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- /*
- FRACTALS.C, FRACTALP.C and CALCFRAC.C actually calculate the fractal
- images (well, SOMEBODY had to do it!). The modules are set up so that
- all logic that is independent of any fractal-specific code is in
- CALCFRAC.C, the code that IS fractal-specific is in FRACTALS.C, and the
- structure that ties (we hope!) everything together is in FRACTALP.C.
- Original author Tim Wegner, but just about ALL the authors have
- contributed SOME code to this routine at one time or another, or
- contributed to one of the many massive restructurings.
- The Fractal-specific routines are divided into three categories:
- 1. Routines that are called once-per-orbit to calculate the orbit
- value. These have names like "XxxxFractal", and their function
- pointers are stored in fractalspecific[fractype].orbitcalc. EVERY
- new fractal type needs one of these. Return 0 to continue iterations,
- 1 if we're done. Results for integer fractals are left in 'lnew.x' and
- 'lnew.y', for floating point fractals in 'new.x' and 'new.y'.
- 2. Routines that are called once per pixel to set various variables
- prior to the orbit calculation. These have names like xxx_per_pixel
- and are fairly generic - chances are one is right for your new type.
- They are stored in fractalspecific[fractype].per_pixel.
- 3. Routines that are called once per screen to set various variables.
- These have names like XxxxSetup, and are stored in
- fractalspecific[fractype].per_image.
- 4. The main fractal routine. Usually this will be StandardFractal(),
- but if you have written a stand-alone fractal routine independent
- of the StandardFractal mechanisms, your routine name goes here,
- stored in fractalspecific[fractype].calctype.per_image.
- Adding a new fractal type should be simply a matter of adding an item
- to the 'fractalspecific' structure, writing (or re-using one of the existing)
- an appropriate setup, per_image, per_pixel, and orbit routines.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <float.h>
- #include <limits.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #ifdef __TURBOC__
- #include <alloc.h>
- #elif !defined(__386BSD__)
- #include <malloc.h>
- #endif
- #include "fractint.h"
- #include "mpmath.h"
- #include "helpdefs.h"
- #include "fractype.h"
- #include "prototyp.h"
- #define CMPLXsqr_old(out) \
- (out).y = (old.x+old.x) * old.y;\
- (out).x = tempsqrx - tempsqry
- #define CMPLXpwr(arg1,arg2,out) (out)= ComplexPower((arg1), (arg2))
- #define CMPLXmult1(arg1,arg2,out) Arg2->d = (arg1); Arg1->d = (arg2);\
- dStkMul(); Arg1++; Arg2++; (out) = Arg2->d
- #define CMPLXmult(arg1,arg2,out) \
- {\
- _CMPLX TmP;\
- TmP.x = (arg1).x*(arg2).x - (arg1).y*(arg2).y;\
- TmP.y = (arg1).x*(arg2).y + (arg1).y*(arg2).x;\
- (out) = TmP;\
- }
- #define CMPLXadd(arg1,arg2,out) \
- (out).x = (arg1).x + (arg2).x; (out).y = (arg1).y + (arg2).y
- #define CMPLXsub(arg1,arg2,out) \
- (out).x = (arg1).x - (arg2).x; (out).y = (arg1).y - (arg2).y
- #define CMPLXtimesreal(arg,real,out) \
- (out).x = (arg).x*(real);\
- (out).y = (arg).y*(real)
- #define CMPLXrecip(arg,out) \
- { double denom; denom = sqr((arg).x) + sqr((arg).y);\
- if(denom==0.0) {(out).x = 1.0e10;(out).y = 1.0e10;}else\
- { (out).x = (arg).x/denom;\
- (out).y = -(arg).y/denom;}}
- _LCMPLX lcoefficient,lold,lnew,lparm, linit,ltmp,ltmp2,lparm2;
- long ltempsqrx,ltempsqry;
- int maxcolor;
- int root, degree,basin;
- double floatmin,floatmax;
- double roverd, d1overd, threshold;
- _CMPLX tmp2;
- _CMPLX coefficient;
- _CMPLX staticroots[16]; /* roots array for degree 16 or less */
- _CMPLX *roots = staticroots;
- struct MPC *MPCroots;
- long FgHalf;
- _CMPLX pwr;
- int bitshiftless1; /* bit shift less 1 */
- #ifndef sqr
- #define sqr(x) ((x)*(x))
- #endif
- #ifndef lsqr
- #define lsqr(x) (multiply((x),(x),bitshift))
- #endif
- #define modulus(z) (sqr((z).x)+sqr((z).y))
- #define conjugate(pz) ((pz)->y = 0.0 - (pz)->y)
- #define distance(z1,z2) (sqr((z1).x-(z2).x)+sqr((z1).y-(z2).y))
- #define pMPsqr(z) (*pMPmul((z),(z)))
- #define MPdistance(z1,z2) (*pMPadd(pMPsqr(*pMPsub((z1).x,(z2).x)),pMPsqr(*pMPsub((z1).y,(z2).y))))
- double twopi = PI*2.0;
- int c_exp;
- /* These are local but I don't want to pass them as parameters */
- _CMPLX parm,parm2;
- _CMPLX *floatparm;
- _LCMPLX *longparm; /* used here and in jb.c */
- /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /* These variables are external for speed's sake only */
- /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- double sinx,cosx;
- double siny,cosy;
- double tmpexp;
- double tempsqrx,tempsqry;
- double foldxinitx,foldyinity,foldxinity,foldyinitx;
- long oldxinitx,oldyinity,oldxinity,oldyinitx;
- long longtmp;
- /* These are for quaternions */
- double qc,qci,qcj,qck;
- /* temporary variables for trig use */
- long lcosx, lsinx;
- long lcosy, lsiny;
- /*
- ** details of finite attractors (required for Magnet Fractals)
- ** (can also be used in "coloring in" the lakes of Julia types)
- */
- /*
- ** pre-calculated values for fractal types Magnet2M & Magnet2J
- */
- _CMPLX T_Cm1; /* 3 * (floatparm - 1) */
- _CMPLX T_Cm2; /* 3 * (floatparm - 2) */
- _CMPLX T_Cm1Cm2; /* (floatparm - 1) * (floatparm - 2) */
- void FloatPreCalcMagnet2() /* precalculation for Magnet2 (M & J) for speed */
- {
- T_Cm1.x = floatparm->x - 1.0; T_Cm1.y = floatparm->y;
- T_Cm2.x = floatparm->x - 2.0; T_Cm2.y = floatparm->y;
- T_Cm1Cm2.x = (T_Cm1.x * T_Cm2.x) - (T_Cm1.y * T_Cm2.y);
- T_Cm1Cm2.y = (T_Cm1.x * T_Cm2.y) + (T_Cm1.y * T_Cm2.x);
- T_Cm1.x += T_Cm1.x + T_Cm1.x; T_Cm1.y += T_Cm1.y + T_Cm1.y;
- T_Cm2.x += T_Cm2.x + T_Cm2.x; T_Cm2.y += T_Cm2.y + T_Cm2.y;
- }
- /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /* Bailout Routines Macros */
- /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- int (near *floatbailout)(void);
- int (near *longbailout)(void);
- int (near *bignumbailout)(void);
- int (near *bigfltbailout)(void);
- int near fpMODbailout()
- {
- if ( ( magnitude = ( tempsqrx=sqr(new.x) )
- + ( tempsqry=sqr(new.y) ) ) >= rqlim ) return(1);
- old = new;
- return(0);
- }
- int near fpREALbailout()
- {
- tempsqrx=sqr(new.x);
- tempsqry=sqr(new.y);
- magnitude = tempsqrx + tempsqry;
- if(tempsqrx >= rqlim) return(1);
- old = new;
- return(0);
- }
- int near fpIMAGbailout()
- {
- tempsqrx=sqr(new.x);
- tempsqry=sqr(new.y);
- magnitude = tempsqrx + tempsqry;
- if(tempsqry >= rqlim) return(1);
- old = new;
- return(0);
- }
- int near fpORbailout()
- {
- tempsqrx=sqr(new.x);
- tempsqry=sqr(new.y);
- magnitude = tempsqrx + tempsqry;
- if(tempsqrx >= rqlim || tempsqry >= rqlim) return(1);
- old = new;
- return(0);
- }
- int near fpANDbailout()
- {
- tempsqrx=sqr(new.x);
- tempsqry=sqr(new.y);
- magnitude = tempsqrx + tempsqry;
- if(tempsqrx >= rqlim && tempsqry >= rqlim) return(1);
- old = new;
- return(0);
- }
- /* longbailout() is equivalent to next */
- #define LONGBAILOUT() \
- ltempsqrx = lsqr(lnew.x); ltempsqry = lsqr(lnew.y);\
- lmagnitud = ltempsqrx + ltempsqry;\
- if (lmagnitud >= llimit || lmagnitud < 0 || labs(lnew.x) > llimit2\
- || labs(lnew.y) > llimit2) \
- { return(1);}\
- lold = lnew;
- if (fabs(old.y) >= rqlim2) return(1);
- if(labs(lold.y) >= llimit2) { return(1);}
- if(labs(lold.x) >= llimit2 || labs(lold.y) >= llimit2)\
- { return(1);}
- if (fabs(old.x) >= rqlim2 || fabs(old.y) >= rqlim2) return(1);
- if (fabs(old.x) >= rqlim2) return(1);
- if(labs(lold.x) >= llimit2) { return(1);}
- #define TRIG16CHECK(X) \
- if(labs((X)) > l16triglim) { return(1);}
- if (fabs(old.y) >= 1.0e8) return(1);\
- if (fabs(old.x) >= 6.4e2) return(1);
- #define LONGEXPBAILOUT() \
- if (labs(lold.y) >= (1000L<<bitshift)) return(1);\
- if (labs(lold.x) >= (8L<<bitshift)) return(1);
- #if 0
- /* this define uses usual trig instead of fast trig */
- #define FPUsincos(px,psinx,pcosx) \
- *(psinx) = sin(*(px));\
- *(pcosx) = cos(*(px));
- #define FPUsinhcosh(px,psinhx,pcoshx) \
- *(psinhx) = sinh(*(px));\
- *(pcoshx) = cosh(*(px));
- #endif
- #define LTRIGARG(X) \
- if(labs((X)) > l16triglim)\
- {\
- double tmp;\
- tmp = (X);\
- tmp /= fudge;\
- tmp = fmod(tmp,twopi);\
- tmp *= fudge;\
- (X) = (long)tmp;\
- }\
- static int near Halleybailout(void)
- {
- if ( fabs(modulus(new)-modulus(old)) < parm2.x)
- return(1);
- old = new;
- return(0);
- }
- #ifndef XFRACT
- #define MPCmod(m) (*pMPadd(*pMPmul((m).x, (m).x), *pMPmul((m).y, (m).y)))
- struct MPC mpcold, mpcnew, mpctmp, mpctmp1;
- struct MP mptmpparm2x;
- static int near MPCHalleybailout(void)
- {
- static struct MP mptmpbailout;
- mptmpbailout = *MPabs(*pMPsub(MPCmod(mpcnew), MPCmod(mpcold)));
- if (pMPcmp(mptmpbailout, mptmpparm2x) < 0)
- return(1);
- mpcold = mpcnew;
- return(0);
- }
- #endif
- #ifdef XFRACT
- int asmlMODbailout() { return 0;}
- int asmlREALbailout() { return 0;}
- int asmlIMAGbailout() { return 0;}
- int asmlORbailout() { return 0;}
- int asmlANDbailout() { return 0;}
- int asm386lMODbailout() { return 0;}
- int asm386lREALbailout() { return 0;}
- int asm386lIMAGbailout() { return 0;}
- int asm386lORbailout() { return 0;}
- int asm386lANDbailout() { return 0;}
- int asmfpMODbailout() { return 0;}
- int asmfpREALbailout() { return 0;}
- int asmfpIMAGbailout() { return 0;}
- int asmfpORbailout() { return 0;}
- int asmfpANDbailout() { return 0;}
- #endif
- /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /* Fractal (once per iteration) routines */
- /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- static double xt, yt, t2;
- /* Raise complex number (base) to the (exp) power, storing the result
- ** in complex (result).
