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- /*
- FRACSUBR.C contains subroutines which belong primarily to CALCFRAC.C and
- FRACTALS.C, i.e. which are non-fractal-specific fractal engine subroutines.
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #ifndef XFRACT
- #include <stdarg.h>
- #else
- #include <varargs.h>
- #endif
- #include <float.h>
- #include <sys/types.h>
- #include <sys/timeb.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include "fractint.h"
- #include "fractype.h"
- #include "mpmath.h"
- #include "prototyp.h"
- /* routines in this module */
- static long _fastcall fudgetolong(double d);
- static double _fastcall fudgetodouble(long l);
- static void _fastcall adjust_to_limits(double);
- static void _fastcall smallest_add(double *);
- static int _fastcall ratio_bad(double,double);
- static void _fastcall plotdorbit(double,double,int);
- static int _fastcall combine_worklist(void);
- static void _fastcall adjust_to_limitsbf(double);
- static void _fastcall smallest_add_bf(bf_t);
- int resume_len; /* length of resume info */
- static int resume_offset; /* offset in resume info gets */
- #define FUDGEFACTOR 29 /* fudge all values up by 2**this */
- #define FUDGEFACTOR2 24 /* (or maybe this) */
- void fill_dx_array(void)
- {
- int i;
- dx0[0] = xxmin; /* fill up the x, y grids */
- dy0[0] = yymax;
- dx1[0] = dy1[0] = 0;
- for (i = 1; i < xdots; i++ ) {
- dx0[i] = (double)(dx0[0] + i*delxx);
- dy1[i] = (double)(dy1[0] - i*delyy2);
- }
- for (i = 1; i < ydots; i++ ) {
- dy0[i] = (double)(dy0[0] - i*delyy);
- dx1[i] = (double)(dx1[0] + i*delxx2);
- }
- }
- void fill_lx_array(void)
- {
- int i;
- /* note that lx1 & ly1 values can overflow into sign bit; since */
- /* they're used only to add to lx0/ly0, 2s comp straightens it out */
- lx0[0] = xmin; /* fill up the x, y grids */
- ly0[0] = ymax;
- lx1[0] = ly1[0] = 0;
- for (i = 1; i < xdots; i++ ) {
- lx0[i] = lx0[i-1] + delx;
- ly1[i] = ly1[i-1] - dely2;
- }
- for (i = 1; i < ydots; i++ ) {
- ly0[i] = ly0[i-1] - dely;
- lx1[i] = lx1[i-1] + delx2;
- }
- }
- /* returns pointer to nonempty param string, NULL otherwise */
- char *typehasparm(int type,int parm)
- {
- int extra;
- char *ret = NULL;
- if(0 <= parm && parm < 4)
- ret=fractalspecific[type].param[parm];
- else if(parm >= 4 && parm < MAXPARAMS)
- if((extra=find_extra_param(type)) > -1)
- ret=moreparams[extra].param[parm-4];
- if(ret)
- if(*ret == 0)
- ret = NULL;
- return(ret);
- }
- void fractal_floattobf(void)
- {
- int i;
- init_bf_dec(getprecdbl(CURRENTREZ));
- floattobf(bfxmin,xxmin);
- floattobf(bfxmax,xxmax);
- floattobf(bfymin,yymin);
- floattobf(bfymax,yymax);
- floattobf(bfx3rd,xx3rd);
- floattobf(bfy3rd,yy3rd);
- for (i = 0; i < MAXPARAMS; i++)
- if(typehasparm(fractype,i))
- floattobf(bfparms[i],param[i]);
- calc_status = 0;
- }
- #ifdef _MSC_VER
- #if _MSC_VER == 800
- /* MSC8 doesn't correctly calculate the address of certain arrays here */
- #pragma optimize( "", off )
- #endif
- #endif
- void calcfracinit(void) /* initialize a *pile* of stuff for fractal calculation */
- {
- int tries = 0;
- int i, gotprec;
- double ftemp;
- coloriter=oldcoloriter = 0L;
- /* set up grid array compactly leaving space at end */
- dx0 = MK_FP(extraseg,0);
- dy1 = (dx1 = (dy0 = dx0 + xdots) + ydots) + ydots;
- lx0 = (long far *) dx0;
- ly1 = (lx1 = (ly0 = lx0 + xdots) + ydots) + ydots;
- if(!(curfractalspecific->flags & BF_MATH))
- {
- int tofloat;
- if((tofloat=curfractalspecific->tofloat) == NOFRACTAL)
- bf_math = 0;
- else if(!(fractalspecific[tofloat].flags & BF_MATH))
- bf_math = 0;
- else if(bf_math)
- {
- curfractalspecific = &fractalspecific[tofloat];
- fractype = tofloat;
- }
- }
- /* switch back to double when zooming out if using arbitrary precision */
- if(bf_math)
- {
- gotprec=getprecbf(CURRENTREZ);
- if(gotprec <= DBL_DIG+1 && debugflag != 3200)
- {
- bfcornerstofloat();
- bf_math = 0;
- }
- else
- init_bf_dec(gotprec);
- }
- else if((fractype==MANDEL || fractype==MANDELFP) && debugflag==3200)
- {
- fractype=MANDELFP;
- curfractalspecific = &fractalspecific[MANDELFP];
- fractal_floattobf();
- usr_floatflag = 1;
- }
- else if((fractype==JULIA || fractype==JULIAFP) && debugflag==3200)
- {
- fractype=JULIAFP;
- curfractalspecific = &fractalspecific[JULIAFP];
- fractal_floattobf();
- usr_floatflag = 1;
- }
- else if((fractype==LMANDELZPOWER || fractype==FPMANDELZPOWER) && debugflag==3200)
- {
- curfractalspecific = &fractalspecific[FPMANDELZPOWER];
- fractal_floattobf();
- usr_floatflag = 1;
- }
- else if((fractype==LJULIAZPOWER || fractype==FPJULIAZPOWER) && debugflag==3200)
- {
- curfractalspecific = &fractalspecific[FPJULIAZPOWER];
- fractal_floattobf();
- usr_floatflag = 1;
- }
- else
- free_bf_vars();
- if(bf_math)
- floatflag=1;
- else
- floatflag = usr_floatflag;
- if (calc_status == 2) /* on resume, ensure floatflag correct */
- if (curfractalspecific->isinteger)
- floatflag = 0;
- else
- floatflag = 1;
- /* if floating pt only, set floatflag for TAB screen */
- if (!curfractalspecific->isinteger && curfractalspecific->tofloat == NOFRACTAL)
