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- TITLE Hercules Graphics Routines for FRACTINT
- ; required for compatibility if Turbo ASM
- IFDEF ??version
- MASM51
- .MODEL medium,c
- .8086
- .data
- HGCBase equ 0B000h ;segment for HGC regen buffer page 0
- herc_index equ 03B4h
- herc_cntrl equ 03B8h
- herc_status equ 03BAh
- herc_config equ 03BFh
- ; Hercules control/configuration register settings
- scrn_on equ 08h
- grph equ 02h
- text equ 20h
- enable equ 03h
- .code
- ;
- ;
- ; inithgc - Initialize the HGC in graphics mode.
- ; Code mostly from the Hercules Graphics Card Owner's Manual.
- ;
- inithgc PROC USES DI SI
- mov al,enable ; enable mode changes
- mov dx,herc_config ; same as HGC FULL command
- out dx,al
- mov al,grph ; set graphic mode
- lea si,gtable ; address of graphic parameters
- mov bx,0
- mov cx,4000h
- call setmd ; call set mode common processing
- ret
- inithgc ENDP
- ;
- ; termhgc - Restore the Hercules Graphics Card to text mode.
- ; Code mostly from the Hercules Graphics Card Owner's Manual.
- ;
- termhgc PROC USES DI SI
- mov al,text ; set text mode
- lea si,ttable ; get address of text parameters
- mov bx,720h
- mov cx,2000
- call setmd
- ret
- termhgc ENDP
- ;
- ; setmd - sets mode to graphic or text depending on al
- ; si = address of parameter table
- ; cx = number of words to be cleared
- ; bx = blank value
- ;
- ; from Hercules Graphics Card Owner's Manual
- ;
- setmd PROC NEAR
- ;
- push bp
- mov bp,sp
- push ax
- push bx
- push cx
- ; change mode, but without screen on
- mov dx,herc_cntrl ; get address of control register
- out dx,al ; al has the mode byte
- ; initialize the 6845
- mov ax,ds
- mov es,ax ; also point es:si to parameter table
- mov dx,herc_index ; get index register address
- mov cx,12 ; 12 parameters to be output
- xor ah,ah ; starting from register 0
- parms: mov al,ah ; first output register number
- out dx,al
- inc dx ; get data register address
- lodsb ; get next byte from param. table
- out dx,al ; output parameter data
- inc ah ; increment register number
- dec dx ; restore index register address
- loop parms ; go do another one
- ; now go clear the buffer
- pop cx ; get number of words to clear
- mov ax,HGCBase ; get address off video buffer
- cld ; set auto increment
- mov es,ax ; set segment for string move
- xor di,di ; start at offset 0
- pop ax ; get blank value
- rep stosw ; repeat store string
- ; turn screen on with page 0 active
- mov dx,herc_cntrl ; get control register address
- pop ax ; get the mode byte
- add al,scrn_on ; set the screen-on bit
- out dx,al
- mov sp,bp
- pop bp
- ret
- setmd ENDP
- ;
- ; writehgc (x, y, c) - write a dot at x, y in color color
- ; x = x coordinate
- ; y = y coordinate
- ; color = color
- ;
- writehgc PROC USES DI SI, x, y, color
- cmp y,348 ; Clip for hardware boundaries
- jge WtDot030
- cmp x,720
- jge WtDot030
- lea bx,HGCRegen ;set up offset of regen scan line table
- mov ax,HGCBase ;segment for regen buffer
- mov es,ax
- ; calculate byte address of dot in regen buffer
- mov si,y ;get y coordinate
- shl si,1 ;mult by 2 to get offset in Scan Line Table
- mov si,[bx][si] ;get address of start of scan line from table
- mov ax,x ;get x coordinate
- mov cl,3
- shr ax,cl ;divide by 8 to get byte offset
- add si,ax ;es:si has address of byte with the bit
- ; build the bit mask for the specific dot in the byte
- mov cx,x ;get x coordinate
- and cx,0007h ;get bit number within the byte
- mov al,80h ;prepare bit mask
- shr al,cl ;al has bit mask
- ; either turn on the bit or turn it off, depending on the color
- cmp word ptr color,0 ;turn off bit?