- */
- void cpower(_CMPLX *base, int exp, _CMPLX *result)
- {
- if (exp<0) {
- cpower(base,-exp,result);
- CMPLXrecip(*result,*result);
- return;
- }
- xt = base->x; yt = base->y;
- if (exp & 1)
- {
- result->x = xt;
- result->y = yt;
- }
- else
- {
- result->x = 1.0;
- result->y = 0.0;
- }
- exp >>= 1;
- while (exp)
- {
- t2 = xt * xt - yt * yt;
- yt = 2 * xt * yt;
- xt = t2;
- if (exp & 1)
- {
- t2 = xt * result->x - yt * result->y;
- result->y = result->y * xt + yt * result->x;
- result->x = t2;
- }
- exp >>= 1;
- }
- }
- /* long version */
- static long lxt, lyt, lt2;
- lcpower(_LCMPLX *base, int exp, _LCMPLX *result, int bitshift)
- {
- static long maxarg;
- maxarg = 64L<<bitshift;
- if (exp<0) {
- overflow = lcpower(base,-exp,result,bitshift);
- LCMPLXrecip(*result,*result);
- return(overflow);
- }
- overflow = 0;
- lxt = base->x; lyt = base->y;
- if (exp & 1)
- {
- result->x = lxt;
- result->y = lyt;
- }
- else
- {
- result->x = 1L<<bitshift;
- result->y = 0L;
- }
- exp >>= 1;
- while (exp)
- {
- /*
- if(labs(lxt) >= maxarg || labs(lyt) >= maxarg)
- return(-1);
- */
- lt2 = multiply(lxt, lxt, bitshift) - multiply(lyt,lyt,bitshift);
- lyt = multiply(lxt,lyt,bitshiftless1);
- if(overflow)
- return(overflow);
- lxt = lt2;
- if (exp & 1)
- {
- lt2 = multiply(lxt,result->x, bitshift) - multiply(lyt,result->y,bitshift);
- result->y = multiply(result->y,lxt,bitshift) + multiply(lyt,result->x,bitshift);
- result->x = lt2;
- }
- exp >>= 1;
- }
- if(result->x == 0 && result->y == 0)
- overflow = 1;
- return(overflow);
- }
- #if 0
- z_to_the_z(_CMPLX *z, _CMPLX *out)
- {
- static _CMPLX tmp1,tmp2;
- /* raises complex z to the z power */
- int errno_xxx;
- errno_xxx = 0;
- if(fabs(z->x) < DBL_EPSILON) return(-1);
- /* log(x + iy) = 1/2(log(x*x + y*y) + i(arc_tan(y/x)) */
- tmp1.x = .5*log(sqr(z->x)+sqr(z->y));
- /* the fabs in next line added to prevent discontinuity in image */
- tmp1.y = atan(fabs(z->y/z->x));
- /* log(z)*z */
- tmp2.x = tmp1.x * z->x - tmp1.y * z->y;
- tmp2.y = tmp1.x * z->y + tmp1.y * z->x;
- /* z*z = e**(log(z)*z) */
- /* e**(x + iy) = e**x * (cos(y) + isin(y)) */
- tmpexp = exp(tmp2.x);
- FPUsincos(&tmp2.y,&siny,&cosy);
- out->x = tmpexp*cosy;
- out->y = tmpexp*siny;
- return(errno_xxx);
- }
- #endif
- #ifdef XFRACT /* fractint uses the NewtonFractal2 code in newton.asm */
- int complex_div(_CMPLX arg1,_CMPLX arg2,_CMPLX *pz);
- int complex_mult(_CMPLX arg1,_CMPLX arg2,_CMPLX *pz);
- /* Distance of complex z from unit circle */
- #define DIST1(z) (((z).x-1.0)*((z).x-1.0)+((z).y)*((z).y))
- #define LDIST1(z) (lsqr((((z).x)-fudge)) + lsqr(((z).y)))
- int NewtonFractal2()
- {
- static char start=1;
- if(start)
- {
- start = 0;
- }
- cpower(&old, degree-1, &tmp);
- complex_mult(tmp, old, &new);
- if (DIST1(new) < threshold)
- {
- if(fractype==NEWTBASIN || fractype==MPNEWTBASIN)
- {
- long tmpcolor;
- int i;
- tmpcolor = -1;
- /* this code determines which degree-th root of root the
- Newton formula converges to. The roots of a 1 are
- distributed on a circle of radius 1 about the origin. */
- for(i=0;i<degree;i++)
- /* color in alternating shades with iteration according to
- which root of 1 it converged to */
- if(distance(roots[i],old) < threshold)
- {
- if (basin==2) {
- tmpcolor = 1+(i&7)+((coloriter&1)<<3);
- } else {
- tmpcolor = 1+i;
- }
- break;
- }
- if(tmpcolor == -1)
- coloriter = maxcolor;
- else
- coloriter = tmpcolor;
- }
- return(1);
- }
- new.x = d1overd * new.x + roverd;
- new.y *= d1overd;
- /* Watch for divide underflow */
- if ((t2 = tmp.x * tmp.x + tmp.y * tmp.y) < FLT_MIN)
- return(1);
- else
- {
- t2 = 1.0 / t2;
- old.x = t2 * (new.x * tmp.x + new.y * tmp.y);
- old.y = t2 * (new.y * tmp.x - new.x * tmp.y);
- }
- return(0);
- }
- complex_mult(_CMPLX arg1,_CMPLX arg2,_CMPLX *pz)
- {
- pz->x = arg1.x*arg2.x - arg1.y*arg2.y;
- pz->y = arg1.x*arg2.y+arg1.y*arg2.x;
- return(0);
- }
- complex_div(_CMPLX numerator,_CMPLX denominator,_CMPLX *pout)
- {
- double mod;
- if((mod = modulus(denominator)) < FLT_MIN)
- return(1);
- conjugate(&denominator);
- complex_mult(numerator,denominator,pout);
- pout->x = pout->x/mod;
- pout->y = pout->y/mod;
- return(0);
- }
- #endif /* newton code only used by xfractint */
- #ifndef XFRACT
- struct MP mproverd, mpd1overd, mpthreshold;
- struct MP mpt2;
- struct MP mpone;
- #endif
- int MPCNewtonFractal()
- {
- #ifndef XFRACT
- MPOverflow = 0;
- mpctmp = MPCpow(mpcold,degree-1);
- mpcnew.x = *pMPsub(*pMPmul(mpctmp.x,mpcold.x),*pMPmul(mpctmp.y,mpcold.y));
- mpcnew.y = *pMPadd(*pMPmul(mpctmp.x,mpcold.y),*pMPmul(mpctmp.y,mpcold.x));
- mpctmp1.x = *pMPsub(mpcnew.x, MPCone.x);
- mpctmp1.y = *pMPsub(mpcnew.y, MPCone.y);
- if(pMPcmp(MPCmod(mpctmp1),mpthreshold)< 0)
- {
- if(fractype==MPNEWTBASIN)
- {
- long tmpcolor;
- int i;
- tmpcolor = -1;
- for(i=0;i<degree;i++)
- if(pMPcmp(MPdistance(MPCroots[i],mpcold),mpthreshold) < 0)
- {
- if(basin==2)
- tmpcolor = 1+(i&7) + ((coloriter&1)<<3);
- else
- tmpcolor = 1+i;
- break;
- }
- if(tmpcolor == -1)
- coloriter = maxcolor;
- else
- coloriter = tmpcolor;
- }
- return(1);
- }
- mpcnew.x = *pMPadd(*pMPmul(mpd1overd,mpcnew.x),mproverd);
- mpcnew.y = *pMPmul(mpcnew.y,mpd1overd);
- mpt2 = MPCmod(mpctmp);
- mpt2 = *pMPdiv(mpone,mpt2);
- mpcold.x = *pMPmul(mpt2,(*pMPadd(*pMPmul(mpcnew.x,mpctmp.x),*pMPmul(mpcnew.y,mpctmp.y))));
- mpcold.y = *pMPmul(mpt2,(*pMPsub(*pMPmul(mpcnew.y,mpctmp.x),*pMPmul(mpcnew.x,mpctmp.y))));
- new.x = *pMP2d(mpcold.x);
- new.y = *pMP2d(mpcold.y);
- return(MPOverflow);
- #endif
- }
- Barnsley1Fractal()
- {
- #ifndef XFRACT
- /* Barnsley's Mandelbrot type M1 from "Fractals
- Everywhere" by Michael Barnsley, p. 322 */
- /* calculate intermediate products */
- oldxinitx = multiply(lold.x, longparm->x, bitshift);
- oldyinity = multiply(lold.y, longparm->y, bitshift);
- oldxinity = multiply(lold.x, longparm->y, bitshift);
- oldyinitx = multiply(lold.y, longparm->x, bitshift);
- /* orbit calculation */
- if(lold.x >= 0)
- {
- lnew.x = (oldxinitx - longparm->x - oldyinity);
- lnew.y = (oldyinitx - longparm->y + oldxinity);
- }
- else
- {
- lnew.x = (oldxinitx + longparm->x - oldyinity);
- lnew.y = (oldyinitx + longparm->y + oldxinity);
- }
- return(longbailout());
- #endif
- }
- Barnsley1FPFractal()
- {
- /* Barnsley's Mandelbrot type M1 from "Fractals
- Everywhere" by Michael Barnsley, p. 322 */
- /* note that fast >= 287 equiv in fracsuba.asm must be kept in step */
- /* calculate intermediate products */
- foldxinitx = old.x * floatparm->x;
- foldyinity = old.y * floatparm->y;
- foldxinity = old.x * floatparm->y;
- foldyinitx = old.y * floatparm->x;
- /* orbit calculation */
- if(old.x >= 0)
- {
- new.x = (foldxinitx - floatparm->x - foldyinity);
- new.y = (foldyinitx - floatparm->y + foldxinity);
- }
- else
- {
- new.x = (foldxinitx + floatparm->x - foldyinity);
- new.y = (foldyinitx + floatparm->y + foldxinity);
- }
- return(floatbailout());
- }
- Barnsley2Fractal()
- {
- #ifndef XFRACT
- /* An unnamed Mandelbrot/Julia function from "Fractals
- Everywhere" by Michael Barnsley, p. 331, example 4.2 */
- /* note that fast >= 287 equiv in fracsuba.asm must be kept in step */
- /* calculate intermediate products */
- oldxinitx = multiply(lold.x, longparm->x, bitshift);
- oldyinity = multiply(lold.y, longparm->y, bitshift);
- oldxinity = multiply(lold.x, longparm->y, bitshift);
- oldyinitx = multiply(lold.y, longparm->x, bitshift);
- /* orbit calculation */
- if(oldxinity + oldyinitx >= 0)
- {
- lnew.x = oldxinitx - longparm->x - oldyinity;
- lnew.y = oldyinitx - longparm->y + oldxinity;
- }
- else
- {
- lnew.x = oldxinitx + longparm->x - oldyinity;
- lnew.y = oldyinitx + longparm->y + oldxinity;
- }
- return(longbailout());
- #endif
- }
- Barnsley2FPFractal()
- {
- /* An unnamed Mandelbrot/Julia function from "Fractals
- Everywhere" by Michael Barnsley, p. 331, example 4.2 */
- /* calculate intermediate products */
- foldxinitx = old.x * floatparm->x;
- foldyinity = old.y * floatparm->y;
- foldxinity = old.x * floatparm->y;
- foldyinitx = old.y * floatparm->x;
- /* orbit calculation */
- if(foldxinity + foldyinitx >= 0)
- {
- new.x = foldxinitx - floatparm->x - foldyinity;
- new.y = foldyinitx - floatparm->y + foldxinity;
- }
- else
- {
- new.x = foldxinitx + floatparm->x - foldyinity;
- new.y = foldyinitx + floatparm->y + foldxinity;
- }
- return(floatbailout());
- }
- JuliaFractal()
- {
- #ifndef XFRACT
- /* used for C prototype of fast integer math routines for classic
- Mandelbrot and Julia */
- lnew.x = ltempsqrx - ltempsqry + longparm->x;
- lnew.y = multiply(lold.x, lold.y, bitshiftless1) + longparm->y;
- return(longbailout());
- #elif !defined(__386BSD__)
- fprintf(stderr,"JuliaFractal called\n");
- exit(-1);
- #endif
- }
- JuliafpFractal()
- {
- /* floating point version of classical Mandelbrot/Julia */
- /* note that fast >= 287 equiv in fracsuba.asm must be kept in step */
- new.x = tempsqrx - tempsqry + floatparm->x;
- new.y = 2.0 * old.x * old.y + floatparm->y;
- return(floatbailout());
- }
- LambdaFPFractal()
- {
- /* variation of classical Mandelbrot/Julia */
- /* note that fast >= 287 equiv in fracsuba.asm must be kept in step */
- tempsqrx = old.x - tempsqrx + tempsqry;
- tempsqry = -(old.y * old.x);
- tempsqry += tempsqry + old.y;
- new.x = floatparm->x * tempsqrx - floatparm->y * tempsqry;
- new.y = floatparm->x * tempsqry + floatparm->y * tempsqrx;
- return(floatbailout());
- }
- LambdaFractal()
- {
- #ifndef XFRACT
- /* variation of classical Mandelbrot/Julia */
- /* in complex math) temp = Z * (1-Z) */
- ltempsqrx = lold.x - ltempsqrx + ltempsqry;
- ltempsqry = lold.y
- - multiply(lold.y, lold.x, bitshiftless1);
- /* (in complex math) Z = Lambda * Z */
- lnew.x = multiply(longparm->x, ltempsqrx, bitshift)
- - multiply(longparm->y, ltempsqry, bitshift);
- lnew.y = multiply(longparm->x, ltempsqry, bitshift)
- + multiply(longparm->y, ltempsqrx, bitshift);
- return(longbailout());