- floatflag = 1;
- init_restart:
- /* the following variables may be forced to a different setting due to
- calc routine constraints; usr_xxx is what the user last said is wanted,
- xxx is what we actually do in the current situation */
- stdcalcmode = usr_stdcalcmode;
- periodicitycheck = usr_periodicitycheck;
- distest = usr_distest;
- biomorph = usr_biomorph;
- potflag = 0;
- if (potparam[0] != 0.0
- && colors >= 64
- && (curfractalspecific->calctype == StandardFractal
- || curfractalspecific->calctype == calcmand
- || curfractalspecific->calctype == calcmandfp)) {
- potflag = 1;
- distest = 0; /* can't do distest too */
- }
- if (distest)
- floatflag = 1; /* force floating point for dist est */
- if (floatflag) { /* ensure type matches floatflag */
- if (curfractalspecific->isinteger != 0
- && curfractalspecific->tofloat != NOFRACTAL)
- fractype = curfractalspecific->tofloat;
- }
- else {
- if (curfractalspecific->isinteger == 0
- && curfractalspecific->tofloat != NOFRACTAL)
- fractype = curfractalspecific->tofloat;
- }
- /* match Julibrot with integer mode of orbit */
- if(fractype == JULIBROTFP && fractalspecific[neworbittype].isinteger)
- {
- int i;
- if((i=fractalspecific[neworbittype].tofloat) != NOFRACTAL)
- neworbittype = i;
- else
- fractype = JULIBROT;
- }
- else if(fractype == JULIBROT && fractalspecific[neworbittype].isinteger==0)
- {
- int i;
- if((i=fractalspecific[neworbittype].tofloat) != NOFRACTAL)
- neworbittype = i;
- else
- fractype = JULIBROTFP;
- }
- curfractalspecific = &fractalspecific[fractype];
- integerfractal = curfractalspecific->isinteger;
- /* if (fractype == JULIBROT)
- rqlim = 4;
- else */ if (potflag && potparam[2] != 0.0)
- rqlim = potparam[2];
- /* else if (decomp[0] > 0 && decomp[1] > 0)
- rqlim = (double)decomp[1]; */
- else if (bailout) /* user input bailout */
- rqlim = bailout;
- else if (biomorph != -1) /* biomorph benefits from larger bailout */
- rqlim = 100;
- else
- rqlim = curfractalspecific->orbit_bailout;
- if (integerfractal) /* the bailout limit mustn't be too high here */
- if (rqlim > 127.0) rqlim = 127.0;
- if ((curfractalspecific->flags&NOROTATE) != 0) {
- /* ensure min<max and unrotated rectangle */
- if (xxmin > xxmax) { ftemp = xxmax; xxmax = xxmin; xxmin = ftemp; }
- if (yymin > yymax) { ftemp = yymax; yymax = yymin; yymin = ftemp; }
- xx3rd = xxmin; yy3rd = yymin;
- }
- /* set up bitshift for integer math */
- bitshift = FUDGEFACTOR2; /* by default, the smaller shift */
- if (integerfractal > 1) /* use specific override from table */
- bitshift = integerfractal;
- if (integerfractal == 0) /* float? */
- if ((i = curfractalspecific->tofloat) != NOFRACTAL) /* -> int? */
- {
- if (fractalspecific[i].isinteger > 1) /* specific shift? */
- bitshift = fractalspecific[i].isinteger;
- }
- else
- bitshift = 16; /* to allow larger corners */
- /* We want this code if we're using the assembler calcmand */
- if (fractype == MANDEL || fractype == JULIA) { /* adust shift bits if.. */
- if (potflag == 0 /* not using potential */
- && (param[0] > -2.0 && param[0] < 2.0) /* parameters not too large */
- && (param[1] > -2.0 && param[1] < 2.0)
- && !invert /* and not inverting */
- && biomorph == -1 /* and not biomorphing */
- && rqlim <= 4.0 /* and bailout not too high */
- && (outside > -2 || outside < -6) /* and no funny outside stuff */
- && debugflag != 1234 /* and not debugging */
- && bailoutest == Mod) /* and bailout test = mod */
- bitshift = FUDGEFACTOR; /* use the larger bitshift */
- }
- fudge = 1L << bitshift;
- l_at_rad = fudge/32768L;
- f_at_rad = 1.0/32768L;
- /* now setup arrays of real coordinates corresponding to each pixel */
- if(bf_math)
- adjust_to_limitsbf(1.0); /* make sure all corners in valid range */
- else
- {
- adjust_to_limits(1.0); /* make sure all corners in valid range */
- delxx = (LDBL)(xxmax - xx3rd) / (LDBL)dxsize; /* calculate stepsizes */
- delyy = (LDBL)(yymax - yy3rd) / (LDBL)dysize;
- delxx2 = (LDBL)(xx3rd - xxmin) / (LDBL)dysize;
- delyy2 = (LDBL)(yy3rd - yymin) / (LDBL)dxsize;
- fill_dx_array();
- }
- if(fractype != CELLULAR) /* fudgetolong fails w >10 digits in double */
- {
- creal = fudgetolong(param[0]); /* integer equivs for it all */
- cimag = fudgetolong(param[1]);
- xmin = fudgetolong(xxmin);
- xmax = fudgetolong(xxmax);
- x3rd = fudgetolong(xx3rd);
- ymin = fudgetolong(yymin);
- ymax = fudgetolong(yymax);
- y3rd = fudgetolong(yy3rd);
- delx = fudgetolong((double)delxx);
- dely = fudgetolong((double)delyy);
- delx2 = fudgetolong((double)delxx2);
- dely2 = fudgetolong((double)delyy2);
- }
- /* skip this if plasma to avoid 3d problems */
- /* skip if bf_math to avoid extraseg conflict with dx0 arrays */
- if (fractype != PLASMA && bf_math == 0)
- {
- if (integerfractal && !invert)
- {
- if ( (delx == 0 && delxx != 0.0)
- || (delx2 == 0 && delxx2 != 0.0)
- || (dely == 0 && delyy != 0.0)
- || (dely2 == 0 && delyy2 != 0.0) )
- goto expand_retry;
- fill_lx_array(); /* fill up the x,y grids */
- /* past max res? check corners within 10% of expected */
