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Text File | 1995-03-08 | 36.7 KB | 1,577 lines |
- comment {
- This iteration of FRACTINT.FRM was first released with Fractint 19.0
- The formulas at the beginning of this file are from Mark Peterson, who
- built this fractal interpreter feature. The rest are grouped by contributor.
- Formulas by unidentified authors are grouped at the end.
- If you would like to contribute formulas for future versions of this file,
- please contact one of the authors listed in FRACTINT.DOC.
- All contributions are assumed to belong to the public domain.
- There are several hard-coded restrictions in the formula interpreter:
- 1) The fractal name through the open curly bracket must be on a single line.
- 2) There is a hard-coded limit of 2000 formulas per formula file, only
- because of restrictions in the prompting routines.
- 3) Formulas can contain at most 250 operations (references to variables and
- arithmetic); this is bigger than it sounds.
- 4) Comment blocks can be set up using dummy formulas with no formula name
- or with the special name "comment".
- Note that the builtin "cos" function had a bug which was corrected in
- version 16. To recreate an image from a formula which used cos before
- v16, change "cos" in the formula to "cosxx" which is a new function
- provided for backward compatibility with that bug.
- }
- {--- MARK PETERSON -------------------------------------------------------}
- Mandelbrot(XAXIS) {; Mark Peterson
- ; Classical fractal showing LastSqr speedup
- z = Pixel, z = Sqr(z): ; Start with z**2 to initialize LastSqr
- z = z + Pixel
- z = Sqr(z)
- LastSqr <= 4 ; Use LastSqr instead of recalculating
- }
- Dragon (ORIGIN) {; Mark Peterson
- z = Pixel:
- z = sqr(z) + (-0.74543, 0.2)
- |z| <= 4
- }
- Daisy (ORIGIN) {; Mark Peterson
- z = pixel:
- z = z*z + (0.11031, -0.67037)
- |z| <= 4
- }
- InvMandel (XAXIS) {; Mark Peterson
- c = z = 1 / pixel:
- z = sqr(z) + c
- |z| <= 4
- }
- DeltaLog(XAXIS) {; Mark Peterson
- z = pixel, c = log(pixel):
- z = sqr(z) + c
- |z| <= 4
- }
- Newton4(XYAXIS) {; Mark Peterson
- ; Note that floating-point is required to make this compute accurately
- z = pixel, Root = 1:
- z3 = z*z*z
- z4 = z3 * z
- z = (3 * z4 + Root) / (4 * z3)
- .004 <= |z4 - Root|
- }
- {--- DON ARCHER ----------------------------------------------------------}
- DAFRM01 {; Don Archer, 1993
- z = pixel :
- z = z ^ (z - 1) * (fn1(z) + pixel)
- |z| <= 4
- }
- DAFRM07 {
- z = pixel, c = p1 :
- z = z ^ (z - 1) * fn1(z) + pixel
- |z| <= 4
- }
- DAFRM09 {
- z = pixel, c = z + z^ (z - 1):
- tmp = fn1(z)
- real(tmp) = real(tmp) * real(c) - imag(tmp) * imag(c)
- imag(tmp) = real(tmp) * imag(c) - imag(tmp) * real(c)
- z = tmp + pixel + 12
- |z| <= 4
- }
- dafrm21 {
- z = pixel:
- x = real(z), y = imag(z)
- x1 = -fn1((x*x*x + y*y*y - 1) - 6*x)*x/(2*x*x*x + y*y*y - 1)
- y1 = -fn2((x*x*x + y*y*y - 1) + 6*x)*y/(2*x*x*x + y*y*y - 1)
- x2 = x1*x1*x1 - y1*y1*y1 + p1 + 5
- y2 = 4*x*y - 18
- z = x2 + flip(y2)
- |z| <= 100
- }
- 3daMand01 {; Mandelbrot/Zexpe via Lee Skinner
- ; based on 4dFRACT.FRM by Gordon Lamb (CIS: 100272,3541)
- z=real(pixel)+flip(imag(pixel)*p1)
- c=p2+p1*real(pixel)+flip(imag(pixel)):
- z=z^2.71828182845905 + c
- |z|<=100
- }
- 3daMand02 {; Mandelbrot/Xexpe/Feigenbaum's alpha constant=exponent
- ; based on 4dFRACT.FRM by Gordon Lamb (CIS: 100272,3541)
- z=real(pixel)+flip(imag(pixel)*p1)
- c=p2+p1*real(pixel)+flip(imag(pixel)):
- z=z^2.502907875095 + c
- |z|<=100
- }
- {--- RON BARNETT ---------------------------------------------------------}
- Julike { ; Ron Barnett, 1993
- ; a Julia function based upon the Ikenaga function
- z = Pixel:
- z = z*z*z + (P1-1)*z - P1
- |z| <= 4
- }
- Mask { ; Ron Barnett, 1993
- ; try fn1 = log, fn2 = sinh, fn3 = cosh
- ;P1 = (0,1), P2 = (0,1)
- ;Use floating point
- z = fn1(pixel):
- z = P1*fn2(z)^2 + P2*fn3(z)^2 + pixel
- |z| <= 4
- }
- JMask { ; Ron Barnett, 1993
- z = fn1(pixel):
- z = P1*fn2(z)^2 + P2
- |z| <= 4
- }
- PseudoZeePi {; Ron Barnett, 1993
- z = pixel:
- x = 1-z^p1;
- z = z*((1-x)/(1+x))^(1/p1) + p2
- |z| <= 4
- }
- ZeePi { ; Ron Barnett, 1993
- ; This Julia function is based upon Ramanujan's iterative
- ; function for calculating pi
- z = pixel:
- x = (1-z^p1)^(1/p1)
- z = z*(1-x)/(1+x) + p2
- |z| <= 4
- }
- IkeNewtMand {; Ron Barnett, 1993
- z = c = pixel:
- zf = z*z*z + (c-1)*z - c
- zd = 3*z*z + c-1
- z = z - p1*zf/zd
- 0.001 <= |zf|
- }
- Frame-RbtM(XAXIS) {; Ron Barnett, 1993
- ; from Mazes for the Mind by Pickover
- z = c = pixel:
- z = z*z*z/5 + z*z + c
- |z| <= 100
- }
- FrRbtGenM {; Ron Barnett, 1993
- z = pixel:
- z = p1*z*z*z + z*z + pixel
- |z| <= 100
