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- IFDEF ??version
- MASM51
- .MODEL medium,c
- .8086
- HOPEN equ 8
- HSMX equ 9
- HINT equ 16
- HLDPAL equ 19
- HBBW equ 21
- HBBR equ 23
- HBBCHN equ 24
- HBBC equ 25
- HQMODE equ 29
- HRECT equ 32
- HCLOSE equ 34
- HINIT equ 48
- HSYNC equ 49
- HSPAL equ 57
- HRPAL equ 58
- HLINE equ 0
- HSCOL equ 7
- extrn sxdots:word, sydots:word ; number of dots across and down
- extrn dacbox:byte, daccount:word
- afiptr dd 0
- xadj dw 0
- yadj dw 0
- extrn paldata:byte ; 1024-byte array (in GENERAL.ASM)
- extrn stbuff:byte ; 415-byte array (in GENERAL.ASM)
- linedata db 0
- hopendata db 3, 0, 0, 0, 0
- hclosedata dw 2, 0
- hinitdata dw 2, 0
- bbw dw 10, 8, 0, 1, 0, 0
- bbr dw 12, 8, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0
- smx dw 2, 0
- chn dw 6
- dd linedata
- dw 1
- pal dw 10, 0, 0, 256
- dd paldata
- hidata dw 4, 0, 8000h
- amode dw 18, 9 dup(?)
- hlinedata dw 8, 0, 0, 0, 0
- hscoldata dw 4, 0, 0
- callafi proc near
- push ds ; Pass the parameter pointer
- push si
- shl ax,1 ; form offset from entry no. required
- shl ax,1
- mov si,ax
- les bx, afiptr ; entry block address to es:bx
- call dword ptr es:[bx][si] ; call entry point
- ret ; return to caller
- callafi endp
- getafi proc near
- mov ax,357fh ; read interrupt vector 7f
- int 21h
- mov ax,es
- or ax,bx ; is 7f vector null
- stc
- jz getafiret
- mov ax,0105h ; get Interface address
- int 7fh ; by software interrupt 7f
- jc getafiret ; Interface not OK if carry set
- mov word ptr afiptr,dx ; save afi pointer offset
- mov word ptr afiptr+2,cx ; save afi pointer segment
- clc ; clear carry flag
- getafiret:
- ret ; return to caller
- getafi endp
- do85open proc near
- push ax
- mov ax, HOPEN
- call callafi
- mov ax, offset stbuff ;get the state segment
- add ax, 15
- mov cl, 4
- shr ax, cl
- mov bx, ds
- add ax, bx
- mov si, offset hinitdata
- mov [si] + 2, ax
- pop ax
- call callafi
- clc
- ret
- do85open endp
- open8514 proc near
- call load8514dacbox ; load dacbox for 8514/A setup JCO 4/6/92
- call getafi ;get adapter interface
- jc afinotfound
- mov bl, 0 ;if > 640 x 480 then 1024 x 768
- mov ax, sxdots
- cmp ax, 1024 ;if > 1024, don't use afi, JCO 4/4/92
- ja afinotfound
- cmp ax, 800 ; must be 1024
- ja setupopen
- cmp ax, 640 ; could be 800
- ja afinotfound
- mov ax, sydots
- cmp ax, 480
- ja setupopen
- inc bl
- setupopen:
- mov si, offset hopendata ;open the adapter
- mov byte ptr [si + 2], 40h ;zero the image but leave pallette
- mov [si + 3], bl
- mov ax, HINIT ;initialize state
- call do85open
- jc afinotfound
- mov si, offset amode ;make sure on the size
- mov ax, HQMODE ;get the adapter mode
- call callafi
- mov ax, amode + 10 ;get the screen width
- cmp ax, sxdots
- jae xdotsok ;check for fit
- mov sxdots, ax
- xdotsok:
- sub ax, sxdots ;save centering factor
- shr ax, 1
- mov xadj, ax
- mov ax, amode + 12 ;get the screen height
- cmp ax, sydots
- jae ydotsok
- mov sydots, ax
- ydotsok:
- sub ax, sydots
- shr ax, 1
- mov yadj, ax
- clc
- ret
- afinotfound: ; No 8514/A interface found
- stc ; flag bad mode
- ret ; and bail out
- open8514 endp
- reopen8514 proc near
- mov si, offset hopendata ;open the adapter
- mov byte ptr [si + 2], 0C0h ;zero the image but leave pallette
- mov ax, HSYNC ;initialize state
- call do85open
- ret
- reopen8514 endp
- close8514 proc near
- mov si, offset hclosedata ;turn off 8514a
- mov ax, HCLOSE
- call callafi
- ret
- close8514 endp
- fr85wdotnew proc near uses si
- mov byte ptr [hscoldata + 2], al
- add cx, xadj
- add dx, yadj
- mov hlinedata + 2, cx
- mov hlinedata + 4, dx
- inc cx ; increment x direction
- mov hlinedata + 6, cx
- mov hlinedata + 8, dx
- ; set the color
- mov si, offset hscoldata
- mov ax, HSCOL
- call callafi
- ; plot the point
- mov si, offset hlinedata
- mov ax, HLINE
- call callafi
- ret
- fr85wdotnew endp
- fr85wdot proc near uses si
- mov linedata, al
- mov bbw + 4, 1 ;define the rectangle
- ; mov bbw + 6, 1
- add cx, xadj
- add dx, yadj
- mov bbw + 8, cx
- mov bbw + 10, dx
- mov si, offset bbw
- mov ax, HBBW
- call callafi
- mov si, offset chn
- mov word ptr [si + 2], offset linedata
- mov word ptr [si + 6], 1 ;send the data
- mov ax, HBBCHN
- call callafi
- fr85wdotx:
- ret
- fr85wdot endp
- fr85wbox proc near uses si
- sub ax, cx
- inc ax ; BDT patch 11/4/90
- ; add ax, xadj
- add cx, xadj
- add dx, yadj
- mov chn + 2, si ;point to data
- mov chn + 6, ax
- mov bbw + 4, ax ;define the rectangle
- ; mov bbw + 6, 1 ;set in declaration
- mov bbw + 8, cx
- mov bbw + 10, dx
- mov si, offset bbw
- mov ax, HBBW
- call callafi
- mov si, offset chn
- mov ax, HBBCHN
- call callafi
- ret
- fr85wbox endp
- fr85rdot proc near uses si
- mov bbr + 4, 1 ;define the rectangle
- ; mov bbr + 6, 1 ;set in declaration
- add cx, xadj
- add dx, yadj
- mov bbr + 10, cx
- mov bbr + 12, dx
- mov si, offset bbr
- mov ax, HBBR
- call callafi
- mov si, offset chn
- mov word ptr [si + 2], offset linedata
- mov word ptr [si + 6], 1 ;send the data
- mov ax, HBBCHN
- call callafi
- mov al, linedata
- fr85rdotx:
- ret
- fr85rdot endp
- fr85rbox proc near uses si
- sub ax, cx
- inc ax ; BDT patch 11/4/90
- ; add ax, xadj
- add cx, xadj
- add dx, yadj
- mov chn + 2, di ;point to data
- mov chn + 6, ax
- mov bbr + 4, ax ;define the rectangle
- ; mov bbr + 6, 1 ;set in declaration
- mov bbr + 10, cx
- mov bbr + 12, dx
- mov si, offset bbr
- mov ax, HBBR
- call callafi
- mov si, offset chn
- mov ax, HBBCHN
- call callafi
- ret
- fr85rbox endp
- w8514pal proc near
- mov si, offset dacbox
- mov cx, daccount ;limit daccount to 128 to avoid fliker
- cmp cx, 128
- jbe countok
- mov cx, 128
- mov daccount, cx
- countok: ;now build 8514 pallette
- mov ax, 256 ;from the data in dacbox
- mov pal + 4, 0
- mov di, offset paldata
- cld
- cpallp:
- push ax ;do daccount at a time
- mov dx, di
- cmp ax, cx
- jae dopass
- mov cx, ax
- dopass:
- mov pal + 6, cx ;entries this time
- push cx
- cpallp2:
- push ds ;pallette format is r, b, g
- pop es ;0 - 255 each
- lodsb ;red
- shl al, 1
- shl al, 1
- stosb
- lodsb ;green
- shl al, 1
- shl al, 1
- xchg ah, al
- lodsb ;blue
- shl al, 1
- shl al, 1
- stosw
- mov al, 0 ;filler
- stosb
- loop cpallp2
- push si
- push di
- push dx
- mov si, hidata ;wait for flyback
- mov ax, HINT
- call callafi
- pop dx
- mov pal + 8, dx
- mov si, offset pal ;load this piece
- mov ax, HLDPAL
- call callafi
- pop di
- pop si
- pop cx
- add pal + 4, cx ;increment the pallette index
- pop ax
- sub ax, cx
- jnz cpallp
- ret
- w8514pal endp
- ;********************************************************************
- ;* 8514/A Hardware Interface Routines
- ;* Written by Aaron M. Williams for Fractint
- ;* This code may be used freely by anyone for anything and freely distributed.
