home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*
- loadfile.c - load an existing fractal image, control level
- */
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #ifndef XFRACT
- #include <dos.h>
- #endif
- #include <time.h>
- #include <errno.h>
- #ifdef XFRACT
- #include <unistd.h>
- #endif
- #include "fractint.h"
- #include "fractype.h"
- #include "helpdefs.h"
- #include "targa_lc.h"
- #include "prototyp.h"
- /* routines in this module */
- static int find_fractal_info(char *,struct fractal_info *,struct ext_blk_2 *,
- struct ext_blk_3 *,struct ext_blk_4 *,struct ext_blk_5 *);
- static void load_ext_blk(char far *loadptr,int loadlen);
- static void skip_ext_blk(int *,int *);
- static void backwardscompat(struct fractal_info *info);
- int filetype;
- int loaded3d;
- static FILE *fp;
- int fileydots, filexdots, filecolors;
- float fileaspectratio;
- short skipxdots,skipydots; /* for decoder, when reducing image */
- #ifdef XFRACT
- int decode_fractal_info();
- #endif
- int read_overlay() /* read overlay/3D files, if reqr'd */
- {
- struct fractal_info read_info;
- char oldfloatflag;
- char msg[110];
- struct ext_blk_2 blk_2_info;
- struct ext_blk_3 blk_3_info;
- struct ext_blk_4 blk_4_info;
- struct ext_blk_5 blk_5_info;
- showfile = 1; /* for any abort exit, pretend done */
- initmode = -1; /* no viewing mode set yet */
- oldfloatflag = usr_floatflag;
- loaded3d = 0;
- if(has_ext(readname) == NULL)
- strcat(readname,".gif");
- if(find_fractal_info(readname,&read_info,&blk_2_info,&blk_3_info,
- &blk_4_info,&blk_5_info)) {
- /* didn't find a useable file */
- sprintf(msg,"Sorry, %s isn't a file I can decode.",readname);
- stopmsg(0,msg);
- return(-1);
- }
- maxit = read_info.iterationsold;
- fractype = read_info.fractal_type;
- if (fractype < 0 || fractype >= num_fractal_types) {
- sprintf(msg,"Warning: %s has a bad fractal type; using 0",readname);
- fractype = 0;
- }
- curfractalspecific = &fractalspecific[fractype];
- xxmin = read_info.xmin;
- xxmax = read_info.xmax;
- yymin = read_info.ymin;
- yymax = read_info.ymax;
- param[0] = read_info.creal;
- param[1] = read_info.cimag;
- save_release = 1100; /* unless we find out better later on */
- invert = 0;
- if(read_info.version > 0) {
- param[2] = read_info.parm3;
- roundfloatd(¶m[2]);
- param[3] = read_info.parm4;
- roundfloatd(¶m[3]);
- potparam[0] = read_info.potential[0];
- potparam[1] = read_info.potential[1];
- potparam[2] = read_info.potential[2];
- potflag = (potparam[0] != 0.0);
- rflag = read_info.rflag;
- rseed = read_info.rseed;
- inside = read_info.inside;
- LogFlag = read_info.logmap;
- inversion[0] = read_info.invert[0];
- inversion[1] = read_info.invert[1];
- inversion[2] = read_info.invert[2];
- if (inversion[0] != 0.0)
- invert = 3;
- decomp[0] = read_info.decomp[0];
- decomp[1] = read_info.decomp[1];
- usr_biomorph = read_info.biomorph;
- forcesymmetry = read_info.symmetry;
- }
- if(read_info.version > 1) {
- save_release = 1200;
- if (!display3d
- && (read_info.version <= 4 || read_info.flag3d > 0
- || (curfractalspecific->flags&PARMS3D) )) {
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
- init3d[i] = read_info.init3d[i];
- previewfactor = read_info.previewfactor;
- xtrans = read_info.xtrans;
- ytrans = read_info.ytrans;
- red_crop_left = read_info.red_crop_left;
- red_crop_right = read_info.red_crop_right;
- blue_crop_left = read_info.blue_crop_left;
- blue_crop_right = read_info.blue_crop_right;
- red_bright = read_info.red_bright;
- blue_bright = read_info.blue_bright;
- xadjust = read_info.xadjust;
- eyeseparation = read_info.eyeseparation;
- glassestype = read_info.glassestype;
- }
- }
- if(read_info.version > 2) {
- save_release = 1300;
- outside = read_info.outside;
- }
- calc_status = 0; /* defaults if version < 4 */
- xx3rd = xxmin;
- yy3rd = yymin;
- usr_distest = 0;
- calctime = 0;
- if(read_info.version > 3) {
- save_release = 1400;
- xx3rd = read_info.x3rd;
- yy3rd = read_info.y3rd;
- calc_status = read_info.calc_status;
- usr_stdcalcmode = read_info.stdcalcmode;
- three_pass = 0;
- if(usr_stdcalcmode == 127)
- {
- three_pass = 1;
- usr_stdcalcmode = '3';
- }
- usr_distest = read_info.distest;
- usr_floatflag = (char)read_info.floatflag;
- bailout = read_info.bailoutold;