- }
- FlipLambdaJ { ; Ron Barnett, 1993
- z = pixel:
- z = p1*z*(1-flip(z)*flip(z))
- |z| <= 100
- }
- REBRefInd2 { ; Ron Barnett, 1993
- ; Use floating point
- z = pixel:
- z = (z*z-1)/(z*z+2)*fn1(z)*fn2(z) + p1
- |z| <= 100
- }
- GopalsamyFn {
- z = pixel:
- x = real(z), y = imag(z)
- x1 = fn1(x)*fn2(y)
- y1 = fn3(x)*fn4(y)
- x2 = -2*x1*y1 + p1
- y = y1*y1 - x1*x1
- z = x2 + flip(y)
- |z| <= 100
- }
- REB004A {; Ron Barnett, 1993
- z = pixel:
- z =p1*fn1(z) + p1*p1*fn2(p2*z) + pixel
- |z| <= 100
- }
- REB004K {; Ron Barnett, 1993
- ; floating point required
- z = pixel:
- x = flip(pixel + fn1(3/z - z/4))
- z = x*z + p1
- |z| <= 100
- }
- REB004L {; Ron Barnett, 1993
- ; floating point required
- z = pixel:
- x = flip(pixel + fn1(p1/z - z/(p2+1)))
- z = x*z + pixel
- |z| <= 100
- }
- REB004M {; Ron Barnett, 1993
- ; floating point required
- z = pixel:
- x = real(z), y = imag(z)
- const = x*x + y*y
- x1 = -fn1(const - 12*x)*x/(4*const)
- y1 = -fn2(const + 12*x)*y/(4*const)
- x2 = x1*x1 - y1*y1 + p1
- y2 = 2*x*y
- z = x2 + flip(y2)
- |z| <= 100
- }
- REB005A {; Ron Barnett, 1993
- ; floating point required
- z = pixel:
- x = real(z), y = imag(z)
- const = x*x + y*y
- x1 = -fn1(const - 12*x)*x/(4*const)
- y1 = -fn2(const + 12*y)*y/(4*const)
- x2 = x1*x1 - y1*y1 + p1
- y2 = 2*x1*y1
- z = x2 + flip(y2)
- |z| <= 100
- }
- REB005E {; Ron Barnett, 1993
- ; floating point required
- z = pixel:
- x = real(z), y = imag(z)
- const = x*x + y*y
- x1 = -fn1((const - x)*x/const)
- y1 = -fn2((const + y)*y/const)
- x2 = x1*x1 - y1*y1 + p1
- y2 = 2*x1*y1
- z = x2 + flip(y2)
- |z| <= 100
- }
- REB005F {; Ron Barnett, 1993
- ; floating point required
- z = pixel:
- x = real(z), y = imag(z)
- const = x*x + y*y
- x1 = -fn1((const - 12*x)*x/(4*const))
- y1 = -fn2((const + 12*y)*y/(4*const))
- x2 = x1*x1 - y1*y1 + p1
- y2 = 2*x1*y1
- z = x2 + flip(y2)
- |z| <= 100
- }
- REB005G {; Ron Barnett, 1993
- ; floating point required
- z = pixel:
- x = real(z), y = imag(z)
- const = x*x + y*y
- x1 = -fn1(const + p1*x)*y/const
- y1 = -fn2(const + y)*x/const
- x2 = x1*x1 - y1*y1 + p2
- y2 = 2*x1*y1
- z = x2 + flip(y2)
- |z| <= 100
- }
- {--- BRADLEY BEACHAM -----------------------------------------------------}
- OK-01 { ;TRY P1 REAL = 10000, FN1 = SQR
- z = 0, c = pixel:
- z = (c^z) + c
- z = fn1(z)
- |z| <= (5 + p1)
- }
- z = 0, c = fn1(pixel):
- z = fn2(z) + c
- |z| <= (5 + p1)
- }
- OK-08 {
- z = pixel, c = fn1(pixel):
- z = z^z / fn2(z)
- z = c / z
- |z| <= (5 + p1)
- }
- OK-21 {
- z = pixel, c = fn1(pixel):
- z = fn2(z) + c
- fn3(z) <= p1
- }
- OK-22 {
- z = v = pixel:
- v = fn1(v) * fn2(z)
- z = fn1(z) / fn2(v)
- |z| <= (5 + p1)
- }
- OK-32 {
- z = y = x = pixel, k = 1 + p1:
- a = fn1(z)
- b = (a <= y) * ((a * k) + y)
- e = (a > y) * ((a * k) + x)
- x = y
- y = z
- z = b + e
- |z| <= (5 + p2)
- }
- OK-34 {
- z = pixel, c = (fn1(pixel) * p1):
- x = abs(real(z))
- y = abs(imag(z))
- a = (x <= y) * (fn2(z) + y + c)
- b = (x > y) * (fn2(z) + x + c)
- z = a + b
- |z| <= (10 + p2)
- }
- OK-35 {
- z = pixel, k = 1 + p1:
- v = fn1(z)
- x = (z*v)
- y = (z/v)
- a = (|x| <= |y|) * ((z + y) * k)
- b = (|x| > |y|) * ((z + x) * k)
- z = fn2((a + b) * v) + v
- |z| <= (10 + p2)
- }
- z = pixel, cx = fn1(real(z)), cy = fn2(imag(z)), k = 2 + p1:
- zx = real(z), zy = imag(z)
- x = fn3(zx*zx - zy*zy) + cx
- y = fn4(k * zx * zy) + cy
- z = x + flip(y)
- |z| < (10 + p2)
- }
- z = pixel, cx = fn1(real(pixel)), cy = fn2(imag(pixel)), k = 3 + p1:
- zx = real(z), zy = imag(z)
- x = fn3(zx*zx*zx - k*zx*zy*zy) + cx
- y = fn4(k*zx*zx*zy - zy*zy*zy) + cy
- z = x + flip(y)
- |z| < (4 + p2)
- }
- z = pixel, p1x = real(p1)+1, p1y = imag(p1)+1
- p2x = real(p2)+1, p2y = imag(p2)+1:
- zx = real(z), zy = imag(z)
- x = fn1(zx*p1x - zy*p1y) + fn2(zx*p2x - zy*p2y)
- y = fn3(zx*p1y + zy*p1x) + fn4(zx*p2y + zy*p2x)
- z = x + flip(y)
- |z| <= 20
- }
- z = c = pixel, k = 2 + p1:
- zx = real(z), zy = imag(z)
- cx = real(c), cy = imag(c)
- x = fn1(zx*zx - zy*zy) + cx
- y = fn2(k*zx*zy) + cy
- z = x + flip(y)
- c = fn3((cx + flip(cy))/k) + z
- |z| < (10 + p2)
- }
- Larry { ; Mutation of 'Michaelbrot' and 'Element'
- ; Original formulas by Michael Theroux [71673,2767]
- ; For 'Michaelbrot', set FN1 & FN2 =IDENT and P1 & P2 = default
- ; For 'Element', set FN1=IDENT & FN2=SQR and P1 & P2 = default
- ; p1 = Parameter (default 0.5,0), real(p2) = Bailout (default 4)
- z = pixel
- ; The next line sets c=default if p1=0, else c=p1
- c = ((0.5,0) * (|p1|<=0) + p1)
- ; The next line sets test=4 if real(p2)<=0, else test=real(p2)
- test = (4 * (real(p2)<=0) + real(p2) * (0<p2)):
- z = fn1(fn2(z*z)) + c
- |z| <= test
- }
- Moe { ; Mutation of 'Zexpe'.
