;
- j -= (width + 10 - i) / 20; /* when wide a bit left of center looks better */
- memset(buf,' ',width);
- buf[width] = 0;
- i = 0;
- k = j;
- while (msg[i]) buf[k++] = msg[i++]; /* strcpy for a far */
- putstring(row,col,attr,buf);
- return j;
- }
- #ifndef XFRACT
- static int screenctr = -1;
- #else
- static int screenctr = 0;
- #endif
- #define MAXSCREENS 3
- static BYTE far *savescreen[MAXSCREENS];
- static int saverc[MAXSCREENS+1];
- static FILE *savescf = NULL;
- static char scsvfile[]="fractscr.tmp";
- void stackscreen()
- {
- #ifndef XFRACT
- BYTE far *vidmem;
- int savebytes;
- int i;
- BYTE far *ptr;
- char buf[256];
- memcpy(buf,suffix,256);
- saverc[screenctr+1] = textrow*80 + textcol;
- if (++screenctr) { /* already have some stacked */
- static char far msg[]={"stackscreen overflow"};
- if ((i = screenctr - 1) >= MAXSCREENS) { /* bug, missing unstack? */
- stopmsg(1,msg);
- exit(1);
- }
- vidmem = MK_FP(textaddr,0);
- savebytes = (text_type == 0) ? 4000 : 16384;
- if ((ptr = savescreen[i] = farmemalloc((long)savebytes)) != NULL)
- far_memcpy(ptr,vidmem,savebytes);
- else {
- if (savescf == NULL) { /* create file just once */
- if ((savescf = dir_fopen(tempdir,scsvfile,"wb")) == NULL)
- goto fileproblem;
- if (fwrite(buf,MAXSCREENS,16384,savescf) != 16384)
- goto fileproblem;
- fclose(savescf);
- if ((savescf = dir_fopen(tempdir,scsvfile,"r+b")) == NULL) {
- static char far msg[]={"insufficient memory, aborting"};
- fileproblem: stopmsg(1,msg);
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- fseek(savescf,(long)(savebytes*i),SEEK_SET);
- while (--savebytes >= 0)
- putc(*(vidmem++),savescf);
- }
- setclear();
- }
- else
- setfortext();
- memcpy(suffix,buf,256);
- #else
- int i;
- BYTE far *ptr;
- saverc[screenctr+1] = textrow*80 + textcol;
- if (++screenctr) { /* already have some stacked */
- static char far msg[]={"stackscreen overflow"};
- if ((i = screenctr - 1) >= MAXSCREENS) { /* bug, missing unstack? */
- stopmsg(1,msg);
- exit(1);
- }
- if (ptr = savescreen[i] = farmemalloc(sizeof(int *)))
- savecurses(ptr);
- else {
- stopmsg(1,msg);
- exit(1);
- }
- setclear();
- }
- else
- setfortext();
- #endif
- }
- void unstackscreen()
- {
- #ifndef XFRACT
- char far *vidmem;
- int savebytes;
- BYTE far *ptr;
- char buf[256];
- memcpy(buf,suffix,256);
- textrow = saverc[screenctr] / 80;
- textcol = saverc[screenctr] % 80;
- if (--screenctr >= 0) { /* unstack */
- vidmem = MK_FP(textaddr,0);
- savebytes = (text_type == 0) ? 4000 : 16384;
- if ((ptr = savescreen[screenctr]) != NULL) {
- far_memcpy(vidmem,ptr,savebytes);
- farmemfree(ptr);
- }
- else {
- fseek(savescf,(long)(savebytes*screenctr),SEEK_SET);
- while (--savebytes >= 0)
- *(vidmem++) = (BYTE)getc(savescf);
- }
- }
- else
- setforgraphics();
- movecursor(-1,-1);
- memcpy(suffix,buf,256);
- #else
- BYTE far *ptr;
- textrow = saverc[screenctr] / 80;
- textcol = saverc[screenctr] % 80;
- if (--screenctr >= 0) { /* unstack */
- ptr = savescreen[screenctr];
- restorecurses(ptr);
- farmemfree(ptr);
- }
- else
- setforgraphics();
- movecursor(-1,-1);
- #endif
- }
- void discardscreen()
- {
- if (--screenctr >= 0) { /* unstack */
- if (savescreen[screenctr])
- farmemfree(savescreen[screenctr]);
- }
- else
- discardgraphics();
- }
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
- char speed_prompt[]="Speed key string";
- int fullscreen_choice(
- int options, /* &2 use menu coloring scheme */
- /* &4 include F1 for help in instructions */
- /* &8 add caller's instr after normal set */
- /* &16 menu items up one line */
- char far *hdg, /* heading info, \n delimited */
- char far *hdg2, /* column heading or NULL */
- char far *instr, /* instructions, \n delimited, or NULL */
- int numchoices, /* How many choices in list */
- char far*far*choices, /* array of choice strings */
- int far *attributes, /* &3: 0 normal color, 1,3 highlight */
- /* &256 marks a dummy entry */
- int boxwidth, /* box width, 0 for calc (in items) */
- int boxdepth, /* box depth, 0 for calc, 99 for max */
- int colwidth, /* data width of a column, 0 for calc */
- int current, /* start with this item */
- void (*formatitem)(int,char*),/* routine to display an item or NULL */
- char *speedstring, /* returned speed key value, or NULL */
- int (*speedprompt)(int,int,int,char *,int),/* routine to display prompt or NULL */
- int (*checkkey)(int,int) /* routine to check keystroke or NULL */
- )
- /* return is: n>=0 for choice n selected,
- -1 for escape
- k for checkkey routine return value k (if not 0 nor -1)
- speedstring[0] != 0 on return if string is present
- */
- {
- static char far choiceinstr1a[]="Use the cursor keys to highlight your selection";
- static char far choiceinstr1b[]="Use the cursor keys or type a value to make a selection";
- static char far choiceinstr2a[]="Press ENTER for highlighted choice, or ESCAPE to back out";
- static char far choiceinstr2b[]="Press ENTER for highlighted choice, ESCAPE to back out, or F1 for help";
- static char far choiceinstr2c[]="Press ENTER for highlighted choice, or F1 for help";
- int titlelines,titlewidth;
- int reqdrows;
- int topleftrow,topleftcol;
- int topleftchoice;
- int speedrow = 0; /* speed key prompt */
- int boxitems; /* boxwidth*boxdepth */
- int curkey,increment,rev_increment = 0;
- int redisplay;
