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Text File | 1995-04-08 | 86.9 KB | 1,871 lines |
- ~Topic=Startup Parameters\, Parameter Files
- ; This topic is online only.
- ~Format-
- { Summary of all Parameters }
- { Introduction to Parameters }
- { Using the DOS Command Line }
- { Setting Defaults (SSTOOLS.INI File) }
- { Parameter Files and the <@> Command }
- { General Parameter Syntax }
- { Startup Parameters }
- { Calculation Mode Parameters }
- { Fractal Type Parameters }
- { Image Calculation Parameters }
- { Color Parameters }
- { Doodad Parameters }
- { File Parameters }
- { Sound Parameters }
- { Video Parameters }
- { Printer Parameters }
- { 3D Parameters }
- ;
- ;
- ~Topic=Summary of all Parameters, Label=HELPCOMMANDS
- ; This topic is online only.
- ~Format-
- {Startup Parameters}
- @filename[/setname] Process commands from a file
- [filename=]filename Start with this saved file (one saved by FRACTINT
- or a generic GIF file [treated as a plasma cloud])
- batch=yes Batch mode run (display image, save-to-disk, exit)
- autokey=play|record Playback or record keystrokes
- autokeyname=filename File for autokey mode, default AUTO.KEY
- fpu=387|iit|noiit Assume 387 or IIT fpu is present or absent
- makedoc=filename Create Fractint documentation file
- maxhistory=<nnn> Set image capacity of history feature. A higher
- number stores more images but uses more memory.
- tempdir=directory Place temporary files here
- workdir=directory Directory for miscellaneous written files
- curdir=yes|no When set to yes, Fractint checks current directory
- before default directory when opening files. Use
- this command when testing temporary .FRM, .L, etc.
- files in the current directory.
- ~FF
- {Calculation Mode Parameters}
- passes=1|2|3|g|b|t Select Single-Pass, Dual-Pass, Triple-Pass
- Solid-Guessing, Boundary-Tracing, or the
- Tesseral drawing algorithms
- fillcolor=normal|<nnn> Sets a block fill color for use with Boundary
- Tracing and Tesseral options
- float=yes For most functions changes from integer math to fp
- symmetry=xxxx Force symmetry to None, Xaxis, Yaxis, XYaxis,
- Origin, or Pi symmetry. Useful as a speedup. Only
- use this feature if the fractal actually *has* the
- stated symmetry, otherwise may not work as expected.
- bfdigits=<nnn> Force nnn digits if arbitrary precision used (not
- recommended - this is a developer feature.)
- ~FF
- {Fractal Type Parameters}
- type=fractaltype Perform this Fractal Type (Default = mandel)
- See {Fractal Types} for a full list
- params=xxx[/xxx[/... Begin with these extra Parameter values
- (Examples: params=4 params=-0.480/0.626)
- function=fn1/.../fn4 Allows specification of transcendental functions
- with types using variable functions. Values are
- sin, cos, tan, cotan, sinh, cosh, tanh, cotanh,
- exp, log, sqr, recip (1/z), ident (identity),
- conj, flip, zero, cosxx (cos with bug), asin,
- asinh, acos, acosh, atan, atanh, sqrt, abs, cabs
- formulaname=name Formula name for 'type=formula' fractals
- lname=name Lsystem name for 'type=lsystem' fractals
- ifs=name IFS name for 'type=ifs' fractals
- 3dmode=monocular|left|right|red-blue Sets the 3D mode used with Julibrot
- julibrot3d=nn[/nn[/nn[/nn[/nn[/nn]]]]]") Sets Julibrot 3D parameters zdots,
- origin, depth, height, width, and distance
- julibroteyes=nn Distance between the virtual eyes for Julibrot
- julibrotfromto=nn/nn[/nn/nn] "From-to" parameters used for Julibrot
- miim=[depth|breadth|walk]/[left|right]/[xxx/yyy[/zzz]] Params for MIIM
- julias. xxx/yyy = julia constant, zzz = max hits.
- Eg. miim=depth/left/-.74543/.11301/3
- ~FF
- {Image Calculation Parameters}
- corners=[xmin/xmax/ymin/ymax[/x3rd/y3rd]]
- Begin with these Coordinates
- (Example: corners=-0.739/-0.736/0.288/0.291)
- With no parameters causes <B> command to output
- 'corners=' (default) instead of center-mag.
- center-mag=[Xctr/Yctr/Mag[/Xmagfactor/Rotation/Skew]]
- An alternative method of entering corners.
- (Example: corners=-0.7375/0.2895/300)
- With no parameters causes <B> command to output
- 'center-mag=' instead of corners.
- maxiter=nnn Maximum number of iterations (default = 150)
- bailout=nnnn Use this as the iteration bailout value (instead
- of the default (4.0 for most fractal types)
- bailoutest=mod|real|imag|or|and Sets the test for bailing out (default=mod)
- initorbit=nnn/nnn Sets the value used to initialize Mandelbrot orbits
- to the given complex number (real and imag parts)
- orbitdelay=nn Slows up the display of orbits (by nn/10000 sec)
- showorbit=yes|no Causes during-generation <o> toggle start on.
- initorbit=pixel Sets the value used to initialize Mandelbrot orbits
- to the complex number corresponding to the screen
- pixel. This is the default for most types.
- periodicity=[no|show|nnn] Controls periodicity checking. 'no' turns checking
- off; entering a number nnn controls the tightness
- of checking (default 1, higher is more stringent)
- 'show' or a neg value colors 'caught' points white.
- rseed=nnnnn Random number seed, for reproducable Plasma Clouds
- showdot=nn Colors the current dot being calculated color nn.
- aspectdrift=nn How much the aspect ratio can vary from normal due
- to zooming and still be assumed to be the normal
- aspect. (default is 0.01)
- {Color Parameters}
- inside=nnn|maxiter|zmag|bof60|bof61|epscr|star|per
- Fractal interior color (inside=0 for black)
- outside=nnn|iter|real|imag|mult|summ|atan Fractal exterior color options
- map=filename Use 'filename' as the default color map (vga/targa)
- colors=@filename|colorspec Sets current image color map from file or spec,
- vga or higher only
- cyclerange=nnn/nnn Range of colors to cycle (default 1/255)
- cyclelimit=nnn Color-cycler speed-limit (1 to 256, default = 55)
- olddemmcolors=yes|no Use old coloring scheme with distance estimator
- textcolors=aa/bb/cc/... Set text screen colors
- textcolors=mono Set text screen colors to simple black and white
- ~FF
- {Doodad Parameters}
- logmap=yes|old|nn Yes maps logarithm of iteration to color. Old uses
- pre vsn 14 logic. >1 compresses, <-1 for quadratic.
- ranges=nn/nn/nn/... Ranges of iteration values to map to colors
- distest=nnn/nnn Distance Estimator Method
- decomp=nn 'Decomposition' toggle, value 2 to 256.
- biomorph=nnn Biomorph Coloring
- potential=nn[/nn[/nn[/16bit]]] Continuous Potential
- invert=nn/nn/nn Turns on inversion - turns images 'inside out'
- finattract=yes Look for finite attractor in julia types
- exitnoask=yes bypasses the final "are you sure?" exit screen
- ~FF
- {Sound Parameters}
- sound=off|x|y|z Nobody ever plays with fractals at work, do they?
- x|y|z can be used to add sound to attractor
- fractals, the orbits command, and reading GIFs.
- hertz=nnn Base frequency for attractor sound effects
- {File Parameters}
- savename=filename Save files using this name (instead of FRACT001)
- overwrite=no|yes Don't over-write existing files
- savetime=nnn Autosave image every nnn minutes of calculation
- gif87a=yes Save GIF files in the older GIF87a format (with
- no FRACTINT extension blocks)
- dither=yes Dither color GIFs read into a b/w display.
- parmfile=filename File for <@> and <b> commands, default FRACTINT.PAR
- formulafile=filename File for type=formula, default FRACTINT.FRM
- lfile=filename File for type=lsystem, default FRACTINT.L
- ifsfile=filename File for type=ifs, default FRACTINT.IFS
- orbitsave=yes Causes IFS and orbit fractals orbit points to be
- saved in the file ORBITS.RAW
- ~FF
- {Video Parameters}
- video=xxx Begin with this video mode (Example: Video=F2)
- askvideo=no Skip the prompt for video mode when restoring files
- adapter=hgc|cga|ega|egamono|mcga|vga
- Assume this (standard) video adapter is present
- adapter=ATI|Everex|Trident|NCR|Video7|Genoa|Paradise|Chipstech|
- Tseng3000|Tseng4000|AheadA|AheadB|Oaktech
- Assume the named SuperVGA Chip set is present and
- enable its non-standard SuperVGA modes.
- afi=yes Disables the register-compatible 8514/A logic
- and forces the use of the 8514/A API (HDILOAD)
- textsafe=yes|no|bios|save For use when images are not restored correctly on
- return from a text display
- exitmode=nn Sets the bios-supported videomode to use upon exit
- (if not mode 3) - nn is the mode in hexadecimal
- viewwindows=xx[/xx[/yes|no[/nn[/nn]]]]
- Set the reduction factor, final media aspect ratio,
- crop starting coordinates (y/n), explicit x size,
- and explicit y size
- ~FF
- {Printer Parameters}
- printer=type[/res[/lpt#[/-1]]] Set the printer type, dots/inch, and port#
- types: IBM, EPSON, CO (Star Micronix),
- HP (LaserJet), PA (Paintjet),
- PS (PostScript portrait), PSL (landscape)
- port# 1-3 LPTn, 11-14 COMn, 21-22 direct parallel,
- 31-32 direct serial
- linefeed=crlf|lf|cr Control characters to emit at end of each line
- title=yes Print a title with the output
- printfile=filename Print to specified file
- epsf=1|2|3|... Forces print to file; default filename fract001.eps,
- forces PostScript mode
- translate=yes|nnn PostScript only; yes prints negative image;
- >0 reduces image colors; <0 color reduce+negative
- halftone=frq/angl/styl PostScript: defines halftone screen
- halftone=r/g/b PaintJet: contrast adjustment
- comport=port/baud/opts COM port initialization. Port=1,2,3,etc.