- ; Original formula by Lee Skinner [75450,3631]
- ; For 'Zexpe', set FN1 & FN2 =IDENT and P1 = default
- ; real(p1) = Bailout (default 100)
- s = exp(1.,0.), z = pixel, c = fn1(pixel)
- ; The next line sets test=100 if real(p1)<=0, else test=real(p1)
- test = (100 * (real(p1)<=0) + real(p1) * (0<p1)):
- z = fn2(z)^s + c
- |z| <= test
- }
- Groucho { ; Mutation of 'Fish2'.
- ; Original formula by Dave Oliver via Tim Wegner
- ; For 'Fish2', set FN1 & FN2 =IDENT and P1 & P2 = default
- ; p1 = Parameter (default 1,0), real(p2) = Bailout (default 4)
- z = c = pixel
- ; The next line sets k=default if p1=0, else k=p1
- k = ((1,0) * (|p1|<=0) + p1)
- ; The next line sets test=4 if real(p2)<=0, else test=real(p2)
- test = (4 * (real(p2)<=0) + real(p2) * (0<p2)):
- z1 = c^(fn1(z)-k)
- z = fn2(((c*z1)-k)*(z1))
- |z| <= test
- }
- Zeppo { ; Mutation of 'Liar4'.
- ; Original formula by Chuck Ebbert [76306,1226]
- ; For 'Liar4' set FN1 & FN2 =IDENT and P1 & P2 = default
- ; p1 & p2 = Parameters (default 1,0 and 0,0)
- z = pixel
- ; The next line sets p=default if p1=0, else p=p1
- p = (1 * (|p1|<=0) + p1):
- z =fn1(1-abs(imag(z)*p-real(z)))+flip(fn2(1-abs(1-real(z)-imag(z))))-p2
- |z| <= 1
- }
- inandout02 {
- ;p1 = Parameter (default 0), real(p2) = Bailout (default 4)
- ;The next line sets test=4 if real(p2)<=0, else test=real(p2)
- test = (4 * (real(p2)<=0) + real(p2) * (0<p2))
- z = oldz = pixel:
- a = (|z| <= |oldz|) * (fn1(z)) ;IN
- b = (|oldz| < |z|) * (fn2(z)) ;OUT
- oldz = z
- z = a + b + p1
- |z| <= test
- }
- inandout03 {
- ;p1 = Parameter (default 0), real(p2) = Bailout (default 4)
- ;The next line sets test=4 if real(p2)<=0, else test=real(p2)
- test = (4 * (real(p2)<=0) + real(p2) * (0<p2))
- z = oldz = c = pixel:
- a = (|z| <= |oldz|) * (c) ;IN
- b = (|oldz| < |z|) * (z*p1) ;OUT
- c = fn1(a + b)
- oldz = z
- z = fn2(z*z) + c
- |z| <= test
- }
- inandout04 {
- ;p1 = Parameter (default 1), real(p2) = Bailout (default 4)
- ;The next line sets k=default if p1=0, else k=p1
- k = ((1) * (|p1|<=0) + p1)
- ;The next line sets test=4 if real(p2)<=0, else test=real(p2)
- test = (4 * (real(p2)<=0) + real(p2) * (0<p2))
- z = oldz = c = pixel:
- a = (|z| <= |oldz|) * (c) ;IN
- b = (|oldz| < |z|) * (c*k) ;OUT
- c = a + b
- oldz = z
- z = fn1(z*z) + c
- |z| <= test
- }
- {--- PIETER BRANDERHORST -------------------------------------------------}
- { The following resulted from a FRACTINT bug. Version 13 incorrectly
- calculated Spider (see above). We fixed the bug, and reverse-engineered
- what it was doing to Spider - so here is the old "spider" }
- Wineglass(XAXIS) {; Pieter Branderhorst
- c = z = pixel:
- z = z * z + c
- c = (1+flip(imag(c))) * real(c) / 2 + z
- |z| <= 4
- }
- {--- JM COLLARD-RICHARD --------------------------------------------------}
- { These are the original "Richard" types sent by Jm Collard-Richard. Their
- generalizations are tacked on to the end of the "Jm" list below, but
- we felt we should keep these around for historical reasons.}
- Richard1 (XYAXIS) {; Jm Collard-Richard
- z = pixel:
- sq=z*z, z=(sq*sin(sq)+sq)+pixel
- |z|<=50
- }
- Richard2 (XYAXIS) {; Jm Collard-Richard
- z = pixel:
- z=1/(sin(z*z+pixel*pixel))
- |z|<=50
- }
- Richard3 (XAXIS) {; Jm Collard-Richard
- z = pixel:
- sh=sinh(z), z=(1/(sh*sh))+pixel
- |z|<=50
- }
- Richard4 (XAXIS) {; Jm Collard-Richard
- z = pixel:
- z2=z*z, z=(1/(z2*cos(z2)+z2))+pixel
- |z|<=50
- }
- Richard5 (XAXIS) {; Jm Collard-Richard
- z = pixel:
- z=sin(z*sinh(z))+pixel
- |z|<=50
- }
- Richard6 (XYAXIS) {; Jm Collard-Richard
- z = pixel:
- z=sin(sinh(z))+pixel
- |z|<=50
- }
- Richard7 (XAXIS) {; Jm Collard-Richard
- z=pixel:
- z=log(z)*pixel
- |z|<=50
- }
- Richard8 (XYAXIS) {; Jm Collard-Richard
- ; This was used for the "Fractal Creations" cover
- z=pixel,sinp = sin(pixel):
- z=sin(z)+sinp
- |z|<=50
- }
- Richard9 (XAXIS) {; Jm Collard-Richard