- if ( ratio_bad((double)lx0[xdots-1]-xmin,(double)xmax-x3rd)
- || ratio_bad((double)ly0[ydots-1]-ymax,(double)y3rd-ymax)
- || ratio_bad((double)lx1[(ydots>>1)-1],((double)x3rd-xmin)/2)
- || ratio_bad((double)ly1[(xdots>>1)-1],((double)ymin-y3rd)/2) )
- {
- expand_retry:
- if (integerfractal /* integer fractal type? */
- && curfractalspecific->tofloat != NOFRACTAL)
- floatflag = 1; /* switch to floating pt */
- else
- adjust_to_limits(2.0); /* double the size */
- if (calc_status == 2) /* due to restore of an old file? */
- calc_status = 0; /* whatever, it isn't resumable */
- goto init_restart;
- } /* end if ratio bad */
- /* re-set corners to match reality */
- xmax = lx0[xdots-1] + lx1[ydots-1];
- ymin = ly0[ydots-1] + ly1[xdots-1];
- x3rd = xmin + lx1[ydots-1];
- y3rd = ly0[ydots-1];
- xxmin = fudgetodouble(xmin);
- xxmax = fudgetodouble(xmax);
- xx3rd = fudgetodouble(x3rd);
- yymin = fudgetodouble(ymin);
- yymax = fudgetodouble(ymax);
- yy3rd = fudgetodouble(y3rd);
- } /* end if (integerfractal && !invert) */
- else
- {
- /* set up dx0 and dy0 analogs of lx0 and ly0 */
- /* put fractal parameters in doubles */
- dx0[0] = xxmin; /* fill up the x, y grids */
- dy0[0] = yymax;
- dx1[0] = dy1[0] = 0;
- /* this way of defining the dx and dy arrays is not the most
- accurate, but it is kept because it is used to determine
- the limit of resolution */
- for (i = 1; i < xdots; i++ ) {
- dx0[i] = (double)(dx0[i-1] + (double)delxx);
- dy1[i] = (double)(dy1[i-1] - (double)delyy2);
- }
- for (i = 1; i < ydots; i++ ) {
- dy0[i] = (double)(dy0[i-1] - (double)delyy);
- dx1[i] = (double)(dx1[i-1] + (double)delxx2);
- }
- if(bf_math == 0) /* redundant test, leave for now */
- {
- double Xctr, Yctr, Xmagfactor, Rotation, Skew;
- LDBL Mag;
- int dec;
- cvtcentermag(&Xctr, &Yctr, &Mag, &Xmagfactor, &Rotation, &Skew);
- /* 4 digits of padding sounds good */
- /* keep this aligned with CMDFILES.C */
- dec = getpower10(Mag) + 4;
- /* following is the old logic for detecting failure of double
- precision. It has two advantages: it is independent of the
- representation of numbers, and it is sensitive to resolution
- (allows depper zooms at lower resolution. However it fails
- for rotations of exactly 90 degrees, so we added a safety net
- by using the magnification */
- if(++tries < 2) /* for safety */
- {
- static FCODE err[] = {"precision-detection error"};
- if(tries > 1) stopmsg(0, err);
- if ( ratio_bad(dx0[xdots-1]-xxmin,xxmax-xx3rd)
- || ratio_bad(dy0[ydots-1]-yymax,yy3rd-yymax)
- || ratio_bad(dx1[ydots-1], xx3rd-xxmin)
- || ratio_bad(dy1[xdots-1], yymin-yy3rd)
- || (xxmax==xx3rd && yy3rd==yymax && dec > DBL_DIG+1))
- {
- if(curfractalspecific->flags & BF_MATH)
- {
- fractal_floattobf();
- goto init_restart;
- }
- goto expand_retry;
- } /* end if ratio_bad etc. */
- } /* end if tries < 2 */
- } /* end if bf_math == 0 */
- /* if long double available, this is more accurate */
- fill_dx_array(); /* fill up the x, y grids */
- /* re-set corners to match reality */
- xxmax = dx0[xdots-1] + dx1[ydots-1];
- yymin = dy0[ydots-1] + dy1[xdots-1];
- xx3rd = xxmin + dx1[ydots-1];
- yy3rd = dy0[ydots-1];
- } /* end else */
- } /* end if not plasma */
- /* for periodicity close-enough, and for unity: */
- /* min(max(delx,delx2),max(dely,dely2) */
- ddelmin = fabs((double)delxx);
- if (fabs((double)delxx2) > ddelmin)
- ddelmin = fabs((double)delxx2);
- if (fabs((double)delyy) > fabs((double)delyy2))
- {
- if (fabs((double)delyy) < ddelmin)
- ddelmin = fabs((double)delyy);
- }
- else if (fabs((double)delyy2) < ddelmin)
- ddelmin = fabs((double)delyy2);
- delmin = fudgetolong(ddelmin);
- /* calculate factors which plot real values to screen co-ords */
- /* calcfrac.c plot_orbit routines have comments about this */
- ftemp = (double)((0.0-delyy2) * delxx2 * dxsize * dysize
- - (xxmax-xx3rd) * (yy3rd-yymax));
- if(ftemp != 0)
- {
- plotmx1 = (double)(delxx2 * dxsize * dysize / ftemp);
- plotmx2 = (yy3rd-yymax) * dxsize / ftemp;
- plotmy1 = (double)((0.0-delyy2) * dxsize * dysize / ftemp);
- plotmy2 = (xxmax-xx3rd) * dysize / ftemp;
- }
- if(bf_math == 0)
- free_bf_vars();
- else
- {
- /* zap all of extraseg except high area to flush out bugs */
- /* in production version this code can be deleted */
- char far *extra;
- extra = (char far *)MK_FP(extraseg,0);
- far_memset(extra,0,(unsigned int)(0x10000l-(bflength+2)*22U));
- }
- }
- #ifdef _MSC_VER
- #if _MSC_VER == 800
- #pragma optimize( "", on ) /* restore optimization options */
- #endif
- #endif
- static long _fastcall fudgetolong(double d)
- {
- if ((d *= fudge) > 0) d += 0.5;
- else d -= 0.5;
- return (long)d;
- }
- static double _fastcall fudgetodouble(long l)
- {
- char buf[30];
- double d;
- sprintf(buf,"%.9g",(double)l / fudge);
- #ifndef XFRACT
- sscanf(buf,"%lg",&d);
- #else
- sscanf(buf,"%lf",&d);
- #endif
- return d;
- }
- void adjust_cornerbf(void)
- {
- /* make edges very near vert/horiz exact, to ditch rounding errs and */
- /* to avoid problems when delta per axis makes too large a ratio */
- double ftemp;
- double Xmagfactor, Rotation, Skew;
