home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <time.h>
- #ifndef XFRACT
- #include <io.h>
- #include <dos.h>
- #include <stdarg.h>
- #else
- #include <varargs.h>
- #endif
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include "prototyp.h"
- #include "fractype.h"
- #include "helpdefs.h"
- #if 0
- /* makes a handly list of jul-man pairs, not for release */
- static void julman()
- {
- FILE *fp;
- int i;
- fp = dir_fopen(workdir,"toggle.txt","w");
- i = -1;
- while(fractalspecific[++i].name)
- {
- if(fractalspecific[i].tojulia != NOFRACTAL && fractalspecific[i].name[0] != '*')
- fprintf(fp,"%s %s\n",fractalspecific[i].name,
- fractalspecific[fractalspecific[i].tojulia].name);
- }
- fclose(fp);
- }
- #endif
- /* routines in this module */
- int main_menu_switch(int*,int*,int*,char*,int);
- int big_while_loop(int *kbdmore, char *stacked, int resumeflag);
- static void move_zoombox(int);
- char fromtext_flag = 0; /* = 1 if we're in graphics mode */
- static int call_line3d(BYTE *pixels, int linelen);
- static void note_zoom(void);
- static void restore_zoom(void);
- static void move_zoombox(int keynum);
- static void cmp_line_cleanup(void);
- static void _fastcall restore_history_info(int);
- static void _fastcall save_history_info(void);
- static char far *savezoom;
- static int historyptr = -1; /* user pointer into history tbl */
- static int saveptr = 0; /* save ptr into history tbl */
- static int historyflag; /* are we backing off in history? */
- void (*outln_cleanup) (void);
- int big_while_loop(int *kbdmore, char *stacked, int resumeflag)
- {
- int frommandel; /* if julia entered from mandel */
- int axmode=0, bxmode, cxmode, dxmode; /* video mode (BIOS ##) */
- double ftemp; /* fp temp */
- int i; /* temporary loop counters */
- int kbdchar;
- frommandel = 0;
- if(resumeflag)
- goto resumeloop;
- for(;;) { /* eternal loop */
- if (calc_status != 2 || showfile == 0) {
- #ifdef XFRACT
- if (resizeWindow()) {
- calc_status = -1;
- }
- #endif
- far_memcpy((char far *)&videoentry,(char far *)&videotable[adapter],
- sizeof(videoentry));
- axmode = videoentry.videomodeax; /* video mode (BIOS call) */
- bxmode = videoentry.videomodebx; /* video mode (BIOS call) */
- cxmode = videoentry.videomodecx; /* video mode (BIOS call) */
- dxmode = videoentry.videomodedx; /* video mode (BIOS call) */
- dotmode = videoentry.dotmode; /* assembler dot read/write */
- xdots = videoentry.xdots; /* # dots across the screen */
- ydots = videoentry.ydots; /* # dots down the screen */
- colors = videoentry.colors; /* # colors available */
- textsafe2 = dotmode / 100;
- dotmode %= 100;
- sxdots = xdots;
- sydots = ydots;
- sxoffs = syoffs = 0;
- diskvideo = 0; /* set diskvideo flag */
- if (dotmode == 11) /* default assumption is disk */
- diskvideo = 2;
- memcpy(olddacbox,dacbox,256*3); /* save the DAC */
- diskisactive = 1; /* flag for disk-video routines */
- if (overlay3d) {
- unstackscreen(); /* restore old graphics image */
- overlay3d = 0;
- }
- else {
- setvideomode(axmode,bxmode,cxmode,dxmode); /* switch video modes */
- if (goodmode == 0) {
- static FCODE msg[] = {"That video mode is not available with your adapter."};
- static FCODE TPlusStr[] = "This video mode requires 'noninterlaced=yes'";
- if(TPlusErr) {
- stopmsg(0, TPlusStr);
- TPlusErr = 0;
- }
- else {
- stopmsg(0,msg);
- askvideo = TRUE;
- }
- initmode = -1;
- setvideotext(); /* switch to text mode */
- /* goto restorestart; */
- }
- }
- diskisactive = 0; /* flag for disk-video routines */
- if (savedac || colorpreloaded) {
- memcpy(dacbox,olddacbox,256*3); /* restore the DAC */
- spindac(0,1);
- colorpreloaded = 0;
- }
- else { /* reset DAC to defaults, which setvideomode has done for us */
- if (mapdacbox) { /* but there's a map=, so load that */
- far_memcpy((char far *)dacbox,mapdacbox,768);
- spindac(0,1);
- }
- else if ((dotmode == 11 && colors == 256) || !colors) {
- /* disk video, setvideomode via bios didn't get it right, so: */
- #ifndef XFRACT
- ValidateLuts("default"); /* read the default palette file */
- #endif
- }
- colorstate = 0;
- }
- if (viewwindow) {
- ftemp = finalaspectratio
- * (double)sydots / (double)sxdots / screenaspect;
- if ((xdots = viewxdots) != 0) { /* xdots specified */
- if ((ydots = viewydots) == 0) /* calc ydots? */
- ydots = (int)((double)xdots * ftemp + 0.5);
- }
- else
- if (finalaspectratio <= screenaspect) {
- xdots = (int)((double)sxdots / viewreduction + 0.5);
- ydots = (int)((double)xdots * ftemp + 0.5);
- }
- else {
- ydots = (int)((double)sydots / viewreduction + 0.5);
- xdots = (int)((double)ydots / ftemp + 0.5);
- }
- if (xdots > sxdots || ydots > sydots) {
- static FCODE msg[] = {"View window too large; using full screen."};
- stopmsg(0,msg);
- xdots = sxdots;
- ydots = sydots;
- }
- else if (xdots <= sxdots/20 || ydots <= sydots/20) { /* so ssg works */
- static FCODE msg[] = {"View window too small; using full screen."};
- stopmsg(0,msg);
- xdots = sxdots;
- ydots = sydots;
- }
- sxoffs = (sxdots - xdots) / 2;
- syoffs = (sydots - ydots) / 3;
- }
- dxsize = xdots - 1; /* convert just once now */
- dysize = ydots - 1;
- }
- if(savedac == 0)
- savedac = 2; /* assume we save next time (except jb) */
- else
- savedac = 1; /* assume we save next time */
- if (initbatch == 0)
- lookatmouse = -PAGE_UP; /* mouse left button == pgup */