- z=pixel:
- sqrz=z*z, z=sqrz + 1/sqrz + pixel
- |z|<=4
- }
- Richard10(XYAXIS) {; Jm Collard-Richard
- z=pixel:
- z=1/sin(1/(z*z))
- |z|<=50
- }
- Richard11(XYAXIS) {; Jm Collard-Richard
- z=pixel:
- z=1/sinh(1/(z*z))
- |z|<=50
- }
- { These types are generalizations of types sent to us by the French
- mathematician Jm Collard-Richard. If we hadn't generalized them
- there would be --ahhh-- quite a few. With 26 possible values for
- each fn variable, Jm_03, for example, has 456,976 variations! }
- Jm_01 {; generalized Jm Collard-Richard type
- z=pixel,t=p1+4:
- z=(fn1(fn2(z^pixel)))*pixel
- |z|<=t
- }
- Jm_02 {; generalized Jm Collard-Richard type
- z=pixel,t=p1+4:
- z=(z^pixel)*fn1(z^pixel)
- |z|<=t
- }
- Jm_03 {; generalized Jm Collard-Richard type
- z=pixel,t=p1+4:
- z=fn1((fn2(z)*pixel)*fn3(fn4(z)*pixel))*pixel
- |z|<=t
- }
- Jm_03a {; generalized Jm Collard-Richard type
- z=pixel,t=p1+4:
- z=fn1((fn2(z)*pixel)*fn3(fn4(z)*pixel))+pixel
- |z|<=t
- }
- Jm_04 {; generalized Jm Collard-Richard type
- z=pixel,t=p1+4:
- z=fn1((fn2(z)*pixel)*fn3(fn4(z)*pixel))
- |z|<=t
- }
- Jm_05 {; generalized Jm Collard-Richard type
- z=pixel,t=p1+4:
- z=fn1(fn2((z^pixel)))
- |z|<=t
- }
- Jm_06 {; generalized Jm Collard-Richard type
- z=pixel,t=p1+4:
- z=fn1(fn2(fn3((z^z)*pixel)))
- |z|<=t
- }
- Jm_07 {; generalized Jm Collard-Richard type
- z=pixel,t=p1+4:
- z=fn1(fn2(fn3((z^z)*pixel)))*pixel
- |z|<=t
- }
- Jm_08 {; generalized Jm Collard-Richard type
- z=pixel,t=p1+4:
- z=fn1(fn2(fn3((z^z)*pixel)))+pixel
- |z|<=t
- }
- Jm_09 {; generalized Jm Collard-Richard type
- z=pixel,t=p1+4:
- z=fn1(fn2(fn3(fn4(z))))+pixel
- |z|<=t
- }
- Jm_10 {; generalized Jm Collard-Richard type
- z=pixel,t=p1+4:
- z=fn1(fn2(fn3(fn4(z)*pixel)))
- |z|<=t
- }
- Jm_11 {; generalized Jm Collard-Richard type
- z=pixel,t=p1+4:
- z=fn1(fn2(fn3(fn4(z)*pixel)))*pixel
- |z|<=t
- }
- Jm_11a {; generalized Jm Collard-Richard type
- z=pixel,t=p1+4:
- z=fn1(fn2(fn3(fn4(z)*pixel)))+pixel
- |z|<=t
- }
- Jm_12 {; generalized Jm Collard-Richard type
- z=pixel,t=p1+4:
- z=fn1(fn2(fn3(z)*pixel))
- |z|<=t
- }
- Jm_13 {; generalized Jm Collard-Richard type
- z=pixel,t=p1+4:
- z=fn1(fn2(fn3(z)*pixel))*pixel
- |z|<=t
- }
- Jm_14 {; generalized Jm Collard-Richard type
- z=pixel,t=p1+4:
- z=fn1(fn2(fn3(z)*pixel))+pixel
- |z|<=t
- }
- Jm_15 {; generalized Jm Collard-Richard type
- z=pixel,t=p1+4:
- f2=fn2(z),z=fn1(f2)*fn3(fn4(f2))*pixel
- |z|<=t
- }
- Jm_16 {; generalized Jm Collard-Richard type
- z=pixel,t=p1+4:
- f2=fn2(z),z=fn1(f2)*fn3(fn4(f2))+pixel
- |z|<=t
- }
- Jm_17 {; generalized Jm Collard-Richard type
- z=pixel,t=p1+4:
- z=fn1(z)*pixel*fn2(fn3(z))
- |z|<=t
- }
- Jm_18 {; generalized Jm Collard-Richard type
- z=pixel,t=p1+4:
- z=fn1(z)*pixel*fn2(fn3(z)*pixel)
- |z|<=t
- }
- Jm_19 {; generalized Jm Collard-Richard type
- z=pixel,t=p1+4:
- z=fn1(z)*pixel*fn2(fn3(z)+pixel)
- |z|<=t
- }
- Jm_20 {; generalized Jm Collard-Richard type
- z=pixel,t=p1+4:
- z=fn1(z^pixel)
- |z|<=t
- }
- Jm_21 {; generalized Jm Collard-Richard type
- z=pixel,t=p1+4:
- z=fn1(z^pixel)*pixel
- |z|<=t
- }
- Jm_22 {; generalized Jm Collard-Richard type
- z=pixel,t=p1+4:
- sq=fn1(z), z=(sq*fn2(sq)+sq)+pixel
- |z|<=t
- }
- Jm_23 {; generalized Jm Collard-Richard type
- z=pixel,t=p1+4:
- z=fn1(fn2(fn3(z)+pixel*pixel))
- |z|<=t
- }
- Jm_24 {; generalized Jm Collard-Richard type
- z=pixel,t=p1+4:
- z2=fn1(z), z=(fn2(z2*fn3(z2)+z2))+pixel
- |z|<=t
- }
- Jm_25 {; generalized Jm Collard-Richard type
- z=pixel,t=p1+4:
- z=fn1(z*fn2(z)) + pixel
- |z|<=t
- }
- Jm_26 {; generalized Jm Collard-Richard type
- z=pixel,t=p1+4:
- z=fn1(fn2(z)) + pixel
- |z|<=t
- }
- Jm_27 {; generalized Jm Collard-Richard type
- z=pixel,t=p1+4:
- sqrz=fn1(z), z=sqrz + 1/sqrz + pixel
- |z|<=t
- }
- Jm_ducks(XAXIS) {; Jm Collard-Richard
- ; Not so ugly at first glance and lot of corners to zoom in.