- ;* All routines here are written for a V20 (80186) or better CPU.
- ;* All code has been at least partially optimized for a 486 (i.e. pipelining)
- ;* The macros were written by Roger Brown for Adex Corporation and have been
- ;* placed into the public domain by Adex corporation.
- ;*
- ;* Special support has been added for the Brooktree RAMDAC, which uses 8
- ;* bits for rgb values instead of 6 bits. This RAMDAC is used only in the
- ;* 1280x1024 mode (unless programmed otherwise)
- ;*
- ;* Completed on 3/8/92
- ;* Revised by JCO on 4/12/92
- ; changed width to wdth and other minor fixes so it would assemble
- ; using MASM 6.0
- ; took out duplicate variables, xadj, yadj, linedata
- ; took out .model C
- ; added VIDEO_TEXT to .code and made procedures near
- ; added TRANSY macro for 640x480x16 (512K), but not used
- ; w8514hwpal
- ; Changed normal 8514/A routine to slow it down
- ; reopen8514hw
- ; Renamed enableHIRES as reopen8514hw
- ; Commented out old reopen8514hw
- ; open8514hw
- ; Changed where board is reset so a hung board won't prevent detect of 8514/A
- ; Added load8514dacbox routine to initialize colors
- ; Added detection and setup of 512K 8514/A, use debug=8514 to test on 1 Meg
- ; Changed foreground mix to FSS_FRGDCOL. It's faster to use FRGD_COLOR for
- ; dots and set/reset the mix for boxes.
- ; Took out call to w8514hwpal, hangs machine if another video mode is not used
- ; first, load8514dacbox takes care of loading initial colors
- ; fr85hwwdot, fr85hwrdot
- ; Replaced with routines that use short stroke vectors, uses fewer port calls
- ; fr85hwwbox, fr85hwrbox
- ; Replaced with routines that use vectors
- ; close8514hw
- ; Made non-Adex 8514/A not use the enableVGA routine
- ; load8514dacbox
- ; Added this routine to load dacbox
- ;* Added support for ATI ULTRA 800x600x256 and 1280x1024x16 modes JCO, 11/7/92
- .286 ; we use 286 code here for speed
- ; for in graphics, speed is everything
- ; Defines
- BIT_0_ON EQU 0000000000000001b
- BIT_1_ON EQU 0000000000000010b
- BIT_2_ON EQU 0000000000000100b
- BIT_3_ON EQU 0000000000001000b
- BIT_4_ON EQU 0000000000010000b
- BIT_5_ON EQU 0000000000100000b
- BIT_6_ON EQU 0000000001000000b
- BIT_7_ON EQU 0000000010000000b
- BIT_8_ON EQU 0000000100000000b
- BIT_9_ON EQU 0000001000000000b
- BIT_10_ON EQU 0000010000000000b
- BIT_11_ON EQU 0000100000000000b
- BIT_12_ON EQU 0001000000000000b
- BIT_13_ON EQU 0010000000000000b
- BIT_14_ON EQU 0100000000000000b
- BIT_15_ON EQU 1000000000000000b
- BIT_0_OFF EQU 1111111111111110b
- BIT_1_OFF EQU 1111111111111101b
- BIT_2_OFF EQU 1111111111111011b
- BIT_3_OFF EQU 1111111111110111b
- BIT_4_OFF EQU 1111111111101111b
- BIT_5_OFF EQU 1111111111011111b
- BIT_6_OFF EQU 1111111110111111b
- BIT_7_OFF EQU 1111111101111111b
- BIT_8_OFF EQU 1111111011111111b
- BIT_9_OFF EQU 1111110111111111b
- BIT_10_OFF EQU 1111101111111111b
- BIT_11_OFF EQU 1111011111111111b
- BIT_12_OFF EQU 1110111111111111b
- BIT_13_OFF EQU 1101111111111111b
- BIT_14_OFF EQU 1011111111111111b
- BIT_15_OFF EQU 0111111111111111b
- ;==========================================
- ; Equates for use with Wait_Till_FIFO Macro
- ;==========================================
- DEFAULT_MASK = 00FFh ; Default to all 8 bits.
- LOCK_FLAG = BIT_15_ON ; Flag to lock CRTC timing regs
- GE_BUSY_MASK = BIT_9_ON ; Mask for GE_BUSY
- LOWER_12_BITS = 0FFFh ; Mask off upper 4 bits
- ;*****************************************************************************
- ;
- ;
- ;*****************************************************************************
- ;PURPOSE : Wait until there is [number] locations available in the FIFO.
- Wait_Till_FIFO MACRO number
- LOCAL waitfifoloop
- mov dx, GP_STAT
- waitfifoloop:
- in ax, dx
- test ax, number
- jnz waitfifoloop
- ; Wait if Hardware is Busy
- Wait_If_HW_Busy MACRO
- LOCAL waithwloop
- mov dx, GP_STAT
- waithwloop:
- in ax, dx
- test ax, FSR_HWBUSY
- jnz waithwloop
- ; PURPOSE: Wait Till CPU data is Available (Used for Image Read/Write)
- Wait_Till_Data_Avail MACRO
- LOCAL waitdataloop
- mov dx, GP_STAT
- waitdataloop:
- in ax, dx
- test ax, 0100h
- jz waitdataloop
- ; PURPOSE: Output a word to the specified i/o port
- Out_Port MACRO port, value
- IFIDNI <ax>, <value> ;; [ax] already loaded
- mov ax, value
- IFIDNI <dx>, <port> ;; [dx] already loaded
- mov dx, port
- out dx, ax
- ; PURPOSE: Input a word from the specified i/o port
- In_Port MACRO port
- IFIDNI <dx>, <port> ;; [dx] already loaded
- mov dx, port
- in ax, dx
- ; PURPOSE: Output a byte to the specified i/o port
- Out_Port_Byte MACRO port, value
- IFIDNI <al>, <value> ;; [al] already loaded
- mov al, value
- IFIDNI <dx>, <port> ;; [dx] already loaded
- mov dx, port
- out dx, al
- ; PURPOSE: Input a byte from the specified i/o port
- In_Port_Byte MACRO port
- mov dx, port ;; output contents of ax
- in al, dx ;; al = value from [port]
- ; PURPOSE: Wait for Vsync to go low, then high,
- Wait_For_Vsync MACRO
- LOCAL wait_low, wait_high
- mov dx, SUBSYS_STAT
- mov ax, RVBLNKFLAG
- out dx, ax ; Clear Vsync status bit
- wait_low:
- ; in ax, dx
- ; test ax, VSYNC_BIT_MASK
- ; jnz wait_low ; causes problems with ATI ********
- wait_high:
- in ax, dx
- test ax, VSYNC_BIT_MASK
- jz wait_high ; Loop until beginning of Vysnc (blank)
- ; PURPOSE: Enter Western Digital Enhanced Mode.
