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Text File | 1995-08-18 | 94.3 KB | 4,063 lines |
- %% --------------------------------------------------------------------
- %% ----------- CorelDRAW! USER-DEFINED FUNCTON FILE -------------------
- %% --------------------------------------------------------------------
- %% NOTES:
- There are two types of user defined functions: "Spot" and "Fill"
- - A "Spot" function is a function that takes two floating point arguments,
- X and Y, both between -1 and 1, and returns a single real value between
- -1 and 1 (otherwise an execution error occurs) called Z.
- The domain is a 2 X 2 rectangle that will be mapped (at print time) into
- each cell of the halftoning screen.
- The 3-D representation of the function Z = f(X,Y) (does not need
- to be continuous but f(X,Y) must be defined for all -1 <= X, Y <= 1 )
- is a surface whose higher points will be whitened first in each cell.
- For more information about spot functions, read section 4.8 of the
- - A Fill function takes between 0 and 5 arguments. It assumes there is a
- path already drawn (may be closed or not, may be disconnected) and
- attempts to fill it.
- A simple fill function could be:
- /MyFill1
- { %0 parms
- .70 setgray fill
- } bind def
- For more complex fills, the fill function may refer to the current
- object's bounding box that is always defined in MILs (1/1000 of an inch)
- and relative to the bottom left of the current page.
- Globals Bbllx, Bblly, Bburx, Bbury can always be used to get the
- object's bbox's lower left and upper right corners.
- NOTE 1: For objects with disconnected paths like multi-letter words
- and disconnected lines & curves, the fill function will be called once
- for each closed sub-path. However, the object's bounding box remains
- the same for each call.
- NOTE 2: When called by CorelDRAW!, the fill function will be inside a
- "gsave - grestore" sequence so that the fill function does not need to
- restore the original graphics state. Also, the fill function should
- make no assumption about the current graphics state other than the
- following:
- - The current rotation angle is 0 (-90 for sideways pages)
- - The current unit is the MIL (1/1000 inch)
- - There is a path ready to be filled.
- - A function definition starts with a "%@Spot" or a "%@Fill" comment line
- starting in column one indicating that a spot or a fill function is about
- to be defined. The remainder of the line is ignored.
- - The line immediately following must start with the function name
- immediately preceeded by a '/' (slash) in column one (eg: /MyFirstFill).
- This name will be used to identify the fill in the .CDR file and the
- .EPS files. The remainder of the line indicates the name that appears
- in the custom function selection dialog box of CorelDRAW! and the user
- parameters for that function: Spot functions are not allowed any user
- parameters just a display name. Fill functions are allowed from 0 to 5
- parmeters specified as follows:
- %<userfnname>,<# of parms> ,<parmname1>=<default1>,<parmname2>=<default2>,...
- where: <userfnname> is the name that is displayed in the PSFILL selection
- list box, this is the string that is translated for
- foreign language versions
- <# of parms> is an integer value between 0 and 5
- <parmnameX> is the significance of parm X (string up to 20 chars)
- <defaultX> is the default numeric value for that parm (always integer)
- The number of parameter names & defaults must always match the
- <# of parms> value.
- Prior to calling that fill function, the main program will stack the
- parameters in the same order they were specified.
- EXAMPLE: a fill function with 3 parameters
- %@Fill
- /MyFunction %MyFunctionName,3,Background gray=100,Foreground gray=50,Density=4
- { % when called, STACK= <BackGray> <ForeGray> <Density>
- /Density exch 1 10 InRange def % validate density
- /ForeGray exch 0 100 InRange def % validate foreground gray
- /BackGray exch 0 100 InRange def % validate background gray
- ...
- } bind def
- NOTE: the 'InRange' PostScript function.
- The main program cannot validate the range of the parameters.
- The fill function can use the supplied function: 'InRange' which is
- described below:
- <value> <min> <max> InRange ==> <newval>
- InRange takes 3 arguments from the stack, then makes sure that
- <value> is between <min> and <max>. If so, it leaves <value>
- on the stack, otherwise it pushes a valid <newval> on the stack.
- Note: The 'wDstChck' PostScript function.
- In the case of a maximum value that equals a minimum value, the
- difference will be null and in most cases will cause a devision by zero.
- The fill function can use the supplied function: 'wDstChck'
- which is described below:
- <MaxValue> <MinValue> wDstChck ==> MaxValue or MaxValue+1
- If the 2 values are equal
- then add 1 to MaxValue and leave it on the stack
- else
- leave MaxValue unchanged on the stack.