- je WtDot020 ;yes -- branch
- ; turn on the bit
- or byte ptr es:[si],al
- jmp short WtDot030
- WtDot020:
- ; turn off the bit
- xor al,0FFh
- and byte ptr es:[si],al
- WtDot030:
- ret
- writehgc ENDP
- ;
- ; readhgc (x,y) - read a dot at x,y
- ; x = x coordinate
- ; y = y coordinate
- ;
- ; dot value is to be returned in AX
- ;
- readhgc PROC USES DI SI, x,y
- lea bx,HGCRegen ;set up offset of regen scan line table
- mov ax,HGCBase ;segment for regen buffer
- mov es,ax
- ; calculate byte address of dot in regen buffer
- mov si,y ;get y coordinate
- shl si,1 ;mult by 2 to get offset in Scan Line Table
- mov si,[bx][si] ;get address of start of scan line from table
- mov ax,x ;get x coordinate
- mov cl,3
- shr ax,cl ;divide by 8 to get byte offset
- add si,ax ;es:si has address of byte with the bit
- ; build the bit mask for the specific dot in the byte
- mov cx,x ;get x coordinate
- and cx,0007h ;get bit number within the byte
- mov al,80h ;prepare bit mask
- shr al,cl ;al has bit mask
- ; pick up the bit from the regen buffer
- test byte ptr es:[si],al
- jz readhgc020 ;branch if bit is zero
- mov ax,1 ;else return foreground bit value
- jmp short readhgc030
- readhgc020:
- xor ax,ax ;bit is zero
- readhgc030:
- ret
- readhgc ENDP
- .data
- gtable db 35h,2dh,2eh,07h
- db 5bh,02h,57h,57h
- db 02h,03h,00h,00h
- ttable db 61h,50h,52h,0fh
- db 19h,06h,19h,19h
- db 02h,0dh,0bh,0ch
- ;offsets into HGC regen buffer for each scan line
- HGCRegen dw 0,8192,16384,24576,90,8282,16474,24666
- dw 180,8372,16564,24756,270,8462,16654,24846
- dw 360,8552,16744,24936,450,8642,16834,25026
- dw 540,8732,16924,25116,630,8822,17014,25206
- dw 720,8912,17104,25296,810,9002,17194,25386
- dw 900,9092,17284,25476,990,9182,17374,25566
- dw 1080,9272,17464,25656,1170,9362,17554,25746
- dw 1260,9452,17644,25836,1350,9542,17734,25926
- dw 1440,9632,17824,26016,1530,9722,17914,26106
- dw 1620,9812,18004,26196,1710,9902,18094,26286
- dw 1800,9992,18184,26376,1890,10082,18274,26466
- dw 1980,10172,18364,26556,2070,10262,18454,26646
- dw 2160,10352,18544,26736,2250,10442,18634,26826
- dw 2340,10532,18724,26916,2430,10622,18814,27006
- dw 2520,10712,18904,27096,2610,10802,18994,27186
- dw 2700,10892,19084,27276,2790,10982,19174,27366
- dw 2880,11072,19264,27456,2970,11162,19354,27546
- dw 3060,11252,19444,27636,3150,11342,19534,27726
- dw 3240,11432,19624,27816,3330,11522,19714,27906
- dw 3420,11612,19804,27996,3510,11702,19894,28086
- dw 3600,11792,19984,28176,3690,11882,20074,28266
- dw 3780,11972,20164,28356,3870,12062,20254,28446
- dw 3960,12152,20344,28536,4050,12242,20434,28626
- dw 4140,12332,20524,28716,4230,12422,20614,28806
- dw 4320,12512,20704,28896,4410,12602,20794,28986
- dw 4500,12692,20884,29076,4590,12782,20974,29166
- dw 4680,12872,21064,29256,4770,12962,21154,29346
- dw 4860,13052,21244,29436,4950,13142,21334,29526
- dw 5040,13232,21424,29616,5130,13322,21514,29706
- dw 5220,13412,21604,29796,5310,13502,21694,29886
- dw 5400,13592,21784,29976,5490,13682,21874,30066
- dw 5580,13772,21964,30156,5670,13862,22054,30246
- dw 5760,13952,22144,30336,5850,14042,22234,30426
- dw 5940,14132,22324,30516,6030,14222,22414,30606
- dw 6120,14312,22504,30696,6210,14402,22594,30786
- dw 6300,14492,22684,30876,6390,14582,22774,30966
- dw 6480,14672,22864,31056,6570,14762,22954,31146
- dw 6660,14852,23044,31236,6750,14942,23134,31326
- dw 6840,15032,23224,31416,6930,15122,23314,31506
- dw 7020,15212,23404,31596,7110,15302,23494,31686
- dw 7200,15392,23584,31776,7290,15482,23674,31866
- dw 7380,15572,23764,31956,7470,15662,23854,32046
- dw 7560,15752,23944,32136,7650,15842,24034,32226
- dw 7740,15932,24124,32316