- Enter_WD_Enhanced_Mode MACRO
- mov dx, WD_ESCAPE_REG
- in al, dx
- ; PURPOSE: Write pixel data in [ax] to PIX_TRANS port [dx]
- ; ENTRY : [dx] = PIX_TRANS, data in [ax]
- Write_A_Pixel MACRO
- Out_Port dx, ax
- ; PURPOSE: Resets MULTIFUNC_CNTL register to FCOL & MIX
- Out_Port MULTIFUNC_CNTL, 0A000h
- ;
- ;
- ; Translate y value for the case of 4 bpp and 640x480
- ; The y value is assumed to be in ax.
- ; The result is left in ax.
- ; result = (y & 1) | ((y >> 1) << 2)
- ; by Jonathan Osuch, 2/15/92
- ; Not needed by Graphics Ultra, others might need it
- ;
- TRANSY macro
- push bx
- mov bx, ax
- and bx, 1
- shr ax, 1
- shl ax, 1
- shl ax, 1
- or ax, bx
- pop bx
- endm
- ;
- ;========================================
- ; Return Value Definitions
- ;========================================
- TRUE = 1
- FALSE = 0
- ;*****************************************************************************
- ;
- ;
- ;*****************************************************************************
- ;=============================
- ;=============================
- SETUP_ID1 equ 00100h ; Setup Mode Identification
- SETUP_ID2 equ 00101h ; Setup Mode Identification
- DISP_STAT equ 002E8h ; Display Status
- WD_ESCAPE_REG equ 028E9h ; WD Escape Functions
- SUBSYS_STAT equ 042E8h ; Subsystem Status
- WD_ENHANCED_MODE_REG equ 096E8h ; Enter WD Enhanced Mode
- GP_STAT equ 09AE8h ; Graphics Processor Status
- FSR_HWBUSY equ 00200h ; Bit Set if Hardware Busy
- ;==========================
- ;==========================
- SETUP_OPT equ 00102h ; Setup Mode Option Select
- H_TOTAL equ 002E8h ; Horizontal Total
- DAC_MASK equ 002EAh ; DAC Mask
- DAC_R_INDEX equ 002EBh ; DAC Read Index
- DAC_W_INDEX equ 002ECh ; DAC Write Index
- DAC_DATA equ 002EDh ; DAC Data
- H_DISP equ 006E8h ; Horizontal Displayed
- H_SYNC_STRT equ 00AE8h ; Horizontal Sync Start
- H_SYNC_WID equ 00EE8h ; Horizontal Sync Width
- V_TOTAL equ 012E8h ; Vertical Total
- V_DISP equ 016E8h ; Vertical Displayed
- V_SYNC_STRT equ 01AE8h ; Vertical Sync Start
- V_SYNC_WID equ 01EE8h ; Vertical Sync Width
- DISP_CNTL equ 022E8h ; Display Control
- SUBSYS_CNTL equ 042E8h ; Subsystem Control
- ICR_GERESET equ 09000h ; reset mask
- ICR_NORMAL equ 08000h ; normal mask
- ROM_PAGE_SEL equ 046E8h ; ROM Page Select
- ADVFUNC_CNTL equ 04AE8h ; Advanced Function Control
- MODE_VGA equ 00010b ;
- MODE_768 equ 00111b ;
- MODE_480 equ 00011b ;
- CUR_Y equ 082E8h ; Current Y Position
- CUR_X equ 086E8h ; Current X Position
- DESTY_AXSTP equ 08AE8h ; Destination Y Position /
- ; Axial Step Constant
- DESTX_DIASTP equ 08EE8h ; Destination X Position /
- ; Axial Step Constant
- ERR_TERM equ 092E8h ; Error Term
- MAJ_AXIS_PCNT equ 096E8h ; Major Axis Pixel Count
- CMD equ 09AE8h ; Command
- SHORT_STROKE equ 09EE8h ; Short Stroke Vector Trnsf
- BKGD_COLOR equ 0A2E8h ; Background Color
- FRGD_COLOR equ 0A6E8h ; Foreground Color
- WRT_MASK equ 0AAE8h ; Write Mask
- RD_MASK equ 0AEE8h ; Read Mask
- COLOR_CMP equ 0B2E8h ; Color Compare
- BKGD_MIX equ 0B6E8h ; Background Mix
- FRGD_MIX equ 0BAE8h ; Foreground Mix
- MULTIFUNC_CNTL equ 0BEE8h ; Multi-Function Control
- PIX_TRANS equ 0E2E8h ; Pixel Data Transfer
- MIN_AXIS_PCNT equ 0000h ; Minor Axis Pixel Count
- T_SCISSORS equ 1000h ; Top Scissors
- L_SCISSORS equ 2000h ; Left Scissors
- B_SCISSORS equ 3000h ; Bottom Scissors
- R_SCISSORS equ 4000h ; Right Scissors
- MEM_CNTL equ 5000h ; Memory Control
- PATTERN_L equ 8000h ; Fixed Pattern - Low
- PATTERN_H equ 9000h ; Fixed Pattern - High
- PIX_CNTL equ 0A000h ; Pixel Control
- ; Display Status bit field
- HORTOG equ 0004h ;
- VBLANK equ 0002h ;
- SENSE equ 0001h
- ; Horizontal Sync Width Bit Field
- HSYNCPOL_NEG equ 0020h ; negative polarity
- HSYNCPOL_POS equ 0000h ; positive polarity
- ; Vertical Sync Width Bit Field
- VSYNCPOL_NEG equ 0020h ; negative polarity
- VSYNCPOL_POS equ 0000h ; positive polarity
- ; Display control bit field
- DISPEN_NC equ 0000h ; no change
- DISPEN_DISAB equ 0040h ; disable display, syncs, and refresh
- DISPEN_ENAB equ 0020h ; enable display, syncs, and refresh
- INTERLACE equ 0010h ; interlace enable bit
- DBLSCAN equ 0008h ; double scan bit
- MEMCFG_2 equ 0000h ; 2 CAS configuration
- MEMCFG_4 equ 0002h ;
- MEMCFG_6 equ 0004h ;
- MEMCFG_8 equ 0006h ;
- ODDBANKENAB equ 0001h ; Use alternate odd/even banks for
- ; each line
- ; Subsystem status register bits
- _8PLANE equ 0080h ; 8 planes of memory installed
- MONITORID_MASK equ 0070h ; Monitor ID mask
- MONITORID_8503 equ 0050h ;
- MONITORID_8507 equ 0010h ;
- MONITORID_8512 equ 0060h ;
- MONITORID_8513 equ 0060h ;
- MONITORID_8514 equ 0020h ;
- MONITORID_NONE equ 0070h ;
- GPIDLE equ 0008h ; Processor idle bit, command queue empty
- INVALIDIO equ 0004h ; Set when command written to full queue
- ; or the Pixel Data Transfer register was
- ; read when no data was available. This
- ; bit must be cleared prior to any other
- ; operation with RINVALIDIO bit
- PICKFLAG equ 0002h ; This bit is set when a write inside the
- ; clipping rectangle is about to be made.
- ; You can clear it with RPICKFLAG
- VBLNKFLAG equ 0001h ; This bit is set at the start of the
- ; vertical blanking period. It can only
- ; be cleared by setting RVBLNKFLG
- ; Subsystem Control Register bit field
- GPCTRL_NC equ 0000h ; no change
- GPCTRL_ENAB equ 4000h ; enable 8514
- GPCTRL_RESET equ 8000h ; reset 8514/A and disable
- ; also flushes command queue
- CHPTEST_NC equ 0000h ; no change
- CHPTEST_NORMAL equ 1000h ; Enables synchronization between
- ; chips
- CHPTEST_ENAB equ 2000h ; Disables synchronization. Use
- ; only as a diagnostic procedure
- IGPIDLE equ 0800h ; Enable GPIDLE interrupt.