- - The next n lines contain the function's body enclosed in curly
- brackets and followed by a "bind def" sequence.
- - The content of the body is not parsed by CorelDRAW!. A function definition is
- terminated when the next '%@..." sequence is read or at the end of the file.
- - Lines should not exceed 150 characters long.
- - Function names should not exceed 20 characters.
- - Parameter names should not exceed 20 characters.
- - There is no limit for the number of lines in each function.
- %@Spot
- /Dot2 %Dot2
- { %def --SPOT FUNCTION : DOT2: black around cells
- dup mul exch dup mul add 1 sub
- } bind def
- %@Spot
- /OutCircleBlk %OutCircleBlk
- { %def --SPOT FUNCTION : OUTCIRCLE: empty black circles
- dup mul exch dup mul add
- 0.6 exch sub abs -0.5 mul
- } bind def
- %@Spot
- /OutCircleWhi %OutCircleWhi
- { %def --SPOT FUNCTION : OUTCIRCLE: empty black circles
- dup mul exch dup mul add
- 0.6 exch sub abs 0.5 mul
- } bind def
- %@Spot
- /Diamond %Diamond
- abs exch abs add 1 exch sub
- } bind def
- %@Spot
- /Diamond2 %Diamond2
- abs exch abs 2 copy add .75
- le {dup mul exch dup mul add 1
- exch sub} {2 copy add 1.25
- le {.85 mul add 1 exch sub}
- {1 sub dup mul exch 1 sub dup mul
- add 1 sub} ifelse} ifelse
- } bind def
- %@Spot
- /MicroWaves %MicroWaves
- /wy exch def
- 180 mul cos 2 div wy dup dup dup mul mul sub mul wy add
- 180 mul cos
- } bind def
- %@Spot
- /Grid %Grid
- 2 copy
- abs exch abs
- gt {exch} if
- pop 2 mul 1 exch sub 3.5 div
- } bind def
- %@Spot
- /Lines %Lines
- pop abs 2 mul 1 exch sub
- } bind def
- %@Spot
- /Star %Star
- {
- abs exch abs
- 2 copy gt {exch} if
- 1 sub
- dup 0 eq {0.01 add}if
- atan 360 div
- } bind def
- %@Spot
- /Euclidean %Euclidean
- { %def --SPOT FUNCTION : EUCLIDEAN composite dot
- abs exch abs
- 2 copy add 1
- gt {1 sub dup mul
- exch 1 sub dup mul
- add 1 sub} {dup mul exch
- dup mul add 1 exch sub}
- ifelse
- } bind def
- %@Spot
- /Rhomboid %Rhomboid
- abs exch abs .8
- mul add 2 div
- } bind def
- %@Spot
- /Elliptical %Elliptical
- dup mul .9 mul
- exch dup mul add
- 1 sub
- } bind def
- %----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- %@Fill
- /Archimedes %Archimedes,4, Frequency:=8, Lineáwidth:=5, Foregroundágray:=100, Backgroundágray:=0
- {
- /BackgroundGray exch -1 100 InRange def
- /ForegroundGray exch 0 100 InRange def
- /Linewidth exch 0 100 InRange def
- /Frequency exch 2 100 InRange def
- /newfont 10 dict def
- newfont begin
- /FontMatrix [3 sqrt 1 add 1 exch div 0 0
- 3 sqrt 1 add 1 exch div 0 0] def
- /FontType 3 def
- /FontBBox [0 0 3 sqrt 1 add 3 sqrt 1 add] def
- /Encoding 256 array def
- 0 1 255 {Encoding exch /.notdef put} for
- /BuildChar
- { 3 sqrt 1 add 0
- -0.1 -0.1 3 sqrt 1.1 add 3 sqrt 1.1 add
- setcachedevice
- pop begin
- 0 0 moveto
- 1 2 div 0 lineto
- 0 3 sqrt 2 div lineto
- 3 sqrt 2 div 3 sqrt 1 add 2 div lineto
- 0 3 sqrt 2 div 1 add lineto
- 0 3 sqrt 2 div lineto
- 0 3 sqrt 2 div 1 add moveto
- 1 2 div 3 sqrt 1 add lineto
- 3 sqrt 1 add 2 div 3 sqrt 1 2 div add lineto
- 3 sqrt 2 div 3 sqrt 1 add 2 div lineto
