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- comment {
- These formulae can be used to initiate exploration in the two "hybridised"
- planes as referred to in 4dfract.txt. Type SJ iterate in the "zc" plane,
- and type 3RDIM in the "cz" plane. Ititially, param p2=0. Altering the real
- value of p2 in type SJ, or the imaginary value of p2 in type 3rdim, will
- step the position of the iterated image along the x or y axis respectively
- of the c-plane Mandelbrot set.
- Parameter p1, normally set to 0, can, by varying the real value, rotate
- the angle of the iteration plane to intermediate planal regions, for some
- quite striking effects. p1=1 will revert to the c-plane, and in the case of
- z^2+c will produce the familiar Mandelbrot set.
- There is enough here for many happy (?) years of iterating. Enjoy.
- Gordon Lamb (CIS: 100272,3541)
- }
- SJMAND01 {;Mandelbrot
- z=real(pixel)+flip(imag(pixel)*p1),
- c=p2+p1*real(pixel)+flip(imag(pixel)):
- z=z*z+c, |z|<=64}
- 3RDIM01 {;Mandelbrot
- z=p1*real(pixel)+flip(imag(pixel)),
- c=p2+real(pixel)+flip(imag(pixel)*p1):
- z=z*z+c, |z|<=64}
- SJMAND02 {;Tetration
- z=real(pixel)+flip(imag(pixel)*p1),
- c=p2+p1*real(pixel)+flip(imag(pixel)):
- z=c^z, |z|<=32}
- 3RDIM02 {;Tetration
- z=p1*real(pixel)+flip(imag(pixel)),
- c=p2+real(pixel)+flip(imag(pixel)*p1):
- z=c^z, |z|<=32}
- SJMAND03 {;Mandelbrot function
- z=real(pixel)+p1*(flip(imag(pixel))),
- c=p2+p1*real(pixel)+flip(imag(pixel)):
- z=fn1(z)+c, |z|<=64}
- 3RDIM03 {;Mandelbrot function
- z=p1*real(pixel)+flip(imag(pixel)),
- c=p2+real(pixel)+flip(imag(pixel)*p1):
- z=fn1(z)+c, |z|<=64}
- SJMAND04 {;Tetrated function
- z=real(pixel)+flip(imag(pixel)*p1),
- c=p2+p1*real(pixel)+flip(imag(pixel)):
- z=fn1(c)^z, |z|<=64}
- 3RDIM04 {;Tetrated function
- z=p1*real(pixel)+flip(imag(pixel)),
- c=p2+real(pixel)+flip(imag(pixel)*p1):
- z=fn1(c)^z, |z|<=64}
- SJMAND05 {;Mandelbrot lambda function
- z=real(pixel)+flip(imag(pixel)*p1),
- c=p2+p1*real(pixel)+flip(imag(pixel)):
- z=fn1(z)*c, |z|<=64}
- 3RDIM05 {;Mandelbrot lambda function
- z=p1*real(pixel)+flip(imag(pixel)),
- c=p2+real(pixel)+flip(imag(pixel)*p1):
- z=fn1(z)*c, |z|<=64}
- SJMAND06 {z=real(pixel)+flip(imag(pixel)*p1),
- c=p2+p1*real(pixel)+flip(imag(pixel)),
- z=conj(z),c=conj(c):
- z=fn1(z)+c, |z|<=4}
- 3RDIM06 {z=p1*real(pixel)+flip(imag(pixel)),
- c=p2+real(pixel)+flip(imag(pixel)*p1),
- z=conj(z),c=conj(c):
- z=fn1(z)+c, |z|<=4}
- SJMAND07 {;Mandelbrot function
- ;changing real(p1) will now rotate between ZC & CZ planes
- z=(1-p1)*real(pixel)+p1*flip(imag(pixel)),
- c=p1*real(pixel)+(1-p1)*flip(imag(pixel)):
- z=fn1(z)+c, |z|<=4}
- SJMAND08 {;Mandelbar
- z=real(pixel)+flip(imag(pixel))*p1,
- c=p2+p1*real(pixel)+flip(imag(pixel)):
- z=conj(z*z)+c, |z|<=4}
- 3RDIM08 {;Mandelbar
- z=p1*real(pixel)+flip(imag(pixel)),
- c=p2+real(pixel)+p1*flip(imag(pixel)):
- z=conj(z*z)+c, |z|<=4}
- SJMAND09 {
- z=real(pixel)+flip(imag(p2)),
- c=real(p2)+flip(imag(pixel)):
- z=z*z+c, |z|<=4}
- SJMAND10 {;Mandelbrot power function
- z=real(pixel),c=p2+flip(imag(pixel)):
- z=(fn1(z)+c)^p1, |z|<=4}
- 3RDIM10 {;Mandelbrot power function
- z=flip(imag(pixel)),c=p2+real(pixel):
- z=(fn1(z)+c)^p1, |z|<=4}
- SJMAND11 {;Mandelbrot lambda function - lower bailout
- z=real(pixel)+flip(imag(pixel)*p1),
- c=p2+p1*real(pixel)+flip(imag(pixel)):
- z=fn1(z)*c, |z|<=4}
- SJMAND12 {;Mandelbrot with perturbed initiator
- z=real(pixel)+p1,c=flip(imag(pixel))+p2:
- z=z*z+c, |z|<=4}
- SJMAND13 {;Mandelbrot function
- z=real(pixel)+p1*(flip(imag(pixel))),
- c=p2+p1*real(pixel)+flip(imag(pixel)):
- z=1/fn1(z)+c, |z|<=64}
- 3RDIM13 {;Mandelbrot function
- z=p1*real(pixel)+flip(imag(pixel)),
- c=p2+real(pixel)+flip(imag(pixel)*p1):
- z=1/fn1(z)+c, |z|<=64}
- SJMAND14 {;Mandelbrot lambda function
- z=real(pixel)+flip(imag(pixel)*p1),
- c=p2+p1*real(pixel)+flip(imag(pixel)):
- z=c/fn1(z), |z|<=64}
- 3RDIM14 {;Mandelbrot lambda function
- z=p1*real(pixel)+flip(imag(pixel)),
- c=p2+real(pixel)+flip(imag(pixel)*p1):
- z=c/fn1(z), |z|<=64}