- if(showfile == 0) { /* loading an image */
- outln_cleanup = NULL; /* outln routine can set this */
- if (display3d) /* set up 3D decoding */
- outln = call_line3d;
- else if(filetype >= 1) /* old .tga format input file */
- outln = outlin16;
- else if(comparegif) /* debug 50 */
- outln = cmp_line;
- else if(pot16bit) { /* .pot format input file */
- if (pot_startdisk() < 0)
- { /* pot file failed? */
- showfile = 1;
- potflag = 0;
- pot16bit = 0;
- initmode = -1;
- calc_status = 2; /* "resume" without 16-bit */
- setvideotext();
- get_fracttype();
- /* goto imagestart; */
- return(IMAGESTART);
- }
- outln = pot_line;
- }
- else /* regular gif/fra input file */
- if(soundflag > 0)
- outln = sound_line; /* sound decoding */
- else
- outln = out_line; /* regular decoding */
- if(filetype == 0)
- {
- if(iit == 2 && usr_floatflag != 0)
- if(F4x4Lock()==0)
- iit = -1; /* semaphore not free - no iit */
- if(debugflag==2224)
- {
- char buf[80];
- sprintf(buf,"iit=%d floatflag=%d",iit,usr_floatflag);
- stopmsg(4,(char far *)buf);
- }
- i = funny_glasses_call(gifview);
- if(iit == 2)
- F4x4Free(); /* unlock semaphore */
- else if(iit == -1)
- iit = 2; /* semaphore operating */
- }
- else
- i = funny_glasses_call(tgaview);
- if(outln_cleanup) /* cleanup routine defined? */
- (*outln_cleanup)();
- if(i == 0)
- buzzer(0);
- else {
- calc_status = -1;
- if (keypressed()) {
- static FCODE msg[] = {"*** load incomplete ***"};
- buzzer(1);
- while (keypressed()) getakey();
- texttempmsg(msg);
- }
- }
- }
- zoomoff = 1; /* zooming is enabled */
- if (dotmode == 11 || (curfractalspecific->flags&NOZOOM) != 0)
- zoomoff = 0; /* for these cases disable zooming */
- calcfracinit();
- #ifdef XFRACT
- schedulealarm(1);
- #endif
- sxmin = xxmin; /* save 3 corners for zoom.c ref points */
- sxmax = xxmax;
- sx3rd = xx3rd;
- symin = yymin;
- symax = yymax;
- sy3rd = yy3rd;
- if(bf_math)
- {
- copy_bf(bfsxmin,bfxmin);
- copy_bf(bfsxmax,bfxmax);
- copy_bf(bfsymin,bfymin);
- copy_bf(bfsymax,bfymax);
- copy_bf(bfsx3rd,bfx3rd);
- copy_bf(bfsy3rd,bfy3rd);
- }
- save_history_info();
- if (display3d || showfile) { /* paranoia: these vars don't get set */
- save_system = active_system; /* unless really doing some work, */
- } /* so simple <r> + <s> keeps number */
- if(showfile == 0) { /* image has been loaded */
- showfile = 1;
- if (initbatch == 1 && calc_status == 2)
- initbatch = -1; /* flag to finish calc before save */
- if (loaded3d) /* 'r' of image created with '3' */
- display3d = 1; /* so set flag for 'b' command */
- }
- else { /* draw an image */
- diskisactive = 1; /* flag for disk-video routines */
- if (initsavetime != 0 /* autosave and resumable? */
- && (curfractalspecific->flags&NORESUME) == 0) {
- savebase = readticker(); /* calc's start time */
- saveticks = abs(initsavetime);
- saveticks *= 1092; /* bios ticks/minute */
- if ((saveticks & 65535L) == 0)
- ++saveticks; /* make low word nonzero */
- finishrow = -1;
- }
- i = calcfract(); /* draw the fractal using "C" */
- if (i == 0)
- buzzer(0); /* finished!! */
- saveticks = 0; /* turn off autosave timer */
- if (dotmode == 11 && i == 0) /* disk-video */
- {
- static FCODE o_msg[] = {"Image has been completed"};
- char msg[sizeof(o_msg)];
- far_strcpy(msg,o_msg);
- dvid_status(0,msg);
- }
- diskisactive = 0; /* flag for disk-video routines */
- }
- #ifndef XFRACT
- boxcount = 0; /* no zoom box yet */
- zwidth = 0;
- #else
- if (!XZoomWaiting) {
- boxcount = 0; /* no zoom box yet */
- zwidth = 0;
- }
- #endif
- if (fractype == PLASMA && cpu > 88) {
- cyclelimit = 256; /* plasma clouds need quick spins */
- daccount = 256;
- daclearn = 1;
- }
- resumeloop: /* return here on failed overlays */
- *kbdmore = 1;
- while (*kbdmore == 1) { /* loop through command keys */
- if (timedsave != 0) {
- if (timedsave == 1) { /* woke up for timed save */
- getakey(); /* eat the dummy char */
- kbdchar = 's'; /* do the save */
- resave_flag = 1;
- timedsave = 2;
- }
- else { /* save done, resume */
- timedsave = 0;
- resave_flag = 2;
- kbdchar = ENTER;
- }
- }
- else if (initbatch == 0) { /* not batch mode */
- lookatmouse = (zwidth == 0) ? -PAGE_UP : 3;
- if (calc_status == 2 && zwidth == 0 && !keypressed()) {
- kbdchar = ENTER ; /* no visible reason to stop, continue */
- } else { /* wait for a real keystroke */
- if (autobrowse && !no_sub_images) kbdchar = 'l';
- else
- {
- #ifndef XFRACT
- while (!keypressed());/* { }*/ /* enables help */
- #else
- waitkeypressed(0);
- #endif
- kbdchar = getakey();
- }
- if (kbdchar == ESC || kbdchar == 'm' || kbdchar == 'M') {
- if (kbdchar == ESC && escape_exit != 0)
- /* don't ask, just get out */
- goodbye();
- stackscreen();
- #ifndef XFRACT
- kbdchar = main_menu(1);
- #else
- if (XZoomWaiting) {
- kbdchar = ENTER;
- } else {
- kbdchar = main_menu(1);
- if (XZoomWaiting) {
- kbdchar = ENTER;
- }
- }
- #endif
- if (kbdchar == '\\' || kbdchar == CTL_BACKSLASH ||
- kbdchar == 'h' || kbdchar == 8 ||
- check_vidmode_key(0,kbdchar) >= 0)
- discardscreen();
- else if (kbdchar == 'x' || kbdchar == 'y' ||
- kbdchar == 'z' || kbdchar == 'g' ||
- kbdchar == 'v' || kbdchar == 2)
- fromtext_flag = 1;
- else
- unstackscreen();
- }
- }
- }
- else { /* batch mode, fake next keystroke */
- /* initbatch == -1 flag to finish calc before save */
