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- ; bignuma.asm - asm routines for bignumbers
- ; far pointer version
- ; Wesley Loewer's Big Numbers. (C) 1994, Wesley B. Loewer
- ; IMPORTANT!!! The following routines assume that all the bignumber arrays
- ; were allocated from the same far segment. This allows the routines to
- ; switch the DS register to that segment and treat everything then as a
- ; near pointer. If that array is not in this segment, then copy it into
- ; an array that is.
- ; See BIGNUMC.C for further documentation.
- .MODEL medium, c
- ifdef ??version ; for TASM
- ideal
- TYPEDEF bn_t far ptr byte
- masm
- masm51
- quirks
- ; invoke w/ one arg
- invoke macro a,b
- call a, b
- endm
- ; invoke with 2 args
- invoke2 macro a,b,c
- call a, b, c
- endm
- extern equ extrn
- else
- bn_t TYPEDEF far ptr byte ; far pointer to bignumber array
- endif
- extern cpu:word
- extern bnlength:word, rlength:word;
- .8086
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ; r = 0
- clear_bn PROC USES di, r:bn_t
- les di, r ; load pointer in es:di for stos
- mov cx, bnlength
- cmp cpu, 386 ; check cpu
- je short use_32_bit ; use faster 32 bit code if possible
- sub ax, ax ; clear ax
- shr cx, 1 ; 1 byte = 1/2 word
- rep stosw ; clear r, word at a time
- jmp bottom
- use_32_bit:
- .386
- sub eax, eax ; clear eax
- shr cx, 2 ; 1 byte = 1/4 word
- rep stosd ; clear r, dword at a time
- bottom:
- .8086
- mov dx, es ; return r in dx:ax
- mov ax, word ptr r
- ret
- clear_bn ENDP
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ; r = max positive value
- max_bn PROC USES di, r:bn_t
- les di, r ; load pointer in es:di for stos
- mov cx, bnlength
- cmp cpu, 386 ; check cpu
- je short use_32_bit ; use faster 32 bit code if possible
- mov ax, 0FFFFh ; set ax to max value
- shr cx, 1 ; 1 byte = 1/2 word
- rep stosw ; max out r, word at a time
- jmp bottom
- use_32_bit:
- .386
- mov eax, 0FFFFFFFFh ; set eax to max value
- shr cx, 2 ; 1 byte = 1/4 word
- rep stosd ; max out r, dword at a time
- bottom:
- .8086
- ; when the above stos is finished, di points to the byte past the end
- dec di ; find sign bit in msb
- mov byte ptr es:[di], 7Fh ; turn off the sign bit
- mov dx, es ; return r in dx:ax
- mov ax, word ptr r
- ret
- max_bn ENDP
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ; r = n
- copy_bn PROC USES di si, r:bn_t, n:bn_t
- les di, r ; load pointer in es:di for movs
- mov ax, ds ; save ds for later
- mov cx, bnlength
- cmp cpu, 386 ; check cpu
- je short use_32_bit ; use faster 32 bit code if possible
- lds si, n ; load pointer in ds:si for movs
- shr cx, 1 ; 1 byte = 1/2 word
- rep movsw ; copy word at a time
- jmp bottom
- use_32_bit:
- .386
- lds si, n ; load pointer in ds:si for movs
- shr cx, 2 ; 1 byte = 1/4 word
- rep movsd ; copy dword at a time
- bottom:
- .8086
- mov ds, ax ; restore ds
- mov dx, es ; return r in dx:ax
- mov ax, word ptr r
- ret
- copy_bn ENDP
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ; n1 != n2 ?
- ; RETURNS: if n1 == n2 returns 0
- ; if n1 > n2 returns a positive (steps left to go when mismatch occured)
- ; if n1 < n2 returns a negative (steps left to go when mismatch occured)
- cmp_bn PROC USES di, n1:bn_t, n2:bn_t
- mov cx, bnlength
- push ds ; save DS
- mov di, word ptr n2
- lds bx, n1 ; load pointers
- add bx, cx ; point to end of bignumbers
- add di, cx ; where the msb is
- cmp cpu, 386 ; check cpu
- je short use_32_bit ; use faster 32 bit code if possible
- shr cx, 1 ; byte = 1/2 word
- mov dx, cx ; keep a copy of cx
- top_loop_16:
- sub bx, 2 ; decrement to previous word
- sub di, 2
- mov ax, [bx] ; load n1
- cmp ax, [di] ; compare to n2
- jne bottom ; don't match
- loop top_loop_16
- jmp match
- use_32_bit:
- .386
- shr cx, 2 ; byte = 1/4 dword
- mov dx, cx ; keep a copy of cx
- top_loop_32:
- sub bx, 4 ; decrement to previous dword
- sub di, 4
- mov eax, [bx] ; load n1
- cmp eax, [di] ; compare to n2
- jne bottom ; don't match
- loop top_loop_32
- jmp match
- bottom:
- .8086
- ; flags are still set from last cmp
- ; if cx == dx, then most significant part didn't match, use signed comparison
- ; else the decimals didn't match, use unsigned comparison
- lahf ; load results of last cmp
- cmp cx, dx ; did they differ on very first cmp
- jne not_first_step ; no
- sahf ; yes
- jg n1_bigger ; signed comparison
- jmp n2_bigger
- not_first_step:
- sahf
- ja n1_bigger ; unsigned comparison
- n2_bigger:
- neg cx ; make it negative
- n1_bigger: ; leave it positive
- match: ; leave it zero
- mov ax, cx
- pop ds ; restore DS
- ret
- cmp_bn ENDP
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ; r < 0 ?
- ; returns 1 if negative, 0 if positive or zero
- is_bn_neg PROC n:bn_t
- ; for a one-pass routine like this, don't bother with ds
- les bx, n ; find sign bit
- add bx, bnlength
- dec bx ; here it is
- mov al, es:[bx] ; got it
- and al, 80h ; check the sign bit
- rol al, 1 ; rotate sign big to bit 0
- sub ah, ah ; clear upper ax
- ret
- is_bn_neg ENDP
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ; n != 0 ?
- ; RETURNS: if n != 0 returns 1
- ; else returns 0
- is_bn_not_zero PROC n:bn_t
- mov cx, bnlength
- mov ax, ds ; save DS
- lds bx, n ; load pointers with DS
- cmp cpu, 386 ; check cpu
- je short use_32_bit ; use faster 32 bit code if possible
- shr cx, 1 ; byte = 1/2 word
- top_loop_16:
- cmp word ptr [bx], 0 ; compare to n to 0
- jnz bottom ; not zero
- add bx, 2 ; increment to next word
- loop top_loop_16
- jmp bottom
- use_32_bit:
- .386
- shr cx, 2 ; byte = 1/4 dword
- top_loop_32:
- cmp dword ptr [bx], 0 ; compare to n to 0
- jnz bottom ; not zero
- add bx, 4 ; increment to next dword
- loop top_loop_32
- jmp bottom
- bottom:
- .8086
- mov ds, ax ; restore DS
- ; if cx is zero, then n was zero
- mov ax, cx
- ret
- is_bn_not_zero ENDP
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ; r = n1 + n2
- add_bn PROC USES di si, r:bn_t, n1:bn_t, n2:bn_t
- mov cx, bnlength
- push ds ; save ds
- mov di, word ptr n1 ; load pointers ds:di
- mov si, word ptr n2 ; ds:si
- lds bx, r ; ds:bx
- cmp cpu, 386 ; check cpu
- je short use_32_bit ; use faster 32 bit code if possible
- shr cx, 1 ; byte = 1/2 word
- clc ; clear carry flag
- top_loop_16:
- mov ax, [di] ; n1
- adc ax, [si] ; n1+n2
- mov [bx], ax ; r = n1+n2
- ; inc does not change carry flag
- inc di ; add di, 2
- inc di
- inc si ; add si, 2
- inc si
- inc bx ; add bx, 2
- inc bx
- loop top_loop_16
- jmp short bottom
- use_32_bit:
- .386
- shr cx, 2 ; byte = 1/4 double word
- clc ; clear carry flag
- top_loop_32:
- mov eax, [di] ; n1
- adc eax, [si] ; n1+n2
- mov [bx], eax ; r = n1+n2
- lahf ; save carry flag
- add di, 4 ; increment by double word size
- add si, 4
- add bx, 4
- sahf ; restore carry flag
- loop top_loop_32
- bottom:
- .8086
- mov dx, ds ; return r in dx:ax
- pop ds ; restore ds
- mov ax, word ptr r
- ret
- add_bn ENDP
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ; r += n
- add_a_bn PROC USES di, r:bn_t, n:bn_t
- mov cx, bnlength
- push ds
- mov di, word ptr n ; load pointers ds:di
- lds bx, r ; ds:bx
- cmp cpu, 386 ; check cpu
- je short use_32_bit ; use faster 32 bit code if possible
- shr cx, 1 ; byte = 1/2 word
- clc ; clear carry flag