- baud=115,150,300,600,1200,2400,4800,9600
- options 7,8 | 1,2 | e,n,o (any order)
- Example: comport=1/9600/n71
- colorps=yes|no Enable or Disable the color postscript extensions
- rleps=yes|no Enable or Disable the postscript rle encoding
- ~FF
- {3D Parameters}
- 3d=yes|overlay Resets 3D to defaults, starts 3D mode. If overlay
- specified, does not clear existing graphics screen
- preview=yes Turns on 3D 'preview' default mode
- showbox=yes Turns on 3D 'showbox' default mode
- sphere=yes Turns on 3D sphere mode
- coarse=nnn Sets Preview 'coarseness' default value
- stereo=nnn Sets Stereo (R/B 3D) option: 0 = none,
- 1 = alternate, 2 = superimpose, 3 = photo
- ray=nnn selects raytrace output file format
- brief=yes selects brief or verbose file for DKB output
- usegrayscale=yes use grayscale as depth instead of color number
- interocular=nnn Sets 3D Interocular distance default value
- converge=nnn Sets 3D Convergence default value
- crop=nnn/nnn/nnn/nnn Sets 3D red-left, red-right, blue-left,
- and blue-right cropping default valuess
- bright=nnn/nnn Sets 3D red and blue brightness defaults,
- longitude=nn/nn Longitude minumim and maximum
- latitude=nn/nn Latitude minimum and maximum
- radius=nn Radius scale factor
- rotation=nn[/nn[/nn]] Rotation abount x,y, and z axes
- scalexyz=nn/nn/nn X, Y, and Z scale factors
- roughness=nn Same as Z scale factor
- waterline=nn Colors this number and below will be 'inside' color
- filltype=nn 3D filltype
- perspective=nn Perspective viewer distance (100 is at the edge)
- xyshift=nn/nn Shift image in x & y directions (alters viewpoint)
- lightsource=nn/nn/nn The coordinates of the light source vector
- smoothing=nn Smooths rough images in light source mode
- transparent=mm/nn Sets colors 'mm' to 'nn as transparent
- xyadjust=nnn/nnn Sets 3D X and Y adjustment defaults,
- randomize=nnn smoothes 3d color transitions between elevations
- fullcolor=yes allows creation of full color .TGA image with
- light source fill types
- ambient=nnn sets depth of shadows and contrast when using
- light source fill types
- haze=nnn sets haze for distant objects if fullcolor=1
- lightname=filename fullcolor output file name, default FRACT001.TGA
- monitorwidth=nnn monitor width in inches (for RDS only so far)
- ;
- ;
- ~Topic=Introduction to Parameters
- Fractint accepts command-line parameters that allow you to start it with a
- particular video mode, fractal type, starting coordinates, and just about
- every other parameter and option.
- These parameters can also be specified in a SSTOOLS.INI file, to set them
- every time you run Fractint.
- They can also be specified as named groups in a .PAR (parameter) file
- which you can then call up while running Fractint by using the <@>
- command.
- In all three cases (DOS command line, SSTOOLS.INI, and parameter file) the
- parameters use the same syntax, usually a series of keyword=value commands
- like SOUND=OFF. Each parameter is described in detail in subsequent
- sections.
- ;
- ;
- ~Topic=Using the DOS Command Line
- You can specify parameters when you start Fractint from DOS by using a
- command like:
- The individual parameters are separated by one or more spaces (an
- parameter itself may not include spaces). Upper or lower case may be
- used, and parameters can be in any order.
- Since DOS commands are limited to 128 characters, Fractint has a special
- command you can use when you have a lot of startup parameters (or have a
- set of parameters you use frequently):
- When @filename is specified on the command line, Fractint reads parameters
- from the specified file as if they were keyed on the command line. You
- can create the file with a text editor, putting one "keyword=value"
- parameter on each line.
- ;
- ;
- ~Topic=Setting Defaults (SSTOOLS.INI File)
- Every time Fractint runs, it searches the current directory, and then the
- directories in your DOS PATH, for a file named SSTOOLS.INI. If it finds
- this file, it begins by reading parameters from it. This file is useful
- for setting parameters you always want, such as those defining your
- printer setup.
- SSTOOLS.INI is divided into sections belonging to particular programs.
- Each section begins with a label in brackets. Fractint looks for the label
- [fractint], and ignores any lines it finds in the file belonging to any
- other label. If an SSTOOLS.INI file looks like this:
- [fractint]\
- sound=off ; (for home use only)\
- printer=hp ; my printer is a LaserJet\
- inside=0 ; using "traditional" black\
- [startrek]\
- warp=9.5 ; Captain, I dinna think the engines can take it!\
- Fractint will use only the second, third, and fourth lines of the file.
- (Why use a convention like that when Fractint is the only program you know
- of that uses an SSTOOLS.INI file? Because there are other programs (such
- as Lee Crocker's PICLAB) that now use the same file, and there may one day
- be other, sister programs to Fractint using that file.)
- ;
- ;
- ~Topic=Parameter Files and the <@> Command
- You can change parameters on-the-fly while running Fractint by using the
- <@> or <2> command and a parameter file. Parameter files contain named
- groups of parameters, looking something like this:
- quickdraw \{ ; a set of parameters named quickdraw\
- maxiter=150\
- float=no\
- }\
- slowdraw \{ ; another set of parameters\
- maxiter=2000\
- float=yes\
- }\
- If you use the <@> or <2> command and select a parameter file containing the
- above example, Fractint will show two choices: quickdraw and slowdraw. You
- move the cursor to highlight one of the choices and press <Enter> to set
- the parameters specified in the file by that choice.
- The default parameter file name is FRACTINT.PAR. A different file can be
- selected with the "parmfile=" option, or by using <@> or <2> and then hitting
- <F6>.
- You can create parameter files with a text editor, or for some uses, by
- using the <B> command. Parameter files can be used in a number of ways,
- some examples:
- o To save the parameters for a favorite image. Fractint can do this for
- you with the <B> command.
- o To save favorite sets of 3D transformation parameters. Fractint can do
- this for you with the <B> command.
- o To set up different sets of parameters you use occasionally. For
- instance, if you have two printers, you might want to set up a group
- of parameters describing each.
- o To save image parameters for later use in batch mode - see
- {Batch Mode}.
- See {"Parameter Save/Restore Commands"} for details about the <@> and
- <B> commands.
- ;
- ;
- ~Topic=General Parameter Syntax
- Parameters must be separated by one or more spaces.
- Upper and lower case can be used in keywords and values.
- Anything on a line following a ; (semi-colon) is ignored, i.e. is a
- comment.
- In parameter files and SSTOOLS.INI:\
- o Individual parameters can be entered on separate lines.\
- o Long values can be split onto multiple lines by ending a line with a \\
- (backslash) - leading spaces on the following line are ignored, the
- information on the next line from the first non-blank character onward
- is appended to the prior line.
- Some terminology:\
- KEYWORD=nnn enter a number in place of "nnn"\
- KEYWORD=[filename] you supply filename\
- KEYWORD=yes|no|whatever choose one of "yes", "no", or "whatever"\
- KEYWORD=1st[/2nd[/3rd]] the slash-separated parameters "2nd" and
- "3rd" are optional
- ;
- ;
- ~Topic=Startup Parameters
- Causes Fractint to read "filename" for parameters. When it finishes, it
- resumes reading its own command line -- i.e., "FRACTINT MAXITER=250
- @MYFILE PASSES=1" is legal. This option is only valid on the DOS command
- line, as Fractint is not clever enough to deal with multiple indirection.
- Like @FILENAME, but reads a named group of parameters from a parameter
- file. See {"Parameter Files and the <@> Command"}.
- TEMPDIR=[directory]\
- This command allows to specify the directory where Fractint writes temporary
- files.
- WORKDIR=[directory]\
- This command sets the directory where miscellaneous Fractint files get
- written, including MAKEBIG.BAT and debugging files.
- FILENAME=[name]\
- Causes Fractint to read the named file, which must either have been saved
- from an earlier Fractint session or be a generic GIF file, and use that as
- the starting point, bypassing the initial information screens. The
- filetype is optional and defaults to .GIF. Non-Fractint GIF files are
- restored as fractal type "plasma".\
- On the DOS command line you may omit FILENAME= and just give the file name.
- CURDIR=yes\
- Fractint uses directories set by various commands, possibly in the
- SSTOOLS.INI file. Uf you want to try out some files in the current directory,
- such as a modified copy of FRACTINT.FRM, you won't Fractint to read the copy
- in your official FRM directory. Setting curdir=yes at the command line will
- cause Fractint to look in the current directory for requested files first
- before looking in the default directory set by the other commands. Warning:
- <tab> screen may not reflect actual file opened in cases where the file was
- opened in the DOS current directory.
- BATCH=yes\
- See {Batch Mode}.
- AUTOKEY=play|record\
- Specifying "play" runs Fractint in playback mode - keystrokes are read
- from the autokey file (see next parameter) and interpreted as if they're
- being entered from the keyboard.\
- Specifying "record" runs in recording mode - all keystrokes are recorded
- in the autokey file.\
- See also {Autokey Mode}.
- AUTOKEYNAME=[filename]\
- Specifies the file name to be used in autokey mode. The default file name
- is AUTO.KEY.
- This parameter is useful if you have an unusual coprocessor chip. If you
- have a 80287 replacement chip with full 80387 functionality use "FPU=387"
- to inform Fractint to take advantage of those extra 387 instructions.
- If you have the IIT fpu, but don't have IIT's 'f4x4int.com' TSR loaded,
- use "FPU=IIT" to force Fractint to use that chip's matrix multiplication
- routine automatically to speed up 3-D transformations (if you have an IIT
- fpu and have that TSR loaded, Fractint will auto-detect the presence of
- the fpu and TSR and use its extra capabilities automatically).
- Since all IIT chips support 80387 instructions, enabling the IIT code also
- enables Fractint's use of all 387 instructions.
- Setting "FPU=NOIIT" disables Fractint's IIT Auto-detect capability.
- Warning: multi-tasking operating systems such as Windows and DesQView
- don't automatically save the IIT chip extra registers, so running two
- programs at once that both use the IIT's matrix multiply feature but
- don't use the handshaking provided by that 'f4x4int.com' program,
- errors will result.
- MAKEDOC[=filename]\
- Create Fractint documentation file (for printing or viewing with a text
- editor) and then return to DOS. Filename defaults to FRACTINT.DOC.
- There's also a function in Fractint's online help which can be used to
- produce the documentation file -
- ~Doc-
- see {Printing Fractint Documentation}.
- ~Doc+,Online-
- use "Printing Fractint Documentation" from the main help index.