- #endif
- }
- SierpinskiFractal()
- {
- #ifndef XFRACT
- /* following code translated from basic - see "Fractals
- Everywhere" by Michael Barnsley, p. 251, Program 7.1.1 */
- lnew.x = (lold.x << 1); /* new.x = 2 * old.x */
- lnew.y = (lold.y << 1); /* new.y = 2 * old.y */
- if(lold.y > ltmp.y) /* if old.y > .5 */
- lnew.y = lnew.y - ltmp.x; /* new.y = 2 * old.y - 1 */
- else if(lold.x > ltmp.y) /* if old.x > .5 */
- lnew.x = lnew.x - ltmp.x; /* new.x = 2 * old.x - 1 */
- /* end barnsley code */
- return(longbailout());
- #endif
- }
- SierpinskiFPFractal()
- {
- /* following code translated from basic - see "Fractals
- Everywhere" by Michael Barnsley, p. 251, Program 7.1.1 */
- new.x = old.x + old.x;
- new.y = old.y + old.y;
- if(old.y > .5)
- new.y = new.y - 1;
- else if (old.x > .5)
- new.x = new.x - 1;
- /* end barnsley code */
- return(floatbailout());
- }
- LambdaexponentFractal()
- {
- /* found this in "Science of Fractal Images" */
- FPUsincos (&old.y,&siny,&cosy);
- if (old.x >= rqlim && cosy >= 0.0) return(1);
- tmpexp = exp(old.x);
- tmp.x = tmpexp*cosy;
- tmp.y = tmpexp*siny;
- /*multiply by lamda */
- new.x = floatparm->x*tmp.x - floatparm->y*tmp.y;
- new.y = floatparm->y*tmp.x + floatparm->x*tmp.y;
- old = new;
- return(0);
- }
- LongLambdaexponentFractal()
- {
- #ifndef XFRACT
- /* found this in "Science of Fractal Images" */
- SinCos086 (lold.y, &lsiny, &lcosy);
- if (lold.x >= llimit && lcosy >= 0L) return(1);
- longtmp = Exp086(lold.x);
- ltmp.x = multiply(longtmp, lcosy, bitshift);
- ltmp.y = multiply(longtmp, lsiny, bitshift);
- lnew.x = multiply(longparm->x, ltmp.x, bitshift)
- - multiply(longparm->y, ltmp.y, bitshift);
- lnew.y = multiply(longparm->x, ltmp.y, bitshift)
- + multiply(longparm->y, ltmp.x, bitshift);
- lold = lnew;
- return(0);
- #endif
- }
- FloatTrigPlusExponentFractal()
- {
- /* another Scientific American biomorph type */
- /* z(n+1) = e**z(n) + trig(z(n)) + C */
- if (fabs(old.x) >= 6.4e2) return(1); /* DOMAIN errors */
- tmpexp = exp(old.x);
- FPUsincos (&old.y,&siny,&cosy);
- CMPLXtrig0(old,new);
- /*new = trig(old) + e**old + C */
- new.x += tmpexp*cosy + floatparm->x;
- new.y += tmpexp*siny + floatparm->y;
- return(floatbailout());
- }
- LongTrigPlusExponentFractal()
- {
- #ifndef XFRACT
- /* calculate exp(z) */
- /* domain check for fast transcendental functions */
- TRIG16CHECK(lold.x);
- TRIG16CHECK(lold.y);
- longtmp = Exp086(lold.x);
- SinCos086 (lold.y, &lsiny, &lcosy);
- LCMPLXtrig0(lold,lnew);
- lnew.x += multiply(longtmp, lcosy, bitshift) + longparm->x;
- lnew.y += multiply(longtmp, lsiny, bitshift) + longparm->y;
- return(longbailout());
- #endif
- }
- MarksLambdaFractal()
- {
- /* Mark Peterson's variation of "lambda" function */
- /* Z1 = (C^(exp-1) * Z**2) + C */
- ltmp.x = ltempsqrx - ltempsqry;
- ltmp.y = multiply(lold.x ,lold.y ,bitshiftless1);
- lnew.x = multiply(lcoefficient.x, ltmp.x, bitshift)
- - multiply(lcoefficient.y, ltmp.y, bitshift) + longparm->x;
- lnew.y = multiply(lcoefficient.x, ltmp.y, bitshift)
- + multiply(lcoefficient.y, ltmp.x, bitshift) + longparm->y;
- return(longbailout());
- }
- MarksLambdafpFractal()
- {
- /* Mark Peterson's variation of "lambda" function */
- /* Z1 = (C^(exp-1) * Z**2) + C */
- tmp.x = tempsqrx - tempsqry;
- tmp.y = old.x * old.y *2;
- new.x = coefficient.x * tmp.x - coefficient.y * tmp.y + floatparm->x;
- new.y = coefficient.x * tmp.y + coefficient.y * tmp.x + floatparm->y;
- return(floatbailout());
- }
- long XXOne, FgOne, FgTwo;
- UnityFractal()
- {
- #ifndef XFRACT
- /* brought to you by Mark Peterson - you won't find this in any fractal
- books unless they saw it here first - Mark invented it! */
- XXOne = multiply(lold.x, lold.x, bitshift) + multiply(lold.y, lold.y, bitshift);
- if((XXOne > FgTwo) || (labs(XXOne - FgOne) < delmin))
- return(1);
- lold.y = multiply(FgTwo - XXOne, lold.x, bitshift);
- lold.x = multiply(FgTwo - XXOne, lold.y, bitshift);
- lnew=lold; /* TW added this line */
- return(0);
- #endif
- }
- #define XXOne new.x
- UnityfpFractal()
- {
- /* brought to you by Mark Peterson - you won't find this in any fractal
- books unless they saw it here first - Mark invented it! */
- XXOne = sqr(old.x) + sqr(old.y);
- if((XXOne > 2.0) || (fabs(XXOne - 1.0) < ddelmin))
- return(1);
- old.y = (2.0 - XXOne)* old.x;
- old.x = (2.0 - XXOne)* old.y;
- new=old; /* TW added this line */
- return(0);
- }
- #undef XXOne
- Mandel4Fractal()
- {
- /* By writing this code, Bert has left behind the excuse "don't
- know what a fractal is, just know how to make'em go fast".
- Bert is hereby declared a bonafide fractal expert! Supposedly
- this routine calculates the Mandelbrot/Julia set based on the
- polynomial z**4 + lambda, but I wouldn't know -- can't follow
- all that integer math speedup stuff - Tim */
- /* first, compute (x + iy)**2 */
- lnew.x = ltempsqrx - ltempsqry;
- lnew.y = multiply(lold.x, lold.y, bitshiftless1);
- if (longbailout()) return(1);
- /* then, compute ((x + iy)**2)**2 + lambda */
- lnew.x = ltempsqrx - ltempsqry + longparm->x;
- lnew.y = multiply(lold.x, lold.y, bitshiftless1) + longparm->y;
- return(longbailout());
- }
- Mandel4fpFractal()
- {
- /* first, compute (x + iy)**2 */
- new.x = tempsqrx - tempsqry;
- new.y = old.x*old.y*2;
- if (floatbailout()) return(1);
- /* then, compute ((x + iy)**2)**2 + lambda */
- new.x = tempsqrx - tempsqry + floatparm->x;
- new.y = old.x*old.y*2 + floatparm->y;
- return(floatbailout());
- }
- floatZtozPluszpwrFractal()
- {
- cpower(&old,(int)param[2],&new);
- old = ComplexPower(old,old);
- new.x = new.x + old.x +floatparm->x;
- new.y = new.y + old.y +floatparm->y;
- return(floatbailout());
- }
- longZpowerFractal()
- {
- #ifndef XFRACT
- if(lcpower(&lold,c_exp,&lnew,bitshift))
- lnew.x = lnew.y = 8L<<bitshift;
- lnew.x += longparm->x;
- lnew.y += longparm->y;
- return(longbailout());
- #endif
- }
- longCmplxZpowerFractal()
- {
- #ifndef XFRACT
- _CMPLX x, y;
- x.x = (double)lold.x / fudge;
- x.y = (double)lold.y / fudge;
- y.x = (double)lparm2.x / fudge;
- y.y = (double)lparm2.y / fudge;
- x = ComplexPower(x, y);
- if(fabs(x.x) < fgLimit && fabs(x.y) < fgLimit) {
- lnew.x = (long)(x.x * fudge);
- lnew.y = (long)(x.y * fudge);
- }
- else
- overflow = 1;
- lnew.x += longparm->x;
- lnew.y += longparm->y;
- return(longbailout());
- #endif
- }
- floatZpowerFractal()
- {
- cpower(&old,c_exp,&new);
- new.x += floatparm->x;
- new.y += floatparm->y;
- return(floatbailout());
- }
- floatCmplxZpowerFractal()
- {
- new = ComplexPower(old, parm2);
- new.x += floatparm->x;
- new.y += floatparm->y;
- return(floatbailout());
- }
- Barnsley3Fractal()
- {
- /* An unnamed Mandelbrot/Julia function from "Fractals
- Everywhere" by Michael Barnsley, p. 292, example 4.1 */
- /* calculate intermediate products */
- oldxinitx = multiply(lold.x, lold.x, bitshift);
- oldyinity = multiply(lold.y, lold.y, bitshift);
- oldxinity = multiply(lold.x, lold.y, bitshift);
- /* orbit calculation */
- if(lold.x > 0)
- {
- lnew.x = oldxinitx - oldyinity - fudge;
- lnew.y = oldxinity << 1;
- }
- else
- {
- lnew.x = oldxinitx - oldyinity - fudge
- + multiply(longparm->x,lold.x,bitshift);
- lnew.y = oldxinity <<1;
- /* This term added by Tim Wegner to make dependent on the
- imaginary part of the parameter. (Otherwise Mandelbrot
- is uninteresting. */
- lnew.y += multiply(longparm->y,lold.x,bitshift);
- }
- return(longbailout());
- }
- Barnsley3FPFractal()
- {
- /* An unnamed Mandelbrot/Julia function from "Fractals
- Everywhere" by Michael Barnsley, p. 292, example 4.1 */
- /* calculate intermediate products */
- foldxinitx = old.x * old.x;
- foldyinity = old.y * old.y;
- foldxinity = old.x * old.y;
- /* orbit calculation */
- if(old.x > 0)
- {
- new.x = foldxinitx - foldyinity - 1.0;
- new.y = foldxinity * 2;
- }
- else
- {
- new.x = foldxinitx - foldyinity -1.0 + floatparm->x * old.x;
- new.y = foldxinity * 2;
- /* This term added by Tim Wegner to make dependent on the
- imaginary part of the parameter. (Otherwise Mandelbrot
- is uninteresting. */
- new.y += floatparm->y * old.x;
- }
- return(floatbailout());
- }
- TrigPlusZsquaredFractal()
- {
- #ifndef XFRACT
- /* From Scientific American, July 1989 */
- /* A Biomorph */
- /* z(n+1) = trig(z(n))+z(n)**2+C */
- LCMPLXtrig0(lold,lnew);
- lnew.x += ltempsqrx - ltempsqry + longparm->x;
- lnew.y += multiply(lold.x, lold.y, bitshiftless1) + longparm->y;
- return(longbailout());
- #endif
- }
- TrigPlusZsquaredfpFractal()
- {
- /* From Scientific American, July 1989 */
- /* A Biomorph */
- /* z(n+1) = trig(z(n))+z(n)**2+C */
- CMPLXtrig0(old,new);
- new.x += tempsqrx - tempsqry + floatparm->x;
- new.y += 2.0 * old.x * old.y + floatparm->y;
- return(floatbailout());
- }
- Richard8fpFractal()
- {
- /* Richard8 {c = z = pixel: z=sin(z)+sin(pixel),|z|<=50} */
- CMPLXtrig0(old,new);
- /* CMPLXtrig1(*floatparm,tmp); */
- new.x += tmp.x;
- new.y += tmp.y;
- return(floatbailout());
- }
- Richard8Fractal()
- {
- #ifndef XFRACT
- /* Richard8 {c = z = pixel: z=sin(z)+sin(pixel),|z|<=50} */
- LCMPLXtrig0(lold,lnew);
- /* LCMPLXtrig1(*longparm,ltmp); */
- lnew.x += ltmp.x;
- lnew.y += ltmp.y;
- return(longbailout());
- #endif
- }
- PopcornFractal()
- {
- tmp = old;
- tmp.x *= 3.0;
- tmp.y *= 3.0;
- FPUsincos(&tmp.x,&sinx,&cosx);
- FPUsincos(&tmp.y,&siny,&cosy);
- tmp.x = sinx/cosx + old.x;
- tmp.y = siny/cosy + old.y;
- FPUsincos(&tmp.x,&sinx,&cosx);
- FPUsincos(&tmp.y,&siny,&cosy);
- new.x = old.x - parm.x*siny;
- new.y = old.y - parm.x*sinx;
- /*
- new.x = old.x - parm.x*sin(old.y+tan(3*old.y));
- new.y = old.y - parm.x*sin(old.x+tan(3*old.x));
- */
- if(plot == noplot)
- {
- plot_orbit(new.x,new.y,1+row%colors);
- old = new;
- }
- else
- /* PB The above line was weird, not what it seems to be! But, bracketing
- it or always doing it (either of which seem more likely to be what
- was intended) changes the image for the worse, so I'm not touching it.