- ; try this: corners=-1.178372/-0.978384/-0.751678/-0.601683
- z=pixel,tst=p1+4,t=1+pixel:
- z=sqr(z)+t
- |z|<=tst
- }
- Gamma(XAXIS) { ; first order gamma function from Prof. Jm
- ; "It's pretty long to generate even on a 486-33 comp but there's a lot
- ; of corners to zoom in and zoom and zoom...beautiful pictures :)"
- z=pixel,twopi=6.283185307179586,r=10:
- z=(twopi*z)^(0.5)*(z^z)*exp(-z)+pixel
- |z|<=r
- }
- ZZ(XAXIS) { ; Prof Jm using Newton-Raphson method
- ; use floating point with this one
- z=pixel,solution=1:
- z1=z^z
- z2=(log(z)+1)*z1
- z=z-(z1-1)/z2
- 0.001 <= |solution-z1|
- }
- ZZa(XAXIS) { ; Prof Jm using Newton-Raphson method
- ; use floating point with this one
- z=pixel,solution=1:
- z1=z^(z-1)
- z2=(((z-1)/z)+log(z))*z1
- z=z-((z1-1)/z2)
- .001 <= |solution-z1|
- }
- GenInvMand1_N { ; Jm Collard-Richard
- c=z=1/pixel:
- z=fn1(z)*fn2(z)+fn3(fn4(c))
- |z|<=4
- }
- {--- W. LEROY DAVIS ------------------------------------------------------}
- { These are from: "AKA MrWizard W. LeRoy Davis;SM-ALC/HRUC"
- davisl@sm-logdis1-aflc.af.mil
- The first 3 are variations of:
- z
- gamma(z) = (z/e) * sqrt(2*pi*z) * R
- }
- Sterling(XAXIS) {; davisl
- z = Pixel:
- z = ((z/2.7182818)^z)/sqr(6.2831853*z)
- |z| <= 4
- }
- Sterling2(XAXIS) {; davisl
- z = Pixel:
- z = ((z/2.7182818)^z)/sqr(6.2831853*z) + pixel
- |z| <= 4
- }
- Sterling3(XAXIS) {; davisl
- z = Pixel:
- z = ((z/2.7182818)^z)/sqr(6.2831853*z) - pixel
- |z| <= 4
- }
- PsudoMandel(XAXIS) {; davisl - try center=0,0/magnification=28
- z = Pixel:
- z = ((z/2.7182818)^z)*sqr(6.2831853*z) + pixel
- |z| <= 4
- }
- {--- ROB DEN BRAASEM -----------------------------------------------------}
- J_TchebychevC3 {
- c = pixel, z = P1:
- z = c*z*(z*z-3)
- |z|<100
- }
- J_TchebychevC7 {
- c = pixel, z = P1:
- z = c*z*(z*z*(z*z*(z*z-7)+14)-7)
- |z|<100
- }
- J_TchebychevS4 {
- c = pixel, z = P1:
- z = c*(z*z*(z*z-3)+1)
- |z|<100
- }
- J_TchebychevS6 {
- c = pixel, z = P1:
- z = c*(z*z*(z*z*(z*z-5)+6)-1)
- |z|<100
- }
- J_TchebychevS7 {
- c = pixel, z = P1:
- z = c*z*(z*z*(z*z*(z*z-6)+10)-4)
- |z|<100
- }
- J_Laguerre2 {
- c = pixel, z = P1:
- z = (z*(z - 4) +2 ) / 2 + c
- |z| < 100
- }
- J_Laguerre3 {
- c = pixel, z = P1:
- z = (z*(z*(-z + 9) -18) + 6 ) / 6 + c
- |z| < 100
- }
- J_Lagandre4 {
- c = pixel, z = P1:
- z = (z*z*(35 * z*z - 30) + 3) / 8 + c
- |z| < 100
- }
- M_TchebychevT5 {
- c = P1, z = Pixel:
- z = c*(z*(z*z*(16*z*z-20)+5))
- |z|<100
- }
- M_TchebychevC5 {
- c = P1, z = Pixel:
- z = c*z*(z*z*(z*z-5)+5)
- |z|<100
- }
- M_TchebychevU3 {
- c = P1, z = Pixel:
- z = c*z*(8*z*z-4)
- |z|<100
- }
- M_TchebychevS3 {
- c = P1, z = Pixel:
- z = c*z*(z*z-2)
- |z|<100
- }
- M_Lagandre2 {
- c = P1, z = Pixel:
- z = (3 * z*z - 1) / 2 + c
- |z| < 100
- }
- M_Lagandre6 {
- c = P1, z = Pixel:
- z = (z*z*(z*z*(231 * z*z - 315) + 105 ) - 5) / 16 + c
- |z| < 100
- }
- {--- CHUCK EBBERT & JON HORNER -------------------------------------------}
- comment {
- Chaotic Liar formulas for FRACTINT. These formulas reproduce some of the
- pictures in the paper 'Pattern and Chaos: New Images in the Semantics of
- Paradox' by Gary Mar and Patrick Grim of the Department of Philosophy,
- SUNY at Stony Brook. "...what is being graphed within the unit square is
- simply information regarding the semantic behavior for different inputs
- of a pair of English sentences:"
- }
- Liar1 { ; by Chuck Ebbert.
- ; X: X is as true as Y
- ; Y: Y is as true as X is false
- ; Calculate new x and y values simultaneously.
- ; y(n+1)=abs((1-x(n) )-y(n) ), x(n+1)=1-abs(y(n)-x(n) )
- z = pixel:
- z = 1 - abs(imag(z)-real(z) ) + flip(1 - abs(1-real(z)-imag(z) ) )
- |z| <= 1
- }
- Liar3 { ; by Chuck Ebbert.
- ; X: X is true to P1 times the extent that Y is true
- ; Y: Y is true to the extent that X is false.
- ; Sequential reasoning. P1 usually 0 to 1. P1=1 is Liar2 formula.
- ; x(n+1) = 1 - abs(p1*y(n)-x(n) );
- ; y(n+1) = 1 - abs((1-x(n+1) )-y(n) );
- z = pixel:
- x = 1 - abs(imag(z)*real(p1)-real(z) )
- z = flip(1 - abs(1-real(x)-imag(z) ) ) + real(x)
- |z| <= 1
- }
- Liar4 { ; by Chuck Ebbert.
- ; X: X is as true as (p1+1) times Y
- ; Y: Y is as true as X is false
- ; Calculate new x and y values simultaneously.
- ; Real part of p1 changes probability. Use floating point.
- ; y(n+1)=abs((1-x(n) )-y(n) ), x(n+1)=1-abs(y(n)-x(n) )
- z = pixel, p = p1 + 1:
- z = 1-abs(imag(z)*p-real(z))+flip(1-abs(1-real(z)-imag(z)))
- |z| <= 1
- }
- F'Liar1 { ; Generalization by Jon Horner of Chuck Ebbert formula.
- ; X: X is as true as Y
- ; Y: Y is as true as X is false
- ; Calculate new x and y values simultaneously.
