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- The source code for Fractint is freely available.
- Enhancements to it are appreciated. If you want to add something to
- Fractint and join the Stone Soup Group, please do! To submit changes,
- see "Contacting the Authors" in Fractint's online help.
- Copyright Information:
- ======================
- Some parts of the source are from the public domain and are not
- copyrighted.
- Some parts of the source bear explicit copyright notices from the
- author and are subject to the conditions listed there by the author.
- The remainder of the source (not already public domain, no explicit
- author's copyright notice) is Copyright 1990, 1991 by the Stone Soup Group
- (a loosely associated and ever-growing group of fanatic programmers).
- The source code may be copied freely and may be used in other programs
- under the following conditions:
- It may not be used in a commercial program which produces fractal images.
- Please credit the author (in general, credit Fractint and the Stone Soup
- Group) as the source of the code.
- Distribution of modified versions of Fractint:
- ==============================================
- If you enhance Fractint and want to distribute the results to others, the
- preferred approach is to join the Stone Soup Group - send us your
- enhancements and get your name in lights in future versions of Fractint.
- We prefer that a modified Fractint executable program not be distributed to
- others, but understand that you might want to give copies to friends. This
- is permitted, under the following conditions:
- o The modified executable has a different name than "fractint.exe".
- o The distribution includes a full unmodified copy of the corresponding
- original version of fraint.exe. (The easiest way is to copy fraint.exe
- to yournew.exe, then "pkzip -a fraint.exe newfract.exe" to add your
- version, and perhaps add a read.me file to describe it.)
- o The heading displayed by the modified program clearly indicates that
- it is a non-standard release. E.g. you might change the heading to
- say "Non-standard Fractint, Modified by John Doe".
- o All author credits and distribution information in the online help
- are unchanged (adding lines for your work is of course ok.)
- The source code for a modified version of Fractint may not be distributed.
- (This is because we don't want any chance of confusion over which version
- of a source file is the official release.)
- Compiling Fractint:
- ===================
- FRASRC.EXE includes the complete source code for FRACTINT (.C and .ASM).
- Recognizing that not everyone HAS (or even wants) an assembler, much less
- either MASM 5.1 or Turbo-ASM, which are the only two assemblers that the
- authors are aware of that can handle these particular files, it also contains
- a complete set of .OBJ files from the assembler code,
- The distributed source will not compile to exactly match the Fractint
- release - it compiles with a different version number and heading.
- The Microsoft 6.00A C compiler and Microsoft 5.1 assembler are used for
- Fractint releases, so that is the one combination of compiler/assembler
- which is pretty much guaranteed to handle FRACTINT in all of its various
- mutations.
- Given that several of FRACTINT's co-authors now prefer (or only have!)
- alternate combinations, we have re-arranged the code to (usually) handle
- several popular alternatives. In particular:
- Microsoft C 7/8 and MASM 6.x:
- -------------------------------
- Just run MAKEFRAC.BAT, which invokes the Microsoft NMK utility using the
- files FRACHELP.MAK, FRACTINT.MAK, and FRACTINT.LN7. Note that the assembler
- .OBJ files have been included in the .ZIP file, so that you don't really
- need MASM unless you are going to modify one or more of them. If you ARE
- going to modify one of the assembler files, note that the distributed
- versions rely on some nifty features added to version 6.0 (like the '.model
- medium,c' option) and will not assemble under older versions of MASM without
- a LOT of work.
- Warning: FRACTINT.MAK uses the most aggressive optimizations that we *think*
- are safe. Every time Microsoft comes out with a new compiler, something
- usually breaks, and we have to back of of our optimizations a little.
- Microsoft C (earlier versions):
- ----------------
- Edit MAKEFRAC.BAT: comment out the two "nmk ..." lines and uncomment
- the lines for earlier versions. These probably need some work.
- Borland C++ 3.0 and 3.1 Users
- -----------------------------
- See the BC*.* files.
- Help System
- ===========
- You'll need to set up the help files to get any online help from a modified
- version of Fractint.
- For MSC users the MAKEFRAC.BAT file contains the necessary steps, you don't
- need to do anything special.
- TC++ users should:
- start by creating HC.EXE using the supplied HC.PRJ file
- run "hc /c" to create the file FRACTINT.HLP
- each time you create a new fractint.exe, afterward run "hc /a" to append
- You don't need to understand the rest of this section unless you have a
- problem.
- The source for Fractint's help is in the files HELP.SRC, HELP2.SRC, HELP3.SRC,
- HELP4.SRC, and HELP5.SRC. The format of these files is described in HC.DOC.
- The program HC.C ("help compiler") is used to convert the help text into
- the form Fractint uses at run time.
- Running "hc /c" compiles HELPx.SRC. It produces the file HELPDEFS.H for
- use when compiling Fractint, and the file FRACTINT.HLP.
- Running "hc /a" appends the FRACTINT.HLP file to FRACTINT.EXE to make the
- compiled help info available at run time.