- Same applies to int form in next routine. */
- /* PB later: recoded inline, still leaving it weird */
- tempsqrx = sqr(new.x);
- tempsqry = sqr(new.y);
- if((magnitude = tempsqrx + tempsqry) >= rqlim) return(1);
- old = new;
- return(0);
- }
- LPopcornFractal()
- {
- #ifndef XFRACT
- ltmp = lold;
- ltmp.x *= 3L;
- ltmp.y *= 3L;
- LTRIGARG(ltmp.x);
- LTRIGARG(ltmp.y);
- SinCos086(ltmp.x,&lsinx,&lcosx);
- SinCos086(ltmp.y,&lsiny,&lcosy);
- ltmp.x = divide(lsinx,lcosx,bitshift) + lold.x;
- ltmp.y = divide(lsiny,lcosy,bitshift) + lold.y;
- LTRIGARG(ltmp.x);
- LTRIGARG(ltmp.y);
- SinCos086(ltmp.x,&lsinx,&lcosx);
- SinCos086(ltmp.y,&lsiny,&lcosy);
- lnew.x = lold.x - multiply(lparm.x,lsiny,bitshift);
- lnew.y = lold.y - multiply(lparm.x,lsinx,bitshift);
- if(plot == noplot)
- {
- iplot_orbit(lnew.x,lnew.y,1+row%colors);
- lold = lnew;
- }
- else
- /* PB above still the old way, is weird, see notes in FP popcorn case */
- return(0);
- #endif
- }
- int MarksCplxMand(void)
- {
- tmp.x = tempsqrx - tempsqry;
- tmp.y = 2*old.x*old.y;
- FPUcplxmul(&tmp, &coefficient, &new);
- new.x += floatparm->x;
- new.y += floatparm->y;
- return(floatbailout());
- }
- int SpiderfpFractal(void)
- {
- /* Spider(XAXIS) { c=z=pixel: z=z*z+c; c=c/2+z, |z|<=4 } */
- new.x = tempsqrx - tempsqry + tmp.x;
- new.y = 2 * old.x * old.y + tmp.y;
- tmp.x = tmp.x/2 + new.x;
- tmp.y = tmp.y/2 + new.y;
- return(floatbailout());
- }
- SpiderFractal(void)
- {
- #ifndef XFRACT
- /* Spider(XAXIS) { c=z=pixel: z=z*z+c; c=c/2+z, |z|<=4 } */
- lnew.x = ltempsqrx - ltempsqry + ltmp.x;
- lnew.y = multiply(lold.x, lold.y, bitshiftless1) + ltmp.y;
- ltmp.x = (ltmp.x >> 1) + lnew.x;
- ltmp.y = (ltmp.y >> 1) + lnew.y;
- return(longbailout());
- #endif
- }
- TetratefpFractal()
- {
- /* Tetrate(XAXIS) { c=z=pixel: z=c^z, |z|<=(P1+3) } */
- new = ComplexPower(*floatparm,old);
- return(floatbailout());
- }
- ZXTrigPlusZFractal()
- {
- #ifndef XFRACT
- /* z = (p1*z*trig(z))+p2*z */
- LCMPLXtrig0(lold,ltmp); /* ltmp = trig(old) */
- LCMPLXmult(lparm,ltmp,ltmp); /* ltmp = p1*trig(old) */
- LCMPLXmult(lold,ltmp,ltmp2); /* ltmp2 = p1*old*trig(old) */
- LCMPLXmult(lparm2,lold,ltmp); /* ltmp = p2*old */
- LCMPLXadd(ltmp2,ltmp,lnew); /* lnew = p1*trig(old) + p2*old */
- return(longbailout());
- #endif
- }
- ScottZXTrigPlusZFractal()
- {
- #ifndef XFRACT
- /* z = (z*trig(z))+z */
- LCMPLXtrig0(lold,ltmp); /* ltmp = trig(old) */
- LCMPLXmult(lold,ltmp,lnew); /* lnew = old*trig(old) */
- LCMPLXadd(lnew,lold,lnew); /* lnew = trig(old) + old */
- return(longbailout());
- #endif
- }
- SkinnerZXTrigSubZFractal()
- {
- #ifndef XFRACT
- /* z = (z*trig(z))-z */
- LCMPLXtrig0(lold,ltmp); /* ltmp = trig(old) */
- LCMPLXmult(lold,ltmp,lnew); /* lnew = old*trig(old) */
- LCMPLXsub(lnew,lold,lnew); /* lnew = trig(old) - old */
- return(longbailout());
- #endif
- }
- ZXTrigPlusZfpFractal()
- {
- /* z = (p1*z*trig(z))+p2*z */
- CMPLXtrig0(old,tmp); /* tmp = trig(old) */
- CMPLXmult(parm,tmp,tmp); /* tmp = p1*trig(old) */
- CMPLXmult(old,tmp,tmp2); /* tmp2 = p1*old*trig(old) */
- CMPLXmult(parm2,old,tmp); /* tmp = p2*old */
- CMPLXadd(tmp2,tmp,new); /* new = p1*trig(old) + p2*old */
- return(floatbailout());
- }
- ScottZXTrigPlusZfpFractal()
- {
- /* z = (z*trig(z))+z */
- CMPLXtrig0(old,tmp); /* tmp = trig(old) */
- CMPLXmult(old,tmp,new); /* new = old*trig(old) */
- CMPLXadd(new,old,new); /* new = trig(old) + old */
- return(floatbailout());
- }
- SkinnerZXTrigSubZfpFractal()
- {
- /* z = (z*trig(z))-z */
- CMPLXtrig0(old,tmp); /* tmp = trig(old) */
- CMPLXmult(old,tmp,new); /* new = old*trig(old) */
- CMPLXsub(new,old,new); /* new = trig(old) - old */
- return(floatbailout());
- }
- Sqr1overTrigFractal()
- {
- #ifndef XFRACT
- /* z = sqr(1/trig(z)) */
- LCMPLXtrig0(lold,lold);
- LCMPLXrecip(lold,lold);
- LCMPLXsqr(lold,lnew);
- return(longbailout());
- #endif
- }
- Sqr1overTrigfpFractal()
- {
- /* z = sqr(1/trig(z)) */
- CMPLXtrig0(old,old);
- CMPLXrecip(old,old);
- CMPLXsqr(old,new);
- return(floatbailout());
- }
- TrigPlusTrigFractal()
- {
- #ifndef XFRACT
- /* z = trig(0,z)*p1+trig1(z)*p2 */
- LCMPLXtrig0(lold,ltmp);
- LCMPLXmult(lparm,ltmp,ltmp);
- LCMPLXtrig1(lold,ltmp2);
- LCMPLXmult(lparm2,ltmp2,lold);
- LCMPLXadd(ltmp,lold,lnew);
- return(longbailout());
- #endif
- }
- TrigPlusTrigfpFractal()
- {
- /* z = trig0(z)*p1+trig1(z)*p2 */
- CMPLXtrig0(old,tmp);
- CMPLXmult(parm,tmp,tmp);
- CMPLXtrig1(old,old);
- CMPLXmult(parm2,old,old);
- CMPLXadd(tmp,old,new);
- return(floatbailout());
- }
- /* The following four fractals are based on the idea of parallel
- or alternate calculations. The shift is made when the mod
- reaches a given value. JCO 5/6/92 */
- LambdaTrigOrTrigFractal()
- {
- #ifndef XFRACT
- /* z = trig0(z)*p1 if mod(old) < p2.x and
- trig1(z)*p1 if mod(old) >= p2.x */
- if ((LCMPLXmod(lold)) < lparm2.x){
- LCMPLXtrig0(lold,ltmp);
- LCMPLXmult(*longparm,ltmp,lnew);}
- else{
- LCMPLXtrig1(lold,ltmp);
- LCMPLXmult(*longparm,ltmp,lnew);}
- return(longbailout());
- #endif
- }
- LambdaTrigOrTrigfpFractal()
- {
- /* z = trig0(z)*p1 if mod(old) < p2.x and
- trig1(z)*p1 if mod(old) >= p2.x */
- if (CMPLXmod(old) < parm2.x){
- CMPLXtrig0(old,old);
- FPUcplxmul(floatparm,&old,&new);}
- else{
- CMPLXtrig1(old,old);
- FPUcplxmul(floatparm,&old,&new);}
- return(floatbailout());
- }
- JuliaTrigOrTrigFractal()
- {
- #ifndef XFRACT
- /* z = trig0(z)+p1 if mod(old) < p2.x and
- trig1(z)+p1 if mod(old) >= p2.x */
- if (LCMPLXmod(lold) < lparm2.x){
- LCMPLXtrig0(lold,ltmp);
- LCMPLXadd(*longparm,ltmp,lnew);}
- else{
- LCMPLXtrig1(lold,ltmp);
- LCMPLXadd(*longparm,ltmp,lnew);}
- return(longbailout());
- #endif
- }
- JuliaTrigOrTrigfpFractal()
- {
- /* z = trig0(z)+p1 if mod(old) < p2.x and
- trig1(z)+p1 if mod(old) >= p2.x */
- if (CMPLXmod(old) < parm2.x){
- CMPLXtrig0(old,old);
- CMPLXadd(*floatparm,old,new);}
- else{
- CMPLXtrig1(old,old);
- CMPLXadd(*floatparm,old,new);}
- return(floatbailout());
- }
- int AplusOne, Ap1deg;
- struct MP mpAplusOne, mpAp1deg;
- struct MPC mpctmpparm;
- int MPCHalleyFractal()
- {
- #ifndef XFRACT
- /* X(X^a - 1) = 0, Halley Map */
- /* a = parm.x, relaxation coeff. = parm.y, epsilon = parm2.x */
- int ihal;
- struct MPC mpcXtoAlessOne, mpcXtoA;
- struct MPC mpcXtoAplusOne; /* a-1, a, a+1 */
- struct MPC mpcFX, mpcF1prime, mpcF2prime, mpcHalnumer1;
- struct MPC mpcHalnumer2, mpcHaldenom, mpctmp;
- MPOverflow = 0;
- mpcXtoAlessOne.x = mpcold.x;
- mpcXtoAlessOne.y = mpcold.y;
- for(ihal=2; ihal<degree; ihal++) {
- mpctmp.x = *pMPsub(*pMPmul(mpcXtoAlessOne.x,mpcold.x),*pMPmul(mpcXtoAlessOne.y,mpcold.y));
- mpctmp.y = *pMPadd(*pMPmul(mpcXtoAlessOne.x,mpcold.y),*pMPmul(mpcXtoAlessOne.y,mpcold.x));
- mpcXtoAlessOne.x = mpctmp.x;
- mpcXtoAlessOne.y = mpctmp.y;
- }
- mpcXtoA.x = *pMPsub(*pMPmul(mpcXtoAlessOne.x,mpcold.x),*pMPmul(mpcXtoAlessOne.y,mpcold.y));
- mpcXtoA.y = *pMPadd(*pMPmul(mpcXtoAlessOne.x,mpcold.y),*pMPmul(mpcXtoAlessOne.y,mpcold.x));
- mpcXtoAplusOne.x = *pMPsub(*pMPmul(mpcXtoA.x,mpcold.x),*pMPmul(mpcXtoA.y,mpcold.y));
- mpcXtoAplusOne.y = *pMPadd(*pMPmul(mpcXtoA.x,mpcold.y),*pMPmul(mpcXtoA.y,mpcold.x));
- mpcFX.x = *pMPsub(mpcXtoAplusOne.x, mpcold.x);
- mpcFX.y = *pMPsub(mpcXtoAplusOne.y, mpcold.y); /* FX = X^(a+1) - X = F */
- mpcF2prime.x = *pMPmul(mpAp1deg, mpcXtoAlessOne.x); /* mpAp1deg in setup */
- mpcF2prime.y = *pMPmul(mpAp1deg, mpcXtoAlessOne.y); /* F" */
- mpcF1prime.x = *pMPsub(*pMPmul(mpAplusOne, mpcXtoA.x), mpone);
- mpcF1prime.y = *pMPmul(mpAplusOne, mpcXtoA.y); /* F' */
- mpctmp.x = *pMPsub(*pMPmul(mpcF2prime.x,mpcFX.x),*pMPmul(mpcF2prime.y,mpcFX.y));
- mpctmp.y = *pMPadd(*pMPmul(mpcF2prime.x,mpcFX.y),*pMPmul(mpcF2prime.y,mpcFX.x));
- /* F * F" */
- mpcHaldenom.x = *pMPadd(mpcF1prime.x, mpcF1prime.x);
- mpcHaldenom.y = *pMPadd(mpcF1prime.y, mpcF1prime.y); /* 2 * F' */
- mpcHalnumer1 = MPCdiv(mpctmp, mpcHaldenom); /* F"F/2F' */
- mpctmp.x = *pMPsub(mpcF1prime.x, mpcHalnumer1.x);
- mpctmp.y = *pMPsub(mpcF1prime.y, mpcHalnumer1.y); /* F' - F"F/2F' */
- mpcHalnumer2 = MPCdiv(mpcFX, mpctmp);
- mpctmp = MPCmul(mpctmpparm, mpcHalnumer2); /* mpctmpparm is */
- /* relaxation coef. */
- #if 0
- mpctmp.x = *pMPmul(mptmpparmy,mpcHalnumer2.x); /* mptmpparmy is */
- mpctmp.y = *pMPmul(mptmpparmy,mpcHalnumer2.y); /* relaxation coef. */
- mpcnew.x = *pMPsub(mpcold.x, mpctmp.x);
