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- /*
- This file contains two 3 dimensional orbit-type fractal
- generators - IFS and LORENZ3D, along with code to generate
- red/blue 3D images. Tim Wegner
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <float.h>
- #include <math.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include "mpmath.h"
- #include "fractint.h"
- #include "fractype.h"
- #include "prototyp.h"
- /* orbitcalc is declared with no arguments so jump through hoops here */
- #define LORBIT(x,y,z) \
- (*(int(*)(long *,long *,long *))curfractalspecific->orbitcalc)(x,y,z)
- #define FORBIT(x,y,z) \
- (*(int(*)(double*,double*,double*))curfractalspecific->orbitcalc)(x,y,z)
- #define RANDOM(x) (rand()%(x))
- /* BAD_PIXEL is used to cutoff orbits that are diverging. It might be better
- to test the actual floating point prbit values, but this seems safe for now.
- A higher value cannot be used - to test, turn off math coprocessor and
- use +2.24 for type ICONS. If BAD_PIXEL is set to 20000, this will abort
- Fractint with a math error. Note that this approach precludes zooming in very
- far to an orbit type. */
- #define BAD_PIXEL 10000L /* pixels can't get this big */
- struct l_affine
- {
- /* weird order so a,b,e and c,d,f are vectors */
- long a;
- long b;
- long e;
- long c;
- long d;
- long f;
- };
- struct long3dvtinf /* data used by 3d view transform subroutine */
- {
- long orbit[3]; /* interated function orbit value */
- long iview[3]; /* perspective viewer's coordinates */
- long viewvect[3]; /* orbit transformed for viewing */
- long viewvect1[3]; /* orbit transformed for viewing */
- long maxvals[3];
- long minvals[3];
- MATRIX doublemat; /* transformation matrix */
- MATRIX doublemat1; /* transformation matrix */
- long longmat[4][4]; /* long version of matrix */
- long longmat1[4][4]; /* long version of matrix */
- int row,col; /* results */
- int row1,col1;
- struct l_affine cvt;
- };
- struct float3dvtinf /* data used by 3d view transform subroutine */
- {
- double orbit[3]; /* interated function orbit value */
- double viewvect[3]; /* orbit transformed for viewing */
- double viewvect1[3]; /* orbit transformed for viewing */
- double maxvals[3];
- double minvals[3];
- MATRIX doublemat; /* transformation matrix */
- MATRIX doublemat1; /* transformation matrix */
- int row,col; /* results */
- int row1,col1;
- struct affine cvt;
- };
- /* Routines in this module */
- static int ifs2d(void);
- static int ifs3d(void);
- static int ifs3dlong(void);
- static int ifs3dfloat(void);
- static double determinant(double mat[3][3]);
- static int solve3x3(double mat[3][3],double vec[3],double ans[3]);
- static int l_setup_convert_to_screen(struct l_affine *);
- static void setupmatrix(MATRIX);
- static int long3dviewtransf(struct long3dvtinf *inf);
- static int float3dviewtransf(struct float3dvtinf *inf);
- static FILE *open_orbitsave(void);
- static void _fastcall plothist(int x, int y, int color);
- static int realtime;
- static char orbitsavename[] = {"orbits.raw"};
- static char orbitsave_format[] = {"%g %g %g 15\n"};
- S32 maxct;
- static int t;
- static long l_dx,l_dy,l_dz,l_dt,l_a,l_b,l_c,l_d;
- static long l_adt,l_bdt,l_cdt,l_xdt,l_ydt;
- static long initorbitlong[3];
- static double dx,dy,dz,dt,a,b,c,d;
- static double adt,bdt,cdt,xdt,ydt,zdt;
- static double initorbitfp[3];
- /*
- * The following declarations used for Inverse Julia. MVS
- */
- static FCODE NoQueue[] =
- "Not enough memory: switching to random walk.\n";
- static int mxhits;
- int run_length;
- /*
- enum {breadth_first, depth_first, random_walk, random_run} major_method;
- enum {left_first, right_first} minor_method;
- */
- enum Major major_method;
- enum Minor minor_method;
- struct affine cvt;
- struct l_affine lcvt;
- double Cx, Cy;
- long CxLong, CyLong;
- /*
- * end of Inverse Julia declarations;
- */
- /* these are potential user parameters */
- int connect = 1; /* flag to connect points with a line */
- int euler = 0; /* use implicit euler approximation for dynamic system */
- int waste = 100; /* waste this many points before plotting */
- int projection = 2; /* projection plane - default is to plot x-y */
- /******************************************************************/
- /* zoom box conversion functions */
- /******************************************************************/
- static double determinant(double mat[3][3]) /* determinant of 3x3 matrix */
- {
- /* calculate determinant of 3x3 matrix */
- return(mat[0][0]*mat[1][1]*mat[2][2] +
- mat[0][2]*mat[1][0]*mat[2][1] +
- mat[0][1]*mat[1][2]*mat[2][0] -
- mat[2][0]*mat[1][1]*mat[0][2] -
- mat[1][0]*mat[0][1]*mat[2][2] -
- mat[0][0]*mat[1][2]*mat[2][1]);
- }
- static int solve3x3(double mat[3][3],double vec[3],double ans[3])
- /* solve 3x3 inhomogeneous linear equations */
- {
- /* solve 3x3 linear equation [mat][ans] = [vec] */
- double denom;
- double tmp[3][3];
- int i;
- denom = determinant(mat);
- if(fabs(denom) < DBL_EPSILON) /* test if can solve */
- {
- /* stopmsg(0,"determin 0"); */
- return(-1);
- }
- memcpy(tmp,mat,sizeof(double)*9);
- for(i=0;i<3;i++)
- {
- tmp[0][i] = vec[0];
- tmp[1][i] = vec[1];
- tmp[2][i] = vec[2];
- ans[i] = determinant(tmp)/denom;
- tmp[0][i] = mat[0][i];
- tmp[1][i] = mat[1][i];
- tmp[2][i] = mat[2][i];
- }
- return(0);
- }
- /* Conversion of complex plane to screen coordinates for rotating zoom box.
- Assume there is an affine transformation mapping complex zoom parallelogram
- to rectangular screen. We know this map must map parallelogram corners to
- screen corners, so we have following equations:
- a*xxmin+b*yymax+e == 0 (upper left)
- c*xxmin+d*yymax+f == 0
- a*xx3rd+b*yy3rd+e == 0 (lower left)
- c*xx3rd+d*yy3rd+f == ydots-1
- a*xxmax+b*yymin+e == xdots-1 (lower right)
- c*xxmax+d*yymin+f == ydots-1
- First we must solve for a,b,c,d,e,f - (which we do once per image),
- then we just apply the transformation to each orbit value.
- */
- int setup_convert_to_screen(struct affine *scrn_cnvt)
- {
- /* we do this twice - rather than having six equations with six unknowns,
- everything partitions to two sets of three equations with three
- unknowns. Nice, because who wants to calculate a 6x6 determinant??
- */
- double mat[3][3];
- double vec[3];
- /*
- first these equations - solve for a,b,e
- a*xxmin+b*yymax+e == 0 (upper left)
- a*xx3rd+b*yy3rd+e == 0 (lower left)
- a*xxmax+b*yymin+e == xdots-1 (lower right)
- */
- mat[0][0] = xxmin;
- mat[0][1] = yymax;
- mat[0][2] = 1.0;
- mat[1][0] = xx3rd;
- mat[1][1] = yy3rd;
- mat[1][2] = 1.0;
- mat[2][0] = xxmax;
- mat[2][1] = yymin;
- mat[2][2] = 1.0;
- vec[0] = 0.0;
- vec[1] = 0.0;
- vec[2] = (double)(xdots-1);
- if(solve3x3(mat,vec, &(scrn_cnvt->a)))
- return(-1);
- /*
- now solve these:
- c*xxmin+d*yymax+f == 0
- c*xx3rd+d*yy3rd+f == ydots-1
- c*xxmax+d*yymin+f == ydots-1
- (mat[][] has not changed - only vec[])
- */
- vec[0] = 0.0;
- vec[1] = (double)(ydots-1);
- vec[2] = (double)(ydots-1);
- if(solve3x3(mat,vec, &scrn_cnvt->c))
- return(-1);
- return(0);
- }
- static int l_setup_convert_to_screen(struct l_affine *l_cvt)
- {
- struct affine cvt;
- /* MCP 7-7-91, This function should return a something! */
- if(setup_convert_to_screen(&cvt))
- return(-1);
- l_cvt->a = (long)(cvt.a*fudge); l_cvt->b = (long)(cvt.b*fudge); l_cvt->c = (long)(cvt.c*fudge);
- l_cvt->d = (long)(cvt.d*fudge); l_cvt->e = (long)(cvt.e*fudge); l_cvt->f = (long)(cvt.f*fudge);
- /* MCP 7-7-91 */
- return(0);
- }
- /******************************************************************/
- /* setup functions - put in fractalspecific[fractype].per_image */
- /******************************************************************/
- static double orbit;
- static long l_orbit;
- static long l_sinx,l_cosx;
- int orbit3dlongsetup()
- {
- maxct = 0L;
- connect = 1;
- waste = 100;
- projection = 2;
- if (fractype==LHENON || fractype==KAM || fractype==KAM3D ||
- fractype==INVERSEJULIA)
- connect=0;
- if(fractype==LROSSLER)
- waste = 500;
- if(fractype==LLORENZ)
- projection = 1;
- initorbitlong[0] = fudge; /* initial conditions */