- ~Online+
- Fractint maintains a list of parameters of the past 10 images that you
- generated in the current Fractint session. You can revisit these images
- using the <h> and <Ctrl-h> commands. The maxhistory command allows you
- to set the number of image parameter sets stored in memory. The tradeoff
- is between the convenience of storing more images and memory use. Each
- image in the circular history buffer takes up over 1200 bytes, so the
- default value of ten images uses up 12,000 bytes of memory. If your memory
- is very tight, and some memory-intensive Fractint operations are giving
- "out of memory" messages, you can reduce maxistory to 2 or even zero. Keep
- in mind that every time you color cycle or change from integer to float or
- back, another image parameter set is saved, so the default ten images are
- used up quickly.
- ;
- ;
- ~Topic=Calculation Mode Parameters
- PASSES=1|2|3|guess|btm|tesseral\
- Selects single-pass, dual-pass, triple-pass, solid-Guessing mode, Boundary
- Tracing, or the Tesseral algorithm. See {Drawing Method}.
- FILLCOLOR=normal|<nnn>\
- Sets a color to be used for block fill by Boundary Tracing and Tesseral
- algorithms. See {Drawing Method}.
- FLOAT=yes\
- Most fractal types have both a fast integer math and a floating point
- version. The faster, but possibly less accurate, integer version is the
- default. If you have a new 80486 or other fast machine with a math
- coprocessor, or if you are using the continuous potential option (which
- looks best with high bailout values not possible with our integer math
- implementation), you may prefer to use floating point. Just add
- "float=yes" to the command line to do so.
- Also see {"Limitations of Integer Math (And How We Cope)"}.
- Forces symmetry to None, Xaxis, Yaxis, XYaxis, Origin, or Pi symmetry.
- Useful as a speedup for symmetrical fractals. This is not a kaleidoscope
- feature for imposing symmetry where it doesn't exist. Use only when the
- fractal actual exhibits the symmetry, or else results may not be
- satisfactory.
- ;
- ;
- ~Topic=Fractal Type Parameters
- TYPE=[name]\
- Selects the fractal type to calculate. The default is type "mandel".
- PARAMS=n/n/n/n...\
- Set optional (required, for some fractal types) values used in the
- calculations. These numbers typically represent the real and imaginary
- portions of some startup value, and are described in detail as needed in
- {Fractal Types}.\
- (Example: FRACTINT TYPE=julia PARAMS=-0.48/0.626 would wait at the opening
- screen for you to select a video mode, but then proceed straight to the
- Julia set for the stated x (real) and y (imaginary) coordinates.)
- FUNCTION=[fn1[/fn2[/fn3[/fn4]]]]\
- Allows setting variable functions found in some fractal type formulae.
- Possible values are sin, cos, tan, cotan, sinh, cosh, tanh, cotanh, exp,
- log, sqr, recip (i.e. 1/z), ident (i.e. identity), cosxx (cos with a pre
- version 16 bug), asin, asinh, acos, acosh, atan, atanh, sqrt,\
- abs (abs(x)+i*abs(y)), cabs (sqrt(x*x + y*y)).
- FORMULANAME=[formulaname]\
- Specifies the default formula name for type=formula fractals. (I.e. the
- name of a formula defined in the FORMULAFILE.) Required if you want to
- generate one of these fractal types in batch mode, as this is the only way
- to specify a formula name in that case.
- LNAME=[lsystemname]\
- Specifies the default L-System name. (I.e. the name of an entry in the
- LFILE.) Required if you want to generate one of these fractal types in
- batch mode, as this is the only way to specify an L-System name in that
- case.
- IFS=[ifsname]\
- Specifies the default IFS name. (I.e. the name of an entry in the
- IFSFILE.) Required if you want to generate one of these fractal types in
- batch mode, as this is the only way to specify an IFS name in that case.
- ;
- ;
- ~Topic=Image Calculation Parameters
- MAXITER=nnn\
- Reset the iteration maximum (the number of iterations at which the program
- gives up and says 'OK, this point seems to be part of the set in question
- and should be colored [insidecolor]') from the default 150. Values range
- from 2 to 2,147,483,647 (super-high iteration limits like 200000000 are useful
- when using logarithmic palettes). See {The Mandelbrot Set} for a description
- of the iteration method of calculating fractals.\
- "maxiter=" can also be used to adjust the number of orbits plotted for
- 3D "attractor" fractal types such as lorenz3d and kamtorus.
- CORNERS=[xmin/xmax/ymin/ymax[/x3rd/y3rd]]\
- Example: corners=-0.739/-0.736/0.288/0.291\
- Begin with these coordinates as the range of x and y coordinates, rather
- than the default values of (for type=mandel) -2.0/2.0/-1.5/1.5. When you
- specify four values (the usual case), this defines a rectangle: x-
- coordinates are mapped to the screen, left to right, from xmin to xmax, y-
- coordinates are mapped to the screen, bottom to top, from ymin to ymax.
- Six parameters can be used to describe any rotated or stretched
- parallelogram: (xmin,ymax) are the coordinates used for the top-left
- corner of the screen, (xmax,ymin) for the bottom-right corner, and
- (x3rd,y3rd) for the bottom-left.
- Entering just "CORNERS=" tells Fractint to use this form
- (the default mode) rather than CENTER-MAG (see below) when saving
- parameters with the <B> command.
- CENTER-MAG=[Xctr/Yctr/Mag[/Xmagfactor/Rotation/Skew]]\
- This is an alternative way to enter corners as a center point and a
- magnification that is popular with some fractal programs and publications.
- Entering just "CENTER-MAG=" tells Fractint to use this form rather
- than CORNERS (see above) when saving parameters with the <B> command.
- The <TAB> status
- display shows the "corners" in both forms. When you specify three values
- (the usual case), this defines a rectangle: (Xctr, Yctr) specifies the
- coordinates of the center of the image while Mag indicates the amount of
- magnification to use. Six parameters can be used to describe any rotated
- or stretched parallelogram: Xmagfactor tells how many times bigger the
- x-magnification is than the y-magnification, Rotation indicates how many
- degrees the image has been turned, and Skew tells how many degrees the
- image is leaning over. Positive angles will rotate and skew the image
- counter-clockwise.
- BAILOUT=nnn\
- Over-rides the default bailout criterion for escape-time fractals. Can
- also be set from the parameters screen after selecting a fractal type.
- See description of bailout in {The Mandelbrot Set}.
- BAILOUTEST=mod|real|imag|or|and\
- Specifies the {Bailout Test} used to determine when the fractal calculation
- has exceeded the bailout value. The default is mod and not all fractal types
- can utilize the additional tests.
- Causes Fractint to reset all calculation related parameters to their
- default values. Non-calculation parameters such as "printer=", "sound=",
- and "savename=" are not affected. RESET should be specified at the start
- of each parameter file entry (used with the <@> command) which defines an
- image, so that the entry need not describe every possible parameter - when
- invoked, all parameters not specifically set by the entry will have
- predictable values (the defaults).
- INITORBIT=pixel\
- INITORBIT=nnn/nnn\
- Allows control over the value used to begin each Mandelbrot-type orbit.
- "initorbit=pixel" is the default for most types; this command initializes
- the orbit to the complex number corresponding to the screen pixel. The
- command "initorbit=nnn/nnn" uses the entered value as the initializer. See
- the discussion of the {Mandellambda Sets} for more on this topic.
- Slows up the display of orbits using the <o> command
- for folks with hot new computers. Units are in 1/10000 seconds per
- orbit point. ORBITDELAY=10 therefore allows you to see each pixel's
- orbit point for about one millisecond. For best display of orbits,
- try passes=1 and a moderate resolution such as 320x200. Note that
- the first time you press the 'o' key with the 'orbitdelay' function
- active, your computer will pause for a half-second or so to calibrate
- a high-resolution timer.
- SHOWORBIT=yes|no\
- Causes the during-generation orbits feature toggled by the <O> command to
- start off in the "on" position each time a new fractal calculation starts.
- PERIODICITY=no|show|nnn\
- Controls periodicity checking (see {Periodicity Logic}).
- "no" turns it off, "show" lets
- you see which pixels were painted as "inside" due to being caught
- by periodicity. Specifying a number causes a more conservative
- periodicity test (each increase of 1 divides test tolerance by 2).
- Entering a negative number lets you turn on "show" with that number. Type
- lambdafn function=exp needs periodicity turned off to be accurate -- there
- may be other cases.
- RSEED=nnnn\
- The initial random-number "seed" for plasma clouds is taken from your PC's
- internal clock-timer. This argument forces a value (which you can see in
- the <Tab> display), and allows you to reproduce plasma clouds. A detailed
- discussion of why a TRULY random number may be impossible to define, let
- alone generate, will have to wait for "FRACTINT: The 3-MB Doc File."
- SHOWDOT=<nn>\
- Colors the pixel being calculated color <nn>. Useful for very slow
- fractals for showing you the calculation status.
- When zooming in or out, the aspect ratio (the width to height ratio) can
- change slightly due to rounding and the noncontinuous nature of pixels.
- If the aspect changes by a factor less than <nn>, then the aspect is set
- to it's normal value, making the center-mag Xmagfactor parameter equal to 1.
- (see CENTER-MAG above.) The default is 0.01. A larger
- value adjusts more often. A value of 0 does no adjustment at all.
- ;
- ;
- ~Topic=Color Parameters
- INSIDE=nnn|bof60|bof61|zmag|attractor|epscross|startrail|period\
- Set the color of the interior: for
- example, "inside=0" makes the M-set "lake" a stylish basic black. A setting of
- -1 makes inside=maxiter.
- Four more options reveal hidden structure inside the lake. Inside=bof60 and
- inside=bof61, are named after the figures on pages 60 and 61 of "Beauty of
- Fractals". Inside=zmag is a method of coloring based on the magnitude of Z
- after the maximum iterations have been reached. The affect along the edges
- of the Mandelbrot is like thin-metal welded sculpture. Inside=period colors
- pixels according to the period of their eventual orbit.
- See {Inside=bof60|bof61|zmag|period} for a brilliant explanation of what
- these do!
- Inside=epscross colors pixels green or yellow according to whether their
- orbits swing close to the Y-axis or X-axis, respectively. Inside=starcross
- has a coloring scheme based on clusters of points in the orbits. Best with
- outside=<nnn>. For more information, see {Inside=epscross|startrail}.
- Note that the "Look for finite attractor" option on the <Y> options screen
- will override the selected inside option if an attractor is found - see
- {Finite Attractors}.
- OUTSIDE=nnn|iter|real|imag|summ|mult|atan\
- The classic method of coloring outside
- the fractal is to color according to how many iterations were required before
- Z reached the bailout value, usually 4. This is the method used when
- OUTSIDE=iter.
