home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*
- Command-line / Command-File Parser Routines
- */
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <float.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include <time.h>
- #include <math.h>
- #ifndef XFRACT
- #include <bios.h>
- #endif
- #include "fractint.h"
- #include "fractype.h"
- /*#ifdef __TURBOC__
- #include <dir.h>
- #endif */
- #include "prototyp.h"
- #ifdef XFRACT
- #define DEFAULT_PRINTER 5 /* Assume a Postscript printer */
- #define PRT_RESOLUTION 100 /* Assume medium resolution */
- #define INIT_GIF87 0 /* Turn on GIF 89a processing */
- #else
- #define DEFAULT_PRINTER 2 /* Assume an IBM/Epson printer */
- #define PRT_RESOLUTION 60 /* Assume low resolution */
- #define INIT_GIF87 0 /* Turn on GIF 89a processing */
- #endif
- static int cmdfile(FILE *,int);
- static int next_command(char *,int,FILE *,char *,int *,int);
- static int next_line(FILE *,char *,int);
- int cmdarg(char *,int);
- static void argerror(char *);
- static void initvars_run(void);
- static void initvars_restart(void);
- static void initvars_fractal(void);
- static void initvars_3d(void);
- static void reset_ifs_defn(void);
- static void parse_textcolors(char *value);
- static int parse_colors(char *value);
- static int parse_printer(char *value);
- static int get_bf(bf_t, char *);
- /* variables defined by the command line/files processor */
- int pseudox=0; /* xdots to use for video independence */
- int pseudoy=0; /* ydots to use for video independence */
- int bfdigits=0; /* digits to use (force) for bf_math */
- int showdot; /* color to show crawling graphics cursor */
- char start_showorbit=0; /* show orbits on at start of fractal */
- char temp1[256]; /* temporary strings */
- char readname[FILE_MAX_PATH];/* name of fractal input file */
- char tempdir[FILE_MAX_DIR] = {""}; /* name of temporary directory */
- char workdir[FILE_MAX_DIR] = {""}; /* name of directory for misc files */
- char gifmask[13] = {""};
- char PrintName[FILE_MAX_PATH]={"fract001.prn"}; /* Name for print-to-file */
- char savename[FILE_MAX_PATH]={"fract001"}; /* save files using this name */
- char autoname[FILE_MAX_PATH]={"auto.key"}; /* record auto keystrokes here */
- int potflag=0; /* continuous potential enabled? */
- int pot16bit; /* store 16 bit continuous potential values */
- int gif87a_flag; /* 1 if GIF87a format, 0 otherwise */
- int dither_flag; /* 1 if want to dither GIFs */
- int askvideo; /* flag for video prompting */
- char floatflag;
- int biomorph; /* flag for biomorph */
- int usr_biomorph;
- int forcesymmetry; /* force symmetry */
- int showfile; /* zero if file display pending */
- int rflag, rseed; /* Random number seeding flag and value */
- int decomp[2]; /* Decomposition coloring */
- int distest;
- int distestwidth;
- char overwrite = 0; /* 0 if file overwrite not allowed */
- int soundflag; /* 0 if sound is off, 1 if on */
- int basehertz; /* sound=x/y/x hertz value */
- int debugflag; /* internal use only - you didn't see this */
- int timerflag; /* you didn't see this, either */
- int cyclelimit; /* color-rotator upper limit */
- int inside; /* inside color: 1=blue */
- int fillcolor; /* fillcolor: -1=normal */
- int outside; /* outside color */
- int finattract; /* finite attractor logic */
- int display3d; /* 3D display flag: 0 = OFF */
- int overlay3d; /* 3D overlay flag: 0 = OFF */
- int init3d[20]; /* '3d=nn/nn/nn/...' values */
- int checkcurdir; /* flag to check current dir for files */
- int initbatch; /* 1 if batch run (no kbd) */
- int initsavetime; /* autosave minutes */
- _CMPLX initorbit; /* initial orbitvalue */
- char useinitorbit; /* flag for initorbit */
- int initmode; /* initial video mode */
- int initcyclelimit; /* initial cycle limit */
- BYTE usemag; /* use center-mag corners */
- long bailout; /* user input bailout value */
- enum bailouts bailoutest; /* test used for determining bailout */
- double inversion[3]; /* radius, xcenter, ycenter */
- int rotate_lo,rotate_hi; /* cycling color range */
- int far *ranges; /* iter->color ranges mapping */
- int rangeslen = 0; /* size of ranges array */
- BYTE far *mapdacbox = NULL; /* map= (default colors) */
- int colorstate; /* 0, dacbox matches default (bios or map=) */
- /* 1, dacbox matches no known defined map */
- /* 2, dacbox matches the colorfile map */
- int colorpreloaded; /* if dacbox preloaded for next mode select */
- int save_release; /* release creating PAR file*/
- char dontreadcolor=0; /* flag for reading color from GIF */
- int Targa_Out = 0;
- char colorfile[FILE_MAX_PATH];/* from last <l> <s> or colors=@filename */
- int functionpreloaded; /* if function loaded for new bifs, JCO 7/5/92 */
- float screenaspect = DEFAULTASPECT; /* aspect ratio of the screen */
- float aspectdrift = DEFAULTASPECTDRIFT; /* how much drift is allowed and */
- /* still forced to screenaspect */
- /* TARGA+ variables */
- int TPlusFlag; /* Use the TARGA+ if found */
- int MaxColorRes; /* Default Color Resolution if available */
- int PixelZoom; /* TPlus Zoom Level */
- int NonInterlaced; /* Non-Interlaced video flag */
- int orbitsave = 0; /* for IFS and LORENZ to output acrospin file */
- int orbit_delay; /* clock ticks delating orbit release */
- int transparent[2]; /* transparency min/max values */
- int LogFlag; /* Logarithmic palette flag: 0 = no */
- BYTE exitmode = 3; /* video mode on exit */
- char ai_8514; /* Flag for using 8514a afi JCO 4/11/92 */
- int bios_palette; /* set to 1 to force BIOS palette updates */
- int escape_exit; /* set to 1 to avoid the "are you sure?" screen */
- int first_init=1; /* first time into cmdfiles? */
- static int init_rseed;
- static char initcorners,initparams;
- struct fractalspecificstuff far *curfractalspecific;
- char FormFileName[FILE_MAX_PATH];/* file to find (type=)formulas in */
- char FormName[ITEMNAMELEN+1]; /* Name of the Formula (if not null) */
- char LFileName[FILE_MAX_PATH]; /* file to find (type=)L-System's in */
- char LName[ITEMNAMELEN+1]; /* Name of L-System */
- char CommandFile[FILE_MAX_PATH]; /* file to find command sets in */
- char CommandName[ITEMNAMELEN+1]; /* Name of Command set */
- char CommandComment1[57]; /* comments for command set */
- char CommandComment2[57];
- char CommandComment3[57];
- char CommandComment4[57];
- char IFSFileName[FILE_MAX_PATH];/* file to find (type=)IFS in */
- char IFSName[ITEMNAMELEN+1]; /* Name of the IFS def'n (if not null) */
- float far *ifs_defn = NULL; /* ifs parameters */
- int ifs_type; /* 0=2d, 1=3d */
- int slides = 0; /* 1 autokey=play, 2 autokey=record */
- BYTE txtcolor[]={
- BLUE*16+L_WHITE, /* C_TITLE title background */
- BLUE*16+L_GREEN, /* C_TITLE_DEV development vsn foreground */
- GREEN*16+YELLOW, /* C_HELP_HDG help page title line */
- WHITE*16+BLACK, /* C_HELP_BODY help page body */
- GREEN*16+GRAY, /* C_HELP_INSTR help page instr at bottom */
- WHITE*16+BLUE, /* C_HELP_LINK help page links */
- CYAN*16+BLUE, /* C_HELP_CURLINK help page current link */
- WHITE*16+GRAY, /* C_PROMPT_BKGRD prompt/choice background */
- WHITE*16+BLACK, /* C_PROMPT_TEXT prompt/choice extra info */
- BLUE*16+WHITE, /* C_PROMPT_LO prompt/choice text */
- BLUE*16+L_WHITE, /* C_PROMPT_MED prompt/choice hdg2/... */
- BLUE*16+YELLOW, /* C_PROMPT_HI prompt/choice hdg/cur/... */
- GREEN*16+L_WHITE, /* C_PROMPT_INPUT fullscreen_prompt input */
- CYAN*16+L_WHITE, /* C_PROMPT_CHOOSE fullscreen_prompt choice */
- MAGENTA*16+L_WHITE, /* C_CHOICE_CURRENT fullscreen_choice input */
- BLACK*16+WHITE, /* C_CHOICE_SP_INSTR speed key bar & instr */
- BLACK*16+L_MAGENTA, /* C_CHOICE_SP_KEYIN speed key value */
- WHITE*16+BLUE, /* C_GENERAL_HI tab, thinking, IFS */
- WHITE*16+BLACK, /* C_DVID_BKGRD disk video */
- RED*16+L_WHITE, /* C_STOP_ERR stop message, error */
- GREEN*16+BLACK, /* C_STOP_INFO stop message, info */
- BLUE*16+WHITE, /* C_TITLE_LOW bottom lines of title screen */
- GREEN*16+BLACK, /* C_AUTHDIV1 title screen dividers */
- GREEN*16+GRAY, /* C_AUTHDIV2 title screen dividers */
- BLACK*16+L_WHITE, /* C_PRIMARY primary authors */
- BLACK*16+WHITE /* C_CONTRIB contributing authors */
- };
- /* start of string literals cleanup */
- char s_atan[] = "atan";
- char s_iter[] = "iter";
- char s_real[] = "real";
- char s_mult[] = "mult";
- char s_sum[] = "summ";
- char s_imag[] = "imag";
- char s_zmag[] = "zmag";
- char s_bof60[] = "bof60";
- char s_bof61[] = "bof61";
- char s_maxiter[] = "maxiter";
- char s_epscross[] = "epsiloncross";
- char s_startrail[] = "startrail";
- char s_normal[] = "normal";
- char s_period[] = "period";
- char s_or[] = "or";
- char s_and[] = "and";
- char s_mod[] = "mod";
- char s_16bit[] = "16bit";
- char s_387[] = "387";
- char s_3d[] = "3d";
- char s_3dmode[] = "3dmode";
- char s_adapter[] = "adapter";
- char s_afi[] = "afi";
- char s_ambient[] = "ambient";
- char s_askvideo[] = "askvideo";
- char s_aspectdrift[] = "aspectdrift";
- char s_autokey[] = "autokey";
- char s_autokeyname[] = "autokeyname";
- char s_background[] = "background";
- char s_bailout[] = "bailout";
- char s_bailoutest[] = "bailoutest";
- char s_batch[] = "batch";
- char s_biomorph[] = "biomorph";
- char s_biospalette[] = "biospalette";
- char s_brief[] = "brief";
- char s_bright[] = "bright";
- char s_centermag[] = "center-mag";
- char s_cga[] = "cga";
- char s_coarse[] = "coarse";
- char s_colorps[] = "colorps";
- char s_colors[] = "colors";
- char s_comport[] = "comport";
- char s_converge[] = "converge";
- char s_corners[] = "corners";
- char s_cr[] = "cr";
- char s_crlf[] = "crlf";
- char s_crop[] = "crop";
- char s_cyclelimit[] = "cyclelimit";
- char s_cyclerange[] = "cyclerange";
- char s_curdir[] = "curdir";
- char s_debug[] = "debug";
- char s_debugflag[] = "debugflag";
- char s_decomp[] = "decomp";
- char s_distest[] = "distest";
- char s_dither[] = "dither";
- char s_ega[] = "ega";
- char s_egamono[] = "egamono";
- char s_epsf[] = "epsf";
- char s_exitmode[] = "exitmode";