- mpcnew.y = *pMPsub(mpcold.y, mpctmp.y);
- new.x = *pMP2d(mpcnew.x);
- new.y = *pMP2d(mpcnew.y);
- #endif
- mpcnew = MPCsub(mpcold, mpctmp);
- new = MPC2cmplx(mpcnew);
- return(MPCHalleybailout()||MPOverflow);
- #endif
- }
- HalleyFractal()
- {
- /* X(X^a - 1) = 0, Halley Map */
- /* a = parm.x = degree, relaxation coeff. = parm.y, epsilon = parm2.x */
- int ihal;
- _CMPLX XtoAlessOne, XtoA, XtoAplusOne; /* a-1, a, a+1 */
- _CMPLX FX, F1prime, F2prime, Halnumer1, Halnumer2, Haldenom;
- _CMPLX relax;
- XtoAlessOne = old;
- for(ihal=2; ihal<degree; ihal++) {
- FPUcplxmul(&old, &XtoAlessOne, &XtoAlessOne);
- }
- FPUcplxmul(&old, &XtoAlessOne, &XtoA);
- FPUcplxmul(&old, &XtoA, &XtoAplusOne);
- CMPLXsub(XtoAplusOne, old, FX); /* FX = X^(a+1) - X = F */
- F2prime.x = Ap1deg * XtoAlessOne.x; /* Ap1deg in setup */
- F2prime.y = Ap1deg * XtoAlessOne.y; /* F" */
- F1prime.x = AplusOne * XtoA.x - 1.0;
- F1prime.y = AplusOne * XtoA.y; /* F' */
- FPUcplxmul(&F2prime, &FX, &Halnumer1); /* F * F" */
- Haldenom.x = F1prime.x + F1prime.x;
- Haldenom.y = F1prime.y + F1prime.y; /* 2 * F' */
- FPUcplxdiv(&Halnumer1, &Haldenom, &Halnumer1); /* F"F/2F' */
- CMPLXsub(F1prime, Halnumer1, Halnumer2); /* F' - F"F/2F' */
- FPUcplxdiv(&FX, &Halnumer2, &Halnumer2);
- /* parm.y is relaxation coef. */
- /* new.x = old.x - (parm.y * Halnumer2.x);
- new.y = old.y - (parm.y * Halnumer2.y); */
- relax.x = parm.y;
- relax.y = param[3];
- FPUcplxmul(&relax, &Halnumer2, &Halnumer2);
- new.x = old.x - Halnumer2.x;
- new.y = old.y - Halnumer2.y;
- return(Halleybailout());
- }
- LongPhoenixFractal()
- {
- #ifndef XFRACT
- /* z(n+1) = z(n)^2 + p + qy(n), y(n+1) = z(n) */
- ltmp.x = multiply(lold.x, lold.y, bitshift);
- lnew.x = ltempsqrx-ltempsqry+longparm->x+multiply(longparm->y,ltmp2.x,bitshift);
- lnew.y = (ltmp.x + ltmp.x) + multiply(longparm->y,ltmp2.y,bitshift);
- ltmp2 = lold; /* set ltmp2 to Y value */
- return(longbailout());
- #endif
- }
- PhoenixFractal()
- {
- /* z(n+1) = z(n)^2 + p + qy(n), y(n+1) = z(n) */
- tmp.x = old.x * old.y;
- new.x = tempsqrx - tempsqry + floatparm->x + (floatparm->y * tmp2.x);
- new.y = (tmp.x + tmp.x) + (floatparm->y * tmp2.y);
- tmp2 = old; /* set tmp2 to Y value */
- return(floatbailout());
- }
- LongPhoenixFractalcplx()
- {
- #ifndef XFRACT
- /* z(n+1) = z(n)^2 + p + qy(n), y(n+1) = z(n) */
- ltmp.x = multiply(lold.x, lold.y, bitshift);
- lnew.x = ltempsqrx-ltempsqry+longparm->x+multiply(lparm2.x,ltmp2.x,bitshift)-multiply(lparm2.y,ltmp2.y,bitshift);
- lnew.y = (ltmp.x + ltmp.x)+longparm->y+multiply(lparm2.x,ltmp2.y,bitshift)+multiply(lparm2.y,ltmp2.x,bitshift);
- ltmp2 = lold; /* set ltmp2 to Y value */
- return(longbailout());
- #endif
- }
- PhoenixFractalcplx()
- {
- /* z(n+1) = z(n)^2 + p1 + p2*y(n), y(n+1) = z(n) */
- tmp.x = old.x * old.y;
- new.x = tempsqrx - tempsqry + floatparm->x + (parm2.x * tmp2.x) - (parm2.y * tmp2.y);
- new.y = (tmp.x + tmp.x) + floatparm->y + (parm2.x * tmp2.y) + (parm2.y * tmp2.x);
- tmp2 = old; /* set tmp2 to Y value */
- return(floatbailout());
- }
- LongPhoenixPlusFractal()
- {
- #ifndef XFRACT
- /* z(n+1) = z(n)^(degree-1) * (z(n) + p) + qy(n), y(n+1) = z(n) */
- int i;
- _LCMPLX loldplus, lnewminus;
- loldplus = lold;
- ltmp = lold;
- for(i=1; i<degree; i++) { /* degree >= 2, degree=degree-1 in setup */
- LCMPLXmult(lold,ltmp,ltmp); /* = old^(degree-1) */
- }
- loldplus.x += longparm->x;
- LCMPLXmult(ltmp, loldplus, lnewminus);
- lnew.x = lnewminus.x + multiply(longparm->y,ltmp2.x,bitshift);
- lnew.y = lnewminus.y + multiply(longparm->y,ltmp2.y,bitshift);
- ltmp2 = lold; /* set ltmp2 to Y value */
- return(longbailout());
- #endif
- }
- PhoenixPlusFractal()
- {
- /* z(n+1) = z(n)^(degree-1) * (z(n) + p) + qy(n), y(n+1) = z(n) */
- int i;
- _CMPLX oldplus, newminus;
- oldplus = old;
- tmp = old;
- for(i=1; i<degree; i++) { /* degree >= 2, degree=degree-1 in setup */
- FPUcplxmul(&old, &tmp, &tmp); /* = old^(degree-1) */
- }
- oldplus.x += floatparm->x;
- FPUcplxmul(&tmp, &oldplus, &newminus);
- new.x = newminus.x + (floatparm->y * tmp2.x);
- new.y = newminus.y + (floatparm->y * tmp2.y);
- tmp2 = old; /* set tmp2 to Y value */
- return(floatbailout());
- }
- LongPhoenixMinusFractal()
- {
- #ifndef XFRACT
- /* z(n+1) = z(n)^(degree-2) * (z(n)^2 + p) + qy(n), y(n+1) = z(n) */
- int i;
- _LCMPLX loldsqr, lnewminus;
- LCMPLXmult(lold,lold,loldsqr);
- ltmp = lold;
- for(i=1; i<degree; i++) { /* degree >= 3, degree=degree-2 in setup */
- LCMPLXmult(lold,ltmp,ltmp); /* = old^(degree-2) */
- }
- loldsqr.x += longparm->x;
- LCMPLXmult(ltmp, loldsqr, lnewminus);
- lnew.x = lnewminus.x + multiply(longparm->y,ltmp2.x,bitshift);
- lnew.y = lnewminus.y + multiply(longparm->y,ltmp2.y,bitshift);
- ltmp2 = lold; /* set ltmp2 to Y value */
- return(longbailout());
- #endif
- }
- PhoenixMinusFractal()
- {
- /* z(n+1) = z(n)^(degree-2) * (z(n)^2 + p) + qy(n), y(n+1) = z(n) */
- int i;
- _CMPLX oldsqr, newminus;
- FPUcplxmul(&old, &old, &oldsqr);
- tmp = old;
- for(i=1; i<degree; i++) { /* degree >= 3, degree=degree-2 in setup */
- FPUcplxmul(&old, &tmp, &tmp); /* = old^(degree-2) */
- }
- oldsqr.x += floatparm->x;
- FPUcplxmul(&tmp, &oldsqr, &newminus);
- new.x = newminus.x + (floatparm->y * tmp2.x);
- new.y = newminus.y + (floatparm->y * tmp2.y);
- tmp2 = old; /* set tmp2 to Y value */
- return(floatbailout());
- }
- LongPhoenixCplxPlusFractal()
- {
- #ifndef XFRACT
- /* z(n+1) = z(n)^(degree-1) * (z(n) + p) + qy(n), y(n+1) = z(n) */
- int i;
- _LCMPLX loldplus, lnewminus;
- loldplus = lold;
- ltmp = lold;
- for(i=1; i<degree; i++) { /* degree >= 2, degree=degree-1 in setup */
- LCMPLXmult(lold,ltmp,ltmp); /* = old^(degree-1) */
- }
- loldplus.x += longparm->x;
- loldplus.y += longparm->y;
- LCMPLXmult(ltmp, loldplus, lnewminus);
- LCMPLXmult(lparm2, ltmp2, ltmp);
- lnew.x = lnewminus.x + ltmp.x;
- lnew.y = lnewminus.y + ltmp.y;
- ltmp2 = lold; /* set ltmp2 to Y value */
- return(longbailout());
- #endif
- }
- PhoenixCplxPlusFractal()
- {
- /* z(n+1) = z(n)^(degree-1) * (z(n) + p) + qy(n), y(n+1) = z(n) */
- int i;
- _CMPLX oldplus, newminus;
- oldplus = old;
- tmp = old;
- for(i=1; i<degree; i++) { /* degree >= 2, degree=degree-1 in setup */
- FPUcplxmul(&old, &tmp, &tmp); /* = old^(degree-1) */
- }
- oldplus.x += floatparm->x;
- oldplus.y += floatparm->y;
- FPUcplxmul(&tmp, &oldplus, &newminus);
- FPUcplxmul(&parm2, &tmp2, &tmp);
- new.x = newminus.x + tmp.x;
- new.y = newminus.y + tmp.y;
- tmp2 = old; /* set tmp2 to Y value */
- return(floatbailout());
- }
- LongPhoenixCplxMinusFractal()
- {
- #ifndef XFRACT
- /* z(n+1) = z(n)^(degree-2) * (z(n)^2 + p) + qy(n), y(n+1) = z(n) */
- int i;
- _LCMPLX loldsqr, lnewminus;
- LCMPLXmult(lold,lold,loldsqr);
- ltmp = lold;
- for(i=1; i<degree; i++) { /* degree >= 3, degree=degree-2 in setup */
- LCMPLXmult(lold,ltmp,ltmp); /* = old^(degree-2) */
- }
- loldsqr.x += longparm->x;
- loldsqr.y += longparm->y;
- LCMPLXmult(ltmp, loldsqr, lnewminus);
- LCMPLXmult(lparm2, ltmp2, ltmp);
- lnew.x = lnewminus.x + ltmp.x;
- lnew.y = lnewminus.y + ltmp.y;
- ltmp2 = lold; /* set ltmp2 to Y value */
- return(longbailout());
- #endif
- }
- PhoenixCplxMinusFractal()
- {
- /* z(n+1) = z(n)^(degree-2) * (z(n)^2 + p) + qy(n), y(n+1) = z(n) */
- int i;
- _CMPLX oldsqr, newminus;
- FPUcplxmul(&old, &old, &oldsqr);
- tmp = old;
- for(i=1; i<degree; i++) { /* degree >= 3, degree=degree-2 in setup */
- FPUcplxmul(&old, &tmp, &tmp); /* = old^(degree-2) */
- }
- oldsqr.x += floatparm->x;
- oldsqr.y += floatparm->y;
- FPUcplxmul(&tmp, &oldsqr, &newminus);
- FPUcplxmul(&parm2, &tmp2, &tmp);
- new.x = newminus.x + tmp.x;
- new.y = newminus.y + tmp.y;
- tmp2 = old; /* set tmp2 to Y value */
- return(floatbailout());
- }
- ScottTrigPlusTrigFractal()
- {
- #ifndef XFRACT
- /* z = trig0(z)+trig1(z) */
- LCMPLXtrig0(lold,ltmp);
- LCMPLXtrig1(lold,lold);
- LCMPLXadd(ltmp,lold,lnew);
- return(longbailout());
- #endif
- }
- ScottTrigPlusTrigfpFractal()
- {
- /* z = trig0(z)+trig1(z) */
- CMPLXtrig0(old,tmp);
- CMPLXtrig1(old,tmp2);
- CMPLXadd(tmp,tmp2,new);
- return(floatbailout());
- }
- SkinnerTrigSubTrigFractal()
- {
- #ifndef XFRACT
- /* z = trig(0,z)-trig1(z) */
- LCMPLXtrig0(lold,ltmp);
- LCMPLXtrig1(lold,ltmp2);
- LCMPLXsub(ltmp,ltmp2,lnew);
- return(longbailout());
- #endif
- }
- SkinnerTrigSubTrigfpFractal()
- {