- ; y(n+1)=abs((1-x(n) )-y(n) ), x(n+1)=1-abs(y(n)-x(n) )
- z = pixel:
- z = 1 - abs(imag(z)-real(z) ) + flip(1 - abs(1-real(z)-imag(z) ) )
- fn1(abs(z))<p1
- }
- M-SetInNewton(XAXIS) {; use float=yes
- ; jon horner 100112,1700, 12 feb 93
- z = 0, c = pixel, cminusone = c-1:
- oldz = z, nm = 3*c-2*z*cminusone, dn = 3*(3*z*z+cminusone)
- z = nm/dn+2*z/3
- |(z-oldz)|>=|0.01|
- }
- F'M-SetInNewtonA(XAXIS) {; use float=yes
- ; jon horner 100112,1700, 12 feb 93
- z = 0, c = fn1(pixel), cminusone = c-1:
- oldz = z, nm = p1*c-2*z*cminusone, dn = p1*(3*z*z+cminusone)
- z = nm/dn+2*z/p1
- |(z-oldz)|>=|0.01|
- }
- F'M-SetInNewtonC(XAXIS) { ; same as F'M-SetInNewtonB except for bailout
- ; use float=yes, periodicity=no
- ; (3 <= p1 <= ?) and (1e-30 < p2 < .01)
- z=0, c=fn1(pixel), cm1=c-1, cm1x2=cm1*2, twoop1=2/p1, p1xc=c*real(p1):
- z = (p1xc - z*cm1x2 )/( (sqr(z)*3 + cm1 ) * real(p1) ) + z*real(twoop1)
- abs(|z| - real(lastsqr) ) >= p2
- }
- {--- CHRIS GREEN ---------------------------------------------------------}
- comment {
- These fractals all use Newton's or Halley's formula for approximation of
- a function. In all of these fractals, p1 real is the "relaxation
- coefficient". A value of 1 gives the conventional newton or halley
- iteration. Values <1 will generally produce less chaos than values >1.
- 1-1.5 is probably a good range to try. P1 imag is the imaginary
- component of the relaxation coefficient, and should be zero but maybe a
- small non-zero value will produce something interesting. Who knows?
- For more information on Halley maps, see "Computers, Pattern, Chaos, and
- Beauty" by Pickover.
- }
- Halley (XYAXIS) {; Chris Green. Halley's formula applied to x^7-x=0.
- ; P1 real usually 1 to 1.5, P1 imag usually zero. Use floating point.
- ; Setting P1 to 1 creates the picture on page 277 of Pickover's book
- z=pixel:
- z5=z*z*z*z*z
- z6=z*z5
- z7=z*z6
- z=z-p1*((z7-z)/ ((7.0*z6-1)-(42.0*z5)*(z7-z)/(14.0*z6-2)))
- 0.0001 <= |z7-z|
- }
- CGhalley (XYAXIS) {; Chris Green -- Halley's formula
- ; P1 real usually 1 to 1.5, P1 imag usually zero. Use floating point.
- z=(1,1):
- z5=z*z*z*z*z
- z6=z*z5
- z7=z*z6
- z=z-p1*((z7-z-pixel)/ ((7.0*z6-1)-(42.0*z5)*(z7-z-pixel)/(14.0*z6-2)))
- 0.0001 <= |z7-z-pixel|
- }
- halleySin (XYAXIS) {; Chris Green. Halley's formula applied to sin(x)=0.
- ; Use floating point.
- ; P1 real = 0.1 will create the picture from page 281 of Pickover's book.
- z=pixel:
- s=sin(z), c=cos(z)
- z=z-p1*(s/(c-(s*s)/(c+c)))
- 0.0001 <= |s|
- }
- NewtonSinExp (XAXIS) {; Chris Green
- ; Newton's formula applied to sin(x)+exp(x)-1=0.
- ; Use floating point.
- z=pixel:
- z1=exp(z)
- z2=sin(z)+z1-1
- z=z-p1*z2/(cos(z)+z1)
- .0001 < |z2|
- }
- CGNewtonSinExp (XAXIS) {
- z=pixel:
- z1=exp(z)
- z2=sin(z)+z1-z
- z=z-p1*z2/(cos(z)+z1)
- .0001 < |z2|
- }
- CGNewton3 {; Chris Green -- A variation on newton iteration.
- ; The initial guess is fixed at (1,1), but the equation solved
- ; is different at each pixel ( x^3-pixel=0 is solved).
- ; Use floating point.
- ; Try P1=1.8.
- z=(1,1):
- z2=z*z
- z3=z*z2
- z=z-p1*(z3-pixel)/(3.0*z2)
- 0.0001 < |z3-pixel|
- }
- HyperMandel {; Chris Green.
- ; A four dimensional version of the mandelbrot set.
- ; Use P1 to select which two-dimensional plane of the
- ; four dimensional set you wish to examine.
- ; Use floating point.
- a=(0,0),b=(0,0):
- z=z+1
- anew=sqr(a)-sqr(b)+pixel
- b=2.0*a*b+p1
- a=anew
- |a|+|b| <= 4
- }
- OldHalleySin (XYAXIS) {
- z=pixel:
- s=sin(z)
- c=cosxx(z)
- z=z-p1*(s/(c-(s*s)/(c+c)))
- 0.0001 <= |s|
- }
- {--- RICHARD HUGHES ------------------------------------------------------}
- phoenix_m { ; Mandelbrot style map of the Phoenix curves
- z=x=y=nx=ny=x1=y1=x2=y2=0:
- x2 = sqr(x), y2 = sqr(y)
- x1 = x2 - y2 + real(pixel) + imag(pixel) * nx
- y1 = 2 * x * y + imag(pixel) * ny
- nx=x, ny=y, x=x1, y=y1, z=x + flip(y)
- |z| <= 4
- }
- {--- GORDON LAMB ---------------------------------------------------------}
- SJMAND01 {;Mandelbrot
- z=real(pixel)+flip(imag(pixel)*p1)
- c=p2+p1*real(pixel)+flip(imag(pixel)):
- z=z*z+c
- |z|<=64
- }
- 3RDIM01 {;Mandelbrot
- z=p1*real(pixel)+flip(imag(pixel))
- c=p2+real(pixel)+flip(imag(pixel)*p1):
- z=z*z+c
- |z|<=64
- }
- SJMAND03 {;Mandelbrot function
- z=real(pixel)+p1*(flip(imag(pixel)))
- c=p2+p1*real(pixel)+flip(imag(pixel)):
- z=fn1(z)+c
- |z|<=64
- }
- SJMAND05 {;Mandelbrot lambda function
- z=real(pixel)+flip(imag(pixel)*p1)
- c=p2+p1*real(pixel)+flip(imag(pixel)):
- z=fn1(z)*c
- |z|<=64
- }
- 3RDIM05 {;Mandelbrot lambda function
- z=p1*real(pixel)+flip(imag(pixel))
- c=p2+real(pixel)+flip(imag(pixel)*p1):
- z=fn1(z)*c
- |z|<=64
- }
- SJMAND10 {;Mandelbrot power function
- z=real(pixel),c=p2+flip(imag(pixel)):
- z=(fn1(z)+c)^p1
- |z|<=4
- }
- SJMAND11 {;Mandelbrot lambda function - lower bailout
- z=real(pixel)+flip(imag(pixel)*p1)
- c=p2+p1*real(pixel)+flip(imag(pixel)):
- z=fn1(z)*c
- |z|<=4
- }
- {--- KEVIN LEE -----------------------------------------------------------}
- LeeMandel1(XYAXIS) {; Kevin Lee
- z=Pixel:
- ;; c=sqr(pixel)/z, c=z+c, z=sqr(z), this line was an error in v16
- c=sqr(pixel)/z, c=z+c, z=sqr(c)
- |z|<4
- }
- LeeMandel2(XYAXIS) {; Kevin Lee
- z=Pixel:
- c=sqr(pixel)/z, c=z+c, z=sqr(c*pixel)
- |z|<4
- }
- LeeMandel3(XAXIS) {; Kevin Lee
- z=Pixel, c=Pixel-sqr(z):
- c=Pixel+c/z, z=c-z*pixel
- |z|<4
- }
- {--- RON LEWEN -----------------------------------------------------------}
- RCL_Cross1 { ; Ron Lewen
- ; Try p1=(0,1), fn1=sin and fn2=sqr. Set corners at
- ; -10/10/-7.5/7.5 to see a cross shape. The larger
- ; lakes at the center of the cross have good detail
- ; to zoom in on.