- ; Usually this is IRQ9 (SW IRQ2)
- IINVALIDIO equ 0400h ; Enable invalid I/O interrupt
- ; Interrupt when subsystem status
- ; register INVALIDIO bit set
- IPICKFLAG equ 0200h ; Interrupts the system when
- ; PICKFLAG in the subsystem
- ; status register goes high
- IVBLNKFLAG equ 0100h ; Interrupts the system when
- ; VBLNKFLAG in Subsystem Status
- ; goes high
- RGPIDLE equ 0008h ; Resets GPIDLE bit in subsystem
- ; status register
- RINVALIDIO equ 0004h ; Resets INVALIDIO bit in
- ; Subsystem Status Register
- RPICKFLAG equ 0002h ; Resets PICKFLAG in Subsystem
- ; Status Register
- RVBLNKFLAG equ 0001h ; Resets VBLNKFLAG in Subsystem
- ; Status Register
- ; Current X, Y and Destination X, Y mask
- COORD_MASK equ 07FFh ; coordinate mask (2047)
- ; Advanced Function Control Register bit field
- CLKSEL equ 0004h ; 1 = 44.9 MHz clock, 0 = 25.175 MHz
- DISSABPASSTHRU equ 0001h ; 0 = VGA pass through, 1 = 8514/A
- ; Graphics Processor Status Register
- GPBUSY equ 0200h ; 1 when processor is busy in command
- ; and in data transfer
- DATARDY equ 0100h ; 0 = no data ready to be read
- ; 1 = data ready for reading.
- ; used for Pixel Data Transfer reads
- ; Command Register
- CMD_NOP equ 0000h ; do nothing
- CMD_LINE equ 2000h ; Draw a line according to LINETYPE bit
- ; when LINETYPE = 1, bits 567 specify
- ; direction of vector with length
- ; stored in Major Axis Pixel Count
- CMD_RECT equ 4000h ; Fast-Fill Rectangle accordign to
- ; PLANEMODE. Can read as well as write
- ; according to PCDATA and WRTDATA
- CMD_RECTV1 equ 6000h ; Draws a rectangle vertically in
- ; columns starting at the upper left
- ; and working down
- CMD_RECTV2 equ 8000h ; Like CMD_RECT1, except accesses 4
- ; pixels at a time horizontally rather
- ; than 1
- CMD_LINEAF equ 0A000h ; Draw line for area fill. Only draws
- ; one pixel for each scan line crossed.
- CMD_BITBLT equ 0C000h ; Copy rectangle on display and to/from
- ; PC memory through Pixel Data Transfer
- ; register.
- CMD_OP_MSK equ 0E000h ; command mask
- BYTSEQ equ 01000h ; Selects byte ordering for pixel data
- ; transfer and short-stroke vector
- ; transfer registers only. 0 = high
- ; byte first, low byte second, 1 =
- ; low byte first, high byte second.
- _16BIT equ 00200h ; Affects Pixel Data Transfer and Short
- ; Stroke Vector Transfer registers.
- ; 0 = 8-bit access, 1 = 16-bit access
- PCDATA equ 00100h ; 0 = drawing operations use 8514/A
- ; based data
- ; 1 = drawing operations wait for
- ; data to be written or read from
- ; the Pixel Data Transfer register
- ; before proceeding to the next
- ; pixel. Direction of transfer
- ; is based on WRTDATA
- INC_Y equ 00080h ; Determines y direction of lines
- ; during line drawing when LINETYPE is
- ; cleared.
- ; 0 = UP, 1 = DOWN
- YMAJAXIS equ 00040h ; Determines major axis when LINETYPE
- ; is 0.
- ; 0 = X is major axis, 1 = Y is major
- ; axis.
- INC_X equ 00020h ; Determines direction of X when drawing
- ; lines when LINETYPE = 0
- ; 0 = right to left (negative X dir)
- ; 1 = left to right (positive X dir)
- DRAW equ 00010h ; 0 = move only, no pixels drawn
- ; 1 = draw
- LINETYPE equ 00008h ; Selects line drawing algorithm
- ; 0 = normal Bresenham line drawing
- ; 1 = vector drawing CMD_NOP = short
- ; stroke, CMD_LINE = long line
- LASTPIX equ 00004h ; 0 = last pixel for lines and vectors
- ; drawn
- ; 1 = last pixel not drawn
- PLANAR equ 00002h ; Access is Pixel at a time or Planar
- ; 0 = Pixel, 1 = Planar
- WRTDATA equ 00001h ; 0 = read operation, 1 = write
- ; used for Pixel Data Transfer
- ; Short Stroke vector transfer register
- ; can also be used for command register when LINETYPE=1 and CMD_LINE
- VECDIR_000 equ 0000h
- VECDIR_045 equ 0020h
- VECDIR_090 equ 0040h
- VECDIR_135 equ 0060h
- VECDIR_180 equ 0080h
- VECDIR_225 equ 00A0h
- VECDIR_270 equ 00C0h
- VECDIR_315 equ 00E0h
- SSVDRAW equ 0010h ; 0 = move position, 1 = draw vector
- ; and move
- ; Background MIX register
- BSS_BKGDCOL equ 0000h ; use background color
- BSS_FRGDCOL equ 0020h ; use foreground color
- BSS_PCDATA equ 0040h ; PC data (via Pixel Data Transfer reg)
- BSS_BITBLT equ 0060h ; All-Plane Copy
- ; Foreground MIX register
- FSS_BKGDCOL equ 0000h ; use background color
- FSS_FRGDCOL equ 0020h ; use foreground color
- FSS_PCDATA equ 0040h ; PC data (via Pixel Data Transfer reg)
- FSS_BITBLT equ 0060h ; All-Plane Copy
- ; Mixing applications
- MIX_MASK equ 001Fh ; mask for mixing values
- MIX_NOT_DST equ 0000h ; NOT Dst
- MIX_0 equ 0001h ; All bits cleared
- MIX_1 equ 0002h ; All bits set
- MIX_DST equ 0003h ; Dst
- MIX_LEAVE_ALONE equ 0003h ; Do nothing
- MIX_NOT_SRC equ 0004h ; NOT Src
- MIX_SRC_XOR_DST equ 0005h ; Src XOR Dst
- MIX_XOR equ 0005h ;
- MIX_NOT__SRC_XOR_DST equ 0006h ; NOT (Src XOR Dst)
- MIX_XNOR equ 0006h ;
- MIX_SRC equ 0007h ; Src
- MIX_REPLACE equ 0007h ;
- MIX_PAINT equ 0007h ;
- MIX_NOT_SRC_OR_NOT_DST equ 0008h ; Not Src OR NOT Dst
- MIX_NAND equ 0008h ;
- MIX_NOT_SRC_OR_DST equ 0009h ; NOT Src OR Dst
- MIX_SRC_OR_NOT_DST equ 000Ah ; Src OR NOT Dst
- MIX_SRC_OR_DST equ 000Bh ; Src OR Dst
- MIX_OR equ 000Bh ;
- MIX_SRC_AND_DST equ 000Ch ; Src AND Dst
- MIX_AND equ 000Ch
- MIX_SRC_AND_NOT_DST equ 000Dh ; Src AND NOT Dst
- MIX_NOT_SRC_AND_DST equ 000Eh ; NOT Src AND Dst
- MIX_NOR equ 000Fh ; Src NOR Dst
- MIX_MIN equ 0010h ; MINIMUM (Src, Dst)
- MIX_DST_MINUS_SRC equ 0011h ; Dst - Src (with underflow)
- MIX_SRC_MINUS_DST equ 0012h ; Src - Dst (with underflow)
- MIX_PLUS equ 0013h ; Src + Dst (with overflow)
- MIX_MAX equ 0014h ; MAXIMUM (Src, Dst)
- MIX_HALF__DST_MINUS_SRC equ 0015h ; (Dst - Src) / 2 (with underflow)
- MIX_HALF__SRC_MINUS_DST equ 0016h ; (Src - Dst) / 2 (with underflow)
- MIX_AVERAGE equ 0017h ; (Src + Dst) / 2 (with overflow)
- MIX_DST_MINUS_SRC_SAT equ 0018h ; (Dst - Src) (with saturate)
- MIX_SRC_MINUS_DST_SAT equ 001Ah ; (Src - Dst) (with saturate)
- MIX_PLUS_SAT equ 001Bh ; (Src + Dst) (with saturate)
- MIX_HALF__DST_MINUS_SRC_SAT equ 001Ch ; (Dst - Src) / 2 (with sat)
- MIX_HALF__SRC_MINUS_DST_SAT equ 001Eh ; (Src - Dst) / 2 (with sat)
- MIX_AVERAGE_SAT equ 001Fh ; (Src + Dst) / 2 (with saturate)
- ; Memory control register
- BUFSWP equ 0010h ; pseudo 8-plane on 4-plane board
- VRTCFG_2 equ 0000h ; vertical memory configuration
- VRTCFG_4 equ 0004h
- VRTCFG_6 equ 0008h
- VRTCFG_8 equ 000Ch
- HORCFG_4 equ 0000h ; Horizontal memory configuration
- HORCFG_5 equ 0001h
- HORCFG_8 equ 0002h
- HORCFG_10 equ 0003h
- ; Pixel Control Register
- MIXSEL_FRGDMIX equ 0000h ; use foreground mix for all drawing
- ; operations
- MIXSEL_PATT equ 0040h ; use fixed pattern to decide which
- ; mix setting to use on a pixel
- MIXSEL_EXPPC equ 0080h ; PC Data Expansion. Use data from
- ; Pixel Transfer Register
- MIXSEL_EXPBLT equ 00C0h ; Bits in source plane determine
- ; foreground or background MIX
- ; 0 = bkgd, 1 = frgd
- COLCMPOP_F equ 0000h ; FALSE
- COLCMPOP_T equ 0008h ; TRUE
- COLCMPOP_GE equ 0010h ; Dst >= CC
- COLCMPOP_LT equ 0018h ; Dst < CC
- COLCMPOP_NE equ 0020h ; Dst != CC
- COLCMPOP_EQ equ 0028h ; Dst == CC
- COLCMPOP_LE equ 0030h ; Dst <= CC
- COLCMPOP_GT equ 0038h ; Dst > CC
- PLANEMODE equ 0004h ; Enables plane mode for area fill and
- ; single plane expansion
- ; The following code was written largely by Aaron Williams
- ; and largely mucked up by Jonathan Osuch
- TEMP_SIZE = 12
- __temp_palette DB TEMP_SIZE DUP (?)
