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- ; LSYSA.ASM: assembler support routines for optimized L-System code
- ; Nicholas Wilt, 11/13/91.
- ; Updated to work with integer/FP code, 7/93.
- ifdef ??version
- masm51
- quirks
- endif
- lsys_turtlestatei STRUC
- counter DB ?
- angle DB ?
- reverse DB ?
- stackoflow DB ?
- maxangle DB ?
- dmaxangle DB ?
- curcolor DB ?
- dummy DB ?
- ssize DD ?
- realangle DD ?
- xpos DD ?
- ypos DD ?
- xmin DD ?
- ymin DD ?
- xmax DD ?
- ymax DD ?
- aspect DD ?
- num DD ?
- lsys_turtlestatei ENDS
- EXTRN overflow:WORD
- sins equ boxy
- coss equ boxy + 200 ; 50 * 4 bytes
- LOCAL @1
- dec al
- jge @1
- mov al,[bx.dmaxangle]
- @1: mov [bx.angle],al
- LOCAL @1
- inc al
- cmp al,[bx.maxangle]
- jne @1
- xor ax,ax
- @1: mov [bx.angle],al
- PUBLIC lsysi_doplus
- lsysi_doplus PROC lsyscmd:ptr
- mov bx,lsyscmd
- mov al,[bx.angle]
- cmp [bx.reverse],0
- jnz PlusIncAngle
- ret
- PlusIncAngle:
- ret
- lsysi_doplus ENDP
- PUBLIC lsysi_dominus
- lsysi_dominus PROC lsyscmd:ptr
- mov bx,lsyscmd ; Get pointer
- mov al,[bx.angle]
- cmp [bx.reverse],0
- jnz MinusDecAngle
- ret
- MinusDecAngle:
- ret
- lsysi_dominus ENDP
- PUBLIC lsysi_doplus_pow2
- lsysi_doplus_pow2 PROC lsyscmd:ptr
- mov bx,lsyscmd ; Get pointer
- mov al,[bx.angle]
- cmp [bx.reverse],0
- jnz Plus2IncAngle
- dec al
- and al,[bx.dmaxangle]
- mov [bx.angle],al
- ret
- Plus2IncAngle:
- inc al
- and al,[bx.dmaxangle]
- mov [bx.angle],al
- ret
- lsysi_doplus_pow2 ENDP
- PUBLIC lsysi_dominus_pow2
- lsysi_dominus_pow2 PROC lsyscmd:ptr
- mov bx,lsyscmd ; Get pointer
- mov al,[bx.angle]
- cmp [bx.reverse],0
- jz Minus2IncAngle
- dec al
- and al,[bx.dmaxangle]
- mov [bx.angle],al
- ret
- Minus2IncAngle:
- inc al
- and al,[bx.dmaxangle]
- mov [bx.angle],al
- ret
- lsysi_dominus_pow2 ENDP
- PUBLIC lsysi_dopipe_pow2
- lsysi_dopipe_pow2 PROC lsyscmd:ptr
- mov bx,lsyscmd ; Get pointer
- xor ax,ax
- mov al,[bx.maxangle]
- shr ax,1
- xor dx,dx
- mov dl,[bx.angle]
- add ax,dx
- and al,[bx.dmaxangle]
- mov [bx.angle],al
- ret
- lsysi_dopipe_pow2 ENDP
- PUBLIC lsysi_dobang
- lsysi_dobang PROC lsyscmd:ptr
- mov bx,lsyscmd ; Get pointer
- mov al,[bx.reverse] ; reverse = ! reverse;
- dec al ; -1 if was 0; 0 if was 1
- neg al ; 1 if was 0; 0 if was 1
- mov [bx.reverse],al ;
- ret
- lsysi_dobang ENDP
- ; Some 386-specific leaf functions go here.