- calctime = read_info.calctime;
- trigndx[0] = read_info.trigndx[0];
- trigndx[1] = read_info.trigndx[1];
- trigndx[2] = read_info.trigndx[2];
- trigndx[3] = read_info.trigndx[3];
- finattract = read_info.finattract;
- initorbit.x = read_info.initorbit[0];
- initorbit.y = read_info.initorbit[1];
- useinitorbit = read_info.useinitorbit;
- usr_periodicitycheck = read_info.periodicity;
- }
- pot16bit = 0;
- save_system = 0;
- if(read_info.version > 4) {
- pot16bit = read_info.pot16bit;
- if (pot16bit)
- filexdots >>= 1;
- fileaspectratio = read_info.faspectratio;
- if (fileaspectratio < 0.01) /* fix files produced in early v14.1 */
- fileaspectratio = screenaspect;
- save_system = read_info.system;
- save_release = read_info.release; /* from fmt 5 on we know real number */
- if (read_info.version == 5 /* except a few early fmt 5 cases: */
- && (save_release <= 0 || save_release >= 2000)) {
- save_release = 1410;
- save_system = 0;
- }
- if (!display3d && read_info.flag3d > 0) {
- loaded3d = 1;
- Ambient = read_info.ambient;
- RANDOMIZE = read_info.randomize;
- haze = read_info.haze;
- transparent[0] = read_info.transparent[0];
- transparent[1] = read_info.transparent[1];
- }
- }
- rotate_lo = 1; rotate_hi = 255;
- distestwidth = 71;
- if(read_info.version > 5) {
- rotate_lo = read_info.rotate_lo;
- rotate_hi = read_info.rotate_hi;
- distestwidth = read_info.distestwidth;
- }
- if(read_info.version > 6) {
- param[2] = read_info.dparm3;
- param[3] = read_info.dparm4;
- }
- if(read_info.version > 7) {
- fillcolor = read_info.fillcolor;
- }
- if(read_info.version > 8) {
- mxmaxfp = read_info.mxmaxfp ;
- mxminfp = read_info.mxminfp ;
- mymaxfp = read_info.mymaxfp ;
- myminfp = read_info.myminfp ;
- zdots = read_info.zdots ;
- originfp = read_info.originfp ;
- depthfp = read_info.depthfp ;
- heightfp = read_info.heightfp ;
- widthfp = read_info.widthfp ;
- distfp = read_info.distfp ;
- eyesfp = read_info.eyesfp ;
- neworbittype = read_info.orbittype ;
- juli3Dmode = read_info.juli3Dmode ;
- maxfn = (char)read_info.maxfn ;
- major_method = (enum Major)read_info.inversejulia >> 8;
- minor_method = (enum Minor)read_info.inversejulia & 255;
- param[4] = read_info.dparm5;
- param[5] = read_info.dparm6;
- param[6] = read_info.dparm7;
- param[7] = read_info.dparm8;
- param[8] = read_info.dparm9;
- param[9] = read_info.dparm10;
- }
- if(read_info.version < 4) { /* pre-version 14.0? */
- backwardscompat(&read_info); /* translate obsolete types */
- if(LogFlag)
- LogFlag = 2;
- usr_floatflag = (char)((curfractalspecific->isinteger) ? 0 : 1);
- }
- if (read_info.version < 5) { /* pre-version 15.0? */
- if (LogFlag == 2) /* logmap=old changed again in format 5! */
- LogFlag = -1;
- if (decomp[0] > 0 && decomp[1] > 0)
- bailout = decomp[1];
- }
- if(potflag) /* in version 15.x and 16.x logmap didn't work with pot */
- if(read_info.version == 6 || read_info.version == 7)
- LogFlag = 0;
- set_trig_pointers(-1);
- if(read_info.version < 9) { /* pre-version 18.0? */
- /* forcesymmetry==1000 means we want to force symmetry but don't
- know which symmetry yet, will find out in setsymmetry() */
- if(outside==REAL || outside==IMAG || outside==MULT || outside==SUM
- || outside==ATAN)
- if(forcesymmetry == 999)
- forcesymmetry = 1000;
- }
- if(save_release < 1725) { /* pre-version 17.25 */
- set_if_old_bif(); /* translate bifurcation types */
- functionpreloaded = 1;
- }
- if(save_release > 1822)
- { /* post-version 18.22 */
- bailout = read_info.bailout; /* use long bailout */
- bailoutest = (enum bailouts)read_info.bailoutest;
- }
- else
- bailoutest = Mod;
- setbailoutformula(bailoutest);
- if(save_release > 1823)
- /* post-version 18.23 */
- maxit = read_info.iterations; /* use long maxit */
- if (save_release > 1827) /* post-version 18.27 */
- old_demm_colors = read_info.old_demm_colors;
- backwards_v18();
- backwards_v19();
- if (display3d) /* PB - a klooge till the meaning of */
- usr_floatflag = oldfloatflag; /* floatflag in line3d is clarified */
- if (overlay3d) {
- initmode = adapter; /* use previous adapter mode for overlays */
- if (filexdots > xdots || fileydots > ydots) {
- static FCODE msg[]={"Can't overlay with a larger image"};
- stopmsg(0,msg);
- initmode = -1;
- return(-1);
- }
- }
- else {