- Gra_mode_ctl_sh dw ?
- WD_enhance_mode_sh dw 0
- extrn sxdots:word, sydots:word ; number of dots across and down
- extrn dacbox:byte
- extrn daccount:word ; count of entries in DAC table
- extrn cpu:word ; CPU type 88, 186, etc.
- extrn debugflag:word ; for debugging purposes
- wdth dw 0 ; JCO 4/11/92
- height dw 0
- bppstatus dw 0 ; temporary status for bpp ; JCO 4/11/92
- bpp4x640 db 0 ; flag for 4 bpp and 640x480 ; JCO 4/11/92
- adexboard db 0 ; set to 1 when ADEX board
- currentmode dw 0 ; points to current mode table
- ati_enhance_mode dw 0 ; 1 for 800x600, 11h for 1280x1024
- loadset dd 0C0000064h ; entries to bios jump table
- setmode dd 0C0000068h ; modified later if rom is moved
- ati_temp dw 0
- ; 8514/A initialization tables written by Aaron Williams
- mode640 dw 2381h ; Western Digital Enhanced Mode Register
- dw 0003h ; advanced function control
- dw 5006h ; Multifunction control
- dw 0063h ; Horizontal total
- dw 004Fh ; Horizontal displayed
- dw 0052h ; Horizontal sync start
- dw 002Ch ; Horizontal sync width
- dw 0418h ; Vertical total
- dw 03BBh ; Vertical displayed
- dw 03D2h ; Vertical sync start
- dw 0022h ; Vertical sync width
- dw 0023h ; Display control
- mode1024 dw 2501h ; Western Digital Enhanced Mode Register
- ; I will later add options for 70hz mode,
- ; interlaced mode, etc. This is used only
- ; for Adex or compatible boards
- ; for 70 hz, change to 2581h
- dw 0007h ; advanced function control
- dw 5006h ; Multifunction control
- dw 00A2h ; Horizontal total
- dw 007Fh ; Horizontal displayed
- dw 0083h ; Horizontal sync start
- dw 0016h ; Horizontal sync width
- dw 0660h ; Vertical total
- dw 05FBh ; Vertical displayed
- dw 0600h ; Vertical sync start
- dw 0008h ; Vertical sync width
- disp1024 dw 0023h ; Display control
- ; The 1280 mode is supported only on Adex boards. If anyone has any info on
- ; other boards capable of this mode, I'd like to add support.
- mode1280 dw 2589h ; WD enhanced mode register
- dw 0007h ; advanced function control
- dw 5006h ; Multifunction control
- dw 0069h ; Horizontal total
- dw 004Fh ; Horizontal displayed
- dw 0053h ; Horizontal sync start
- dw 0009h ; Horizontal sync width
- dw 0874h ; Vertical total
- dw 07FFh ; Vertical displayed
- dw 0806h ; Vertical sync start
- dw 0003h ; Vertical sync width
- dw 0023h ; Display control
- ; 4bpp mode added by JCO 4/5/92, 1024x4 same as 1024x8
- mode640x4 dw 0000h ; Western Digital Enhanced Mode Register ????
- dw 0003h ; advanced function control
- dw 5002h ; Multifunction control ; This may need to be 5000h
- dw 0063h ; Horizontal total
- dw 004Fh ; Horizontal displayed
- dw 0052h ; Horizontal sync start
- dw 002Ch ; Horizontal sync width
- dw 0830h ; Vertical total
- dw 0779h ; Vertical displayed
- dw 07A8h ; Vertical sync start
- dw 0022h ; Vertical sync width
- dw 0021h ; Display control ; This may need to be 0020h
- ; This routine updates the 8514/A palette
- ; For modes with resolutions > 1024x768, a different DAC must be used.
- ; The ADEX board uses a high-speed Brooktree DAC which uses 24 bits per
- ; color instead of the usual 18 bits.
- ; The data is written out in 3 parts during vertical retrace to prevent snow.
- ; Normal 8514/A routine modified to slow down the spin, JCO 4/3/92
- w8514hwpal proc near
- mov si, offset dacbox
- cld
- ; dac_w_index
- mov dx, DAC_W_INDEX
- mov al, 0 ;start at beginning of 8514a palette
- out dx, al;
- cmp wdth, 1024
- jbe writedac
- cmp adexboard, 1
- je wbrooktree
- writedac: ; rewritten to slow down the spin, JCO 4/11/92
- mov cx, daccount
- mov bx, 0 ;use bx to hold index into the dac
- mov ax, 256
- cpallp:
- push ax
- cmp ax, cx
- jae dopass
- mov cx, ax
- dopass:
- push cx
- ; wait for first vertical blank
- mov dx, DISP_STAT
- chkvblnk1: ;loop til vertical blank
- in ax, dx ;read status register
- test ax, VBLANK
- jz chkvblnk1 ;set to 1 during vertical blank
- ; wait for screen to display
- chkvblnk2: ;loop while screen displayed
- in ax, dx ;read status register
- test ax, VBLANK
- jnz chkvblnk2 ;set to 0 during screen display
- ; wait for next vertical blank, make sure we didn't miss it
- chkvblnk3: ;loop til vertical blank
- in ax, dx ;read status register
- test ax, VBLANK
- jz chkvblnk3 ;set to 1 during vertical blank
- ; move the palette in dacbox
- mov dx, DAC_DATA
- cpall2:
- outsb ;put red into 8514/a palette
- outsb ;put green into 8514/a palette
- outsb ;put blue into 8514/a palette
- loop cpall2
- pop cx
- add bx, cx
- mov dx, DAC_W_INDEX ;load next piece of palette
- mov ax, bx
- out dx, al
- pop ax
- sub ax, cx
- jnz cpallp
- sti
- ret
- wbrooktree: ; we go here for updating the Brooktree
- mov cx, 256 ; output first 1/3 of data
- cli
- Wait_For_Vsync ; wait for vertical retrace
- mov dx, 02EDh
- pall1: ; the brooktree uses 8 bits instead of 6
- lodsb
- shl al, 2
- out dx, al
- loop pall1
- sti
- mov cx, 256 ; output second 1/3 of data
- cli
- Wait_For_Vsync ; wait for vertical retrace
- mov dx, 02EDh
- pall2:
- lodsb
- shl al, 2
- out dx, al
- loop pall2
- sti
- mov cx, 256 ; output third 1/3 of data
- cli
- Wait_For_Vsync ; wait for vertical retrace
- mov dx, 02EDh
- pall3:
- lodsb
- shl al, 2
- out dx, al
- loop pall3
- sti
- ret
- w8514hwpal endp
- ; reopen8514hw turns off VGA pass through and enables the 8514/A display
- reopen8514hw PROC near
- cmp adexboard, 0
- je enableati
- mov dx, WD_ESCAPE_REG
- in al, dx
- mov si, currentmode
- outsw
- jmp enablegeneric
- enableati:
- cmp ati_enhance_mode, 0
- je enablegeneric
- mov ax, ati_enhance_mode ; load mode into shadow set 1 (lores)
- call dword ptr [loadset]
- mov ax, 1 ; set lores mode
- call dword ptr [setmode]
- ret
- enablegeneric:
- mov ax, [Gra_mode_ctl_sh] ; Read shadow register.
- or ax, BIT_0_ON ; Set for HIRES mode
- mov [Gra_mode_ctl_sh], ax ; Update shadow register.
- Out_Port ADVFUNC_CNTL, ax
- ret
- reopen8514hw ENDP
- ; open8514hw initializes the 8514/A for drawing graphics. It test for the
- ; existence of an 8514/A first.
- ; CY set on error
- open8514hw proc near
- ; Test for the existence of an 8514/A card by writing to and reading
- ; from the Error term register.
- xor al, al
- mov adexboard, al
- call load8514dacbox ; load dacbox for 8514/A setup JCO 4/6/92
- ; Assume 8514/A present and reset it. Otherwise a locked up board
- ; would not appear as an 8514/A. JCO 4/3/92
- ; reset 8514/A subsystem
- mov dx, SUBSYS_CNTL
- mov ax, GPCTRL_RESET+CHPTEST_NORMAL ; Reset + Normal
- out dx, ax
- mov ax, GPCTRL_ENAB+CHPTEST_NORMAL ; Enable + Normal
- out dx, ax
- mov dx, ERR_TERM
- mov ax, 5A5Ah ; output our test value
- out dx, ax
- jmp $+2 ; add slight delay
- jmp $+2
- in ax, dx
- cmp ax, 5A5Ah
- je Found_8514 ; jump if ok
- stc ; set error if not found
- ret
- Found_8514:
- ; we need at least a 186 or better for rep outsw and stuff for speed.
- ; We won't support the 8086/8088, since it's *very* unlikely that
- ; anyone with an 8088 based machine would invest in an 8514/A
- ;
- cmp [cpu], 88
- jne GoodCPU
- stc
- ret
- GoodCPU: ; JCO 5/8/92
- mov bx, sxdots ; uncommented this section and made check
- cmp bx, 640 ; for interlaced monitor vs non-interlaced
- jbe monitor_ok ; any old monitor should work non-interlaced
- mov dx, SUBSYS_STAT
- in ax,dx
- cmp ax, MONITORID_8514 ; do we need to interlace?
- jz setinterlaced ; yes, jump
- cmp ax, MONITORID_8507 ; do we need to interlace?
- jz setinterlaced ; yes, jump
- jmp monitor_ok ; use default non-interlaced mode
- setinterlaced:
- or disp1024, INTERLACE ; set interlace bit, JCO 5/8/92
- monitor_ok:
- mov bpp4x640, 0 ;clear flag for y value translation
- mov dx, SUBSYS_STAT
- in ax, dx
- ;************** debug 4bpp
- cmp debugflag, 8514
- jne notest
- test ax, _8PLANE ;if not set, 4bpp anyway, don't change
- jnz notest
- xor ax, _8PLANE ;clear the 8bpp bit to test 4bpp
- notest:
- ;**************
- mov bppstatus, ax ;save the status for a while
- test ax, _8PLANE ;is it 8 bits per pixel?
- jnz plane8 ;yes, 1024K video memory
- ; no, only 512K video memory, 4 bits per pixel
- mov ax, sxdots ; AX contains H resolution
- ; test if 640x480x4bpp
- mov bpp4x640, 1 ;set flag for y value translation
- mov si, offset mode640x4 ; SI = offset of register data
- mov bx, 640 ; BX = X resolution
- mov cx, 480 ; CX = Y resolution
- mov wdth, bx ; store display width
- mov height, cx ; store display height
- cmp ax, 640 ; jump if this resolution is correct
- jbe setupopen
- ; test if 1024x768x4bpp
- mov bpp4x640, 0 ;clear flag for y value translation
- mov si, offset mode1024
- mov bx, 1024
- mov cx, 768
- mov wdth, bx
- mov height, cx
- cmp ax, 1024
- jbe setupopen
- stc ; oops, to high a resolution
- ret
- plane8:
- mov ax, sxdots ; AX contains H resolution
- ; test if 640x480
- mov si, offset mode640 ; SI = offset of register data
- mov bx, 640 ; BX = X resolution
- mov cx, 480 ; CX = Y resolution
- mov wdth, bx ; store display width
- mov height, cx ; store display height
- cmp ax, 640 ; jump if this resolution is correct
- jbe setupopen
- ; test if 800x600 (special ati ultra mode)
- ; si does not need to be set, everything is in eeprom
- mov bx, 800
- mov cx, 600
- mov wdth, bx
- mov height, cx
- cmp ax, 800
- jbe setupopen
- ; test if 1024x768
- mov si, offset mode1024
- mov bx, 1024
- mov cx, 768
- mov wdth, bx
- mov height, cx
- cmp ax, 1024
- jbe setupopen
- ; must be 1280x1024
- mov si, offset mode1280
- mov bx, 1280
- mov cx, 1024
- mov wdth, bx
- mov height, cx
- setupopen:
- ; test for Western Digital Chipset
- mov currentmode, si
- mov dx, WD_ESCAPE_REG
- in al, dx
- mov ax, 6AAAh
- mov dx, MAJ_AXIS_PCNT
- out dx, ax
- mov dx, WD_ESCAPE_REG ; enable enhanced mode for ADEX board
- in al, dx
- mov dx, MAJ_AXIS_PCNT ; if port 96E8 is between 3F00h and 2A00h we
- in ax, dx ; have a WD board, else IBM/Other
- cmp ax, 2A00h
- jb ati_ultra
- cmp ax, 3F00h
- ja ati_ultra
- ; We must have a Western Digital chip set.
- ; May not be Adex.
- ; Future test to implement will be to write a pixel to X,Y location
- ; with X > 1024 and read it back to check for enough memory for 1280
- ; mode.