- top_loop_16:
- mov ax, [di] ; n
- adc [bx], ax ; r += n
- ; inc does not change carry flag
- inc di ; add di, 2
- inc di
- inc bx ; add di, 2
- inc bx
- loop top_loop_16
- jmp short bottom
- use_32_bit:
- .386
- shr cx, 2 ; byte = 1/4 double word
- clc ; clear carry flag
- top_loop_32:
- mov eax, [di] ; n
- adc [bx], eax ; r += n
- lahf ; save carry flag
- add di, 4 ; increment by double word size
- add bx, 4
- sahf ; restore carry flag
- loop top_loop_32
- bottom:
- .8086
- mov dx, ds ; return r in dx:ax
- pop ds ; restore ds
- mov ax, word ptr r
- ret
- add_a_bn ENDP
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ; r = n1 - n2
- sub_bn PROC USES di si, r:bn_t, n1:bn_t, n2:bn_t
- mov cx, bnlength
- push ds
- mov di, word ptr n1 ; load pointers ds:di
- mov si, word ptr n2 ; ds:si
- lds bx, r ; ds:bx
- cmp cpu, 386 ; check cpu
- je short use_32_bit ; use faster 32 bit code if possible
- shr cx, 1 ; byte = 1/2 word
- clc ; clear carry flag
- top_loop_16:
- mov ax, [di] ; n1
- sbb ax, [si] ; n1-n2
- mov [bx], ax ; r = n1-n2
- ; inc does not change carry flag
- inc di ; add di, 2
- inc di
- inc si ; add si, 2
- inc si
- inc bx ; add bx, 2
- inc bx
- loop top_loop_16
- jmp short bottom
- use_32_bit:
- .386
- shr cx, 2 ; byte = 1/4 double word
- clc ; clear carry flag
- top_loop_32:
- mov eax, [di] ; n1
- sbb eax, [si] ; n1-n2
- mov [bx], eax ; r = n1-n2
- lahf ; save carry flag
- add di, 4 ; increment by double word size
- add si, 4
- add bx, 4
- sahf ; restore carry flag
- loop top_loop_32
- bottom:
- .8086
- mov dx, ds ; return r in dx:ax
- pop ds ; restore ds
- mov ax, word ptr r
- ret
- sub_bn ENDP
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ; r -= n
- sub_a_bn PROC USES di, r:bn_t, n:bn_t
- mov cx, bnlength
- push ds
- mov di, word ptr n ; load pointers ds:di
- lds bx, r ; ds:bx
- cmp cpu, 386 ; check cpu
- je short use_32_bit ; use faster 32 bit code if possible
- shr cx, 1 ; byte = 1/2 word
- clc ; clear carry flag
- top_loop_16:
- mov ax, [di] ; n
- sbb [bx], ax ; r -= n
- ; inc does not change carry flag
- inc di ; add di, 2
- inc di
- inc bx ; add di, 2
- inc bx
- loop top_loop_16
- jmp short bottom
- use_32_bit:
- .386
- shr cx, 2 ; byte = 1/4 double word
- clc ; clear carry flag
- top_loop_32:
- mov eax, [di] ; n
- sbb [bx], eax ; r -= n
- lahf ; save carry flag
- add di, 4 ; increment by double word size
- add bx, 4
- sahf ; restore carry flag
- loop top_loop_32
- bottom:
- .8086
- mov dx, ds ; return r in dx:ax
- pop ds ; restore ds
- mov ax, word ptr r
- ret
- sub_a_bn ENDP
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ; r = -n
- neg_bn PROC USES di, r:bn_t, n:bn_t
- mov cx, bnlength
- push ds
- mov di, word ptr n ; load pointers ds:di
- lds bx, r ; ds:bx
- cmp cpu, 386
- je short use_32_bit ; use faster 32 bit code if possible
- shr cx, 1 ; byte = 1/2 word
- top_loop_16:
- mov ax, [di]
- neg ax
- mov [bx], ax
- jc short no_more_carry_16 ; notice the "reverse" logic here
- add di, 2 ; increment by word size
- add bx, 2
- loop top_loop_16
- jmp short bottom
- no_more_carry_16:
- add di, 2
- add bx, 2
- loop top_loop_no_more_carry_16 ; jump down
- jmp short bottom
- top_loop_no_more_carry_16:
- mov ax, [di]
- not ax
- mov [bx], ax
- add di, 2
- add bx, 2
- loop top_loop_no_more_carry_16
- jmp short bottom
- use_32_bit:
- .386
- shr cx, 2 ; byte = 1/4 dword
- top_loop_32:
- mov eax, [di]
- neg eax
- mov [bx], eax
- jc short no_more_carry_32 ; notice the "reverse" logic here
- add di, 4 ; increment by double word size
- add bx, 4
- loop top_loop_32
- jmp short bottom
- no_more_carry_32:
- add di, 4 ; increment by double word size
- add bx, 4
- loop top_loop_no_more_carry_32 ; jump down
- jmp short bottom
- top_loop_no_more_carry_32:
- mov eax, [di]
- not eax
- mov [bx], eax
- add di, 4 ; increment by double word size
- add bx, 4
- loop top_loop_no_more_carry_32
- bottom:
- .8086
- mov dx, ds ; return r in dx:ax
- pop ds ; restore ds
- mov ax, word ptr r
- ret
- neg_bn ENDP
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ; r *= -1
- neg_a_bn PROC r:bn_t
- mov cx, bnlength
- push ds
- lds bx, r ; ds:bx
- cmp cpu, 386
- je short use_32_bit ; use faster 32 bit code if possible
- shr cx, 1 ; byte = 1/2 word
- top_loop_16:
- neg word ptr [bx]
- jc short no_more_carry_16 ; notice the "reverse" logic here
- add bx, 2
- loop top_loop_16
- jmp short bottom
- no_more_carry_16:
- add bx, 2
- loop top_loop_no_more_carry_16 ; jump down
- jmp short bottom
- top_loop_no_more_carry_16:
- not word ptr [bx]
- add bx, 2
- loop top_loop_no_more_carry_16
- jmp short bottom
- use_32_bit:
- .386
- shr cx, 2 ; byte = 1/4 dword
- top_loop_32:
- neg dword ptr [bx]
- jc short no_more_carry_32 ; notice the "reverse" logic here
- add bx, 4
- loop top_loop_32
- jmp short bottom
- no_more_carry_32:
- add bx, 4
- loop top_loop_no_more_carry_32 ; jump down
- jmp short bottom
- top_loop_no_more_carry_32:
- not dword ptr [bx]
- add bx, 4
- loop top_loop_no_more_carry_32
- bottom:
- .8086
- mov dx, ds ; return r in dx:ax
- pop ds ; restore ds
- mov ax, word ptr r
- ret
- neg_a_bn ENDP
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ; r = 2*n
- double_bn PROC USES di, r:bn_t, n:bn_t
- mov cx, bnlength
- push ds
- mov di, word ptr n ; load pointers ds:di
- lds bx, r ; ds:bx
- cmp cpu, 386
- je short use_32_bit ; use faster 32 bit code if possible
- shr cx, 1 ; byte = 1/2 word
- clc
- top_loop_16:
- mov ax, [di]
- rcl ax, 1 ; rotate with carry left
- mov [bx], ax
- ; inc does not change carry flag
- inc di ; add di, 2
- inc di
- inc bx ; add bx, 2
- inc bx
- loop top_loop_16
- jmp short bottom
- use_32_bit:
- .386
- shr cx, 2 ; byte = 1/4 dword
- clc ; clear carry flag
- top_loop_32:
- mov eax, [di]
- rcl eax, 1 ; rotate with carry left
- mov [bx], eax
- lahf ; save carry flag
- add di, 4 ; increment by double word size
- add bx, 4
- sahf ; restore carry flag
- loop top_loop_32
- bottom:
- .8086
- mov dx, ds ; return r in dx:ax
- pop ds ; restore ds
- mov ax, word ptr r
- ret
- double_bn ENDP
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ; r *= 2
- double_a_bn PROC r:bn_t
- mov cx, bnlength
- push ds
- lds bx, r ; ds:bx
- cmp cpu, 386
- je short use_32_bit ; use faster 32 bit code if possible
- shr cx, 1 ; byte = 1/2 word
- clc
- top_loop_16:
- rcl word ptr [bx], 1 ; rotate with carry left
- ; inc does not change carry flag
- inc bx ; add bx, 2
- inc bx
- loop top_loop_16
- jmp short bottom
- use_32_bit:
- .386
- shr cx, 2 ; byte = 1/4 dword
- clc ; clear carry flag
- top_loop_32:
- rcl dword ptr [bx], 1 ; rotate with carry left
- lahf ; save carry flag
- add bx, 4
- sahf ; restore carry flag
- loop top_loop_32
- bottom:
- .8086
- mov dx, ds ; return r in dx:ax
- pop ds ; restore ds
- mov ax, word ptr r
- ret
- double_a_bn ENDP
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ; r = n/2
- half_bn PROC USES di, r:bn_t, n:bn_t
- mov cx, bnlength
- push ds
- mov di, word ptr n ; load pointers ds:di
- lds bx, r ; ds:bx
- add di, cx ; start with msb
- add bx, cx
- cmp cpu, 386
- je short use_32_bit ; use faster 32 bit code if possible
- shr cx, 1 ; byte = 1/2 word
- ; handle the first step with sar, the rest with rcr
- sub di, 2
- sub bx, 2
- mov ax, [di]