- char s_exitnoask[] = "exitnoask";
- char s_filename[] = "filename";
- char s_fillcolor[] = "fillcolor";
- char s_filltype[] = "filltype";
- char s_finattract[] = "finattract";
- char s_float[] = "float";
- char s_formulafile[] = "formulafile";
- char s_formulaname[] = "formulaname";
- char s_fpu[] = "fpu";
- char s_fract001prn[] = "fract001.prn";
- char s_fullcolor[] = "fullcolor";
- char s_function[] = "function";
- char s_gif87a[] = "gif87a";
- char s_halftone[] = "halftone";
- char s_haze[] = "haze";
- char s_hertz[] = "hertz";
- char s_hgc[] = "hgc";
- char s_ifs[] = "ifs";
- char s_ifs3d[] = "ifs3d";
- char s_ifsfile[] = "ifsfile";
- char s_iit[] = "iit";
- char s_initorbit[] = "initorbit";
- char s_inside[] = "inside";
- char s_interocular[] = "interocular";
- char s_invert[] = "invert";
- char s_iterincr[] = "iterincr";
- char s_julibrot3d[] = "julibrot3d";
- char s_julibroteyes[] = "julibroteyes";
- char s_julibrotfromto[] = "julibrotfromto";
- char s_latitude[] = "latitude";
- char s_lf[] = "lf";
- char s_lfile[] = "lfile";
- char s_lightname[] = "lightname";
- char s_lightsource[] = "lightsource";
- char s_linefeed[] = "linefeed";
- char s_lname[] = "lname";
- char s_logmap[] = "logmap";
- char s_longitude[] = "longitude";
- char s_makedoc[] = "makedoc";
- char s_makemig[] = "makemig";
- char s_map[] = "map";
- char s_maxcolorres[] = "maxcolorres";
- char s_mcga[] = "mcga";
- char s_miim[] = "miim";
- char s_mono[] = "mono";
- char s_noiit[] = "noiit";
- char s_none[] = "none";
- char s_noninterlaced[] = "noninterlaced";
- char s_olddemmcolors[] = "olddemmcolors";
- char s_orbitdelay[] = "orbitdelay";
- char s_orbitname[] = "orbitname";
- char s_orbitsave[] = "orbitsave";
- char s_origin[] = "origin";
- char s_outside[] = "outside";
- char s_overlay[] = "overlay";
- char s_overwrite[] = "overwrite";
- char s_params[] = "params";
- char s_parmfile[] = "parmfile";
- char s_passes[] = "passes";
- char s_periodicity[] = "periodicity";
- char s_perspective[] = "perspective";
- char s_pi[] = "pi";
- char s_pixel[] = "pixel";
- char s_pixelzoom[] = "pixelzoom";
- char s_play[] = "play";
- char s_plotstyle[] = "plotstyle";
- char s_potential[] = "potential";
- char s_preview[] = "preview";
- char s_printer[] = "printer";
- char s_printfile[] = "printfile";
- char s_radius[] = "radius";
- char s_ramvideo[] = "ramvideo";
- char s_randomize[] = "randomize";
- char s_ranges[] = "ranges";
- char s_ray[] = "ray";
- char s_record[] = "record";
- char s_release[] = "release";
- char s_reset[] = "reset";
- char s_rleps[] = "rleps";
- char s_rotation[] = "rotation";
- char s_roughness[] = "roughness";
- char s_rseed[] = "rseed";
- char s_savename[] = "savename";
- char s_savetime[] = "savetime";
- char s_scalexyz[] = "scalexyz";
- char s_showbox[] = "showbox";
- char s_showdot[] = "showdot";
- char s_showorbit[] = "showorbit";
- char s_smoothing[] = "smoothing";
- char s_sound[] = "sound";
- char s_sphere[] = "sphere";
- char s_stereo[] = "stereo";
- char s_symmetry[] = "symmetry";
- char s_targa_out[] = "targa_out";
- char s_tempdir[] = "tempdir";
- char s_workdir[] = "workdir";
- char s_usegrayscale[] = "usegrayscale";
- char s_monitorwidth[] = "monitorwidth";
- char s_targa_overlay[] = "targa_overlay";
- char s_textcolors[] = "textcolors";
- char s_textsafe[] = "textsafe";
- char s_title[] = "title";
- char s_tplus[] = "tplus";
- char s_translate[] = "translate";
- char s_transparent[] = "transparent";
- char s_type[] = "type";
- char s_vesadetect[] = "vesadetect";
- char s_vga[] = "vga";
- char s_video[] = "video";
- char s_viewwindows[] = "viewwindows";
- char s_warn[] = "warn";
- char s_waterline[] = "waterline";
- char s_xaxis[] = "xaxis";
- char s_xyadjust[] = "xyadjust";
- char s_xyaxis[] = "xyaxis";
- char s_xyshift[] = "xyshift";
- char s_yaxis [] = "yaxis";
- char s_sin [] = "sin";
- char s_sinh [] = "sinh";
- char s_cos [] = "cos";
- char s_cosh [] = "cosh";
- char s_sqr [] = "sqr";
- char s_log [] = "log";
- char s_exp [] = "exp";
- char s_abs [] = "abs";
- char s_conj [] = "conj";
- char s_fn1 [] = "fn1";
- char s_fn2 [] = "fn2";
- char s_fn3 [] = "fn3";
- char s_fn4 [] = "fn4";
- char s_flip [] = "flip";
- char s_tan [] = "tan";
- char s_tanh [] = "tanh";
- char s_cotan [] = "cotan";
- char s_cotanh [] = "cotanh";
- char s_cosxx [] = "cosxx";
- char s_srand [] = "srand";
- char s_recip [] = "recip";
- char s_ident [] = "ident";
- char s_zero [] = "zero";
- char s_asin [] = "asin";
- char s_asinh [] = "asinh";
- char s_acos [] = "acos";
- char s_acosh [] = "acosh";
- char s_atanh [] = "atanh";
- char s_cabs [] = "cabs";
- char s_sqrt [] = "sqrt";
- char s_bfdigits [] = "bfdigits";
- static char s_sstoolsini [] = "sstools.ini";
- static char s_fractintfrm [] = "fractint.frm";
- static char s_fractintl [] = "fractint.l";
- static char s_fractintpar [] = "fractint.par";
- static char s_fractintifs [] = "fractint.ifs";
- static char s_commandline [] = "command line";
- static char s_at_cmd [] = "PAR file";
- char far s_escapetoabort[] = "Press Escape to abort, any other key to continue";
- char far s_pressanykeytocontinue[] = "press any key to continue";
- /*
- cmdfiles(argc,argv) process the command-line arguments
- it also processes the 'sstools.ini' file and any
- indirect files ('fractint @myfile')
- */
- /* This probably ought to go somewhere else, but it's used here. */
- /* getpower10(x) returns the magnitude of x. This rounds */
- /* a little so 9.95 rounds to 10, but we're using a binary base anyway, */
- /* so there's nothing magic about changing to the next power of 10. */
- int getpower10(LDBL x)
- {
- char string[11]; /* space for "+x.xe-xxxx" */
- int p;
- sprintf(string,"%+.1Le", x);
- #else
- sprintf(string,"%+.1le", x);
- #endif
- p = atoi(string+5);
- return p;
- }
- int cmdfiles(int argc,char **argv)
- {
- int i;
- char curarg[141];
- char tempstring[101];
- char *sptr;
- FILE *initfile;
- if (first_init) initvars_run(); /* once per run initialization */
- initvars_restart(); /* <ins> key initialization */
- initvars_fractal(); /* image initialization */
- findpath(s_sstoolsini, tempstring); /* look for SSTOOLS.INI */
- if (tempstring[0] != 0) /* found it! */
- if ((initfile = fopen(tempstring,"r")) != NULL)
- cmdfile(initfile,1); /* process it */
- for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { /* cycle through args */
- #ifdef XFRACT
- /* Let the xfract code take a look at the argument */
- if (unixarg(argc,argv,&i)) continue;
- #endif
- strcpy(curarg,argv[i]);
- if (curarg[0] == ';') /* start of comments? */
- break;
- if (curarg[0] != '@') { /* simple command? */
- if (strchr(curarg,'=') == NULL) { /* not xxx=yyy, so check for gif */
- strcpy(tempstring,curarg);
- if (has_ext(curarg) == NULL)
- strcat(tempstring,".gif");
- if ((initfile = fopen(tempstring,"rb")) != NULL) {
- fread(tempstring,6,1,initfile);
- if ( tempstring[0] == 'G'
- && tempstring[1] == 'I'
- && tempstring[2] == 'F'
- && tempstring[3] >= '8' && tempstring[3] <= '9'
- && tempstring[4] >= '0' && tempstring[4] <= '9') {
- strcpy(readname,curarg);
- extract_filename(browsename,readname);
- curarg[0] = (char)(showfile = 0);
- }
- fclose(initfile);
- }
- }
- if (curarg[0])
- cmdarg(curarg,0); /* process simple command */
- }
- else if ((sptr = strchr(curarg,'/')) != NULL) { /* @filename/setname? */
- *sptr = 0;
- if(merge_pathnames(CommandFile, &curarg[1], 0) < 0)
- init_msg(0,"",CommandFile,0);
- strcpy(CommandName,sptr+1);
- if(find_file_item(CommandFile,CommandName,&initfile)<0 || initfile==NULL)
- argerror(curarg);
- cmdfile(initfile,3);
- }
- else { /* @filename */
- if ((initfile = fopen(&curarg[1],"r")) == NULL)
- argerror(curarg);
- cmdfile(initfile,0);
- }
- }
- if (first_init == 0) {
- initmode = -1; /* don't set video when <ins> key used */
- showfile = 1; /* nor startup image file */
- }
- init_msg(0,"",NULL,0); /* this causes getakey if init_msg called on runup */
- if(debugflag != 110)
- first_init = 0;
- /* {
- char msg[80];
- sprintf(msg,"cmdfiles colorpreloaded %d showfile %d savedac %d",
- colorpreloaded, showfile, savedac);
- stopmsg(0,msg);
- }
- */
- if(colorpreloaded && showfile==0) /* PAR reads a file and sets color */
- dontreadcolor = 1; /* don't read colors from GIF */
- else
- dontreadcolor = 0; /* read colors from GIF */
- return(0);
- }
- int load_commands(FILE *infile)
- {
- /* when called, file is open in binary mode, positioned at the */
- /* '(' or '{' following the desired parameter set's name */
- int ret;
- initcorners = initparams = 0; /* reset flags for type= */
- ret = cmdfile(infile,2);
- /*
- {
- char msg[80];
- sprintf(msg,"load commands colorpreloaded %d showfile %d savedac %d",
- colorpreloaded, showfile, savedac);
- stopmsg(0,msg);
- }
- */
- if(colorpreloaded && showfile==0) /* PAR reads a file and sets color */
- dontreadcolor = 1; /* don't read colors from GIF */
- else
- dontreadcolor = 0; /* read colors from GIF */
- return ret;
- }
- static void initvars_run() /* once per run init */
- {
- char *p;
- init_rseed = (int)time(NULL);
- if((p = getenv("TMP")) == NULL)
- p = getenv("TEMP");
- if(p != NULL)
- {
- if(isadirectory(p) != 0)
- {
- strcpy(tempdir,p);
- fix_dirname(tempdir);
- }
- }
- else
- *tempdir = 0;
- }
- static void initvars_restart() /* <ins> key init */
- {
- save_release = release; /* this release number */
- gif87a_flag = INIT_GIF87; /* turn on GIF89a processing */
- dither_flag = 0; /* no dithering */
- askvideo = 1; /* turn on video-prompt flag */
- overwrite = 0; /* don't overwrite */
- soundflag = -1; /* sound is on */
- basehertz = 440; /* basic hertz rate */
- initbatch = 0; /* not in batch mode */
- checkcurdir = 0; /* flag to check current dire for files */
- initsavetime = 0; /* no auto-save */
- initmode = -1; /* no initial video mode */
- viewwindow = 0; /* no view window */
- viewreduction = (float)4.2;
- viewcrop = 1;
- ai_8514 = 0; /* no need for the 8514 API */
- finalaspectratio = screenaspect;