- mov al, 1
- mov adexboard, al ; set adex board
- mov dx, WD_ESCAPE_REG ; program WD
- in al, dx
- outsw ; output the Western Digital
- ; enhanced mode register
- mov [WD_enhance_mode_sh], ax ; keep a copy of it
- jmp openOK
- ibm_8514_step:
- jmp ibm_8514
- ati_ultra:
- mov ati_enhance_mode, 0 ; make sure enhanced mode is clear
- ; check for ATI
- mov dx, 52EEh ; ROM_ADDR_1 register
- in ax, dx
- mov ati_temp, ax ; temporary save
- mov ax, 5555h
- out dx, ax
- Wait_If_HW_Busy ; make sure HW is not busy
- mov dx, 52EEh ; ROM_ADDR_1 register
- in ax, dx
- cmp ax, 5555h
- jne ibm_8514_step ; nope must be real 8514a
- mov ax, 2A2Ah
- out dx, ax
- Wait_If_HW_Busy ; make sure HW is not busy
- mov dx, 52EEh ; ROM_ADDR_1 register
- in ax, dx
- cmp ax, 2A2Ah
- jne ibm_8514_step ; nope must be real 8514a
- mov ax, ati_temp
- out dx, ax ; restore ROM_ADDR_1 register
- and ati_temp, 007Fh ; calculate the ROM base address
- mov ax, 80h ; (ROM_ADDR_1 & 0x7F)*0x80 + 0xC000
- mul ati_temp
- add ax, 0C000h
- mov word ptr loadset+2, ax
- mov word ptr setmode+2, ax
- mov es, ax
- mov ax, es:4Ch ; get ati bios revision
- cmp al, 1h
- jl ibm_8514 ; revision level too low, can't do it
- cmp ah, 3h
- jl ibm_8514 ; revision level too low, can't do it
- ; everything appears okay
- ; get resolution, could be 800x600 or 1280x1024
- mov ax, sxdots ; AX contains H resolution
- cmp ax, 640
- jbe ibm_8514 ; too low for 800x600
- cmp ax, 800
- jbe set_800x600 ; must be 800x600
- cmp ax, 1024
- jbe ibm_8514 ; too low for 1280x1024
- cmp ax, 1280
- jbe set_1280x1024 ; must be 1280x1024
- jmp ibm_8514 ; too high
- set_800x600:
- mov ax, 1 ; load 800x600 into shadow set 1 (lores)
- call dword ptr [loadset]
- jc ibm_8514 ; didn't work, forget it
- mov ax, 1 ; set lores mode
- call dword ptr [setmode]
- jc ibm_8514 ; didn't work, forget it
- mov ati_enhance_mode, 1 ; save mode
- jmp setplane8
- set_1280x1024:
- mov ax, 11h ; load 1280x1024 into shadow set 1 (lores)
- call dword ptr [loadset]
- jc ibm_8514 ; didn't work, forget it
- mov ax, 1 ; set lores mode
- call dword ptr [setmode]
- jc ibm_8514 ; didn't work, forget it
- mov ati_enhance_mode, 11h ; save mode
- jmp setplane4 ; 4 bits/pixel
- ibm_8514:
- lodsw ; ignore WD enhanced mode register
- cmp wdth, 1024 ; make sure the resolution isn't too high
- jbe openOK
- stc ; a *real* 8514/A cannot run higher than
- ret ; 1024x768, so quit
- openOK:
- Wait_If_HW_Busy ; make sure HW is not busy
- mov dx, ADVFUNC_CNTL
- lodsw ; get Multifunction Control
- mov Gra_mode_ctl_sh, ax ; keep a copy of it
- out dx, ax
- mov dx, MULTIFUNC_CNTL ; program multifunction control
- outsw
- mov dx, H_TOTAL ; program HTOTAL
- outsw
- mov dx, H_DISP ; program HDISPLAYED
- outsw
- mov dx, H_SYNC_STRT ; set start of HSYNC
- outsw
- mov dx, H_SYNC_WID ; set width of HSYNC signal
- outsw
- mov dx, V_TOTAL ; set vertical total
- outsw
- mov dx, V_DISP ; set vertical resolution
- outsw
- mov dx, V_SYNC_STRT ; set start of V Sync
- outsw
- mov dx, V_SYNC_WID ; set width of V Sync signal
- outsw
- mov dx, DISP_CNTL ; set the display control
- outsw
- mov ax, bppstatus ;get status again, push/pop doesn't work!
- test ax, _8PLANE
- jnz setplane8
- ; enable 4 bits per pixel
- setplane4:
- mov ax, 0Fh
- mov dx, DAC_MASK
- out dx, al
- mov ax, 0FF0Fh
- mov dx, WRT_MASK
- out dx, ax
- jmp doneset
- setplane8:
- ; enable 8 bits per pixel
- mov ax, 0FFh
- mov dx, DAC_MASK
- out dx, al
- mov ax, 0FFFFh
- mov dx, WRT_MASK
- out dx, ax
- doneset:
- ; Complete environment set up 3/20/92 JCO
- Out_Port BKGD_MIX, <BSS_BKGDCOL or MIX_REPLACE> ;set mixes
- ; FRGD_MIX set below
- ; WRT_MASK set above
- Out_Port MULTIFUNC_CNTL, <PIX_CNTL or 0h> ; clear lower bits
- ; 3/20/92 JCO
- ; set clipping
- Wait_Till_FIFO FOUREMPTY ; wait for room in queue
- mov ax, T_SCISSORS
- out dx, ax ; set top clip to 0
- mov ax, cx
- dec ax
- or ax, B_SCISSORS
- out dx, ax ; set bottom clip to maxy
- mov ax, L_SCISSORS
- out dx, ax ; set left clip to 0
- mov ax, bx
- dec ax
- or ax, R_SCISSORS ; set right clip to maxx
- out dx, ax
- ; clear screen
- Wait_Till_FIFO SIXEMPTY ; wait for room in FIFO
- mov dx, FRGD_MIX
- mov ax, 0021h ; zero memory ?? why 21h and not 01h? JCO
- out dx, ax
- xor ax, ax
- mov dx, CUR_X ; set start of rectangle to 0,0
- out dx, ax
- mov dx, CUR_Y
- out dx, ax
- mov ax, wdth
- mov dx, MAJ_AXIS_PCNT
- dec ax
- out dx, ax ; set width of rectangle to draw
- mov ax, height
- dec ax
- out dx, ax ; set height of rectangle to draw
- ; Reset_MULTIFUNC_CNTL ; done above
- mov dx, CMD
- mov ax, 42F3h ; issue rect draw command
- out dx, ax ; draw the rectangle
- ; Wait_Till_FIFO ONEEMPTY ; set write mask ** done above
- ; mov dx, WRT_MASK ; to include all
- ; mov ax, 00FFh ; bits
- ; out dx, ax
- Wait_Till_FIFO THREEEMPTY ; set foreground to default
- mov dx, FRGD_MIX
- ; mov ax, FSS_PCDATA + MIX_SRC
- mov ax, FSS_FRGDCOL + MIX_SRC ;slightly faster to not use pcdata
- ;to draw the dots, JCO 4/12/92
- out dx, ax
- xor ax, ax
- mov dx, CUR_X ; set X,Y back to 0,0
- out dx, ax
- mov dx, CUR_Y
- out dx, ax
- ; enable palette
- Wait_If_HW_Busy ; wait until HW is done
- cmp adexboard, 1 ; if adex board, we must assume a brooktree
- jne notadexdac ; dac at all resolutions > 1024x768
- cmp wdth, 1024 ;
- ja brooktree ; jmp if using special Brooktree RAMDAC
- notadexdac:
- ; mov dx, 2EAh ; set palette mask ** done above
- ; mov al, 0FFh
- ; out dx, al
- jmp paletteinitdone
- brooktree: ; brooktree DAC requires special
- mov dx, 2ECh ; configuration. This DAC is required
- mov al, 04h ; for 1280x1024 resolution, and it is not
- out dx, al ; totally compatible with the standard RAMDAC
- mov dx, 2EAh
- mov al, 0FFh ; This code enables the DAC for proper operation
- out dx, al
- mov dx, 2ECh
- mov al, 05h
- out dx, al
- mov dx, 2EAh
- mov al, 0h
- out dx, al
- mov dx, 2ECh
- mov al, 06h
- out dx, al
- mov dx, 2EAh
- mov al, 040h
- out dx, al
- paletteinitdone:
- ; push bx ; This works if another video mode is used first. JCO 4/9/92
- ; push cx ; Using load8514dacbox, above, sets the 8514/A palette.
- ; call w8514hwpal ; set 8514 palette
- ; pop cx
- ; pop bx
- mov ax, bx
- sub ax, sxdots ;save centering factor
- shr ax, 1
- mov xadj, ax
- mov ax, cx
- sub ax, sydots
- shr ax, 1
- mov yadj, ax
- clc ; no errors
- ret
- open8514hw endp
- ;reopen8514hw proc near
- ; Return to 8514/A after VGA
- ; call enableHIRES
- ; ret
- ;reopen8514hw endp
- fr85hwwdot proc near
- ; draws a pixel at cx,dx of color al
- mov bx, dx ; temporary save of dx (y position)
- push ax ; need to save ax register (color)
- pop ax
- mov dx, FRGD_COLOR
- out dx, ax
- add cx, xadj
- mov ax, cx
- mov dx, CUR_X
- out dx, ax ; set x position
- mov ax, bx ; put y position into ax
- add ax, yadj
- ;******* not needed by Graphics Ultra, may be needed by others.