- ; Use floating point.
- z=pixel:
- z=p1*fn1(fn2(z+p1))
- |z| <= 4
- }
- RCL_Pick13 { ; Ron Lewen
- ; Formula from Frontpiece for Appendix C
- ; and Credits in Pickover's book.
- ; Set p1=(3,0) to generate the Frontpiece
- ; for Appendix C and to (2,0) for Credits
- ; Use Floating Point
- z=.001:
- z=z^p1+(1/pixel)^p1
- |z| <= 100
- }
- RCL_1 (XAXIS) { ; Ron Lewen
- ; An interesting Biomorph inspired by Pickover's
- ; Computers, Pattern, Choas and Beauty.
- ; Use Floating Point
- z=pixel:
- z=pixel/z-z^2
- |real(z)| <= 100 || |imag(z)| <= 100
- }
- RCL_Cosh (XAXIS) { ; Ron Lewen, 76376,2567
- ; Try corners=2.008874/-3.811126/-3.980167/3.779833/
- ; -3.811126/3.779833 to see Figure 9.7 (P. 123) in
- ; Pickover's Computers, Pattern, Chaos and Beauty.
- ; Figures 9.9 - 9.13 can be found by zooming.
- ; Use floating point
- z=0:
- z=cosh(z) + pixel
- abs(z) < 40
- }
- Mothra (XAXIS) { ; Ron Lewen, 76376,2567
- ; Remember Mothra, the giant Japanese-eating moth?
- ; Well... here he (she?) is as a fractal!
- z=pixel:
- a=z^5 + z^3 + z + pixel
- b=z^4 + z^2 + pixel
- z=b^2/a,
- |real(z)| <= 100 || |imag(z)| <= 100
- }
- RCL_10 { ; Ron Lewen, 76376,2567
- z=pixel:
- z=flip((z^2+pixel)/(pixel^2+z))
- |z| <= 4
- }
- {--- JONATHAN OSUCH ------------------------------------------------------}
- BirdOfPrey(XAXIS_NOPARM) {
- z=p1, x=1:
- (x<10)*(z=sqr(z)+pixel)
- (10<=x)*(z=cosxx(z)+pixel)
- x=x+1
- |z|<=4
- }
- FractalFenderC(XAXIS_NOPARM) {;Spectacular!
- z=p1,x=|z|:
- (z=cosh(z)+pixel)*(1<x)+(z=z)*(x<=1)
- z=sqr(z)+pixel,x=|z|
- x<=4
- }
- {--- LEE SKINNER ---------------------------------------------------------}
- MTet (XAXIS) {; Mandelbrot form 1 of the Tetration formula --Lee Skinner
- z = pixel:
- z = (pixel ^ z) + pixel
- |z| <= (P1 + 3)
- }
- AltMTet(XAXIS) {; Mandelbrot form 2 of the Tetration formula --Lee Skinner
- z = 0:
- z = (pixel ^ z) + pixel
- |z| <= (P1 + 3)
- }
- JTet (XAXIS) {; Julia form 1 of the Tetration formula --Lee Skinner
- z = pixel:
- z = (pixel ^ z) + P1
- |z| <= (P2 + 3)
- }
- AltJTet (XAXIS) {; Julia form 2 of the Tetration formula --Lee Skinner
- z = P1:
- z = (pixel ^ z) + P1
- |z| <= (P2 + 3)
- }
- Cubic (XYAXIS) {; Lee Skinner
- p = pixel, test = p1 + 3
- t3 = 3*p, t2 = p*p
- a = (t2 + 1)/t3, b = 2*a*a*a + (t2 - 2)/t3
- aa3 = a*a*3, z = 0 - a :
- z = z*z*z - aa3*z + b
- |z| < test
- }
- Fzppfnre {; Lee Skinner
- z = pixel, f = 1./(pixel):
- z = fn1(z) + f
- |z| <= 50
- }
- Fzppfnpo {; Lee Skinner
- z = pixel, f = (pixel)^(pixel):
- z = fn1(z) + f
- |z| <= 50
- }
- Fzppfnsr {; Lee Skinner
- z = pixel, f = (pixel)^.5:
- z = fn1(z) + f
- |z| <= 50
- }
- Fzppfnta {; Lee Skinner
- z = pixel, f = tan(pixel):
- z = fn1(z) + f
- |z|<= 50
- }
- Fzppfnct {; Lee Skinner
- z = pixel, f = cos(pixel)/sin(pixel):
- z = fn1(z) + f
- |z|<= 50
- }
- Fzppfnse {; Lee Skinner
- z = pixel, f = 1./sin(pixel):
- z = fn1(z) + f
- |z| <= 50
- }
- Fzppfncs {; Lee Skinner
- z = pixel, f = 1./cos(pixel):
- z = fn1(z) + f
- |z| <= 50
- }
- Fzppfnth {; Lee Skinner
- z = pixel, f = tanh(pixel):
- z = fn1(z)+f
- |z|<= 50
- }
- Fzppfnht {; Lee Skinner
- z = pixel, f = cosh(pixel)/sinh(pixel):
- z = fn1(z)+f
- |z|<= 50
- }
- Fzpfnseh {; Lee Skinner
- z = pixel, f = 1./sinh(pixel):
- z = fn1(z) + f
- |z| <= 50
- }
- Fzpfncoh {; Lee Skinner
- z = pixel, f = 1./cosh(pixel):
- z = fn1(z) + f
- |z| <= 50
- }
- Zexpe (XAXIS) {
- s = exp(1.,0.), z = Pixel:
- z = z ^ s + pixel
- |z| <= 100
- }
- comment { s = log(-1.,0.) / (0.,1.) is (3.14159265358979, 0.0 }
- Exipi (XAXIS) {
- s = log(-1.,0.) / (0.,1.), z = Pixel:
- z = z ^ s + pixel
- |z| <= 100
- }
- Fzppchco {
- z = pixel, f = cosxx (pixel):
- z = cosh (z) + f
- |z| <= 50
- }
- Fzppcosq {
- z = pixel, f = sqr (pixel):
- z = cosxx (z) + f
- |z| <= 50
- }
- Fzppcosr {
- z = pixel, f = (pixel) ^ 0.5:
- z = cosxx (z) + f
- |z| <= 50
- }
- Leeze (XAXIS) {
- s = exp(1.,0.), z = Pixel, f = Pixel ^ s:
- z = cosxx (z) + f
- |z| <= 50
- }
- OldManowar (XAXIS) {
- z0 = 0
- z1 = 0
- test = p1 + 3
- c = pixel :
- z = z1*z1 + z0 + c
- z0 = z1
- z1 = z
- |z| < test
- }
- z = pixel, TEST = (p1+3):
- z = log(z) - sin(z)
- |z|<TEST
- }
- z = pixel, TEST = (p1+3):
- z = (z*cosxx(z)) - z
- |z|<TEST
- }
- TSinh (XAXIS) {; Tetrated Hyperbolic Sine - Improper Bailout
- z = c = sinh(pixel):
- z = c ^ z
- z <= (p1 + 3)
- }
- {--- SCOTT TAYLOR --------------------------------------------------------}
- { The following is from Scott Taylor.