- sar ax, 1 ; shift arithmetic right
- mov [bx], ax
- loop top_loop_16
- jmp short bottom
- top_loop_16:
- ; inc does not change carry flag
- dec di ; sub di, 2
- dec di
- dec bx ; sub bx, 2
- dec bx
- mov ax, [di]
- rcr ax, 1 ; rotate with carry right
- mov [bx], ax
- loop top_loop_16
- jmp short bottom
- use_32_bit:
- .386
- shr cx, 2 ; byte = 1/4 dword
- sub di, 4 ; decrement by double word size
- sub bx, 4
- mov eax, [di]
- sar eax, 1 ; shift arithmetic right
- mov [bx], eax
- loop top_loop_32
- jmp short bottom
- top_loop_32:
- lahf ; save carry flag
- sub di, 4 ; decrement by double word size
- sub bx, 4
- sahf ; restore carry flag
- mov eax, [di]
- rcr eax, 1 ; rotate with carry right
- mov [bx], eax
- loop top_loop_32
- bottom:
- .8086
- mov dx, ds ; return r in dx:ax
- pop ds ; restore ds
- mov ax, word ptr r
- ret
- half_bn ENDP
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ; r /= 2
- half_a_bn PROC r:bn_t
- mov cx, bnlength
- push ds
- lds bx, r ; ds:bx
- add bx, cx
- cmp cpu, 386
- je short use_32_bit ; use faster 32 bit code if possible
- shr cx, 1 ; byte = 1/2 word
- ; handle the first step with sar, the rest with rcr
- sub bx, 2
- sar word ptr [bx], 1 ; shift arithmetic right
- loop top_loop_16
- jmp short bottom
- top_loop_16:
- ; inc does not change carry flag
- dec bx ; sub bx, 2
- dec bx
- rcr word ptr [bx], 1 ; rotate with carry right
- loop top_loop_16
- jmp short bottom
- use_32_bit:
- .386
- shr cx, 2 ; byte = 1/4 dword
- sub bx, 4 ; decrement by double word size
- sar dword ptr [bx], 1 ; shift arithmetic right
- loop top_loop_32
- jmp short bottom
- top_loop_32:
- lahf ; save carry flag
- sub di, 4 ; decrement by double word size
- sub bx, 4
- sahf ; restore carry flag
- rcr dword ptr [bx], 1 ; rotate with carry right
- loop top_loop_32
- bottom:
- .8086
- mov dx, ds ; return r in dx:ax
- pop ds ; restore ds
- mov ax, word ptr r
- ret
- half_a_bn ENDP
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ; r = n1 * n2
- ; Note: r will be a double wide result, 2*bnlength
- ; n1 and n2 can be the same pointer
- ; SIDE-EFFECTS: n1 and n2 are changed to their absolute values
- ;
- unsafe_full_mult_bn PROC USES di si, r:bn_t, n1:bn_t, n2:bn_t
- LOCAL sign1:byte, sign2:byte, samevar:byte, \
- i:word, j:word, steps:word, doublesteps:word, carry_steps:word, \
- n1p: ptr byte, n2p: ptr byte
- ; This routine uses near variables and far pointers together in the
- ; inner-most loops. Therefore, there is little to gain by setting DS
- ; to the far segment. Instead, set ES to the far segment and use segment
- ; overrides where necessary.
- ; By forcing the bignumber to be positive and keeping track of the sign
- ; bits separately, quite a few multiplies are saved.
- ; set the ES register
- les bx, n1 ; check for sign bits
- add bx, bnlength
- dec bx
- mov al, es:[bx]
- and al, 80h ; check the sign bit
- mov sign1, al
- jz already_pos1
- invoke neg_a_bn, n1
- already_pos1:
- ; Test to see if n1 and n2 are the same variable. It would be better to
- ; use square_bn(), but it could happen.
- mov samevar, 1 ; assume they are the same
- mov bx, word ptr n2
- cmp bx, word ptr n1 ; are they the same?
- je already_pos2 ; if so, it has already been negated
- mov samevar, 0 ; they weren't the same after all
- add bx, bnlength
- dec bx
- mov al, es:[bx]
- and al, 80h ; check the sign bit
- mov sign2, al
- jz already_pos2
- invoke neg_a_bn, n2
- already_pos2:
- ; in the following loops, the following pointers are used
- ; n1p, n2p = points to the part of n1, n2 being used
- ; di = points to part of doublebignumber used in outer loop
- ; si = points to part of doublebignumber used in inner loop
- ; bx = points to part of doublebignumber for carry flag loop
- cmp cpu, 386 ; check cpu
- je use_32_bit ; use faster 32 bit code if possible
- mov ax, word ptr n1 ; load pointers
- mov n1p, ax
- mov dx, bnlength ; set outer loop counter
- shr dx, 1 ; byte = 1/2 word
- mov steps, dx ; save in steps
- mov i, dx
- shl dx, 1 ; double steps
- sub ax, ax ; clear ax
- mov cx, dx ; size of doublebignumber (r) in words
- mov di, word ptr r ; es already set
- rep stosw ; initialize r to 0
- sub dx, 2 ; only 2*s-2 steps are really needed
- mov doublesteps, dx
- mov carry_steps, dx
- mov di, word ptr r
- mov si, di ; both si and di are used here
- top_outer_loop_16:
- mov ax, word ptr n2 ; set n2p pointer
- mov n2p, ax
- mov ax, steps ; set inner loop counter
- mov j, ax
- top_inner_loop_16:
- mov bx, n1p
- mov ax, es:[bx]
- mov bx, n2p
- mul word ptr es:[bx]
- mov bx, si
- add es:[bx], ax ; add low word
- inc bx ; increase by size of word
- inc bx
- adc es:[bx], dx ; add high word
- jnc no_more_carry_16 ; carry loop not necessary
- mov cx, carry_steps ; how many till end of double big number
- jcxz no_more_carry_16
- add bx, 2 ; move pointer to next word
- ; loop until no more carry or until end of double big number
- top_carry_loop_16:
- add word ptr es:[bx], 1 ; use add, not inc
- jnc no_more_carry_16
- add bx, 2 ; increase by size of word
- loop top_carry_loop_16
- no_more_carry_16:
- add n2p, 2 ; increase by word size
- add si, 2
- dec carry_steps ; use one less step
- dec j
- ja top_inner_loop_16
- add n1p, 2 ; increase by word size
- add di, 2
- mov si, di ; start with si=di
- dec doublesteps ; reduce the carry steps needed
- mov ax, doublesteps
- mov carry_steps, ax
- dec i
- ja top_outer_loop_16
- ; result is now r, a double wide bignumber
- jmp bottom
- use_32_bit:
- .386
- mov ax, word ptr n1 ; load pointers
- mov n1p, ax
- mov dx, bnlength ; set outer loop counter
- shr dx, 2 ; byte = 1/4 dword
- mov steps, dx ; save in steps
- mov i, dx
- shl dx, 1 ; double steps
- sub eax, eax ; clear eax
- mov cx, dx ; size of doublebignumber in dwords
- mov di, word ptr r ; es already set
- rep stosd ; initialize r to 0
- sub dx, 2 ; only 2*s-2 steps are really needed
- mov doublesteps, dx
- mov carry_steps, dx
- mov di, word ptr r
- mov si, di ; both si and di are used here
- top_outer_loop_32:
- mov ax, word ptr n2 ; set n2p pointer
- mov n2p, ax
- mov ax, steps ; set inner loop counter
- mov j, ax
- top_inner_loop_32:
- mov bx, n1p
- mov eax, es:[bx]
- mov bx, n2p
- mul dword ptr es:[bx]
- mov bx, si
- add es:[bx], eax ; add low dword
- lahf ; save carry flag
- add bx, 4 ; increase by size of dword
- sahf ; restor carry flag
- adc es:[bx], edx ; add high dword
- jnc no_more_carry_32 ; carry loop not necessary
- mov cx, carry_steps ; how many till end of double big number
- jcxz no_more_carry_32
- add bx, 4 ; move pointer to next dword
- ; loop until no more carry or until end of double big number
- top_carry_loop_32:
- add dword ptr es:[bx], 1 ; use add, not inc
- jnc no_more_carry_32
- add bx, 4 ; increase by size of dword
- loop top_carry_loop_32
- no_more_carry_32:
- add n2p, 4 ; increase by dword size
- add si, 4
- dec carry_steps ; use one less step
- dec j
- ja top_inner_loop_32
- add n1p, 4 ; increase by dword size
- add di, 4
- mov si, di ; start with si=di
- dec doublesteps ; reduce the carry steps needed
- mov ax, doublesteps
- mov carry_steps, ax
- dec i
- ja top_outer_loop_32
- ; result is now r, a double wide bignumber
- bottom:
- .8086
- cmp samevar, 1 ; were the variable the same ones?