- viewxdots = viewydots = 0;
- orbit_delay = 0; /* full speed orbits */
- debugflag = 0; /* debugging flag(s) are off */
- timerflag = 0; /* timer flags are off */
- far_strcpy(FormFileName,s_fractintfrm); /* default formula file */
- FormName[0] = 0;
- far_strcpy(LFileName,s_fractintl);
- LName[0] = 0;
- far_strcpy(CommandFile,s_fractintpar);
- CommandName[0] = CommandComment1[0] = CommandComment2[0] = 0;
- CommandComment3[0] = CommandComment4[0] = 0;
- far_strcpy(IFSFileName,s_fractintifs);
- IFSName[0] = 0;
- reset_ifs_defn();
- rflag = 0; /* not a fixed srand() seed */
- rseed = init_rseed;
- strcpy(readname,DOTSLASH); /* initially current directory */
- showfile = 1;
- /* next should perhaps be fractal re-init, not just <ins> ? */
- initcyclelimit=55; /* spin-DAC default speed limit */
- mapset = 0; /* no map= name active */
- if (mapdacbox) {
- farmemfree(mapdacbox);
- mapdacbox = NULL;
- }
- TPlusFlag = 1;
- MaxColorRes = 8;
- PixelZoom = 0;
- NonInterlaced = 0;
- Printer_Type = DEFAULT_PRINTER; /* assume an IBM/EPSON */
- Printer_Resolution = PRT_RESOLUTION; /* assume low resolution */
- Printer_Titleblock = 0; /* assume no title block */
- Printer_ColorXlat = 0; /* assume positive image */
- Printer_SetScreen = 0; /* assume default screen */
- Printer_SFrequency = 45; /* New screen frequency K */
- Printer_SAngle = 45; /* New screen angle K */
- Printer_SStyle = 1; /* New screen style K */
- Printer_RFrequency = 45; /* New screen frequency R */
- Printer_RAngle = 75; /* New screen angle R */
- Printer_RStyle = 1; /* New screen style R */
- Printer_GFrequency = 45; /* New screen frequency G */
- Printer_GAngle = 15; /* New screen angle G */
- Printer_GStyle = 1; /* New screen style G */
- Printer_BFrequency = 45; /* New screen frequency B */
- Printer_BAngle = 0; /* New screen angle B */
- Printer_BStyle = 1; /* New screen style B */
- #ifndef XFRACT
- Print_To_File = 0; /* No print-to-file */
- Printer_CRLF = 0; /* Assume CR+LF */
- #else
- Print_To_File = 1; /* Print-to-file */
- Printer_CRLF = 2; /* Assume LF */
- Printer_Compress = 0; /* Assume NO PostScript compression */
- #endif
- EPSFileType = 0; /* Assume no save to .EPS */
- LPTNumber = 1; /* assume LPT1 */
- ColorPS = 0; /* Assume NO Color PostScr*/
- major_method = breadth_first; /* default inverse julia methods */
- minor_method = left_first; /* default inverse julia methods */
- }
- static void initvars_fractal() /* init vars affecting calculation */
- {
- int i;
- bios_palette = 0; /* don't force use of a BIOS palette */
- escape_exit = 0; /* don't disable the "are you sure?" screen */
- usr_periodicitycheck = 1; /* turn on periodicity */
- inside = 1; /* inside color = blue */
- fillcolor = -1; /* no special fill color */
- usr_biomorph = -1; /* turn off biomorph flag */
- outside = -1; /* outside color = -1 (not used) */
- maxit = 150; /* initial maxiter */
- usr_stdcalcmode = 'g'; /* initial solid-guessing */
- #ifndef XFRACT
- usr_floatflag = 0; /* turn off the float flag */
- #else
- usr_floatflag = 1; /* turn on the float flag */
- #endif
- finattract = 0; /* disable finite attractor logic */
- fractype = 0; /* initial type Set flag */
- curfractalspecific = &fractalspecific[0];
- initcorners = initparams = 0;
- bailout = 0; /* no user-entered bailout */
- useinitorbit = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < MAXPARAMS; i++) param[i] = 0.0; /* initial parameter values */
- for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) potparam[i] = 0.0; /* initial potential values */
- for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) inversion[i] = 0.0; /* initial invert values */
- initorbit.x = initorbit.y = 0.0; /* initial orbit values */
- invert = 0;
- decomp[0] = decomp[1] = 0;
- usr_distest = 0;
- pseudox = 0;
- pseudoy = 0;
- distestwidth = 71;
- forcesymmetry = 999; /* symmetry not forced */
- xx3rd = xxmin = -2.5; xxmax = 1.5; /* initial corner values */
- yy3rd = yymin = -1.5; yymax = 1.5; /* initial corner values */
- bf_math = 0;
- pot16bit = potflag = 0;
- LogFlag = 0; /* no logarithmic palette */
- set_trig_array(0,s_sin); /* trigfn defaults */
- set_trig_array(1,s_sqr);
- set_trig_array(2,s_sinh);
- set_trig_array(3,s_cosh);
- if (rangeslen) {
- farmemfree((char far *)ranges);
- rangeslen = 0;
- }
- usemag = 0; /* use corners, not center-mag */
- colorstate = colorpreloaded = 0;
- rotate_lo = 1; rotate_hi = 255; /* color cycling default range */
- display3d = 0; /* 3D display is off */
- overlay3d = 0; /* 3D overlay is off */
- old_demm_colors = 0;
- bailoutest = Mod;
- floatbailout = (int (near *)(void))fpMODbailout;
- longbailout = (int (near *)(void))asmlMODbailout;
- bignumbailout = (int (near *)(void))bnMODbailout;
- bigfltbailout = (int (near *)(void))bfMODbailout;
- functionpreloaded = 0; /* for old bifs JCO 7/5/92 */
- mxminfp = -.83;
- myminfp = -.25;
- mxmaxfp = -.83;
- mymaxfp = .25;
- originfp = 8;
- heightfp = 7;
- widthfp = 10;
- distfp = 24;
- eyesfp = (float)2.5;
- depthfp = 8;
- neworbittype = JULIA;
- zdots = 128;
- initvars_3d();
- }
- static void initvars_3d() /* init vars affecting 3d */
- {
- RAY = 0;
- BRIEF = 0;
- preview = 0;
- showbox = 0;
- xadjust = 0;
- yadjust = 0;
- eyeseparation = 0;
- glassestype = 0;
- previewfactor = 20;
- red_crop_left = 4;
- red_crop_right = 0;
- blue_crop_left = 0;
- blue_crop_right = 4;
- red_bright = 80;
- blue_bright = 100;
- transparent[0] = transparent[1] = 0; /* no min/max transparency */
- set_3d_defaults();
- }
- static void reset_ifs_defn()
- {
- if (ifs_defn) {
- farmemfree((char far *)ifs_defn);
- ifs_defn = NULL;
- }
- }
- static int cmdfile(FILE *handle,int mode)
- /* mode = 0 command line @filename */
- /* 1 sstools.ini */
- /* 2 <@> command after startup */
- /* 3 command line @filename/setname */
- {
- /* note that cmdfile could be open as text OR as binary */
- /* binary is used in @ command processing for reasonable speed note/point */
- int i;
- int lineoffset = 0;
- int changeflag = 0; /* &1 fractal stuff chgd, &2 3d stuff chgd */
- char linebuf[513],*cmdbuf;
- char far *savesuffix;
- /* use near array suffix for large argument buffer, but save existing
- contents to extraseg */
- cmdbuf = (char *)suffix;
- savesuffix = MK_FP(extraseg,0);
- far_memcpy(savesuffix,suffix,10000);
- far_memset(suffix,0,10000);
- if (mode == 2 || mode == 3) {
- while ((i = getc(handle)) != '{' && i != EOF) { }
- CommandComment1[0] = CommandComment2[0] = 0;
- CommandComment3[0] = CommandComment4[0] = 0;
- }
- linebuf[0] = 0;
- while (next_command(cmdbuf,10000,handle,linebuf,&lineoffset,mode) > 0) {
- if ((mode == 2 || mode == 3) && strcmp(cmdbuf,"}") == 0) break;
- if ((i = cmdarg(cmdbuf,mode)) < 0) break;
- changeflag |= i;
- }
- fclose(handle);
- #ifdef XFRACT
- initmode = 0; /* Skip credits if @file is used. */
- #endif
- far_memcpy(suffix,savesuffix,10000);
- if(changeflag&1)
- {
- backwards_v18();
- backwards_v19();
- }
- return changeflag;
- }
- static int next_command(char *cmdbuf,int maxlen,
- FILE *handle,char *linebuf,int *lineoffset,int mode)
- {
- int cmdlen = 0;
- char *lineptr;
- lineptr = linebuf + *lineoffset;
- for(;;) {
- while (*lineptr <= ' ' || *lineptr == ';') {
- if (cmdlen) { /* space or ; marks end of command */
- cmdbuf[cmdlen] = 0;
- *lineoffset = lineptr - linebuf;
- return cmdlen;
- }
- while (*lineptr && *lineptr <= ' ')
- ++lineptr; /* skip spaces and tabs */
- if (*lineptr == ';' || *lineptr == 0) {
- if (*lineptr == ';'
- && (mode == 2 || mode == 3)
- && (CommandComment1[0] == 0 || CommandComment2[0] == 0 ||
- CommandComment3[0] == 0 || CommandComment4[0] == 0)) {
- /* save comment */
- while (*(++lineptr)
- && (*lineptr == ' ' || *lineptr == '\t')) { }
- if (*lineptr) {
- if (strlen(lineptr) > 56)
- *(lineptr+56) = 0;
- if (CommandComment1[0] == 0)
- far_strcpy(CommandComment1,lineptr);
- else if (CommandComment2[0] == 0)
- far_strcpy(CommandComment2,lineptr);
- else if (CommandComment3[0] == 0)
- far_strcpy(CommandComment3,lineptr);
- else
- far_strcpy(CommandComment4,lineptr);
- }
- }
- if (next_line(handle,linebuf,mode) != 0)
- return(-1); /* eof */
- lineptr = linebuf; /* start new line */
- }
- }
- if (*lineptr == '\\' /* continuation onto next line? */
- && *(lineptr+1) == 0) {
- if (next_line(handle,linebuf,mode) != 0) {
- argerror(cmdbuf); /* missing continuation */
- return(-1);
- }
- lineptr = linebuf;
- while (*lineptr && *lineptr <= ' ')
- ++lineptr; /* skip white space @ start next line */
- continue; /* loop to check end of line again */
- }
- cmdbuf[cmdlen] = *(lineptr++); /* copy character to command buffer */
- if (++cmdlen >= maxlen) { /* command too long? */
- argerror(cmdbuf);
- return(-1);
- }
- }
- }
- static int next_line(FILE *handle,char *linebuf,int mode)
- {
- int toolssection;
- char tmpbuf[10];
- toolssection = 0;
- while (file_gets(linebuf,512,handle) >= 0) {
- if (mode == 1 && linebuf[0] == '[') { /* check for [fractint] */
- strncpy(tmpbuf,&linebuf[1],9);
- tmpbuf[9] = 0;
- strlwr(tmpbuf);
- toolssection = strncmp(tmpbuf,"fractint]",9);
- continue; /* skip tools section heading */
- }
- if (toolssection == 0) return(0);
- }
- return(-1);
- }
- /*
- cmdarg(string,mode) processes a single command-line/command-file argument
- return:
- -1 error, >= 0 ok
- if ok, return value:
- | 1 means fractal parm has been set
- | 2 means 3d parm has been set
- | 4 means 3d=yes specified
- | 8 means reset specified
- */
- /* following gets rid of "too big for optimization" warning */
- #ifdef _MSC_VER
- #if (_MSC_VER >= 600)
- #pragma optimize( "el", off )
- #endif
- #endif
- int cmdarg(char *curarg,int mode) /* process a single argument */
- {
- char variable[21]; /* variable name goes here */
- char *value; /* pointer to variable value */
- int valuelen; /* length of value */
- int numval; /* numeric value of arg */
- #define NONNUMERIC -32767
- char charval; /* first character of arg */
- int yesnoval; /* 0 if 'n', 1 if 'y', -1 if not */
- double ftemp;
