ocr: Sueludes: CD-ROMFormat CorelDRAW'6 Illustration and Pagel Layout CORELORAWI Corel Photo-Editing and Bitmap PHOTO-PAINT'6 Creation 3DModelinga SOMOIDREAM and Rendering 3D 6 Corel 3D AOLIMOTION 3D 6 Corel Multimedia PRESENTS' Presentations Business and Kew Multiple Increaseds Greater roll-ups, Fuly-customizable ease menus Higkligkts: speed: Document of and use and with status toolbars, power Interface bar Wizards (MDI) hotkeys, and Tutor Notes uLin - - - New spiral, Precision connector Dmodein tools: graph to lines 0.I paper, polygon, and renderinga micron eraser knife, angular and (254,000 tool ...