- initorbitlong[1] = fudge;
- initorbitlong[2] = fudge;
- if(fractype==LHENON)
- {
- l_a = (long)(param[0]*fudge);
- l_b = (long)(param[1]*fudge);
- l_c = (long)(param[2]*fudge);
- l_d = (long)(param[3]*fudge);
- }
- else if(fractype==KAM || fractype==KAM3D)
- {
- maxct = 1L;
- a = param[0]; /* angle */
- if(param[1] <= 0.0)
- param[1] = .01;
- l_b = (long)(param[1]*fudge); /* stepsize */
- l_c = (long)(param[2]*fudge); /* stop */
- t = (int)(l_d = (long)(param[3])); /* points per orbit */
- l_sinx = (long)(sin(a)*fudge);
- l_cosx = (long)(cos(a)*fudge);
- l_orbit = 0;
- initorbitlong[0] = initorbitlong[1] = initorbitlong[2] = 0;
- }
- else if (fractype == INVERSEJULIA)
- {
- LCMPLX Sqrt;
- CxLong = (long)(param[0] * fudge);
- CyLong = (long)(param[1] * fudge);
- mxhits = (int) param[2];
- run_length = (int) param[3];
- if (mxhits == 0)
- mxhits = 1;
- else if (mxhits >= colors)
- mxhits = colors - 1;
- setup_convert_to_screen(&cvt);
- /* Note: using bitshift of 21 for affine, 24 otherwise */
- lcvt.a = (long)(cvt.a * (1L << 21));
- lcvt.b = (long)(cvt.b * (1L << 21));
- lcvt.c = (long)(cvt.c * (1L << 21));
- lcvt.d = (long)(cvt.d * (1L << 21));
- lcvt.e = (long)(cvt.e * (1L << 21));
- lcvt.f = (long)(cvt.f * (1L << 21));
- Sqrt = ComplexSqrtLong(fudge - 4 * CxLong, -4 * CyLong);
- switch (major_method) {
- case breadth_first:
- if (Init_Queue((long)32*1024) == 0)
- { /* can't get queue memory: fall back to random walk */
- stopmsg(20, NoQueue);
- major_method = random_walk;
- goto lrwalk;
- }
- EnQueueLong((fudge + Sqrt.x) / 2, Sqrt.y / 2);
- EnQueueLong((fudge - Sqrt.x) / 2, -Sqrt.y / 2);
- break;
- case depth_first:
- if (Init_Queue((long)32*1024) == 0)
- { /* can't get queue memory: fall back to random walk */
- stopmsg(20, NoQueue);
- major_method = random_walk;
- goto lrwalk;
- }
- switch (minor_method) {
- case left_first:
- PushLong((fudge + Sqrt.x) / 2, Sqrt.y / 2);
- PushLong((fudge - Sqrt.x) / 2, -Sqrt.y / 2);
- break;
- case right_first:
- PushLong((fudge - Sqrt.x) / 2, -Sqrt.y / 2);
- PushLong((fudge + Sqrt.x) / 2, Sqrt.y / 2);
- break;
- }
- break;
- case random_walk:
- lrwalk:
- lnew.x = initorbitlong[0] = fudge + Sqrt.x / 2;
- lnew.y = initorbitlong[1] = Sqrt.y / 2;
- break;
- case random_run:
- lnew.x = initorbitlong[0] = fudge + Sqrt.x / 2;
- lnew.y = initorbitlong[1] = Sqrt.y / 2;
- break;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- l_dt = (long)(param[0]*fudge);
- l_a = (long)(param[1]*fudge);
- l_b = (long)(param[2]*fudge);
- l_c = (long)(param[3]*fudge);
- }
- /* precalculations for speed */
- l_adt = multiply(l_a,l_dt,bitshift);
- l_bdt = multiply(l_b,l_dt,bitshift);
- l_cdt = multiply(l_c,l_dt,bitshift);
- return(1);
- }
- #define COSB dx
- #define SINABC dy
- int orbit3dfloatsetup()
- {
- maxct = 0L;
- connect = 1;
- waste = 100;
- projection = 2;
- if(fractype==FPHENON || fractype==FPPICKOVER || fractype==FPGINGERBREAD
- || fractype == KAMFP || fractype == KAM3DFP
- || fractype == FPHOPALONG || fractype == INVERSEJULIAFP)
- connect=0;
- if(fractype==FPLORENZ3D1 || fractype==FPLORENZ3D3 ||
- fractype==FPLORENZ3D4)
- waste = 750;
- if(fractype==FPROSSLER)
- waste = 500;
- if(fractype==FPLORENZ)
- projection = 1; /* plot x and z */
- initorbitfp[0] = 1; /* initial conditions */
- initorbitfp[1] = 1;
- initorbitfp[2] = 1;
- if(fractype==FPGINGERBREAD)
- {
- initorbitfp[0] = param[0]; /* initial conditions */
- initorbitfp[1] = param[1];
- }
- if(fractype==ICON || fractype==ICON3D) /* DMF */
- {
- initorbitfp[0] = 0.01; /* initial conditions */
- initorbitfp[1] = 0.003;
- connect = 0;
- waste = 2000;
- }
- if(fractype==FPHENON || fractype==FPPICKOVER)
- {
- a = param[0];
- b = param[1];
- c = param[2];
- d = param[3];
- }
- else if(fractype==ICON || fractype==ICON3D) /* DMF */
- {
- initorbitfp[0] = 0.01; /* initial conditions */
- initorbitfp[1] = 0.003;
- connect = 0;
- waste = 2000;
- /* Initialize parameters */
- a = param[0];
- b = param[1];
- c = param[2];
- d = param[3];
- }
- else if(fractype==KAMFP || fractype==KAM3DFP)
- {
- maxct = 1L;
- a = param[0]; /* angle */
- if(param[1] <= 0.0)
- param[1] = .01;
- b = param[1]; /* stepsize */
- c = param[2]; /* stop */
- t = (int)(l_d = (long)(param[3])); /* points per orbit */
- sinx = sin(a);
- cosx = cos(a);
- orbit = 0;
- initorbitfp[0] = initorbitfp[1] = initorbitfp[2] = 0;
- }
- else if(fractype==FPHOPALONG || fractype==FPMARTIN || fractype==CHIP
- || fractype==QUADRUPTWO || fractype==THREEPLY)
- {
- initorbitfp[0] = 0; /* initial conditions */
- initorbitfp[1] = 0;
- initorbitfp[2] = 0;
- connect = 0;
- a = param[0];
- b = param[1];
- c = param[2];
- d = param[3];
- if(fractype==THREEPLY)
- {
- COSB = cos(b);
- SINABC = sin(a+b+c);
- }
- }
- else if (fractype == INVERSEJULIAFP)
- {
- _CMPLX Sqrt;
- Cx = param[0];
- Cy = param[1];
- mxhits = (int) param[2];
- run_length = (int) param[3];
- if (mxhits == 0)
- mxhits = 1;
- else if (mxhits >= colors)
- mxhits = colors - 1;
- setup_convert_to_screen(&cvt);
- /* find fixed points: guaranteed to be in the set */
- Sqrt = ComplexSqrtFloat(1 - 4 * Cx, -4 * Cy);
- switch ((int) major_method) {
- case breadth_first:
- if (Init_Queue((long)32*1024) == 0)
- { /* can't get queue memory: fall back to random walk */
- stopmsg(20, NoQueue);
- major_method = random_walk;
- goto rwalk;
- }
- EnQueueFloat((float)((1 + Sqrt.x) / 2), (float)(Sqrt.y / 2));
- EnQueueFloat((float)((1 - Sqrt.x) / 2), (float)(-Sqrt.y / 2));
- break;
- case depth_first: /* depth first (choose direction) */
- if (Init_Queue((long)32*1024) == 0)
- { /* can't get queue memory: fall back to random walk */
- stopmsg(20, NoQueue);
- major_method = random_walk;
- goto rwalk;
- }
- switch (minor_method) {
- case left_first:
- PushFloat((float)((1 + Sqrt.x) / 2), (float)(Sqrt.y / 2));
- PushFloat((float)((1 - Sqrt.x) / 2), (float)(-Sqrt.y / 2));
- break;
- case right_first:
- PushFloat((float)((1 - Sqrt.x) / 2), (float)(-Sqrt.y / 2));
- PushFloat((float)((1 + Sqrt.x) / 2), (float)(Sqrt.y / 2));
- break;
- }
- break;
- case random_walk:
- rwalk:
- new.x = initorbitfp[0] = 1 + Sqrt.x / 2;
- new.y = initorbitfp[1] = Sqrt.y / 2;
- break;
- case random_run: /* random run, choose intervals */
- major_method = random_run;
- new.x = initorbitfp[0] = 1 + Sqrt.x / 2;
- new.y = initorbitfp[1] = Sqrt.y / 2;
- break;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- dt = param[0];
- a = param[1];
- b = param[2];
- c = param[3];
- }
- /* precalculations for speed */
- adt = a*dt;
- bdt = b*dt;
- cdt = c*dt;
- return(1);
- }
- /******************************************************************/
- /* orbit functions - put in fractalspecific[fractype].orbitcalc */
- /******************************************************************/
- /* Julia sets by inverse iterations added by Juan J. Buhler 4/3/92 */
- /* Integrated with Lorenz by Tim Wegner 7/20/92 */
- /* Add Modified Inverse Iteration Method, 11/92 by Michael Snyder */
- int
- Minverse_julia_orbit()
- {
- static int random_dir = 0, random_len = 0;
- int newrow, newcol;
- int color, leftright;
- /*
- * First, compute new point
- */
- switch (major_method) {
- case breadth_first:
- if (QueueEmpty())
- return -1;
- new = DeQueueFloat();
- break;
- case depth_first:
- if (QueueEmpty())
- return -1;
- new = PopFloat();
- break;
- case random_walk:
- #if 0
- new = ComplexSqrtFloat(new.x - Cx, new.y - Cy);
- if (RANDOM(2))
- {
- new.x = -new.x;
- new.y = -new.y;
- }
- #endif
- break;
- case random_run:
- #if 0
- new = ComplexSqrtFloat(new.x - Cx, new.y - Cy);
- if (random_len == 0)
- {
- random_len = RANDOM(run_length);
- random_dir = RANDOM(3);
- }
- switch (random_dir) {
- case 0: /* left */
- break;
- case 1: /* right */
- new.x = -new.x;
- new.y = -new.y;
- break;
- case 2: /* random direction */
- if (RANDOM(2))
- {
- new.x = -new.x;
- new.y = -new.y;
- }
- break;
- }
- #endif
- break;
- }
- /*
- * Next, find its pixel position
- */
- newcol = (int)(cvt.a * new.x + cvt.b * new.y + cvt.e);
- newrow = (int)(cvt.c * new.x + cvt.d * new.y + cvt.f);
- /*
- * Now find the next point(s), and flip a coin to choose one.