- int i,j,k = 0;
- char far *charptr;
- char buf[81];
- int speed_match = 0;
- char curitem[81];
- char far *itemptr;
- int ret,savelookatmouse;
- int scrunch; /* scrunch up a line */
- if(options&CHOICESCRUNCH)
- scrunch = 1;
- else
- scrunch = 0;
- savelookatmouse = lookatmouse;
- lookatmouse = 0;
- ret = -1;
- if (speedstring
- && (i = strlen(speedstring)) > 0) { /* preset current to passed string */
- current = 0;
- {
- while (current < numchoices
- && (k = strncasecmp(speedstring,choices[current],i)) != 0)
- ++current;
- if(k != 0)
- current = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- while (current < numchoices
- && (k = strncasecmp(speedstring,choices[current],i)) > 0)
- ++current;
- if (k < 0 && current > 0) /* oops - overshot */
- --current;
- }
- if (current >= numchoices) /* bumped end of list */
- current = numchoices - 1;
- }
- for(;;) {
- if (current >= numchoices) /* no real choice in the list? */
- goto fs_choice_end;
- if ((attributes[current] & 256) == 0)
- break;
- ++current; /* scan for a real choice */
- }
- titlelines = titlewidth = 0;
- if (hdg) {
- charptr = hdg; /* count title lines, find widest */
- i = 0;
- titlelines = 1;
- while (*charptr) {
- if (*(charptr++) == '\n') {
- ++titlelines;
- i = -1;
- }
- if (++i > titlewidth)
- titlewidth = i;
- }
- }
- if (colwidth == 0) /* find widest column */
- for (i = 0; i < numchoices; ++i)
- {
- int len;
- if ((len=far_strlen(choices[i])) > colwidth)
- colwidth = len;
- }
- /* title(1), blank(1), hdg(n), blank(1), body(n), blank(1), instr(?) */
- reqdrows = 3 - scrunch; /* calc rows available */
- if (hdg)
- reqdrows += titlelines + 1;
- if (instr) { /* count instructions lines */
- charptr = instr;
- ++reqdrows;
- while (*charptr)
- if (*(charptr++) == '\n')
- ++reqdrows;
- if ((options & 8)) /* show std instr too */
- reqdrows += 2;
- }
- else
- reqdrows += 2; /* standard instructions */
- if (speedstring) ++reqdrows; /* a row for speedkey prompt */
- if (boxdepth > (i = 25 - reqdrows)) /* limit the depth to max */
- boxdepth = i;
- if (boxwidth == 0) { /* pick box width and depth */
- if (numchoices <= i - 2) { /* single column is 1st choice if we can */
- boxdepth = numchoices;
- boxwidth = 1;
- }
- else { /* sort-of-wide is 2nd choice */
- boxwidth = 60 / (colwidth + 1);
- if (boxwidth == 0
- || (boxdepth = (numchoices+boxwidth-1)/boxwidth) > i - 2) {
- boxwidth = 80 / (colwidth + 1); /* last gasp, full width */
- if ((boxdepth = (numchoices+boxwidth-1)/boxwidth) > i)
- boxdepth = i;
- }
- }
- }
- if ((i = 77 / boxwidth - colwidth) > 3) /* spaces to add @ left each choice */
- i = 3;
- j = boxwidth * (colwidth += i) + i; /* overall width of box */
- if (j < titlewidth+2)
- j = titlewidth + 2;
- if (j > 80)
- j = 80;
- if (j <= 70 && boxwidth == 2) { /* special case makes menus nicer */
- ++j;
- ++colwidth;
- }
- k = (80 - j) / 2; /* center the box */
- k -= (90 - j) / 20;
- topleftcol = k + i; /* column of topleft choice */
- i = (25 - reqdrows - boxdepth) / 2;
- i -= i / 4; /* higher is better if lots extra */
- topleftrow = 3 + titlelines + i; /* row of topleft choice */
- /* now set up the overall display */
- helptitle(); /* clear, display title line */
- setattr(1,0,C_PROMPT_BKGRD,24*80); /* init rest to background */
- for (i = topleftrow-1-titlelines; i < topleftrow+boxdepth+1; ++i)
- setattr(i,k,C_PROMPT_LO,j); /* draw empty box */
- if (hdg) {
- textcbase = (80 - titlewidth) / 2; /* set left margin for putstring */
- textcbase -= (90 - titlewidth) / 20; /* put heading into box */
- putstring(topleftrow-titlelines-1,0,C_PROMPT_HI,hdg);
- textcbase = 0;
- }
- if (hdg2) /* display 2nd heading */
- putstring(topleftrow-1,topleftcol,C_PROMPT_MED,hdg2);
- i = topleftrow + boxdepth + 1;
- if (instr == NULL || (options & 8)) { /* display default instructions */
- if (i < 20) ++i;
- if (speedstring) {
- speedrow = i;
- *speedstring = 0;
- if (++i < 22) ++i;
- }
- i -= scrunch;
- putstringcenter(i++,0,80,C_PROMPT_BKGRD,
- (speedstring) ? choiceinstr1b : choiceinstr1a);
- putstringcenter(i++,0,80,C_PROMPT_BKGRD,
- (options&CHOICEMENU) ? choiceinstr2c
- : ((options&CHOICEHELP) ? choiceinstr2b : choiceinstr2a));
- }
- if (instr) { /* display caller's instructions */
- charptr = instr;
- j = -1;
- while ((buf[++j] = *(charptr++)) != 0)
- if (buf[j] == '\n') {
- buf[j] = 0;
- putstringcenter(i++,0,80,C_PROMPT_BKGRD,buf);
- j = -1;
- }
- putstringcenter(i,0,80,C_PROMPT_BKGRD,buf);
- }
- boxitems = boxwidth * boxdepth;
- topleftchoice = 0; /* pick topleft for init display */
- while (current - topleftchoice >= boxitems
- || (current - topleftchoice > boxitems/2
- && topleftchoice + boxitems < numchoices))
- topleftchoice += boxwidth;
- redisplay = 1;
- topleftrow -= scrunch;
- for(;;) { /* main loop */
- if (redisplay) { /* display the current choices */
- if ((options & CHOICEMENU) == 0) {
- memset(buf,' ',80);
- buf[boxwidth*colwidth] = 0;
- for (i = (hdg2) ? 0 : -1; i <= boxdepth; ++i) /* blank the box */
- putstring(topleftrow+i,topleftcol,C_PROMPT_LO,buf);
- }
- for (i = 0; i+topleftchoice < numchoices && i < boxitems; ++i) {
- /* display the choices */
- if ((k = attributes[j = i+topleftchoice] & 3) == 1)
- k = C_PROMPT_LO;
- else if (k == 3)
- k = C_PROMPT_HI;
- else
- if (formatitem)
- {
- (*formatitem)(j,buf);