- int i, j, k, l;
- char *argptr,*argptr2;
- int totparms; /* # of / delimited parms */
- int intparms; /* # of / delimited ints */
- int floatparms; /* # of / delimited floats */
- int intval[64]; /* pre-parsed integer parms */
- double floatval[16]; /* pre-parsed floating parms */
- char *floatvalstr[16]; /* pointers to float vals */
- char tmpc;
- int lastarg;
- double Xctr, Yctr, Xmagfactor, Rotation, Skew;
- LDBL Magnification;
- bf_t bXctr, bYctr;
- argptr = curarg;
- while (*argptr) { /* convert to lower case */
- if (*argptr >= 'A' && *argptr <= 'Z')
- *argptr += 'a' - 'A';
- if (*argptr == '=' && strncmp(curarg,"colors=",7) == 0)
- break; /* don't convert colors=value */
- ++argptr;
- }
- if ((value = strchr(&curarg[1],'=')) != NULL) {
- if ((j = (value++) - curarg) > 1 && curarg[j-1] == ':')
- --j; /* treat := same as = */
- }
- else
- value = curarg + (j = strlen(curarg));
- if (j > 20) goto badarg; /* keyword too long */
- strncpy(variable,curarg,j); /* get the variable name */
- variable[j] = 0; /* truncate variable name */
- valuelen = strlen(value); /* note value's length */
- charval = value[0]; /* first letter of value */
- yesnoval = -1; /* note yes|no value */
- if (charval == 'n') yesnoval = 0;
- if (charval == 'y') yesnoval = 1;
- argptr = value;
- numval = totparms = intparms = floatparms = 0;
- while (*argptr) { /* count and pre-parse parms */
- long ll;
- lastarg = 0;
- if ((argptr2 = strchr(argptr,'/')) == NULL) { /* find next '/' */
- argptr2 = argptr + strlen(argptr);
- *argptr2 = '/';
- lastarg = 1;
- }
- if (totparms == 0) numval = NONNUMERIC;
- i = -1;
- charval = *argptr; /* first letter of value */
- if (charval == 'n') yesnoval = 0; /* allows only ONE y/n param */
- if (charval == 'y') yesnoval = 1;
- j=0;
- if (sscanf(argptr,"%c%c",(char *)&j,&tmpc) > 0 /* NULL entry */
- && ((char)j == '/' || (char)j == '=') && tmpc == '/') {
- j = 0;
- ++floatparms; ++intparms;
- if (totparms < 16) {floatval[totparms] = j; floatvalstr[totparms]="0";}
- if (totparms < 64) intval[totparms] = j;
- if (totparms == 0) numval = j;
- }
- else if (sscanf(argptr,"%ld%c",&ll,&tmpc) > 0 /* got an integer */
- && tmpc == '/') { /* needs a long int, ll, here for lyapunov */
- ++floatparms; ++intparms;
- if (totparms < 16) {floatval[totparms] = ll; floatvalstr[totparms]=argptr;}
- if (totparms < 64) intval[totparms] = (int)ll;
- if (totparms == 0) numval = (int)ll;
- }
- #ifndef XFRACT
- else if (sscanf(argptr,"%lg%c",&ftemp,&tmpc) > 0 /* got a float */
- #else
- else if (sscanf(argptr,"%lf%c",&ftemp,&tmpc) > 0 /* got a float */
- #endif
- && tmpc == '/') {
- ++floatparms;
- if (totparms < 16) {floatval[totparms] = ftemp;floatvalstr[totparms]=argptr;}
- }
- /* using arbitrary precision and above failed */
- else if ((strlen(argptr) > 513) /* very long command */
- || (totparms > 0 && floatval[totparms-1] == FLT_MAX
- && totparms < 6)) {
- ++floatparms;
- floatval[totparms] = FLT_MAX;
- floatvalstr[totparms]=argptr;
- }
- ++totparms;
- argptr = argptr2; /* on to the next */
- if (lastarg)
- *argptr = 0;
- else
- ++argptr;
- }
- if (mode != 2 || debugflag==110) {
- /* these commands are allowed only at startup */
- if (strcmp(variable,s_batch) == 0 ) { /* batch=? */
- if (yesnoval < 0) goto badarg;
- #ifdef XFRACT
- initmode = yesnoval?0:-1; /* skip credits for batch mode */
- #endif
- initbatch = yesnoval;
- return 3;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,"maxhistory") == 0) { /* maxhistory=? */
- if(numval == NONNUMERIC)
- goto badarg;
- else if(numval < 0 /* || numval > 1000 */) goto badarg;
- else maxhistory = numval;
- return 3;
- }
- #ifndef XFRACT
- if (strcmp(variable,s_adapter) == 0 ) { /* adapter==? */
- int i, j;
- char adapter_name[8]; /* entry lenth from VIDEO.ASM */
- char *adapter_ptr;
- adapter_ptr = &supervga_list;
- for(i = 0 ; ; i++) { /* find the SuperVGA entry */
- memcpy(adapter_name , adapter_ptr, 8);
- adapter_name[6] = ' ';
- for (j = 0; j < 8; j++)
- if(adapter_name[j] == ' ')
- adapter_name[j] = 0;
- if (adapter_name[0] == 0) break; /* end-of-the-list */
- if (strncmp(value,adapter_name,strlen(adapter_name)) == 0) {
- svga_type = i+1;
- adapter_ptr[6] = 1;
- break;
- }
- adapter_ptr += 8;
- }
- if (svga_type != 0) return 3;
- video_type = 5; /* assume video=vga */
- if (strcmp(value,s_egamono) == 0) {
- video_type = 3;
- mode7text = 1;
- }
- else if (strcmp(value,s_hgc) == 0) { /* video = hgc */
- video_type = 1;
- mode7text = 1;
- }
- else if (strcmp(value,s_ega) == 0) /* video = ega */
- video_type = 3;
- else if (strcmp(value,s_cga) == 0) /* video = cga */
- video_type = 2;
- else if (strcmp(value,s_mcga) == 0) /* video = mcga */
- video_type = 4;
- else if (strcmp(value,s_vga) == 0) /* video = vga */
- video_type = 5;
- else
- goto badarg;
- return 3;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_afi) == 0) {
- if (strncmp(value,"8514" ,4) == 0
- || charval == 'y') ai_8514 = 1; /* set afi flag JCO 4/11/92 */
- return 3;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_textsafe) == 0 ) { /* textsafe==? */
- if (first_init) {
- if (charval == 'n') /* no */
- textsafe = 2;
- else if (charval == 'y') /* yes */
- textsafe = 1;
- else if (charval == 'b') /* bios */
- textsafe = 3;
- else if (charval == 's') /* save */
- textsafe = 4;
- else
- goto badarg;
- }
- return 3;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_vesadetect) == 0) {
- if (yesnoval < 0) goto badarg;
- vesa_detect = yesnoval;
- return 3;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_biospalette) == 0) {
- if (yesnoval < 0) goto badarg;
- bios_palette = yesnoval;
- return 3;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_fpu) == 0) {
- if (strcmp(value,s_iit) == 0) {
- fpu = 387;
- iit = 1;
- return 0;
- }
- if (strcmp(value,s_noiit) == 0) {
- iit = -2;
- return 0;
- }
- if (strcmp(value,s_387) == 0) {
- fpu = 387;
- iit = -2;
- return 0;
- }
- goto badarg;
- }
- #endif
- if (strcmp(variable,s_exitnoask) == 0) {
- if (yesnoval < 0) goto badarg;
- escape_exit = yesnoval;
- return 3;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_makedoc) == 0) {
- print_document(*value ? value : "fractint.doc", makedoc_msg_func, 0);
- #ifndef WINFRACT
- goodbye();
- #endif
- }
- } /* end of commands allowed only at startup */
- if (strcmp(variable,s_reset) == 0) {
- initvars_fractal();
- /* PAR release unknown unless specified */
- if (numval>=0) save_release = numval;
- else goto badarg;
- if (save_release == 0)
- save_release = 1730; /* before start of lyapunov wierdness */
- return 9;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_filename) == 0) { /* filename=? */
- int existdir;
- if (charval == '.' && value[1] != SLASHC) {
- if (valuelen > 4) goto badarg;
- gifmask[0] = '*';
- gifmask[1] = 0;
- strcat(gifmask,value);
- return 0;
- }
- if (valuelen > (FILE_MAX_PATH-1)) goto badarg;
- if (mode == 2 && display3d == 0) /* can't do this in @ command */
- goto badarg;
- if((existdir=merge_pathnames(readname, value, mode))==0)
- showfile = 0;
- else if(existdir < 0)
- init_msg(0,variable,value,mode);
- else
- extract_filename(browsename,readname);
- return 3;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_video) == 0) { /* video=? */
- if (active_system == 0) {
- if ((k = check_vidmode_keyname(value)) == 0) goto badarg;
- initmode = -1;
- for (i = 0; i < MAXVIDEOTABLE; ++i) {
- if (videotable[i].keynum == k) {
- initmode = i;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (initmode == -1) goto badarg;
- }
- return 3;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_map) == 0 ) { /* map=, set default colors */
- int existdir;
- if (valuelen > (FILE_MAX_PATH-1)) goto badarg;
- if((existdir=merge_pathnames(MAP_name,value,mode))>0)
- return 0; /* got a directory */
- else if (existdir < 0) {
- init_msg(0,variable,value,mode);
- return (0);
- }
- SetColorPaletteName(MAP_name);
- return 0;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_colors) == 0) { /* colors=, set current colors */
- if (parse_colors(value) < 0) goto badarg;
- return 0;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_tplus) == 0) { /* Use the TARGA+ if found? */
- if (yesnoval < 0) goto badarg;
- TPlusFlag = yesnoval;
- return 0;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_noninterlaced) == 0) {
- if (yesnoval < 0) goto badarg;
- NonInterlaced = yesnoval;
- return 0;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_maxcolorres) == 0) { /* Change default color resolution */
- if (numval == 1 || numval == 4 || numval == 8 ||
- numval == 16 || numval == 24) {
- MaxColorRes = numval;
- return 0;
- }
- goto badarg;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_pixelzoom) == 0) {
- if (numval < 5)
- PixelZoom = numval;
- return 0;
- }
- /* keep this for backward compatibility */
- if (strcmp(variable,s_warn) == 0 ) { /* warn=? */
- if (yesnoval < 0) goto badarg;
- overwrite = (char)(yesnoval ^ 1);
- return 0;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_overwrite) == 0 ) { /* overwrite=? */
- if (yesnoval < 0) goto badarg;
- overwrite = (char)yesnoval;
- return 0;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_gif87a) == 0 ) { /* gif87a=? */
- if (yesnoval < 0) goto badarg;
- gif87a_flag = yesnoval;
- return 0;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_dither) == 0 ) { /* dither=? */
- if (yesnoval < 0) goto badarg;
- dither_flag = yesnoval;
- return 0;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_savetime) == 0) { /* savetime=? */
- initsavetime = numval;
- return 0;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_autokey) == 0) { /* autokey=? */
- if (strcmp(value,s_record)==0)
- slides=2;
- else if (strcmp(value,s_play)==0)
- slides=1;
- else
- goto badarg;
- return 0;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_autokeyname) == 0) { /* autokeyname=? */
- if(merge_pathnames(autoname, value,mode) < 0)
- init_msg(0,variable,value,mode);
- return 0;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_type) == 0 ) { /* type=? */