- LDBL Magnification;
- bf_t bftemp, bftemp2;
- bf_t btmp1;
- int saved; saved = save_stack();
- bftemp = alloc_stack(rbflength+2);
- bftemp2 = alloc_stack(rbflength+2);
- btmp1 = alloc_stack(rbflength+2);
- /* While we're at it, let's adjust the Xmagfactor as well */
- /* use bftemp, bftemp2 as bfXctr, bfYctr */
- cvtcentermagbf(bftemp, bftemp2, &Magnification, &Xmagfactor, &Rotation, &Skew);
- ftemp = fabs(Xmagfactor);
- if (ftemp != 1 && ftemp >= (1-aspectdrift) && ftemp <= (1+aspectdrift))
- {
- Xmagfactor = sign(Xmagfactor);
- cvtcornersbf(bftemp, bftemp2, Magnification, Xmagfactor, Rotation, Skew);
- }
- /* ftemp=fabs(xx3rd-xxmin); */
- abs_a_bf(sub_bf(bftemp,bfx3rd,bfxmin));
- /* ftemp2=fabs(xxmax-xx3rd);*/
- abs_a_bf(sub_bf(bftemp2,bfxmax,bfx3rd));
- /* if( (ftemp=fabs(xx3rd-xxmin)) < (ftemp2=fabs(xxmax-xx3rd)) ) */
- if(cmp_bf(bftemp,bftemp2) < 0)
- {
- /* if (ftemp*10000 < ftemp2 && yy3rd != yymax) */
- if (cmp_bf(mult_bf_int(btmp1,bftemp,10000),bftemp2) < 0
- && cmp_bf(bfy3rd,bfymax) != 0 )
- /* xx3rd = xxmin; */
- copy_bf(bfx3rd, bfxmin);
- }
- /* else if (ftemp2*10000 < ftemp && yy3rd != yymin) */
- if (cmp_bf(mult_bf_int(btmp1,bftemp2,10000),bftemp) < 0
- && cmp_bf(bfy3rd,bfymin) != 0 )
- /* xx3rd = xxmax; */
- copy_bf(bfx3rd, bfxmax);
- /* ftemp=fabs(yy3rd-yymin); */
- abs_a_bf(sub_bf(bftemp,bfy3rd,bfymin));
- /* ftemp2=fabs(yymax-yy3rd); */
- abs_a_bf(sub_bf(bftemp2,bfymax,bfy3rd));
- /* if( (ftemp=fabs(yy3rd-yymin)) < (ftemp2=fabs(yymax-yy3rd)) ) */
- if(cmp_bf(bftemp,bftemp2) < 0)
- {
- /* if (ftemp*10000 < ftemp2 && xx3rd != xxmax) */
- if (cmp_bf(mult_bf_int(btmp1,bftemp,10000),bftemp2) < 0
- && cmp_bf(bfx3rd,bfxmax) != 0 )
- /* yy3rd = yymin; */
- copy_bf(bfy3rd, bfymin);
- }
- /* else if (ftemp2*10000 < ftemp && xx3rd != xxmin) */
- if (cmp_bf(mult_bf_int(btmp1,bftemp2,10000),bftemp) < 0
- && cmp_bf(bfx3rd,bfxmin) != 0 )
- /* yy3rd = yymax; */
- copy_bf(bfy3rd, bfymax);
- restore_stack(saved);
- }
- void adjust_corner(void)
- {
- /* make edges very near vert/horiz exact, to ditch rounding errs and */
- /* to avoid problems when delta per axis makes too large a ratio */
- double ftemp,ftemp2;
- double Xctr, Yctr, Xmagfactor, Rotation, Skew;
- LDBL Magnification;
- /* While we're at it, let's adjust the Xmagfactor as well */
- cvtcentermag(&Xctr, &Yctr, &Magnification, &Xmagfactor, &Rotation, &Skew);
- ftemp = fabs(Xmagfactor);
- if (ftemp != 1 && ftemp >= (1-aspectdrift) && ftemp <= (1+aspectdrift))
- {
- Xmagfactor = sign(Xmagfactor);
- cvtcorners(Xctr, Yctr, Magnification, Xmagfactor, Rotation, Skew);
- }
- if( (ftemp=fabs(xx3rd-xxmin)) < (ftemp2=fabs(xxmax-xx3rd)) ) {
- if (ftemp*10000 < ftemp2 && yy3rd != yymax)
- xx3rd = xxmin;
- }
- if (ftemp2*10000 < ftemp && yy3rd != yymin)
- xx3rd = xxmax;
- if( (ftemp=fabs(yy3rd-yymin)) < (ftemp2=fabs(yymax-yy3rd)) ) {
- if (ftemp*10000 < ftemp2 && xx3rd != xxmax)
- yy3rd = yymin;
- }
- if (ftemp2*10000 < ftemp && xx3rd != xxmin)
- yy3rd = yymax;
- }
- static void _fastcall adjust_to_limitsbf(double expand)
- {
- LDBL limit;
- bf_t bcornerx[4],bcornery[4];
- bf_t blowx,bhighx,blowy,bhighy,blimit,bftemp;
- bf_t bcenterx,bcentery,badjx,badjy,btmp1,btmp2;
- bf_t bexpand;
- int i;
- int saved; saved = save_stack();
- bcornerx[0] = alloc_stack(rbflength+2);
- bcornerx[1] = alloc_stack(rbflength+2);
- bcornerx[2] = alloc_stack(rbflength+2);
- bcornerx[3] = alloc_stack(rbflength+2);
- bcornery[0] = alloc_stack(rbflength+2);
- bcornery[1] = alloc_stack(rbflength+2);
- bcornery[2] = alloc_stack(rbflength+2);
- bcornery[3] = alloc_stack(rbflength+2);
- blowx = alloc_stack(rbflength+2);
- bhighx = alloc_stack(rbflength+2);
- blowy = alloc_stack(rbflength+2);
- bhighy = alloc_stack(rbflength+2);
- blimit = alloc_stack(rbflength+2);
- bftemp = alloc_stack(rbflength+2);
- bcenterx = alloc_stack(rbflength+2);
- bcentery = alloc_stack(rbflength+2);
- badjx = alloc_stack(rbflength+2);
- badjy = alloc_stack(rbflength+2);
- btmp1 = alloc_stack(rbflength+2);
- btmp2 = alloc_stack(rbflength+2);
- bexpand = alloc_stack(rbflength+2);
- limit = 32767.99;
- if (bitshift >= 24) limit = 31.99;
- if (bitshift >= 29) limit = 3.99;
- floattobf(blimit,limit);
- floattobf(bexpand,expand);
- add_bf(bcenterx,bfxmin,bfxmax);
- half_a_bf(bcenterx);
- /* centery = (yymin+yymax)/2; */
- add_bf(bcentery,bfymin,bfymax);
- half_a_bf(bcentery);
- /* if (xxmin == centerx) { */
- if (cmp_bf(bfxmin,bcenterx)==0) { /* ohoh, infinitely thin, fix it */
- smallest_add_bf(bfxmax);
- /* bfxmin -= bfxmax-centerx; */
- sub_a_bf(bfxmin,sub_bf(btmp1,bfxmax,bcenterx));
- }
- /* if (bfymin == centery) */
- if (cmp_bf(bfymin,bcentery)==0) {
- smallest_add_bf(bfymax);
- /* bfymin -= bfymax-centery; */
- sub_a_bf(bfymin,sub_bf(btmp1,bfymax,bcentery));
- }
- /* if (bfx3rd == centerx) */
- if (cmp_bf(bfx3rd,bcenterx)==0)
- smallest_add_bf(bfx3rd);
- /* if (bfy3rd == centery) */
- if (cmp_bf(bfy3rd,bcentery)==0)
- smallest_add_bf(bfy3rd);
- /* setup array for easier manipulation */
- /* cornerx[0] = xxmin; */
- copy_bf(bcornerx[0],bfxmin);
- /* cornerx[1] = xxmax; */