- charptr=buf;
- }
- else
- charptr = choices[j];
- putstring(topleftrow+i/boxwidth,topleftcol+(i%boxwidth)*colwidth,
- k,charptr);
- }
- /***
- ... format differs for summary/detail, whups, force box width to
- ... be 72 when detail toggle available? (2 grey margin each
- ... side, 1 blue margin each side)
- ***/
- if (topleftchoice > 0 && hdg2 == NULL)
- putstring(topleftrow-1,topleftcol,C_PROMPT_LO,"(more)");
- if (topleftchoice + boxitems < numchoices)
- putstring(topleftrow+boxdepth,topleftcol,C_PROMPT_LO,"(more)");
- redisplay = 0;
- }
- i = current - topleftchoice; /* highlight the current choice */
- if (formatitem)
- {
- (*formatitem)(current,curitem);
- itemptr=curitem;
- }
- else
- itemptr = choices[current];
- putstring(topleftrow+i/boxwidth,topleftcol+(i%boxwidth)*colwidth,
- C_CHOICE_CURRENT,itemptr);
- if (speedstring) { /* show speedstring if any */
- memset(buf,' ',80);
- buf[80] = 0;
- putstring(speedrow,0,C_PROMPT_BKGRD,buf);
- if (*speedstring) { /* got a speedstring on the go */
- putstring(speedrow,15,C_CHOICE_SP_INSTR," ");
- if (speedprompt)
- j = speedprompt(speedrow,16,C_CHOICE_SP_INSTR,speedstring,speed_match);
- else {
- putstring(speedrow,16,C_CHOICE_SP_INSTR,speed_prompt);
- j = strlen(speed_prompt);
- }
- strcpy(buf,speedstring);
- i = strlen(buf);
- while (i < 30)
- buf[i++] = ' ';
- buf[i] = 0;
- putstring(speedrow,16+j,C_CHOICE_SP_INSTR," ");
- putstring(speedrow,17+j,C_CHOICE_SP_KEYIN,buf);
- movecursor(speedrow,17+j+strlen(speedstring));
- }
- else
- movecursor(25,80);
- }
- else
- movecursor(25,80);
- #ifndef XFRACT
- while (!keypressed()) { } /* enables help */
- #else
- waitkeypressed(0); /* enables help */
- #endif
- curkey = getakey();
- #ifdef XFRACT
- if (curkey==F10) curkey=')';
- if (curkey==F9) curkey='(';
- if (curkey==F8) curkey='*';
- #endif
- i = current - topleftchoice; /* unhighlight current choice */
- if ((k = attributes[current] & 3) == 1)
- k = C_PROMPT_LO;
- else if (k == 3)
- k = C_PROMPT_HI;
- else
- putstring(topleftrow+i/boxwidth,topleftcol+(i%boxwidth)*colwidth,
- k,itemptr);
- increment = 0;
- switch (curkey) { /* deal with input key */
- case ENTER:
- case ENTER_2:
- ret = current;
- goto fs_choice_end;
- case ESC:
- goto fs_choice_end;
- case DOWN_ARROW:
- case DOWN_ARROW_2:
- rev_increment = 0 - (increment = boxwidth);
- break;
- case UP_ARROW:
- case UP_ARROW_2:
- increment = 0 - (rev_increment = boxwidth);
- break;
- case RIGHT_ARROW_2:
- if (boxwidth == 1) break;
- increment = 1; rev_increment = -1;
- break;
- case LEFT_ARROW:
- case LEFT_ARROW_2:
- if (boxwidth == 1) break;
- increment = -1; rev_increment = 1;
- break;
- case PAGE_UP:
- if (numchoices > boxitems) {
- topleftchoice -= boxitems;
- increment = -boxitems;
- rev_increment = boxwidth;
- redisplay = 1;
- }
- break;
- case PAGE_DOWN:
- if (numchoices > boxitems) {
- topleftchoice += boxitems;
- increment = boxitems;
- rev_increment = -boxwidth;
- redisplay = 1;
- }
- break;
- case CTL_HOME:
- case HOME:
- current = -1;
- increment = rev_increment = 1;
- break;
- case CTL_END:
- case END:
- current = numchoices;
- increment = rev_increment = -1;
- break;
- default:
- if (checkkey) {
- if ((ret = (*checkkey)(curkey,current)) < -1 || ret > 0)
- goto fs_choice_end;
- if (ret == -1)
- redisplay = -1;
- }
- ret = -1;
- if (speedstring) {
- i = strlen(speedstring);
- if (curkey == 8 && i > 0) /* backspace */
- speedstring[--i] = 0;
- if (33 <= curkey && curkey <= 126 && i < 30) {
- curkey = tolower(curkey);
- speedstring[i] = (char)curkey;
- speedstring[++i] = 0;
- }
- if (i > 0) { /* locate matching type */
- current = 0;
- while (current < numchoices
- && (speed_match = strncasecmp(speedstring,choices[current],i)) > 0)
- ++current;
- if (speed_match < 0 && current > 0) /* oops - overshot */
- --current;
- if (current >= numchoices) /* bumped end of list */
- current = numchoices - 1;
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- if (increment) { /* apply cursor movement */
- current += increment;
- if (speedstring) /* zap speedstring */
- speedstring[0] = 0;
- }
- for(;;) { /* adjust to a non-comment choice */
- if (current < 0 || current >= numchoices)
- increment = rev_increment;
- else if ((attributes[current] & 256) == 0)
- break;
- current += increment;
- }
- if (topleftchoice > numchoices - boxitems)
- topleftchoice = ((numchoices+boxwidth-1)/boxwidth)*boxwidth - boxitems;
- if (topleftchoice < 0)
- topleftchoice = 0;
- while (current < topleftchoice) {
- topleftchoice -= boxwidth;
- redisplay = 1;
- }
- while (current >= topleftchoice + boxitems) {
- topleftchoice += boxwidth;
- redisplay = 1;
- }
- }
- fs_choice_end:
- lookatmouse = savelookatmouse;
- return(ret);
- }
- #if (_MSC_VER >= 700)
- #pragma code_seg ("realdos1_text") /* place following in an overlay */
- #endif
- /* squeeze space out of string */
- char *despace(char *str)
- {
- char *obuf, *nbuf;
- for (obuf = str, nbuf = str; *obuf && obuf; ++obuf)
- {
- if (!isspace(*obuf))
- *nbuf++ = *obuf;
- }
- *nbuf = 0;
- return str;
- }
- #ifndef XFRACT
- /* case independent version of strncmp */
- int strncasecmp(char far *s,char far *t,int ct)
- {
- for(; (tolower(*s) == tolower(*t)) && --ct ; s++,t++)
- if(*s == '\0')
- return(0);
- return(tolower(*s) - tolower(*t));
- }
- #endif
- static FCODE tmp[] = { Y };\