- /* initbatch == 0 not in batch mode */
- /* initbatch == 1 normal batch mode */
- /* initbatch == 2 was 1, now do a save */
- /* initbatch == 3 bailout with errorlevel == 2, error occurred, no save */
- /* initbatch == 4 bailout with errorlevel == 1, interrupted, try to save */
- /* initbatch == 5 was 4, now do a save */
- if (initbatch == -1) { /* finish calc */
- kbdchar = ENTER;
- initbatch = 1;
- }
- else if (initbatch == 1 || initbatch == 4 ) { /* save-to-disk */
- /*
- while(keypressed())
- getakey();
- */
- if (debugflag == 50)
- kbdchar = 'r';
- else
- kbdchar = 's';
- if(initbatch == 1) initbatch = 2;
- if(initbatch == 4) initbatch = 5;
- }
- else {
- if(calc_status != 4) initbatch = 3; /* bailout with error */
- goodbye(); /* done, exit */
- }
- }
- #ifndef XFRACT
- if ('A' <= kbdchar && kbdchar <= 'Z')
- kbdchar = tolower(kbdchar);
- #endif
- switch(main_menu_switch(&kbdchar,&frommandel,kbdmore,stacked,axmode))
- {
- return(IMAGESTART);
- case RESTART:
- return(RESTART);
- case CONTINUE:
- continue;
- default:
- break;
- }
- if (zoomoff == 1 && *kbdmore == 1) /* draw/clear a zoom box? */
- drawbox(1);
- #ifdef XFRACT
- if (resizeWindow()) {
- calc_status = -1;
- }
- #endif
- }
- }
- /* return(0); */
- }
- int main_menu_switch(int *kbdchar, int *frommandel, int *kbdmore, char *stacked, int axmode)
- {
- int i,k;
- static double jxxmin, jxxmax, jyymin, jyymax; /* "Julia mode" entry point */
- static double jxx3rd, jyy3rd;
- /*
- char drive[FILE_MAX_DRIVE];
- char dir[FILE_MAX_DIR];
- char fname[FILE_MAX_FNAME];
- char ext[FILE_MAX_EXT];
- */
- switch (*kbdchar)
- {
- case 't': /* new fractal type */
- julibrot = 0;
- clear_zoombox();
- stackscreen();
- if ((i = get_fracttype()) >= 0)
- {
- discardscreen();
- savedac = 0;
- save_release = release;
- no_mag_calc = 0;
- use_old_period = 0;
- if (i == 0)
- {
- initmode = adapter;
- *frommandel = 0;
- }
- else if (initmode < 0) /* it is supposed to be... */
- setvideotext(); /* reset to text mode */
- return(IMAGESTART);
- }
- unstackscreen();
- break;
- case 24: /* Ctl-X, Ctl-Y, CTL-Z do flipping */
- case 25:
- case 26:
- flip_image(*kbdchar);
- break;
- case 'x': /* invoke options screen */
- case 'y':
- case 'z': /* type specific parms */
- case 'g':
- case 'v':
- case 2:
- if (fromtext_flag == 1)
- fromtext_flag = 0;
- else
- stackscreen();
- if (*kbdchar == 'x')
- i = get_toggles();
- else if (*kbdchar == 'y')
- i = get_toggles2();
- else if (*kbdchar == 'z')
- i = get_fract_params(1);
- else if (*kbdchar == 'v')
- i = get_view_params(); /* get the parameters */
- else if (*kbdchar == 2)
- i = get_browse_params();
- else
- i = get_cmd_string();
- unstackscreen();
- if (i > 0) /* time to redraw? */
- *kbdmore = calc_status = 0;
- break;
- #ifndef XFRACT
- case '@': /* execute commands */
- case '2': /* execute commands */
- #else
- case F2: /* execute commands */
- #endif
- stackscreen();
- i = get_commands();
- if (initmode != -1)
- { /* video= was specified */
- adapter = initmode;
- initmode = -1;
- i |= 1;
- savedac = 0;
- }
- else if (colorpreloaded)
- { /* colors= was specified */
- spindac(0, 1);
- colorpreloaded = 0;
- }
- else if ((i & 8)) /* reset was specified */
- savedac = 0;
- if ((i & 4))
- { /* 3d = was specified */
- *kbdchar = '3';
- unstackscreen();
- goto do_3d_transform; /* pretend '3' was keyed */
- }
- if ((i & 1))
- { /* fractal parameter changed */
- discardscreen();
- /* backwards_v18();*/ /* moved this to cmdfiles.c */
- /* backwards_v19();*/
- *kbdmore = calc_status = 0;
- }
- else
- unstackscreen();
- break;
- case 'f': /* floating pt toggle */
- if (usr_floatflag == 0)
- usr_floatflag = 1;
- else
- usr_floatflag = 0;
- initmode = adapter;
- return(IMAGESTART);
- case 'i': /* 3d fractal parms */
- if (get_fract3d_params() >= 0) /* get the parameters */
- calc_status = *kbdmore = 0; /* time to redraw */
- break;
- #if 0
- case 'w':
- /*chk_keys();*/
- /*julman();*/
- break;
- #endif
- case 1: /* ^a Ant */
- clear_zoombox();
- {
- int oldtype, err, i;
- double oldparm[MAXPARAMS];
- oldtype = fractype;
- for(i=0;i<MAXPARAMS;i++)
- oldparm[i] = param[i];
- if (fractype != ANT)
- {
- fractype = ANT;
- curfractalspecific = &fractalspecific[fractype];
- load_params(fractype);
- }
- if (!fromtext_flag)
- stackscreen();
- fromtext_flag = 0;
- if ((err = get_fract_params(2)) >= 0)
- {
- unstackscreen();
- if (ant() >= 0)
- calc_status = 0;
- }
- else
- unstackscreen();
- fractype = oldtype;
- for(i=0;i<MAXPARAMS;i++)
- param[i] = oldparm[i];
- if (err >= 0)
- return(CONTINUE);
- }
- break;
- case 'k': /* ^s is irritating, give user a single key */
- case 19: /* ^s RDS */
- clear_zoombox();
- if (get_rds_params() >= 0)
- {
- if (do_AutoStereo() >= 0)
- calc_status = 0;
- return(CONTINUE);
- }
- break;
- case 'a': /* starfield parms */
- clear_zoombox();
- if (get_starfield_params() >= 0)
- {
- if (starfield() >= 0)
- calc_status = 0;
- return(CONTINUE);
- }
- break;
- case 15: /* ctrl-o */
- case 'o':
- /* must use standard fractal and have a float variant */
- if ((fractalspecific[fractype].calctype == StandardFractal
- || fractalspecific[fractype].calctype == calcfroth) &&
- (fractalspecific[fractype].isinteger == 0 ||
- fractalspecific[fractype].tofloat != NOFRACTAL) &&
- !bf_math /* for now no arbitrary precision support */ )