- */
- new = ComplexSqrtFloat(new.x - Cx, new.y - Cy);
- leftright = (RANDOM(2)) ? 1 : -1;
- if (newcol < 1 || newcol >= xdots || newrow < 1 || newrow >= ydots)
- {
- /*
- * MIIM must skip points that are off the screen boundary,
- * since it cannot read their color.
- */
- switch (major_method) {
- case breadth_first:
- EnQueueFloat((float)(leftright * new.x), (float)(leftright * new.y));
- return 1;
- case depth_first:
- PushFloat ((float)(leftright * new.x), (float)(leftright * new.y));
- return 1;
- case random_run:
- case random_walk:
- break;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Read the pixel's color:
- * For MIIM, if color >= mxhits, discard the point
- * else put the point's children onto the queue
- */
- color = getcolor(newcol, newrow);
- switch (major_method) {
- case breadth_first:
- if (color < mxhits)
- {
- putcolor(newcol, newrow, color+1);
- /* new = ComplexSqrtFloat(new.x - Cx, new.y - Cy); */
- EnQueueFloat( (float)new.x, (float)new.y);
- EnQueueFloat((float)-new.x, (float)-new.y);
- }
- break;
- case depth_first:
- if (color < mxhits)
- {
- putcolor(newcol, newrow, color+1);
- /* new = ComplexSqrtFloat(new.x - Cx, new.y - Cy); */
- if (minor_method == left_first)
- {
- if (QueueFullAlmost())
- PushFloat((float)-new.x, (float)-new.y);
- else
- {
- PushFloat( (float)new.x, (float)new.y);
- PushFloat((float)-new.x, (float)-new.y);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (QueueFullAlmost())
- PushFloat( (float)new.x, (float)new.y);
- else
- {
- PushFloat((float)-new.x, (float)-new.y);
- PushFloat( (float)new.x, (float)new.y);
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- case random_run:
- if (random_len-- == 0)
- {
- random_len = RANDOM(run_length);
- random_dir = RANDOM(3);
- }
- switch (random_dir) {
- case 0: /* left */
- break;
- case 1: /* right */
- new.x = -new.x;
- new.y = -new.y;
- break;
- case 2: /* random direction */
- new.x = leftright * new.x;
- new.y = leftright * new.y;
- break;
- }
- if (color < colors-1)
- putcolor(newcol, newrow, color+1);
- break;
- case random_walk:
- if (color < colors-1)
- putcolor(newcol, newrow, color+1);
- new.x = leftright * new.x;
- new.y = leftright * new.y;
- break;
- }
- return 1;
- }
- int
- Linverse_julia_orbit()
- {
- static int random_dir = 0, random_len = 0;
- int newrow, newcol;
- int color;
- /*
- * First, compute new point
- */
- switch (major_method) {
- case breadth_first:
- if (QueueEmpty())
- return -1;
- lnew = DeQueueLong();
- break;
- case depth_first:
- if (QueueEmpty())
- return -1;
- lnew = PopLong();
- break;
- case random_walk:
- lnew = ComplexSqrtLong(lnew.x - CxLong, lnew.y - CyLong);
- if (RANDOM(2))
- {
- lnew.x = -lnew.x;
- lnew.y = -lnew.y;
- }
- break;
- case random_run:
- lnew = ComplexSqrtLong(lnew.x - CxLong, lnew.y - CyLong);
- if (random_len == 0)
- {
- random_len = RANDOM(run_length);
- random_dir = RANDOM(3);
- }
- switch (random_dir) {
- case 0: /* left */
- break;
- case 1: /* right */
- lnew.x = -lnew.x;
- lnew.y = -lnew.y;
- break;
- case 2: /* random direction */
- if (RANDOM(2))
- {
- lnew.x = -lnew.x;
- lnew.y = -lnew.y;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Next, find its pixel position
- *
- * Note: had to use a bitshift of 21 for this operation because
- * otherwise the values of lcvt were truncated. Used bitshift
- * of 24 otherwise, for increased precision.
- */
- newcol = (int)((multiply(lcvt.a, lnew.x >> (bitshift - 21), 21) +
- multiply(lcvt.b, lnew.y >> (bitshift - 21), 21) + lcvt.e) >> 21);
- newrow = (int)((multiply(lcvt.c, lnew.x >> (bitshift - 21), 21) +
- multiply(lcvt.d, lnew.y >> (bitshift - 21), 21) + lcvt.f) >> 21);
- if (newcol < 1 || newcol >= xdots || newrow < 1 || newrow >= ydots)
- {
- /*
- * MIIM must skip points that are off the screen boundary,
- * since it cannot read their color.
- */
- if (RANDOM(2))
- color = 1;
- else
- color = -1;
- switch (major_method) {
- case breadth_first:
- lnew = ComplexSqrtLong(lnew.x - CxLong, lnew.y - CyLong);
- EnQueueLong(color * lnew.x, color * lnew.y);
- break;
- case depth_first:
- lnew = ComplexSqrtLong(lnew.x - CxLong, lnew.y - CyLong);
- PushLong(color * lnew.x, color * lnew.y);
- break;
- case random_run:
- random_len--;
- case random_walk:
- break;
- }
- return 1;
- }
- /*
- * Read the pixel's color:
- * For MIIM, if color >= mxhits, discard the point
- * else put the point's children onto the queue
- */
- color = getcolor(newcol, newrow);
- switch (major_method) {
- case breadth_first:
- if (color < mxhits)
- {
- putcolor(newcol, newrow, color+1);
- lnew = ComplexSqrtLong(lnew.x - CxLong, lnew.y - CyLong);
- EnQueueLong( lnew.x, lnew.y);
- EnQueueLong(-lnew.x, -lnew.y);
- }
- break;
- case depth_first:
- if (color < mxhits)
- {
- putcolor(newcol, newrow, color+1);
- lnew = ComplexSqrtLong(lnew.x - CxLong, lnew.y - CyLong);
- if (minor_method == left_first)
- {
- if (QueueFullAlmost())
- PushLong(-lnew.x, -lnew.y);
- else
- {
- PushLong( lnew.x, lnew.y);
- PushLong(-lnew.x, -lnew.y);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (QueueFullAlmost())
- PushLong( lnew.x, lnew.y);
- else
- {
- PushLong(-lnew.x, -lnew.y);
- PushLong( lnew.x, lnew.y);
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- case random_run:
- random_len--;
- /* fall through */
- case random_walk:
- if (color < colors-1)
- putcolor(newcol, newrow, color+1);
- break;
- }
- return 1;
- }
- #if 0
- int inverse_julia_orbit(double *x, double *y, double *z)
- {
- double r, xo, yo;
- int waste;
- if(*z >= 1.0) /* this assumes intial value is 1.0!!! */
- {
- waste = 20; /* skip these points at first */
- *z = 0;
- }
- else
- waste = 1;
- while(waste--)
- {
- xo = *x - param[0];
- yo = *y - param[1];
- r = sqrt(xo*xo + yo*yo);
- *x = sqrt((r + xo)/2);
- if (yo < 0)
- *x = - *x;
- *y = sqrt((r - xo)/2);
- if(RANDOM(10) > 4)
- {
- *x = -(*x);
- *y = -(*y);
- }
- }
- return(0);
- }
- #endif
- int lorenz3dlongorbit(long *l_x, long *l_y, long *l_z)
- {
- l_xdt = multiply(*l_x,l_dt,bitshift);
- l_ydt = multiply(*l_y,l_dt,bitshift);
- l_dx = -multiply(l_adt,*l_x,bitshift) + multiply(l_adt,*l_y,bitshift);
- l_dy = multiply(l_bdt,*l_x,bitshift) -l_ydt -multiply(*l_z,l_xdt,bitshift);
- l_dz = -multiply(l_cdt,*l_z,bitshift) + multiply(*l_x,l_ydt,bitshift);
- *l_x += l_dx;
- *l_y += l_dy;
- *l_z += l_dz;
- return(0);
- }
- int lorenz3d1floatorbit(double *x, double *y, double *z)
- {
- double norm;
- xdt = (*x)*dt;
- ydt = (*y)*dt;
- zdt = (*z)*dt;
- /* 1-lobe Lorenz */
- norm = sqrt((*x)*(*x)+(*y)*(*y));
- dx = (-adt-dt)*(*x) + (adt-bdt)*(*y) + (dt-adt)*norm + ydt*(*z);
- dy = (bdt-adt)*(*x) - (adt+dt)*(*y) + (bdt+adt)*norm - xdt*(*z) -
- norm*zdt;
- dz = (ydt/2) - cdt*(*z);
- *x += dx;
- *y += dy;
- *z += dz;
- return(0);
- }
- int lorenz3dfloatorbit(double *x, double *y, double *z)
- {
- xdt = (*x)*dt;
- ydt = (*y)*dt;
- zdt = (*z)*dt;
- /* 2-lobe Lorenz (the original) */
- dx = -adt*(*x) + adt*(*y);
- dy = bdt*(*x) - ydt - (*z)*xdt;
- dz = -cdt*(*z) + (*x)*ydt;
- *x += dx;
- *y += dy;
- *z += dz;
- return(0);
- }
- int lorenz3d3floatorbit(double *x, double *y, double *z)
- {
- double norm;
- xdt = (*x)*dt;
- ydt = (*y)*dt;
- zdt = (*z)*dt;
- /* 3-lobe Lorenz */
- norm = sqrt((*x)*(*x)+(*y)*(*y));
- dx = (-(adt+dt)*(*x) + (adt-bdt+zdt)*(*y)) / 3 +
- ((dt-adt)*((*x)*(*x)-(*y)*(*y)) +
- 2*(bdt+adt-zdt)*(*x)*(*y))/(3*norm);
- dy = ((bdt-adt-zdt)*(*x) - (adt+dt)*(*y)) / 3 +
- (2*(adt-dt)*(*x)*(*y) +
- (bdt+adt-zdt)*((*x)*(*x)-(*y)*(*y)))/(3*norm);
- dz = (3*xdt*(*x)*(*y)-ydt*(*y)*(*y))/2 - cdt*(*z);
- *x += dx;
- *y += dy;
- *z += dz;
- return(0);
- }
- int lorenz3d4floatorbit(double *x, double *y, double *z)
- {
- xdt = (*x)*dt;
- ydt = (*y)*dt;
- zdt = (*z)*dt;
- /* 4-lobe Lorenz */
- dx = (-adt*(*x)*(*x)*(*x) + (2*adt+bdt-zdt)*(*x)*(*x)*(*y) +
- (adt-2*dt)*(*x)*(*y)*(*y) + (zdt-bdt)*(*y)*(*y)*(*y)) /
- (2 * ((*x)*(*x)+(*y)*(*y)));
- dy = ((bdt-zdt)*(*x)*(*x)*(*x) + (adt-2*dt)*(*x)*(*x)*(*y) +