- copy_bf(bcornerx[1],bfxmax);
- /* cornerx[2] = xx3rd; */
- copy_bf(bcornerx[2],bfx3rd);
- /* cornerx[3] = xxmin+(xxmax-xx3rd); */
- sub_bf(bcornerx[3],bfxmax,bfx3rd);
- add_a_bf(bcornerx[3],bfxmin);
- /* cornery[0] = yymax; */
- copy_bf(bcornery[0],bfymax);
- /* cornery[1] = yymin; */
- copy_bf(bcornery[1],bfymin);
- /* cornery[2] = yy3rd; */
- copy_bf(bcornery[2],bfy3rd);
- /* cornery[3] = yymin+(yymax-yy3rd); */
- sub_bf(bcornery[3],bfymax,bfy3rd);
- add_a_bf(bcornery[3],bfymin);
- /* if caller wants image size adjusted, do that first */
- if (expand != 1.0)
- {
- for (i=0; i<4; ++i) {
- /* cornerx[i] = centerx + (cornerx[i]-centerx)*expand; */
- sub_bf(btmp1,bcornerx[i],bcenterx);
- mult_bf(bcornerx[i],btmp1,bexpand);
- add_a_bf(bcornerx[i],bcenterx);
- /* cornery[i] = centery + (cornery[i]-centery)*expand; */
- sub_bf(btmp1,bcornery[i],bcentery);
- mult_bf(bcornery[i],btmp1,bexpand);
- add_a_bf(bcornery[i],bcentery);
- }
- }
- /* get min/max x/y values */
- /* lowx = highx = cornerx[0]; */
- copy_bf(blowx,bcornerx[0]); copy_bf(bhighx,bcornerx[0]);
- /* lowy = highy = cornery[0]; */
- copy_bf(blowy,bcornery[0]); copy_bf(bhighy,bcornery[0]);
- for (i=1; i<4; ++i) {
- /* if (cornerx[i] < lowx) lowx = cornerx[i]; */
- if (cmp_bf(bcornerx[i],blowx) < 0) copy_bf(blowx,bcornerx[i]);
- /* if (cornerx[i] > highx) highx = cornerx[i]; */
- if (cmp_bf(bcornerx[i],bhighx) > 0) copy_bf(bhighx,bcornerx[i]);
- /* if (cornery[i] < lowy) lowy = cornery[i]; */
- if (cmp_bf(bcornery[i],blowy) < 0) copy_bf(blowy,bcornery[i]);
- /* if (cornery[i] > highy) highy = cornery[i]; */
- if (cmp_bf(bcornery[i],bhighy) > 0) copy_bf(bhighy,bcornery[i]);
- }
- /* if image is too large, downsize it maintaining center */
- /* ftemp = highx-lowx; */
- sub_bf(bftemp,bhighx,blowx);
- /* if (highy-lowy > ftemp) ftemp = highy-lowy; */
- if (cmp_bf(sub_bf(btmp1,bhighy,blowy),bftemp) > 0) copy_bf(bftemp,btmp1);
- /* if image is too large, downsize it maintaining center */
- floattobf(btmp1,limit*2.0);
- copy_bf(btmp2,bftemp);
- div_bf(bftemp,btmp1,btmp2);
- floattobf(btmp1,1.0);
- if (cmp_bf(bftemp,btmp1) < 0)
- for (i=0; i<4; ++i) {
- /* cornerx[i] = centerx + (cornerx[i]-centerx)*ftemp; */
- sub_bf(btmp1,bcornerx[i],bcenterx);
- mult_bf(bcornerx[i],btmp1,bftemp);
- add_a_bf(bcornerx[i],bcenterx);
- /* cornery[i] = centery + (cornery[i]-centery)*ftemp; */
- sub_bf(btmp1,bcornery[i],bcentery);
- mult_bf(bcornery[i],btmp1,bftemp);
- add_a_bf(bcornery[i],bcentery);
- }
- /* if any corner has x or y past limit, move the image */
- /* adjx = adjy = 0; */
- clear_bf(badjx); clear_bf(badjy);
- for (i=0; i<4; ++i) {
- /* if (cornerx[i] > limit && (ftemp = cornerx[i] - limit) > adjx)
- adjx = ftemp; */
- if (cmp_bf(bcornerx[i],blimit) > 0 &&
- cmp_bf(sub_bf(bftemp,bcornerx[i],blimit),badjx) > 0)
- copy_bf(badjx,bftemp);
- /* if (cornerx[i] < 0.0-limit && (ftemp = cornerx[i] + limit) < adjx)
- adjx = ftemp; */
- if (cmp_bf(bcornerx[i],neg_bf(btmp1,blimit)) < 0 &&
- cmp_bf(add_bf(bftemp,bcornerx[i],blimit),badjx) < 0)
- copy_bf(badjx,bftemp);
- /* if (cornery[i] > limit && (ftemp = cornery[i] - limit) > adjy)
- adjy = ftemp; */
- if (cmp_bf(bcornery[i],blimit) > 0 &&
- cmp_bf(sub_bf(bftemp,bcornery[i],blimit),badjy) > 0)
- copy_bf(badjy,bftemp);
- /* if (cornery[i] < 0.0-limit && (ftemp = cornery[i] + limit) < adjy)
- adjy = ftemp; */
- if (cmp_bf(bcornery[i],neg_bf(btmp1,blimit)) < 0 &&
- cmp_bf(add_bf(bftemp,bcornery[i],blimit),badjy) < 0)
- copy_bf(badjy,bftemp);
- }
- /* if (calc_status == 2 && (adjx != 0 || adjy != 0) && (zwidth == 1.0))
- calc_status = 0; */
- if (calc_status == 2 && (is_bf_not_zero(badjx)|| is_bf_not_zero(badjy)) && (zwidth == 1.0))
- calc_status = 0;
- /* xxmin = cornerx[0] - adjx; */
- sub_bf(bfxmin,bcornerx[0],badjx);
- /* xxmax = cornerx[1] - adjx; */
- sub_bf(bfxmax,bcornerx[1],badjx);
- /* xx3rd = cornerx[2] - adjx; */
- sub_bf(bfx3rd,bcornerx[2],badjx);
- /* yymax = cornery[0] - adjy; */
- sub_bf(bfymax,bcornery[0],badjy);
- /* yymin = cornery[1] - adjy; */
- sub_bf(bfymin,bcornery[1],badjy);
- /* yy3rd = cornery[2] - adjy; */
- sub_bf(bfy3rd,bcornery[2],badjy);
- adjust_cornerbf(); /* make 3rd corner exact if very near other co-ords */
- restore_stack(saved);
- }
- static void _fastcall adjust_to_limits(double expand)
- {
- double cornerx[4],cornery[4];
- double lowx,highx,lowy,highy,limit,ftemp;
- double centerx,centery,adjx,adjy;
- int i;
- limit = 32767.99;
- if (bitshift >= 24) limit = 31.99;
- if (bitshift >= 29) limit = 3.99;
- centerx = (xxmin+xxmax)/2;
- centery = (yymin+yymax)/2;
- if (xxmin == centerx) { /* ohoh, infinitely thin, fix it */
- smallest_add(&xxmax);
- xxmin -= xxmax-centerx;
- }
- if (yymin == centery) {
- smallest_add(&yymax);
- yymin -= yymax-centery;
- }
- if (xx3rd == centerx)
- smallest_add(&xx3rd);
- if (yy3rd == centery)
- smallest_add(&yy3rd);
- /* setup array for easier manipulation */
- cornerx[0] = xxmin;
- cornerx[1] = xxmax;
- cornerx[2] = xx3rd;
- cornerx[3] = xxmin+(xxmax-xx3rd);
- cornery[0] = yymax;
- cornery[1] = yymin;