- However, when Z reaches bailout the real and imaginary components can be at
- very diferent values. OUTSIDE=real and OUTSIDE=imag color using the iteration
- value plus the real or imaginary values. OUTSIDE=summ uses the sum of all
- these values. These options can give a startling 3d quality to otherwise flat
- images and can change some boring images to wonderful ones. OUTSIDE=mult
- colors by multiplying the iteration by real divided by imaginary. There was no
- mathematical reason for this, it just seemed like a good idea. OUTSIDE=atan
- colors by determining the angle in degrees the last iterated value has with
- respect to the real axis, and using the absolute value.
- Outside=nnn sets the color of the exterior to some number of your choosing:
- for example, "OUTSIDE=1" makes all points not INSIDE the fractal set to color
- 1 (blue). Note that defining an OUTSIDE color forces any image to be a
- two-color one: either a point is INSIDE the set, or it's OUTSIDE it.
- MAP=[filename]\
- Reads in a replacement color map from [filename]. This map replaces the
- default color map of your video adapter. Requires a VGA or higher adapter.
- The difference
- between this argument and an alternate map read in via <L> in color-
- command mode is that this one applies to the entire run.
- See {Palette Maps}.
- COLORS=@filename|colorspecification\
- Sets colors for the current image, like the <L> function in color cycling
- and palette editing modes. Unlike the MAP= parameter, colors set with
- COLORS= do not replace the default - when you next select a new fractal
- type, colors will revert to their defaults.\
- COLORS=@filename tells Fractint to use a color map file named "filename".
- See {Palette Maps}.\
- COLORS=colorspecification specifies the colors directly. The value of
- "colorspecification" is rather long (768 characters for 256 color modes),
- and its syntax is not documented here. This form of the COLORS= command
- is not intended for manual use - it exists for use by the <B> command
- when saving the description of a nice image.
- ~Doc-
- See {Color Specification}.
- ~Doc+
- CYCLERANGE=nnn/nnn\
- Sets the range of color numbers to be animated during color cycling. The
- default is 1/255, i.e. just color number 0 (usually black) is not cycled.
- Sets the speed of color cycling. Technically, the number of DAC registers
- updated during a single vertical refresh cycle. Legal values are 1 - 256,
- default is 55.
- Set text screen colors to simple black and white.
- TEXTCOLORS=aa/bb/cc/...\
- Set text screen colors. Omit any value to use the default (e.g.
- textcolors=////50 to set just the 5th value). Each value is a 2 digit
- hexadecimal value; 1st digit is background color (from 0 to 7), 2nd digit
- is foreground color (from 0 to F).\
- ~Format-
- Color values are:
- 0 black 8 gray
- 1 blue 9 light blue
- 2 green A light green
- 3 cyan B light cyan
- 4 red C light red
- 5 magenta D light magenta
- 6 brown E yellow
- 7 white F bright white
- ~OnlineFF
- 31 colors can be specified, their meanings are as follows:
- heading:
- 1 Fractint version info
- 2 heading line development info (not used in released version)
- help:
- 3 sub-heading
- 4 main text
- 5 instructions at bottom of screen
- 6 hotlink field
- 7 highlighted (current) hotlink
- menu, selection boxes, parameter input boxes:
- 8 background around box and instructions at bottom
- 9 emphasized text outside box
- 10 low intensity information in box
- 11 medium intensity information in box
- 12 high intensity information in box (e.g. heading)
- 13 current keyin field
- 14 current keyin field when it is limited to one of n values
- 15 current choice in multiple choice list
- 16 speed key prompt in multiple choice list
- 17 speed key keyin in multiple choice list
- ~OnlineFF
- general (tab key display, IFS parameters, "thinking" display):
- 18 high intensity information
- 19 medium intensity information
- 20 low intensity information
- 21 current keyin field
- disk video:
- 22 background around box
- 23 high intensity information
- 24 low intensity information
- diagnostic messages:
- 25 error
- 26 information
- credits screen:
- 27 bottom lines
- 28 high intensity divider line
- 29 low intensity divider line
- 30 primary authors
- 31 contributing authors
- The default is
- textcolors=1F/1A/2E/70/28/71/31/78/70/17/1F/1E/2F/3F/5F/07/
- 0D/71/70/78/0F/70/0E/0F/4F/20/17/20/28/0F/07
- (In a real command file, all values must be on one line.)
- ~Format+
- Sets the coloring scheme used with the distance estimator method to the
- pre-version 16 scheme.
- ;
- ;
- ~Topic=Color Specification
- ~Format-,Online-
- ~Format+,Online+
- The colors= parameter in a PAR entry is a set of triplets. Each triplet
- represents a color in the saved palette. The triplet is made from the red
- green and blue components of the color in the palette entry. The current
- limitations of fractint's palette handling capabilities restrict the palette
- to 256 colors. Each triplet rgb component is a 6 bit value from 0 to 63.
- These values are encoded using the following scheme:\
- rgb value => encoded value\
- 0 - 9 => 0 - 9\
- 10 - 35 => A - Z\
- 36 - 37 => _ - `\
- 38 - 63 => a - z\
- In addition, Pieter Branderhorst has incorporated a way to compress the
- encoding when the image has smooth-shaded ranges. These ranges are written
- as <nn> with the nn representing the number of entries between the
- preceeding triplet and the following triplet. The routine for finding the
- smooth-shaded range works something like this. The current triplet's color
- values are compared to the current-1 triplet's color values. The difference
- is saved and then the current triplet's color values are compared to the
- current-2 triplet's color values. The difference is saved and then this
- difference is compared to the first one. If the differences are the same, a
- shaded range has been found. If the differences are off by one, this is
- saved as the one exceptable alternative difference. Up to four previous
- triplets will be looked at for the current triplet. If the color "slope" of
- the range is not sharp, meaning the colors change slowly, the current range
- is broken into more ranges to stop "drift" when loading and storing the PAR.
- ;
- ;
- ~Topic=Doodad Parameters
- LOGMAP=yes|old|n\
- Selects a compressed relationship between escape-time iterations and
- palette colors. See {"Logarithmic Palettes and Color Ranges"} for details.
- RANGES=nn/nn/nn/...\
- Specifies ranges of escape-time iteration counts to be mapped to each
- color number. See {"Logarithmic Palettes and Color Ranges"} for details.
- DISTEST=nnn/nnn\
- A nonzero value in the first parameter enables the distance estimator
- method. The second parameter specifies the "width factor", defaults to 71.
- See {"Distance Estimator Method"} for details.
- DECOMP=2|4|8|16|32|64|128|256\
- Invokes the corresponding decomposition coloring scheme.
- See {Decomposition} for details.
- Turn on biomorph option; set affected pixels to color nnn.
- See {Biomorphs} for details.
- POTENTIAL=maxcolor[/slope[/modulus[/16bit]]]\
- Enables the "continuous potential" coloring mode for all fractal types
- except plasma clouds, attractor types such as lorenz, and IFS. The four
- arguments define the maximum color value, the slope of the potential
- curve, the modulus "bailout" value, and whether 16 bit values are to be
- calculated. Example: "POTENTIAL=240/2000/40/16bit". The Mandelbrot and
- Julia types ignore the modulus bailout value and use their own hardwired
- value of 4.0 instead. See {Continuous Potential} for details.
- INVERT=nn/nn/nn\
- Turns on inversion. The parameters are radius of inversion, x-coordinate
- of center, and y-coordinate of center. -1 as the first parameter sets the
- radius to 1/6 the smaller screen dimension; no x/y parameters defaults to
- center of screen. The values are displayed with the <Tab> command.
- See {Inversion} for details.
- FINATTRACT=no|yes\
- Another option to show coloring inside some Julia "lakes" to show escape
- time to finite attractors. Works with lambda, magnet types, and possibly
- others. See {Finite Attractors} for more information.
- This option forces Fractint to bypass the final "are you sure?" exit
- screen when the ESCAPE key is pressed from the main image-generation
- screen. Added at the request of Ward Christensen. It's his funeral <grin>.
- ;
- ;
- ~Topic=File Parameters
- In Fractint you can use various filename variables to specify files, set
- default directories, or both. For example, in the SAVENAME description below,
- [name] can be a filename, a directory name, or a fully qualified pathname
- plus filename. You can specify default directories using these variables
- in your SSTOOLS.INI file.
- SAVENAME=[name]\
- Set the filename to use when you <S>ave a screen. The default filename is
- FRACT001. The .GIF extension is optional (Example: SAVENAME=myfile)
- OVERWRITE=no|yes\
- Sets the savename overwrite flag (default is 'no'). If 'yes', saved files
- will over-write existing files from previous sessions; otherwise the
- automatic incrementing of FRACTnnn.GIF will find the first unused
- filename.
- Tells Fractint to automatically do a save every nnn minutes while a
- calculation is in progress. This is mainly useful with long batches - see
- {Batch Mode}.
- GIF87a=YES\
- Backward-compatibility switch to force creation of GIF files in the GIF87a
- format. As of version 14, Fractint defaults to the new GIF89a format which
- permits storage of fractal information within the format. GIF87a=YES is
- only needed if you wish to view Fractint images with a GIF decoder that
- cannot accept the newer format. See {GIF Save File Format}.
- Dither a color file into two colors for display on a b/w display. This give
- a poor-quality display of gray levels. Note that if you have a 2-color
- display, you can create a 256-color gif with disk video and then read it
- back in dithered.
- PARMFILE=[parmfilename]\
- Specifies the default parameter file to be used by the <@> (or <2>) and <B>
- commands. If not specified, the default is FRACTINT.PAR.
- FORMULAFILE=[formulafilename]\
- Specifies the formula file for type=formula fractals (default is
- FRACTINT.FRM). Handy if you want to generate one of these fractal types
- in batch mode.
- LFILE=[lsystemfile]\
- Specifies the default L-System file for type=lsystem fractals (if not
- IFSFILE=[ifsfilename]\
- Specifies the default file for type=ifs fractals (default is
- FILENAME=[.suffix]\
- Sets the default file extension used for the <r> command.
- When this parameter is omitted, the
- default file mask shows .GIF and .POT files. You might want to specify
- this parameter and the SAVENAME= parameter in your SSTOOLS.INI file if you
- keep your fractal images separate from other .GIF files by using a
- different suffix for them.
- Causes the file ORBITS.RAW to be opened and the points generated by orbit
- fractals or IFS fractals to be saved in a raw format. This file can be read
- by the Acrospin program which can rotate and scale the image rapidly in
- response to cursor-key commands. The filename ORBITS.RAW is fixed and will
- be overwritten each time a new fractal is generated with this option.\
- (see {Barnsley IFS Fractals} {Orbit Fractals} {=@ACROSPIN Acrospin});
- ;
- ~Topic=Video Parameters
- VIDEO=xxx\
- Set the initial video mode (and bypass the informational screens). Handy
- for batch runs. (Example: VIDEO=F4 for IBM 16-color VGA.)
- You can obtain the current VIDEO= values (key assignments) from the
- "select video mode" screens inside Fractint. If you want to do a batch run
- with a video mode which isn't currently assigned to a key, you'll have to
- modify the key assignments - see {"Video Mode Function Keys"}.
- ASKVIDEO=yes|no\
- If "no," this eliminates the prompt asking you if a file to be restored is
- OK for your current video hardware.\
- WARNING: every version of Fractint so far has had a bigger, better, but
- shuffled-around video table. Since calling for a mode your hardware
- doesn't support can leave your system in limbo, be careful about leaving
- the above two parameters in a command file to be used with future versions
- of Fractint, particularly for the super-VGA modes.
- ADAPTER=hgc|cga|ega|egamono|mcga|vga|ATI|Everex|Trident|NCR|Video7|Genoa|
- Paradise|Chipstech|Tseng3000|Tseng4000|AheadA|AheadB|Oaktech\
- Bypasses Fractint's internal video autodetect logic and assumes that the
- specified kind of adapter is present. Use this parameter only if you
- encounter video problems without it. Specifying adapter=vga with an SVGA
- adapter will make its extended modes unusable with Fractint. All of the
- options after the "VGA" option specify specific SuperVGA chipsets which
- are capable of video resolutions higher than that of a "vanilla" VGA adapter.
- Note that Fractint cares about the Chipset your adapter uses internally,
- not the name of the company that sold it to you.
- VESADETECT=yes|no\
- Specify no to bypass VESA video detection logic. Try this if you encounter
- video problems with a VESA compliant video adapter or driver.
- AFI=yes|8514|no\
- Normally, when you attempt to use an 8514/A-specific video mode, Fractint
- first attempts to detect the presence of an 8514/A register-compatible
- adapter. If it fails to find one, it then attempts to detect the presence
- of an 8514/A-compatible API (IE, IBM's HDILOAD or its equivalent).
- Fractint then uses either its register-compatible or its API-compatible
- video logic based on the results of those tests. If you have an
- "8514/A-compatible" video adapter that passes Fractint's
- register-compatible detection logic but doesn't work correctly with
- Fractint's register-compatible video logic, setting "afi=yes" will
- force Fractint to bypass the register-compatible code and look only for
- the API interface.
- TEXTSAFE=yes|no|bios|save\
- When you switch from a graphics image to text mode (e.g. when you use <F1>
- while a fractal is on display), Fractint remembers the graphics image, and
- restores it when you return from the text mode.
- This should be no big deal - there are a number of well-defined ways
- Fractint could do this which *should* work on any video adapter. They
- don't - every fast approach we've tried runs into a bug on one video
- adapter or another. So, we've implemented a fast way which works on most
- adapters in most modes as the default, and added this parameter for use
- when the default approach doesn't work.\
- If you experience the following problems, please fool around with this
- parameter to try to fix the problem:\
- o Garbled image, or lines or dashes on image, when returning to image
- after going to menu, <tab> display, or help.\
- o Blank screen when starting Fractint.\
- The problems most often occur in higher resolution modes. We have not
- encountered them at all in modes under 320x200x256 - for those modes
- Fractint always uses a fast image save/restore approach.\
- Textsafe options:\
- yes: This is the default. When switching to/from graphics, Fractint
- saves just that part of video memory which EGA/VGA adapters are
- supposed to modify during the mode changes.
- no: This forces use of monochrome 640x200x2 mode for text displays (when
- there is a high resolution graphics image to be saved.) This choice is
- fast but uses chunky and colorless characters. If it turns out to be
- the best choice for you, you might want to also specify
- "textcolors=mono" for a more consistent appearance in text screens.
- bios: This saves memory in the same way as textsafe=yes, but uses the
- adapter's BIOS routines to save/restore the graphics state. This
- approach is fast and ought to work on all adapters. Sadly, we've found
- that very few adapters implement this function perfectly.
- save: This is the last choice to try. It should work on all adapters in
- all modes but it is slow. It tells Fractint to save/restore the entire
- image. Expanded or extended memory is used for the save if you have
- enough available; otherwise a temporary disk file is used. The speed
- of textsafe=save will be acceptable on some machines but not others.
- The speed depends on:\
- o Cpu and video adapter speed.\
- o Whether enough expanded or extended memory is available.\
- o Video mode of image being remembered. A few special modes are
- *very* slow compared to the rest. The slow ones are: 2 and 4 color
- modes with resolution higher than 640x480; custom modes for ATI
- EGA Wonder, Paradise EGA-480, STB, Compaq portable 386, AT&T 6300,
- and roll-your-own video modes implemented with customized
- "yourvid.c" code.
- If you want to tune Fractint to use different "textsafe" options for
- different video modes, see {"Customized Video Modes\, FRACTINT.CFG"}.
- (E.g. you might
- want to use the slower textsafe=save approach just for a few high-
- resolution modes which have problems with textsafe=yes.)
- Sets the bios-supported videomode to use upon exit to the specified value.
- nn is in hexadecimal. The default is 3, which resets to 80x25 color text
- mode on exit. With Hercules Graphics Cards, and with monochrome EGA
- systems, the exit mode is always 7 and is unaffected by this parameter.
- TPLUS=yes|no\
- For TARGA+ adapters. Setting this to 'no' pretends a TARGA+ is NOT
- installed.
- For TARGA+ adapters. Setting this to 'yes' will configure the adapter to a
- non-interlaced mode whenever possible. It should only be used with a
- multisynch monitor. The default is no, i.e. interlaced.
- MAXCOLORRES=8|16|24\
- For TARGA+ adapters. This determines the number of bits to use for color
- resolution. 8 bit color is equivalent to VGA color resolution. The 16 and
- 24 bit color resolutions are true color video modes which are not yet
- supported by Fractint but are hopefully coming soon.
- PIXELZOOM=0|1|2|3\
- For TARGA+ adapters. Lowers the video mode resolution by powers of 2. For
- example, the 320x200 video resolution on the TARGA+ is actually the
- 640x400 video mode with a pixel zoom of 1. Using the 640x400 video mode
- with a zoom of 3 would lower the resolution by 8, which is 2 raised to the
- 3rd power, for a full screen resolution of 80x50 pixels.
- VIEWWINDOWS=xx[/xx[/yes|no[/nn[/nn]]]]
- Set the reduction factor, final media aspect ratio, crop starting
- coordinates (y/n), explicit x size, and explicit y size, see {"View Window"}.
- ;
- ;
- ~Topic=Sound Parameters
- SOUND=off|x|y|z\
- We're all MUCH too busy to waste time with Fractint at work, and no doubt
- you are too, so "sound=off" is included only for use at home, to avoid
- waking the kids or your Significant Other, late at night. (By the way,
- didn't you tell yourself "just one more zoom on LambdaSine" an hour ago?)
- Suggestions for a "boss" hot-key will be cheerfully ignored, as this
- sucker is getting big enough without including a spreadsheet screen too.
- The "sound=x/y/x" options are for the "attractor" fractals, like the
- Lorenz fractals - they play with the sound on your PC speaker as they are
- generating an image, based on the X or Y or Z co-ordinate they are
- displaying at the moment. At the moment, "sound=x" (or y or z) really
- doesn't work very well when using an integer algorithm - try it with the
- floating-point toggle set, instead.
- The scope of the sound command has been extended. You can now hear the
- sound of fractal orbits--just turn on sound from the command line or the
- <X> menu, fire up a fractal, and try the <O>rbits command. Use the
- orbitdelay=<nnn> command (also on the <X> menu) to dramatically alter
- the effect, which ranges from an unearthly scream to a series of discrete
- tones. Not recommended when people you have to live with are nearby!
- Remember, we don't promise that it will sound beautiful!
- You can also "hear" any image that Fractint can decode; turn on sound
- before using <R> to read in a GIF file. We have no idea if this feature
- is useful. It was inspired by the comments of an on-line friend who is
- blind. We solicit feedback and suggestions from anyone who finds these
- sound features interesting or useful. The orbitdelay command also affects
- the sound of decoding images.
- HERTZ=nnn\
- Adjusts the sound produced by the "sound=x/y/z" option. Legal values are
- 20 through 15000.
- ;
- ;
- ~Topic=Printer Parameters
- ~Doc-
- General printer parameters are described below.\
- Additional parameters for specific types of printers are described in:\
- {PostScript Parameters}\
- {PaintJet Parameters}\
- {Plotter Parameters}\
- ~Doc+
- PRINTER=type[/resolution[/port#]]\
- Defines your printer setup. The SSTOOLS.INI file is a REAL handy place to
- put this option, so that it's available whenever you have that sudden,
- irresistible urge for hard copy.
- ~Format-
- Printer types:
- IB IBM-compatible (default)
- EP Epson-compatible
- HP LaserJet
- CO Star Micronics Color printer, supposedly Epson-color-compatible
- PA Paintjet
- PS PostScript
- PSL Postscript, landscape mode
- PL Plotter using HP-GL
- Resolution:
- In dots per inch.
- Epson/IBM: 60, 120, 240
- LaserJet: 75, 150, 300
- PaintJet: 90, 180
- PostScript: 10 through 600, or special value 0 to print full page to
- within about .4" of the edges (in portrait mode, width is full page and
- height is adjusted to 3:4 aspect ratio)
- Plotter: 1 to 10 for 1/Nth of page (e.g. 2 for 1/2 page)
- Port:
- 1, 2, 3 for LPT1-3 via BIOS
- 11, 12, 13, 14 for COM1-4 via BIOS
- 21, 22 for LPT1 or LPT2 using direct port access (faster when it works)
- 31, 32 for COM1 or COM2 using direct port access
- ~Format+
- COMPORT=port/baud/options\
- Serial printer port initialization.\
- Port=1,2,3,etc.\
- Baud=115,150,300,600,1200,2400,4800,9600\
- Options: 7,8 | 1,2 | e,n,o (any order).\
- Example: comport=1/9600/n81 for COM1 set to 9600, no parity, 8 bits per
- character, 1 stop bit.
- LINEFEED=crlf|lf|cr\
- Specifies the control characters to emit at end of each line: carriage
- return and linefeed, just linefeed, or just carriage return. The default
- is crlf.
- TITLE=yes\
- If specified, title information is added to printouts.
- PRINTFILE=filename\
- Causes output data for the printer to be written to the named file on disk
- instead of to a printer port. The filename is incremented by 1 each time
- an image is printed - e.g. if the name is FRAC01.PRN, the second print
- operation writes to FRAC02.PRN, etc. Existing files are not overwritten -
- if the file exists, the filename is incremented to a new name.
- ;
- ;
- ~Topic=PostScript Parameters
- EPSF=1|2|3\
- Forces print-to-file and PostScript. If PRINTFILE is not specified, the
- default filename is FRACT001.EPS. The number determines how 'well-behaved'
- a .EPS file is. 1 means by-the-book. 2 allows some EPS 'no-nos' like
- settransfer and setscreen - BUT includes code that should make the code
- still work without affecting the rest of the non-EPS document. 3 is a
- free-for-all.
- COLORPS=YES|NO - Enable or disable the color extensions.
- Enable or disable run length encoding of the PostScript file. Run length
- encoding will make the PostScript file much smaller, but it may take longer
- to print. The run length encoding code is based on pnmtops, which is
- copyright (C) 1989 by Jef Poskanzer, and carries the following notice:
- "Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
- documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided
- that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that
- copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting
- documentation. This software is provided "as is" without express or
- implied warranty."
- TRANSLATE=yes|-n|n\
- Translate=yes prints the negative image of the fractal.
- Translate=n reduces the image to that many colors. A negative value causes
- a color reduction as well as a negative image.
- HALFTONE=frq/ang/sty[/f/a/s/f/a/s/f/a/s]\
- Tells the PostScript printer how to define its halftone screen. The first
- value, frequency, defines the number of halftone lines per inch. The
- second chooses the angle (in degrees) that the screen lies at. The third
- option chooses the halftone 'spot' style. Good default frequencies are
- between 60 and 80; Good default angles are 45 and 0; the default style is
- 0. If the halftone= option is not specified, Fractint will print using the
- printer's default halftone screen, which should have been already set to
- do a fine job on the printer.
- These are the only three used when colorps=no. When color PS printing is
- being used, the other nine options specify the red, green, then blue
- screens. A negative number in any of these places will cause it to use
- the previous (or default) value for that parameter. NOTE: Especially when
- using color, the built-in screens in the printer's ROM may be the best
- choice for printing.
- ~OnlineFF
- The default values are as follows: halftone=45/45/1/45/75/1/45/15/1/45/0/1
- and these will be used if Fractint's halftone is chosen over the printer's
- built-in screen.
- ~Format-
- Current halftone styles:
- 0 Dot
- 1 Dot (Smoother)
- 2 Dot (Inverted)
- 3 Ring (Black)
- 4 Ring (White)
- 5 Triangle (Right)
- 6 Triangle (Isosceles)
- 7 Grid
- 8 Diamond
- 9 Line
- 10 Microwaves
- 11 Ellipse
- 12 Rounded Box
- 13 Custom
- 14 Star
- 15 Random
- 16 Line (slightly different)
- ~Format+
- ~OnlineFF
- A note on device-resolution black and white printing\
- ----------------------------------------------------\
- This mode of printing can now be done much more quickly, and takes a
- lot less file space. Just set EPSF=0 PRINTER=PSx/nnn COLORPS=NO
- RLEPS=YES TRANSLATE=m, where x is P or L for portrait/landscape, nnn is
- your printer's resolution, m is 2 or -2 for positive or negative
- printing respectively. This combination of parameters will print
- exactly one printer pixel per each image pixel and it will keep the
- proportions of the picture, if both your screen and printer have
- square pixels (or the same pixel-aspect). Choose a proper (read large)
- window size to fill as much of the paper as possible for the most
- spectacular results. 2048 by 2048 is barely enough to fill the width
- of a letter size page with 300 dpi printer resolution. For higher
- resolution printers, you will wish fractint supported larger window
- sizes (hint, hint...). Bug reports and/or suggestions should be
- forwarded to Yavuz Onder through e-mail (yavuz@bnr.ca).
- ~OnlineFF
- A word from the author (Scott Taylor)\
- -------------------------------------\
- Color PostScript printing is new to me. I don't even have a color printer to
- test it on. (Don't want money. Want a Color PostScript printer!) The initial
- tests seem to have worked. I am still testing and don't know whether or not
- some sort of gamma correction will be needed. I'll have to wait and see about
- that one.
- ;
- ;
- ~Topic=PaintJet Parameters
- Note that the pixels printed by the PaintJet are square.
- Thus, a printout of an image
- created in a video mode with a 4:3 pixel ratio (such as 640x480 or
- 800x600) will come out matching the screen; other modes (such as 320x200)
- will come out stretched.
- Black and white images, or images using the 8 high resolution PaintJet
- colors, come out very nicely. Some images using the full spectrum of
- PaintJet colors are very nice, some are disappointing.
- When 180 dots per inch is selected (in PRINTER= command), high resolution
- 8 color printing is done. When 90 dpi is selected, low resolution
- printing using the full 330 dithered color palette is done. In both
- cases, Fractint starts by finding the nearest color supported by the
- PaintJet for each color in your image. The translation is then
- displayed (unless the current display mode is disk video). This display
- *should* be a fairly good match to what will be printed
- - it won't be perfect most of the time but should give some idea
- of how the output will look. At this point you can <Enter> to go ahead
- and print, <Esc> to cancel, or <k> to cancel and keep the
- adjusted colors.
- Note that you can use the color map PAINTJET.MAP to create images which
- use the 8 high resolution colors available on the PaintJet. Also, two
- high-resolution disk video modes are available for creating full page
- images.
- If you find that the preview image seems very wrong (doesn't match what
- actually gets printed) or think that Fractint could be doing a better job
- of picking PaintJet colors to match your image's colors, you can try
- playing with the following parameter. Fair warning: this is a very
- tricky business and you may find it a very frustrating business trying to
- get it right.
- HALFTONE=r/g/b\
- (The parameter name is not appropriate - we appropriated a PostScript
- parameter for double duty here.)\
- This separately sets the "gamma" adjustment for each of the red, green,
- and blue color components. Think of "gamma" as being
- like the contrast adjustment on your screen. Higher gamma values for all
- three components results in colors with more contrast being produced
- on the printer. Since each color component can have its gamma separately
- adjusted, you can change the resulting color mix subtly (or drastically!)\
- Each gamma value entered has one implied decimal digit.\
- The default is "halftone=21/19/16", for red 2.1, green 1.9, and blue 1.6.
- (A note from Pieter Branderhorst: I wrote this stuff to come out reasonably
- on my monitor/printer. I'm a bit suspicious of the guns on my monitor;
- if the colors seem ridiculously wrong on your system you might start by
- trying halftone=17/17/17.)
- ;
- ;
- ~Topic=Plotter Parameters
- Plotters which understand HP-GL commands are supported. To use a plotter,
- draw a SMALL image (32x20 or 64x40) using the <v>iew screen options. Put
- a red pen in the first holder in the plotter, green in the second, blue in
- the third. Now press <P> to start plotting. Now get a cup of coffee...
- or two... or three. It'll take a while to plot. Experiment with
- different resolutions, plot areas, plotstyles, and even change pens to
- create weird-colored images.
- PLOTSTYLE=0|1|2\
- 0: 3 parallel lines (red/green/blue) are drawn for each pixel, arranged
- like "///". Each bar is scaled according to the intensity of the
- corresponding color in the pixel. Using different pen colors (e.g.
- blue, green, violet) can come out nicely. The trick is to not tell
- anyone what color the bars are supposed to represent and they will
- accept these plotted colors because they do look nice...
- 1: Same as 0, but the lines are also twisted. This removes some of the
- 'order' of the image which is a nice effect. It also leaves more
- whitespace making the image much lighter, but colors such as yellow are
- actually visible.
- 2: Color lines are at the same angle and overlap each other. This type
- has the most whitespace. Quality improves as you increase the number of
- pixels squeezed into the same size on the plotter.
- ;
- ;
- ~Topic=3D Parameters
- To stay out of trouble, specify all the 3D parameters, even if you want to
- use what you think are the default values. It takes a little practice to
- learn what the default values really are. The best way to create a set of
- parameters is to use the <B> command on an image you like and then use an
- editor to modify the resulting parameter file.
- 3D=Yes\
- 3D=Overlay\
- Resets all 3d parameters to default values. If FILENAME= is given, forces
- a restore to be performed in 3D mode (handy when used with 'batch=yes' for
- batch-mode 3D images). If specified, 3D=Yes should come before any other
- 3d parameters on the command line or in a parameter file entry. The form
- 3D=Overlay is identical except that the previous graphics screen is not
- cleared, as with the <#> (<shift-3> on some keyboards) overlay command.
- Useful for building parameter files that use the 3D overlay feature.\
- The options below override the 3D defaults:
- ~Format-
- PREVIEW=yes Turns on 3D 'preview' default mode
- SHOWBOX=yes Turns on 3D 'showbox' default mode
- COARSE=nn Sets Preview 'coarseness' default value
- SPHERE=yes Turns on spherical projection mode
- STEREO=n Selects the type of stereo image creation
- RAY=nnn selects raytrace output file format
- BRIEF=yes selects brief or verbose file for DKB output
- USEGRAYSCALE=yes use grayscale as depth instead of color number
- INTEROCULAR=nn Sets the interocular distance for stereo
- CONVERGE=nn Determines the overall image separation
- CROP=nn/nn/nn/nn Trims the edges off stereo pairs
- BRIGHT=nn/nn Compensates funny glasses filter parameters
- LONGITUDE=nn/nn Longitude minimum and maximum
- LATITUDE=nn/nn Latitude minimum and maximum
- RADIUS=nn Radius scale factor
- ROTATION=nn[/nn[/nn]] Rotation about x,y, and z axes
- SCALEZYZ=nn/nn/nn X,y,and z scale factors
- ROUGHNESS=nn Same as z scale factor
- WATERLINE=nn Colors nn and below will be "inside" color
- FILLTYPE=nn 3D filltype
- PERSPECTIVE=nn Perspective distance
- XYSHIFT=nn/nn Shift image in x and y directions with
- perspective
- LIGHTSOURCE=nn/nn/nn Coordinates for light-source vector
- SMOOTHING=nn Smooths images in light-source fill modes
- TRANSPARENT=min/max Defines a range of colors to be treated as
- "transparent" when <#>Overlaying 3D images.
- XYADJUST=nn/nn This shifts the image in the x/y dir without
- perspective
- ~Format+
- Below are new commands as of version 14 that support Marc Reinig's terrain
- features.
- RANDOMIZE=nnn (0 - 100)\
- This feature randomly varies the color of a pixel to near by colors.
- Useful to minimize map banding in 3d transformations. Usable with all
- FILLTYPES. 0 disables, max values is 7. Try 3 - 5.
- AMBIENT=nnn (0 - 100)\
- Set the depth of the shadows when using full color and light source
- filltypes. "0" disables the function, higher values lower the contrast.
- Valid with any light source FILLTYPE. Allows you to create a Targa-24 file
- which uses the color of the image being transformed or the map you select
- and shades it as you would see it in real life. Well, its better than B&W.
- A good map file to use is topo
- HAZE=nnn (0 - 100)\
- Gives more realistic terrains by setting the amount of haze for distant
- objects when using full color in light source FILLTYPES. Works only in the
- "y" direction currently, so don't use it with much y rotation. Try
- "rotation=85/0/0". 0 disables.
- LIGHTNAME=<filename>\
- The name of the Targa-24 file to be created when using full color with
- light source. Default is light001.tga. If overwrite=no (the default), the
- file name will be incremented until an unused filename is found.
- Background in this file will be sky blue.
- This parameter allows you to specify the width in inches of the image on
- your monitor for the purpose of getting the correct stereo effect when
- viewing RDS images. See {Random Dot Stereograms (RDS)}.
- ;
- ;
- ;
- ~Topic=Batch Mode
- It IS possible, believe it or not, to become so jaded with the screen
- drawing process, so familiar with the types and options, that you just
- want to hit a key and do something else until the final images are safe on
- disk. To do this, start Fractint with the BATCH=yes parameter. To set up
- a batch run with the parameters required for a particular image you might:
- o Find an interesting area. Note the parameters from the <Tab> display.
- Then use an editor to write a batch file.
- o Find an interesting area. Set all the options you'll want in the
- batch run. Use the <B> command to store the parameters in a file.
- Then use an editor to add the additional required batch mode
- parameters (such as VIDEO=) to the generated parameter file entry.
- Then run the batch using "fractint @myname.par/myentry" (if you told
- the <B> command to use file "myname" and to name the entry "myentry").
- Another approach to batch mode calculations, using "FILENAME=" and resume,
- is described later.
- When modifying a parameter file entry generated by the <B> command, the
- only parameters you must add for a batch mode run are "BATCH=yes", and
- "VIDEO=xxx" to select a video mode. You might want to also add
- "SAVENAME=[name]" to name the result as something other than the default
- FRACT001.GIF. Or, you might find it easier to leave the generated
- parameter file unchanged and add these parameters by using a command like:
- fractint @myname.par/myentry batch=y video=AF3 savename=mygif
- "BATCH=yes" tells Fractint to run in batch mode -- that is, Fractint draws
- the image using whatever other parameters you specified, then acts as if
- you had hit <S> to save the image, then exits to DOS.
- "FILENAME=" can be used with "BATCH=yes" to resume calculation of an
- incomplete image. For instance, you might interactively find an image you
- like; then select some slow options (a high resolution disk video mode,
- distance estimator method, high maxiter, or whatever); start the
- calculation; then interrupt immediately with a <S>ave. Rename the save
- file (fract001.gif if it is the first in the session and you didn't name
- it with the <X> options or "savename=") to xxx.gif. Later you can run
- Fractint in batch mode to finish the job:\
- fractint batch=yes filename=xxx savename=xxx
- "SAVETIME=nnn" is useful with long batch calculations, to store a
- checkpoint every nnn minutes. If you start a many hour calculation with
- say "savetime=60", and a power failure occurs during the calculation,
- you'll have lost at most an hour of work on the image. You can resume
- calculation from the save file as above. Automatic saves triggered by
- SAVETIME do not increment the save file name. The same file is overwritten
- by each auto save until the image completes. But note that Fractint does
- not directly over-write save files. Instead, each save operation writes a
- temporary file FRACTINT.TMP, then deletes the prior save file, then
- renames FRACTINT.TMP to be the new save file. This protects against power
- failures which occur during a save operation - if such a power failure
- occurs, the prior save file is intact and there's a harmless incomplete
- FRACTINT.TMP on your disk.
- If you want to spread a many-hour image over multiple bits of free machine
- time you could use a command like:\
- fractint batch=yes filename=xxx savename=xxx savetime=60 video=F3\
- While this batch is running, hit <S> (almost any key actually) to tell
- fractint to save what it has done so far and give your machine back. A status
- code of 2 is returned by fractint to the batch file. Kick off the batch
- again when you have another time slice for it.
- While running a batch file, pressing any key will cause Fractint to exit
- with an errorlevel = 2. Any error that interrupts an image save to disk
- will cause an exit with errorlevel = 2. Any error that prevents an image
- from being generated will cause an exit with errorlevel = 1.
- The SAVETIME= parameter, and batch resumes of partial calculations, only
- work with fractal types which can be resumed. See
- {"Interrupting and Resuming"} for information about non-resumable types.
- ;
- ;
- ;
- ~Topic=Video Adapter Notes
- True to the spirit of public-domain programming, Fractint makes only a
- limited attempt to verify that your video adapter can run in the mode you
- specify, or even that an adapter is present, before writing to it.
- So if you use the "video=" command line parameter, check it before using
- a new version of Fractint -
- the old key combo may now call an ultraviolet holographic mode.
- ~Doc-
- Comments about some particular video adapters:\
- { EGA } { Tweaked VGA } { Super-VGA }\
- { 8514/A } { XGA }\
- { Targa } { Targa+ }\
- Also see {Customized Video Modes\, FRACTINT.CFG}.
- ~Doc+
- ;
- ;
- ~Topic=EGA
- ~Format-,Online-
- ~Format+,Online+
- Fractint assumes that every EGA adapter has a full 256K of memory
- (and can therefore display 640 x 350 x 16 colors), but does nothing to
- verify that fact before slinging pixels.
- ;
- ;
- ~Topic=Tweaked VGA
- ~Format-,Online-
- ~Format+,Online+
- The IBM VGA adapter is a highly programmable device, and can be set up to
- display many video-mode combinations beyond those "officially" supported
- by the IBM BIOS. E.g. 320x400x256 and 360x480x256 (the latter is one of
- our favorites).
- These video modes are perfectly legal, but temporarily
- reprogram the adapter (IBM or fully register-compatible) in a non-standard
- manner that the BIOS does not recognize.
- Fractint also contains code that sets up the IBM (or any truly register-
- compatible) VGA adapter for several extended modes such as 704x528,
- 736x552, 768x576, and 800x600. It does this by programming the VGA
- controller to use the fastest dot-clock on the IBM adapter (28.322 MHz),
- throwing more pixels, and reducing the refresh rate to make up for it.
- These modes push many monitors beyond their rated specs, in terms of both
- resolution and refresh rate. Signs that your monitor is having problems
- with a particular "tweaked" mode include:
- o vertical or horizontal overscan (displaying dots beyond the edges of
- your visible CRT area)
- o flickering (caused by a too-slow refresh rate)\
- o vertical roll or total garbage on the screen (your monitor simply
- can't keep up, or is attempting to "force" the image into a pre-set
- mode that doesn't fit).
- We have successfully tested the modes up to 768x576 on an IBM PS/2 Model
- 80 connected to IBM 8513, IBM 8514, NEC Multisync II, and Zenith 1490
- monitors (all of which exhibit some overscan and flicker at the highest
- rates), and have tested 800x600 mode on the NEC Multisync II (although it
- took some twiddling of the vertical-size control).
- ;
- ;
- ~Topic=Super-VGA
- ~Format-,Online-
- ~Format+,Online+
- Since version 12.0, we've used both John Bridges' SuperVGA Autodetecting
- logic *and* VESA adapter detection, so that many brand-specific SuperVGA
- modes have been combined into single video mode selection entries.
- There is now exactly one entry for SuperVGA 640x480x256 mode, for instance.
- If Fractint's automatic SuperVGA/VESA detection logic guesses wrong,
- and you know which SuperVGA chipset your video adapter uses, you can use
- the "adapter=" command-line option to force Fractint to assume the presence
- of a specific SuperVGA Chipset - see {Video Parameters} for details.
- ;
- ;
- ~Topic=8514/A
- ~Format-,Online-
- 8514/A MODES
- ~Format+,Online+
- The IBM 8514/A modes (640x480 and 1024x768) default to using the hardware
- registers. If an error occurs when trying to open the adapter, an attempt
- will be made to use IBM's software interface, and requires the preloading
- of IBM's HDILOAD TSR utility.
- The Adex 1280x1024 modes were written for and tested on an Adex
- Corporation 8514/A using a Brooktree DAC. The ATI GU 800x600x256 and
- 1280x1024x16 modes require a ROM bios version of 1.3 or higher for 800x600
- and 1.4 or higher for 1280x1024.
- There are two sets of 8514/A modes: full sets (640x480, 800x600, 1024x768,
- 1280x1024) which cover the entire screen and do NOT have a border color
- (so that you cannot tell when you are "paused" in a color-cycling mode),
- and partial sets (632x474, 792x594, 1016x762, 1272x1018) with small border
- areas which do turn white when you are paused in color-cycling mode. Also,
- while these modes are declared to be 256-color, if you do not have your
- 8514/A adapter loaded with its full complement of memory you will actually
- be in 16-color mode. The hardware register 16-color modes have not been
- tested.
- If your 8514/A adapter is not truly register compatible and Fractint does
- not detect this, use of the adapter interface can be forced by using afi=y
- or afi=8514 in your SSTOOLS.INI file.
- Finally, because IBM's adapter interface does not handle drawing single
- pixels very well (we have to draw a 1x1 pixel "box"), generating the zoom
- box when using the interface is excruciatingly slow. Still, it works!
- ;
- ;
- ~Topic=XGA
- ~Format-,Online-
- ~Format+,Online+
- The XGA adapter is supported using the VESA/SuperVGA Autodetect modes -
- the XGA looks like just another SuperVGA adapter to Fractint.
- The supported XGA modes are 640x480x256, 1024x768x16, 1024x768x256,
- 800x600x16, and 800x600x256. Note that the 1024x768x256 mode requires
- a full 1MB of adapter memory, the 1024x768 modes require a high-rez
- monitor, and the 800x600 modes require a multisynching monitor such
- as the NEC 2A.
- ;
- ;
- ~Topic=Targa
- ~Format-,Online-
- ~Format+,Online+
- TARGA support for Fractint is provided courtesy of Joe McLain and has been
- enhanced with the help of Bruce Goren and Richard Biddle. To use a TARGA
- board with Fractint, you must define two DOS environment variables,
- "TARGA" and "TARGASET". The definition of these variables is standardized
- by Truevision; if you have a TARGA board you probably already have added
- "SET" statements for these variables to your AUTOEXEC.BAT file.
- Be aware that there are a LOT of possible TARGA configurations, and a LOT
- of opportunities for a TARGA board and a VGA or EGA board to interfere
- with each other, and we may not have all of them smoothed away yet. Also,
- the TARGA boards have an entirely different color-map scheme than the VGA
- cards, and at the moment they cannot be run through the color-cycling
- menu. The "MAP=" argument (see {Color Parameters}),
- however, works with both TARGA and
- VGA boards and enables you to redefine the default color maps with either
- board.
- ;
- ;
- ~Topic=Targa+
- ~Format-,Online-
- ~Format+,Online+
- To use the special modes supported for TARGA+ adapters, the TARGAP.SYS
- device driver has to be loaded, and the TPLUS.DAT file (included with
- Fractint) must be in the same directory as Fractint. The video modes with
- names containing "True Color Autodetect" can be used with the Targa+. You
- might want to use the command line parameters "tplus=", "noninterlaced=",
- "maxcolorres=", and "pixelzoom=" (see {Video Parameters})
- in your SSTOOLS.INI file to modify Fractint's use of the adapter.
- ;
- ;
- ~Topic="Disk-Video" Modes
- These "video modes" do not involve a video adapter at all. They use (in
- order or preference) your expanded memory, your extended memory, or your
- disk drive (as file FRACTINT.$$$) to store the fractal image. These modes
- are useful for creating images beyond the capacity of your video adapter
- right up to the current internal limit of 2048 x 2048 x 256,
- e.g. for subsequent printing.
- They're also useful for
- background processing under multi-tasking DOS managers - create an image
- in a disk-video mode, save it, then restore it in a real video mode.
- While you are using a disk-video mode, your screen will display text
- information indicating whether memory or your disk drive is being used,
- and what portion of the "screen" is being read from or written to. A
- "Cache size" figure is also displayed. 64K is the maximum cache size. If
- you see a number less than this, it means that you don't have a lot of
- memory free, and that performance will be less than optimum. With a very
- low cache size such as 4 or 6k, performance gets considerably worse in
- cases using solid guessing, boundary tracing, plasma, or anything else
- which paints the screen non-linearly. If you have this problem, all we
- can suggest is having fewer TSR utilities loaded before starting Fractint,
- or changing in your config.sys file, such as reducing a very high BUFFERS
- value.
- The zoom box is disabled during disk-video modes (you couldn't see where
- it is anyway). So is the orbit display feature.
- {=@ColorCycling Color Cycling} can be used during disk-video modes,
- but only to load or save a color palette.
- When using real disk for your disk-video, Fractint previously would not
- generate some "attractor" types (e.g. Lorenz) nor "IFS" images. These stress
- disk drives with intensive reads and writes, but with the caching algorithm
- performance may be acceptable. Currently Fractint gives you a warning message
- but lets you proceed. You can end the calculation with <Esc> if you think your
- hard disk is getting too strenuous a workout.
- When using a real disk, and you are not directing the file to a RAM disk,
- and you aren't using a disk caching program on your machine, specifying
- BUFFERS=10 (or more) in your config.sys file is best for performance.
- BUFFERS=10,2 or even BUFFERS=10,4 is also good. It is also best to keep
- your disk relatively "compressed" (or "defragmented") if you have a
- utility to do this.
- In order to use extended memory, you must have HIMEM.SYS or an equivalent
- that supports the XMS 2.0 standard or higher. Also, you can't have a
- VDISK installed in extended memory. Himem.sys is distributed with
- Microsoft Windows 286/386 and 3.0. If you have problems using the
- extended memory, try rebooting with just himem.sys loaded and see if that
- clears up the problem.
- If you are running background disk-video fractals under Windows 3, and you
- don't have a lot of real memory (over 2Mb), you might find it best to
- force Fractint to use real disk for disk-video modes. (Force this by
- using a .pif file with extended memory and expanded memory set to zero.)
- Try this if your disk goes crazy when generating background images, which
- are supposedly using extended or expanded memory. This problem can occur
- because, to multi-task, sometimes Windows must page an application's
- expanded or extended memory to disk, in big chunks. Fractint's own cached
- disk access may be faster in such cases.
- ;
- ;
- ;
- ~Topic=Customized Video Modes\, FRACTINT.CFG
- If you have a favorite adapter/video mode that you would like to add to
- Fractint... if you want some new sizes of disk-video modes... if you want
- to remove table entries that do not apply to your system... if you want to
- specify different "textsafe=" options for different video modes... relief
- is here, and without even learning "C"!
- You can do these things by modifying the FRACTINT.CFG file with your text
- editor. Saving a backup copy of FRACTINT.CFG first is of course highly
- recommended!
- Fractint uses a video adapter table for most of what it needs to know
- about any particular adapter/mode combination. The table is loaded from
- FRACTINT.CFG each time Fractint is run. It can contain information for
- up to 300 adapter/mode combinations. The table entries, and the function
- keys they are tied to, are displayed in the "select video mode" screen.
- This table makes adding support for various third-party video cards and
- their modes much easier, at least for the ones that pretend to be
- standard with extra dots and/or colors. There is even a special
- "roll-your-own" video mode (mode 19) enabling those of you with "C"
- compilers and a copy of the Fractint source to generate video modes
- supporting whatever adapter you may have.
- The table as currently distributed begins with nine standard and several
- non-standard IBM video modes that have been exercised successfully with a
- PS/2 model 80. These entries, coupled with the descriptive comments in the
- table definition and the information supplied (or that should have been
- supplied!) with your video adapter, should be all you need to add your own
- entries.
- After the IBM and quasi-pseudo-demi-IBM modes, the table contains an ever-
- increasing number of entries for other adapters. Almost all of these
- entries have been added because someone like you sent us spec sheets, or
- modified Fractint to support them and then informed us about it.
- Lines in FRACTINT.CFG which begin with a semi-colon are treated as comments.
- The rest of the lines must have eleven fields separated by commas.
- The fields are defined as:
- ~Format-
- 1. Key assignment. F2 to F10, SF1 to SF10, CF1 to CF10, or AF1 to AF10.
- Blank if no key is assigned to the mode.
- 2. The name of the adapter/video mode (25 chars max, no leading blanks).
- The adapter is set up for that mode via INT 10H, with:
- 3. AX = this,
- 4. BX = this,
- 5. CX = this, and
- 6. DX = this (hey, having all these registers wasn't OUR idea!)
- 7. An encoded value describing how to write to your video memory in that
- mode. Currently available codes are:
- 1) Use the BIOS (INT 10H, AH=12/13, AL=color) (last resort - SLOW!)
- 2) Pretend it's a (perhaps super-res) EGA/VGA
- 3) Pretend it's an MCGA
- 4) SuperVGA 256-Color mode using the Tseng Labs chipset
- 5) SuperVGA 256-Color mode using the Paradise chipset
- 6) SuperVGA 256-Color mode using the Video-7 chipset
- 7) Non-Standard IBM VGA 360 x 480 x 256-Color mode
- 8) SuperVGA 1024x768x16 mode for the Everex chipset
- 9) TARGA video modes
- 10) HERCULES video mode
- 11) Non-Video, i.e. "disk-video"
- 12) 8514/A video modes
- 13) CGA 320x200x4-color and 640x200x2-color modes
- 14) Reserved for Tandy 1000 video modes
- 15) SuperVGA 256-Color mode using the Trident chipset
- 16) SuperVGA 256-Color mode using the Chips & Tech chipset
- 17) SuperVGA 256-Color mode using the ATI VGA Wonder chipset
- 18) SuperVGA 256-Color mode using the EVEREX chipset
- 19) Roll-your-own video mode (as you've defined it in YOURVID.C)
- 20) SuperVGA 1024x768x16 mode for the ATI VGA Wonder chipset
- 21) SuperVGA 1024x768x16 mode for the Tseng Labs chipset
- 22) SuperVGA 1024x768x16 mode for the Trident chipset
- 23) SuperVGA 1024x768x16 mode for the Video 7 chipset
- 24) SuperVGA 1024x768x16 mode for the Paradise chipset
- 25) SuperVGA 1024x768x16 mode for the Chips & Tech chipset
- 26) SuperVGA 1024x768x16 mode for the Everex Chipset
- 27) SuperVGA Auto-Detect mode (we poke around looking for your adapter)
- 28) VESA modes
- 29) True Color Auto-Detect (currently only Targa+ supported)
- Add 100, 200, 300, or 400 to this code to specify an over-ride "textsafe="
- option to be used with the mode. 100=yes, 200=no, 300=bios, 400=save.
- E.g. 428 for a VESA mode with textsafe=save forced.
- 8. The number of pixels across the screen (X - 160 to 2048)
- 9. The number of pixels down the screen (Y - 160 to 2048)
- 10. The number of available colors (2, 4, 16, or 256)
- 11. A comment describing the mode (25 chars max, leading blanks are OK)
- ~Format+
- NOTE that the AX, BX, CX, and DX fields use hexadecimal notation (fifteen
- ==> 'f', sixteen ==> '10'), because that's the way most adapter
- documentation describes it. The other fields use standard decimal
- notation.
- If you look closely at the default entries, you will notice that the IBM
- VGA entries labeled "tweaked" and "non standard" have entries in the table
- with AX = BX = CX = 0, and DX = some other number. Those are special flags
- that we used to tell the program to custom-program the VGA adapter, and
- are NOT undocumented BIOS calls. Maybe they should be, but they aren't.
- If you have a fancy adapter and a new video mode that works on it, and it
- is not currently supported, PLEASE GET THAT INFORMATION TO US! We will
- add the video mode to the list on our next release, and give you credit
- for it. Which brings up another point: If you can confirm that a
- particular video adapter/mode works (or that it doesn't), and the program
- says it is UNTESTED, please get that information to us also. Thanks in
- advance!
- ;
- ;
- ;