- /* z = trig0(z)-trig1(z) */
- CMPLXtrig0(old,tmp);
- CMPLXtrig1(old,tmp2);
- CMPLXsub(tmp,tmp2,new);
- return(floatbailout());
- }
- TrigXTrigfpFractal(void)
- {
- /* z = trig0(z)*trig1(z) */
- CMPLXtrig0(old,tmp);
- CMPLXtrig1(old,old);
- CMPLXmult(tmp,old,new);
- return(floatbailout());
- }
- /* call float version of fractal if integer math overflow */
- static TryFloatFractal(int (*fpFractal)(void))
- {
- overflow=0;
- /* lold had better not be changed! */
- old.x = lold.x; old.x /= fudge;
- old.y = lold.y; old.y /= fudge;
- tempsqrx = sqr(old.x);
- tempsqry = sqr(old.y);
- fpFractal();
- lnew.x = (long)(new.x*fudge);
- lnew.y = (long)(new.y*fudge);
- return(0);
- }
- TrigXTrigFractal()
- {
- #ifndef XFRACT
- _LCMPLX ltmp2;
- /* z = trig0(z)*trig1(z) */
- LCMPLXtrig0(lold,ltmp);
- LCMPLXtrig1(lold,ltmp2);
- LCMPLXmult(ltmp,ltmp2,lnew);
- if(overflow)
- TryFloatFractal(TrigXTrigfpFractal);
- return(longbailout());
- #endif
- }
- /********************************************************************/
- /* Next six orbit functions are one type - extra functions are */
- /* special cases written for speed. */
- /********************************************************************/
- TrigPlusSqrFractal() /* generalization of Scott and Skinner types */
- {
- #ifndef XFRACT
- /* { z=pixel: z=(p1,p2)*trig(z)+(p3,p4)*sqr(z), |z|<BAILOUT } */
- LCMPLXtrig0(lold,ltmp); /* ltmp = trig(lold) */
- LCMPLXmult(lparm,ltmp,lnew); /* lnew = lparm*trig(lold) */
- LCMPLXsqr_old(ltmp); /* ltmp = sqr(lold) */
- LCMPLXmult(lparm2,ltmp,ltmp);/* ltmp = lparm2*sqr(lold) */
- LCMPLXadd(lnew,ltmp,lnew); /* lnew = lparm*trig(lold)+lparm2*sqr(lold) */
- return(longbailout());
- #endif
- }
- TrigPlusSqrfpFractal() /* generalization of Scott and Skinner types */
- {
- /* { z=pixel: z=(p1,p2)*trig(z)+(p3,p4)*sqr(z), |z|<BAILOUT } */
- CMPLXtrig0(old,tmp); /* tmp = trig(old) */
- CMPLXmult(parm,tmp,new); /* new = parm*trig(old) */
- CMPLXsqr_old(tmp); /* tmp = sqr(old) */
- CMPLXmult(parm2,tmp,tmp2); /* tmp = parm2*sqr(old) */
- CMPLXadd(new,tmp2,new); /* new = parm*trig(old)+parm2*sqr(old) */
- return(floatbailout());
- }
- ScottTrigPlusSqrFractal()
- {
- #ifndef XFRACT
- /* { z=pixel: z=trig(z)+sqr(z), |z|<BAILOUT } */
- LCMPLXtrig0(lold,lnew); /* lnew = trig(lold) */
- LCMPLXsqr_old(ltmp); /* lold = sqr(lold) */
- LCMPLXadd(ltmp,lnew,lnew); /* lnew = trig(lold)+sqr(lold) */
- return(longbailout());
- #endif
- }
- ScottTrigPlusSqrfpFractal() /* float version */
- {
- /* { z=pixel: z=sin(z)+sqr(z), |z|<BAILOUT } */
- CMPLXtrig0(old,new); /* new = trig(old) */
- CMPLXsqr_old(tmp); /* tmp = sqr(old) */
- CMPLXadd(new,tmp,new); /* new = trig(old)+sqr(old) */
- return(floatbailout());
- }
- SkinnerTrigSubSqrFractal()
- {
- #ifndef XFRACT
- /* { z=pixel: z=sin(z)-sqr(z), |z|<BAILOUT } */
- LCMPLXtrig0(lold,lnew); /* lnew = trig(lold) */
- LCMPLXsqr_old(ltmp); /* lold = sqr(lold) */
- LCMPLXsub(lnew,ltmp,lnew); /* lnew = trig(lold)-sqr(lold) */
- return(longbailout());
- #endif
- }
- SkinnerTrigSubSqrfpFractal()
- {
- /* { z=pixel: z=sin(z)-sqr(z), |z|<BAILOUT } */
- CMPLXtrig0(old,new); /* new = trig(old) */
- CMPLXsqr_old(tmp); /* old = sqr(old) */
- CMPLXsub(new,tmp,new); /* new = trig(old)-sqr(old) */
- return(floatbailout());
- }
- TrigZsqrdfpFractal(void)
- {
- /* { z=pixel: z=trig(z*z), |z|<TEST } */
- CMPLXsqr_old(tmp);
- CMPLXtrig0(tmp,new);
- return(floatbailout());
- }
- TrigZsqrdFractal() /* this doesn't work very well */
- {
- #ifndef XFRACT
- /* { z=pixel: z=trig(z*z), |z|<TEST } */
- LCMPLXsqr_old(ltmp);
- if(labs(ltmp.x) > l16triglim || labs(ltmp.y) > l16triglim)
- overflow = 1;
- LCMPLXtrig0(ltmp,lnew);
- if(overflow)
- TryFloatFractal(TrigZsqrdfpFractal);
- return(longbailout());
- #endif
- }
- SqrTrigFractal()
- {
- #ifndef XFRACT
- /* { z=pixel: z=sqr(trig(z)), |z|<TEST} */
- LCMPLXtrig0(lold,ltmp);
- LCMPLXsqr(ltmp,lnew);
- return(longbailout());
- #endif
- }
- SqrTrigfpFractal()
- {
- /* SZSB(XYAXIS) { z=pixel, TEST=(p1+3): z=sin(z)*sin(z), |z|<TEST} */
- CMPLXtrig0(old,tmp);
- CMPLXsqr(tmp,new);
- return(floatbailout());
- }
- Magnet1Fractal() /* Z = ((Z**2 + C - 1)/(2Z + C - 2))**2 */
- { /* In "Beauty of Fractals", code by Kev Allen. */
- _CMPLX top, bot, tmp;
- double div;
- top.x = tempsqrx - tempsqry + floatparm->x - 1; /* top = Z**2+C-1 */
- top.y = old.x * old.y;
- top.y = top.y + top.y + floatparm->y;
- bot.x = old.x + old.x + floatparm->x - 2; /* bot = 2*Z+C-2 */
- bot.y = old.y + old.y + floatparm->y;
- div = bot.x*bot.x + bot.y*bot.y; /* tmp = top/bot */
- if (div < FLT_MIN) return(1);
- tmp.x = (top.x*bot.x + top.y*bot.y)/div;
- tmp.y = (top.y*bot.x - top.x*bot.y)/div;
- new.x = (tmp.x + tmp.y) * (tmp.x - tmp.y); /* Z = tmp**2 */
- new.y = tmp.x * tmp.y;
- new.y += new.y;
- return(floatbailout());
- }
- Magnet2Fractal() /* Z = ((Z**3 + 3(C-1)Z + (C-1)(C-2) ) / */
- /* (3Z**2 + 3(C-2)Z + (C-1)(C-2)+1) )**2 */
- { /* In "Beauty of Fractals", code by Kev Allen. */
- _CMPLX top, bot, tmp;
- double div;
- top.x = old.x * (tempsqrx-tempsqry-tempsqry-tempsqry + T_Cm1.x)
- - old.y * T_Cm1.y + T_Cm1Cm2.x;
- top.y = old.y * (tempsqrx+tempsqrx+tempsqrx-tempsqry + T_Cm1.x)
- + old.x * T_Cm1.y + T_Cm1Cm2.y;
- bot.x = tempsqrx - tempsqry;
- bot.x = bot.x + bot.x + bot.x
- + old.x * T_Cm2.x - old.y * T_Cm2.y
- + T_Cm1Cm2.x + 1.0;
- bot.y = old.x * old.y;
- bot.y += bot.y;
- bot.y = bot.y + bot.y + bot.y
- + old.x * T_Cm2.y + old.y * T_Cm2.x
- + T_Cm1Cm2.y;
- div = bot.x*bot.x + bot.y*bot.y; /* tmp = top/bot */
- if (div < FLT_MIN) return(1);
- tmp.x = (top.x*bot.x + top.y*bot.y)/div;
- tmp.y = (top.y*bot.x - top.x*bot.y)/div;
- new.x = (tmp.x + tmp.y) * (tmp.x - tmp.y); /* Z = tmp**2 */
- new.y = tmp.x * tmp.y;
- new.y += new.y;
- return(floatbailout());
- }
- LambdaTrigFractal()
- {
- #ifndef XFRACT
- LCMPLXtrig0(lold,ltmp); /* ltmp = trig(lold) */
- LCMPLXmult(*longparm,ltmp,lnew); /* lnew = longparm*trig(lold) */
- lold = lnew;
- return(0);
- #endif
- }
- LambdaTrigfpFractal()
- {
- CMPLXtrig0(old,tmp); /* tmp = trig(old) */
- CMPLXmult(*floatparm,tmp,new); /* new = longparm*trig(old) */
- old = new;
- return(0);
- }
- /* bailouts are different for different trig functions */
- LambdaTrigFractal1()
- {
- #ifndef XFRACT
- LONGTRIGBAILOUT(); /* sin,cos */
- LCMPLXtrig0(lold,ltmp); /* ltmp = trig(lold) */
- LCMPLXmult(*longparm,ltmp,lnew); /* lnew = longparm*trig(lold) */
- lold = lnew;
- return(0);
- #endif
- }
- LambdaTrigfpFractal1()
- {
- FLOATTRIGBAILOUT(); /* sin,cos */
- CMPLXtrig0(old,tmp); /* tmp = trig(old) */
- CMPLXmult(*floatparm,tmp,new); /* new = longparm*trig(old) */
- old = new;
- return(0);
- }
- LambdaTrigFractal2()
- {
- #ifndef XFRACT
- LONGHTRIGBAILOUT(); /* sinh,cosh */
- LCMPLXtrig0(lold,ltmp); /* ltmp = trig(lold) */
- LCMPLXmult(*longparm,ltmp,lnew); /* lnew = longparm*trig(lold) */
- lold = lnew;
- return(0);
- #endif
- }
- LambdaTrigfpFractal2()
- {
- #ifndef XFRACT
- FLOATHTRIGBAILOUT(); /* sinh,cosh */
- CMPLXtrig0(old,tmp); /* tmp = trig(old) */
- CMPLXmult(*floatparm,tmp,new); /* new = longparm*trig(old) */
- old = new;
- return(0);
- #endif
- }
- ManOWarFractal()
- {
- #ifndef XFRACT
- /* From Art Matrix via Lee Skinner */
- lnew.x = ltempsqrx - ltempsqry + ltmp.x + longparm->x;
- lnew.y = multiply(lold.x, lold.y, bitshiftless1) + ltmp.y + longparm->y;
- ltmp = lold;
- return(longbailout());
- #endif
- }
- ManOWarfpFractal()
- {
- /* From Art Matrix via Lee Skinner */
- /* note that fast >= 287 equiv in fracsuba.asm must be kept in step */
- new.x = tempsqrx - tempsqry + tmp.x + floatparm->x;
- new.y = 2.0 * old.x * old.y + tmp.y + floatparm->y;
- tmp = old;
- return(floatbailout());
- }
- /*
- MarksMandelPwr (XAXIS) {
- z = pixel, c = z ^ (z - 1):
- z = c * sqr(z) + pixel,
- |z| <= 4
- }
- */
- MarksMandelPwrfpFractal()
- {
- CMPLXtrig0(old,new);
- CMPLXmult(tmp,new,new);
- new.x += floatparm->x;
- new.y += floatparm->y;
- return(floatbailout());
- }
- MarksMandelPwrFractal()
- {
- #ifndef XFRACT
- LCMPLXtrig0(lold,lnew);
- LCMPLXmult(ltmp,lnew,lnew);
- lnew.x += longparm->x;
- lnew.y += longparm->y;
- return(longbailout());
- #endif
- }
- /* I was coding Marksmandelpower and failed to use some temporary
- variables. The result was nice, and since my name is not on any fractal,
- I thought I would immortalize myself with this error!