- cornery[2] = yy3rd;
- cornery[3] = yymin+(yymax-yy3rd);
- /* if caller wants image size adjusted, do that first */
- if (expand != 1.0)
- {
- for (i=0; i<4; ++i) {
- cornerx[i] = centerx + (cornerx[i]-centerx)*expand;
- cornery[i] = centery + (cornery[i]-centery)*expand;
- }
- }
- /* get min/max x/y values */
- lowx = highx = cornerx[0];
- lowy = highy = cornery[0];
- for (i=1; i<4; ++i) {
- if (cornerx[i] < lowx) lowx = cornerx[i];
- if (cornerx[i] > highx) highx = cornerx[i];
- if (cornery[i] < lowy) lowy = cornery[i];
- if (cornery[i] > highy) highy = cornery[i];
- }
- /* if image is too large, downsize it maintaining center */
- ftemp = highx-lowx;
- if (highy-lowy > ftemp) ftemp = highy-lowy;
- /* if image is too large, downsize it maintaining center */
- if ((ftemp = limit*2/ftemp) < 1.0) {
- for (i=0; i<4; ++i) {
- cornerx[i] = centerx + (cornerx[i]-centerx)*ftemp;
- cornery[i] = centery + (cornery[i]-centery)*ftemp;
- }
- }
- /* if any corner has x or y past limit, move the image */
- adjx = adjy = 0;
- for (i=0; i<4; ++i) {
- if (cornerx[i] > limit && (ftemp = cornerx[i] - limit) > adjx)
- adjx = ftemp;
- if (cornerx[i] < 0.0-limit && (ftemp = cornerx[i] + limit) < adjx)
- adjx = ftemp;
- if (cornery[i] > limit && (ftemp = cornery[i] - limit) > adjy)
- adjy = ftemp;
- if (cornery[i] < 0.0-limit && (ftemp = cornery[i] + limit) < adjy)
- adjy = ftemp;
- }
- if (calc_status == 2 && (adjx != 0 || adjy != 0) && (zwidth == 1.0))
- calc_status = 0;
- xxmin = cornerx[0] - adjx;
- xxmax = cornerx[1] - adjx;
- xx3rd = cornerx[2] - adjx;
- yymax = cornery[0] - adjy;
- yymin = cornery[1] - adjy;
- yy3rd = cornery[2] - adjy;
- adjust_corner(); /* make 3rd corner exact if very near other co-ords */
- }
- static void _fastcall smallest_add(double *num)
- {
- *num += *num * 5.0e-16;
- }
- static void _fastcall smallest_add_bf(bf_t num)
- {
- bf_t btmp1;
- int saved; saved = save_stack();
- btmp1 = alloc_stack(bflength+2);
- mult_bf(btmp1,floattobf(btmp1, 5.0e-16),num);
- add_a_bf(num,btmp1);
- restore_stack(saved);
- }
- static int _fastcall ratio_bad(double actual, double desired)
- { double ftemp;
- ftemp = 0;
- if (desired != 0 && debugflag != 3400)
- ftemp = actual / desired;
- if (desired != 0 && debugflag != 3400)
- if ((ftemp = actual / desired) < 0.95 || ftemp > 1.05)
- return(1);
- return(0);
- }
- /* Save/resume stuff:
- Engines which aren't resumable can simply ignore all this.
- Before calling the (per_image,calctype) routines (engine), calcfract sets:
- "resuming" to 0 if new image, nonzero if resuming a partially done image
- "calc_status" to 1
- If an engine is interrupted and wants to be able to resume it must:
- store whatever status info it needs to be able to resume later
- set calc_status to 2 and return
- If subsequently called with resuming!=0, the engine must restore status
- info and continue from where it left off.
- Since the info required for resume can get rather large for some types,
- it is not stored directly in save_info. Instead, memory is dynamically
- allocated as required, and stored in .fra files as a separate block.
- To save info for later resume, an engine routine can use:
- alloc_resume(maxsize,version)
- Maxsize must be >= max bytes subsequently saved + 2; over-allocation
- is harmless except for possibility of insufficient mem available;
- undersize is not checked and probably causes serious misbehaviour.
- Version is an arbitrary number so that subsequent revisions of the
- engine can be made backward compatible.
- Alloc_resume sets calc_status to 2 (resumable) if it succeeds; to 3
- if it cannot allocate memory (and issues warning to user).
- put_resume({bytes,&argument,} ... 0)
- Can be called as often as required to store the info.
- Arguments must not be far addresses.
- Is not protected against calls which use more space than allocated.
- To reload info when resuming, use:
- start_resume()
- initializes and returns version number
- get_resume({bytes,&argument,} ... 0)
- inverse of store_resume
- end_resume()
- optional, frees the memory area sooner than would happen otherwise
- Example, save info:
- alloc_resume(sizeof(parmarray)+100,2);
- put_resume(sizeof(int),&row, sizeof(int),&col,
- sizeof(parmarray),parmarray, 0);
- restore info:
- vsn = start_resume();
- get_resume(sizeof(int),&row, sizeof(int),&col, 0);
- if (vsn >= 2)
- get_resume(sizeof(parmarray),parmarray,0);
- end_resume();
- Engines which allocate a large far memory chunk of their own might
- directly set resume_info, resume_len, calc_status to avoid doubling
- transient memory needs by using these routines.
- StandardFractal, calcmand, solidguess, and bound_trace_main are a related
- set of engines for escape-time fractals. They use a common worklist
- structure for save/resume. Fractals using these must specify calcmand
- or StandardFractal as the engine in fractalspecificinfo.
- Other engines don't get btm nor ssg, don't get off-axis symmetry nor
- panning (the worklist stuff), and are on their own for save/resume.
- */
- #ifndef XFRACT
- int put_resume(int len, ...)