- (-2*adt-bdt+zdt)*(*x)*(*y)*(*y) - adt*(*y)*(*y)*(*y)) /
- (2 * ((*x)*(*x)+(*y)*(*y)));
- dz = (2*xdt*(*x)*(*x)*(*y) - 2*xdt*(*y)*(*y)*(*y) - cdt*(*z));
- *x += dx;
- *y += dy;
- *z += dz;
- return(0);
- }
- int henonfloatorbit(double *x, double *y, double *z)
- {
- double newx,newy;
- *z = *x; /* for warning only */
- newx = 1 + *y - a*(*x)*(*x);
- newy = b*(*x);
- *x = newx;
- *y = newy;
- return(0);
- }
- int henonlongorbit(long *l_x, long *l_y, long *l_z)
- {
- long newx,newy;
- *l_z = *l_x; /* for warning only */
- newx = multiply(*l_x,*l_x,bitshift);
- newx = multiply(newx,l_a,bitshift);
- newx = fudge + *l_y - newx;
- newy = multiply(l_b,*l_x,bitshift);
- *l_x = newx;
- *l_y = newy;
- return(0);
- }
- int rosslerfloatorbit(double *x, double *y, double *z)
- {
- xdt = (*x)*dt;
- ydt = (*y)*dt;
- dx = -ydt - (*z)*dt;
- dy = xdt + (*y)*adt;
- dz = bdt + (*z)*xdt - (*z)*cdt;
- *x += dx;
- *y += dy;
- *z += dz;
- return(0);
- }
- int pickoverfloatorbit(double *x, double *y, double *z)
- {
- double newx,newy,newz;
- newx = sin(a*(*y)) - (*z)*cos(b*(*x));
- newy = (*z)*sin(c*(*x)) - cos(d*(*y));
- newz = sin(*x);
- *x = newx;
- *y = newy;
- *z = newz;
- return(0);
- }
- /* page 149 "Science of Fractal Images" */
- int gingerbreadfloatorbit(double *x, double *y, double *z)
- {
- double newx;
- *z = *x; /* for warning only */
- newx = 1 - (*y) + fabs(*x);
- *y = *x;
- *x = newx;
- return(0);
- }
- int rosslerlongorbit(long *l_x, long *l_y, long *l_z)
- {
- l_xdt = multiply(*l_x,l_dt,bitshift);
- l_ydt = multiply(*l_y,l_dt,bitshift);
- l_dx = -l_ydt - multiply(*l_z,l_dt,bitshift);
- l_dy = l_xdt + multiply(*l_y,l_adt,bitshift);
- l_dz = l_bdt + multiply(*l_z,l_xdt,bitshift)
- - multiply(*l_z,l_cdt,bitshift);
- *l_x += l_dx;
- *l_y += l_dy;
- *l_z += l_dz;
- return(0);
- }
- /* OSTEP = Orbit Step (and inner orbit value) */
- /* NTURNS = Outside Orbit */
- /* TURN2 = Points per orbit */
- /* a = Angle */
- int kamtorusfloatorbit(double *r, double *s, double *z)
- {
- double srr;
- if(t++ >= l_d)
- {
- orbit += b;
- (*r) = (*s) = orbit/3;
- t = 0;
- *z = orbit;
- if(orbit > c)
- return(1);
- }
- srr = (*s)-(*r)*(*r);
- (*s)=(*r)*sinx+srr*cosx;
- (*r)=(*r)*cosx-srr*sinx;
- return(0);
- }
- int kamtoruslongorbit(long *r, long *s, long *z)
- {
- long srr;
- if(t++ >= l_d)
- {
- l_orbit += l_b;
- (*r) = (*s) = l_orbit/3;
- t = 0;
- *z = l_orbit;
- if(l_orbit > l_c)
- return(1);
- }
- srr = (*s)-multiply((*r),(*r),bitshift);
- (*s)=multiply((*r),l_sinx,bitshift)+multiply(srr,l_cosx,bitshift);
- (*r)=multiply((*r),l_cosx,bitshift)-multiply(srr,l_sinx,bitshift);
- return(0);
- }
- int hopalong2dfloatorbit(double *x, double *y, double *z)
- {
- double tmp;
- *z = *x; /* for warning only */
- tmp = *y - sign(*x)*sqrt(fabs(b*(*x)-c));
- *y = a - *x;
- *x = tmp;
- return(0);
- }
- /* from Michael Peters and HOP */
- int chip2dfloatorbit(double *x, double *y, double *z)
- {
- double tmp;
- *z = *x; /* for warning only */
- tmp = *y - sign(*x) * cos(sqr(log(fabs(b*(*x)-c))))
- * atan(sqr(log(fabs(c*(*x)-b))));
- *y = a - *x;
- *x = tmp;
- return(0);
- }
- /* from Michael Peters and HOP */
- int quadruptwo2dfloatorbit(double *x, double *y, double *z)
- {
- double tmp;
- *z = *x; /* for warning only */
- tmp = *y - sign(*x) * sin(log(fabs(b*(*x)-c)))
- * atan(sqr(log(fabs(c*(*x)-b))));
- *y = a - *x;
- *x = tmp;
- return(0);
- }
- /* from Michael Peters and HOP */
- int threeply2dfloatorbit(double *x, double *y, double *z)
- {
- double tmp;
- *z = *x; /* for warning only */
- tmp = *y - sign(*x)*(fabs(sin(*x)*COSB+c-(*x)*SINABC));
- *y = a - *x;
- *x = tmp;
- return(0);
- }
- int martin2dfloatorbit(double *x, double *y, double *z)
- {
- double tmp;
- *z = *x; /* for warning only */
- tmp = *y - sin(*x);
- *y = a - *x;
- *x = tmp;
- return(0);
- }
- int mandelcloudfloat(double *x, double *y, double *z)
- {
- double newx,newy,x2,y2;
- newx = *z; /* for warning only */
- x2 = (*x)*(*x);
- y2 = (*y)*(*y);
- if (x2+y2>2) return 1;
- newx = x2-y2+a;
- newy = 2*(*x)*(*y)+b;
- *x = newx;
- *y = newy;
- return(0);
- }
- int dynamfloat(double *x, double *y, double *z)
- {
- _CMPLX cp,tmp;
- double newx,newy;
- newx = *z; /* for warning only */
- cp.x = b* *x;
- cp.y = 0;
- CMPLXtrig0(cp, tmp);
- newy = *y + dt*sin(*x + a*tmp.x);
- if (euler) {
- *y = newy;
- }
- cp.x = b* *y;
- cp.y = 0;
- CMPLXtrig0(cp, tmp);
- newx = *x - dt*sin(*y + a*tmp.x);
- *x = newx;
- *y = newy;
- return(0);
- }
- /* dmf */
- #undef LAMBDA
- #define LAMBDA param[0]
- #define ALPHA param[1]
- #define BETA param[2]
- #define GAMMA param[3]
- #define OMEGA param[4]
- #define DEGREE param[5]
- int iconfloatorbit(double *x, double *y, double *z)
- {
- double oldx, oldy, zzbar, zreal, zimag, za, zb, zn, p;
- unsigned char i;
- oldx = *x;
- oldy = *y;
- zzbar = oldx * oldx + oldy * oldy;
- zreal = oldx;
- zimag = oldy;
- for(i=1; i <= DEGREE-2; i++) {
- za = zreal * oldx - zimag * oldy;
- zb = zimag * oldx + zreal * oldy;
- zreal = za;
- zimag = zb;
- }
- zn = oldx * zreal - oldy * zimag;
- p = LAMBDA + ALPHA * zzbar + BETA * zn;
- *x = p * oldx + GAMMA * zreal - OMEGA * oldy;
- *y = p * oldy - GAMMA * zimag + OMEGA * oldx;
- *z = zzbar;
- return(0);
- }
- #ifdef LAMBDA /* Tim says this will make me a "good citizen" */
- #undef LAMBDA /* Yeah, but you were bad, Dan - LAMBDA was already */
- #undef ALPHA /* defined! <grin!> TW */
- #undef BETA
- #undef GAMMA
- #endif
- /**********************************************************************/
- /* Main fractal engines - put in fractalspecific[fractype].calctype */
- /**********************************************************************/
- int inverse_julia_per_image()
- {
- if (resuming) /* can't resume */
- return -1;
- coloriter = 0;
- if(maxit > 0x1fffffL)
- maxct = 0x7fffffffL;
- else
- maxct = maxit*1024L;
- while (coloriter++ <= maxct) /* generate points */
- {
- if (keypressed())
- {
- Free_Queue();
- return -1;
- }
- curfractalspecific->orbitcalc();
- old = new;
- }
- Free_Queue();
- return 0;
- }
- int orbit2dfloat()
- {
- FILE *fp;
- double *soundvar;
- double x,y,z;
- int color,col,row;
- int count;
- int oldrow, oldcol;
- double *p0,*p1,*p2;
- struct affine cvt;
- int ret;
- soundvar = p0 = p1 = p2 = NULL;
- fp = open_orbitsave();
- /* setup affine screen coord conversion */
- setup_convert_to_screen(&cvt);
- /* set up projection scheme */
- if(projection==0)
- {
- p0 = &z;
- p1 = &x;
- p2 = &y;
- }
- else if(projection==1)
- {
- p0 = &x;
- p1 = &z;
- p2 = &y;
- }
- else if(projection==2)
- {
- p0 = &x;
- p1 = &y;
- p2 = &z;
- }
- if(soundflag==1)
- soundvar = &x;
- else if(soundflag==2)
- soundvar = &y;
- else if(soundflag==3)
- soundvar = &z;
- if(inside > 0)
- color = inside;
- if(color >= colors)
- color = 1;
- oldcol = oldrow = -1;
- x = initorbitfp[0];
- y = initorbitfp[1];
- z = initorbitfp[2];
- coloriter = 0L;
- count = ret = 0;
- if(maxit > 0x1fffffL || maxct)
- maxct = 0x7fffffffL;
- else
- maxct = maxit*1024L;
- if (resuming)
- {
- start_resume();
- get_resume(sizeof(count),&count,sizeof(color),&color,
- sizeof(oldrow),&oldrow,sizeof(oldcol),&oldcol,
- sizeof(x),&x,sizeof(y),&y,sizeof(z),&z,sizeof(t),&t,
- sizeof(orbit),&orbit,sizeof(coloriter),&coloriter,
- 0);
- end_resume();
- }
- while(coloriter++ <= maxct) /* loop until keypress or maxit */
- {
- if(keypressed())
- {
- nosnd();
- alloc_resume(100,1);
- put_resume(sizeof(count),&count,sizeof(color),&color,
- sizeof(oldrow),&oldrow,sizeof(oldcol),&oldcol,
- sizeof(x),&x,sizeof(y),&y,sizeof(z),&z,sizeof(t),&t,
- sizeof(orbit),&orbit,sizeof(coloriter),&coloriter,
- 0);
- ret = -1;
- break;
- }
- if (++count > 1000)
- { /* time to switch colors? */
- count = 0;
- if (++color >= colors) /* another color to switch to? */
- color = 1; /* (don't use the background color) */
- }
- col = (int)(cvt.a*x + cvt.b*y + cvt.e);
- row = (int)(cvt.c*x + cvt.d*y + cvt.f);