- Overlays
- ========
- Note: generally you won't have to worry about this!
- Only the addition of huge code (new overlays), or work which changes the
- relationship between major components of Fractint, are likely to affect
- the overlay structure.
- Fractint uses the new Microsoft Link overlay feature, to reduce the runtime
- memory required (which would otherwise exceed what DOS can give it.)
- Some caution is required with overlays. Those source modules which are
- part of an overlay have a comment to indicate this at the start. See the
- fractint.def file for the current overlay structure.
- Some notes about overlays:
- o The obvious one: control should not switch to different overlays
- frequently, else Fractint will become sluggish. If the overlay structure
- changes, a test from floppy disk with no disk caching is a good idea.
- o The overlay manager logic (inserted by the linker) does handle calls
- from within one overlay to another - the new overlay is brought in
- from disk (displacing the old one in memory), when the subroutine
- finishes the old overlay is brought back into memory.
- o To save memory, Fractint overlays data. The FCODE type accomplishes this.
- Make sure that overlayed data is used immediately. If a pointer to
- overlayed data is passed to a routine in a different overlay, and the
- first overlay swaps out, the data with be trashed.
- Where the Goodies are
- =====================
- It has come to our attention that people who have no interest in fractals
- at all have been wandering through the FRACTINT source code just to get at
- some of the neat tricks buried therein. Here are a few hints as to where
- to look:
- FRACTINT.C - The main routine. Nothing special here.
- FRACTINT.H - General Include file. Nothing special here, either.
- FRACTYPE.H - Fractal type-specific Include file.
- PROMPTS1.C - The full-screen prompting code (using support routines
- CMDFILES.C - Command line and sstools.ini parsing.
- FRACTALS.C, - Most of the fractal-specific code. If you want to know
- FRASETUP.C how a fractal is calculated, look in here. Specific
- CALCFRAC.C, speed-em-up support for special fractal types is in:
- FRACTALB.C - Arbitrary precision fractal implementations
- FRACTALP.C - El Grande fractalspecific structure
- ANT.C - Ant automaton
- CALCMAND.ASM - Mandelbrot/Julia set calculations.
- NEWTON.ASM - Newton calculations
- LORENZ.C - Attractor fractals and IFS
- JB.C - "Julibrot" fractal type calculations
- TESTPT.C - "Roll-your-own" fractal routine
- JIIM.C - Inverse julia and orbits window code
- LSYS.C - Lsystems code
- LYAPUNOV.ASM - Lyapunov speedup code
- MPMATH_C.C, - Mark Peterson's "fast-math" support routines.
- MPMATH_A.ASM, (this stuff puts some of the routines supplied by your
- FPU387.ASM, favorite "C" compiler to shame!)
- FPU087.ASM, ...
- FMATH.H, ...
- MPMATH.H ...
- CMPLX.H - Complex math defines
- HCMPLX.C - 4D Hypercomplex math
- PARSER.C - The "type=formula" formula parser routines
- BIGFLT.C - Wes Loewer's arbitrary precision library. All ASM code
- BIGFLT.H exists as C also for portability.
- VIDEO.ASM - Assembler code containing all of the video routines
- (setting up the video, reading/writing pixels, zoom-box
- code, color-cycling, graphics-to-text "help" switch,
- ... with help from the routines below for special adapters:
- LOADMAP.C - Load .map files.
- TARGA.C, - TARGA Video Routines
- TARGA.H, ...
- FR8514A.ASM - 8514/A Routines
- TPLUS.C - Targa+ video routines
- TPLUS.H ...
- HGCFRA.ASM - Hercules Video Routines
- DISKVID.C - "DISK'RAM" video routines
- YOURVID.C - "Roll-your-own" video routines
- GENERAL.ASM - General assembler code having nothing to do with fractals.
- Lots of the tricky stuff is in here, and many of the "C"
- routines that perform tricky functions rely on support
- code buried in here. In particular, this routine has the:
- CPU, FPU Detectors
- Keyboard routines
- Mouse routines
- Expanded memory routines
- 32-bit scaled integer multiply and divide routines
- ENCODER.C - GIF Encoder routine.
- GIFVIEW.C, - GIF Decoder routines.
- TGAVIEW.C, (including a TARGA-format decoder currently used only for
- F16.C, loading obsolete .tga format "Continuous Potential" files)
- TARGA_LC.H ...
- LOADFILE.C - Loads the Fractint parameter info from a GIF file.
- LOADFDOS.C subroutines for DOS Fractint only
- LINE3D.C, - 3D manipulation routines
- 3D.C
- PLOT3D - 3D subroutines for LINE3D.C and LORENZ.C
- STEREO.C - RDS stereo module
- ROTATE.C - routines which "spin" the VGA video-DAC.
- EDITPAL.C - palette-editing mode
- HELP.C - HELP support
- INTRO.C - title screen
- ZOOM.C - Zoombox manipulation.