- if (value[valuelen-1] == '*')
- value[--valuelen] = 0;
- /* kludge because type ifs3d has an asterisk in front */
- if(strcmp(value,s_ifs3d)==0)
- value[3]=0;
- for (k = 0; fractalspecific[k].name != NULL; k++)
- if (strcmp(value,fractalspecific[k].name) == 0)
- break;
- if (fractalspecific[k].name == NULL) goto badarg;
- curfractalspecific = &fractalspecific[fractype = k];
- if (initcorners == 0) {
- xx3rd = xxmin = curfractalspecific->xmin;
- xxmax = curfractalspecific->xmax;
- yy3rd = yymin = curfractalspecific->ymin;
- yymax = curfractalspecific->ymax;
- }
- if (initparams == 0)
- load_params(fractype);
- return 1;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_inside) == 0 ) { /* inside=? */
- if(strcmp(value,s_zmag)==0)
- inside = -59;
- else if(strcmp(value,s_bof60)==0)
- inside = -60;
- else if(strcmp(value,s_bof61)==0)
- inside = -61;
- else if(strncmp(value,s_epscross,3)==0)
- inside = -100;
- else if(strncmp(value,s_startrail,4)==0)
- inside = -101;
- else if(strncmp(value,s_period,3)==0)
- inside = -102;
- else if(strcmp(value,s_maxiter)==0)
- inside = -1;
- else if(numval == NONNUMERIC)
- goto badarg;
- else
- inside = numval;
- return 1;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_fillcolor) == 0 ) { /* fillcolor */
- if(strcmp(value,s_normal)==0)
- fillcolor = -1;
- else if(numval == NONNUMERIC)
- goto badarg;
- else
- fillcolor = numval;
- return 1;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_finattract) == 0 ) { /* finattract=? */
- if (yesnoval < 0) goto badarg;
- finattract = yesnoval;
- return 1;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_function) == 0) { /* function=?,? */
- k = 0;
- while (*value && k < 4) {
- if(set_trig_array(k++,value)) goto badarg;
- if ((value = strchr(value,'/')) == NULL) break;
- ++value;
- }
- functionpreloaded = 1; /* for old bifs JCO 7/5/92 */
- return 1;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_outside) == 0 ) { /* outside=? */
- if(strcmp(value,s_iter)==0)
- outside = -1;
- else if(strcmp(value,s_real)==0)
- outside = -2;
- else if(strcmp(value,s_imag)==0)
- outside = -3;
- else if(strcmp(value,s_mult)==0)
- outside = -4;
- else if(strcmp(value,s_sum)==0)
- outside = -5;
- else if(strcmp(value,s_atan)==0)
- outside = -6;
- else if(numval == NONNUMERIC)
- goto badarg;
- else if(numval < -6 || numval > 255) goto badarg;
- else outside = numval;
- return 1;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_bfdigits) == 0 ) { /* bfdigits=? */
- if(numval == NONNUMERIC)
- goto badarg;
- else if(numval < 0 || numval > 2000) goto badarg;
- else bfdigits = numval;
- return 1;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_maxiter) == 0) { /* maxiter=? */
- if (floatval[0] < 2) goto badarg;
- maxit = (long)floatval[0];
- return 1;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_iterincr) == 0) /* iterincr=? */
- return 0;
- if (strcmp(variable,s_passes) == 0) { /* passes=? */
- if ( charval != '1' && charval != '2' && charval != '3'
- && charval != 'g' && charval != 'b'
- && charval != 't')
- goto badarg;
- usr_stdcalcmode = charval;
- return 1;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_cyclelimit) == 0 ) { /* cyclelimit=? */
- if (numval <= 1 || numval > 256) goto badarg;
- initcyclelimit = numval;
- return 0;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_makemig) == 0) {
- int xmult, ymult;
- if (totparms < 2) goto badarg;
- xmult = intval[0];
- ymult = intval[1];
- make_mig(xmult, ymult);
- #ifndef WINFRACT
- exit(0);
- #endif
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_cyclerange) == 0) {
- if (totparms < 2) intval[1] = 255;
- if (totparms < 1) intval[0] = 1;
- if (totparms != intparms
- || intval[0] < 0 || intval[1] > 255 || intval[0] > intval[1])
- goto badarg;
- rotate_lo = intval[0];
- rotate_hi = intval[1];
- return 0;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_ranges) == 0) {
- int i,j,entries,prev;
- int tmpranges[128];
- if (totparms != intparms) goto badarg;
- entries = prev = i = 0;
- while (i < totparms) {
- if ((j = intval[i++]) < 0) { /* striping */
- if ((j = 0-j) < 1 || j >= 16384 || i >= totparms) goto badarg;
- tmpranges[entries++] = -1; /* {-1,width,limit} for striping */
- tmpranges[entries++] = j;
- j = intval[i++];
- }
- if (j < prev) goto badarg;
- tmpranges[entries++] = prev = j;
- }
- if (prev == 0) goto badarg;
- if ((ranges = (int far *)farmemalloc(2L*entries)) == NULL) {
- static FCODE msg[] = {"Insufficient memory for ranges="};
- stopmsg(1,msg);
- return(-1);
- }
- rangeslen = entries;
- for (i = 0; i < rangeslen; ++i)
- ranges[i] = tmpranges[i];
- return 1;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_savename) == 0) { /* savename=? */
- if (valuelen > (FILE_MAX_PATH-1)) goto badarg;
- if (first_init || mode == 2) {
- if(merge_pathnames(savename, value, mode) < 0)
- init_msg(0,variable,value,mode);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_tempdir) == 0) { /* tempdir=? */
- if (valuelen > (FILE_MAX_DIR-1)) goto badarg;
- if(isadirectory(value) == 0) goto badarg;
- strcpy(tempdir,value);
- fix_dirname(tempdir);
- return 0;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_workdir) == 0) { /* workdir=? */
- if (valuelen > (FILE_MAX_DIR-1)) goto badarg;
- if(isadirectory(value) == 0) goto badarg;
- strcpy(workdir,value);
- fix_dirname(workdir);
- return 0;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_exitmode) == 0) { /* exitmode=? */
- sscanf(value,"%x",&numval);
- exitmode = (BYTE)numval;
- return 0;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_textcolors) == 0) {
- parse_textcolors(value);
- return 0;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_potential) == 0) { /* potential=? */
- k = 0;
- while (k < 3 && *value) {
- if(k==1)
- potparam[k] = atof(value);
- else
- potparam[k] = atoi(value);
- k++;
- if ((value = strchr(value,'/')) == NULL) k = 99;
- ++value;
- }
- pot16bit = 0;
- if (k < 99) {
- if (strcmp(value,s_16bit)) goto badarg;
- pot16bit = 1;
- }
- return 1;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_params) == 0) { /* params=?,? */
- if (totparms != floatparms || totparms > MAXPARAMS)
- goto badarg;
- initparams = 1;
- for (k = 0; k < MAXPARAMS; ++k)
- param[k] = (k < totparms) ? floatval[k] : 0.0;
- if(bf_math)
- for (k = 0; k < MAXPARAMS; k++)
- floattobf(bfparms[k],param[k]);
- return 1;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_miim) == 0) { /* miim=?[/?[/?[/?]]] */
- k = 0;
- do {
- if (isdigit(*value) ||
- *value == '.' || *value == '-' || *value == '+') {
- if (k >= 4)
- goto badarg;
- param[k++] = atof(value);
- }
- else if (strncmp(value, JIIMmethod[breadth_first],
- strlen(JIIMmethod[breadth_first])) == 0)
- major_method = breadth_first;
- else if (strncmp(value, JIIMmethod[depth_first],
- strlen(JIIMmethod[depth_first])) == 0)
- major_method = depth_first;
- else if (strncmp(value, JIIMmethod[random_walk],
- strlen(JIIMmethod[random_walk])) == 0)
- major_method = random_walk;
- #ifdef RANDOM_RUN
- else if (strncmp(value, JIIMmethod[random_run],
- strlen(JIIMmethod[random_run])) == 0)
- major_method = random_run;
- #endif
- else if (strncmp(value, JIIMleftright[left_first],
- strlen(JIIMleftright[left_first])) == 0)
- minor_method = left_first;
- else if (strncmp(value, JIIMleftright[right_first],
- strlen(JIIMleftright[right_first])) == 0)
- minor_method = right_first;
- else goto badarg;
- value = strchr(value, '/');
- } while (value++);
- return 1;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_initorbit) == 0) { /* initorbit=?,? */
- if(strcmp(value,s_pixel)==0)
- useinitorbit = 2;
- else {
- if (totparms != 2 || floatparms != 2) goto badarg;
- initorbit.x = floatval[0];
- initorbit.y = floatval[1];
- useinitorbit = 1;
- }
- return 1;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_orbitname) == 0 ) { /* orbitname=? */
- if(check_orbit_name(value))
- goto badarg;
- return 1;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_3dmode) == 0 ) { /* orbitname=? */
- int i,j;
- j = -1;
- for(i=0;i<4;i++)
- if(strcmp(value,juli3Doptions[i])==0)
- j = i;
- if(j < 0)
- goto badarg;
- else
- juli3Dmode = j;
- return 1;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_julibrot3d) == 0) { /* julibrot3d=?,?,?,? */
- if (floatparms != totparms)
- goto badarg;
- if(totparms > 0)
- zdots = (int)floatval[0];
- if (totparms > 1)
- originfp = (float)floatval[1];
- if (totparms > 2)
- depthfp = (float)floatval[2];
- if (totparms > 3)
- heightfp = (float)floatval[3];
- if (totparms > 4)
- widthfp = (float)floatval[4];
- if (totparms > 5)
- distfp = (float)floatval[5];
- return 1;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_julibroteyes) == 0) { /* julibroteyes=?,?,?,? */
- if (floatparms != totparms || totparms != 1)
- goto badarg;
- eyesfp = (float)floatval[0];
- return 1;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_julibrotfromto) == 0) { /* julibrotfromto=?,?,?,? */
- if (floatparms != totparms || totparms != 4)
- goto badarg;
- mxmaxfp = floatval[0];
- mxminfp = floatval[1];
- mymaxfp = floatval[2];
- myminfp = floatval[3];
- return 1;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_corners) == 0) { /* corners=?,?,?,? */
- int dec;
- if (fractype == CELLULAR)
- return 1; /* skip setting the corners */
- #if 0
- printf("totparms %d floatparms %d\n",totparms, floatparms);
- getch();
- #endif
- if ( floatparms != totparms
- || (totparms != 0 && totparms != 4 && totparms != 6))
- goto badarg;
- usemag = 0;
- if (totparms == 0) return 0; /* turns corners mode on */
- initcorners = 1;
- /* good first approx, but dec could be too big */
- dec = get_max_curarg_len(floatvalstr,totparms) + 1;
- if((dec > DBL_DIG+1 || debugflag == 3200) && debugflag != 3400) {
- int old_bf_math;
- old_bf_math = bf_math;
- if(!bf_math || dec > decimals)
- init_bf_dec(dec);
- if(old_bf_math == 0) {
- int k;
- for (k = 0; k < MAXPARAMS; k++)
- floattobf(bfparms[k],param[k]);
- }
