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- comment {
- The fractals in this file are some of my first attempts
- at using the formula complier. (At least those I was willing
- to show others <G>). Comments are welcome as always!
- The accompanying parameter file (RCL.PAR) provides a simple
- example generated from each formula.
- Ron Lewen
- CIS: 76376,2567
- }
- RCL_Cross1 { ; Ron Lewen
- ; Try p1=(0,1), fn1=sin and fn2=sqr. Set corners at
- ; -10/10/-7.5/7.5 to see a cross shape. The larger
- ; lakes at the center of the cross have good detail
- ; to zoom in on.
- ; Use floating point.
- ;
- z=pixel:
- z=p1*fn1(fn2(z+p1)),
- |z| <= 4
- }
- RCL_Cross2 { ; Ron Lewen
- ; Try p1=(0,1), fn1=sin and fn2=sqr. Set corners at
- ; -10/10/-7.5/7.5 to see a deformed cross shape.
- ; The larger lakes at the center of the cross have
- ; good detail to zoom in on.
- ; Try corner=-1.58172/.976279/-1.21088/-.756799 to see
- ; a deformed mandelbrot set.
- ; Use floating point.
- ;
- z=pixel:
- z=pixel*fn1(fn2(z+p1)),
- |z| <= 4
- }
- RCL_Mandel (XAXIS) { ; Ron Lewen
- ; The traditional Mandelbrot formula with a different
- ; escape condition. Try p1=(1,0). This is basically the M-Set
- ; with more chaos outside. p1=(0,0) yields a distorted M-set.
- ; Use floating point
- ;
- z=pixel:
- z=sqr(z) + pixel,
- sin(z) <= p1
- }
- RCL_Logistic_1 (XAXIS) { ; Ron Lewen
- ; Based on logistic equation x -> c(x)(1-x) used
- ; to model animal populations. Try p1=(3,0.1) to
- ; see a family of spiders out for a walk <G>!
- ;
- z=pixel:
- z=p1*z*(1-z),
- |z| <= 1
- }
- RCL_Pick1 (XAXIS) { ; Ron Lewen
- ; Try corners=2.008874/-3.811126/-3.980167/3.779833/
- ; -3.811126/3.779833 to see Figure 9.7 (P. 123) in
- ; Pickover's Computers, Pattern, Chaos and Beauty.
- ; Figures 9.9 - 9.13 can be found by zooming.
- ; Use floating point
- ;
- z=0:
- z=cosh(z) + pixel,
- abs(z) < 40
- }
- RCL_Pick2_M (XAXIS) { ; Ron Lewen
- ; Generates a biomorph of a Pseudo-Mandelbrot set with
- ; extra tails. Part of Pickover's Biomorph Zoo Collection
- ; Formula is adapted from Pickover's book, Figure 8.9
- ; (p. 105) but the result is different. Set corners=
- ; -2.640801/1.359199/-1.5/1.5 to center image. I use the
- ; color map that comes as default in WINFRACT. (I guess I
- ; like purple <G>).
- ; Use floating point
- ;
- z=pixel:
- z=sin(z) + z^2 + pixel,
- |real(z)| < 100 || |imag(z)| < 100
- }
- RCL_Pick2_J { ; Ron Lewen
- ; A julia set based on the formula in Figure 8.9
- ; (p. 105) of Pickover's book. Very similar to
- ; the Frontpiece for Appendix A.
- ;
- z=pixel:
- z=sin(z) + z^2 + p1,
- abs(real(z)) < 100 || abs(imag(z)) < 100
- }
- RCL_Pick3 (XAXIS) { ; Ron Lewen
- ; Generates Figure 9.18 (p. 134) from Pickover's book.
- ; Set maxiter >= 1000 to see good detail in the spirals
- ; in the three large lakes. Also set inside=0.
- ;
- z=0.5:
- z=z*pixel-pixel/sqr(z),
- abs(z) < 8
- }
- RCL_Pick4 (XAXIS) { ; Ron Lewen
- ; Variation of formula for Figure 9.18 (p. 134) from Pickover's
- ; book.
- ; Set inside=0 to see three large lakes around a blue "core".
- ;
- z=pixel:
- z=z*pixel-pixel/sqr(z),
- |z| <= 4
- }
- RCL_Pick5 (XAXIS) { ; Ron Lewen
- ;
- ; Adapted from Pickover's Biomorph Zoo Collection in
- ; Figure 8.7 (p. 102).
- ;
- z=pixel:
- z=z^z + z^5 + pixel,
- |real(z)| <= 100 || |imag(z)| <= 100
- }
- RCL_Pick6 (XAXIS) { ; Ron Lewen
- ;
- ; Adapted from Pickover's Biomorph Zoo Collection in
- ; Figure 8.7 (p. 102).