- choices[X]= (char far *)tmp;\
- }
- static int menutype;
- #define MENU_HDG 3
- #define MENU_ITEM 1
- int main_menu(int fullmenu)
- {
- char far *choices[44]; /* 2 columns * 22 rows */
- int attributes[44];
- int choicekey[44];
- int i;
- int nextleft,nextright;
- int oldtabmode /* ,oldhelpmode */;
- static char far MAIN_MENU[] = {"MAIN MENU"};
- int showjuliatoggle;
- oldtabmode = tabmode;
- /* oldhelpmode = helpmode; */
- top:
- menutype = fullmenu;
- tabmode = 0;
- showjuliatoggle = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < 44; ++i) {
- attributes[i] = 256;
- choices[i] = "";
- choicekey[i] = -1;
- }
- nextleft = -2;
- nextright = -1;
- if (fullmenu) {
- attributes[nextleft] = 256+MENU_HDG;
- choicekey[nextleft+=2] = 13; /* enter */
- attributes[nextleft] = MENU_ITEM;
- if (calc_status == 2)
- {
- LOADPROMPTSCHOICES(nextleft,"continue calculation");
- }
- else
- {
- LOADPROMPTSCHOICES(nextleft,"return to image");
- }
- choicekey[nextleft+=2] = 9; /* tab */
- attributes[nextleft] = MENU_ITEM;
- LOADPROMPTSCHOICES(nextleft,"info about image <tab>");
- choicekey[nextleft+=2] = -10;
- attributes[nextleft] = MENU_ITEM;
- LOADPROMPTSCHOICES(nextleft,"zoom box functions...");
- choicekey[nextleft+=2] = 'o';
- attributes[nextleft] = MENU_ITEM;
- LOADPROMPTSCHOICES(nextleft,"orbits window <o>");
- if(!(fractype==JULIA || fractype==JULIAFP || fractype==INVERSEJULIA))
- nextleft+=2;
- }
- attributes[nextleft] = 256+MENU_HDG;
- choicekey[nextleft+=2] = DELETE;
- attributes[nextleft] = MENU_ITEM;
- LOADPROMPTSCHOICES(nextleft,"select video mode... <del>");
- choicekey[nextleft+=2] = 't';
- attributes[nextleft] = MENU_ITEM;
- LOADPROMPTSCHOICES(nextleft,"select fractal type <t>");
- if (fullmenu) {
- if ((curfractalspecific->tojulia != NOFRACTAL
- && param[0] == 0.0 && param[1] == 0.0)
- || curfractalspecific->tomandel != NOFRACTAL) {
- choicekey[nextleft+=2] = ' ';
- attributes[nextleft] = MENU_ITEM;
- LOADPROMPTSCHOICES(nextleft,"toggle to/from julia <space>");
- showjuliatoggle = 1;
- }
- if(fractype==JULIA || fractype==JULIAFP || fractype==INVERSEJULIA) {
- choicekey[nextleft+=2] = 'j';
- attributes[nextleft] = MENU_ITEM;
- LOADPROMPTSCHOICES(nextleft,"toggle to/from inverse <j>");
- showjuliatoggle = 1;
- }
- choicekey[nextleft+=2] = 'h';
- attributes[nextleft] = MENU_ITEM;
- LOADPROMPTSCHOICES(nextleft,"return to prior image <h>");
- choicekey[nextleft+=2] = 8;
- attributes[nextleft] = MENU_ITEM;
- LOADPROMPTSCHOICES(nextleft,"reverse thru history <ctl-h>");
- }
- else
- nextleft += 2;
- attributes[nextleft] = 256+MENU_HDG;
- choicekey[nextleft+=2] = 'x';
- attributes[nextleft] = MENU_ITEM;
- LOADPROMPTSCHOICES(nextleft,"basic options... <x>");
- choicekey[nextleft+=2] = 'y';
- attributes[nextleft] = MENU_ITEM;
- LOADPROMPTSCHOICES(nextleft,"extended options... <y>");
- choicekey[nextleft+=2] = 'z';
- attributes[nextleft] = MENU_ITEM;
- LOADPROMPTSCHOICES(nextleft,"type-specific parms... <z>");
- choicekey[nextleft+=2] = 'v';
- attributes[nextleft] = MENU_ITEM;
- LOADPROMPTSCHOICES(nextleft,"view window options... <v>");
- if(showjuliatoggle == 0)
- {
- choicekey[nextleft+=2] = 'i';
- attributes[nextleft] = MENU_ITEM;
- LOADPROMPTSCHOICES(nextleft,"fractal 3D parms... <i>");
- }
- choicekey[nextleft+=2] = 2;
- attributes[nextleft] = MENU_ITEM;
- LOADPROMPTSCHOICES(nextleft,"browse parms... <ctl-b>");
- attributes[nextright] = 256+MENU_HDG;
- choicekey[nextright+=2] = '@';
- attributes[nextright] = MENU_ITEM;
- LOADPROMPTSCHOICES(nextright,"run saved command set... <@>");
- if (fullmenu) {
- choicekey[nextright+=2] = 's';
- attributes[nextright] = MENU_ITEM;
- LOADPROMPTSCHOICES(nextright,"save image to file <s>");
- }
- choicekey[nextright+=2] = 'r';
- attributes[nextright] = MENU_ITEM;
- LOADPROMPTSCHOICES(nextright,"load image from file... <r>");
- choicekey[nextright+=2] = '3';
- attributes[nextright] = MENU_ITEM;
- LOADPROMPTSCHOICES(nextright,"3d transform from file...<3>");
- if (fullmenu) {
- choicekey[nextright+=2] = '#';
- attributes[nextright] = MENU_ITEM;
- LOADPROMPTSCHOICES(nextright,"3d overlay from file.....<#>");
- choicekey[nextright+=2] = 'b';
- attributes[nextright] = MENU_ITEM;
- LOADPROMPTSCHOICES(nextright,"save current parameters..<b>");
- choicekey[nextright+=2] = 'p';
- attributes[nextright] = MENU_ITEM;
- LOADPROMPTSCHOICES(nextright,"print image <p>");
- }
- choicekey[nextright+=2] = 'd';
- attributes[nextright] = MENU_ITEM;
- LOADPROMPTSCHOICES(nextright,"shell to dos <d>");
- choicekey[nextright+=2] = 'g';
- attributes[nextright] = MENU_ITEM;
- LOADPROMPTSCHOICES(nextright,"give command string <g>");
- choicekey[nextright+=2] = ESC;
- attributes[nextright] = MENU_ITEM;
- LOADPROMPTSCHOICES(nextright,"quit Fractint <esc>");
- choicekey[nextright+=2] = INSERT;
- attributes[nextright] = MENU_ITEM;
- LOADPROMPTSCHOICES(nextright,"restart Fractint <ins>");
- if (fullmenu && gotrealdac && colors >= 16) {
- /* nextright += 2; */
- attributes[nextright] = 256+MENU_HDG;
- choicekey[nextright+=2] = 'c';
- attributes[nextright] = MENU_ITEM;
- LOADPROMPTSCHOICES(nextright,"color cycling mode <c>");
- choicekey[nextright+=2] = '+';
- attributes[nextright] = MENU_ITEM;
- LOADPROMPTSCHOICES(nextright,"rotate palette <+>, <->");
- if (colors > 16) {
- if (!reallyega) {