- /* xx3rd = xxmin = floatval[0]; */
- get_bf(bfxmin,floatvalstr[0]);
- get_bf(bfx3rd,floatvalstr[0]);
- /* xxmax = floatval[1]; */
- get_bf(bfxmax,floatvalstr[1]);
- /* yy3rd = yymin = floatval[2]; */
- get_bf(bfymin,floatvalstr[2]);
- get_bf(bfy3rd,floatvalstr[2]);
- /* yymax = floatval[3]; */
- get_bf(bfymax,floatvalstr[3]);
- if (totparms == 6) {
- /* xx3rd = floatval[4]; */
- get_bf(bfx3rd,floatvalstr[4]);
- /* yy3rd = floatval[5]; */
- get_bf(bfy3rd,floatvalstr[5]);
- }
- /* now that all the corners have been read in, get a more */
- /* accurate value for dec and do it all again */
- dec = getprecbf_mag();
- if (dec < 0)
- goto badarg; /* ie: Magnification is +-1.#INF */
- if(dec > decimals) /* get corners again if need more precision */
- {
- init_bf_dec(dec);
- /* now get parameters and corners all over again at new
- decimal setting */
- for (k = 0; k < MAXPARAMS; k++)
- floattobf(bfparms[k],param[k]);
- /* xx3rd = xxmin = floatval[0]; */
- get_bf(bfxmin,floatvalstr[0]);
- get_bf(bfx3rd,floatvalstr[0]);
- /* xxmax = floatval[1]; */
- get_bf(bfxmax,floatvalstr[1]);
- /* yy3rd = yymin = floatval[2]; */
- get_bf(bfymin,floatvalstr[2]);
- get_bf(bfy3rd,floatvalstr[2]);
- /* yymax = floatval[3]; */
- get_bf(bfymax,floatvalstr[3]);
- if (totparms == 6) {
- /* xx3rd = floatval[4]; */
- get_bf(bfx3rd,floatvalstr[4]);
- /* yy3rd = floatval[5]; */
- get_bf(bfy3rd,floatvalstr[5]);
- }
- }
- }
- xx3rd = xxmin = floatval[0];
- xxmax = floatval[1];
- yy3rd = yymin = floatval[2];
- yymax = floatval[3];
- if (totparms == 6) {
- xx3rd = floatval[4];
- yy3rd = floatval[5];
- }
- return 1;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_viewwindows) == 0) { /* viewwindows=?,?,?,?,? */
- if (totparms > 5 || floatparms-intparms > 2 || intparms > 4)
- goto badarg;
- viewwindow = 1;
- viewreduction = (float)4.2; /* reset default values */
- finalaspectratio = screenaspect;
- viewcrop = 1; /* yes */
- viewxdots = viewydots = 0;
- if((totparms > 0) && (floatval[0] > 0.001))
- viewreduction = (float)floatval[0];
- if((totparms > 1) && (floatval[1] > 0.001))
- finalaspectratio = (float)floatval[1];
- if((totparms > 2) && (yesnoval == 0))
- viewcrop = yesnoval;
- if((totparms > 3) && (intval[3] > 0))
- viewxdots = intval[3];
- if((totparms == 5) && (intval[4] > 0))
- viewydots = intval[4];
- return 1;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_centermag) == 0) { /* center-mag=?,?,?[,?,?,?] */
- int dec;
- if ( (totparms != floatparms)
- || (totparms != 0 && totparms < 3)
- || (totparms >= 3 && floatval[2] == 0.0))
- goto badarg;
- if (fractype == CELLULAR)
- return 1; /* skip setting the corners */
- usemag = 1;
- if (totparms == 0) return 0; /* turns center-mag mode on */
- initcorners = 1;
- /* dec = get_max_curarg_len(floatvalstr,totparms); */
- sscanf(floatvalstr[2], "%Lf", &Magnification);
- #else
- sscanf(floatvalstr[2], "%lf", &Magnification);
- #endif
- /* I don't know if this is portable, but something needs to */
- /* be used in case compiler's LDBL_MAX is not big enough */
- if (Magnification > LDBL_MAX || Magnification < -LDBL_MAX)
- goto badarg; /* ie: Magnification is +-1.#INF */
- dec = getpower10(Magnification) + 4; /* 4 digits of padding sounds good */
- if((dec <= DBL_DIG+1 && debugflag != 3200) || debugflag == 3400) { /* rough estimate that double is OK */
- Xctr = floatval[0];
- Yctr = floatval[1];
- /* Magnification = floatval[2]; */ /* already done above */
- Xmagfactor = 1;
- Rotation = 0;
- Skew = 0;
- if (floatparms > 3)
- Xmagfactor = floatval[3];
- if (Xmagfactor == 0)
- Xmagfactor = 1;
- if (floatparms > 4)
- Rotation = floatval[4];
- if (floatparms > 5)
- Skew = floatval[5];
- /* calculate bounds */
- cvtcorners(Xctr, Yctr, Magnification, Xmagfactor, Rotation, Skew);
- return 1;
- }
- else { /* use arbitrary precision */
- int old_bf_math;
- int saved;
- initcorners = 1;
- old_bf_math = bf_math;
- if(!bf_math || dec > decimals)
- init_bf_dec(dec);
- if(old_bf_math == 0) {
- int k;
- for (k = 0; k < MAXPARAMS; k++)
- floattobf(bfparms[k],param[k]);
- }
- usemag = 1;
- saved = save_stack();
- bXctr = alloc_stack(bflength+2);
- bYctr = alloc_stack(bflength+2);
- /* Xctr = floatval[0]; */
- get_bf(bXctr,floatvalstr[0]);
- /* Yctr = floatval[1]; */
- get_bf(bYctr,floatvalstr[1]);
- /* Magnification = floatval[2]; */ /* already done above */
- Xmagfactor = 1;
- Rotation = 0;
- Skew = 0;
- if (floatparms > 3)
- Xmagfactor = floatval[3];
- if (Xmagfactor == 0)
- Xmagfactor = 1;
- if (floatparms > 4)
- Rotation = floatval[4];
- if (floatparms > 5)
- Skew = floatval[5];
- /* calculate bounds */
- cvtcornersbf(bXctr, bYctr, Magnification, Xmagfactor, Rotation, Skew);
- bfcornerstofloat();
- restore_stack(saved);
- return 1;
- }
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_aspectdrift) == 0 ) { /* aspectdrift=? */
- if(floatparms != 1 || floatval[0] < 0)
- goto badarg;
- aspectdrift = (float)floatval[0];
- return 1;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_invert) == 0) { /* invert=?,?,? */
- if (totparms != floatparms || (totparms != 1 && totparms != 3))
- goto badarg;
- invert = ((inversion[0] = floatval[0]) != 0.0) ? totparms : 0;
- if (totparms == 3) {
- inversion[1] = floatval[1];
- inversion[2] = floatval[2];
- }
- return 1;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_olddemmcolors) == 0 ) { /* olddemmcolors=? */
- if (yesnoval < 0) goto badarg;
- old_demm_colors = yesnoval;
- return 0;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_askvideo) == 0 ) { /* askvideo=? */
- if (yesnoval < 0) goto badarg;
- askvideo = yesnoval;
- return 0;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_ramvideo) == 0 ) /* ramvideo=? */
- return 0; /* just ignore and return, for old time's sake */
- if (strcmp(variable,s_float) == 0 ) { /* float=? */
- if (yesnoval < 0) goto badarg;
- usr_floatflag = (char)yesnoval;
- return 3;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_biomorph) == 0 ) { /* biomorph=? */
- usr_biomorph = numval;
- return 1;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_orbitsave) == 0 ) { /* orbitsave=? */
- if (yesnoval < 0) goto badarg;
- orbitsave = yesnoval;
- return 1;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_bailout) == 0 ) { /* bailout=? */
- if (floatval[0] < 1 || floatval[0] > 2100000000L) goto badarg;
- bailout = (long)floatval[0];
- return 1;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_bailoutest) == 0 ) { /* bailoutest=? */
- if (strcmp(value,s_mod )==0) bailoutest = Mod;
- else if(strcmp(value,s_real)==0) bailoutest = Real;
- else if(strcmp(value,s_imag)==0) bailoutest = Imag;
- else if(strcmp(value,s_or )==0) bailoutest = Or;
- else if(strcmp(value,s_and )==0) bailoutest = And;
- else goto badarg;
- setbailoutformula(bailoutest);
- return 1;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_symmetry) == 0 ) { /* symmetry=? */
- if (strcmp(value,s_xaxis )==0) forcesymmetry = XAXIS;
- else if(strcmp(value,s_yaxis )==0) forcesymmetry = YAXIS;
- else if(strcmp(value,s_xyaxis)==0) forcesymmetry = XYAXIS;
- else if(strcmp(value,s_origin)==0) forcesymmetry = ORIGIN;
- else if(strcmp(value,s_pi )==0) forcesymmetry = PI_SYM;
- else if(strcmp(value,s_none )==0) forcesymmetry = NOSYM;
- else goto badarg;
- return 1;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_printer) == 0 ) { /* printer=? */
- if (parse_printer(value) < 0) goto badarg;
- return 0;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_printfile) == 0) { /* printfile=? */
- int existdir;
- if (valuelen > (FILE_MAX_PATH-1)) goto badarg;
- if((existdir=merge_pathnames(PrintName, value, mode))==0)
- Print_To_File = 1;
- else if (existdir < 0)
- init_msg(0,variable,value,mode);
- return 0;
- }
- if(strcmp(variable,s_rleps) == 0) {
- Printer_Compress = yesnoval;
- return(0);
- }
- if(strcmp(variable,s_colorps) == 0) {
- ColorPS = yesnoval;
- return(0);
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_epsf) == 0) { /* EPS type? SWT */
- Print_To_File = 1;
- EPSFileType = numval;
- Printer_Type = 5;
- if (strcmp(PrintName,s_fract001prn)==0)
- strcpy(PrintName,"fract001.eps");
- return 0;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_title) == 0) { /* Printer title block? SWT */
- if (yesnoval < 0) goto badarg;
- Printer_Titleblock = yesnoval;
- return 0;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_translate) == 0) { /* Translate color? SWT */
- Printer_ColorXlat=0;
- if (charval == 'y')
- Printer_ColorXlat=1;
- else if (numval > 1 || numval < -1)
- Printer_ColorXlat=numval;
- return 0;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_plotstyle) == 0) { /* plot style? SWT */
- Printer_SStyle = numval;
- return 0;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_halftone) == 0) { /* New halftoning? SWT */
- if (totparms != intparms) goto badarg;
- Printer_SetScreen=1;
- if ((totparms > 0) && ( intval[ 0] >= 0))
- Printer_SFrequency = intval[ 0];
- if ((totparms > 1) && ( intval[ 1] >= 0))
- Printer_SAngle = intval[ 1];
- if ((totparms > 2) && ( intval[ 2] >= 0))
- Printer_SStyle = intval[ 2];
- if ((totparms > 3) && ( intval[ 3] >= 0))
- Printer_RFrequency = intval[ 3];
- if ((totparms > 4) && ( intval[ 4] >= 0))
- Printer_RAngle = intval[ 4];
- if ((totparms > 5) && ( intval[ 5] >= 0))
- Printer_RStyle = intval[ 5];
- if ((totparms > 6) && ( intval[ 6] >= 0))
- Printer_GFrequency = intval[ 6];
- if ((totparms > 7) && ( intval[ 7] >= 0))
- Printer_GAngle = intval[ 7];
- if ((totparms > 8) && ( intval[ 8] >= 0))
- Printer_GStyle = intval[ 8];
- if ((totparms > 9) && ( intval[ 9] >= 0))
- Printer_BFrequency = intval[ 9];
- if ((totparms > 10) && ( intval[10] >= 0))
- Printer_BAngle = intval[10];
- if ((totparms > 11) && ( intval[11] >= 0))
- Printer_BStyle = intval[11];
- return 0;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_linefeed) == 0) { /* Use LF for printer */
- if (strcmp(value,s_cr) == 0) Printer_CRLF = 1;
- else if (strcmp(value,s_lf) == 0) Printer_CRLF = 2;