- Tim Wegner */
- TimsErrorfpFractal()
- {
- CMPLXtrig0(old,new);
- new.x = new.x * tmp.x - new.y * tmp.y;
- new.y = new.x * tmp.y - new.y * tmp.x;
- new.x += floatparm->x;
- new.y += floatparm->y;
- return(floatbailout());
- }
- TimsErrorFractal()
- {
- #ifndef XFRACT
- LCMPLXtrig0(lold,lnew);
- lnew.x = multiply(lnew.x,ltmp.x,bitshift)-multiply(lnew.y,ltmp.y,bitshift);
- lnew.y = multiply(lnew.x,ltmp.y,bitshift)-multiply(lnew.y,ltmp.x,bitshift);
- lnew.x += longparm->x;
- lnew.y += longparm->y;
- return(longbailout());
- #endif
- }
- CirclefpFractal()
- {
- long i;
- i = (long)(param[0]*(tempsqrx+tempsqry));
- coloriter = i%colors;
- return(1);
- }
- /*
- CirclelongFractal()
- {
- long i;
- i = multiply(lparm.x,(ltempsqrx+ltempsqry),bitshift);
- i = i >> bitshift;
- coloriter = i%colors);
- return(1);
- }
- */
- /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /* Initialization (once per pixel) routines */
- /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- #ifdef XFRACT
- /* this code translated to asm - lives in newton.asm */
- /* transform points with reciprocal function */
- void invertz2(_CMPLX *z)
- {
- z->x = dx0[col]+dx1[row];
- z->y = dy0[row]+dy1[col];
- z->x -= f_xcenter; z->y -= f_ycenter; /* Normalize values to center of circle */
- tempsqrx = sqr(z->x) + sqr(z->y); /* Get old radius */
- if(fabs(tempsqrx) > FLT_MIN)
- tempsqrx = f_radius / tempsqrx;
- else
- tempsqrx = FLT_MAX; /* a big number, but not TOO big */
- z->x *= tempsqrx; z->y *= tempsqrx; /* Perform inversion */
- z->x += f_xcenter; z->y += f_ycenter; /* Renormalize */
- }
- #endif
- int long_julia_per_pixel()
- {
- #ifndef XFRACT
- /* integer julia types */
- /* lambda */
- /* barnsleyj1 */
- /* barnsleyj2 */
- /* sierpinski */
- if(invert)
- {
- /* invert */
- invertz2(&old);
- /* watch out for overflow */
- if(sqr(old.x)+sqr(old.y) >= 127)
- {
- old.x = 8; /* value to bail out in one iteration */
- old.y = 8;
- }
- /* convert to fudged longs */
- lold.x = (long)(old.x*fudge);
- lold.y = (long)(old.y*fudge);
- }
- else
- {
- lold.x = lx0[col]+lx1[row];
- lold.y = ly0[row]+ly1[col];
- }
- return(0);
- #else
- printf("Called long_julia_per_pixel\n");
- exit(0);
- #endif
- }
- int long_richard8_per_pixel()
- {
- #ifndef XFRACT
- long_mandel_per_pixel();
- LCMPLXtrig1(*longparm,ltmp);
- LCMPLXmult(ltmp,lparm2,ltmp);
- return(1);
- #endif
- }
- int long_mandel_per_pixel()
- {
- #ifndef XFRACT
- /* integer mandel types */
- /* barnsleym1 */
- /* barnsleym2 */
- linit.x = lx0[col]+lx1[row];
- if(invert)
- {
- /* invert */
- invertz2(&init);
- /* watch out for overflow */
- if(sqr(init.x)+sqr(init.y) >= 127)
- {
- init.x = 8; /* value to bail out in one iteration */
- init.y = 8;
- }
- /* convert to fudged longs */
- linit.x = (long)(init.x*fudge);
- linit.y = (long)(init.y*fudge);
- }
- if(useinitorbit == 1)
- lold = linitorbit;
- else
- lold = linit;
- lold.x += lparm.x; /* initial pertubation of parameters set */
- lold.y += lparm.y;
- return(1); /* 1st iteration has been done */
- #else
- printf("Called long_mandel_per_pixel\n");
- exit(0);
- #endif
- }
- int julia_per_pixel()
- {
- /* julia */
- if(invert)
- {
- /* invert */
- invertz2(&old);
- /* watch out for overflow */
- if(bitshift <= 24)
- if (sqr(old.x)+sqr(old.y) >= 127)
- {
- old.x = 8; /* value to bail out in one iteration */
- old.y = 8;
- }
- if(bitshift > 24)
- if (sqr(old.x)+sqr(old.y) >= 4.0)
- {
- old.x = 2; /* value to bail out in one iteration */
- old.y = 2;
- }
- /* convert to fudged longs */
- lold.x = (long)(old.x*fudge);
- lold.y = (long)(old.y*fudge);
- }
- else
- {
- lold.x = lx0[col]+lx1[row];
- lold.y = ly0[row]+ly1[col];
- }
- ltempsqrx = multiply(lold.x, lold.x, bitshift);
- ltempsqry = multiply(lold.y, lold.y, bitshift);
- ltmp = lold;
- return(0);
- }
- marks_mandelpwr_per_pixel()
- {
- #ifndef XFRACT
- mandel_per_pixel();
- ltmp = lold;
- ltmp.x -= fudge;
- LCMPLXpwr(lold,ltmp,ltmp);
- return(1);
- #endif
- }
- int mandel_per_pixel()
- {
- /* mandel */
- if(invert)
- {
- invertz2(&init);
- /* watch out for overflow */
- if(bitshift <= 24)
- if (sqr(init.x)+sqr(init.y) >= 127)
- {
- init.x = 8; /* value to bail out in one iteration */
- init.y = 8;
- }
- if(bitshift > 24)
- if (sqr(init.x)+sqr(init.y) >= 4)
- {
- init.x = 2; /* value to bail out in one iteration */
- init.y = 2;
- }
- /* convert to fudged longs */
- linit.x = (long)(init.x*fudge);
- linit.y = (long)(init.y*fudge);
- }
- else
- linit.x = lx0[col]+lx1[row];
- switch (fractype)
- {
- case MANDELLAMBDA: /* Critical Value 0.5 + 0.0i */
- lold.x = FgHalf;
- lold.y = 0;
- break;
- default:
- lold = linit;
- break;
- }
- /* alter init value */
- if(useinitorbit == 1)
- lold = linitorbit;
- else if(useinitorbit == 2)
- lold = linit;
- if(inside == -60 || inside == -61)
- {
- /* kludge to match "Beauty of Fractals" picture since we start
- Mandelbrot iteration with init rather than 0 */
- lold.x = lparm.x; /* initial pertubation of parameters set */
- lold.y = lparm.y;
- coloriter = -1;
- }
- else
- {
- lold.x += lparm.x; /* initial pertubation of parameters set */
- lold.y += lparm.y;
- }
- ltmp = linit; /* for spider */
- ltempsqrx = multiply(lold.x, lold.x, bitshift);
- ltempsqry = multiply(lold.y, lold.y, bitshift);
- return(1); /* 1st iteration has been done */
- }
- int marksmandel_per_pixel()
- {
- /* marksmandel */
- if(invert)
- {
- invertz2(&init);
- /* watch out for overflow */
- if(sqr(init.x)+sqr(init.y) >= 127)
- {
- init.x = 8; /* value to bail out in one iteration */
- init.y = 8;
- }
- /* convert to fudged longs */
- linit.x = (long)(init.x*fudge);
- linit.y = (long)(init.y*fudge);
- }
- else
- linit.x = lx0[col]+lx1[row];
- if(useinitorbit == 1)
- lold = linitorbit;
- else
- lold = linit;
- lold.x += lparm.x; /* initial pertubation of parameters set */
- lold.y += lparm.y;
- if(c_exp > 3)
- lcpower(&lold,c_exp-1,&lcoefficient,bitshift);
- else if(c_exp == 3) {
- lcoefficient.x = multiply(lold.x, lold.x, bitshift)
- - multiply(lold.y, lold.y, bitshift);
- lcoefficient.y = multiply(lold.x, lold.y, bitshiftless1);
- }
- else if(c_exp == 2)
- lcoefficient = lold;
- else if(c_exp < 2) {
- lcoefficient.x = 1L << bitshift;
- lcoefficient.y = 0L;
- }
- ltempsqrx = multiply(lold.x, lold.x, bitshift);
- ltempsqry = multiply(lold.y, lold.y, bitshift);
- return(1); /* 1st iteration has been done */
- }
- int marksmandelfp_per_pixel()
- {
- /* marksmandel */
- if(invert)
- invertz2(&init);
- else
- init.x = dx0[col]+dx1[row];
- if(useinitorbit == 1)
- old = initorbit;
- else
- old = init;
- old.x += parm.x; /* initial pertubation of parameters set */
- old.y += parm.y;
- tempsqrx = sqr(old.x);
- tempsqry = sqr(old.y);
- if(c_exp > 3)
- cpower(&old,c_exp-1,&coefficient);
- else if(c_exp == 3) {
- coefficient.x = tempsqrx - tempsqry;
- coefficient.y = old.x * old.y * 2;
- }
- else if(c_exp == 2)
- coefficient = old;
- else if(c_exp < 2) {
- coefficient.x = 1.0;
- coefficient.y = 0.0;
- }
- return(1); /* 1st iteration has been done */
- }
- marks_mandelpwrfp_per_pixel()
- {
- mandelfp_per_pixel();
- tmp = old;
- tmp.x -= 1;
- CMPLXpwr(old,tmp,tmp);
- return(1);
- }
- int mandelfp_per_pixel()
- {
- /* floating point mandelbrot */
- /* mandelfp */
- if(invert)
- invertz2(&init);
- else
- init.x = dx0[col]+dx1[row];
- switch (fractype)
- {
- case MAGNET2M:
- FloatPreCalcMagnet2();
- case MAGNET1M: /* Crit Val Zero both, but neither */
- old.x = old.y = 0.0; /* is of the form f(Z,C) = Z*g(Z)+C */
- break;
- case MANDELLAMBDAFP: /* Critical Value 0.5 + 0.0i */
- old.x = 0.5;
- old.y = 0.0;
- break;
- default:
- old = init;
- break;
- }
- /* alter init value */
- if(useinitorbit == 1)
- old = initorbit;
- else if(useinitorbit == 2)
- old = init;
- if(inside == -60 || inside == -61)
- {
- /* kludge to match "Beauty of Fractals" picture since we start
- Mandelbrot iteration with init rather than 0 */
- old.x = parm.x; /* initial pertubation of parameters set */
- old.y = parm.y;
- coloriter = -1;
- }
- else
- {
- old.x += parm.x;
- old.y += parm.y;
- }
- tmp = init; /* for spider */
- tempsqrx = sqr(old.x); /* precalculated value for regular Mandelbrot */
- tempsqry = sqr(old.y);
- return(1); /* 1st iteration has been done */
- }
- int juliafp_per_pixel()
- {
- /* floating point julia */
