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- comment = {
- FRACTINT.DOC has instructions for adding new formulas to this file.
- Note that there are several hard-coded restrictions in the formula
- interpreter:
- 1) The fractal name through the open curly bracket must be on a single line.
- 2) There is a current hard-coded limit of 30 formulas per formula file, only
- because of restrictions in the prompting routines.
- 3) Formulas must currently be less than 200 characters long.
- 3) Comments, like this one, are set up using dummy formulas with no
- formula name or the special name "comment". There can be as many
- of these "comment" fractals as desired, they can be interspersed with
- the real formulas, and they have no length restriction.
- }
- Mandelbrot(XAXIS) = {
- z = Pixel: z = sqr(z) + pixel, |z| <= 4
- }
- { The following is a formula taken from a Compuserve GIF file called RAMANUJAN1
- as suggested by an equation in an article about the life and work of Indian
- mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan in the book "The World of Mathematics" Vol.
- 1, pp 366-376.}
- Ramanujan1(ORIGIN) = {
- z = pixel:
- z = (cosh(p1 * sqr(z)) - sinh(p2 * sqr(z))/(p2 * sqr(z)))/z,
- |z|<= 4
- }
- { The following formula came from Tobey J. E. Reed when asked how he made his
- IMAGE1 and IMAGE2 fractals.}
- LeeMandel1(XYAXIS) = {
- z = pixel:
- c = sqr(pixel)/z,
- c = z + c,
- z = sqr(z),
- |z| < P1
- }
- LeeMandel2(XYAXIS) = {
- z = pixel:
- c = sqr(pixel)/z,
- c = z + c,
- z = sqr(c * pixel),
- |z| < 4
- }
- Tobey3(XAXIS) = {
- z = pixel:
- c = pixel - sqr(z),
- c = pixel + c/z,
- z = c - z * pixel,
- |z| < 4
- }
- ConformalMapping = {
- c = pixel, RealZ = Real(c), ImagZ = Imag(c):
- RealZ = Sqr(RealZ) + (RealZ * ImagZ) + Real(c);
- ImagZ = Sqr(ImagZ) + (RealZ * ImagZ) + Imag(c);
- z = RealZ + (ImagZ * (0, 1)),
- |z| < 4
- }
- Sterling(XAXIS) = {
- z = Pixel: z = ((z/2.7182818)^z)/sqr(6.2831853*z),
- |z| <= 4
- }
- Sterling2(XAXIS) = {
- z = pixel: z = ((z/2.7182818)^z)/sqr(6.2631853*Z) + pixel,
- |z| <= 4
- }
- Sterling3(XAXIS) = {
- z = Pixel: z = ((z/2.7182818)^z)/sqr(6.2831853*z) - pixel,
- |z| <= 4
- }
- Something (xaxis) = {
- z = pixel:
- z = pixel + z*z + 1/z/z,
- |z| <= 4
- }
- Somethingelse (xyaxis) = {
- z = 1:
- z = pixel * (z*z + 1/z/z),
- |z| <= 1000000
- }
- JSomethingelse (xyaxis) = {
- z = pixel:
- z = p1 * (z*z + 1/z/z),
- |z| <= 1000000
- }
- No_name(xaxis) = {
- z = pixel:
- z=z+z*z+(1/z*z)+pixel,
- |z| <= 4
- }
- comment = {
- It seems not so ugly at first glance and lot of corners to zoom in.
- Try this:
- Corners x y
- Top-left -1.178372 -0.601683
- bottom-right -0.978384 -0.751678
- center -1.07838 -0.67668
- }
- Tim's_Error(XAXIS) = {
- z = pixel, c = z ^ (z - 1):
- z = sqr(z);
- t2 = real(z)*real(c) + imag(z)*imag(c);
- t3 = real(t2)*imag(c) - imag(z)*real(c);
- z = t2 + t3 + pixel,
- |z| <= 4
- }
- comment = {
- A reverse enginerring of a coding error by Tim Wegner done while hard coding
- MarksMandelPwr fractal. Looks like a bug-eyed bird of prey.
- }
- Whatever_the_name(XAXIS) = {
- z = pixel:
- z=z*z+(1/z*z)+pixel,
- }