- je pos_answer ; if yes, then jump
- mov al, sign1 ; is result + or - ?
- cmp al, sign2 ; sign(n1) == sign(n2) ?
- je pos_answer ; yes
- push bnlength ; save bnlength
- shl bnlength, 1 ; temporarily double bnlength
- ; for double wide bignumber
- invoke neg_a_bn, r ; does not affect ES
- pop bnlength ; restore bnlength
- pos_answer:
- mov dx, es ; return r in dx:ax
- mov ax, word ptr r
- ret
- unsafe_full_mult_bn ENDP
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ; r = n1 * n2 calculating only the top rlength bytes
- ; Note: r will be of length rlength
- ; 2*bnlength <= rlength < bnlength
- ; n1 and n2 can be the same pointer
- ; SIDE-EFFECTS: n1 and n2 are changed to their absolute values
- ;
- unsafe_mult_bn PROC USES di si, r:bn_t, n1:bn_t, n2:bn_t
- LOCAL sign1:byte, sign2:byte, samevar:byte, \
- i:word, j:word, steps:word, doublesteps:word, \
- carry_steps:word, skips:word, \
- n1p: ptr byte, n2p: ptr byte
- ; By forcing the bignumber to be positive and keeping track of the sign
- ; bits separately, quite a few multiplies are saved.
- ; set the ES register here
- les bx, n1 ; check for sign bits
- add bx, bnlength
- dec bx
- mov al, es:[bx]
- and al, 80h ; check the sign bit
- mov sign1, al
- jz already_pos1
- invoke neg_a_bn, n1
- already_pos1:
- ; Test to see if n1 and n2 are the same variable. It would be better to
- ; use square_bn(), but it could happen.
- mov samevar, 1 ; assume they are the same
- mov bx, word ptr n2
- cmp bx, word ptr n1 ; are they the same?
- je already_pos2 ; if so, it has already been negated
- mov samevar, 0 ; they weren't the same after all
- add bx, bnlength
- dec bx
- mov al, es:[bx]
- and al, 80h ; check the sign bit
- mov sign2, al
- jz already_pos2
- invoke neg_a_bn, n2
- already_pos2:
- mov ax, word ptr n1 ; load pointers
- mov n1p, ax
- mov ax, bnlength
- shl ax, 1 ; 2*bnlength
- sub ax, rlength ; 2*bnlength-rlength
- add word ptr n2, ax ; n2 = n2+2*bnlength-rlength
- ; in the following loops, the following pointers are used
- ; n1p, n2p = points to the part of n1, n2 being used
- ; di = points to part of doublebignumber used in outer loop
- ; si = points to part of doublebignumber used in inner loop
- ; bx = points to part of doublebignumber for carry flag loop
- cmp cpu, 386 ; check cpu
- je use_32_bit ; use faster 32 bit code if possible
- sub ax, ax ; clear ax
- mov cx, rlength ; size of r in bytes
- shr cx, 1 ; byte = 1/2 word
- mov di, word ptr r ; es already set
- rep stosw ; initialize r to 0
- mov ax, rlength ; set steps for first loop
- sub ax, bnlength
- shr ax, 1 ; byte = 1/2 word
- mov steps, ax ; save in steps
- mov ax, bnlength
- shr ax, 1 ; byte = 1/2 word
- mov i, ax
- sub ax, steps
- mov skips, ax ; how long to skip over pointer shifts
- mov ax, rlength ; set steps for first loop
- shr ax, 1 ; byte = 1/2 word
- sub ax, 2 ; only rlength/2-2 steps are really needed
- mov doublesteps, ax
- mov carry_steps, ax
- mov di, word ptr r ; this is r
- mov si, di ; both si and di are used here
- top_outer_loop_16:
- mov ax, word ptr n2 ; set n2p pointer
- mov n2p, ax
- mov ax, steps ; set inner loop counter
- mov j, ax
- top_inner_loop_16:
- mov bx, n1p
- mov ax, es:[bx]
- mov bx, n2p
- mul word ptr es:[bx]
- mov bx, si
- add es:[bx], ax ; add low word
- inc bx ; increase by size of word
- inc bx
- adc es:[bx], dx ; add high word
- jnc no_more_carry_16 ; carry loop not necessary
- mov cx, carry_steps ; how many till end of double big number
- jcxz no_more_carry_16
- add bx, 2 ; move pointer to next word
- ; loop until no more carry or until end of double big number
- top_carry_loop_16:
- add word ptr es:[bx], 1 ; use add, not inc
- jnc no_more_carry_16
- add bx, 2 ; increase by size of word
- loop top_carry_loop_16
- no_more_carry_16:
- add n2p, 2 ; increase by word size
- add si, 2
- dec carry_steps ; use one less step
- dec j
- ja top_inner_loop_16
- add n1p, 2 ; increase by word size
- cmp skips, 0
- je type2_shifts_16
- sub word ptr n2, 2 ; shift n2 back a word
- inc steps ; one more step this time
- ; leave di and doublesteps where they are
- dec skips ; keep track of how many times we've done this
- jmp shifts_bottom_16
- type2_shifts_16:
- add di, 2 ; shift di forward a word
- dec doublesteps ; reduce the carry steps needed
- shifts_bottom_16:
- mov si, di ; start with si=di
- mov ax, doublesteps
- mov carry_steps, ax
- dec i
- ja top_outer_loop_16
- ; result is in r
- jmp bottom
- use_32_bit:
- .386
- sub eax, eax ; clear eax
- mov cx, rlength ; size of r in bytes
- shr cx, 2 ; byte = 1/4 dword
- mov di, word ptr r ; es already set
- rep stosd ; initialize r to 0
- mov ax, rlength ; set steps for first loop
- sub ax, bnlength
- shr ax, 2 ; byte = 1/4 dword
- mov steps, ax ; save in steps
- mov ax, bnlength
- shr ax, 2 ; byte = 1/4 dword
- mov i, ax
- sub ax, steps
- mov skips, ax ; how long to skip over pointer shifts
- mov ax, rlength ; set steps for first loop
- shr ax, 2 ; byte = 1/4 dword
- sub ax, 2 ; only rlength/4-2 steps are really needed
- mov doublesteps, ax
- mov carry_steps, ax
- mov di, word ptr r ; this is r
- mov si, di ; both si and di are used here
- top_outer_loop_32:
- mov ax, word ptr n2 ; set n2p pointer
- mov n2p, ax
- mov ax, steps ; set inner loop counter
- mov j, ax
- top_inner_loop_32:
- mov bx, n1p
- mov eax, es:[bx]
- mov bx, n2p
- mul dword ptr es:[bx]
- mov bx, si
- add es:[bx], eax ; add low dword
- lahf ; save carry flag
- add bx, 4 ; increase by size of dword
- sahf ; restor carry flag
- adc es:[bx], edx ; add high dword
- jnc no_more_carry_32 ; carry loop not necessary
- mov cx, carry_steps ; how many till end of double big number
- jcxz no_more_carry_32
- add bx, 4 ; move pointer to next dword
- ; loop until no more carry or until end of r
- top_carry_loop_32:
- add dword ptr es:[bx], 1 ; use add, not inc
- jnc no_more_carry_32
- add bx, 4 ; increase by size of dword
- loop top_carry_loop_32
- no_more_carry_32:
- add n2p, 4 ; increase by dword size
- add si, 4
- dec carry_steps ; use one less step
- dec j
- ja top_inner_loop_32
- add n1p, 4 ; increase by dword size
- cmp skips, 0
- je type2_shifts_32
- sub word ptr n2, 4 ; shift n2 back a dword
- inc steps ; one more step this time
- ; leave di and doublesteps where they are
- dec skips ; keep track of how many times we've done this
- jmp shifts_bottom_32
- type2_shifts_32:
- add di, 4 ; shift di forward a dword
- dec doublesteps ; reduce the carry steps needed
- shifts_bottom_32:
- mov si, di ; start with si=di
- mov ax, doublesteps
- mov carry_steps, ax
- dec i
- ja top_outer_loop_32
- ; result is in r
- bottom:
- .8086
- cmp samevar, 1 ; were the variable the same ones?