- /* juliafp */
- if(invert)
- invertz2(&old);
- else
- {
- old.x = dx0[col]+dx1[row];
- old.y = dy0[row]+dy1[col];
- }
- tempsqrx = sqr(old.x); /* precalculated value for regular Julia */
- tempsqry = sqr(old.y);
- tmp = old;
- return(0);
- }
- int MPCjulia_per_pixel()
- {
- #ifndef XFRACT
- /* floating point julia */
- /* juliafp */
- if(invert)
- invertz2(&old);
- else
- {
- old.x = dx0[col]+dx1[row];
- old.y = dy0[row]+dy1[col];
- }
- mpcold.x = *pd2MP(old.x);
- mpcold.y = *pd2MP(old.y);
- return(0);
- #endif
- }
- otherrichard8fp_per_pixel()
- {
- othermandelfp_per_pixel();
- CMPLXtrig1(*floatparm,tmp);
- CMPLXmult(tmp,parm2,tmp);
- return(1);
- }
- int othermandelfp_per_pixel()
- {
- if(invert)
- invertz2(&init);
- else
- init.x = dx0[col]+dx1[row];
- if(useinitorbit == 1)
- old = initorbit;
- else
- old = init;
- old.x += parm.x; /* initial pertubation of parameters set */
- old.y += parm.y;
- return(1); /* 1st iteration has been done */
- }
- int MPCHalley_per_pixel()
- {
- #ifndef XFRACT
- /* MPC halley */
- if(invert)
- invertz2(&init);
- else
- init.x = dx0[col]+dx1[row];
- mpcold.x = *pd2MP(init.x);
- mpcold.y = *pd2MP(init.y);
- return(0);
- #endif
- }
- int Halley_per_pixel()
- {
- if(invert)
- invertz2(&init);
- else
- init.x = dx0[col]+dx1[row];
- old = init;
- return(0); /* 1st iteration is not done */
- }
- int otherjuliafp_per_pixel()
- {
- if(invert)
- invertz2(&old);
- else
- {
- old.x = dx0[col]+dx1[row];
- old.y = dy0[row]+dy1[col];
- }
- return(0);
- }
- #if 0
- #define Q0 .113
- #define Q1 .01
- #else
- #define Q0 0
- #define Q1 0
- #endif
- int quaternionjulfp_per_pixel()
- {
- old.x = dx0[col]+dx1[row];
- old.y = dy0[row]+dy1[col];
- floatparm->x = param[4];
- floatparm->y = param[5];
- qc = param[0];
- qci = param[1];
- qcj = param[2];
- qck = param[3];
- return(0);
- }
- int quaternionfp_per_pixel()
- {
- old.x = 0;
- old.y = 0;
- floatparm->x = 0;
- floatparm->y = 0;
- qc = dx0[col]+dx1[row];
- qci = dy0[row]+dy1[col];
- qcj = param[2];
- qck = param[3];
- return(0);
- }
- int MarksCplxMandperp(void)
- {
- if(invert)
- invertz2(&init);
- else
- init.x = dx0[col]+dx1[row];
- old.x = init.x + parm.x; /* initial pertubation of parameters set */
- old.y = init.y + parm.y;
- tempsqrx = sqr(old.x); /* precalculated value */
- tempsqry = sqr(old.y);
- coefficient = ComplexPower(init, pwr);
- return(1);
- }
- int long_phoenix_per_pixel()
- {
- #ifndef XFRACT
- if(invert)
- {
- /* invert */
- invertz2(&old);
- /* watch out for overflow */
- if(sqr(old.x)+sqr(old.y) >= 127)
- {
- old.x = 8; /* value to bail out in one iteration */
- old.y = 8;
- }
- /* convert to fudged longs */
- lold.x = (long)(old.x*fudge);
- lold.y = (long)(old.y*fudge);
- }
- else
- {
- lold.x = lx0[col]+lx1[row];
- lold.y = ly0[row]+ly1[col];
- }
- ltempsqrx = multiply(lold.x, lold.x, bitshift);
- ltempsqry = multiply(lold.y, lold.y, bitshift);
- ltmp2.x = 0; /* use ltmp2 as the complex Y value */
- ltmp2.y = 0;
- return(0);
- #else
- printf("Called long_phoenix_per_pixel\n");
- exit(0);
- #endif
- }
- int phoenix_per_pixel()
- {
- if(invert)
- invertz2(&old);
- else
- {
- old.x = dx0[col]+dx1[row];
- old.y = dy0[row]+dy1[col];
- }
- tempsqrx = sqr(old.x); /* precalculated value */
- tempsqry = sqr(old.y);
- tmp2.x = 0; /* use tmp2 as the complex Y value */
- tmp2.y = 0;
- return(0);
- }
- int long_mandphoenix_per_pixel()
- {
- #ifndef XFRACT
- linit.x = lx0[col]+lx1[row];
- if(invert)
- {
- /* invert */
- invertz2(&init);
- /* watch out for overflow */
- if(sqr(init.x)+sqr(init.y) >= 127)
- {
- init.x = 8; /* value to bail out in one iteration */
- init.y = 8;
- }
- /* convert to fudged longs */
- linit.x = (long)(init.x*fudge);
- linit.y = (long)(init.y*fudge);
- }
- if(useinitorbit == 1)
- lold = linitorbit;
- else
- lold = linit;
- lold.x += lparm.x; /* initial pertubation of parameters set */
- lold.y += lparm.y;
- ltempsqrx = multiply(lold.x, lold.x, bitshift);
- ltempsqry = multiply(lold.y, lold.y, bitshift);
- ltmp2.x = 0;
- ltmp2.y = 0;
- return(1); /* 1st iteration has been done */
- #else
- printf("Called long_mandphoenix_per_pixel\n");
- exit(0);
- #endif
- }
- int mandphoenix_per_pixel()
- {
- if(invert)
- invertz2(&init);
- else
- init.x = dx0[col]+dx1[row];
- if(useinitorbit == 1)
- old = initorbit;
- else
- old = init;
- old.x += parm.x; /* initial pertubation of parameters set */
- old.y += parm.y;
- tempsqrx = sqr(old.x); /* precalculated value */
- tempsqry = sqr(old.y);
- tmp2.x = 0;
- tmp2.y = 0;
- return(1); /* 1st iteration has been done */
- }
- QuaternionFPFractal()
- {
- double a0,a1,a2,a3,n0,n1,n2,n3;
- a0 = old.x;
- a1 = old.y;
- a2 = floatparm->x;
- a3 = floatparm->y;
- n0 = a0*a0-a1*a1-a2*a2-a3*a3 + qc;
- n1 = 2*a0*a1 + qci;
- n2 = 2*a0*a2 + qcj;
- n3 = 2*a0*a3 + qck;
- /* Check bailout */
- magnitude = a0*a0+a1*a1+a2*a2+a3*a3;
- if (magnitude>rqlim) {
- return 1;
- }
- old.x = n0;
- old.y = n1;
- floatparm->x = n2;
- floatparm->y = n3;
- return(0);
- }
- HyperComplexFPFractal()
- {
- _HCMPLX hold, hnew;
- hold.x = old.x;
- hold.y = old.y;
- hold.z = floatparm->x;
- hold.t = floatparm->y;
- /* HComplexSqr(&hold,&hnew); */
- HComplexTrig0(&hold,&hnew);
- hnew.x += qc;
- hnew.y += qci;
- hnew.z += qcj;
- hnew.t += qck;
- old.x = hnew.x;
- old.y = hnew.y;
- floatparm->x = hnew.z;
- floatparm->y = hnew.t;
- /* Check bailout */
- magnitude = sqr(old.x)+sqr(old.y)+sqr(floatparm->x)+sqr(floatparm->y);
- if (magnitude>rqlim) {
- return 1;
- }
- return(0);
- }
- #if 0
- demowalk()
- {
- float stepsize; /* average stepsize */
- int xwalk, ywalk; /* current position */
- int xstep, ystep; /* current step */
- long steps; /* number of steps */
- int color; /* color to draw this step */
- float temp, tempadjust; /* temporary variables */
- if (param[0] != 999) { /* if 999, do a Mandelbrot instead */
- srand(rseed); /* seed the random number generator */
- if (!rflag) ++rseed;
- tempadjust = RAND_MAX >> 2; /* adjustment factor */
- xwalk = xdots / 2; /* start in the center of the image */
- ywalk = ydots / 2;
- stepsize = min(xdots, ydots) /* calculate average stepsize */
- * (param[0]/100.0); /* as a percentage of the image */
- color = (int)max(0, min(colors, param[1])); /* set the initial color */
- for (steps = 0; steps < maxit; steps++) { /* take maxit steps */
- if (keypressed()) /* abort if told to do so */
- return(0);
- temp = rand(); /* calculate the next xstep */
- xstep = (int)(((temp/tempadjust) - 2.0) * stepsize);
- xstep = min(xwalk + xstep, xdots - 1);
- xstep = max(0, xstep);
- temp = rand(); /* calculate the next ystep */
- ystep = (int)(((temp/tempadjust) - 2.0) * stepsize);
- ystep = min(ywalk + ystep, ydots - 1);
- ystep = max(0, ystep);
- if (param[1] == 0.0) /* rotate the colors? */
- if (++color >= colors) /* rotate the colors, avoiding */
- color = 1; /* the background color 0 */
- /* the draw_line function is borrowed from the 3D routines */
- draw_line(xwalk, ywalk,xstep,ystep,color);
- /* or, we could be on a pogo stick and just displaying
- where we landed...
- putcolor(xstep, ystep, color);
- */
- xwalk = xstep; /* remember where we were */
- ywalk = ystep;
- }
- return(1); /* we're done */
- } else { /* a simple Mandelbrot routine */
- /* the following routine determines the X and Y values of
- each pixel coordinate and calculates a simple mandelbrot
- fractal with them - slowly, but surely */
- int ix, iy;
- for (iy = 0; iy < ydots; iy++) {
- for (ix = 0; ix < xdots; ix++) {
- long iter;
- double x, y, newx, newy, tempxx, tempxy, tempyy;
- /* first, obtain the X and Y coordinate values of this pixel */
- x = dx0[ix]+dx1[iy];
- y = dy0[iy]+dy1[ix];
- /* now initialize the temporary values */
- tempxx = tempyy = tempxy = 0.0;
- if (keypressed()) /* abort if told to do so */
- return(0);
- /* the inner iteration loop */
- for (iter = 1; iter < maxit; iter++) {
- /* calculate the X and Y values of Z(iter) */
- newx = tempxx - tempyy + x;
- newy = tempxy + tempxy + y;
- /* calculate the temporary values */
- tempxx = newx * newx;
- tempyy = newy * newy;
- tempxy = newx * newy;
- /* are we done yet? */
- if (tempxx + tempyy > 4.0) break;
- }
- /* color in the pixel */
- putcolor(ix, iy, (int)iter % colors);
- }
- }
- return(1); /* we're done */
- }
- }
- #endif