home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- @echo off
- rem ** The SET commands are here to ensure no options are accidentally set
- set CL=
- set MASM=
- set LINK=
- if exist f_errs.txt del f_errs.txt
- rem ** Microsoft C7.00 or Visual C++ (normal case)
- echo Building Fractint using MSC 7 or Visual C++
- nmake "CC=cl /Gs" "AS=masm /ML" "LINKER=link" "OptT=/Oilg" "C7=YES" frachelp.mak
- if errorlevel 1 goto exit
- nmake "CC=cl /Gs /DC6" "AS=masm /ML" "LINKER=link" "OptT=/Oeciltaz" "OptS=/Osleazc" "OptN=/Oilc" "C7=YES" fractint.mak
- goto exit
- :exit