- Scott says they're "Dog" because the first one he looked at reminded him
- of a hot dog. This was originally several fractals, we have generalized it. }
- FnDog(XYAXIS) {; Scott Taylor
- z = Pixel, b = p1+2:
- z = fn1( z ) * pixel
- |z| <= b
- }
- Ent {; Scott Taylor
- ; Try params=.5/.75 and the first function as exp.
- ; Zoom in on the swirls around the middle. There's a
- ; symmetrical area surrounded by an asymmetric area.
- z = Pixel, y = fn1(z), base = log(p1):
- z = y * log(z)/base
- |z| <= 4
- }
- Ent2 {; Scott Taylor
- ; try params=2/1, functions=cos/cosh, potential=255/355
- z = Pixel, y = fn1(z), base = log(p1):
- z = fn2( y * log(z) / base )
- |z| <= 4
- }
- {--- MICHAEL THEROUX & RON BARNETT ---------------------------------------}
- test3 {; Michael Theroux [71673,2767]
- ;fix and generalization by Ron Barnett [70153,1233]
- ;=phi
- ;try p1 = 2.236067977 for the golden mean
- z = ((p1 + 1)/2)/pixel:
- z = z*z + pixel*((p1 + 1)/2)/((p1 - 1)/2)
- |z| <= 4
- }
- {--- TIMOTHY WEGNER ------------------------------------------------------}
- Newton_poly2 { ; Tim Wegner - use float=yes
- ; fractal generated by Newton formula z^3 + (c-1)z - c
- ; p1 is c in above formula
- z = pixel, z2 = z*z, z3 = z*z2:
- z = (2*z3 + p1) / (3*z2 + (p1 - 1))
- z2 = z*z
- z3 = z*z2
- .004 <= |z3 + (p1-1)*z - p1|
- }
- Newt_ellipt_oops { ; Tim Wegner - use float=yes and periodicity=0
- ; fractal generated by Newton formula (z^3 + c*z^2 +1)^.5
- ; try p1 = 1 and p2 = .1
- ; if p2 is small (say .001), converges very slowly so need large maxit
- ; another "tim's error" - mistook sqr for sqrt (see next)
- z = pixel, z2 = z*z, z3 = z*z2:
- num = (z3 + p1*z2 + 1)^.5 ; f(z)
- denom = (1.5*z2 + p1*z)/num ; f'(z)
- z = z - (num/denom) ; z - f(z)/f'(z)
- z2 = z*z
- z3 = z*z2
- p2 <= |z3 + p1*z2 + 1| ; no need for sqrt because sqrt(z)==0 iff z==0
- }
- Newton_elliptic { ; Tim Wegner - use float=yes and periodicity=0
- ; fractal generated by Newton formula f(z) = (z^3 + c*z^2 +1)^2
- ; try p1 = 1 and p2 = .0001
- z = pixel, z2 = z*z, z3 = z*z2:
- z = z - (z3 + p1*z2 + 1)/(6*z2 + 4*p1*z) ; z - f(z)/f'(z)
- z2 = z*z
- z3 = z*z2
- p2 <= |z3 + p1*z2 + 1| ; no need for sqr because sqr(z)==0 iff z==0
- }
- {--- TIM WEGNER & MARK PETERSON ------------------------------------------}
- comment {
- These are a few of the examples from the book, Fractal Creations, by Tim
- Wegner and Mark Peterson.
- }
- MyFractal {; Fractal Creations example
- c = z = 1/pixel:
- z = sqr(z) + c
- |z| <= 4
- }
- Bogus1 {; Fractal Creations example
- z = 0; z = z + * 2
- |z| <= 4 }
- MandelTangent {; Fractal Creations example (revised for v.16)
- z = pixel:
- z = pixel * tan(z)
- |real(z)| < 32
- }
- Mandel3 {; Fractal Creations example
- z = pixel, c = sin(z):
- z = (z*z) + c
- z = z * 1/c
- |z| <= 4
- }
- {--- AUTHORS UNKNOWN -----------------------------------------------------}
- moc {
- z=0, c=pixel:
- z=sqr(z)+c
- c=c+p1/c
- |z| <= 4
- }
- Bali {;The difference of two squares
- z=x=1/pixel, c= fn1 (z):
- z = (x+c) * (x-c)
- x=fn2(z)
- |z| <=3
- }
- Fatso {;
- z=x=1/pixel, c= fn1 (z):
- z = (x^3)-(c^3)
- x=fn2(z)
- |z| <=3
- }
- Bjax {;
- z=c=2/pixel:
- z =(1/((z^(real(p1)))*(c^(real(p2))))*c) + c
- }
- ULI_4 {
- z = Pixel:
- z = fn1(1/(z+p1))*fn2(z+p1)
- |z| <= p2
- }
- ULI_5 {
- z = Pixel, c = fn1(pixel):
- z = fn2(1/(z+c))*fn3(z+c)
- |z| <= p1
- }
- ULI_6 {
- z = Pixel:
- z = fn1(p1+z)*fn2(p2-z)
- |z| <= p2+16
- }