- je pos_answer ; if yes, then jump
- mov al, sign1 ; is result + or - ?
- cmp al, sign2 ; sign(n1) == sign(n2) ?
- je pos_answer ; yes
- push bnlength ; save bnlength
- mov ax, rlength
- mov bnlength, ax ; set bnlength = rlength
- invoke neg_a_bn, r ; does not affect ES
- pop bnlength ; restore bnlength
- pos_answer:
- mov dx, es ; return r in dx:ax
- mov ax, word ptr r
- ret
- unsafe_mult_bn ENDP
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ; r = n^2
- ; because of the symetry involved, n^2 is much faster than n*n
- ; for a bignumber of length l
- ; n*n takes l^2 multiplications
- ; n^2 takes (l^2+l)/2 multiplications
- ; which is about 1/2 n*n as l gets large
- ; uses the fact that (a+b+c+...)^2 = (a^2+b^2+c^2+...)+2(ab+ac+bc+...)
- ;
- ; Note: r will be a double wide result, 2*bnlength
- ; SIDE-EFFECTS: n is changed to its absolute value
- ;
- unsafe_full_square_bn PROC USES di si, r:bn_t, n:bn_t
- LOCAL i:word, j:word, steps:word, doublesteps:word, carry_steps:word, \
- rp1: ptr byte, rp2: ptr byte
- ; This routine uses near variables and far pointers together in the
- ; inner-most loops. Therefore, there is little to gain by setting DS
- ; to the far segment. Instead, set ES to the far segment and use segment
- ; overrides where necessary.
- ; By forcing the bignumber to be positive and keeping track of the sign
- ; bits separately, quite a few multiplies are saved.
- ; load ES here
- les bx, n ; check for sign bit
- add bx, bnlength
- dec bx
- mov al, es:[bx]
- and al, 80h ; check the sign bit
- jz already_pos
- invoke neg_a_bn, n
- already_pos:
- ; in the following loops, the following pointers are used
- ; n1p(di), n2p(si) = points to the parts of n being used
- ; rp1 = points to part of doublebignumber used in outer loop
- ; rp2 = points to part of doublebignumber used in inner loop
- ; bx = points to part of doublebignumber for carry flag loop
- mov cx, bnlength ; size of doublebignumber in words
- cmp cpu, 386 ; check cpu
- je use_32_bit ; use faster 32 bit code if possible
- sub ax, ax ; clear ax
- ; 2{twice the size}*bnlength/2{bytes per word}
- mov di, word ptr r ; es already set
- rep stosw ; initialize r to 0
- mov dx, bnlength ; set outer loop counter
- shr dx, 1 ; byte = 1/2 word
- dec dx ; don't need to do last one
- mov i, dx ; loop counter
- mov steps, dx ; save in steps
- shl dx, 1 ; double steps
- sub dx, 1 ; only 2*s-1 steps are really needed
- mov doublesteps, dx
- mov carry_steps, dx
- mov ax, word ptr r
- add ax, 2 ; start with second word
- mov rp1, ax
- mov rp2, ax ; start with rp2=rp1
- mov di, word ptr n ; load n1p pointer
- cmp i, 0 ; if bignumberlength is 2
- je skip_middle_terms_16
- top_outer_loop_16:
- mov si, di ; set n2p pointer
- add si, 2 ; to 1 word beyond n1p(di)
- mov ax, steps ; set inner loop counter
- mov j, ax
- top_inner_loop_16:
- mov ax, es:[di]
- mul word ptr es:[si]
- mov bx, rp2
- add es:[bx], ax ; add low word
- inc bx ; increase by size of word
- inc bx
- adc es:[bx], dx ; add high word
- jnc no_more_carry_16 ; carry loop not necessary
- mov cx, carry_steps ; how many till end of double big number
- jcxz no_more_carry_16
- add bx, 2 ; move pointer to next word
- ; loop until no more carry or until end of double big number
- top_carry_loop_16:
- add word ptr es:[bx], 1 ; use add, not inc
- jnc no_more_carry_16
- add bx, 2 ; increase by size of word
- loop top_carry_loop_16
- no_more_carry_16:
- add si, 2 ; increase by word size
- add rp2, 2
- dec carry_steps ; use one less step
- dec j
- ja top_inner_loop_16
- add di, 2 ; increase by word size
- add rp1, 4 ; increase by 2*word size
- mov ax, rp1
- mov rp2, ax ; start with rp2=rp1
- sub doublesteps,2 ; reduce the carry steps needed
- mov ax, doublesteps
- mov carry_steps, ax
- dec steps ; use one less step
- dec i
- ja top_outer_loop_16
- ; All the middle terms have been multiplied. Now double it.
- push bnlength
- shl bnlength, 1 ; r is a double wide bignumber
- invoke double_a_bn, r
- pop bnlength
- skip_middle_terms_16:
- ; Now go back and add in the squared terms.
- ; In the following loops, the following pointers are used
- ; n1p(di) = points to the parts of n being used
- ; rp1(si) = points to part of doublebignumber used in outer loop
- ; bx = points to part of doublebignumber for carry flag loop
- mov di, word ptr n ; load n1p pointer
- mov dx, bnlength ; set outer loop counter
- shr dx, 1 ; 1 bytes = 1/2 word
- mov i, dx ; loop counter
- shl dx, 1 ; double steps
- sub dx, 2 ; only 2*s-2 steps are really needed
- mov doublesteps, dx
- mov carry_steps, dx
- mov si, word ptr r ; set rp1
- top_outer_loop_squares_16:
- mov ax, es:[di]
- mul ax ; square it
- mov bx, si
- add es:[bx], ax ; add low word
- inc bx ; increase by size of word
- inc bx
- adc es:[bx], dx ; add high word
- jnc no_more_carry_squares_16 ; carry loop not necessary
- mov cx, carry_steps ; how many till end of double big number
- jcxz no_more_carry_squares_16
- add bx, 2 ; move pointer to next word
- ; loop until no more carry or until end of double big number
- top_carry_loop_squares_16:
- add word ptr es:[bx], 1 ; use add, not inc
- jnc no_more_carry_squares_16
- add bx, 2 ; increase by size of word
- loop top_carry_loop_squares_16
- no_more_carry_squares_16:
- add di, 2 ; increase by word size
- add si, 4 ; increase by 2*word size
- sub doublesteps,2 ; reduce the carry steps needed
- mov ax, doublesteps
- mov carry_steps, ax
- dec i
- ja top_outer_loop_squares_16
- ; result is in r, a double wide bignumber
- jmp bottom
- use_32_bit:
- .386
- sub eax, eax ; clear eax
- ; 2{twice the size}*bnlength/4{bytes per word}
- shr cx, 1 ; size of doublebignumber in dwords
- mov di, word ptr r ; es already set
- rep stosd ; initialize r to 0
- mov dx, bnlength ; set outer loop counter
- shr dx, 2 ; byte = 1/4 dword
- dec dx ; don't need to do last one
- mov i, dx ; loop counter
- mov steps, dx ; save in steps
- shl dx, 1 ; double steps
- sub dx, 1 ; only 2*s-1 steps are really needed
- mov doublesteps, dx
- mov carry_steps, dx
- mov ax, word ptr r
- add ax, 4 ; start with second dword
- mov rp1, ax
- mov rp2, ax ; start with rp2=rp1
- mov di, word ptr n ; load n1p pointer
- cmp i, 0 ; if bignumberlength is 4
- je skip_middle_terms_32
- top_outer_loop_32:
- mov si, di ; set n2p pointer
- add si, 4 ; to 1 dword beyond n1p(di)
- mov ax, steps ; set inner loop counter
- mov j, ax
- top_inner_loop_32:
- mov eax, es:[di]
- mul dword ptr es:[si]
- mov bx, rp2
- add es:[bx], eax ; add low dword
- lahf
- add bx, 4 ; increase by size of dword
- sahf
- adc es:[bx], edx ; add high dword
- jnc no_more_carry_32 ; carry loop not necessary
- mov cx, carry_steps ; how many till end of double big number
- jcxz no_more_carry_32
- add bx, 4 ; move pointer to next dword
- ; loop until no more carry or until end of double big number
- top_carry_loop_32:
- add dword ptr es:[bx], 1 ; use add, not inc
- jnc no_more_carry_32
- add bx, 4 ; increase by size of dword
- loop top_carry_loop_32
- no_more_carry_32:
- add si, 4 ; increase by dword size
- add rp2, 4
- dec carry_steps ; use one less step
- dec j
- ja top_inner_loop_32
- add di, 4 ; increase by dword size
- add rp1, 8 ; increase by 2*dword size
- mov ax, rp1
- mov rp2, ax ; start with rp2=rp1
- sub doublesteps,2 ; reduce the carry steps needed
- mov ax, doublesteps
- mov carry_steps, ax
- dec steps ; use one less step
- dec i
- ja top_outer_loop_32
- ; All the middle terms have been multiplied. Now double it.
- push bnlength
- shl bnlength, 1 ; r is a double wide bignumber
- invoke double_a_bn, r
- pop bnlength
- skip_middle_terms_32:
- ; Now go back and add in the squared terms.
- ; In the following loops, the following pointers are used
- ; n1p(di) = points to the parts of n being used
- ; rp1(si) = points to part of doublebignumber used in outer loop
- ; bx = points to part of doublebignumber for carry flag loop
- mov di, word ptr n ; load n1p pointer
- mov dx, bnlength ; set outer loop counter
- shr dx, 2 ; 1 bytes = 1/4 dword
- mov i, dx ; loop counter
- shl dx, 1 ; double steps
- sub dx, 2 ; only 2*s-2 steps are really needed
- mov doublesteps, dx
- mov carry_steps, dx
- mov si, word ptr r ; set rp1
- top_outer_loop_squares_32:
- mov eax, es:[di]
- mul eax ; square it
- mov bx, si
- add es:[bx], eax ; add low dword
- lahf
- add bx, 4 ; increase by size of dword
- sahf
- adc es:[bx], edx ; add high dword
- jnc no_more_carry_squares_32 ; carry loop not necessary
- mov cx, carry_steps ; how many till end of double big number
- jcxz no_more_carry_squares_32
- add bx, 4 ; move pointer to next dword
- ; loop until no more carry or until end of double big number
- top_carry_loop_squares_32:
- add dword ptr es:[bx], 1 ; use add, not inc
- jnc no_more_carry_squares_32
- add bx, 4 ; increase by size of dword
- loop top_carry_loop_squares_32
- no_more_carry_squares_32:
- add di, 4 ; increase by dword size
- add si, 8 ; increase by 2*dword size
- sub doublesteps,2 ; reduce the carry steps needed
- mov ax, doublesteps
- mov carry_steps, ax
- dec i
- ja top_outer_loop_squares_32
- ; result is in r, a double wide bignumber
- bottom:
- .8086
- ; since it is a square, the result has to already be positive
- mov dx, es ; return r in dx:ax
- mov ax, word ptr r
- ret
- unsafe_full_square_bn ENDP
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ; r = n^2
- ; because of the symetry involved, n^2 is much faster than n*n
- ; for a bignumber of length l
- ; n*n takes l^2 multiplications
- ; n^2 takes (l^2+l)/2 multiplications
- ; which is about 1/2 n*n as l gets large
- ; uses the fact that (a+b+c+...)^2 = (a^2+b^2+c^2+...)+2(ab+ac+bc+...)
- ;
- ; Note: r will be of length rlength
- ; 2*bnlength >= rlength > bnlength
- ; SIDE-EFFECTS: n is changed to its absolute value
- ;
- unsafe_square_bn PROC USES di si, r:bn_t, n:bn_t
- LOCAL i:word, j:word, steps:word, doublesteps:word, carry_steps:word, \
- skips:word, rodd:word, \
- n3p: ptr byte, \
- rp1: ptr byte, rp2: ptr byte
- ; This whole procedure would be a great deal simpler if we could assume that
- ; rlength < 2*bnlength (that is, not =). Therefore, we will take the
- ; easy way out and call full_square_bn() if it is.
- mov ax, rlength
- shr ax, 1 ; 1/2 * rlength
- cmp ax, bnlength ; 1/2 * rlength == bnlength?
- jne not_full_square
- ifndef ??version
- invoke unsafe_full_square_bn, r, n
- else
- invoke2 unsafe_full_square_bn, r, n
- endif
- ; dx:ax is still loaded with return value
- jmp quit_proc ; we're outa here
- not_full_square:
- ; This routine uses near variables and far pointers together in the
- ; inner-most loops. Therefore, there is little to gain by setting DS
- ; to the far segment. Instead, set ES to the far segment and use segment
- ; overrides where necessary.
- ; By forcing the bignumber to be positive and keeping track of the sign
- ; bits separately, quite a few multiplies are saved.
- ; set ES here
- les bx, n ; check for sign bit
- add bx, bnlength
- dec bx
- mov al, es:[bx]
- and al, 80h ; check the sign bit
- jz already_pos
- invoke neg_a_bn, n
- already_pos:
- ; in the following loops, the following pointers are used
- ; n1p(di), n2p(si) = points to the parts of n being used
- ; rp1 = points to part of doublebignumber used in outer loop
- ; rp2 = points to part of doublebignumber used in inner loop
- ; bx = points to part of doublebignumber for carry flag loop
- cmp cpu, 386 ; check cpu
- je use_32_bit ; use faster 32 bit code if possible
- sub ax, ax ; clear ax
- mov cx, rlength ; size of rlength in bytes
- shr cx, 1 ; byte = 1/2 word
- mov di, word ptr r ; es already set
- rep stosw ; initialize r to 0
- ; determine whether r is on an odd or even word in the number
- ; (even if rlength==2*bnlength, dec r alternates odd/even)
- mov ax, bnlength
- shl ax, 1 ; double wide width
- sub ax, rlength ; 2*bnlength-rlength
- shr ax, 1 ; 1 byte = 1/2 word
- and ax, 0001h ; check the odd sign bit
- mov rodd, ax
- mov ax, bnlength ; set outer loop counter
- shr ax, 1 ; byte = 1/2 word
- dec ax ; don't need to do last one
- mov i, ax ; loop counter
- mov ax, rlength ; set steps for first loop
- sub ax, bnlength
- shr ax, 1 ; byte = 1/2 word
- mov steps, ax ; save in steps
- mov dx, bnlength
- shr dx, 1 ; bnlength/2
- add ax, dx ; steps+bnlength/2
- sub ax, 2 ; steps+bnlength/2-2
- mov doublesteps, ax
- mov carry_steps, ax
- mov ax, i
- sub ax, steps
- shr ax, 1 ; for both words and dwords
- mov skips, ax ; how long to skip over pointer shifts
- mov ax, word ptr r
- mov rp1, ax
- mov rp2, ax ; start with rp2=rp1
- mov di, word ptr n ; load n1p pointer
- mov si, di
- mov ax, bnlength
- shr ax, 1 ; 1 byte = 1/2 word
- sub ax, steps
- shl ax, 1 ; 1 byte = 1/2 word
- add si, ax ; n2p = n1p + 2*(bnlength/2 - steps)
- mov n3p, si ; save for later use
- cmp i, 0 ; if bignumberlength is 2
- je skip_middle_terms_16
- top_outer_loop_16:
- mov ax, steps ; set inner loop counter
- mov j, ax
- top_inner_loop_16:
- mov ax, es:[di]
- mul word ptr es:[si]
- mov bx, rp2
- add es:[bx], ax ; add low word
- inc bx ; increase by size of word
- inc bx
- adc es:[bx], dx ; add high word
- jnc no_more_carry_16 ; carry loop not necessary
- mov cx, carry_steps ; how many till end of double big number
- jcxz no_more_carry_16
- add bx, 2 ; move pointer to next word
- ; loop until no more carry or until end of double big number
- top_carry_loop_16:
- add word ptr es:[bx], 1 ; use add, not inc
- jnc no_more_carry_16
- add bx, 2 ; increase by size of word
- loop top_carry_loop_16
- no_more_carry_16:
- add si, 2 ; increase by word size
- add rp2, 2
- dec carry_steps ; use one less step
- dec j
- ja top_inner_loop_16
- add di, 2 ; increase by word size
- mov ax, rodd ; whether r is on an odd or even word
- cmp skips, 0
- jle type2_shifts_16
- sub n3p, 2 ; point to previous word
- mov si, n3p
- inc steps ; one more step this time
- ; leave rp1 and doublesteps where they are
- dec skips
- jmp shifts_bottom_16
- type2_shifts_16: ; only gets executed once
- jl type3_shifts_16
- sub steps, ax ; steps -= (0 or 1)
- inc ax ; ax = 1 or 2 now
- sub doublesteps, ax ; decrease double steps by 1 or 2
- shl ax, 1 ; 1 byte = 1/2 word
- add rp1, ax ; add 1 or 2 words
- mov si, di
- add si, 2 ; si = di + word
- dec skips ; make skips negative
- jmp shifts_bottom_16
- type3_shifts_16:
- dec steps
- sub doublesteps, 2
- add rp1, 4 ; + two words
- mov si, di
- add si, 2 ; si = di + word
- shifts_bottom_16:
- mov ax, rp1
- mov rp2, ax ; start with rp2=rp1
- mov ax, doublesteps
- mov carry_steps, ax
- dec i
- ja top_outer_loop_16
- ; All the middle terms have been multiplied. Now double it.
- push bnlength ; save bnlength
- mov ax, rlength
- mov bnlength, ax ; r is of length rlength
- invoke double_a_bn, r
- pop bnlength
- skip_middle_terms_16:
- ; Now go back and add in the squared terms.
- ; In the following loops, the following pointers are used
- ; n1p(di) = points to the parts of n being used
- ; rp1(si) = points to part of doublebignumber used in outer loop
- ; bx = points to part of doublebignumber for carry flag loop
- ; be careful, the next dozen or so lines are confusing!
- ; determine whether r is on an odd or even word in the number
- mov ax, bnlength
- shl ax, 1 ; double wide width
- sub ax, rlength ; 2*bnlength-rlength
- mov dx, ax ; save this for a moment
- and ax, 0002h ; check the odd sign bit
- mov si, word ptr r
- add si, ax ; depending on odd or even byte
- shr dx, 1 ; assumes word size
- inc dx
- and dx, 0FFFEh ; ~2+1, turn off last bit, mult of 2
- mov di, word ptr n
- add di, dx
- mov ax, bnlength
- sub ax, dx
- shr ax, 1 ; 1 byte = 1/2 word
- mov i, ax
- shl ax, 1 ; double steps
- sub ax, 2 ; only 2*s-2 steps are really needed
- mov doublesteps, ax
- mov carry_steps, ax
- top_outer_loop_squares_16:
- mov ax, es:[di]
- mul ax ; square it
- mov bx, si
- add es:[bx], ax ; add low word
- inc bx ; increase by size of word
- inc bx
- adc es:[bx], dx ; add high word
- jnc no_more_carry_squares_16 ; carry loop not necessary
- mov cx, carry_steps ; how many till end of double big number
- jcxz no_more_carry_squares_16
- add bx, 2 ; move pointer to next word
- ; loop until no more carry or until end of double big number
- top_carry_loop_squares_16:
- add word ptr es:[bx], 1 ; use add, not inc
- jnc no_more_carry_squares_16
- add bx, 2 ; increase by size of word
- loop top_carry_loop_squares_16
- no_more_carry_squares_16:
- add di, 2 ; increase by word size
- add si, 4 ; increase by 2*word size
- sub doublesteps,2 ; reduce the carry steps needed
- mov ax, doublesteps
- mov carry_steps, ax
- dec i
- ja top_outer_loop_squares_16
- ; result is in r
- jmp bottom
- use_32_bit:
- .386
- sub eax, eax ; clear eax
- mov cx, rlength ; size of rlength in bytes
- shr cx, 2 ; byte = 1/4 dword
- mov di, word ptr r ; es already set
- rep stosd ; initialize r to 0
- ; determine whether r is on an odd or even dword in the number
- ; (even if rlength==2*bnlength, dec r alternates odd/even)
- mov ax, bnlength
- shl ax, 1 ; double wide width
- sub ax, rlength ; 2*bnlength-rlength
- shr ax, 2 ; 1 byte = 1/4 dword
- and ax, 0001h ; check the odd sign bit
- mov rodd, ax
- mov ax, bnlength ; set outer loop counter
- shr ax, 2 ; byte = 1/4 dword
- dec ax ; don't need to do last one
- mov i, ax ; loop counter
- mov ax, rlength ; set steps for first loop
- sub ax, bnlength
- shr ax, 2 ; byte = 1/4 dword
- mov steps, ax ; save in steps
- mov dx, bnlength
- shr dx, 2 ; bnlength/4
- add ax, dx ; steps+bnlength/4
- sub ax, 2 ; steps+bnlength/4-2
- mov doublesteps, ax
- mov carry_steps, ax
- mov ax, i
- sub ax, steps
- shr ax, 1 ; for both words and dwords
- mov skips, ax ; how long to skip over pointer shifts
- mov ax, word ptr r
- mov rp1, ax
- mov rp2, ax ; start with rp2=rp1
- mov di, word ptr n ; load n1p pointer
- mov si, di
- mov ax, bnlength
- shr ax, 2 ; 1 byte = 1/4 dword
- sub ax, steps
- shl ax, 2 ; 1 byte = 1/4 dword
- add si, ax ; n2p = n1p + bnlength/4 - steps
- mov n3p, si ; save for later use
- cmp i, 0 ; if bignumberlength is 2
- je skip_middle_terms_32
- top_outer_loop_32:
- mov ax, steps ; set inner loop counter
- mov j, ax
- top_inner_loop_32:
- mov eax, es:[di]
- mul dword ptr es:[si]
- mov bx, rp2
- add es:[bx], eax ; add low dword
- lahf ; save carry flag
- add bx, 4 ; increase by size of dword
- sahf ; restore carry flag
- adc es:[bx], edx ; add high dword
- jnc no_more_carry_32 ; carry loop not necessary
- mov cx, carry_steps ; how many till end of double big number
- jcxz no_more_carry_32
- add bx, 4 ; move pointer to next dword
- ; loop until no more carry or until end of double big number
- top_carry_loop_32:
- add dword ptr es:[bx], 1 ; use add, not inc
- jnc no_more_carry_32
- add bx, 4 ; increase by size of dword
- loop top_carry_loop_32
- no_more_carry_32:
- add si, 4 ; increase by dword size
- add rp2, 4
- dec carry_steps ; use one less step
- dec j
- ja top_inner_loop_32
- add di, 4 ; increase by dword size
- mov ax, rodd ; whether r is on an odd or even dword
- cmp skips, 0
- jle type2_shifts_32
- sub n3p, 4 ; point to previous dword
- mov si, n3p
- inc steps ; one more step this time
- ; leave rp1 and doublesteps where they are
- dec skips
- jmp shifts_bottom_32
- type2_shifts_32: ; only gets executed once
- jl type3_shifts_32
- sub steps, ax ; steps -= (0 or 1)
- inc ax ; ax = 1 or 2 now
- sub doublesteps, ax ; decrease double steps by 1 or 2
- shl ax, 2 ; 1 byte = 1/4 dword
- add rp1, ax ; add 1 or 2 dwords
- mov si, di
- add si, 4 ; si = di + dword
- dec skips ; make skips negative
- jmp shifts_bottom_32
- type3_shifts_32:
- dec steps
- sub doublesteps, 2
- add rp1, 8 ; + two dwords
- mov si, di
- add si, 4 ; si = di + dword
- shifts_bottom_32:
- mov ax, rp1
- mov rp2, ax ; start with rp2=rp1
- mov ax, doublesteps
- mov carry_steps, ax
- dec i
- ja top_outer_loop_32
- ; All the middle terms have been multiplied. Now double it.
- push bnlength ; save bnlength
- mov ax, rlength
- mov bnlength, ax ; r is of length rlength
- invoke double_a_bn, r
- pop bnlength
- skip_middle_terms_32:
- ; Now go back and add in the squared terms.
- ; In the following loops, the following pointers are used
- ; n1p(di) = points to the parts of n being used
- ; rp1(si) = points to part of doublebignumber used in outer loop
- ; bx = points to part of doublebignumber for carry flag loop
- ; be careful, the next dozen or so lines are confusing!