- if ( col >= 0 && col < xdots && row >= 0 && row < ydots )
- {
- if (soundflag > 0)
- snd((int)(*soundvar*100+basehertz));
- if(fractype!=ICON)
- {
- if(oldcol != -1 && connect)
- draw_line(col,row,oldcol,oldrow,color%colors);
- else
- (*plot)(col,row,color%colors);
- } else {
- /* should this be using plothist()? */
- color = getcolor(col,row)+1;
- if( color < colors ) /* color sticks on last value */
- (*plot)(col,row,color);
- }
- oldcol = col;
- oldrow = row;
- }
- else if((long)abs(row) + (long)abs(col) > BAD_PIXEL) /* sanity check */
- return(ret);
- else
- oldrow = oldcol = -1;
- if(FORBIT(p0, p1, p2))
- break;
- if(fp)
- fprintf(fp,orbitsave_format,*p0,*p1,0.0);
- }
- if(fp)
- fclose(fp);
- return(ret);
- }
- int orbit2dlong()
- {
- FILE *fp;
- long *soundvar;
- long x,y,z;
- int color,col,row;
- int count;
- int oldrow, oldcol;
- long *p0,*p1,*p2;
- struct l_affine cvt;
- int ret,start;
- start = 1;
- soundvar = p0 = p1 = p2 = NULL;
- fp = open_orbitsave();
- /* setup affine screen coord conversion */
- l_setup_convert_to_screen(&cvt);
- /* set up projection scheme */
- if(projection==0)
- {
- p0 = &z;
- p1 = &x;
- p2 = &y;
- }
- else if(projection==1)
- {
- p0 = &x;
- p1 = &z;
- p2 = &y;
- }
- else if(projection==2)
- {
- p0 = &x;
- p1 = &y;
- p2 = &z;
- }
- if(soundflag==1)
- soundvar = &x;
- else if(soundflag==2)
- soundvar = &y;
- else if(soundflag==3)
- soundvar = &z;
- if(inside > 0)
- color = inside;
- if(color >= colors)
- color = 1;
- oldcol = oldrow = -1;
- x = initorbitlong[0];
- y = initorbitlong[1];
- z = initorbitlong[2];
- count = ret = 0;
- if(maxit > 0x1fffffL || maxct)
- maxct = 0x7fffffffL;
- else
- maxct = maxit*1024L;
- coloriter = 0L;
- if (resuming)
- {
- start_resume();
- get_resume(sizeof(count),&count,sizeof(color),&color,
- sizeof(oldrow),&oldrow,sizeof(oldcol),&oldcol,
- sizeof(x),&x,sizeof(y),&y,sizeof(z),&z,sizeof(t),&t,
- sizeof(l_orbit),&l_orbit,sizeof(coloriter),&coloriter,
- 0);
- end_resume();
- }
- while(coloriter++ <= maxct) /* loop until keypress or maxit */
- {
- if(keypressed())
- {
- nosnd();
- alloc_resume(100,1);
- put_resume(sizeof(count),&count,sizeof(color),&color,
- sizeof(oldrow),&oldrow,sizeof(oldcol),&oldcol,
- sizeof(x),&x,sizeof(y),&y,sizeof(z),&z,sizeof(t),&t,
- sizeof(l_orbit),&l_orbit,sizeof(coloriter),&coloriter,
- 0);
- ret = -1;
- break;
- }
- if (++count > 1000)
- { /* time to switch colors? */
- count = 0;
- if (++color >= colors) /* another color to switch to? */
- color = 1; /* (don't use the background color) */
- }
- col = (int)((multiply(cvt.a,x,bitshift) + multiply(cvt.b,y,bitshift) + cvt.e) >> bitshift);
- row = (int)((multiply(cvt.c,x,bitshift) + multiply(cvt.d,y,bitshift) + cvt.f) >> bitshift);
- if(overflow)
- {
- overflow = 0;
- return(ret);
- }
- if ( col >= 0 && col < xdots && row >= 0 && row < ydots )
- {
- if (soundflag > 0)
- {
- double yy;
- yy = *soundvar;
- yy = yy/fudge;
- snd((int)(yy*100+basehertz));
- }
- if(oldcol != -1 && connect)
- draw_line(col,row,oldcol,oldrow,color%colors);
- else if(!start)
- (*plot)(col,row,color%colors);
- oldcol = col;
- oldrow = row;
- start = 0;
- }
- else if((long)abs(row) + (long)abs(col) > BAD_PIXEL) /* sanity check */
- return(ret);
- else
- oldrow = oldcol = -1;
- /* Calculate the next point */
- if(LORBIT(p0, p1, p2))
- break;
- if(fp)
- fprintf(fp,orbitsave_format,(double)*p0/fudge,(double)*p1/fudge,0.0);
- }
- if(fp)
- fclose(fp);
- return(ret);
- }
- static int orbit3dlongcalc(void)
- {
- FILE *fp;
- unsigned long count;
- int oldcol,oldrow;
- int oldcol1,oldrow1;
- struct long3dvtinf inf;
- int color;
- int ret;
- /* setup affine screen coord conversion */
- l_setup_convert_to_screen(&inf.cvt);
- oldcol1 = oldrow1 = oldcol = oldrow = -1;
- color = 2;
- if(color >= colors)
- color = 1;
- inf.orbit[0] = initorbitlong[0];
- inf.orbit[1] = initorbitlong[1];
- inf.orbit[2] = initorbitlong[2];
- if(diskvideo) /* this would KILL a disk drive! */
- notdiskmsg();
- fp = open_orbitsave();
- count = ret = 0;
- if(maxit > 0x1fffffL || maxct)
- maxct = 0x7fffffffL;
- else
- maxct = maxit*1024L;
- coloriter = 0L;
- while(coloriter++ <= maxct) /* loop until keypress or maxit */
- {
- /* calc goes here */
- if (++count > 1000)
- { /* time to switch colors? */
- count = 0;
- if (++color >= colors) /* another color to switch to? */
- color = 1; /* (don't use the background color) */
- }
- if(keypressed())
- {
- nosnd();
- ret = -1;
- break;
- }
- LORBIT(&inf.orbit[0],&inf.orbit[1],&inf.orbit[2]);
- if(fp)
- fprintf(fp,orbitsave_format,(double)inf.orbit[0]/fudge,(double)inf.orbit[1]/fudge,(double)inf.orbit[2]/fudge);
- if (long3dviewtransf(&inf))
- {
- /* plot if inside window */
- if (inf.col >= 0)
- {
- if(realtime)
- whichimage=1;
- if (soundflag > 0)
- {
- double yy;
- yy = inf.viewvect[soundflag-1];
- yy = yy/fudge;
- snd((int)(yy*100+basehertz));
- }
- if(oldcol != -1 && connect)
- draw_line(inf.col,inf.row,oldcol,oldrow,color%colors);
- else
- (*plot)(inf.col,inf.row,color%colors);
- }
- else if (inf.col == -2)
- return(ret);
- oldcol = inf.col;
- oldrow = inf.row;
- if(realtime)
- {
- whichimage=2;
- /* plot if inside window */
- if (inf.col1 >= 0)
- {
- if(oldcol1 != -1 && connect)
- draw_line(inf.col1,inf.row1,oldcol1,oldrow1,color%colors);
- else
- (*plot)(inf.col1,inf.row1,color%colors);
- }
- else if (inf.col1 == -2)
- return(ret);
- oldcol1 = inf.col1;
- oldrow1 = inf.row1;
- }
- }
- }
- if(fp)
- fclose(fp);
- return(ret);
- }
- static int orbit3dfloatcalc(void)
- {
- FILE *fp;
- unsigned long count;
- int oldcol,oldrow;
- int oldcol1,oldrow1;
- int color;
- int ret;
- struct float3dvtinf inf;
- /* setup affine screen coord conversion */
- setup_convert_to_screen(&inf.cvt);
- oldcol = oldrow = -1;
- oldcol1 = oldrow1 = -1;
- color = 2;
- if(color >= colors)
- color = 1;
- inf.orbit[0] = initorbitfp[0];
- inf.orbit[1] = initorbitfp[1];
- inf.orbit[2] = initorbitfp[2];
- if(diskvideo) /* this would KILL a disk drive! */
- notdiskmsg();
- fp = open_orbitsave();
- ret = 0;
- if(maxit > 0x1fffffL || maxct)
- maxct = 0x7fffffffL;
- else
- maxct = maxit*1024L;
- count = coloriter = 0L;
- while(coloriter++ <= maxct) /* loop until keypress or maxit */
- {
- /* calc goes here */
- if (++count > 1000)
- { /* time to switch colors? */
- count = 0;
- if (++color >= colors) /* another color to switch to? */
- color = 1; /* (don't use the background color) */
- }
- if(keypressed())
- {
- nosnd();
- ret = -1;
- break;
- }
- FORBIT(&inf.orbit[0],&inf.orbit[1],&inf.orbit[2]);
- if(fp)
- fprintf(fp,orbitsave_format,inf.orbit[0],inf.orbit[1],inf.orbit[2]);
- if (float3dviewtransf(&inf))
- {
- /* plot if inside window */
- if (inf.col >= 0)
- {
- if(realtime)
- whichimage=1;
- if (soundflag > 0)
- snd((int)(inf.viewvect[soundflag-1]*100+basehertz));
- if(oldcol != -1 && connect)
- draw_line(inf.col,inf.row,oldcol,oldrow,color%colors);
- else
- (*plot)(inf.col,inf.row,color%colors);
- }
- else if (inf.col == -2)
- return(ret);
- oldcol = inf.col;
- oldrow = inf.row;
- if(realtime)
- {
- whichimage=2;
- /* plot if inside window */
- if (inf.col1 >= 0)
- {
- if(oldcol1 != -1 && connect)
- draw_line(inf.col1,inf.row1,oldcol1,oldrow1,color%colors);
- else
- (*plot)(inf.col1,inf.row1,color%colors);
- }
- else if (inf.col1 == -2)
- return(ret);
- oldcol1 = inf.col1;
- oldrow1 = inf.row1;
- }
- }
- }
- if(fp)
- fclose(fp);
- return(ret);
- }
- int dynam2dfloatsetup()
- {
- connect = 0;
- euler = 0;
- d = param[0]; /* number of intervals */
- if (d<0) {
- d = -d;
- connect = 1;
- }
- else if (d==0) {
- d = 1;
- }
- if (fractype==DYNAMICFP) {
- a = param[2]; /* parameter */
- b = param[3]; /* parameter */
- dt = param[1]; /* step size */
- if (dt<0) {
- dt = -dt;
- euler = 1;
- }
- if (dt==0) dt = 0.01;
- }
- if (outside == -5) {
- plot = plothist;
- }
- return(1);
- }
- /*
- * This is the routine called to perform a time-discrete dynamical
- * system image.
- * The starting positions are taken by stepping across the image in steps
- * of parameter1 pixels. maxit differential equation steps are taken, with
- * a step size of parameter2.
- */
- int dynam2dfloat()
- {
- FILE *fp;
- double *soundvar = NULL;
- double x,y,z;
- int color,col,row;
- long count;
- int oldrow, oldcol;
- double *p0,*p1;
- struct affine cvt;
- int ret;
- int xstep, ystep; /* The starting position step number */
- double xpixel, ypixel; /* Our pixel position on the screen */
- fp = open_orbitsave();
- /* setup affine screen coord conversion */
- setup_convert_to_screen(&cvt);
- p0 = &x;
- p1 = &y;
- if(soundflag==1)
- soundvar = &x;
- else if(soundflag==2)
- soundvar = &y;
- else if(soundflag==3)
- soundvar = &z;
- count = 0;
- if(inside > 0)
- color = inside;
- if(color >= colors)
- color = 1;
- oldcol = oldrow = -1;
- xstep = -1;
- ystep = 0;
- if (resuming) {
- start_resume();
- get_resume(sizeof(count),&count, sizeof(color),&color,
- sizeof(oldrow),&oldrow, sizeof(oldcol),&oldcol,
- sizeof(x),&x, sizeof(y), &y, sizeof(xstep), &xstep,
- sizeof(ystep), &ystep, 0);
- end_resume();
- }
- ret = 0;
- for(;;)
- {
- if(keypressed())
- {
- nosnd();
- alloc_resume(100,1);
- put_resume(sizeof(count),&count, sizeof(color),&color,
- sizeof(oldrow),&oldrow, sizeof(oldcol),&oldcol,
- sizeof(x),&x, sizeof(y), &y, sizeof(xstep), &xstep,
- sizeof(ystep), &ystep, 0);
- ret = -1;
- break;
- }
- xstep ++;
- if (xstep>=d) {
- xstep = 0;
- ystep ++;
- if (ystep>d) {
- nosnd();
- ret = -1;
- break;
- }
- }
- xpixel = dxsize*(xstep+.5)/d;
- ypixel = dysize*(ystep+.5)/d;
- x = (double)((xxmin+delxx*xpixel) + (delxx2*ypixel));
- y = (double)((yymax-delyy*ypixel) + (-delyy2*xpixel));
- if (fractype==MANDELCLOUD) {
- a = x;
- b = y;
- }
- oldcol = -1;
- if (++color >= colors) /* another color to switch to? */
- color = 1; /* (don't use the background color) */
- for (count=0;count<maxit;count++) {
- if (count % 2048L == 0)
- if (keypressed())
- break;
- col = (int)(cvt.a*x + cvt.b*y + cvt.e);
- row = (int)(cvt.c*x + cvt.d*y + cvt.f);
- if ( col >= 0 && col < xdots && row >= 0 && row < ydots )
- {
- if (soundflag > 0)
- snd((int)(*soundvar*100+basehertz));
- if (count>=orbit_delay) {
- if(oldcol != -1 && connect)
- draw_line(col,row,oldcol,oldrow,color%colors);
- else if(count > 0 || fractype != MANDELCLOUD)
- (*plot)(col,row,color%colors);
- }
- oldcol = col;
- oldrow = row;
- }
- else if((long)abs(row) + (long)abs(col) > BAD_PIXEL) /* sanity check */
- return(ret);
- else
- oldrow = oldcol = -1;
- if(FORBIT(p0, p1, NULL))
- break;
- if(fp)
- fprintf(fp,orbitsave_format,*p0,*p1,0.0);
- }
- }
- if(fp)
- fclose(fp);
- return(ret);
- }
- /* this function's only purpose is to manage funnyglasses related */
- /* stuff so the code is not duplicated for ifs3d() and lorenz3d() */
- int funny_glasses_call(int (*calc)(void))
- {
- int status;
- status = 0;
- if(glassestype)
- whichimage = 1;
- else
- whichimage = 0;
- plot_setup();
- plot = standardplot;
- status = calc();
- if(realtime && glassestype != 3)
- {
- realtime = 0;
- return(status);
- }
- if(glassestype && status == 0 && display3d)
- {
- if(glassestype==3) /* photographer's mode */
- if(active_system == 0) { /* dos version */
- int i;
- static FCODE firstready[]={"\
- First image (left eye) is ready. Hit any key to see it,\n\
- then hit <s> to save, hit any other key to create second image."};
- stopmsg(16,firstready);
- while ((i = getakey()) == 's' || i == 'S') {
- diskisactive = 1;
- savetodisk(savename);
- diskisactive = 0;
- }
- /* is there a better way to clear the screen in graphics mode? */
- setvideomode(videoentry.videomodeax,
- videoentry.videomodebx,
- videoentry.videomodecx,
- videoentry.videomodedx);
- }
- else { /* Windows version */
- static FCODE firstready2[]={"First (Left Eye) image is complete"};
- stopmsg(0,firstready2);
- clear_screen();
- }
- whichimage = 2;
- plot_setup();
- plot = standardplot;
- /* is there a better way to clear the graphics screen ? */
- if((status = calc()) != 0)
- return(status);
- if(glassestype==3) /* photographer's mode */
- if(active_system == 0) { /* dos version */
- static FCODE secondready[]={"Second image (right eye) is ready"};
- stopmsg(16,secondready);
- }
- }
- return(status);
- }
- /* double version - mainly for testing */
- static int ifs3dfloat(void)
- {
- int color_method;
- FILE *fp;
- int color;
- double newx,newy,newz,r,sum;
- int k;
- int ret;
- struct float3dvtinf inf;
- float far *ffptr;
- /* setup affine screen coord conversion */
- setup_convert_to_screen(&inf.cvt);
- srand(1);
- color_method = (int)param[0];
- if(diskvideo) /* this would KILL a disk drive! */
- notdiskmsg();
- inf.orbit[0] = 0;
- inf.orbit[1] = 0;
- inf.orbit[2] = 0;
- fp = open_orbitsave();
- ret = 0;
- if(maxit > 0x1fffffL)
- maxct = 0x7fffffffL;
- else
- maxct = maxit*1024;
- coloriter = 0L;
- while(coloriter++ <= maxct) /* loop until keypress or maxit */
- {
- if( keypressed() ) /* keypress bails out */
- {
- ret = -1;
- break;
- }
- r = rand15(); /* generate fudged random number between 0 and 1 */
- r /= 32767;
- /* pick which iterated function to execute, weighted by probability */
- sum = ifs_defn[12]; /* [0][12] */
- k = 0;
- while ( sum < r && ++k < numaffine*IFS3DPARM)
- {
- sum += ifs_defn[k*IFS3DPARM+12];
- if (ifs_defn[(k+1)*IFS3DPARM+12] == 0) break; /* for safety */
- }
- /* calculate image of last point under selected iterated function */
- ffptr = ifs_defn + k*IFS3DPARM; /* point to first parm in row */
- newx = *ffptr * inf.orbit[0] +
- *(ffptr+1) * inf.orbit[1] +
- *(ffptr+2) * inf.orbit[2] + *(ffptr+9);
- newy = *(ffptr+3) * inf.orbit[0] +
- *(ffptr+4) * inf.orbit[1] +
- *(ffptr+5) * inf.orbit[2] + *(ffptr+10);
- newz = *(ffptr+6) * inf.orbit[0] +
- *(ffptr+7) * inf.orbit[1] +
- *(ffptr+8) * inf.orbit[2] + *(ffptr+11);
- inf.orbit[0] = newx;
- inf.orbit[1] = newy;
- inf.orbit[2] = newz;
- if(fp)
- fprintf(fp,orbitsave_format,newx,newy,newz);
- if (float3dviewtransf(&inf))
- {
- /* plot if inside window */
- if (inf.col >= 0)
- {
- if(realtime)
- whichimage=1;
- if(color_method)
- color = (k%colors)+1;
- else
- color = getcolor(inf.col,inf.row)+1;
- if( color < colors ) /* color sticks on last value */
- (*plot)(inf.col,inf.row,color);
- }
- else if (inf.col == -2)
- return(ret);
- if(realtime)
- {
- whichimage=2;
- /* plot if inside window */
- if (inf.col1 >= 0)
- {
- if(color_method)
- color = (k%colors)+1;
- else
- color = getcolor(inf.col1,inf.row1)+1;
- if( color < colors ) /* color sticks on last value */
- (*plot)(inf.col1,inf.row1,color);
- }
- else if (inf.col1 == -2)
- return(ret);
- }
- }
- } /* end while */
- if(fp)
- fclose(fp);
- return(ret);
- }
- int ifs() /* front-end for ifs2d and ifs3d */
- {
- if (ifs_defn == NULL && ifsload() < 0)
- return(-1);
- if(diskvideo) /* this would KILL a disk drive! */
- notdiskmsg();
- return((ifs_type == 0) ? ifs2d() : ifs3d());
- }
- /* IFS logic shamelessly converted to integer math */
- static int ifs2d(void)
- {
- int color_method;
- FILE *fp;
- int col;
- int row;
- int color;
- int ret;
- long far *localifs;
- long far *lfptr;
- long x,y,newx,newy,r,sum, tempr;
- int i,j,k;
- struct l_affine cvt;
- /* setup affine screen coord conversion */
- l_setup_convert_to_screen(&cvt);
- srand(1);
- color_method = (int)param[0];
- if((localifs=(long far *)farmemalloc((long)numaffine*IFSPARM*sizeof(long)))==NULL)
- {
- stopmsg(0,insufficient_ifs_mem);
- return(-1);
- }
- for (i = 0; i < numaffine; i++) /* fill in the local IFS array */
- for (j = 0; j < IFSPARM; j++)
- localifs[i*IFSPARM+j] = (long)(ifs_defn[i*IFSPARM+j] * fudge);
- tempr = fudge / 32767; /* find the proper rand() fudge */
- fp = open_orbitsave();
- x = y = 0;
- ret = 0;
- if(maxit > 0x1fffffL)
- maxct = 0x7fffffffL;
- else
- maxct = maxit*1024L;
- coloriter = 0L;
- while(coloriter++ <= maxct) /* loop until keypress or maxit */
- {
- if( keypressed() ) /* keypress bails out */
- {
- ret = -1;
- break;
- }
- r = rand15(); /* generate fudged random number between 0 and 1 */
- r *= tempr;
- /* pick which iterated function to execute, weighted by probability */
- sum = localifs[6]; /* [0][6] */
- k = 0;
- while ( sum < r && k < numaffine-1) /* fixed bug of error if sum < 1 */
- sum += localifs[++k*IFSPARM+6];
- /* calculate image of last point under selected iterated function */
- lfptr = localifs + k*IFSPARM; /* point to first parm in row */
- newx = multiply(lfptr[0],x,bitshift) +
- multiply(lfptr[1],y,bitshift) + lfptr[4];
- newy = multiply(lfptr[2],x,bitshift) +
- multiply(lfptr[3],y,bitshift) + lfptr[5];
- x = newx;
- y = newy;
- if(fp)
- fprintf(fp,orbitsave_format,(double)newx/fudge,(double)newy/fudge,0.0);
- /* plot if inside window */
- col = (int)((multiply(cvt.a,x,bitshift) + multiply(cvt.b,y,bitshift) + cvt.e) >> bitshift);
- row = (int)((multiply(cvt.c,x,bitshift) + multiply(cvt.d,y,bitshift) + cvt.f) >> bitshift);
- if ( col >= 0 && col < xdots && row >= 0 && row < ydots )
- {
- /* color is count of hits on this pixel */
- if(color_method)
- color = (k%colors)+1;
- else
- color = getcolor(col,row)+1;
- if( color < colors ) /* color sticks on last value */
- (*plot)(col,row,color);
- }
- else if((long)abs(row) + (long)abs(col) > BAD_PIXEL) /* sanity check */
- return(ret);
- }
- if(fp)
- fclose(fp);
- farmemfree(localifs);
- return(ret);
- }
- static int ifs3dlong(void)
- {
- int color_method;
- FILE *fp;
- int color;
- int ret;
- long far *localifs;
- long far *lfptr;
- long newx,newy,newz,r,sum, tempr;
- int i,j,k;
- struct long3dvtinf inf;
- srand(1);
- color_method = (int)param[0];
- if((localifs=(long far *)farmemalloc((long)numaffine*IFS3DPARM*sizeof(long)))==NULL)
- {
- stopmsg(0,insufficient_ifs_mem);
- return(-1);
- }
- /* setup affine screen coord conversion */
- l_setup_convert_to_screen(&inf.cvt);
- for (i = 0; i < numaffine; i++) /* fill in the local IFS array */
- for (j = 0; j < IFS3DPARM; j++)
- localifs[i*IFS3DPARM+j] = (long)(ifs_defn[i*IFS3DPARM+j] * fudge);
- tempr = fudge / 32767; /* find the proper rand() fudge */
- inf.orbit[0] = 0;
- inf.orbit[1] = 0;
- inf.orbit[2] = 0;
- fp = open_orbitsave();
- ret = 0;
- if(maxit > 0x1fffffL)
- maxct = 0x7fffffffL;
- else
- maxct = maxit*1024L;
- coloriter = 0L;
- while(coloriter++ <= maxct) /* loop until keypress or maxit */
- {
- if( keypressed() ) /* keypress bails out */
- {
- ret = -1;
- break;
- }
- r = rand15(); /* generate fudged random number between 0 and 1 */
- r *= tempr;
- /* pick which iterated function to execute, weighted by probability */
- sum = localifs[12]; /* [0][12] */
- k = 0;
- while ( sum < r && ++k < numaffine*IFS3DPARM)
- {
- sum += localifs[k*IFS3DPARM+12];
- if (ifs_defn[(k+1)*IFS3DPARM+12] == 0) break; /* for safety */
- }
- /* calculate image of last point under selected iterated function */
- lfptr = localifs + k*IFS3DPARM; /* point to first parm in row */
- /* calculate image of last point under selected iterated function */
- newx = multiply(lfptr[0], inf.orbit[0], bitshift) +
- multiply(lfptr[1], inf.orbit[1], bitshift) +
- multiply(lfptr[2], inf.orbit[2], bitshift) + lfptr[9];
- newy = multiply(lfptr[3], inf.orbit[0], bitshift) +
- multiply(lfptr[4], inf.orbit[1], bitshift) +
- multiply(lfptr[5], inf.orbit[2], bitshift) + lfptr[10];
- newz = multiply(lfptr[6], inf.orbit[0], bitshift) +
- multiply(lfptr[7], inf.orbit[1], bitshift) +
- multiply(lfptr[8], inf.orbit[2], bitshift) + lfptr[11];
- inf.orbit[0] = newx;
- inf.orbit[1] = newy;
- inf.orbit[2] = newz;
- if(fp)
- fprintf(fp,orbitsave_format,(double)newx/fudge,(double)newy/fudge,(double)newz/fudge);
- if (long3dviewtransf(&inf))
- {
- if((long)abs(inf.row) + (long)abs(inf.col) > BAD_PIXEL) /* sanity check */
- return(ret);
- /* plot if inside window */
- if (inf.col >= 0)
- {
- if(realtime)
- whichimage=1;
- if(color_method)
- color = (k%colors)+1;
- else
- color = getcolor(inf.col,inf.row)+1;
- if( color < colors ) /* color sticks on last value */
- (*plot)(inf.col,inf.row,color);
- }
- if(realtime)
- {
- whichimage=2;
- /* plot if inside window */
- if (inf.col1 >= 0)
- {
- if(color_method)
- color = (k%colors)+1;
- else
- color = getcolor(inf.col1,inf.row1)+1;
- if( color < colors ) /* color sticks on last value */
- (*plot)(inf.col1,inf.row1,color);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if(fp)
- fclose(fp);
- farmemfree(localifs);
- return(ret);
- }
- static void setupmatrix(MATRIX doublemat)
- {
- /* build transformation matrix */
- identity (doublemat);
- /* apply rotations - uses the same rotation variables as line3d.c */
- xrot ((double)XROT / 57.29577,doublemat);
- yrot ((double)YROT / 57.29577,doublemat);
- zrot ((double)ZROT / 57.29577,doublemat);
- /* apply scale */
- /* scale((double)XSCALE/100.0,(double)YSCALE/100.0,(double)ROUGH/100.0,doublemat);*/
- }
- int orbit3dfloat()
- {
- display3d = -1;
- if(0 < glassestype && glassestype < 3)
- realtime = 1;
- else
- realtime = 0;
- return(funny_glasses_call(orbit3dfloatcalc));
- }
- int orbit3dlong()
- {
- display3d = -1;
- if(0 < glassestype && glassestype < 3)
- realtime = 1;
- else
- realtime = 0;
- return(funny_glasses_call(orbit3dlongcalc));
- }
- static int ifs3d(void)
- {
- display3d = -1;
- if(0 < glassestype && glassestype < 3)
- realtime = 1;
- else
- realtime = 0;
- if(floatflag)
- return(funny_glasses_call(ifs3dfloat)); /* double version of ifs3d */
- else
- return(funny_glasses_call(ifs3dlong)); /* long version of ifs3d */
- }
- static int long3dviewtransf(struct long3dvtinf *inf)
- {
- int i,j;
- double tmpx, tmpy, tmpz;
- long tmp;
- if (coloriter == 1) /* initialize on first call */
- {
- for(i=0;i<3;i++)
- {
- inf->minvals[i] = 1L << 30;
- inf->maxvals[i] = -inf->minvals[i];
- }
- setupmatrix(inf->doublemat);
- if(realtime)
- setupmatrix(inf->doublemat1);
- /* copy xform matrix to long for for fixed point math */
- for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
- for (j = 0; j < 4; j++)
- {
- inf->longmat[i][j] = (long)(inf->doublemat[i][j] * fudge);
- if(realtime)
- inf->longmat1[i][j] = (long)(inf->doublemat1[i][j] * fudge);
- }
- }
- longvmult(inf->orbit,inf->longmat,inf->viewvect,bitshift);
- if(realtime)
- longvmult(inf->orbit,inf->longmat1,inf->viewvect1,bitshift);
- if(coloriter <= waste) /* waste this many points to find minz and maxz */
- {
- /* find minz and maxz */
- for(i=0;i<3;i++)
- if ((tmp = inf->viewvect[i]) < inf->minvals[i])
- inf->minvals[i] = tmp;
- else if (tmp > inf->maxvals[i])
- inf->maxvals[i] = tmp;
- if(coloriter == waste) /* time to work it out */
- {
- inf->iview[0] = inf->iview[1] = 0L; /* center viewer on origin */
- /* z value of user's eye - should be more negative than extreme
- negative part of image */
- inf->iview[2] = (long)((inf->minvals[2]-inf->maxvals[2])*(double)ZVIEWER/100.0);
- /* center image on origin */
- tmpx = (-inf->minvals[0]-inf->maxvals[0])/(2.0*fudge); /* center x */
- tmpy = (-inf->minvals[1]-inf->maxvals[1])/(2.0*fudge); /* center y */
- /* apply perspective shift */
- tmpx += ((double)xshift*(xxmax-xxmin))/(xdots);
- tmpy += ((double)yshift*(yymax-yymin))/(ydots);
- tmpz = -((double)inf->maxvals[2]) / fudge;
- trans(tmpx,tmpy,tmpz,inf->doublemat);
- if(realtime)
- {
- /* center image on origin */
- tmpx = (-inf->minvals[0]-inf->maxvals[0])/(2.0*fudge); /* center x */
- tmpy = (-inf->minvals[1]-inf->maxvals[1])/(2.0*fudge); /* center y */
- tmpx += ((double)xshift1*(xxmax-xxmin))/(xdots);
- tmpy += ((double)yshift1*(yymax-yymin))/(ydots);
- tmpz = -((double)inf->maxvals[2]) / fudge;
- trans(tmpx,tmpy,tmpz,inf->doublemat1);
- }
- for(i=0;i<3;i++)
- view[i] = (double)inf->iview[i] / fudge;
- /* copy xform matrix to long for for fixed point math */
- for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
- for (j = 0; j < 4; j++)
- {
- inf->longmat[i][j] = (long)(inf->doublemat[i][j] * fudge);
- if(realtime)
- inf->longmat1[i][j] = (long)(inf->doublemat1[i][j] * fudge);
- }
- }
- return(0);
- }
- /* apply perspective if requested */
- {
- if(debugflag==22 || ZVIEWER < 100) /* use float for small persp */
- {
- /* use float perspective calc */
- VECTOR tmpv;
- for(i=0;i<3;i++)
- tmpv[i] = (double)inf->viewvect[i] / fudge;
- perspective(tmpv);
- for(i=0;i<3;i++)
- inf->viewvect[i] = (long)(tmpv[i]*fudge);
- if(realtime)
- {
- for(i=0;i<3;i++)
- tmpv[i] = (double)inf->viewvect1[i] / fudge;
- perspective(tmpv);
- for(i=0;i<3;i++)
- inf->viewvect1[i] = (long)(tmpv[i]*fudge);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- longpersp(inf->viewvect,inf->iview,bitshift);
- if(realtime)
- longpersp(inf->viewvect1,inf->iview,bitshift);
- }
- }
- /* work out the screen positions */
- inf->row = (int)(((multiply(inf->cvt.c,inf->viewvect[0],bitshift) +
- multiply(inf->cvt.d,inf->viewvect[1],bitshift) + inf->cvt.f)
- >> bitshift)
- + yyadjust);
- inf->col = (int)(((multiply(inf->cvt.a,inf->viewvect[0],bitshift) +
- multiply(inf->cvt.b,inf->viewvect[1],bitshift) + inf->cvt.e)
- >> bitshift)
- + xxadjust);
- if (inf->col < 0 || inf->col >= xdots || inf->row < 0 || inf->row >= ydots)
- {
- if((long)abs(inf->col)+(long)abs(inf->row) > BAD_PIXEL)
- inf->col= inf->row = -2;
- else
- inf->col= inf->row = -1;
- }
- if(realtime)
- {
- inf->row1 = (int)(((multiply(inf->cvt.c,inf->viewvect1[0],bitshift) +
- multiply(inf->cvt.d,inf->viewvect1[1],bitshift) +
- inf->cvt.f) >> bitshift)
- + yyadjust1);
- inf->col1 = (int)(((multiply(inf->cvt.a,inf->viewvect1[0],bitshift) +
- multiply(inf->cvt.b,inf->viewvect1[1],bitshift) +
- inf->cvt.e) >> bitshift)
- + xxadjust1);
- if (inf->col1 < 0 || inf->col1 >= xdots || inf->row1 < 0 || inf->row1 >= ydots)
- {
- if((long)abs(inf->col1)+(long)abs(inf->row1) > BAD_PIXEL)
- inf->col1= inf->row1 = -2;
- else
- inf->col1= inf->row1 = -1;
- }
- }
- return(1);
- }
- static int float3dviewtransf(struct float3dvtinf *inf)
- {
- int i;
- double tmpx, tmpy, tmpz;
- double tmp;
- if (coloriter == 1) /* initialize on first call */
- {
- for(i=0;i<3;i++)
- {
- inf->minvals[i] = 100000.0; /* impossible value */
- inf->maxvals[i] = -100000.0;
- }
- setupmatrix(inf->doublemat);
- if(realtime)
- setupmatrix(inf->doublemat1);
- }
- vmult(inf->orbit,inf->doublemat,inf->viewvect );
- if(realtime)
- vmult(inf->orbit,inf->doublemat1,inf->viewvect1);
- if(coloriter <= waste) /* waste this many points to find minz and maxz */
- {
- /* find minz and maxz */
- for(i=0;i<3;i++)
- if ((tmp = inf->viewvect[i]) < inf->minvals[i])
- inf->minvals[i] = tmp;
- else if (tmp > inf->maxvals[i])
- inf->maxvals[i] = tmp;
- if(coloriter == waste) /* time to work it out */
- {
- view[0] = view[1] = 0; /* center on origin */
- /* z value of user's eye - should be more negative than extreme
- negative part of image */
- view[2] = (inf->minvals[2]-inf->maxvals[2])*(double)ZVIEWER/100.0;
- /* center image on origin */
- tmpx = (-inf->minvals[0]-inf->maxvals[0])/(2.0); /* center x */
- tmpy = (-inf->minvals[1]-inf->maxvals[1])/(2.0); /* center y */
- /* apply perspective shift */
- tmpx += ((double)xshift*(xxmax-xxmin))/(xdots);
- tmpy += ((double)yshift*(yymax-yymin))/(ydots);
- tmpz = -(inf->maxvals[2]);
- trans(tmpx,tmpy,tmpz,inf->doublemat);
- if(realtime)
- {
- /* center image on origin */
- tmpx = (-inf->minvals[0]-inf->maxvals[0])/(2.0); /* center x */
- tmpy = (-inf->minvals[1]-inf->maxvals[1])/(2.0); /* center y */
- tmpx += ((double)xshift1*(xxmax-xxmin))/(xdots);
- tmpy += ((double)yshift1*(yymax-yymin))/(ydots);
- tmpz = -(inf->maxvals[2]);
- trans(tmpx,tmpy,tmpz,inf->doublemat1);
- }
- }
- return(0);
- }
- /* apply perspective if requested */
- {
- perspective(inf->viewvect);
- if(realtime)
- perspective(inf->viewvect1);
- }
- inf->row = (int)(inf->cvt.c*inf->viewvect[0] + inf->cvt.d*inf->viewvect[1]
- + inf->cvt.f + yyadjust);
- inf->col = (int)(inf->cvt.a*inf->viewvect[0] + inf->cvt.b*inf->viewvect[1]
- + inf->cvt.e + xxadjust);
- if (inf->col < 0 || inf->col >= xdots || inf->row < 0 || inf->row >= ydots)
- {
- if((long)abs(inf->col)+(long)abs(inf->row) > BAD_PIXEL)
- inf->col= inf->row = -2;
- else
- inf->col= inf->row = -1;
- }
- if(realtime)
- {
- inf->row1 = (int)(inf->cvt.c*inf->viewvect1[0] + inf->cvt.d*inf->viewvect1[1]
- + inf->cvt.f + yyadjust1);
- inf->col1 = (int)(inf->cvt.a*inf->viewvect1[0] + inf->cvt.b*inf->viewvect1[1]
- + inf->cvt.e + xxadjust1);
- if (inf->col1 < 0 || inf->col1 >= xdots || inf->row1 < 0 || inf->row1 >= ydots)
- {
- if((long)abs(inf->col1)+(long)abs(inf->row1) > BAD_PIXEL)
- inf->col1= inf->row1 = -2;
- else
- inf->col1= inf->row1 = -1;
- }
- }
- return(1);
- }
- static FILE *open_orbitsave(void)
- {
- FILE *fp;
- if (orbitsave && (fp = fopen(orbitsavename,"w")) != NULL)
- {
- fprintf(fp,"pointlist x y z color\n");
- return fp;
- }
- return NULL;
- }
- /* Plot a histogram by incrementing the pixel each time it it touched */
- static void _fastcall plothist(int x, int y, int color)
- {
- color = getcolor(x,y)+1;
- if (color<colors)
- putcolor(x,y,color);
- }