- ;
- z=pixel:
- z=z^z + z^6 + pixel,
- |real(z)| <= 100 || |imag(z)| <= 100
- }
- RCL_Pick7 (XAXIS) { ; Ron Lewen
- ;
- ; Adapted from Pickover's Biomorph Zoo Collection in
- ; Figure 8.7 (p. 102).
- ;
- z=pixel:
- z=z^5 + pixel,
- |real(z)| <= 100 || |imag(z)| <= 100
- }
- RCL_Pick8 (XAXIS) { ; Ron Lewen
- ;
- ; Adapted from Pickover's Biomorph Zoo Collection in
- ; Figure 8.7 (p. 102).
- ;
- z=pixel:
- z=z^3 + pixel,
- |real(z)| <= 100 || |imag(z)| <= 100
- }
- RCL_Pick9 (XAXIS) { ; Ron Lewen
- ;
- ; Adapted from Pickover's Biomorph Zoo Collection in
- ; Figure 8.7 (p. 102).
- ;
- z=pixel:
- z=sin(z) + 2.71828^z + pixel,
- |real(z)| <= 100 || |imag(z)| <= 100
- }
- RCL_Pick10 (XAXIS) { ; Ron Lewen
- ;
- ; Variation of Figure 9.18 (p.134) from Pickover's
- ; Book. Generates an interesting Biomorph.
- ;
- z=pixel:
- z=z/pixel-pixel*sqr(z),
- abs(z) < 8
- }
- RCL_Pick11 (XAXIS) { ; Ron Lewen
- ;
- ; Formula from Figure 8.3 (p. 98) of Pickover's
- ; book. Generates a biomorph. Figure 8.3 is a
- ; zoom on one of the shapes at the corner of the
- ; biomorph.
- ;
- ; Use Floating Point
- ;
- z=pixel:
- z=z^2+0.5
- |real(z)| <= 100 || |imag(z)| <= 100
- }
- RCL_Pick12 { ; Ron Lewen
- ;
- ; Formula from Figure 12.7 (p. 202) of Pickover's
- ; book.
- ;
- ; Use Floating Point
- ;
- z=pixel:
- z=(2.71828^(p1)) * z * (1-z),
- abs(real(z)) < 10 || abs(imag(z)) < 10
- }
- RCL_Pick13 { ; Ron Lewen
- ;
- ; Formula from Frontpiece for Appendix C
- ; and Credits in Pickover's book.
- ; Set p1=(3,0) to generate the Frontpiece
- ; for Appendix C and to (2,0) for Credits
- ;
- ; Use Floating Point
- ;
- z=.001:
- z=z^p1+(1/pixel)^p1,
- |z| <= 100
- }
- RCL_1 (XAXIS) { ; Ron Lewen
- ;
- ; An interesting Biomorph inspired by Pickover's
- ; Computers, Pattern, Choas and Beauty.
- ;
- ; Use Floating Point
- ;
- z=pixel:
- z=pixel/z-z^2,
- |real(z)| <= 100 || |imag(z)| <= 100
- }
- RCL_2 (XAXIS) { ; Ron Lewen
- ;
- ; A biomorph flower? Simply a change in initial
- ; conditions from RCL_1 above
- ;
- ; Use Floating Point
- ;
- z=1/pixel:
- z=pixel/z-z^2
- |real(z)| <= 100 || |imag(z)| <= 100
- }
- RCL_3 (XAXIS) { ; Ron Lewen
- ;
- ; A seemingly endless vertical pattern. The most activity
- ; is around the center of the image.
- ;
- ; Use Floating Point
- ;
- z=pixel:
- z=pixel^z+z^pixel,
- |real(z)| <= 100 || |imag(z)| <= 100
- }
- RCL_Quaternion_J (ORIGIN) { ; Ron Lewen
- ;
- ; From Pseudocode 10.5 (p. 169) of Pickover's book.
- ; Looks at Julia set for a0,a2 plane. p1 selects
- ; slice in to look at.
- ; p2 correspondes to a point on the Quaternion
- ; Mandelbrot set (see below).
- ; Try (-.745,.113) as a starting point.
- ;
- a0=real(pixel), a2=imag(pixel), a1=real(p1), a3=imag(p1):
- savea0=a0^2-a1^2-a2^2-a3^2+p2
- savea2=2*a0*a2+p2
- a0=savea0
- a2=savea2
- (a0^2+a1^2+a2^2+a3^2) <= 2
- }
- RCL_Quaternion_M (XAXIS) { ; Ron Lewen
- ;
- ; From Pseudocode 10.5 (p. 169) of Pickover's book.
- ; Looks at Mandelbrot set for a0,a2 plane.
- ; p1 selects slice in to look at. p1 should
- ; not be (0,0) (this yields a blank screen!).
- ;
- a0=a2=pixel, a1=real(p1), a3=imag(p1):
- savea0=a0^2-a1^2-a2^2-a3^2+pixel
- savea2=2*a0*a2+pixel
- a0=savea0
- a2=savea2
- (a0^2+a1^2+a2^2+a3^2) <= 2
- }