- PRINTER.C, - The Printer Routines
- MISCRES.C - Miscellaneous resident subroutines; nothing special.
- MISCOVL.C - Miscellaneous overlayed subroutines; includes <B>atch
- command.
- REALDOS.C - Some subroutines isolated from Windows development work;
- nothing special in here.
- SLIDESHW.C - Autokey interpreter
- PORT.H - Some portability stuff, nothing special here.
- EXTERNS.H - All external variable declarations
- PROTOTYP.H - All function prototypes
- How things are set up
- =====================
- I've had to go through a lot of the code to figure out how things are set
- up. These are my rough notes, which I'm including in case they can help
- someone else. -- Ken Shirriff
- The control flow is very confusing. Here are some details:
- Each fractal type has an entry in the fractalspecific table in fractalp.c.
- Entries that are not displayed are marked with an asterisk. Each entry is
- marked as int or not int, and either has a pointer to another entry
- (tofloat) or NOFRACTAL. If you select float and the type is int or vice
- versa, you will end up with the tofloat type. (e.g. If you select entry
- MANDEL, and select floating point, you will get entry MANDELFP). There are
- also pointers tojulia and tomandel, which allow you to switch between mandel
- and julia. The four functions listed are curfractalspecific->orbitcalc,
- curfractalspecific->per_pixel, curfractalspecific->per_image, and
- curfractalspecific->calctype.
- main calls calcfracinit.
- calcfractint: this sets up curfractalspecific, which is the appropriate entry
- from the fractalspecific table. This routine does the int/float
- conversion.
- main calls calcfract, which calls timer, which calls perform_worklist
- perform_worklist calls curfractalspecific->per_image, which is eg. MandelSetup
- MandelSetup: sets calctype to curfractalspecific->calctype, or for special
- cases (eg. decomposition) to StandardFractal
- perform_worklist calls solidguess (or whatever drawing system)
- solidguess calls *calctype for each pixel; calctype is eg. StandardFractal
- StandardFractal calls curfractalspecific->per_pixel once, and then loops over
- each iteration calling curfractalspecific->orbitcalc. These routines
- are eg. mandel_per_pixel and JuliaFractal.
- Here is the structure of the main routine. For overlay reasons a lot of
- this logic is now in FRAMAIN2.C.
- main()
- {
- initialize things
- restorestart:
- if loading, look after specifying image
- imagestart:
- while (adapter<0) {
- process keys from short main menu
- }
- while (1) {
- if (calc_status != 2 || showfile==0) {
- initialize videoentry from videotable[adapter]
- initialize size, color, etc. from videoentry
- setvideomode()
- }
- if (showfile==0) {
- load file
- }
- calcfracinit();
- save corners, zoom data
- if (showfile != 0) {
- calcfract(); /* calculates the fractal until interrupted */
- }
- resumeloop:
- if (no key pressed) {
- set keypress = 13 to continue
- } else if (key pressed) {
- check input key
- } else if (batch mode) {
- look after batch key
- }
- process key from long menu
- }
- }
- How the video entries are managed:
- get_video_mode(fractal_info): This routine is used to select a video mode
- to match a picture we're loading. It loads vidtbl and then tries to
- find a video mode that matches that in fractal_info. Asks the user to
- select one if there's no good match. Figures out how to reduce the image
- to fit the screen.
- select_video_mode(curmode): This is the main-menu routine for the user to
- pick a video mode. picks default video mode, lets user select mode
- from menu, copies entry to videoentry, puts entry in videotable if not
- there, calls update_fractint_cfg if key reassigned, returns key
- corresponding to mode
- check_vidmode_key(option, keypress): if keypress corresponds to a videomode in
- videotable (for option 0) or vidtbl (for option 1) return the videomode
- index, else -1.
- check_vidmode_keyname: converts ascii key name into key number
- adapter_detect: checks for type of video (ega, cga, etc) and set video_type,
- mode7text, textsafe.
- load_videotable: reads the entries in fractint.cfg into vidtbl
- copies entries with an associated function key into videotable
- load_fractint_cfg: reads video modes in fractint.cfg into vidtbl
- (or copies from videotable) if fractint.cfg missing or bad
- update_fractint_cfg: writes the entry in videoentry into the fractint.cfg file.
- vidtbl: contains the video modes from fractint.cfg
- videotable: contains video modes with function keys; initialized in video.asm
- video_type: contains type: hgc, egc, cga, mcga
- Here is how the floating point modes are set up.
- parser.c uses the MathTypes:
- D_MATH: uses double precision routines, such as dStkMul, and FPUsincos
- This is used if we have a fpu.
- M_MATH: uses MP type (mantissa, exponent). These routines such as mStkAdd
- call MPCadd, which call pMPadd, which calls MPadd086 or MPadd386.
- The MP routines work on multiple precision, MPC works on complex pairs
- of multiple precision.
- L_MATH: uses integer math. Routines such as lStkAdd.