- else if (strcmp(value,s_crlf) == 0) Printer_CRLF = 0;
- else goto badarg;
- return 0;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_comport) == 0 ) { /* Set the COM parameters */
- if ((value=strchr(value,'/')) == NULL) goto badarg;
- switch (atoi(++value)) {
- case 110: l = 0; break;
- case 150: l = 32; break;
- case 300: l = 64; break;
- case 600: l = 96; break;
- case 1200: l = 128; break;
- case 2400: l = 160; break;
- case 4800: l = 192; break;
- case 9600:
- default: l = 224; break;
- }
- if ((value=strchr(value,'/')) == NULL) goto badarg;
- for (k=0; k < (int)strlen(value); k++) {
- switch (value[k]) {
- case '7': l |= 2; break;
- case '8': l |= 3; break;
- case 'o': l |= 8; break;
- case 'e': l |= 24; break;
- case '2': l |= 4; break;
- }
- }
- #ifndef XFRACT
- #ifndef WINFRACT
- _bios_serialcom(0,numval-1,l);
- #endif
- #endif
- return 0;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_sound) == 0 ) { /* sound=? */
- soundflag = 0;
- if (strncmp(value,"ye",2) == 0) {
- soundflag = -1;
- return(0);
- }
- if (charval == 'x')
- soundflag = 1;
- if (charval == 'y')
- soundflag = 2;
- if (charval == 'z')
- soundflag = 3;
- return 0;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_hertz) == 0) { /* Hertz=? */
- /* these limits are quite arbitrary*/
- if (numval < 20 || numval > 15000) goto badarg;
- basehertz = numval;
- return 0;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_periodicity) == 0 ) { /* periodicity=? */
- usr_periodicitycheck=1;
- if ((charval == 'n') || (numval == 0))
- usr_periodicitycheck=0;
- else if (charval == 'y')
- usr_periodicitycheck=1;
- else if (charval == 's') /* 's' for 'show' */
- usr_periodicitycheck= -1;
- else if(numval == NONNUMERIC)
- goto badarg;
- else if(numval != 0)
- usr_periodicitycheck=numval;
- return 1;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_logmap) == 0 ) { /* logmap=? */
- if (charval == 'y')
- LogFlag = 1; /* palette is logarithmic */
- else if (charval == 'n')
- LogFlag = 0;
- else if (charval == 'o')
- LogFlag = -1; /* old log palette */
- else
- LogFlag = numval;
- return 1;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_debugflag) == 0
- || strcmp(variable,s_debug) == 0) { /* internal use only */
- debugflag = numval;
- timerflag = debugflag & 1; /* separate timer flag */
- debugflag -= timerflag;
- return 0;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_rseed) == 0) {
- rseed = numval;
- rflag = 1;
- return 1;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_orbitdelay) == 0) {
- orbit_delay = numval;
- return 0;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_showdot) == 0) {
- showdot=numval;
- if(showdot<0)
- showdot=0;
- return 0;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_showorbit) == 0) { /* showorbit=yes|no */
- start_showorbit=(char)yesnoval;
- return 0;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_decomp) == 0) {
- if (totparms != intparms || totparms < 1) goto badarg;
- decomp[0] = intval[0];
- decomp[1] = 0;
- if (totparms > 1) /* backward compatibility */
- bailout = decomp[1] = intval[1];
- return 1;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_distest) == 0) {
- if (totparms != intparms || totparms < 1) goto badarg;
- usr_distest = intval[0];
- distestwidth = 71;
- if (totparms > 1)
- distestwidth = intval[1];
- if(totparms > 3 && intval[2] > 0 && intval[3] > 0) {
- pseudox = intval[2];
- pseudoy = intval[3];
- }
- else
- pseudox = pseudoy = 0;
- return 1;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_formulafile) == 0) { /* formulafile=? */
- if (valuelen > (FILE_MAX_PATH-1)) goto badarg;
- if(merge_pathnames(FormFileName, value, mode)<0)
- init_msg(0,variable,value,mode);
- return 1;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_formulaname) == 0) { /* formulaname=? */
- if (valuelen > ITEMNAMELEN) goto badarg;
- strcpy(FormName,value);
- return 1;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_lfile) == 0) { /* lfile=? */
- if (valuelen > (FILE_MAX_PATH-1)) goto badarg;
- if(merge_pathnames(LFileName, value, mode)<0)
- init_msg(0,variable,value,mode);
- return 1;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_lname) == 0) {
- if (valuelen > ITEMNAMELEN) goto badarg;
- strcpy(LName,value);
- return 1;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_ifsfile) == 0) { /* ifsfile=?? */
- int existdir;
- if (valuelen > (FILE_MAX_PATH-1)) goto badarg;
- if((existdir=merge_pathnames(IFSFileName, value, mode))==0)
- reset_ifs_defn();
- else if(existdir < 0)
- init_msg(0,variable,value,mode);
- return 1;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_ifs) == 0
- || strcmp(variable,s_ifs3d) == 0) { /* ifs3d for old time's sake */
- if (valuelen > ITEMNAMELEN) goto badarg;
- strcpy(IFSName,value);
- reset_ifs_defn();
- return 1;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_parmfile) == 0) { /* parmfile=? */
- if (valuelen > (FILE_MAX_PATH-1)) goto badarg;
- if(merge_pathnames(CommandFile, value, mode)<0)
- init_msg(0,variable,value,mode);
- return 1;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_stereo) == 0) { /* stereo=? */
- if ((numval<0) || (numval>3)) goto badarg;
- glassestype = numval;
- return 3;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_rotation) == 0) { /* rotation=?/?/? */
- if (totparms != 3 || intparms != 3) goto badarg;
- XROT = intval[0];
- YROT = intval[1];
- ZROT = intval[2];
- return 3;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_perspective) == 0) { /* perspective=? */
- if (numval == NONNUMERIC) goto badarg;
- ZVIEWER = numval;
- return 3;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_xyshift) == 0) { /* xyshift=?/? */
- if (totparms != 2 || intparms != 2) goto badarg;
- XSHIFT = intval[0];
- YSHIFT = intval[1];
- return 3;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_interocular) == 0) { /* interocular=? */
- eyeseparation = numval;
- return 3;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_converge) == 0) { /* converg=? */
- xadjust = numval;
- return 3;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_crop) == 0) { /* crop=? */
- if (totparms != 4 || intparms != 4
- || intval[0] < 0 || intval[0] > 100
- || intval[1] < 0 || intval[1] > 100
- || intval[2] < 0 || intval[2] > 100
- || intval[3] < 0 || intval[3] > 100)
- goto badarg;
- red_crop_left = intval[0];
- red_crop_right = intval[1];
- blue_crop_left = intval[2];
- blue_crop_right = intval[3];
- return 3;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_bright) == 0) { /* bright=? */
- if (totparms != 2 || intparms != 2) goto badarg;
- red_bright = intval[0];
- blue_bright = intval[1];
- return 3;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_xyadjust) == 0) { /* trans=? */
- if (totparms != 2 || intparms != 2) goto badarg;
- xtrans = intval[0];
- ytrans = intval[1];
- return 3;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_3d) == 0) { /* 3d=?/?/.. */
- if(strcmp(value,s_overlay)==0) {
- yesnoval=1;
- if(calc_status > -1) /* if no image, treat same as 3D=yes */
- overlay3d=1;
- }
- else if (yesnoval < 0) goto badarg;
- display3d = yesnoval;
- initvars_3d();
- return (display3d) ? 6 : 2;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_sphere) == 0 ) { /* sphere=? */
- if (yesnoval < 0) goto badarg;
- SPHERE = yesnoval;
- return 2;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_scalexyz) == 0) { /* scalexyz=?/?/? */
- if (totparms < 2 || intparms != totparms) goto badarg;
- XSCALE = intval[0];
- YSCALE = intval[1];
- if (totparms > 2) ROUGH = intval[2];
- return 2;
- }
- /* "rough" is really scale z, but we add it here for convenience */
- if (strcmp(variable,s_roughness) == 0) { /* roughness=? */
- ROUGH = numval;
- return 2;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_waterline) == 0) { /* waterline=? */
- if (numval<0) goto badarg;
- WATERLINE = numval;
- return 2;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_filltype) == 0) { /* filltype=? */
- if (numval < -1 || numval > 6) goto badarg;
- FILLTYPE = numval;
- return 2;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_lightsource) == 0) { /* lightsource=?/?/? */
- if (totparms != 3 || intparms != 3) goto badarg;
- XLIGHT = intval[0];
- YLIGHT = intval[1];
- ZLIGHT = intval[2];
- return 2;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_smoothing) == 0) { /* smoothing=? */
- if (numval<0) goto badarg;
- LIGHTAVG = numval;
- return 2;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_latitude) == 0) { /* latitude=?/? */
- if (totparms != 2 || intparms != 2) goto badarg;
- THETA1 = intval[0];
- THETA2 = intval[1];
- return 2;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_longitude) == 0) { /* longitude=?/? */
- if (totparms != 2 || intparms != 2) goto badarg;
- PHI1 = intval[0];
- PHI2 = intval[1];
- return 2;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_radius) == 0) { /* radius=? */
- if (numval < 0) goto badarg;
- RADIUS = numval;
- return 2;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_transparent) == 0) { /* transparent? */
- if (totparms != intparms || totparms < 1) goto badarg;
- transparent[1] = transparent[0] = intval[0];
- if (totparms > 1) transparent[1] = intval[1];
- return 2;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_preview) == 0) { /* preview? */
- if (yesnoval < 0) goto badarg;
- preview = (char)yesnoval;
- return 2;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_showbox) == 0) { /* showbox? */
- if (yesnoval < 0) goto badarg;
- showbox = (char)yesnoval;
- return 2;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_coarse) == 0) { /* coarse=? */
- if (numval < 3 || numval > 2000) goto badarg;
- previewfactor = numval;
- return 2;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_randomize) == 0) { /* RANDOMIZE=? */
- if (numval<0 || numval>7) goto badarg;
- RANDOMIZE = numval;
- return 2;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_ambient) == 0) { /* ambient=? */
- if (numval<0||numval>100) goto badarg;