- ;******* would only be needed in 640x480x16 mode, 512K video memory
- ; cmp bpp4x640, 1
- ; jne wdotnorm
- ; TRANSY ;flag set, translate y value
- ;wdotnorm:
- mov dx, CUR_Y
- out dx, ax ; set y position
- ; next, set up command register
- Out_Port SHORT_STROKE, <VECDIR_000 or SSVDRAW or 0> ; plot 1 pixel
- ret
- fr85hwwdot endp
- fr85hwwbox proc near uses si
- ; copies a line of data from ds:si to the display from cx,dx to ax,dx
- sub ax, cx ; delta is now in ax, 8514/a uses deltas
- mov bx, ax ; temporary save
- push dx ; need to save dx register (y value)
- pop ax
- add ax, yadj
- ;******* not needed by Graphics Ultra, may be needed by others.
- ;******* would only be needed in 640x480x16 mode, 512K video memory
- ; cmp bpp4x640, 1
- ; jne wboxnorm
- ; TRANSY ;flag set, translate y value
- ;wboxnorm:
- mov dx, CUR_Y
- out dx, ax ; y position
- add cx, xadj
- mov ax, cx
- mov dx, CUR_X
- out dx, ax ; x position
- mov ax, bx
- mov dx, MAJ_AXIS_PCNT
- out dx, ax ; line length delta
- Out_Port FRGD_MIX, <FSS_PCDATA or MIX_SRC> ;set mix
- mov cx, bx ; number of pixels delta
- inc cx ; number of bytes to move
- shr cx, 1 ; number of words to move
- jnc evn ; carry set if odd number of bytes
- inc cx ; write last byte
- evn:
- or DRAW or WRTDATA or VECDIR_000>
- cld
- mov dx, PIX_TRANS
- rep outsw
- Out_Port FRGD_MIX, <FSS_FRGDCOL or MIX_SRC> ;reset mix
- ret
- fr85hwwbox endp
- fr85hwrdot proc near
- ; Reads a single pixel (x,y = cx,dx). Color returned in ax
- push dx ; need to save dx register (y value)
- pop ax ; put y position into ax
- add ax, yadj
- ;******* not needed by Graphics Ultra, may be needed by others.
- ;******* would only be needed in 640x480x16 mode, 512K video memory
- ; cmp bpp4x640, 1
- ; jne rdotnorm
- ; TRANSY ;flag set, translate y value
- ;rdotnorm:
- mov dx, CUR_Y
- out dx, ax ; set y position
- mov ax, cx ; put x position into ax
- add ax, xadj
- mov dx, CUR_X
- out dx, ax ; set x position
- ; next, set up command register
- Out_Port SHORT_STROKE, <VECDIR_000 or SSVDRAW or 0> ; move to pixel
- Wait_Till_Data_Avail ; make sure data is available to read
- ret
- fr85hwrdot endp
- fr85hwrbox proc near uses es
- ; copies a line of data from cx,dx to ax,dx to es:di
- mov bx, ds ;set up string write
- mov es, bx
- sub ax, cx ; delta is now in ax, 8514/a uses deltas
- mov bx, ax ; temporary save
- push dx ; need to save dx register
- pop ax ; put y value in ax
- add ax, yadj
- ;******* not needed by Graphics Ultra, may be needed by others.
- ;******* would only be needed in 640x480x16 mode, 512K video memory
- ; cmp bpp4x640, 1
- ; jne rboxnorm
- ; TRANSY ;flag set, translate y value
- ;rboxnorm:
- mov dx, CUR_Y
- out dx, ax ; y position
- add cx, xadj
- mov ax, cx
- mov dx, CUR_X
- out dx, ax ; x position
- mov ax, bx
- mov dx, MAJ_AXIS_PCNT
- out dx, ax ; line length delta
- mov cx, bx ; number of pixels delta
- inc cx ; number of bytes to move
- shr cx, 1 ; number of words to move
- jnc revn ; carry set if odd number of bytes
- inc cx ; read last byte
- revn:
- or DRAW or VECDIR_000>
- cld ; di is already set when routine is entered
- Wait_Till_Data_Avail ; wait until data is available
- mov dx, PIX_TRANS
- rep insw
- ret
- fr85hwrbox endp
- ; enableVGA causes the VGA pass-through to be enabled.
- ; This was mostly written by Roger Brown, and optimized and updated by
- ; Aaron Williams
- enableVGA PROC USES ds es si di
- ; disable DAC mask
- mov al, 0
- Out_Port_Byte DAC_MASK, al
- Wait_For_Vsync
- ; use VGA lock up palette for Hi Res mode 8514/a display
- xor bx, bx ; Initial palette entry
- read_palette_loop:
- mov di, OFFSET __temp_palette ; Buffer address
- mov al, bl ; [1] VGA 3C8h register is byte
- ; register, use byte output only
- mov dx, 3c8h ; VGA_DAC_W reg.
- out dx, al
- mov dx, 3c7h ; set VGA DAC read index
- out dx, al ; any write change mode
- mov cx, TEMP_SIZE ; Number of bytes to read each pass
- mov dx, 3c9h ; VGA_DAC_DATA_REG
- mov ax, ds ; Segment of _temp_palette[]
- mov es, ax
- cld
- rep insb ; Read in the palette
- ; BX->start_index, CX->count, DS:DI->DWORD
- Out_Port_Byte DAC_W_INDEX, bl
- cli
- cld
- mov si, OFFSET __temp_palette ; Buffer address
- mov dx, DAC_DATA
- mov cx, (TEMP_SIZE ) ; Number of entries to write each pass
- rep outsb ; update the DAC data
- sti
- mov cx, (TEMP_SIZE / 3)
- add bx, cx
- cmp bx, NUM_ENTRIES
- jl read_palette_loop
- ; reading vga DAC mask and writing to 8514 DAC mask 02EA
- mov dx, 3c6h
- in al, dx
- Out_Port_Byte DAC_MASK, al
- ; enable vga pass-through mode
- mov ax, Gra_mode_ctl_sh ; Read shadow register.
- ; [2] No FIFO checking needed for
- ; 4AE8h register.
- and ax, BIT_0_OFF ; Set for VGA pass-through mode.
- mov Gra_mode_ctl_sh, ax
- Out_Port ADVFUNC_CNTL, ax;
- ret
- enableVGA ENDP
- close8514hw proc near
- ; Re-enables VGA pass-through.
- cmp adexboard, 0
- je close_notAdex ; Don't call enableVGA if not Adex, JCO 4/4/92
- call enableVGA ; This seems to transfer the dac from
- ; the VGA to the 8514/A and then enable
- ; VGA mode!!!
- mov si, offset mode1024
- mov dx, WD_ESCAPE_REG ; program WD
- in al, dx
- outsw
- close_notAdex:
- cmp ati_enhance_mode, 0
- je close_notati
- mov ax, 0 ; load defaults into shadow sets
- call dword ptr [loadset]
- mov ax, 0 ; set VGA passthrough
- call dword ptr [setmode]
- close_notati:
- mov dx, ADVFUNC_CNTL
- mov ax, 6
- out dx, ax ; enable VGA
- ret
- close8514hw endp
- ; This routine sets 320x200x256 VGA mode and then loads dacbox, JCO 4/11/92
- load8514dacbox proc near uses es
- mov ax,13h ; switch to 320x200x256 mode
- int 10h
- push ds ; ...
- pop es ; ...
- mov ax,1017h ; get the old DAC values
- mov bx,0 ; (assuming, of course, they exist)
- mov cx,256 ; ...
- mov dx,offset dacbox ; ...
- int 10h ; do it.
- ret
- load8514dacbox endp