- #else
- int put_resume(va_alist)
- va_dcl
- #endif
- {
- va_list arg_marker; /* variable arg list */
- char *source_ptr;
- #ifdef XFRACT
- int len;
- #endif
- if (resume_info == NULL)
- return(-1);
- #ifndef XFRACT
- va_start(arg_marker,len);
- #else
- va_start(arg_marker);
- len = va_arg(arg_marker,int);
- #endif
- while (len)
- {
- source_ptr = va_arg(arg_marker,char *);
- far_memcpy(resume_info+resume_len,source_ptr,len);
- resume_len += len;
- len = va_arg(arg_marker,int);
- }
- return(0);
- }
- int alloc_resume(int alloclen, int version)
- {
- if (resume_info != NULL) /* free the prior area if there is one */
- farmemfree(resume_info);
- if ((resume_info = farmemalloc((long)alloclen))== NULL)
- {
- static FCODE msg[] = {"\
- Warning - insufficient free memory to save status.\n\
- You will not be able to resume calculating this image."};
- stopmsg(0,msg);
- calc_status = 3;
- return(-1);
- }
- resume_len = 0;
- put_resume(sizeof(int),&version,0);
- calc_status = 2;
- return(0);
- }
- #ifndef XFRACT
- int get_resume(int len, ...)
- #else
- int get_resume(va_alist)
- va_dcl
- #endif
- {
- va_list arg_marker; /* variable arg list */
- char *dest_ptr;
- #ifdef XFRACT
- int len;
- #endif
- if (resume_info == NULL)
- return(-1);
- #ifndef XFRACT
- va_start(arg_marker,len);
- #else
- va_start(arg_marker);
- len = va_arg(arg_marker,int);
- #endif
- while (len)
- {
- dest_ptr = va_arg(arg_marker,char *);
- far_memcpy(dest_ptr,resume_info+resume_offset,len);
- resume_offset += len;
- len = va_arg(arg_marker,int);
- }
- return(0);
- }
- int start_resume(void)
- {
- int version;
- if (resume_info == NULL)
- return(-1);
- resume_offset = 0;
- get_resume(sizeof(int),&version,0);
- return(version);
- }
- void end_resume(void)
- {
- if (resume_info != NULL) /* free the prior area if there is one */
- {
- farmemfree(resume_info);
- resume_info = NULL;
- }
- }
- /* Showing orbit requires converting real co-ords to screen co-ords.
- Define:
- Xs == xxmax-xx3rd Ys == yy3rd-yymax
- W == xdots-1 D == ydots-1
- We know that:
- realx == lx0[col] + lx1[row]
- realy == ly0[row] + ly1[col]
- lx0[col] == (col/width) * Xs + xxmin
- lx1[row] == row * delxx
- ly0[row] == (row/D) * Ys + yymax
- ly1[col] == col * (0-delyy)
- so:
- realx == (col/W) * Xs + xxmin + row * delxx
- realy == (row/D) * Ys + yymax + col * (0-delyy)
- and therefore:
- row == (realx-xxmin - (col/W)*Xs) / Xv (1)
- col == (realy-yymax - (row/D)*Ys) / Yv (2)
- substitute (2) into (1) and solve for row:
- row == ((realx-xxmin)*(0-delyy2)*W*D - (realy-yymax)*Xs*D)
- / ((0-delyy2)*W*delxx2*D-Ys*Xs)
- */
- /* sleep N * a tenth of a millisecond */
- void sleepms(long ms)
- {
- static long scalems = 0L;
- int savehelpmode,savetabmode;
- struct timeb t1,t2;
- #define SLEEPINIT 250 /* milliseconds for calibration */
- savetabmode = tabmode;
- savehelpmode = helpmode;
- tabmode = 0;
- helpmode = -1;
- if(scalems==0L) /* calibrate */
- {
- /* selects a value of scalems that makes the units
- 10000 per sec independent of CPU speed */
- int i,elapsed;
- scalems = 1L;
- if(keypressed()) /* check at start, hope to get start of timeslice */
- goto sleepexit;
- /* calibrate, assume slow computer first */
- showtempmsg("Calibrating timer");
- do
- {
- scalems *= 2;
- ftime(&t2);
- do { /* wait for the start of a new tick */
- ftime(&t1);
- }
- while (t2.time == t1.time && t2.millitm == t1.millitm);
- sleepms(10L * SLEEPINIT); /* about 1/4 sec */
- ftime(&t2);
- if(keypressed()) {
- scalems = 0L;
- goto sleepexit;
- }
- }
- while ((elapsed = (int)(t2.time-t1.time)*1000 + t2.millitm-t1.millitm)
- /* once more to see if faster (eg multi-tasking) */
- do { /* wait for the start of a new tick */
- ftime(&t1);
- }
- while (t2.time == t1.time && t2.millitm == t1.millitm);
- sleepms(10L * SLEEPINIT);
- ftime(&t2);
- if ((i = (int)(t2.time-t1.time)*1000 + t2.millitm-t1.millitm) < elapsed)
- elapsed = (i == 0) ? 1 : i;
- scalems = (long)((float)SLEEPINIT/(float)(elapsed) * scalems);
- #if 0
- char msg[80];
- if (debugflag == 700) {
- sprintf(msg,"scale factor=%ld",scalems);
- stopmsg(0,msg);
- }
- #endif
- cleartempmsg();
- }
- if(ms > 10L * SLEEPINIT) { /* using ftime is probably more accurate */
- ms /= 10;
- ftime(&t1);
- for(;;) {
- if(keypressed()) break;
- ftime(&t2);
- if ((long)((t2.time-t1.time)*1000 + t2.millitm-t1.millitm) >= ms) break;
- }
- }
- else
- if(!keypressed()) {
- ms *= scalems;
- while(ms-- >= 0);
- }
- sleepexit:
- tabmode = savetabmode;
- helpmode = savehelpmode;
- }
- static void _fastcall plotdorbit(double dx, double dy, int color)
- {
- int i, j, c;
- int save_sxoffs,save_syoffs;
- if (orbit_ptr >= 1500) return;
- i = (int)(dy * plotmx1 - dx * plotmx2); i += sxoffs;
- if (i < 0 || i >= sxdots) return;
- j = (int)(dx * plotmy1 - dy * plotmy2); j += syoffs;
- if (j < 0 || j >= sydots) return;
- save_sxoffs = sxoffs;
- save_syoffs = syoffs;
- sxoffs = syoffs = 0;
- /* save orbit value */
- if(color == -1)
- {
- *(save_orbit + orbit_ptr++) = i;
- *(save_orbit + orbit_ptr++) = j;
- *(save_orbit + orbit_ptr++) = c = getcolor(i,j);
- putcolor(i,j,c^orbit_color);
- }
- else
- putcolor(i,j,color);
- sxoffs = save_sxoffs;
- syoffs = save_syoffs;
- if(orbit_delay > 0)
- sleepms(orbit_delay);
- if(soundflag==1)
- snd((int)(i*1000/xdots+basehertz));
- else if(soundflag > 1)
- snd((int)(j*1000/ydots+basehertz));
- /* placing sleepms here delays each dot */