- choicekey[nextright+=2] = 'e';
- attributes[nextright] = MENU_ITEM;
- LOADPROMPTSCHOICES(nextright,"palette editing mode <e>");
- }
- choicekey[nextright+=2] = 'a';
- attributes[nextright] = MENU_ITEM;
- LOADPROMPTSCHOICES(nextright,"make starfield <a>");
- }
- choicekey[nextright+=2] = 1;
- attributes[nextright] = MENU_ITEM;
- LOADPROMPTSCHOICES(nextright, "ant automaton <ctl-a>");
- choicekey[nextright+=2] = 19;
- attributes[nextright] = MENU_ITEM;
- LOADPROMPTSCHOICES(nextright, "stereogram <ctl-s>");
- }
- i = (keypressed()) ? getakey() : 0;
- if (menu_checkkey(i,0) == 0) {
- helpmode = HELPMAIN; /* switch help modes */
- if ((nextleft += 2) < nextright)
- nextleft = nextright + 1;
- i = fullscreen_choice(CHOICEMENU+CHOICESCRUNCH,
- NULL,NULL,nextleft,(char far * far *)choices,attributes,
- 2,nextleft/2,29,0,NULL,NULL,NULL,menu_checkkey);
- if (i == -1) /* escape */
- i = ESC;
- else if (i < 0)
- i = 0 - i;
- else { /* user selected a choice */
- i = choicekey[i];
- switch (i) { /* check for special cases */
- case -10: /* zoombox functions */
- helpmode = HELPZOOM;
- help(0);
- i = 0;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (i == ESC) { /* escape from menu exits Fractint */
- static char far s[] = "Exit from Fractint (y/n)? y";
- helptitle();
- setattr(1,0,C_GENERAL_MED,24*80);
- for (i = 9; i <= 11; ++i)
- setattr(i,18,C_GENERAL_INPUT,40);
- putstringcenter(10,18,40,C_GENERAL_INPUT,s);
- movecursor(25,80);
- while ((i = getakey()) != 'y' && i != 'Y' && i != 13) {
- if (i == 'n' || i == 'N')
- goto top;
- }
- goodbye();
- }
- if (i == TAB) {
- tab_display();
- i = 0;
- }
- if (i == ENTER || i == ENTER_2)
- i = 0; /* don't trigger new calc */
- tabmode = oldtabmode;
- return(i);
- }
- #if (_MSC_VER >= 700)
- #pragma code_seg () /* back to normal segment */
- #endif
- static int menu_checkkey(int curkey,int choice)
- { /* choice is dummy used by other routines called by fullscreen_choice() */
- int testkey;
- testkey = choice; /* for warning only */
- testkey = (curkey>='A' && curkey<='Z') ? curkey+('a'-'A') : curkey;
- #ifdef XFRACT
- /* We use F2 for shift-@, annoyingly enough */
- if (testkey == F2) return(0-testkey);
- #endif
- if(testkey == '2')
- testkey = '@';
- if (strchr("#@txyzgvir3dj",testkey) || testkey == INSERT
- || testkey == ESC || testkey == DELETE)
- return(0-testkey);
- if (menutype) {
- if (strchr("\\sobpkrh",testkey) || testkey == TAB)
- return(0-testkey);
- if (testkey == ' ')
- if ((curfractalspecific->tojulia != NOFRACTAL
- && param[0] == 0.0 && param[1] == 0.0)
- || curfractalspecific->tomandel != NOFRACTAL)
- return(0-testkey);
- if (gotrealdac && colors >= 16) {
- if (strchr("c+-",testkey))
- return(0-testkey);
- if (colors > 16
- && (testkey == 'a' || (!reallyega && testkey == 'e')))
- return(0-testkey);
- }
- /* Alt-A and Alt-S */
- if (testkey == 1030 || testkey == 1031 )
- return(0-testkey);
- }
- if (check_vidmode_key(0,testkey) >= 0)
- return(0-testkey);
- return(0);
- }
- int input_field(
- int options, /* &1 numeric, &2 integer, &4 double */
- int attr, /* display attribute */
- char *fld, /* the field itself */
- int len, /* field length (declare as 1 larger for \0) */
- int row, /* display row */
- int col, /* display column */
- int (*checkkey)(int) /* routine to check non data keys, or NULL */
- )
- {
- char savefld[81];
- char buf[81];
- int insert, started, offset, curkey, display;
- int i, j;
- int ret,savelookatmouse;
- savelookatmouse = lookatmouse;
- lookatmouse = 0;
- ret = -1;
- strcpy(savefld,fld);
- insert = started = offset = 0;
- display = 1;
- for(;;) {
- strcpy(buf,fld);
- i = strlen(buf);
- while (i < len)
- buf[i++] = ' ';
- buf[len] = 0;
- if (display) { /* display current value */
- putstring(row,col,attr,buf);
- display = 0;
- }
- curkey = keycursor(row+insert,col+offset); /* get a keystroke */
- switch (curkey) {
- case ENTER:
- case ENTER_2:
- ret = 0;
- goto inpfld_end;
- case ESC:
- goto inpfld_end;
- case RIGHT_ARROW_2:
- if (offset < len-1) ++offset;
- started = 1;
- break;
- case LEFT_ARROW:
- case LEFT_ARROW_2:
- if (offset > 0) --offset;
- started = 1;
- break;
- case HOME:
- offset = 0;
- started = 1;
- break;
- case END:
- offset = strlen(fld);
- started = 1;
- break;
- case 8:
- case 127: /* backspace */
- if (offset > 0) {
- j = strlen(fld);
- for (i = offset-1; i < j; ++i)
- fld[i] = fld[i+1];
- --offset;
- }
- started = display = 1;
- break;
- case DELETE: /* delete */
- j = strlen(fld);
- for (i = offset; i < j; ++i)
- fld[i] = fld[i+1];
- started = display = 1;
- break;
- case INSERT: /* insert */
- insert ^= 0x8000;
- started = 1;
- break;
- case F5:
- strcpy(fld,savefld);
- insert = started = offset = 0;
- display = 1;
- break;
- default:
- if (nonalpha(curkey)) {
- if (checkkey && (ret = (*checkkey)(curkey)) != 0)
- goto inpfld_end;
- break; /* non alphanum char */
- }
- if (offset >= len) break; /* at end of field */
- if (insert && started && strlen(fld) >= (size_t)len)
- break; /* insert & full */
- if ((options & 1)
- && (curkey < '0' || curkey > '9')
- && curkey != '+' && curkey != '-') {
- if ((options & 2))
- break;
- /* allow scientific notation, and specials "e" and "p" */
- if ( ((curkey != 'e' && curkey != 'E') || offset >= 18)
- && ((curkey != 'p' && curkey != 'P') || offset != 0 )
- && curkey != '.')