- Ambient = numval;
- return 2;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_haze) == 0) { /* haze=? */
- if (numval<0||numval>100) goto badarg;
- haze = numval;
- return 2;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_fullcolor) == 0) { /* fullcolor=? */
- if (yesnoval < 0) goto badarg;
- Targa_Out = yesnoval;
- return 2;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_targa_out) == 0) { /* Targa Out? */
- if (yesnoval < 0) goto badarg;
- Targa_Out = yesnoval;
- return 2;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_usegrayscale) == 0) { /* usegrayscale? */
- if (yesnoval < 0) goto badarg;
- grayflag = (char)yesnoval;
- return 2;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_monitorwidth) == 0) { /* monitorwidth=? */
- if (totparms != 1 || floatparms != 1) goto badarg;
- AutoStereo_width = floatval[0];
- return 2;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_targa_overlay) == 0) { /* Targa Overlay? */
- if (yesnoval < 0) goto badarg;
- Targa_Overlay = yesnoval;
- return 2;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_background) == 0) { /* background=?/? */
- if (totparms != 3 || intparms != 3) goto badarg;
- for (i=0;i<3;i++)
- if (intval[i] & 0xff)
- goto badarg;
- back_color[0] = (BYTE)intval[0];
- back_color[1] = (BYTE)intval[1];
- back_color[2] = (BYTE)intval[2];
- return 2;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_lightname) == 0) { /* lightname=? */
- if (valuelen > (FILE_MAX_PATH-1)) goto badarg;
- if (first_init || mode == 2)
- strcpy(light_name,value);
- return 0;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_ray) == 0) { /* RAY=? */
- if (numval < 0 || numval > 6) goto badarg;
- RAY = numval;
- return 2;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_brief) == 0) { /* BRIEF? */
- if (yesnoval < 0) goto badarg;
- BRIEF = yesnoval;
- return 2;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_release) == 0) { /* release */
- if (numval < 0) goto badarg;
- save_release = numval;
- return 2;
- }
- if (strcmp(variable,s_curdir) == 0) { /* curdir= */
- if (yesnoval < 0) goto badarg;
- checkcurdir = yesnoval;
- return 0;
- }
- badarg:
- argerror(curarg);
- return(-1);
- }
- #ifdef _MSC_VER
- #if (_MSC_VER >= 600)
- #pragma optimize( "el", on )
- #endif
- #endif
- /* Some routines broken out of above so compiler doesn't run out of heap: */
- static void parse_textcolors(char *value)
- {
- int i,j,k,hexval;
- if (strcmp(value,s_mono) == 0) {
- for (k = 0; k < sizeof(txtcolor); ++k)
- txtcolor[k] = BLACK*16+WHITE;
- txtcolor[6] = txtcolor[12] = txtcolor[13] = txtcolor[14] = txtcolor[20]
- = txtcolor[27] = txtcolor[28] = WHITE*16+BLACK;
- txtcolor[0] = txtcolor[2] = txtcolor[5] = txtcolor[11] = txtcolor[16]
- = txtcolor[17] = txtcolor[22] = txtcolor[24]
- = txtcolor[25] = BLACK*16+L_WHITE;
- }
- else {
- k = 0;
- while ( k < sizeof(txtcolor)) {
- if (*value == 0) break;
- if (*value != '/') {
- sscanf(value,"%x",&hexval);
- i = (hexval / 16) & 7;
- j = hexval & 15;
- if (i == j || (i == 0 && j == 8)) /* force contrast */
- j = 15;
- txtcolor[k] = (BYTE)(i * 16 + j);
- if ((value = strchr(value,'/')) == NULL) break;
- }
- ++value;
- ++k;
- }
- }
- }
- static int parse_colors(char *value)
- {
- int i,j,k;
- if (*value == '@') {
- if(merge_pathnames(MAP_name,&value[1],3)<0)
- init_msg(0,"",&value[1],3);
- if (strlen(value) > FILE_MAX_PATH || ValidateLuts(MAP_name) != 0)
- goto badcolor;
- if (display3d) {
- mapset = 1;
- }
- else {
- if(merge_pathnames(colorfile,&value[1],3)<0)
- init_msg(0,"",&value[1],3);
- colorstate = 2;
- }
- }
- else {
- int smooth;
- i = smooth = 0;
- while (*value) {
- if (i >= 256) goto badcolor;
- if (*value == '<') {
- if (i == 0 || smooth
- || (smooth = atoi(value+1)) < 2
- || (value = strchr(value,'>')) == NULL)
- goto badcolor;
- i += smooth;
- ++value;
- }
- else {
- for (j = 0; j < 3; ++j) {
- if ((k = *(value++)) < '0') goto badcolor;
- else if (k <= '9') k -= '0';
- else if (k < 'A') goto badcolor;
- else if (k <= 'Z') k -= ('A'-10);
- else if (k < '_' || k > 'z') goto badcolor;
- else k -= ('_'-36);
- dacbox[i][j] = (BYTE)k;
- if (smooth) {
- int start,spread,cnum;
- start = i - (spread = smooth + 1);
- cnum = 0;
- if ((k - (int)dacbox[start][j]) == 0) {
- while (++cnum < spread)
- dacbox[start+cnum][j] = (BYTE)k;
- }
- else {
- while (++cnum < spread)
- dacbox[start+cnum][j] =
- (BYTE)(( cnum *dacbox[i][j]
- + (i-(start+cnum))*dacbox[start][j]
- + spread/2 )
- / spread);
- }
- }
- }
- smooth = 0;
- ++i;
- }
- }
- if (smooth) goto badcolor;
- while (i < 256) { /* zap unset entries */
- dacbox[i][0] = dacbox[i][1] = dacbox[i][2] = 40;
- ++i;
- }
- colorstate = 1;
- }
- colorpreloaded = 1;
- memcpy(olddacbox,dacbox,256*3);
- return(0);
- badcolor:
- return(-1);
- }
- static int parse_printer(char *value)
- {
- int k;
- if (value[0]=='h' && value[1]=='p')
- Printer_Type=1; /* HP LaserJet */
- if (value[0]=='i' && value[1]=='b')
- Printer_Type=2; /* IBM Graphics */
- if (value[0]=='e' && value[1]=='p')
- Printer_Type=2; /* Epson (model?) */
- if (value[0]=='c' && value[1]=='o')
- Printer_Type=3; /* Star (Epson-Comp?) color */
- if (value[0]=='p') {
- if (value[1]=='a')
- Printer_Type=4; /* HP Paintjet (color) */
- if ((value[1]=='o' || value[1]=='s')) {
- Printer_Type=5; /* PostScript SWT */
- if (value[2]=='h' || value[2]=='l')
- Printer_Type=6;
- }
- if (value[1]=='l')
- Printer_Type=7; /* HP Plotter (semi-color) */
- }
- if (Printer_Type == 1) /* assume low resolution */
- Printer_Resolution = 75;
- else
- Printer_Resolution = 60;
- if (EPSFileType > 0) /* EPS save - force type 5 */
- Printer_Type = 5;
- if ((Printer_Type == 5) || (Printer_Type == 6))
- Printer_Resolution = 150; /* PostScript def. res. */
- if ((value=strchr(value,'/')) != NULL) {
- if ((k=atoi(++value)) >= 0) Printer_Resolution=k;
- if ((value=strchr(value,'/')) != NULL) {
- if ((k=atoi(++value))> 0) LPTNumber = k;
- if (k < 0) {
- Print_To_File = 1;
- LPTNumber = 1;
- }
- }
- }
- return(0);
- }
- static void argerror(char *badarg) /* oops. couldn't decode this */
- {
- static FCODE argerrmsg1[]={"\
- Oops. I couldn't understand the argument:\n "};
- static FCODE argerrmsg2[]={"\n\n\
- (see the Startup Help screens or documentation for a complete\n\
- argument list with descriptions)"};
- char msg[300];
- if (strlen(badarg) > 70) badarg[70] = 0;
- if (active_system == 0 /* DOS */
- && first_init) /* & this is 1st call to cmdfiles */
- #ifndef XFRACT
- sprintf(msg,"%Fs%s%Fs",(char far *)argerrmsg1,badarg,(char far *)argerrmsg2);
- else
- sprintf(msg,"%Fs%s",(char far *)argerrmsg1,badarg);
- #else
- sprintf(msg,"%s%s%s",argerrmsg1,badarg,argerrmsg2);
- else
- sprintf(msg,"%s%s",argerrmsg1,badarg);
- #endif
- stopmsg(0,msg);
- if (initbatch) {
- initbatch = 4;
- goodbye();
- }
- }
- void set_3d_defaults()
- {
- ROUGH = 30;
- ZVIEWER = 0;
- XSHIFT = 0;
- YSHIFT = 0;
- xtrans = 0;
- ytrans = 0;
- Ambient = 20;
- haze = 0;
- back_color[0] = 51; back_color[1] = 153; back_color[2] = 200;
- if(SPHERE) {
- PHI1 = 180;
- PHI2 = 0;
- THETA1 = -90;
- THETA2 = 90;
- RADIUS = 100;
- XLIGHT = 1;
- YLIGHT = 1;
- ZLIGHT = 1;
- }
- else {
- XROT = 60;
- YROT = 30;
- ZROT = 0;
- XSCALE = 90;
- YSCALE = 90;
- if (active_system != 0)
- XLIGHT = 1;
- YLIGHT = -1;
- ZLIGHT = 1;
- }
- }
- /* copy a big number from a string, up to slash */
- static int get_bf(bf_t bf, char *curarg)
- {
- char *s;
- s=strchr(curarg,'/');
- if(s)
- *s = 0;
- strtobf(bf,curarg);
- if(s)
- *s = '/';
- return(0);
- }
- /* Get length of current args */
- int get_curarg_len(char *curarg)
- {
- int len;
- char *s;
- s=strchr(curarg,'/');
- if(s)
- *s = 0;
- len = strlen(curarg);
- if(s)
- *s = '/';
- return(len);
- }
- /* Get max length of current args */
- int get_max_curarg_len(char *floatvalstr[], int totparms)
- {
- int i,tmp,max_str;
- max_str = 0;
- for(i=0;i<totparms;i++)
- if((tmp=get_curarg_len(floatvalstr[i])) > max_str)
- max_str = tmp;
- return(max_str);
- }
- /* mode = 0 command line @filename */
- /* 1 sstools.ini */
- /* 2 <@> command after startup */
- /* 3 command line @filename/setname */
- /* this is like stopmsg() but can be used in cmdfiles() */
- /* call with NULL for badfilename to get pause for getakey() */
- int init_msg(int flags,char *cmdstr,char far *badfilename,int mode)
- {
- static char far *modestr[4] =
- {s_commandline,s_sstoolsini,s_at_cmd,s_at_cmd};
- static FCODE diags[] =
- {"Fractint found the following problems when parsing commands: "};
- char msg[256];
- char cmd[80];
- static int row = 1;
- if (initbatch == 1) { /* in batch mode */
- if(badfilename)
- /* uncomment next if wish to cause abort in batch mode for
- errors in CMDFILES.C such as parsing SSTOOLS.INI */
- /* initbatch = 4; */ /* used to set errorlevel */
- return (-1);
- }
- strncpy(cmd,cmdstr,30);
- cmd[29] = 0;
- if(*cmd)
- strcat(cmd,"=");
- if(badfilename)
- #ifndef XFRACT
- sprintf(msg,"Can't find %s%Fs, please check %Fs",cmd,badfilename,modestr[mode]);
- #else
- sprintf(msg,"Can't find %s%s, please check %s",cmd,badfilename,modestr[mode]);
- #endif
- if (active_system == 0 /* DOS */
- && first_init) { /* & cmdfiles hasn't finished 1st try */
- if(row == 1 && badfilename) {
- setvideotext();
- putstring(0,0,15,diags);
- }
- if(badfilename)
- putstring(row++,0,7,msg);
- else if(row > 1){
- putstring(++row,0,15,s_escapetoabort);
- movecursor(row+1,0);
- /*
- if(getakeynohelp()==27)
- goodbye();
- */
- dopause(2); /* defer getakeynohelp until after parseing */
- }
- }
- else if(badfilename)
- stopmsg(flags,msg);
- return(0);
- }
- /* defer pause until after parsing so we know if in batch mode */
- void dopause(int action)
- {
- static unsigned char needpause = 0;
- switch(action)
- {
- case 0:
- if(initbatch == 0)
- {
- if(needpause == 1)
- getakey();
- else if (needpause == 2)
- if(getakeynohelp() == ESC)
- goodbye();
- }
- needpause = 0;
- break;
- case 1:
- case 2:
- needpause = (char)action;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }