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- ; bigflta.asm - asm routines for bigfloats
- ; Wesley Loewer's Big Numbers.
- .MODEL medium, c
- ifdef ??version
- ideal
- TYPEDEF bf_t far ptr byte
- TYPEDEF bn_t far ptr byte
- masm
- masm51
- quirks
- extern equ extrn
- real10 equ tbyte
- REAL10 equ tbyte
- sword equ word
- ; this is a horrible kludge
- ; if more invokes are added to the code then this may fail
- invoke macro a,b
- call a, b
- endm
- endif
- ifdef ??version
- extrn clear_bf:far
- extrn neg_a_bf:far
- endif
- ifndef ??version
- bf_t TYPEDEF far ptr byte ; far pointer to bigfloat array
- ; testing
- bn_t TYPEDEF far ptr byte ; far pointer to bigfloat array
- endif ; ??version
- extern cpu:word, fpu:word
- extern bflength:word
- ; testing
- extern bnlength:word, intlength:word
- ifndef ??version
- clear_bf PROTO, n:bf_t
- neg_a_bf PROTO, n:bf_t
- endif
- .8086
- .8087
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ; LDBL extract_256(LDBL f, int *exp_ptr)
- ;
- ; extracts the mantissa and exponant of f
- ; finds m and n such that 1<=|m|<256 and f = m*256^n
- ; n is stored in *exp_ptr and m is returned, sort of like frexp()
- extract_256 PROC f:real10, exp_ptr: ptr sword
- local expon:sword, exf:real10, tmp_word:word
- fld f ; f
- ftst ; test for zero
- fstsw tmp_word
- fwait
- mov ax,tmp_word
- sahf
- jnz not_zero ; proceed
- mov bx, exp_ptr
- mov word ptr [bx], 0 ; save = in *exp_ptr
- jmp bottom ; f, which is zero, is already on stack
- not_zero:
- ; since a key fpu operation, fxtract, is not emulated by the MS floating
- ; point library, separate code is included under use_emul:
- cmp fpu, 0
- je use_emul
- ; f is already on stack
- fxtract ; mant exp, where f=mant*2^exp
- fxch ; exp mant
- fistp expon ; mant
- fwait
- mov ax, expon
- mov dx, ax ; make copy for later use
- cmp ax, 0 ;
- jge pos_exp ; jump if exp >= 0
- ; exp is neg, adjust exp
- add ax, 8 ; exp+8
- pos_exp:
- ; adjust mantissa
- and ax, 7 ; ax mod 8
- jz adjust_exponent ; don't bother with zero adjustments
- mov expon, ax ; use expon as a temp var
- fild expon ; exp mant
- fxch ; mant exp
- fscale ; mant*2^exp exp
- fstp st(1) ; mant*2^exp (store in 1 and pop)
- adjust_exponent:
- mov cl, 3
- sar dx, cl ; exp / 8
- mov bx, exp_ptr
- mov [bx], dx ; save in *exp_ptr
- fwait
- jmp bottom
- use_emul:
- ; emulate above code by direct manipulation of 80 bit floating point format
- ; f is already on stack
- fstp exf
- mov ax, word ptr exf+8 ; get word with the exponent in it
- mov dx, ax ; make copy for later use
- and dx, 8000h ; keep just the sign bit
- or dx, 3FFFh ; 1<=f<2
- and ax, 7FFFh ; throw away the sign bit
- sub ax, 3FFFh ; unbiased -> biased
- mov bx, ax
- cmp bx, 0
- jge pos_exp_emul
- add bx, 8 ; adjust negative exponent
- pos_exp_emul:
- and bx, 7 ; bx mod 8
- add dx, bx
- mov word ptr exf+8, dx ; put back word with the exponent in it
- mov cl, 3
- sar ax, cl ; div by 8, 2^(8n) = 256^n
- mov bx, exp_ptr
- mov [bx], ax ; save in *exp_ptr
- fld exf ; for return value
- bottom:
- ; unlike float and double, long double is returned on fpu stack
- ret
- extract_256 ENDP
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ; LDBL scale_256( LDBL f, int n );
- ; calculates and returns the value of f*256^n
- ; sort of like ldexp()
- ;
- ; n must be in the range -2^12 <= n < 2^12 (2^12=4096),
- ; which should not be a problem
- scale_256 PROC f:real10, n: sword
- cmp n, 0
- jne non_zero
- fld f
- jmp bottom ; don't bother with scales of zero
- non_zero:
- mov cl, 3
- shl n, cl ; 8n
- fild n ; 8n
- fld f ; f 8n
- ; the fscale range limits for 8087/287 processors won't be a problem here
- fscale ; new_f=f*2^(8n)=f*256^n 8n
- fstp st(1) ; new_f
- bottom:
- ; unlike float and double, long double is returned on fpu stack
- ret
- scale_256 ENDP
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ; LDBL bftofloat(bf_t n);
- ; converts a bf number to a 10 byte real
- ;
- bftofloat PROC USES di si, n:bf_t
- LOCAL value[11]:BYTE ; 11=10+1
- mov cx, 9 ; need up to 9 bytes
- cmp bflength, 10 ; but no more than bflength-1
- jae movebytes_set
- mov cx, bflength ; bflength is less than 10
- dec cx ; cx=movebytes=bflength-1, 1 byte padding
- movebytes_set:
- cmp cpu, 386 ; check cpu
- je use_32_bit ; use faster 32 bit code if possible
- ; 16 bit code
- ; clear value
- mov word ptr value[0], 0
- mov word ptr value[2], 0
- mov word ptr value[4], 0
- mov word ptr value[6], 0
- mov word ptr value[8], 0
- mov byte ptr value[10], 0
- ; copy bytes from n to value
- lea di, value+9
- sub di, cx ; cx holds movebytes
- mov ax, ds ; save ds
- mov es, ax ; also move to es
- mov bx, bflength
- dec bx
- sub bx, cx ; cx holds movebytes
- lds si, n
- add si, bx ; n+bflength-1-movebytes
- rep movsb
- mov bl, ds:[si] ; save sign byte, si now points to it
- inc si ; point to exponent
- mov dx, ds:[si] ; use dx as exponent
- mov ds, ax ; restore ds
- mov cl, 3 ; put exponent (dx) in base 2
- shl dx, cl ; 256^n = 2^(8n)
- ; adjust for negative values
- and bl, 10000000b ; isolate sign bit
- jz not_neg_16
- neg word ptr value[0] ; take the negative of the 9 byte number
- cmc ; toggle carry flag
- not word ptr value[2]
- adc word ptr value[2], 0
- not word ptr value[4]
- adc word ptr value[4], 0
- not word ptr value[6]
- adc word ptr value[6], 0
- not byte ptr value[8] ; notice this last one is byte ptr
- adc byte ptr value[8], 0
- not_neg_16:
- cmp byte ptr value[8], 0 ; test for 0
- jz return_zero
- ; Shift until most signifcant bit is set.
- top_shift_16:
- test byte ptr value[8], 10000000b ; test msb
- jnz bottom_shift_16
- dec dx ; decrement exponent
- shl word ptr value[0], 1 ; shift left the 9 byte number
- rcl word ptr value[2], 1
- rcl word ptr value[4], 1
- rcl word ptr value[6], 1
- rcl byte ptr value[8], 1 ; notice this last one is byte ptr
- jmp top_shift_16
- bottom_shift_16:
- ; round last byte
- cmp byte ptr value[0], 80h ;
- jb bottom ; no rounding necessary
- add word ptr value[1], 1
- adc word ptr value[3], 0
- adc word ptr value[5], 0
- adc word ptr value[7], 0
- jnc bottom
- ; to get to here, the pattern was rounded from +FFFF...
- ; to +10000... with the 1 getting moved to the carry bit
- jmp rounded_past_end
- return_zero:
- fldz
- jmp return
- use_32_bit:
- .386
- ; clear value
- mov dword ptr value[0], 0
- mov dword ptr value[4], 0
- mov word ptr value[8], 0
- mov byte ptr value[10], 0
- ; copy bytes from n to value
- lea di, value+9
- sub di, cx ; cx holds movebytes
- mov ax, ds ; save ds
- mov es, ax ; also move to es
- mov bx, bflength
- dec bx
- sub bx, cx ; cx holds movebytes
- lds si, n
- add si, bx ; n+bflength-1-movebytes
- rep movsb
- mov bl, ds:[si] ; save sign byte, si now points to it
- inc si ; point to exponent
- mov dx, ds:[si] ; use dx as exponent
- mov ds, ax ; restore ds
- shl dx, 3 ; 256^n = 2^(8n)
- ; adjust for negative values
- and bl, 10000000b ; determine sign
- jz not_neg_32
- neg dword ptr value[0] ; take the negative of the 9 byte number
- cmc ; toggle carry flag
- not dword ptr value[4]
- adc dword ptr value[4], 0
- not byte ptr value[8] ; notice this last one is byte ptr
- adc byte ptr value[8], 0
- not_neg_32:
- cmp byte ptr value[8], 0 ; test for 0
- jz return_zero
- ; Shift until most signifcant bit is set.
- top_shift_32:
- test byte ptr value[8], 10000000b ; test msb
- jnz bottom_shift_32
- dec dx ; decrement exponent
- shl dword ptr value[0], 1 ; shift left the 9 byte number
- rcl dword ptr value[4], 1
- rcl byte ptr value[8], 1 ; notice this last one is byte ptr
- jmp top_shift_32
- bottom_shift_32:
- ; round last byte
- cmp byte ptr value[0], 80h ;
- jb bottom ; no rounding necessary
- add dword ptr value[1], 1
- adc dword ptr value[5], 0
- jnc bottom
- ; to get to here, the pattern was rounded from +FFFF...
- ; to +10000... with the 1 getting moved to the carry bit
- rounded_past_end:
- .8086 ; used in 16 it code as well
- mov byte ptr value[8], 10000000b
- inc dx ; adjust the exponent
- bottom:
- .8086
- ; adjust exponent
- add dx, 3FFFh+7 ; unbiased -> biased, + adjusted
- or dh, bl ; set sign bit if set
- mov word ptr value[9], dx
- ; unlike float and double, long double is returned on fpu stack
- fld real10 ptr value[1] ; load return value
- return:
- ret
- bftofloat endp
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ; LDBL floattobf(bf_t n, LDBL f);
- ; converts a 10 byte real to a bf number
- ;
- floattobf PROC USES di si, n:bf_t, f:REAL10
- LOCAL value[9]:BYTE ; 9=8+1
- ; I figured out a way to do this with no local variables,
- ; but it's not worth it.
- invoke clear_bf, n
- ; check to see if f is 0
- cmp byte ptr f[7], 0 ; f[7] can only be 0 if f is 0
- jz return ; if f is 0, bailout now
- mov cx, 9 ; need up to 9 bytes
- cmp bflength, 10 ; but no more than bflength-1
- jae movebytes_set
- mov cx, bflength ; bflength is less than 10
- dec cx ; movebytes = bflength-1, 1 byte padding
- movebytes_set:
- cmp cpu, 386 ; check cpu
- je use_32_bit ; use faster 32 bit code if possible
- ; 16 bit code
- ; copy bytes from f's mantissa to value
- mov byte ptr value[0], 0 ; clear least sig byte
- mov ax, word ptr f[0]
- mov word ptr value[1], ax
- mov ax, word ptr f[2]
- mov word ptr value[3], ax
- mov ax, word ptr f[4]
- mov word ptr value[5], ax
- mov ax, word ptr f[6]
- mov word ptr value[7], ax
- ; get exponent in dx
- mov dx, word ptr f[8] ; location of exponent
- and dx, 7FFFh ; remove sign bit
- sub dx, 3FFFh+7 ; biased -> unbiased, + adjust
- ; Shift down until exponent is a mult of 8 (2^8n=256n)
- top_shift_16:
- test dx, 111b ; expon mod 8
- jz bottom
- inc dx ; increment exponent
- shr word ptr value[7], 1 ; shift right the 9 byte number
- rcr word ptr value[5], 1
- rcr word ptr value[3], 1
- rcr word ptr value[1], 1
- rcr byte ptr value[0], 1 ; notice this last one is byte ptr
- jmp top_shift_16
- use_32_bit:
- .386
- ; copy bytes from f's mantissa to value
- mov byte ptr value[0], 0 ; clear least sig byte
- mov eax, dword ptr f[0]
- mov dword ptr value[1], eax
- mov eax, dword ptr f[4]
- mov dword ptr value[5], eax
- ; get exponent in dx
- mov dx, word ptr f[8] ; location of exponent
- and dx, 7FFFh ; remove sign bit
- sub dx, 3FFFh+7 ; biased -> unbiased, + adjust
- ; Shift down until exponent is a mult of 8 (2^8n=256n)
- top_shift_32:
- test dx, 111b ; expon mod 8
- jz bottom
- inc dx ; increment exponent
- shr dword ptr value[5], 1 ; shift right the 9 byte number
- rcr dword ptr value[1], 1
- rcr byte ptr value[0], 1 ; notice this last one is byte ptr
- jmp top_shift_32
- bottom:
- .8086
- ; Don't bother rounding last byte as it would only make a difference
- ; when bflength < 9, and then only on the last bit.
- ; move data into place, from value to n
- lea si, value+9
- sub si, cx ; cx holds movebytes
- les di, n
- add di, bflength
- dec di
- sub di, cx ; cx holds movebytes
- rep movsb
- inc di
- mov cl, 3
- sar dx, cl ; divide expon by 8, 256^n=2^8n
- mov word ptr es:[di], dx ; store exponent
- ; get sign
- test byte ptr f[9], 10000000b ; test sign bit
- jz not_negative
- invoke neg_a_bf, n
- not_negative:
- return:
- les ax, n ; load es again in case f was 0
- mov dx, es ; return r in dx:ax
- ret
- floattobf endp
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ; LDBL bntofloat(bf_t n);
- ; converts a bn number to a 10 byte real
- ; (the most speed critical of these to/from float routines)
- bntofloat PROC USES di si, n:bn_t
- LOCAL value[11]:BYTE ; 11=10+1
- ; determine the most significant byte, not 0 or FF
- les si, n
- dec si
- add si, bnlength ; n+bnlength-1
- mov bl, es:[si] ; top byte
- mov cx, bnlength ; initialize cx with full bnlength
- cmp bl, 0 ; test top byte against 0
- je determine_sig_bytes
- cmp bl, 0FFh ; test top byte against -1
- jne sig_bytes_determined
- determine_sig_bytes:
- dec cx ; now bnlength-1
- top_sig_byte:
- dec si ; previous byte
- cmp es:[si], bl ; does it have the right stuff?
- jne sig_bytes_determined ; (ie: does it match top byte?)
- loop top_sig_byte ; decrement cx and repeat
- ; At this point, it must be 0 with no sig figs at all
- ; or -1/(256^bnlength), one bit away from being zero.
- cmp bl, 0 ; was it zero?
- jz return_zero ; yes
- ; no, it was a very small negative
- mov ax, intlength
- sub ax, bnlength
- mov cl, 3
- shl ax, cl ; 256^n=2^8n, now more like movebits
- add ax, 3FFFh+0 ; bias, no adjustment necessary
- or ah, 10000000b ; turn on sign flag
- mov word ptr value[9], ax ; store exponent
- mov word ptr value[7], 8000h ; store mantissa of 1 in most sig bit
- ; clear rest of value that is actually used
- mov word ptr value[1], 0
- mov word ptr value[3], 0
- mov word ptr value[5], 0
- fld real10 ptr value[1]
- jmp return
- sig_bytes_determined:
- mov dx, cx ; save in dx for later
- cmp cx, 9-1 ; no more than cx bytes
- jb set_movebytes
- mov cx, 9-1 ; up to 8 bytes
- set_movebytes: ; cx now holds movebytes
- ; si still points to most non-0 sig byte
- sub si, cx ; si now points to first byte to be moved
- inc cx ; can be up to 9
- cmp cpu, 386 ; check cpu
- je use_32_bit ; use faster 32 bit code if possible
- ; 16 bit code
- ; clear value
- mov word ptr value[0], 0
- mov word ptr value[2], 0
- mov word ptr value[4], 0
- mov word ptr value[6], 0
- mov word ptr value[8], 0
- mov byte ptr value[10], 0
- ; copy bytes from n to value ; es:si still holds first move byte of n
- mov di, es ; swap es and ds
- mov ax, ds
- mov es, ax ; ax is left with original ds
- mov ds, di
- lea di, value+9
- sub di, cx ; cx holds movebytes
- rep movsb
- mov ds, ax ; restore ds
- ; adjust for negative values
- xor ax, ax ; use ax as a flag
- ; get sign flag ; top byte is still in bl
- and bl, 10000000b ; isolate the sign bit
- jz not_neg_16
- neg word ptr value[0] ; take the negative of the 9 byte number
- cmc ; toggle carry flag
- not word ptr value[2]
- adc word ptr value[2], 0
- not word ptr value[4]
- adc word ptr value[4], 0
- not word ptr value[6]
- adc word ptr value[6], 0
- not byte ptr value[8] ; notice this last one is byte ptr
- adc byte ptr value[8], 0
- jnc not_neg_16 ; normal
- mov byte ptr value[8], 10000000b ;n was FFFF...0000...
- inc ax ; set ax to 1 to flag this special case
- not_neg_16:
- sub dx, bnlength ; adjust exponent
- add dx, intlength ; adjust exponent
- mov cl, 3
- shl dx, cl ; 256^n=2^8n
- add dx, ax ; see special case above
- ; Shift until most signifcant bit is set.
- top_shift_16:
- test byte ptr value[8], 10000000b ; test msb
- jnz bottom
- dec dx ; decrement exponent
- shl word ptr value[0], 1 ; shift left the 9 byte number
- rcl word ptr value[2], 1
- rcl word ptr value[4], 1
- rcl word ptr value[6], 1
- rcl byte ptr value[8], 1 ; notice this last one is byte ptr
- jmp top_shift_16
- ; don't bother rounding, not really needed while speed is.
- return_zero:
- fldz
- jmp return
- use_32_bit:
- .386
- ; clear value
- mov dword ptr value[0], 0
- mov dword ptr value[4], 0
- mov word ptr value[8], 0
- mov byte ptr value[10], 0
- ; copy bytes from n to value ; es:si still holds first move byte of n
- mov di, es ; swap es and ds
- mov ax, ds
- mov es, ax ; ax is left with original ds
- mov ds, di
- lea di, value+9
- sub di, cx ; cx holds movebytes
- rep movsb
- mov ds, ax ; restore ds
- ; adjust for negative values
- xor ax, ax ; use ax as a flag
- ; get sign flag ; top byte is still in bl
- and bl, 10000000b ; determine sign
- jz not_neg_32
- neg dword ptr value[0] ; take the negative of the 9 byte number
- cmc ; toggle carry flag
- not dword ptr value[4]
- adc dword ptr value[4], 0
- not byte ptr value[8] ; notice this last one is byte ptr
- adc byte ptr value[8], 0
- jnc not_neg_32 ; normal
- mov byte ptr value[8], 10000000b ;n was FFFF...0000...
- inc ax ; set ax to 1 to flag this special case
- not_neg_32:
- sub dx, bnlength ; adjust exponent
- add dx, intlength ; adjust exponent
- shl dx, 3 ; 256^n=2^8n
- add dx, ax ; see special case above
- ; Shift until most signifcant bit is set.
- top_shift_32:
- test byte ptr value[8], 10000000b ; test msb
- jnz bottom
- dec dx ; decrement exponent
- shl dword ptr value[0], 1 ; shift left the 9 byte number
- rcl dword ptr value[4], 1
- rcl byte ptr value[8], 1 ; notice this last one is byte ptr
- jmp top_shift_32
- ; don't bother rounding, not really needed while speed is.
- bottom:
- .8086
- ; adjust exponent
- add dx, 3FFFh+7-8 ; unbiased -> biased, + adjusted
- or dh, bl ; set sign bit if set
- mov word ptr value[9], dx
- ; unlike float and double, long double is returned on fpu stack
- fld real10 ptr value[1] ; load return value
- return:
- ret
- bntofloat endp
- ;
- ; LDBL floattobn(bf_t n, LDBL f) is in BIGNUM.C
- ;