- int olddisplay3d,i;
- char oldfloatflag;
- olddisplay3d = display3d;
- oldfloatflag = floatflag;
- display3d = loaded3d; /* for <tab> display during next */
- floatflag = usr_floatflag; /* ditto */
- i = get_video_mode(&read_info,&blk_3_info);
- display3d = olddisplay3d;
- floatflag = oldfloatflag;
- if (i) {
- initmode = -1;
- return(-1);
- }
- }
- if (display3d) {
- calc_status = 0;
- fractype = PLASMA;
- curfractalspecific = &fractalspecific[PLASMA];
- param[0] = 0;
- if (!initbatch)
- if (get_3d_params() < 0) {
- initmode = -1;
- return(-1);
- }
- }
- if (resume_info != NULL) { /* free the prior area if there is one */
- farmemfree(resume_info);
- resume_info = NULL;
- }
- if(blk_2_info.got_data == 1)
- {
- resume_info = blk_2_info.resume_data;
- resume_len = blk_2_info.length;
- }
- if(blk_3_info.got_data == 1)
- {
- char *nameptr;
- switch (read_info.fractal_type) {
- case LSYSTEM:
- nameptr = LName;
- break;
- case IFS:
- case IFS3D:
- nameptr = IFSName;
- break;
- default:
- nameptr = FormName;
- break;
- }
- blk_3_info.form_name[ITEMNAMELEN] = 0;
- strcpy(nameptr,blk_3_info.form_name);
- /* perhaps in future add more here, check block_len for
- backward compatibility */
- }
- if (rangeslen) { /* free prior ranges */
- farmemfree((char far *)ranges);
- rangeslen = 0;
- }
- if(blk_4_info.got_data == 1)
- {
- ranges = (int far *)blk_4_info.range_data;
- rangeslen = blk_4_info.length;
- #ifdef XFRACTINT
- fix_ranges(ranges,rangeslen,1);
- #endif
- }
- if(blk_5_info.got_data == 1)
- {
- bf_math = 1;
- init_bf_length(read_info.bflength);
- far_memcpy((char far *)bfxmin,blk_5_info.apm_data,blk_5_info.length);
- farmemfree(blk_5_info.apm_data);
- }
- else
- bf_math = 0;
- showfile = 0; /* trigger the file load */
- return(0);
- }
- static int find_fractal_info(char *gif_file,struct fractal_info *info,
- struct ext_blk_2 *blk_2_info,struct ext_blk_3 *blk_3_info,
- struct ext_blk_4 *blk_4_info,struct ext_blk_5 *blk_5_info)
- {
- BYTE gifstart[18];
- char temp1[81];
- int scan_extend, block_type, block_len, data_len;
- int fractinf_len;
- int hdr_offset;
- blk_2_info->got_data = 0; /* initialize to no data */
- blk_3_info->got_data = 0; /* initialize to no data */
- blk_4_info->got_data = 0; /* initialize to no data */
- blk_5_info->got_data = 0; /* initialize to no data */
- if((fp = fopen(gif_file,"rb"))==NULL)
- return(-1);
- fread(gifstart,18,1,fp);
- if (strncmp((char *)gifstart,"GIF",3) != 0) { /* not GIF, maybe old .tga? */
- if(fread(info,FRACTAL_INFO_SIZE,1,fp)==1 &&
- strncmp(info->info_id,"Fractal",8)==0) {
- filetype = 1; /* Targa 16 */
- GET16(gifstart[O_VSIZE],fileydots);
- GET16(gifstart[O_HSIZE],filexdots);
- filecolors = info->colors;
- fileaspectratio = screenaspect;
- if(fileydots == info->ydots && filexdots == info->xdots) {
- fclose(fp);
- return(0);
- }
- }
- fclose(fp);
- return(-1);
- }
- filetype = 0; /* GIF */
- GET16(gifstart[6],filexdots);
- GET16(gifstart[8],fileydots);
- filecolors = 2 << (gifstart[10] & 7);
- fileaspectratio = 0; /* unknown */
- if (gifstart[12]) { /* calc reasonably close value from gif header */
- fileaspectratio = (float)((64.0 / ((double)(gifstart[12]) + 15.0))
- * (double)fileydots / (double)filexdots);
- if ( fileaspectratio > screenaspect-0.03
- && fileaspectratio < screenaspect+0.03)
- fileaspectratio = screenaspect;
- }
- else
- if (fileydots * 4 == filexdots * 3) /* assume the common square pixels */
- fileaspectratio = screenaspect;
- /* Format of .gif extension blocks is:
- 1 byte '!', extension block identifier
- 1 byte extension block number, 255
- 1 byte length of id, 11
- 11 bytes alpha id, "fractintnnn" with fractint, nnn is secondary id
- n * {
- 1 byte length of block info in bytes
- x bytes block info
- }
- 1 byte 0, extension terminator
- To scan extension blocks, we first look in file at length of fractal_info
- (the main extension block) from end of file, looking for a literal known
- to be at start of our block info. Then we scan forward a bit, in case
- the file is from an earlier fractint vsn with shorter fractal_info.
- If fractal_info is found and is from vsn>=14, it includes the total length
- of all extension blocks; we then scan them all first to last to load
- any optional ones which are present.
- Defined extension blocks:
- fractint001 header, always present
- fractint002 resume info for interrupted resumable image
- fractint003 additional formula type info
- fractint004 ranges info
- fractint005 extended precision parameters
- */
- memset(info,0,FRACTAL_INFO_SIZE);
- fractinf_len = FRACTAL_INFO_SIZE + (FRACTAL_INFO_SIZE+254)/255;
- fseek(fp,(long)(-1-fractinf_len),SEEK_END);
- fread(info,1,FRACTAL_INFO_SIZE,fp);
- if (strcmp(INFO_ID,info->info_id) == 0) {
- #ifdef XFRACT
- decode_fractal_info(info,1);
- #endif
- hdr_offset = -1-fractinf_len;
- } else {
- /* didn't work 1st try, maybe an older vsn, maybe junk at eof, scan: */
- int offset,i;
- char tmpbuf[110];
- hdr_offset = 0;
- offset = 80; /* don't even check last 80 bytes of file for id */
- while (offset < fractinf_len+513) { /* allow 512 garbage at eof */
- offset += 100; /* go back 100 bytes at a time */
- fseek(fp,(long)(0-offset),SEEK_END);
- fread(tmpbuf,1,110,fp); /* read 10 extra for string compare */
- for (i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
- if (!strcmp(INFO_ID,&tmpbuf[i])) { /* found header? */
- strcpy(info->info_id,INFO_ID);
- fseek(fp,(long)(hdr_offset=i-offset),SEEK_END);
- fread(info,1,FRACTAL_INFO_SIZE,fp);
- #ifdef XFRACT
- decode_fractal_info(info,1);
- #endif
- offset = 10000; /* force exit from outer loop */
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (hdr_offset) { /* we found INFO_ID */
- if (info->version >= 4) {
- /* first reload main extension block, reasons:
- might be over 255 chars, and thus earlier load might be bad
- find exact endpoint, so scan back to start of ext blks works
- */
- fseek(fp,(long)(hdr_offset-15),SEEK_END);
- scan_extend = 1;
- while (scan_extend) {
- if (fgetc(fp) != '!' /* if not what we expect just give up */
- || fread(temp1,1,13,fp) != 13
- || strncmp(&temp1[2],"fractint",8))
- break;
- temp1[13] = 0;
- block_type = atoi(&temp1[10]); /* e.g. "fractint002" */
- switch (block_type) {
- case 1: /* "fractint001", the main extension block */
- if (scan_extend == 2) { /* we've been here before, done now */
- scan_extend = 0;
- break;
- }
- load_ext_blk((char far *)info,FRACTAL_INFO_SIZE);
- #ifdef XFRACT
- decode_fractal_info(info,1);
- #endif
- scan_extend = 2;
- /* now we know total extension len, back up to first block */
- fseek(fp,0L-info->tot_extend_len,SEEK_CUR);
- break;
- case 2: /* resume info */
- skip_ext_blk(&block_len,&data_len); /* once to get lengths */
- if ((blk_2_info->resume_data = farmemalloc((long)data_len)) == NULL)
- info->calc_status = 3; /* not resumable after all */
- else {
- fseek(fp,(long)(0-block_len),SEEK_CUR);
- load_ext_blk(blk_2_info->resume_data,data_len);
- blk_2_info->length = data_len;
- blk_2_info->got_data = 1; /* got data */
- }
- break;
- case 3: /* formula info */
- load_ext_blk(blk_3_info->form_name,40);
- blk_3_info->got_data = 1; /* got data */
- /* perhaps in future add more here, check block_len for
- backward compatibility */
- break;
- case 4: /* ranges info */
- skip_ext_blk(&block_len,&data_len); /* once to get lengths */
- if ((blk_4_info->range_data = (int far *)farmemalloc((long)data_len)) != NULL) {
- fseek(fp,(long)(0-block_len),SEEK_CUR);
- load_ext_blk((char far *)blk_4_info->range_data,data_len);
- blk_4_info->length = data_len/2;
- blk_4_info->got_data = 1; /* got data */
- }
- break;
- case 5: /* extended precision parameters */
- skip_ext_blk(&block_len,&data_len); /* once to get lengths */
- if ((blk_5_info->apm_data = farmemalloc((long)data_len)) != NULL) {
- fseek(fp,(long)(0-block_len),SEEK_CUR);
- load_ext_blk(blk_5_info->apm_data,data_len);
- blk_5_info->length = data_len;
- blk_5_info->got_data = 1; /* got data */
- }
- break;
- default:
- skip_ext_blk(&block_len,&data_len);
- }
- }
- }
- fclose(fp);
- fileaspectratio = screenaspect; /* if not >= v15, this is correct */
- return(0);
- }
- strcpy(info->info_id, "GIFFILE");
- info->iterations = 150;
- info->fractal_type = PLASMA;
- info->xmin = -1;
- info->xmax = 1;
- info->ymin = -1;
- info->ymax = 1;
- info->x3rd = -1;
- info->y3rd = -1;
- info->creal = 0;
- info->cimag = 0;
- info->videomodeax=255;
- info->videomodebx=255;
- info->videomodecx=255;
- info->videomodedx=255;
- info->dotmode = 0;
- info->xdots = (short)filexdots;
- info->ydots = (short)fileydots;
- info->colors = (short)filecolors;
- info->version = 0; /* this forces lots more init at calling end too */
- /* zero means we won */
- fclose(fp);
- return(0);
- }
- static void load_ext_blk(char far *loadptr,int loadlen)
- {
- int len;
- while ((len = fgetc(fp)) > 0) {
- while (--len >= 0) {
- if (--loadlen >= 0)
- *(loadptr++) = (char)fgetc(fp);
- else
- fgetc(fp); /* discard excess characters */
- }
- }
- }
- static void skip_ext_blk(int *block_len, int *data_len)
- {
- int len;
- *data_len = 0;
- *block_len = 1;
- while ((len = fgetc(fp)) > 0) {
- fseek(fp,(long)len,SEEK_CUR);
- *data_len += len;
- *block_len += len + 1;
- }
- }
- /* switch obsolete fractal types to new generalizations */
- static void backwardscompat(struct fractal_info *info)
- {
- switch(fractype) {
- fractype = LAMBDATRIGFP;
- trigndx[0] = SIN;
- break;
- case LAMBDACOS :
- fractype = LAMBDATRIGFP;
- trigndx[0] = COS;
- break;
- case LAMBDAEXP :
- fractype = LAMBDATRIGFP;
- trigndx[0] = EXP;
- break;
- fractype = MANDELTRIGFP;
- trigndx[0] = SIN;
- break;
- case MANDELCOS :
- fractype = MANDELTRIGFP;
- trigndx[0] = COS;
- break;
- case MANDELEXP :
- fractype = MANDELTRIGFP;
- trigndx[0] = EXP;
- break;
- fractype = MANDELTRIGFP;
- trigndx[0] = SINH;
- break;
- fractype = LAMBDATRIGFP;
- trigndx[0] = SINH;
- break;
- fractype = MANDELTRIGFP;
- trigndx[0] = COSH;
- break;
- fractype = LAMBDATRIGFP;
- trigndx[0] = COSH;
- break;
- fractype = MANDELTRIG;
- trigndx[0] = SIN;
- break;
- fractype = LAMBDATRIG;
- trigndx[0] = SIN;
- break;
- fractype = MANDELTRIG;
- trigndx[0] = COS;
- break;
- fractype = LAMBDATRIG;
- trigndx[0] = COS;
- break;
- fractype = MANDELTRIG;
- trigndx[0] = SINH;
- break;
- fractype = LAMBDATRIG;
- trigndx[0] = SINH;
- break;
- fractype = MANDELTRIG;
- trigndx[0] = COSH;
- break;
- fractype = LAMBDATRIG;
- trigndx[0] = COSH;
- break;
- fractype = MANDELTRIG;
- trigndx[0] = EXP;
- break;
- fractype = LAMBDATRIG;
- trigndx[0] = EXP;
- break;
- case DEMM :
- fractype = MANDELFP;
- usr_distest = (info->ydots - 1) * 2;
- break;
- case DEMJ :
- fractype = JULIAFP;
- usr_distest = (info->ydots - 1) * 2;
- break;
- useinitorbit = 2;
- break;
- }
- curfractalspecific = &fractalspecific[fractype];
- }
- /* switch old bifurcation fractal types to new generalizations */
- void set_if_old_bif(void)
- {
- /* set functions if not set already, may need to check 'functionpreloaded'
- before calling this routine. JCO 7/5/92 */
- switch(fractype) {
- set_trig_array(0,"ident");
- break;
- set_trig_array(0,s_sin);
- break;
- }
- }
- void backwards_v18(void)
- {
- if(!functionpreloaded)
- set_if_old_bif(); /* old bifs need function set, JCO 7/5/92 */
- if(fractype==MANDELTRIG && usr_floatflag==1
- && save_release < 1800 && bailout == 0)
- bailout = 2500;
- if(fractype==LAMBDATRIG && usr_floatflag==1
- && save_release < 1800 && bailout == 0)
- bailout = 2500;
- }
- void backwards_v19(void)
- {
- if(fractype==MARKSJULIA && save_release < 1825)
- if(param[2] == 0)
- param[2] = 2;
- else
- param[2] += 1;
- if(fractype==MARKSJULIAFP && save_release < 1825)
- if(param[2] == 0)
- param[2] = 2;
- else
- param[2] += 1;
- if((fractype==FORMULA || fractype==FFORMULA) && save_release < 1824)
- inversion[0] = inversion[1] = inversion[2] = invert = 0;
- if(fix_bof())
- no_mag_calc = 1; /* fractal has old bof60/61 problem with magnitude */
- else
- no_mag_calc = 0;
- if(fix_period_bof())
- use_old_period = 1; /* fractal uses old periodicity method */
- else
- use_old_period = 0;
- if(save_release < 1827 && distest)
- use_old_distest = 1; /* use old distest code */
- else
- use_old_distest = 0; /* use new distest code */
- }
- int fix_bof(void)
- {
- int ret = 0;
- if (inside <= BOF60 && inside >= BOF61 && save_release < 1826)
- if ((curfractalspecific->calctype == StandardFractal &&
- (curfractalspecific->flags & BAILTEST) == 0) ||
- (fractype==FORMULA || fractype==FFORMULA))
- ret = 1;
- return (ret);
- }
- int fix_period_bof(void)
- {
- int ret = 0;
- if (inside <= BOF60 && inside >= BOF61 && save_release < 1826)
- ret = 1;
- return (ret);
- }
- /* browse code RB*/
- #define MAX_WINDOWS_OPEN 450
- #define BROWSE_DATA 32768l
- /* 450 * sizeof(window) must be < (65535 - BROWSE_DATA) = 32767 */
- /* 450 * 67 = 30150 */
- struct window {
- double xmin; /* for fgetwindow on screen browser */
- double xmax;
- double ymin;
- double ymax;
- double x3rd;
- double y3rd;
- char name[13];/* for filename */
- int boxcount;
- int far *savebox; /* for coordinates and colors of box */
- };
- /* prototypes */
- static void drawindow(int, struct window far *);
- static char is_visible_window( struct fractal_info * );
- static void transform( struct dblcoords * );
- static char paramsOK( struct fractal_info * );
- static char typeOK( struct fractal_info *, struct ext_blk_3 * );
- static char functionOK( struct fractal_info *, int );
- char browsename[13]; /* name for browse file */
- /* fgetwindow reads all .GIF files and draws window outlines on the screen */
- int fgetwindow(void)
- {
- struct fractal_info read_info;
- struct ext_blk_2 blk_2_info;
- struct ext_blk_3 blk_3_info;
- struct ext_blk_4 blk_4_info;
- struct ext_blk_5 blk_5_info;
- time_t thistime,lastime;
- char mesg[40],newname[60];
- int c,i,index,done,wincount,toggle;
- struct window far *winlist; /* that _should_ do! */
- char drive[FILE_MAX_DRIVE];
- char dir[FILE_MAX_DIR];
- char fname[FILE_MAX_FNAME];
- char ext[FILE_MAX_EXT];
- char tmpmask[FILE_MAX_PATH];
- int no_memory_left = 0;
- int far *save_some_mem;
- /* steal an array */
- winlist = (struct window far *)MK_FP(extraseg,BROWSE_DATA);
- rescan: /* entry for changed browse parms */
- find_special_colors();
- time(&lastime);
- toggle = 0;
- wincount = 0;
- no_sub_images = FALSE;
- splitpath(readname,drive,dir,NULL,NULL);
- splitpath(browsemask,NULL,NULL,fname,ext);
- makepath(tmpmask,drive,dir,fname,ext);
- if ((save_some_mem = farmemalloc(10240))==NULL) /* steal 10K! */
- no_memory_left = 1; /* to display message, else OOL */
- done=fr_findfirst(tmpmask);
- /* draw all visible windows */
- while (!done)
- {
- if(keypressed())
- {
- getakey();
- break;
- }
- splitpath(DTA.filename,NULL,NULL,fname,ext);
- makepath(tmpmask,drive,dir,fname,ext);
- if( !find_fractal_info(tmpmask,&read_info,&blk_2_info,
- &blk_3_info,&blk_4_info,&blk_5_info) &&
- (typeOK(&read_info,&blk_3_info) || !brwschecktype) &&
- (paramsOK(&read_info) || !brwscheckparms) &&
- stricmp(browsename,DTA.filename) &&
- blk_5_info.got_data != 1 &&
- is_visible_window(&read_info)
- )
- {
- winlist[wincount].xmin = read_info.xmin ;
- winlist[wincount].xmax = read_info.xmax ;
- winlist[wincount].ymin = read_info.ymin ;
- winlist[wincount].ymax = read_info.ymax ;
- winlist[wincount].x3rd = read_info.x3rd ;
- winlist[wincount].y3rd = read_info.y3rd ;
- far_strcpy(winlist[wincount].name,DTA.filename);
- drawindow(color_medium,&winlist[wincount]);
- boxcount <<= 1; /*boxcount*2;*/ /* double for byte count */
- winlist[wincount].boxcount = boxcount;
- if ((winlist[wincount].savebox = farmemalloc(6*boxcount))==NULL){
- boxcount >>= 1; /* can't allocate any more */
- clearbox(); /* clean up the mess */
- no_memory_left = 1;
- }
- else {
- far_memcpy(winlist[wincount].savebox,boxx,boxcount);
- far_memcpy(winlist[wincount].savebox+boxcount,boxy,boxcount);
- far_memcpy(winlist[wincount].savebox+boxcount*2,boxvalues,boxcount);
- wincount++;
- }
- }
- if(blk_2_info.got_data == 1) /* Clean up any far memory allocated */
- farmemfree(blk_2_info.resume_data);
- if(blk_4_info.got_data == 1) /* Clean up any far memory allocated */
- farmemfree(blk_4_info.range_data);
- if(blk_5_info.got_data == 1) /* Clean up any far memory allocated */
- farmemfree(blk_5_info.apm_data);
- done=(fr_findnext() || wincount >= MAX_WINDOWS_OPEN || no_memory_left);
- }
- farmemfree(save_some_mem); /* release memory for messages, yuk! */
- if (no_memory_left)
- {
- static FCODE msg[] = {"sorry...out of memory, can't show more"};
- texttempmsg(msg);/* doesn't work if NO far memory available, go figure */
- }
- if (wincount >= MAX_WINDOWS_OPEN)
- {
- static FCODE msg[] = {"sorry...no more space, can't show more"};
- texttempmsg(msg);
- }
- c=0;
- if (wincount)
- {
- buzzer(0); /*let user know we've finished */
- index=0;done = 0;
- showtempmsg(winlist[index].name);
- while ( !done) /* on exit done = 1 for quick exit,
- done = 2 for erase boxes and exit
- done = 3 for rescan
- done = 4 for set boxes and exit to save image */
- {
- while (!keypressed())
- {
- time(&thistime);
- if (difftime(thistime,lastime) > .2 ) {
- lastime=thistime;
- toggle = 1- toggle;
- }
- if (toggle)
- drawindow(color_bright,&winlist[index]); /* flash current window */
- else
- drawindow(color_dark,&winlist[index]);
- }
- c=getakey();
- switch (c) {
- case LEFT_ARROW:
- case DOWN_ARROW:
- case UP_ARROW:
- cleartempmsg();
- drawindow(color_medium,&winlist[index]);/* dim last window */
- if (c==RIGHT_ARROW || c== UP_ARROW) {
- do {
- index++; /* shift attention to next window */
- if (index >= wincount) index=0;
- }while(winlist[index].boxcount < 0 );
- }
- else {
- do {
- index -- ;
- if ( index <0 ) index = wincount -1 ;
- }while (winlist[index].boxcount < 0 );
- }
- showtempmsg(winlist[index].name);
- break;
- case ENTER:
- case ENTER_2: /* this file please */
- far_strcpy(browsename,winlist[index].name);
- done = 1;
- break;
- case ESC:
- case 'l':
- case 'L':
- autobrowse = FALSE;
- done = 2;
- break;
- case 'D': /* delete file */
- cleartempmsg();
- strcpy(mesg,"");
- strcat(mesg,"Delete ");
- far_strcat(mesg,winlist[index].name);
- strcat(mesg,"? (Y/N)");
- showtempmsg(mesg);
- while (!keypressed()) ;
- cleartempmsg();
- c = getakey();
- if ( c == 'Y' && doublecaution ) {
- static FCODE msg[] = {"ARE YOU SURE???? (Y/N)"};
- texttempmsg(msg);
- if ( getakey() != 'Y') c = 'N';
- }
- if ( c == 'Y' ) {
- splitpath(readname,drive,dir,NULL,NULL);
- splitpath(winlist[index].name,NULL,NULL,fname,ext);
- makepath(tmpmask,drive,dir,fname,ext);
- if ( !unlink(tmpmask)) {
- /* do a rescan */
- done = 3;
- break;
- }
- else if( errno == EACCES ) {
- static FCODE msg[] = {"Sorry...it's a read only file, can't del"};
- texttempmsg(msg);
- showtempmsg(winlist[index].name);
- break;
- }
- }
- {
- static FCODE msg[] = {"file not deleted (phew!)"};
- texttempmsg(msg);
- }
- showtempmsg(winlist[index].name);
- break;
- case 'R':
- cleartempmsg();
- stackscreen();
- newname[0] = 0;
- strcpy(mesg,"");
- {
- static FCODE msg[] = {"Enter the new filename for "};
- far_strcat((char far *)mesg,msg);
- }
- splitpath(readname,drive,dir,NULL,NULL);
- splitpath(winlist[index].name,NULL,NULL,fname,ext);
- makepath(tmpmask,drive,dir,fname,ext);
- strcpy(newname,tmpmask);
- strcat(mesg,tmpmask);
- i = field_prompt(0,mesg,NULL,newname,60,NULL);
- unstackscreen();
- if( i != -1)
- if (!rename(tmpmask,newname))
- if (errno == EACCES)
- {
- static FCODE msg[] = {"sorry....can't rename"};
- texttempmsg(msg);
- }
- else {
- splitpath(newname,NULL,NULL,fname,ext);
- makepath(tmpmask,NULL,NULL,fname,ext);
- far_strcpy(winlist[index].name,tmpmask);
- }
- showtempmsg(winlist[index].name);
- break;
- case 2: /* ctrl B */
- cleartempmsg();
- stackscreen();
- done = abs(get_browse_params());
- unstackscreen();
- showtempmsg(winlist[index].name);
- break;
- case 's': /* save image with boxes */
- autobrowse = FALSE;
- drawindow(color_medium,&winlist[index]); /* current window white */
- done = 4;
- break;
- case '\\': /*back out to last image */
- done = 2;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- } /*switch */
- } /*while*/
- /* now clean up memory (and the screen if necessary) */
- cleartempmsg();
- for (index=wincount-1;index>=0;index--){ /* don't need index, reuse it */
- if (done > 1 && done < 4 && (winlist[index].boxcount > 0)) {
- boxcount = winlist[index].boxcount;
- far_memcpy(boxx,winlist[index].savebox,boxcount);
- far_memcpy(boxy,winlist[index].savebox+boxcount,boxcount);
- far_memcpy(boxvalues,winlist[index].savebox+boxcount*2,boxcount);
- boxcount >>= 1;
- clearbox();
- }
- farmemfree(winlist[index].savebox);
- }
- if (done == 3) goto rescan; /* hey everybody I just used the g word! */
- }/*if*/
- else {
- static FCODE msg[] = {"sorry.. I can't find anything"};
- buzzer(1); /*no suitable files in directory! */
- texttempmsg(msg);
- no_sub_images = TRUE;
- }
- return(c);
- }
- static void drawindow(int colour,struct window far *info)
- {
- int cross_size;
- unsigned int temp;
- struct dblcoords tl,bl,tr,br;
- struct coords itl,ibl,itr,ibr;
- tl.x=info->xmin;
- tl.y=info->ymax;
- tr.x=(info->xmax)-(info->x3rd-info->xmin);
- tr.y=(info->ymax)+(info->ymin-info->y3rd);
- bl.x=info->x3rd;
- bl.y=info->y3rd;
- br.x=info->xmax;
- br.y=info->ymin;
- /* tranform maps real plane co-ords onto the current screen view
- see below */
- transform(&tl);itl.x=(int)tl.x;itl.y=(int)tl.y;
- transform(&tr);itr.x=(int)tr.x;itr.y=(int)tr.y;
- transform(&bl);ibl.x=(int)bl.x;ibl.y=(int)bl.y;
- transform(&br);ibr.x=(int)br.x;ibr.y=(int)br.y;
- boxcolor=colour;
- boxcount = 0;
- temp = (unsigned int)sqrt(sqr(br.x - tl.x) + sqr(tl.y - br.y));
- if (temp >= (unsigned int)minbox) {
- /* big enough on screen to show up as a box so draw it */
- /* corner pixels */
- addbox(itl);
- addbox(itr);
- addbox(ibl);
- addbox(ibr);
- drawlines(itl,itr,ibl.x-itl.x,ibl.y-itl.y); /* top & bottom lines */
- drawlines(itl,ibl,itr.x-itl.x,itr.y-itl.y); /* left & right lines */
- dispbox();
- }
- else { /* draw crosshairs */
- cross_size = ydots / 45;
- itr.x = itl.x - cross_size;
- itr.y = itl.y;
- ibl.y = itl.y - cross_size;
- ibl.x = itl.x;
- drawlines(itl,itr,ibl.x-itr.x,0); /* top & bottom lines */
- drawlines(itl,ibl,0,itr.y-ibl.y); /* left & right lines */
- dispbox();
- }
- }
- static void transform(struct dblcoords *point)
- { /* maps points onto view screen*/
- double theta1,theta2,theta3,scalex,scaley,hypot;
- /* sqr() defined in fractint.h */
- scaley=ydots/(sqrt(sqr(xx3rd-xxmin)+sqr(yymax-yy3rd)));
- scalex=xdots/(sqrt(sqr(xxmax-xx3rd)+sqr(yymin-yy3rd)));
- theta1=atan2(point->x-xx3rd,point->y-yy3rd);
- theta2=atan2(xxmax-xx3rd,yymin-yy3rd);
- theta3=theta2-theta1; /* calculate angle of point from corner of screen */
- hypot=sqrt(sqr(point->x-xx3rd)+sqr(point->y-yy3rd));
- point->x=hypot*cos(theta3)*scalex;
- point->y=ydots-(hypot*sin(theta3)*scaley);
- }
- static char is_visible_window( struct fractal_info *info )
- {
- struct dblcoords tl,tr,bl,br;
- int cornercount;
- double toobig;
- toobig = sqrt(sqr((double)sxdots)+sqr((double)sydots)) * 1.5;
- /* arbitrary value... stops browser zooming out too far */
- cornercount=0;
- tl.x=info->xmin;
- tl.y=info->ymax;
- tr.x=(info->xmax)-(info->x3rd-info->xmin);
- tr.y=(info->ymax)+(info->ymin-info->y3rd);
- bl.x=info->x3rd;
- bl.y=info->y3rd;
- br.x=info->xmax;
- br.y=info->ymin;
- transform(&tl);
- transform(&bl); /* transform the corners to screen space */
- transform(&tr);
- transform(&br);
- if (sqrt(sqr(tr.x-bl.x)+sqr(tr.y-bl.y)) < toosmall ) return(FALSE);
- /* reject anything too small onscreen */
- if (sqrt(sqr(tr.x-bl.x)+sqr(tr.y-bl.y)) > toobig ) return(FALSE);
- /* or too big... */
- /* now see how many corners are on the screen, accept if one or more */
- if ( tl.x >=0 && tl.x <= xdots && tl.y >=0 && tl.y <= ydots ) cornercount ++;
- if ( bl.x >=0 && bl.x <= xdots && bl.y >=0 && bl.y <= ydots ) cornercount ++;
- if ( tr.x >=0 && tr.x <= xdots && tr.y >=0 && tr.y <= ydots ) cornercount ++;
- if ( br.x >=0 && br.x <= xdots && br.y >=0 && br.y <= ydots ) cornercount ++;
- if (cornercount >=1 ) return( TRUE );
- else return( FALSE );
- }
- static char paramsOK( struct fractal_info *info )
- {
- double tmpparm3, tmpparm4;
- #define MINDIF 0.001
- if( info->version > 6) {
- tmpparm3 = info->dparm3;
- tmpparm4 = info->dparm4;
- }
- else{
- tmpparm3 = info->parm3;
- roundfloatd(&tmpparm3);
- tmpparm4 = info->parm4;
- roundfloatd(&tmpparm4);
- }
- if( fabs(info->creal - param[0]) < MINDIF &&
- fabs(info->cimag - param[1]) < MINDIF &&
- fabs(tmpparm3 - param[2]) < MINDIF &&
- fabs(tmpparm4 - param[3]) < MINDIF &&
- info->invert[0] - inversion[0] < MINDIF)
- return(1); /* parameters are in range */
- else
- return(0);
- }
- static char functionOK( struct fractal_info *info, int numfn)
- {
- int i, mzmatch;
- mzmatch = 0;
- for(i=0; i<numfn; i++){
- if( info->trigndx[i] != trigndx[i] )
- mzmatch++;
- }
- if(mzmatch > 0)
- return(0);
- else
- return(1); /* they all match */
- }
- static char typeOK( struct fractal_info *info, struct ext_blk_3 *blk_3_info )
- {
- int numfn;
- if( (fractype == FORMULA || fractype == FFORMULA) &&
- (info->fractal_type == FORMULA || info->fractal_type == FFORMULA) )
- {
- if( !stricmp(blk_3_info->form_name,FormName) )
- {
- numfn = maxfn;
- if (numfn>0)
- return(functionOK(info, numfn));
- else
- return(1); /* match up formula names with no functions */
- }
- else
- return(0); /* two formulas but names don't match */
- }
- else if(info->fractal_type == fractype ||
- info->fractal_type == curfractalspecific->tofloat)
- {
- numfn = (curfractalspecific->flags >> 6) & 7;
- if (numfn>0)
- return(functionOK(info, numfn));
- else
- return(1); /* match types with no functions */
- }
- else
- return(0); /* no match */
- }