- ; determine whether r is on an odd or even word in the number
- mov ax, bnlength
- shl ax, 1 ; double wide width
- sub ax, rlength ; 2*bnlength-rlength
- mov dx, ax ; save this for a moment
- and ax, 0004h ; check the odd sign bit
- mov si, word ptr r
- add si, ax ; depending on odd or even byte
- shr dx, 2 ; assumes dword size
- inc dx
- and dx, 0FFFEh ; ~2+1, turn off last bit, mult of 2
- shl dx, 1
- mov di, word ptr n
- add di, dx
- mov ax, bnlength
- sub ax, dx
- shr ax, 2 ; 1 byte = 1/4 dword
- mov i, ax
- shl ax, 1 ; double steps
- sub ax, 2 ; only 2*s-2 steps are really needed
- mov doublesteps, ax
- mov carry_steps, ax
- top_outer_loop_squares_32:
- mov eax, es:[di]
- mul eax ; square it
- mov bx, si
- add es:[bx], eax ; add low dword
- lahf ; save carry flag
- add bx, 4 ; increase by size of dword
- sahf ; restore carry flag
- adc es:[bx], edx ; add high dword
- jnc no_more_carry_squares_32 ; carry loop not necessary
- mov cx, carry_steps ; how many till end of double big number
- jcxz no_more_carry_squares_32
- add bx, 4 ; move pointer to next dword
- ; loop until no more carry or until end of double big number
- top_carry_loop_squares_32:
- add dword ptr es:[bx], 1 ; use add, not inc
- jnc no_more_carry_squares_32
- add bx, 4 ; increase by size of dword
- loop top_carry_loop_squares_32
- no_more_carry_squares_32:
- add di, 4 ; increase by dword size
- add si, 8 ; increase by 2*dword size
- sub doublesteps,2 ; reduce the carry steps needed
- mov ax, doublesteps
- mov carry_steps, ax
- dec i
- ja top_outer_loop_squares_32
- ; result is in r
- bottom:
- .8086
- ; since it is a square, the result has to already be positive
- mov dx, es ; return r in dx:ax
- mov ax, word ptr r
- quit_proc:
- ret
- unsafe_square_bn ENDP
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ; r = n * u where u is an unsigned integer
- mult_bn_int PROC USES di si, r:bn_t, n:bn_t, u:word
- LOCAL lu:dword ; long unsigned integer in 32 bit math
- mov cx, bnlength ; set outer loop counter
- mov ax, ds ; mov DS to ES for one segment override
- mov es, ax
- mov si, word ptr n ; load pointers ds:si
- lds di, r ; ds:di
- cmp cpu, 386 ; check cpu
- je use_32_bit ; use faster 32 bit code if possible
- ; no need to clear r
- shr cx, 1 ; byte = 1/2 word
- sub bx, bx ; use bx for temp holding carried word
- top_loop_16:
- mov ax, [si] ; load next word from n
- mul es:u ; n * u
- add ax, bx ; add last carried upper word
- adc dx, 0 ; inc the carried word if carry flag set
- mov bx, dx ; save high word in bx
- mov [di], ax ; save low word
- add di, 2 ; next word in r
- add si, 2 ; next word in n
- loop top_loop_16
- jmp bottom
- use_32_bit:
- .386
- ; no need to clear r
- shr cx, 2 ; byte = 1/4 dword
- sub ebx, ebx ; use ebx for temp holding carried dword
- sub eax, eax ; clear upper eax
- mov ax, es:u ; convert u (unsigned int)
- mov es:lu, eax ; to lu (long unsigned int)
- top_loop_32:
- mov eax, [si] ; load next dword from n
- mul es:lu ; n * lu
- add eax, ebx ; add last carried upper dword
- adc edx, 0 ; inc the carried dword if carry flag set
- mov ebx, edx ; save high dword in ebx
- mov [di], eax ; save low dword
- add di, 4 ; next dword in r
- add si, 4 ; next dword in n
- loop top_loop_32
- bottom:
- .8086
- mov dx, ds ; return r in dx:ax
- mov ax, es ; restore ds
- mov ds, ax
- mov ax, word ptr r
- ret
- mult_bn_int ENDP
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ; r *= u where u is an unsigned integer
- mult_a_bn_int PROC USES di si, r:bn_t, u:word
- mov cx, bnlength ; set outer loop counter
- mov ax, ds ; save ds
- mov es, ax
- mov si, u ; save u in ds:si
- lds di, r ; load pointer ds:di
- cmp cpu, 386 ; check cpu
- je use_32_bit ; use faster 32 bit code if possible
- ; no need to clear r
- shr cx, 1 ; byte = 1/2 word
- sub bx, bx ; use bx for temp holding carried word
- top_loop_16:
- mov ax, [di] ; load next word from r
- mul si ; r * u
- add ax, bx ; add last carried upper word
- adc dx, 0 ; inc the carried word if carry flag set
- mov bx, dx ; save high word in bx
- mov [di], ax ; save low word
- add di, 2 ; next word in r
- loop top_loop_16
- jmp bottom
- use_32_bit:
- .386
- ; no need to clear r
- shr cx, 2 ; byte = 1/4 dword
- sub ebx, ebx ; use ebx for temp holding carried dword
- sub esi, esi ; clear upper esi
- top_loop_32:
- mov eax, [di] ; load next dword from r
- mul esi ; r * u
- add eax, ebx ; add last carried upper dword
- adc edx, 0 ; inc the carried dword if carry flag set
- mov ebx, edx ; save high dword in ebx
- mov [di], eax ; save low dword
- add di, 4 ; next dword in r
- loop top_loop_32
- bottom:
- .8086
- mov dx, ds ; return r in dx:ax
- mov ax, es ; restore ds
- mov ds, ax
- mov ax, word ptr r
- ret
- mult_a_bn_int ENDP
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ; r = n / u where u is an unsigned integer
- unsafe_div_bn_int PROC USES di si, r:bn_t, n:bn_t, u:word
- LOCAL sign:byte
- les bx, n ; check for sign bits
- add bx, bnlength
- dec bx
- mov al, es:[bx]
- and al, 80h ; check the sign bit
- mov sign, al
- jz already_pos
- invoke neg_a_bn, n
- already_pos:
- mov cx, bnlength ; set outer loop counter
- mov ax, ds ; use es for default ds
- mov es, ax
- ; past most significant portion of the number
- mov si, word ptr n ; load pointers ds:si
- add si, cx
- lds di, r ; ds:di
- add di, cx
- cmp cpu, 386 ; check cpu
- je use_32_bit ; use faster 32 bit code if possible
- ; no need to clear r here, values get mov'ed, not add'ed
- shr cx, 1 ; byte = 1/2 word
- mov bx, es:u
- ; need to start with most significant portion of the number
- sub si, 2 ; most sig word
- sub di, 2 ; most sig word
- sub dx, dx ; clear dx register
- ; for first time through loop
- top_loop_16:
- mov ax, [si] ; load next word from n
- div bx
- mov [di], ax ; store low word
- ; leave remainder in dx
- sub si, 2 ; next word in n
- sub di, 2 ; next word in r
- loop top_loop_16
- jmp bottom
- use_32_bit:
- .386
- ; no need to clear r here, values get mov'ed, not add'ed
- shr cx, 2 ; byte = 1/4 dword
- sub ebx, ebx ; clear upper word or ebx
- mov bx, es:u
- ; need to start with most significant portion of the number
- sub si, 4 ; most sig dword
- sub di, 4 ; most sig dword
- sub edx, edx ; clear edx register
- ; for first time through loop
- top_loop_32:
- mov eax, [si] ; load next dword from n
- div ebx
- mov [di], eax ; store low dword
- ; leave remainder in edx
- sub si, 4 ; next dword in n
- sub di, 4 ; next dword in r
- loop top_loop_32
- bottom:
- .8086
- mov ax, es ; swap es & ds
- mov bx, ds
- mov ds, ax
- mov es, bx
- cmp sign, 0 ; is result + or - ?
- je pos_answer ; yes
- invoke neg_a_bn, r ; does not affect ES
- pos_answer:
- mov dx, es ; return r in dx:ax
- mov ax, word ptr r ;
- ret
- unsafe_div_bn_int ENDP
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ; r /= u where u is an unsigned integer
- div_a_bn_int PROC USES di, r:bn_t, u:word
- LOCAL sign:byte
- les bx, r ; check for sign bits
- add bx, bnlength
- dec bx
- mov al, es:[bx]
- and al, 80h ; check the sign bit
- mov sign, al
- jz already_pos
- invoke neg_a_bn, r
- already_pos:
- mov cx, bnlength ; set outer loop counter
- mov ax, ds ; save ds in es
- mov es, ax
- lds di, r ; load pointer r in ds:di
- add di, cx
- cmp cpu, 386 ; check cpu
- je use_32_bit ; use faster 32 bit code if possible
- ; no need to clear r here, values get mov'ed, not add'ed
- shr cx, 1 ; byte = 1/2 word
- mov bx, es:u
- ; need to start with most significant portion of the number
- sub di, 2 ; most sig word
- sub dx, dx ; clear dx register
- ; for first time through loop
- top_loop_16:
- mov ax, [di] ; load next word from r
- div bx
- mov [di], ax ; store low word
- ; leave remainder in dx
- sub di, 2 ; next word in r
- loop top_loop_16
- jmp bottom
- use_32_bit:
- .386
- ; no need to clear r here, values get mov'ed, not add'ed
- shr cx, 2 ; byte = 1/4 dword
- sub ebx, ebx ; clear upper word or ebx
- mov bx, es:u
- ; need to start with most significant portion of the number
- sub di, 4 ; most sig dword
- sub edx, edx ; clear edx register
- ; for first time through loop
- top_loop_32:
- mov eax, [di] ; load next dword from r
- div ebx
- mov [di], eax ; store low dword
- ; leave remainder in edx
- sub di, 4 ; next dword in r
- loop top_loop_32
- bottom:
- .8086
- mov ax, es ; swap es & ds
- mov bx, ds
- mov ds, ax
- mov es, bx
- cmp sign, 0 ; is result + or - ?
- je pos_answer ; yes
- invoke neg_a_bn, r ; does not affect ES
- pos_answer:
- mov dx, es ; return r in dx:ax
- mov ax, word ptr r ;
- ret
- div_a_bn_int ENDP