- {
- clear_zoombox();
- Jiim(ORBIT);
- }
- break;
- case SPACE: /* spacebar, toggle mand/julia */
- if(bf_math)
- break;
- if (fractype == CELLULAR)
- {
- if (nxtscreenflag)
- nxtscreenflag = 0; /* toggle flag to stop generation */
- else
- nxtscreenflag = 1; /* toggle flag to generate next screen */
- calc_status = 2;
- *kbdmore = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- if (curfractalspecific->tojulia != NOFRACTAL
- && param[0] == 0.0 && param[1] == 0.0)
- {
- /* switch to corresponding Julia set */
- int key;
- if ((fractype == MANDEL || fractype == MANDELFP) && bf_math == 0)
- hasinverse = 1;
- else
- hasinverse = 0;
- clear_zoombox();
- Jiim(JIIM);
- key = getakey(); /* flush keyboard buffer */
- if (key != SPACE)
- {
- ungetakey(key);
- break;
- }
- fractype = curfractalspecific->tojulia;
- curfractalspecific = &fractalspecific[fractype];
- if (xcjul == BIG || ycjul == BIG)
- {
- param[0] = (xxmax + xxmin) / 2;
- param[1] = (yymax + yymin) / 2;
- }
- else
- {
- param[0] = xcjul;
- param[1] = ycjul;
- xcjul = ycjul = BIG;
- }
- jxxmin = sxmin;
- jxxmax = sxmax;
- jyymax = symax;
- jyymin = symin;
- jxx3rd = sx3rd;
- jyy3rd = sy3rd;
- *frommandel = 1;
- xxmin = curfractalspecific->xmin;
- xxmax = curfractalspecific->xmax;
- yymin = curfractalspecific->ymin;
- yymax = curfractalspecific->ymax;
- xx3rd = xxmin;
- yy3rd = yymin;
- if (usr_distest == 0 && usr_biomorph != -1 && bitshift != 29)
- {
- xxmin *= 3.0;
- xxmax *= 3.0;
- yymin *= 3.0;
- yymax *= 3.0;
- xx3rd *= 3.0;
- yy3rd *= 3.0;
- }
- zoomoff = 1;
- calc_status = 0;
- *kbdmore = 0;
- }
- else if (curfractalspecific->tomandel != NOFRACTAL)
- {
- /* switch to corresponding Mandel set */
- fractype = curfractalspecific->tomandel;
- curfractalspecific = &fractalspecific[fractype];
- if (*frommandel)
- {
- xxmin = jxxmin;
- xxmax = jxxmax;
- yymin = jyymin;
- yymax = jyymax;
- xx3rd = jxx3rd;
- yy3rd = jyy3rd;
- }
- else
- {
- xxmin = xx3rd = curfractalspecific->xmin;
- xxmax = curfractalspecific->xmax;
- yymin = yy3rd = curfractalspecific->ymin;
- yymax = curfractalspecific->ymax;
- }
- SaveC.x = param[0];
- SaveC.y = param[1];
- param[0] = 0;
- param[1] = 0;
- zoomoff = 1;
- calc_status = 0;
- *kbdmore = 0;
- }
- else
- buzzer(2); /* can't switch */
- } /* end of else for if == cellular */
- break;
- case 'j': /* inverse julia toggle */
- /* if the inverse types proliferate, something more elegant will be
- * needed */
- if (fractype == JULIA || fractype == JULIAFP || fractype == INVERSEJULIA)
- {
- static int oldtype = -1;
- if (fractype == JULIA || fractype == JULIAFP)
- {
- oldtype = fractype;
- fractype = INVERSEJULIA;
- }
- else if (fractype == INVERSEJULIA)
- {
- if (oldtype != -1)
- fractype = oldtype;
- else
- fractype = JULIA;
- }
- curfractalspecific = &fractalspecific[fractype];
- zoomoff = 1;
- calc_status = 0;
- *kbdmore = 0;
- }
- #if 0
- else if (fractype == MANDEL || fractype == MANDELFP)
- {
- clear_zoombox();
- Jiim(JIIM);
- }
- #endif
- else
- buzzer(2);
- break;
- case '\\': /* return to prev image */
- case 'h':
- case 8:
- if (name_stack_ptr >= 1)
- {
- /* go back one file if somewhere to go (ie. browsing) */
- name_stack_ptr--;
- strcpy(browsename, file_name_stack[name_stack_ptr]);
- /*
- splitpath(browsename, NULL, NULL, fname, ext);
- splitpath(readname, drive, dir, NULL, NULL);
- makepath(readname, drive, dir, fname, ext);
- */
- merge_pathnames(readname,browsename,2);
- browsing = TRUE;
- no_sub_images = FALSE;
- showfile = 0;
- if (askvideo)
- {
- stackscreen(); /* save graphics image */
- *stacked = 1;
- }
- }
- else if(maxhistory > 0 && bf_math == 0)
- {
- if(*kbdchar == '\\' || *kbdchar == 'h')
- if (--historyptr < 0)
- historyptr = maxhistory - 1;
- if(*kbdchar == CTL_BACKSLASH || *kbdchar == 8)
- if (++historyptr >= maxhistory)
- historyptr = 0;
- restore_history_info(historyptr);
- zoomoff = 1;
- initmode = adapter;
- if (curfractalspecific->isinteger != 0 &&
- curfractalspecific->tofloat != NOFRACTAL)
- usr_floatflag = 0;
- if (curfractalspecific->isinteger == 0 &&
- curfractalspecific->tofloat != NOFRACTAL)
- usr_floatflag = 1;
- historyflag = 1; /* avoid re-store parms due to rounding errs */
- return(IMAGESTART);
- }
- break;
- case 'd': /* shell to MS-DOS */
- stackscreen();
- #ifndef XFRACT
- if (axmode == 0 || axmode > 7)
- {
- static FCODE dosmsg[] =
- {"\
- Note: Your graphics image is still squirreled away in your video\n\
- adapter's memory. Switching video modes will clobber part of that\n\
- image. Sorry - it's the best we could do."};
- putstring(0, 0, 7, dosmsg);
- movecursor(6, 0);
- }
- #endif
- shell_to_dos();
- unstackscreen();
- /* calc_status = 0; */
- break;
- case 'c': /* switch to color cycling */
- case '+': /* rotate palette */
- case '-': /* rotate palette */
- clear_zoombox();
- memcpy(olddacbox, dacbox, 256 * 3);
- rotate((*kbdchar == 'c') ? 0 : ((*kbdchar == '+') ? 1 : -1));
- if (memcmp(olddacbox, dacbox, 256 * 3))
- {
- colorstate = 1;
- save_history_info();
- }
- return(CONTINUE);
- case 'e': /* switch to color editing */
- clear_zoombox();
- if (dacbox[0][0] != 255 && !reallyega && colors >= 16
- && dotmode != 11)
- {
- int oldhelpmode;
- oldhelpmode = helpmode;
- memcpy(olddacbox, dacbox, 256 * 3);
- helpmode = HELPXHAIR;
- EditPalette();
- helpmode = oldhelpmode;
- if (memcmp(olddacbox, dacbox, 256 * 3))
- {
- colorstate = 1;
- save_history_info();
- }
- }
- return(CONTINUE);
- case 's': /* save-to-disk */
- diskisactive = 1; /* flag for disk-video routines */
- note_zoom();
- savetodisk(savename);
- restore_zoom();
- diskisactive = 0; /* flag for disk-video routines */
- return(CONTINUE);
- case '#': /* 3D overlay */
- #ifdef XFRACT
- case F3: /* 3D overlay */
- #endif
- clear_zoombox();
- overlay3d = 1;
- case '3': /* restore-from (3d) */
- do_3d_transform:
- if (overlay3d)
- display3d = 2; /* for <b> command */
- else
- display3d = 1;
- case 'r': /* restore-from */
- comparegif = 0;
- *frommandel = 0;
- if (browsing)
- {
- browsing = FALSE;
- }
- if (*kbdchar == 'r')
- {
- if (debugflag == 50)
- {
- comparegif = overlay3d = 1;
- if (initbatch == 2)
- {
- stackscreen(); /* save graphics image */
- strcpy(readname, savename);
- showfile = 0;
- }
- }
- else
- comparegif = overlay3d = 0;
- display3d = 0;
- }
- stackscreen(); /* save graphics image */
- if (overlay3d)
- *stacked = 0;
- else
- *stacked = 1;
- if (resave_flag)
- {
- updatesavename(savename); /* do the pending increment */
- resave_flag = started_resaves = 0;
- }
- showfile = -1;
- /* RB */
- case 'l':
- case 'L': /* Look for other files within this view */
- if ((zwidth == 0) && (!diskvideo)) /* not zooming & no disk
- * video */
- {
- int oldhelpmode;
- oldhelpmode = helpmode;
- helpmode = HELPBROWSE;
- switch (fgetwindow())
- {
- case ENTER:
- case ENTER_2:
- showfile = 0; /* trigger load */
- browsing = TRUE; /* but don't ask for the file name as it's
- * just been selected */
- if (name_stack_ptr == 15)
- { /* about to run off the end of the file
- * history stack so shift it all back one to
- * make room, lose the 1st one */
- int tmp;
- for (tmp = 1; tmp < 16; tmp++)
- strcpy(file_name_stack[tmp - 1], file_name_stack[tmp]);
- name_stack_ptr = 14;
- }
- name_stack_ptr++;
- strcpy(file_name_stack[name_stack_ptr], browsename);
- /*
- splitpath(browsename, NULL, NULL, fname, ext);
- splitpath(readname, drive, dir, NULL, NULL);
- makepath(readname, drive, dir, fname, ext);
- */
- merge_pathnames(readname,browsename,2);
- if (askvideo)
- {
- stackscreen(); /* save graphics image */
- *stacked = 1;
- }
- return(RESTORESTART); /* hop off and do it!! */
- case '\\':
- if (name_stack_ptr >= 1)
- {
- /* go back one file if somewhere to go (ie. browsing) */
- name_stack_ptr--;
- strcpy(browsename, file_name_stack[name_stack_ptr]);
- /*
- splitpath(browsename, NULL, NULL, fname, ext);
- splitpath(readname, drive, dir, NULL, NULL);
- makepath(readname, drive, dir, fname, ext);
- */
- merge_pathnames(readname,browsename,2);
- browsing = TRUE;
- showfile = 0;
- if (askvideo)
- {
- stackscreen();/* save graphics image */
- *stacked = 1;
- }
- } /* otherwise fall through and turn off
- * browsing */
- case ESC:
- case 'l': /* turn it off */
- case 'L':
- browsing = FALSE;
- helpmode = oldhelpmode;
- break;
- case 's':
- browsing = FALSE;
- helpmode = oldhelpmode;
- savetodisk(savename);
- break;
- default: /* or no files found, leave the state of
- * browsing */
- break; /* alone */
- }
- }
- else
- {
- browsing = FALSE;
- buzzer(2); /* can't browse if zooming or diskvideo */
- }
- break;
- case 'b': /* make batch file */
- make_batch_file();
- break;
- case 'p': /* print current image */
- note_zoom();
- Print_Screen();
- restore_zoom();
- if (!keypressed())
- buzzer(0);
- else
- {
- buzzer(1);
- getakey();
- }
- return(CONTINUE);
- case ENTER: /* Enter */
- case ENTER_2: /* Numeric-Keypad Enter */
- #ifdef XFRACT
- XZoomWaiting = 0;
- #endif
- if (zwidth != 0.0)
- { /* do a zoom */
- init_pan_or_recalc(0);
- *kbdmore = 0;
- }
- if (calc_status != 4) /* don't restart if image complete */
- *kbdmore = 0;
- break;
- case CTL_ENTER: /* control-Enter */
- case CTL_ENTER_2: /* Control-Keypad Enter */
- init_pan_or_recalc(1);
- *kbdmore = 0;
- zoomout(); /* calc corners for zooming out */
- break;
- case INSERT: /* insert */
- setvideotext(); /* force text mode */
- return(RESTART);
- case LEFT_ARROW: /* cursor left */
- case RIGHT_ARROW: /* cursor right */
- case UP_ARROW: /* cursor up */
- case DOWN_ARROW: /* cursor down */
- case LEFT_ARROW_2: /* Ctrl-cursor left */
- case RIGHT_ARROW_2: /* Ctrl-cursor right */
- case UP_ARROW_2: /* Ctrl-cursor up */
- case DOWN_ARROW_2: /* Ctrl-cursor down */
- move_zoombox(*kbdchar);
- break;
- case CTL_HOME: /* Ctrl-home */
- if (boxcount && (curfractalspecific->flags & NOROTATE) == 0)
- {
- i = key_count(CTL_HOME);
- if ((zskew -= 0.02 * i) < -0.48)
- zskew = -0.48;
- }
- break;
- case CTL_END: /* Ctrl-end */
- if (boxcount && (curfractalspecific->flags & NOROTATE) == 0)
- {
- i = key_count(CTL_END);
- if ((zskew += 0.02 * i) > 0.48)
- zskew = 0.48;
- }
- break;
- case CTL_PAGE_UP: /* Ctrl-pgup */
- if (boxcount)
- chgboxi(0, -2 * key_count(CTL_PAGE_UP));
- break;
- case CTL_PAGE_DOWN: /* Ctrl-pgdn */
- if (boxcount)
- chgboxi(0, 2 * key_count(CTL_PAGE_DOWN));
- break;
- case PAGE_UP: /* page up */
- if (zoomoff == 1)
- if (zwidth == 0)
- { /* start zoombox */
- zwidth = zdepth = 1;
- zskew = zrotate = 0;
- zbx = zby = 0;
- find_special_colors();
- boxcolor = color_bright;
- }
- else
- resizebox(0 - key_count(PAGE_UP));
- break;
- case PAGE_DOWN: /* page down */
- if (boxcount)
- {
- if (zwidth >= .999 && zdepth >= 0.999) /* end zoombox */
- zwidth = 0;
- else
- resizebox(key_count(PAGE_DOWN));
- }
- break;
- case CTL_MINUS: /* Ctrl-kpad- */
- if (boxcount && (curfractalspecific->flags & NOROTATE) == 0)
- zrotate += key_count(CTL_MINUS);
- break;
- case CTL_PLUS: /* Ctrl-kpad+ */
- if (boxcount && (curfractalspecific->flags & NOROTATE) == 0)
- zrotate -= key_count(CTL_PLUS);
- break;
- case CTL_INSERT: /* Ctrl-ins */
- boxcolor += key_count(CTL_INSERT);
- break;
- case CTL_DEL: /* Ctrl-del */
- boxcolor -= key_count(CTL_DEL);
- break;
- case DELETE: /* select video mode from list */
- stackscreen();
- *kbdchar = select_video_mode(adapter);
- if (check_vidmode_key(0, *kbdchar) >= 0) /* picked a new mode? */
- discardscreen();
- else
- unstackscreen();
- /* fall through */
- default: /* other (maybe a valid Fn key) */
- if ((k = check_vidmode_key(0, *kbdchar)) >= 0)
- {
- adapter = k;
- /* if (videotable[adapter].dotmode != 11 Took out so that */
- /* || videotable[adapter].colors != colors) DAC is not reset */
- /* savedac = 0; when changing video modes */
- calc_status = 0;
- *kbdmore = 0;
- return(CONTINUE);
- }
- break;
- } /* end of the big switch */
- return(0);
- }
- static int call_line3d(BYTE *pixels, int linelen)
- {
- /* this routine exists because line3d might be in an overlay */
- return(line3d(pixels,linelen));
- }
- static void note_zoom()
- {
- if (boxcount) { /* save zoombox stuff in far mem before encode (mem reused) */
- if ((savezoom = farmemalloc((long)(5*boxcount))) == NULL)
- clear_zoombox(); /* not enuf mem so clear the box */
- else {
- reset_zoom_corners(); /* reset these to overall image, not box */
- far_memcpy(savezoom,boxx,boxcount*2);
- far_memcpy(savezoom+boxcount*2,boxy,boxcount*2);
- far_memcpy(savezoom+boxcount*4,boxvalues,boxcount);
- }
- }
- }
- static void restore_zoom()
- {
- if (boxcount) { /* restore zoombox arrays */
- far_memcpy(boxx,savezoom,boxcount*2);
- far_memcpy(boxy,savezoom+boxcount*2,boxcount*2);
- far_memcpy(boxvalues,savezoom+boxcount*4,boxcount);
- farmemfree(savezoom);
- drawbox(1); /* get the xxmin etc variables recalc'd by redisplaying */
- }
- }
- /* do all pending movement at once for smooth mouse diagonal moves */
- static void move_zoombox(int keynum)
- { int vertical, horizontal, getmore;
- if (boxcount == 0)
- return;
- vertical = horizontal = 0;
- getmore = 1;
- while (getmore) {
- switch (keynum) {
- case LEFT_ARROW: /* cursor left */
- --horizontal;
- break;
- case RIGHT_ARROW: /* cursor right */
- ++horizontal;
- break;
- case UP_ARROW: /* cursor up */
- --vertical;
- break;
- case DOWN_ARROW: /* cursor down */
- ++vertical;
- break;
- case LEFT_ARROW_2: /* Ctrl-cursor left */
- horizontal -= 5;
- break;
- case RIGHT_ARROW_2: /* Ctrl-cursor right */
- horizontal += 5;
- break;
- case UP_ARROW_2: /* Ctrl-cursor up */
- vertical -= 5;
- break;
- case DOWN_ARROW_2: /* Ctrl-cursor down */
- vertical += 5;
- break;
- default:
- getmore = 0;
- }
- if (getmore) {
- if (getmore == 2) /* eat last key used */
- getakey();
- getmore = 2;
- keynum = keypressed(); /* next pending key */
- }
- }
- if (horizontal != 0)
- moveboxf((double)horizontal/dxsize,0.0);
- if (vertical != 0)
- moveboxf(0.0,(double)vertical/dysize);
- }
- /* displays differences between current image file and new image */
- static FILE *cmp_fp;
- static errcount;
- int cmp_line(BYTE *pixels, int linelen)
- {
- int row,col;
- int oldcolor;
- if((row = rowcount++) == 0) {
- errcount = 0;
- cmp_fp = dir_fopen(workdir,"cmperr",(initbatch)?"a":"w");
- outln_cleanup = cmp_line_cleanup;
- }
- if(pot16bit) { /* 16 bit info, ignore odd numbered rows */
- if((row & 1) != 0) return(0);
- row >>= 1;
- }
- for(col=0;col<linelen;col++) {
- oldcolor=getcolor(col,row);
- if(oldcolor==(int)pixels[col])
- putcolor(col,row,0);
- else {
- if(oldcolor==0)
- putcolor(col,row,1);
- ++errcount;
- if(initbatch == 0)
- fprintf(cmp_fp,"#%5d col %3d row %3d old %3d new %3d\n",
- errcount,col,row,oldcolor,pixels[col]);
- }
- }
- return(0);
- }
- static void cmp_line_cleanup(void)
- {
- char *timestring;
- time_t ltime;
- if(initbatch) {
- time(<ime);
- timestring = ctime(<ime);
- timestring[24] = 0; /*clobber newline in time string */
- fprintf(cmp_fp,"%s compare to %s has %5d errs\n",
- timestring,readname,errcount);
- }
- fclose(cmp_fp);
- }
- int pot_line(BYTE *pixels, int linelen)
- {
- int row,col,saverowcount;
- if (rowcount == 0)
- if (pot_startdisk() < 0)
- return -1;
- saverowcount = rowcount;
- row = (rowcount >>= 1);
- if ((saverowcount & 1) != 0) /* odd line */
- row += ydots;
- else /* even line */
- if (dotmode != 11) /* display the line too */
- out_line(pixels,linelen);
- for (col = 0; col < xdots; ++col)
- writedisk(col+sxoffs,row+syoffs,*(pixels+col));
- rowcount = saverowcount + 1;
- return(0);
- }
- void clear_zoombox()
- {
- zwidth = 0;
- drawbox(0);
- reset_zoom_corners();
- }
- void reset_zoom_corners()
- {
- xxmin = sxmin;
- xxmax = sxmax;
- xx3rd = sx3rd;
- yymax = symax;
- yymin = symin;
- yy3rd = sy3rd;
- if(bf_math)
- {
- copy_bf(bfxmin,bfsxmin);
- copy_bf(bfxmax,bfsxmax);
- copy_bf(bfymin,bfsymin);
- copy_bf(bfymax,bfsymax);
- copy_bf(bfx3rd,bfsx3rd);
- copy_bf(bfy3rd,bfsy3rd);
- }
- }
- /*
- Function setup287code is called by main() when a 287
- or better fpu is detected.
- */
- #define ORBPTR(x) fractalspecific[x].orbitcalc
- void setup287code()
- {
- }
- int sound_line(BYTE *pixels, int linelen)
- {
- int i;
- for(i=0;i<linelen;i++)
- {
- putcolor(i,rowcount,pixels[i]);
- if(orbit_delay > 0)
- sleepms(orbit_delay);
- snd((int)(pixels[i]*3000/colors+basehertz));
- if(keypressed())
- {
- nosnd();
- return(-1);
- }
- }
- nosnd();
- rowcount++;
- return(0);
- }
- /* read keystrokes while = specified key, return 1+count; */
- /* used to catch up when moving zoombox is slower than keyboard */
- int key_count(int keynum)
- { int ctr;
- ctr = 1;
- while (keypressed() == keynum) {
- getakey();
- ++ctr;
- }
- return ctr;
- }
- static void _fastcall save_history_info()
- {
- HISTORY current;
- if(maxhistory <= 0 || bf_math)
- return;
- far_memset((void far *)¤t,0,sizeof(HISTORY));
- current.fractal_type = (short)fractype ;
- current.xmin = xxmin ;
- current.xmax = xxmax ;
- current.ymin = yymin ;
- current.ymax = yymax ;
- current.creal = param[0] ;
- current.cimag = param[1] ;
- current.dparm3 = param[2] ;
- current.dparm4 = param[3] ;
- current.dparm5 = param[4] ;
- current.dparm6 = param[5] ;
- current.dparm7 = param[6] ;
- current.dparm8 = param[7] ;
- current.dparm9 = param[8] ;
- current.dparm10 = param[9] ;
- current.fillcolor = (short)fillcolor ;
- current.potential[0] = potparam[0] ;
- current.potential[1] = potparam[1] ;
- current.potential[2] = potparam[2] ;
- current.rflag = (short)rflag ;
- current.rseed = (short)rseed ;
- current.inside = (short)inside ;
- current.logmap = (short)LogFlag ;
- current.invert[0] = inversion[0] ;
- current.invert[1] = inversion[1] ;
- current.invert[2] = inversion[2] ;
- current.decomp = (short)decomp[0]; ;
- current.biomorph = (short)biomorph ;
- current.symmetry = (short)forcesymmetry ;
- current.init3d[0] = (short)init3d[0] ;
- current.init3d[1] = (short)init3d[1] ;
- current.init3d[2] = (short)init3d[2] ;
- current.init3d[3] = (short)init3d[3] ;
- current.init3d[4] = (short)init3d[4] ;
- current.init3d[5] = (short)init3d[5] ;
- current.init3d[6] = (short)init3d[6] ;
- current.init3d[7] = (short)init3d[7] ;
- current.init3d[8] = (short)init3d[8] ;
- current.init3d[9] = (short)init3d[9] ;
- current.init3d[10] = (short)init3d[10] ;
- current.init3d[11] = (short)init3d[12] ;
- current.init3d[12] = (short)init3d[13] ;
- current.init3d[13] = (short)init3d[14] ;
- current.init3d[14] = (short)init3d[15] ;
- current.init3d[15] = (short)init3d[16] ;
- current.previewfactor = (short)previewfactor ;
- current.xtrans = (short)xtrans ;
- current.ytrans = (short)ytrans ;
- current.red_crop_left = (short)red_crop_left ;
- current.red_crop_right = (short)red_crop_right ;
- current.blue_crop_left = (short)blue_crop_left ;
- current.blue_crop_right = (short)blue_crop_right ;
- current.red_bright = (short)red_bright ;
- current.blue_bright = (short)blue_bright ;
- current.xadjust = (short)xadjust ;
- current.yadjust = (short)yadjust ;
- current.eyeseparation = (short)eyeseparation ;
- current.glassestype = (short)glassestype ;
- current.outside = (short)outside ;
- current.x3rd = xx3rd ;
- current.y3rd = yy3rd ;
- current.stdcalcmode = stdcalcmode ;
- current.three_pass = three_pass ;
- current.distest = (short)distest ;
- current.trigndx[0] = trigndx[0] ;
- current.trigndx[1] = trigndx[1] ;
- current.trigndx[2] = trigndx[2] ;
- current.trigndx[3] = trigndx[3] ;
- current.finattract = (short)finattract ;
- current.initorbit[0] = initorbit.x ;
- current.initorbit[1] = initorbit.y ;
- current.useinitorbit = useinitorbit ;
- current.periodicity = (short)periodicitycheck ;
- current.pot16bit = (short)disk16bit ;
- current.release = (short)release ;
- current.save_release = (short)save_release ;
- current.flag3d = (short)display3d ;
- current.ambient = (short)Ambient ;
- current.randomize = (short)RANDOMIZE ;
- current.haze = (short)haze ;
- current.transparent[0] = (short)transparent[0] ;
- current.transparent[1] = (short)transparent[1] ;
- current.rotate_lo = (short)rotate_lo ;
- current.rotate_hi = (short)rotate_hi ;
- current.distestwidth = (short)distestwidth ;
- current.mxmaxfp = mxmaxfp ;
- current.mxminfp = mxminfp ;
- current.mymaxfp = mymaxfp ;
- current.myminfp = myminfp ;
- current.zdots = (short)zdots ;
- current.originfp = originfp ;
- current.depthfp = depthfp ;
- current.heightfp = heightfp ;
- current.widthfp = widthfp ;
- current.distfp = distfp ;
- current.eyesfp = eyesfp ;
- current.orbittype = (short)neworbittype ;
- current.juli3Dmode = (short)juli3Dmode ;
- current.maxfn = maxfn ;
- current.major_method = (short)major_method ;
- current.minor_method = (short)minor_method ;
- current.bailout = bailout ;
- current.bailoutest = (short)bailoutest ;
- current.iterations = maxit ;
- current.old_demm_colors = (short)old_demm_colors;
- far_memcpy(current.dac,dacbox,256*3);
- switch(fractype)
- {
- case FORMULA:
- case FFORMULA:
- far_strncpy(current.filename,FormFileName,80);
- far_strncpy(current.itemname,FormName,ITEMNAMELEN+1);
- break;
- case IFS:
- case IFS3D:
- far_strncpy(current.filename,IFSFileName,80);
- far_strncpy(current.itemname,IFSName,ITEMNAMELEN+1);
- break;
- case LSYSTEM:
- far_strncpy(current.filename,LFileName,80);
- far_strncpy(current.itemname,LName,ITEMNAMELEN+1);
- break;
- default:
- *(current.filename) = 0;
- *(current.itemname) = 0;
- break;
- }
- if (historyptr == -1) /* initialize the history file */
- {
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < maxhistory; i++)
- history[i] = current;
- historyflag = saveptr = historyptr = 0; /* initialize history ptr */
- }
- else if(historyflag == 1)
- historyflag = 0; /* coming from user history command, don't save */
- else if(far_memcmp(¤t,&history[saveptr],sizeof(HISTORY)))
- {
- char msg[80];
- if(++saveptr >= maxhistory) /* back to beginning of circular buffer */
- saveptr = 0;
- if(++historyptr >= maxhistory) /* move user pointer in parallel */
- historyptr = 0;
- history[saveptr] = current;
- sprintf(msg,"saving image in history %d",saveptr);
- /* stopmsg(0,msg); */
- }
- }
- static void _fastcall restore_history_info(int i)
- {
- char msg[80];
- sprintf(msg,"restoring msg %d",i);
- /* stopmsg(0,msg); */
- if(maxhistory <= 0 || bf_math)
- return;
- invert = 0;
- calc_status = 0;
- resuming = 0;
- fractype = history[i].fractal_type ;
- xxmin = history[i].xmin ;
- xxmax = history[i].xmax ;
- yymin = history[i].ymin ;
- yymax = history[i].ymax ;
- param[0] = history[i].creal ;
- param[1] = history[i].cimag ;
- param[2] = history[i].dparm3 ;
- param[3] = history[i].dparm4 ;
- param[4] = history[i].dparm5 ;
- param[5] = history[i].dparm6 ;
- param[6] = history[i].dparm7 ;
- param[7] = history[i].dparm8 ;
- param[8] = history[i].dparm9 ;
- param[9] = history[i].dparm10 ;
- fillcolor = history[i].fillcolor ;
- potparam[0] = history[i].potential[0] ;
- potparam[1] = history[i].potential[1] ;
- potparam[2] = history[i].potential[2] ;
- rflag = history[i].rflag ;
- rseed = history[i].rseed ;
- inside = history[i].inside ;
- LogFlag = history[i].logmap ;
- inversion[0] = history[i].invert[0] ;
- inversion[1] = history[i].invert[1] ;
- inversion[2] = history[i].invert[2] ;
- decomp[0] = history[i].decomp ;
- usr_biomorph = history[i].biomorph ;
- biomorph = history[i].biomorph ;
- forcesymmetry = history[i].symmetry ;
- init3d[0] = history[i].init3d[0] ;
- init3d[1] = history[i].init3d[1] ;
- init3d[2] = history[i].init3d[2] ;
- init3d[3] = history[i].init3d[3] ;
- init3d[4] = history[i].init3d[4] ;
- init3d[5] = history[i].init3d[5] ;
- init3d[6] = history[i].init3d[6] ;
- init3d[7] = history[i].init3d[7] ;
- init3d[8] = history[i].init3d[8] ;
- init3d[9] = history[i].init3d[9] ;
- init3d[10] = history[i].init3d[10] ;
- init3d[12] = history[i].init3d[11] ;
- init3d[13] = history[i].init3d[12] ;
- init3d[14] = history[i].init3d[13] ;
- init3d[15] = history[i].init3d[14] ;
- init3d[16] = history[i].init3d[15] ;
- previewfactor = history[i].previewfactor ;
- xtrans = history[i].xtrans ;
- ytrans = history[i].ytrans ;
- red_crop_left = history[i].red_crop_left ;
- red_crop_right = history[i].red_crop_right ;
- blue_crop_left = history[i].blue_crop_left ;
- blue_crop_right = history[i].blue_crop_right;
- red_bright = history[i].red_bright ;
- blue_bright = history[i].blue_bright ;
- xadjust = history[i].xadjust ;
- yadjust = history[i].yadjust ;
- eyeseparation = history[i].eyeseparation ;
- glassestype = history[i].glassestype ;
- outside = history[i].outside ;
- xx3rd = history[i].x3rd ;
- yy3rd = history[i].y3rd ;
- usr_stdcalcmode = history[i].stdcalcmode ;
- stdcalcmode = history[i].stdcalcmode ;
- three_pass = history[i].three_pass ;
- distest = history[i].distest ;
- usr_distest = history[i].distest ;
- trigndx[0] = history[i].trigndx[0] ;
- trigndx[1] = history[i].trigndx[1] ;
- trigndx[2] = history[i].trigndx[2] ;
- trigndx[3] = history[i].trigndx[3] ;
- finattract = history[i].finattract ;
- initorbit.x = history[i].initorbit[0] ;
- initorbit.y = history[i].initorbit[1] ;
- useinitorbit = history[i].useinitorbit ;
- periodicitycheck = history[i].periodicity ;
- usr_periodicitycheck = history[i].periodicity ;
- disk16bit = history[i].pot16bit ;
- release = history[i].release ;
- save_release = history[i].save_release ;
- display3d = history[i].flag3d ;
- Ambient = history[i].ambient ;
- RANDOMIZE = history[i].randomize ;
- haze = history[i].haze ;
- transparent[0] = history[i].transparent[0] ;
- transparent[1] = history[i].transparent[1] ;
- rotate_lo = history[i].rotate_lo ;
- rotate_hi = history[i].rotate_hi ;
- distestwidth = history[i].distestwidth ;
- mxmaxfp = history[i].mxmaxfp ;
- mxminfp = history[i].mxminfp ;
- mymaxfp = history[i].mymaxfp ;
- myminfp = history[i].myminfp ;
- zdots = history[i].zdots ;
- originfp = history[i].originfp ;
- depthfp = history[i].depthfp ;
- heightfp = history[i].heightfp ;
- widthfp = history[i].widthfp ;
- distfp = history[i].distfp ;
- eyesfp = history[i].eyesfp ;
- neworbittype = history[i].orbittype ;
- juli3Dmode = history[i].juli3Dmode ;
- maxfn = history[i].maxfn ;
- major_method = (enum Major)history[i].major_method ;
- minor_method = (enum Minor)history[i].minor_method ;
- bailout = history[i].bailout ;
- bailoutest = (enum bailouts)history[i].bailoutest ;
- maxit = history[i].iterations ;
- old_demm_colors = history[i].old_demm_colors;
- curfractalspecific = &fractalspecific[fractype];
- potflag = (potparam[0] != 0.0);
- if (inversion[0] != 0.0)
- invert = 3;
- usr_floatflag = (char)((curfractalspecific->isinteger) ? 0 : 1);
- far_memcpy(dacbox,history[i].dac,256*3);
- far_memcpy(olddacbox,history[i].dac,256*3);
- if(mapdacbox)
- far_memcpy(mapdacbox,history[i].dac,256*3);
- spindac(0,1);
- if(fractype == JULIBROT || fractype == JULIBROTFP)
- savedac = 0;
- else
- savedac = 1;
- switch(fractype)
- {
- case FORMULA:
- case FFORMULA:
- far_strncpy(FormFileName,history[i].filename,80);
- far_strncpy(FormName, history[i].itemname,ITEMNAMELEN+1);
- break;
- case IFS:
- case IFS3D:
- far_strncpy(IFSFileName,history[i].filename,80);
- far_strncpy(IFSName ,history[i].itemname,ITEMNAMELEN+1);
- break;
- case LSYSTEM:
- far_strncpy(LFileName,history[i].filename,80);
- far_strncpy(LName ,history[i].itemname,ITEMNAMELEN+1);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- void checkfreemem(int secondpass)
- {
- int oldmaxhistory;
- char far *tmp;
- static FCODE msg[] =
- {" I'm sorry, but you don't have enough free memory \n to run this program.\n\n"};
- static FCODE msg2[] = {"To save memory, reduced maxhistory to "};
- tmp = farmemalloc(4096L);
- oldmaxhistory = maxhistory;
- if(secondpass && !history)
- {
- while(maxhistory >= 0) /* decrease history if necessary */
- {
- history = (HISTORY far *)
- farmemalloc(((unsigned long)maxhistory * sizeof(HISTORY)));
- if(history)
- break;
- maxhistory--;
- }
- }
- if(extraseg == 0 || tmp == NULL)
- {
- buzzer(2);
- #ifndef XFRACT
- printf("%Fs",(char far *)msg);
- #else
- printf("%s",msg);
- #endif
- exit(1);
- }
- farmemfree(tmp); /* was just to check for min space */
- if(secondpass && maxhistory < oldmaxhistory)
- {
- #ifndef XFRACT
- printf("%Fs%d\n%Fs\n",(char far *)msg2,maxhistory,s_pressanykeytocontinue);
- #else
- printf("%s%d\n%s\n",(char far *)msg2,maxhistory,s_pressanykeytocontinue);
- #endif
- getakey();
- }
- }