- break;
- }
- if (started == 0) /* first char is data, zap field */
- fld[0] = 0;
- if (insert) {
- j = strlen(fld);
- while (j >= offset) {
- fld[j+1] = fld[j];
- --j;
- }
- }
- if ((size_t)offset >= strlen(fld))
- fld[offset+1] = 0;
- fld[offset++] = (char)curkey;
- /* if "e" or "p" in first col make number e or pi */
- if ((options & 3) == 1) { /* floating point */
- double tmpd;
- int specialv;
- char tmpfld[30];
- specialv = 0;
- if (*fld == 'e' || *fld == 'E') {
- tmpd = exp(1.0);
- specialv = 1;
- }
- if (*fld == 'p' || *fld == 'P') {
- tmpd = atan(1.0) * 4;
- specialv = 1;
- }
- if (specialv) {
- if ((options & 4) == 0)
- roundfloatd(&tmpd);
- sprintf(tmpfld,"%.15g",tmpd);
- tmpfld[len-1] = 0; /* safety, field should be long enough */
- strcpy(fld,tmpfld);
- offset = 0;
- }
- }
- started = display = 1;
- }
- }
- inpfld_end:
- lookatmouse = savelookatmouse;
- return(ret);
- }
- int field_prompt(
- int options, /* &1 numeric value, &2 integer */
- char far *hdg, /* heading, \n delimited lines */
- char far *instr, /* additional instructions or NULL */
- char *fld, /* the field itself */
- int len, /* field length (declare as 1 larger for \0) */
- int (*checkkey)(int) /* routine to check non data keys, or NULL */
- )
- {
- char far *charptr;
- int boxwidth,titlelines,titlecol,titlerow;
- int promptcol;
- int i,j;
- char buf[81];
- helptitle(); /* clear screen, display title */
- setattr(1,0,C_PROMPT_BKGRD,24*80); /* init rest to background */
- charptr = hdg; /* count title lines, find widest */
- i = boxwidth = 0;
- titlelines = 1;
- while (*charptr) {
- if (*(charptr++) == '\n') {
- ++titlelines;
- i = -1;
- }
- if (++i > boxwidth)
- boxwidth = i;
- }
- if (len > boxwidth)
- boxwidth = len;
- i = titlelines + 4; /* total rows in box */
- titlerow = (25 - i) / 2; /* top row of it all when centered */
- titlerow -= titlerow / 4; /* higher is better if lots extra */
- titlecol = (80 - boxwidth) / 2; /* center the box */
- titlecol -= (90 - boxwidth) / 20;
- promptcol = titlecol - (boxwidth-len)/2;
- j = titlecol; /* add margin at each side of box */
- if ((i = (82-boxwidth)/4) > 3)
- i = 3;
- j -= i;
- boxwidth += i * 2;
- for (i = -1; i < titlelines+3; ++i) /* draw empty box */
- setattr(titlerow+i,j,C_PROMPT_LO,boxwidth);
- textcbase = titlecol; /* set left margin for putstring */
- putstring(titlerow,0,C_PROMPT_HI,hdg); /* display heading */
- textcbase = 0;
- i = titlerow + titlelines + 4;
- if (instr) { /* display caller's instructions */
- charptr = instr;
- j = -1;
- while ((buf[++j] = *(charptr++)) != 0)
- if (buf[j] == '\n') {
- buf[j] = 0;
- putstringcenter(i++,0,80,C_PROMPT_BKGRD,buf);
- j = -1;
- }
- putstringcenter(i,0,80,C_PROMPT_BKGRD,buf);
- }
- else /* default instructions */
- putstringcenter(i,0,80,C_PROMPT_BKGRD,
- "Press ENTER when finished (or ESCAPE to back out)");
- return(input_field(options,C_PROMPT_INPUT,fld,len,
- titlerow+titlelines+1,promptcol,checkkey));
- }
- /* thinking(1,message):
- if thinking message not yet on display, it is displayed;
- otherwise the wheel is updated
- returns 0 to keep going, -1 if keystroke pending
- thinking(0,NULL):
- call this when thinking phase is done
- */
- int thinking(int options,char *msg)
- {
- static int thinkstate = -1;
- static char *wheel[] = {"-","\\","|","/"};
- static int thinkcol;
- static int count = 0;
- char buf[81];
- if (options == 0) {
- if (thinkstate >= 0) {
- thinkstate = -1;
- unstackscreen();
- }
- return(0);
- }
- if (thinkstate < 0) {
- stackscreen();
- thinkstate = 0;
- helptitle();
- strcpy(buf," ");
- strcat(buf,msg);
- strcat(buf," ");
- putstring(4,10,C_GENERAL_HI,buf);
- thinkcol = textcol - 3;
- count = 0;
- }
- if ((count++)<100) {
- return 0;
- }
- count = 0;
- putstring(4,thinkcol,C_GENERAL_HI,wheel[thinkstate]);
- movecursor(25,80); /* turn off cursor */
- thinkstate = (thinkstate + 1) & 3;
- return (keypressed());
- }
- void clear_screen(void) /* a stub for a windows only subroutine */
- {
- }
- /* savegraphics/restoregraphics: video.asm subroutines */
- static BYTE far *swapsavebuf;
- static unsigned int memhandle;
- unsigned long swaptotlen;
- unsigned long swapoffset;
- BYTE far *swapvidbuf;
- int swaplength;
- static int swaptype = -1;
- static int swapblklen; /* must be a power of 2 */
- #ifdef XFRACT
- BYTE suffix[4096];
- #endif
- #ifndef XFRACT
- int savegraphics()
- {
- int i;
- struct XMM_Move xmmparms;
- discardgraphics(); /* if any emm/xmm in use from prior call, release it */
- swaptotlen = (long)(vxdots > sxdots ? vxdots : sxdots) * (long)sydots;
- i = colors;
- while (i <= 16) {
- swaptotlen >>= 1;
- i = i * i;
- }
- swapoffset = 0;
- if (debugflag != 420 && debugflag != 422 /* 422=xmm test, 420=disk test */
- && (swapsavebuf = emmquery()) != NULL
- && (memhandle = emmallocate((unsigned int)((swaptotlen + 16383) >> 14)))
- != 0) {
- swaptype = 0; /* use expanded memory */
- swapblklen = 16384;
- }
- else if (debugflag != 420
- && xmmquery() != 0
- && (memhandle = xmmallocate((unsigned int)((swaptotlen + 1023) >> 10)))
- != 0) {
- swaptype = 1; /* use extended memory */
- swapblklen = 16384;
- }
- else {
- swaptype = 2; /* use disk */
- swapblklen = 4096;
- /* MCP 7-7-91, If 'memhandle' is an 'unsigned int', how is it ever going
- to be equal to -1?
- if ((memhandle = dir_open(tempdir,diskfilename,O_CREAT|O_WRONLY|O_BINARY,S_IWRITE))
- == -1) {
- */
- if ((memhandle = dir_open(tempdir,diskfilename,O_CREAT|O_WRONLY|O_BINARY,S_IWRITE))
- == 0xffff) {
- dskfile_error:
- setvideotext(); /* text mode */
- setclear();
- {
- static char far s1[] = {"error in temp file "};
- static char far s2[] = { " (disk full?) - aborted\n\n"};
- printf("%Fs%s%Fs",s1,diskfilename,s2);
- }
- exit(1);
- }
- made_dsktemp = 1;
- }
- while (swapoffset < swaptotlen) {
- swaplength = swapblklen;
- if ((swapoffset & (swapblklen-1)) != 0)
- swaplength = (int)(swapblklen - (swapoffset & (swapblklen-1)));
- if ((unsigned long)swaplength > (swaptotlen - swapoffset))
- swaplength = (int)(swaptotlen - swapoffset);
- (*swapsetup)(); /* swapoffset,swaplength -> sets swapvidbuf,swaplength */
- switch(swaptype) {
- case 0:
- emmgetpage((unsigned int)(swapoffset>>14),memhandle);
- movewords(swaplength>>1,swapvidbuf,
- swapsavebuf+(swapoffset&(swapblklen-1)));
- break;
- case 1:
- xmmparms.Length = swaplength;
- xmmparms.SourceHandle = 0; /* Source is conventional memory */
- xmmparms.SourceOffset = (unsigned long)swapvidbuf;
- xmmparms.DestHandle = memhandle;
- xmmparms.DestOffset = swapoffset;
- xmmmoveextended(&xmmparms);
- break;
- default:
- movewords(swaplength>>1,swapvidbuf,(BYTE far *)suffix);
- if (write(memhandle,suffix,swaplength) == -1)
- goto dskfile_error;
- }
- swapoffset += swaplength;
- }
- if (swaptype == 2)
- close(memhandle);
- return 0;
- }
- int restoregraphics()
- {
- struct XMM_Move xmmparms;
- if(swaptype == -1)
- return(-1);
- swapoffset = 0;
- if (swaptype == 2)
- memhandle = dir_open(tempdir,diskfilename,O_RDONLY|O_BINARY,S_IREAD);
- swapvidbuf = MK_FP(extraseg+0x1000,0); /* for swapnormwrite case */
- while (swapoffset < swaptotlen) {
- swaplength = swapblklen;
- if ((swapoffset & (swapblklen-1)) != 0)
- swaplength = (int)(swapblklen - (swapoffset & (swapblklen-1)));
- if ((unsigned long)swaplength > (swaptotlen - swapoffset))
- swaplength = (int)(swaptotlen - swapoffset);
- if (swapsetup != swapnormread)
- (*swapsetup)(); /* swapoffset,swaplength -> sets swapvidbuf,swaplength */
- switch(swaptype) {
- case 0:
- emmgetpage((unsigned int)(swapoffset>>14),memhandle);
- movewords(swaplength>>1,swapsavebuf+(swapoffset&(swapblklen-1)),
- swapvidbuf);
- break;
- case 1:
- xmmparms.Length = swaplength;
- xmmparms.SourceHandle = memhandle;
- xmmparms.SourceOffset = swapoffset;
- xmmparms.DestHandle = 0; /* conventional memory */
- xmmparms.DestOffset = (unsigned long)swapvidbuf;
- xmmmoveextended(&xmmparms);
- break;
- default:
- read(memhandle,suffix,swaplength);
- movewords(swaplength>>1,(BYTE far *)suffix,swapvidbuf);
- }
- if (swapsetup == swapnormread)
- swapnormwrite();
- swapoffset += swaplength;
- }
- if (swaptype == 2)
- close(memhandle);
- discardgraphics();
- return(0);
- }
- #else
- int savegraphics() {return 0;}
- int restoregraphics() {return 0;}
- #endif
- void discardgraphics() /* release expanded/extended memory if any in use */
- {
- #ifndef XFRACT
- switch(swaptype) {
- case 0:
- emmdeallocate(memhandle);
- break;
- case 1:
- xmmdeallocate(memhandle);
- }
- swaptype = -1;
- #endif
- }
- #if (_MSC_VER >= 700)
- #pragma code_seg ("realdos1_text") /* place following in an overlay */
- #endif
- VIDEOINFO *vidtbl; /* temporarily loaded fractint.cfg info */
- int vidtbllen; /* number of entries in above */
- int showvidlength()
- {
- int sz;
- sz = (sizeof(VIDEOINFO)+sizeof(int))*MAXVIDEOMODES;
- return(sz);
- }
- int load_fractint_cfg(int options)
- {
- /* Reads fractint.cfg, loading videoinfo entries into extraseg. */
- /* Sets vidtbl pointing to the loaded table, and returns the */
- /* number of entries (also sets vidtbllen to this). */
- /* Past vidtbl, cfglinenums are stored for update_fractint_cfg. */
- /* If fractint.cfg is not found or invalid, issues a message */
- /* (first time the problem occurs only, and only if options is */
- /* zero) and uses the hard-coded table. */
- FILE *cfgfile;
- VIDEOINFO *vident;
- int far *cfglinenums;
- int linenum;
- int i, j, keynum, ax, bx, cx, dx, dotmode, xdots, ydots, colors;
- int commas[10];
- int textsafe2;
- char tempstring[150];
- vidtbl = MK_FP(extraseg,0);
- cfglinenums = (int far *)(&vidtbl[MAXVIDEOMODES]);
- #ifdef XFRACT
- badconfig = -1;
- #endif
- if (badconfig) /* fractint.cfg already known to be missing or bad */
- goto use_resident_table;
- findpath("fractint.cfg",tempstring);
- if (tempstring[0] == 0 /* can't find the file */
- || (cfgfile = fopen(tempstring,"r")) == NULL) /* can't open it */
- goto bad_fractint_cfg;
- vidtbllen = 0;
- linenum = 0;
- vident = vidtbl;
- while (vidtbllen < MAXVIDEOMODES
- && fgets(tempstring, 120, cfgfile)) {
- ++linenum;
- if (tempstring[0] == ';') continue; /* comment line */
- tempstring[120] = 0;
- tempstring[strlen(tempstring)-1] = 0; /* zap trailing \n */
- memset(commas,0,20);
- i = j = -1;
- for(;;) {
- if (tempstring[++i] < ' ') {
- if (tempstring[i] == 0) break;
- tempstring[i] = ' '; /* convert tab (or whatever) to blank */
- }
- else if (tempstring[i] == ',' && ++j < 10) {
- commas[j] = i + 1; /* remember start of next field */
- tempstring[i] = 0; /* make field a separate string */
- }
- }
- keynum = check_vidmode_keyname(tempstring);
- sscanf(&tempstring[commas[1]],"%x",&ax);
- sscanf(&tempstring[commas[2]],"%x",&bx);
- sscanf(&tempstring[commas[3]],"%x",&cx);
- sscanf(&tempstring[commas[4]],"%x",&dx);
- dotmode = atoi(&tempstring[commas[5]]);
- xdots = atoi(&tempstring[commas[6]]);
- ydots = atoi(&tempstring[commas[7]]);
- colors = atoi(&tempstring[commas[8]]);
- textsafe2 = dotmode / 100;
- dotmode %= 100;
- if (j != 9 ||
- keynum < 0 ||
- dotmode < 0 || dotmode > 30 ||
- textsafe2 < 0 || textsafe2 > 4 ||
- xdots < 160 || xdots > MAXPIXELS ||
- ydots < 160 || ydots > MAXPIXELS ||
- (colors != 0 && colors != 2 && colors != 4 && colors != 16 &&
- colors != 256)
- )
- goto bad_fractint_cfg;
- cfglinenums[vidtbllen] = linenum; /* for update_fractint_cfg */
- far_memcpy(vident->name, (char far *)&tempstring[commas[0]],25);
- far_memcpy(vident->comment,(char far *)&tempstring[commas[9]],25);
- vident->name[25] = vident->comment[25] = 0;
- vident->keynum = keynum;
- vident->videomodeax = ax;
- vident->videomodebx = bx;
- vident->videomodecx = cx;
- vident->videomodedx = dx;
- vident->dotmode = textsafe2 * 100 + dotmode;
- vident->xdots = xdots;
- vident->ydots = ydots;
- vident->colors = colors;
- ++vident;
- ++vidtbllen;
- }
- fclose(cfgfile);
- return (vidtbllen);
- bad_fractint_cfg:
- badconfig = -1; /* bad, no message issued yet */
- if (options == 0)
- bad_fractint_cfg_msg();
- use_resident_table:
- vidtbllen = 0;
- vident = vidtbl;
- for (i = 0; i < MAXVIDEOTABLE; ++i) {
- if (videotable[i].xdots) {
- far_memcpy((char far *)vident,(char far *)&videotable[i],
- sizeof(*vident));
- ++vident;
- ++vidtbllen;
- }
- }
- return (vidtbllen);
- }
- void bad_fractint_cfg_msg()
- {
- static char far badcfgmsg[]={"\
- File FRACTINT.CFG is missing or invalid.\n\
- See Hardware Support and Video Modes in the full documentation for help.\n\
- I will continue with only the built-in video modes available."};
- stopmsg(0,badcfgmsg);
- badconfig = 1; /* bad, message issued */
- }
- void load_videotable(int options)
- {
- /* Loads fractint.cfg and copies the video modes which are */
- /* assigned to function keys into videotable. */
- int keyents,i;
- load_fractint_cfg(options); /* load fractint.cfg to extraseg */
- keyents = 0;
- far_memset((char far *)videotable,0,sizeof(*vidtbl)*MAXVIDEOTABLE);
- for (i = 0; i < vidtbllen; ++i) {
- if (vidtbl[i].keynum > 0) {
- far_memcpy((char far *)&videotable[keyents],(char far *)&vidtbl[i],
- sizeof(*vidtbl));
- if (++keyents >= MAXVIDEOTABLE)
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- int check_vidmode_key(int option,int k)
- {
- int i;
- /* returns videotable entry number if the passed keystroke is a */
- /* function key currently assigned to a video mode, -1 otherwise */
- if (k == 1400) /* special value from select_vid_mode */
- return(MAXVIDEOTABLE-1); /* for last entry with no key assigned */
- if (k != 0)
- if (option == 0) { /* check resident video mode table */
- for (i = 0; i < MAXVIDEOTABLE; ++i) {
- if (videotable[i].keynum == k)
- return(i);
- }
- }
- else { /* check full vidtbl */
- for (i = 0; i < vidtbllen; ++i) {
- if (vidtbl[i].keynum == k)
- return(i);
- }
- }
- return(-1);
- }
- int check_vidmode_keyname(char *kname)
- {
- /* returns key number for the passed keyname, 0 if not a keyname */
- int i,keyset;
- keyset = 1058;
- if (*kname == 'S' || *kname == 's') {
- keyset = 1083;
- ++kname;
- }
- else if (*kname == 'C' || *kname == 'c') {
- keyset = 1093;
- ++kname;
- }
- else if (*kname == 'A' || *kname == 'a') {
- keyset = 1103;
- ++kname;
- }
- if (*kname != 'F' && *kname != 'f')
- return(0);
- if (*++kname < '1' || *kname > '9')
- return(0);
- i = *kname - '0';
- if (*++kname != 0 && *kname != ' ') {
- if (*kname != '0' || i != 1)
- return(0);
- i = 10;
- ++kname;
- }
- while (*kname)
- if (*(kname++) != ' ')
- return(0);
- if ((i += keyset) < 2)
- i = 0;
- return(i);
- }
- void vidmode_keyname(int k,char *buf)
- {
- /* set buffer to name of passed key number */
- *buf = 0;
- if (k > 0) {
- if (k > 1103) {
- *(buf++) = 'A';
- k -= 1103;
- }
- else if (k > 1093) {
- *(buf++) = 'C';
- k -= 1093;
- }
- else if (k > 1083) {
- *(buf++) = 'S';
- k -= 1083;
- }
- else
- k -= 1058;
- sprintf(buf,"F%d",k);
- }
- }
- #if (_MSC_VER >= 700)
- #pragma code_seg () /* back to normal segment */
- #endif