- }
- void iplot_orbit(long ix, long iy, int color)
- {
- plotdorbit((double)ix/fudge-xxmin,(double)iy/fudge-yymax,color);
- }
- void plot_orbit(double real,double imag,int color)
- {
- plotdorbit(real-xxmin,imag-yymax,color);
- }
- void scrub_orbit(void)
- {
- int i,j,c;
- int save_sxoffs,save_syoffs;
- save_sxoffs = sxoffs;
- save_syoffs = syoffs;
- sxoffs = syoffs = 0;
- while(orbit_ptr > 0)
- {
- c = *(save_orbit + --orbit_ptr);
- j = *(save_orbit + --orbit_ptr);
- i = *(save_orbit + --orbit_ptr);
- putcolor(i,j,c);
- }
- sxoffs = save_sxoffs;
- syoffs = save_syoffs;
- nosnd();
- }
- int add_worklist(int xfrom, int xto, int yfrom, int yto, int ybegin,
- int pass, int sym)
- {
- if (num_worklist >= MAXCALCWORK)
- return(-1);
- worklist[num_worklist].xxstart = xfrom;
- worklist[num_worklist].xxstop = xto;
- worklist[num_worklist].yystart = yfrom;
- worklist[num_worklist].yystop = yto;
- worklist[num_worklist].yybegin = ybegin;
- worklist[num_worklist].pass = pass;
- worklist[num_worklist].sym = sym;
- ++num_worklist;
- tidy_worklist();
- return(0);
- }
- static int _fastcall combine_worklist(void) /* look for 2 entries which can freely merge */
- {
- int i,j;
- for (i=0; i<num_worklist; ++i)
- if (worklist[i].yystart == worklist[i].yybegin)
- for (j=i+1; j<num_worklist; ++j)
- if (worklist[j].sym == worklist[i].sym
- && worklist[j].yystart == worklist[j].yybegin
- && worklist[i].pass == worklist[j].pass)
- {
- if ( worklist[i].xxstart == worklist[j].xxstart
- && worklist[i].xxstop == worklist[j].xxstop)
- {
- if (worklist[i].yystop+1 == worklist[j].yystart)
- {
- worklist[i].yystop = worklist[j].yystop;
- return(j);
- }
- if (worklist[j].yystop+1 == worklist[i].yystart)
- {
- worklist[i].yystart = worklist[j].yystart;
- worklist[i].yybegin = worklist[j].yybegin;
- return(j);
- }
- }
- if ( worklist[i].yystart == worklist[j].yystart
- && worklist[i].yystop == worklist[j].yystop)
- {
- if (worklist[i].xxstop+1 == worklist[j].xxstart)
- {
- worklist[i].xxstop = worklist[j].xxstop;
- return(j);
- }
- if (worklist[j].xxstop+1 == worklist[i].xxstart)
- {
- worklist[i].xxstart = worklist[j].xxstart;
- return(j);
- }
- }
- }
- return(0); /* nothing combined */
- }
- void tidy_worklist(void) /* combine mergeable entries, resort */
- {
- int i,j;
- WORKLIST tempwork;
- while ((i=combine_worklist()) != 0)
- { /* merged two, delete the gone one */
- while (++i < num_worklist)
- worklist[i-1] = worklist[i];
- --num_worklist;
- }
- for (i=0; i<num_worklist; ++i)
- for (j=i+1; j<num_worklist; ++j)
- if (worklist[j].pass < worklist[i].pass
- || (worklist[j].pass == worklist[i].pass
- && (worklist[j].yystart < worklist[i].yystart
- || ( worklist[j].yystart == worklist[i].yystart
- && worklist[j].xxstart < worklist[i].xxstart))))
- { /* dumb sort, swap 2 entries to correct order */
- tempwork = worklist[i];
- worklist[i] = worklist[j];
- worklist[j] = tempwork;
- }
- }
- void get_julia_attractor (double real, double imag)
- {
- _LCMPLX lresult;
- _CMPLX result;
- int savper;
- long savmaxit;
- int i;
- if (attractors == 0 && finattract == 0) /* not magnet & not requested */
- return;
- if (attractors >= N_ATTR) /* space for more attractors ? */
- return; /* Bad luck - no room left ! */
- savper = periodicitycheck;
- savmaxit = maxit;
- periodicitycheck = 0;
- old.x = real; /* prepare for f.p orbit calc */
- old.y = imag;
- tempsqrx = sqr(old.x);
- tempsqry = sqr(old.y);
- lold.x = (long)real; /* prepare for int orbit calc */
- lold.y = (long)imag;
- ltempsqrx = (long)tempsqrx;
- ltempsqry = (long)tempsqry;
- lold.x = lold.x << bitshift;
- lold.y = lold.y << bitshift;
- ltempsqrx = ltempsqrx << bitshift;
- ltempsqry = ltempsqry << bitshift;
- if (maxit < 500) /* we're going to try at least this hard */
- maxit = 500;
- color = 0;
- while (++color < maxit)
- if(curfractalspecific->orbitcalc())
- break;
- if (color >= maxit) /* if orbit stays in the lake */
- {
- if (integerfractal) /* remember where it went to */
- lresult = lnew;
- else
- result = new;
- for (i=0;i<10;i++) {
- if(!curfractalspecific->orbitcalc()) /* if it stays in the lake */
- { /* and doen't move far, probably */
- if (integerfractal) /* found a finite attractor */
- {
- if(labs(lresult.x-lnew.x) < lclosenuff
- && labs(lresult.y-lnew.y) < lclosenuff)
- {
- lattr[attractors] = lnew;
- attrperiod[attractors] = i+1;
- attractors++; /* another attractor - coloured lakes ! */
- break;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if(fabs(result.x-new.x) < closenuff
- && fabs(result.y-new.y) < closenuff)
- {
- attr[attractors] = new;
- attrperiod[attractors] = i+1;
- attractors++; /* another attractor - coloured lakes ! */
- break;
- }
- }
- } else {
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if(attractors==0)
- periodicitycheck = savper;
- maxit = savmaxit;
- }
- #define maxyblk 7 /* must match calcfrac.c */
- #define maxxblk 202 /* must match calcfrac.c */
- int ssg_blocksize(void) /* used by solidguessing and by zoom panning */
- {
- int blocksize,i;
- /* blocksize 4 if <300 rows, 8 if 300-599, 16 if 600-1199, 32 if >=1200 */
- blocksize=4;
- i=300;
- while(i<=ydots)
- {
- blocksize+=blocksize;
- i+=i;
- }
- /* increase blocksize if prefix array not big enough */
- while(blocksize*(maxxblk-2)<xdots || blocksize*(maxyblk-2)*16<ydots)
- blocksize+=blocksize;
- return(blocksize);
- }