- .386
- PUBLIC lsysi_doslash_386
- lsysi_doslash_386 PROC lsyscmd:ptr
- mov bx,lsyscmd ; Get pointer
- mov eax,[bx.num]
- cmp [bx.reverse],0
- jnz DoSlashDec
- add [bx.realangle],eax
- ret
- DoSlashDec:
- sub [bx.realangle],eax
- ret
- lsysi_doslash_386 ENDP
- PUBLIC lsysi_dobslash_386
- lsysi_dobslash_386 PROC lsyscmd:ptr
- mov bx,lsyscmd ; Get pointer
- mov eax,[bx.num]
- cmp [bx.reverse],0
- jz DoBSlashDec
- add [bx.realangle],eax
- ret
- DoBSlashDec:
- sub [bx.realangle],eax
- ret
- lsysi_dobslash_386 ENDP
- PUBLIC lsysi_doat_386
- lsysi_doat_386 PROC lsyscmd:ptr,N:DWORD
- mov bx,lsyscmd ; Get pointer
- mov eax,[bx.ssize] ; Get size
- imul [bx.num] ; Mul by n
- shrd eax,edx,19
- mov [bx.ssize],eax ; Save back
- ret
- lsysi_doat_386 ENDP
- PUBLIC lsysi_dosizegf_386
- lsysi_dosizegf_386 PROC USES SI,lsyscmd:ptr
- mov si,lsyscmd ;
- mov ecx,[si.ssize] ; Get size; we'll need it twice
- movzx ebx,[si.angle]
- ifndef ??version
- mov eax,coss[ebx*4] ; eax <- coss[angle]
- else
- ; TASM-only (this is slower but it should work)
- shl bx,2
- add bx,offset DGROUP:coss
- mov eax,[ebx] ; eax <- coss[angle]
- endif
- imul ecx ; Mul by size
- shrd eax,edx,29 ; eax <- multiply(size, coss[angle], 29)
- add eax,[si.xpos] ;
- jno nooverfl ; check for overflow
- mov overflow,1 ; oops - flag the user later
- nooverfl:
- cmp eax,[si.xmax] ; If xpos <= [si.xmax,
- jle GF1 ; jump
- mov [si.xmax],eax ;
- GF1: cmp eax,[si.xmin] ; If xpos >= [si.xmin
- jge GF2 ; jump
- mov [si.xmin],eax ;
- GF2: mov [si.xpos],eax ; Save xpos
- ifndef ??version
- mov eax,sins[ebx*4] ; eax <- sins[angle]
- else ; sins table is 200 bytes before coss
- mov eax,[ebx-200] ; eax <- sins[angle]
- endif
- imul ecx ;
- shrd eax,edx,29 ;
- add eax,[si.ypos] ;
- cmp eax,[si.ymax] ; If ypos <= [si.ymax,
- jle GF3 ; jump
- mov [si.ymax],eax ;
- GF3: cmp eax,[si.ymin] ; If ypos >= [si.ymin
- jge GF4 ; jump
- mov [si.ymin],eax ;
- GF4: mov [si.ypos],eax ;
- ret
- lsysi_dosizegf_386 ENDP
- PUBLIC lsysi_dodrawg_386
- lsysi_dodrawg_386 PROC USES SI,lsyscmd:ptr
- mov si,lsyscmd ; Get pointer to structure
- mov ecx,[si.ssize] ; Because we need it twice
- movzx ebx,[si.angle]
- ifndef ??version
- mov eax,coss[ebx*4] ; eax <- coss[angle]
- else
- ; TASM-only (this is slow but it should work)
- shl bx,2
- add bx,offset DGROUP:coss
- mov eax,[ebx] ; eax <- coss[angle]
- endif
- imul ecx ;
- shrd eax,edx,29 ;
- add [si.xpos],eax ; xpos += size*coss[angle] >> 29
- ifndef ??version
- mov eax,sins[ebx*4] ; eax <- sins[angle]
- else ; sins table is 200 bytes before coss
- mov eax,[ebx-200] ; eax <- sins[angle]
- endif
- imul ecx ; ypos += size*sins[angle] >> 29
- shrd eax,edx,29 ;
- add [si.ypos],eax ;
- ret ;
- lsysi_dodrawg_386 ENDP