- 3 sqrt 2 div 1 add 3 sqrt 1 add 2 div lineto
- 3 sqrt 1 add 2 div 3 sqrt 1 2 div add lineto
- 3 sqrt 1 2 div add 3 sqrt 1 add lineto
- 3 sqrt 1 add 3 sqrt 2 div 1 add lineto
- 3 sqrt 2 div 1 add 3 sqrt 1 add 2 div lineto
- 3 sqrt 1 add 3 sqrt 2 div lineto
- 3 sqrt 1 2 div add 0 lineto
- 3 sqrt 1 add 2 div 1 2 div lineto
- 3 sqrt 2 div 1 add 3 sqrt 1 add 2 div lineto
- 3 sqrt 1 add 2 div 3 sqrt 1 add moveto
- 3 sqrt 1 add 2 div 3 sqrt 1 2 div add lineto
- 3 sqrt 1 add 2 div 0 moveto
- 3 sqrt 1 add 2 div 1 2 div lineto
- 1 2 div 0 moveto
- 3 sqrt 1 add 2 div 1 2 div lineto
- 3 sqrt 2 div 3 sqrt 1 add 2 div lineto
- 3 sqrt 1 2 div add 0 moveto
- 3 sqrt 1 add 0 lineto
- 3 sqrt 1 2 div add 3 sqrt 1 add moveto
- 3 sqrt 1 add 3 sqrt 1 add lineto
- 0 3 sqrt 1 add moveto
- 1 2 div 3 sqrt 1 add lineto
- 3 sqrt 1 add 3 sqrt 2 div moveto
- 3 sqrt 1 add 3 sqrt 2 div 1 add lineto
- Linewidth pntsize div 3 sqrt 1 add mul setlinewidth
- stroke
- end
- } def
- end
- /pntsize 2000 Frequency div def
- /FillFont newfont definefont pop
- /FillFont findfont pntsize scalefont setfont
- eoclip
- BackgroundGray 0 ge
- { BackgroundGray 100 div 1 exch sub setgray fill }
- { newpath } ifelse
- ForegroundGray 100 div 1 exch sub setgray
- Bblly pntsize Bbury
- { Bbllx pntsize Bburx
- { 1 index moveto
- (a) show
- } for
- pop
- } for
- } bind def
- %@Fill
- /Bars %Bars,4, Width:=10, Spacingá(%):=100, Maximumágray:=100, Minimumágray:=10
- {
- /MinGrey exch 0 100 InRange def
- /MaxGrey exch MinGrey 100 InRange def
- /Spacing exch 0 300 InRange def
- /Width exch 1 100 InRange def
- /dgrey MaxGrey MinGrey sub def
- /inc 1 Spacing 100 div add def
- eoclip newpath
- currentscreen
- 3 -1 roll
- pop 90
- 3 1 roll
- setscreen
- Bbllx Bblly translate
- /dx Bburx Bbllx sub Width div def
- /dy Bbury Bblly sub Width div def
- Width 10 mul dup scale
- /mtx matrix currentmatrix def
- .05 setlinewidth
- 0 inc dx
- { 0 translate
- -.5 .05 .5
- { dup 0 moveto
- dup dy lineto
- dup mul 0.250001 exch sub sqrt 2 mul
- dgrey mul MaxGrey exch sub 100 div 1 exch sub setgray
- stroke
- } for
- mtx setmatrix
- } for
- dx 0 translate
- 90 rotate
- /mtx matrix currentmatrix def
- 0 inc dy
- { 0 translate
- -.5 .05 .5
- { dup 0 moveto
- dup dx lineto
- dup mul 0.250001 exch sub sqrt 2 mul
- dgrey mul MaxGrey exch sub 100 div 1 exch sub setgray
- stroke
- } for
- mtx setmatrix
- } for
- } bind def
- %@Fill
- /Basketweave %Basketweave,4, Frequency:=6, Lineáwidth:=10, Foregroundágray:=100, Weaveáwidthá(%):=100
- {
- /Width exch 1 200 InRange def
- /Grey exch 0 100 InRange def
- /LineWidth exch 0 100 InRange def
- /Frequency exch 1 100 InRange def
- /dif Width 100 sub 100 div def
- /newfont 10 dict def
- newfont begin
- /FontMatrix [.25 0
- 0 .25
- 0 0] def
- /FontType 3 def
- /FontBBox [0 0 4 4] def
- /Encoding 256 array def
- 0 1 255 {Encoding exch /.notdef put} for
- Encoding 97 /Holes put
- Encoding 98 /Weave put
- /CharProcs 3 dict def
- CharProcs begin
- /.notdef {} def
- /Holes
- {
- 1 dif moveto
- 2 dif sub 1 lineto
- 1 2 dif sub lineto
- dif 1 lineto
- closepath
- fill
- 3 2 dif add moveto
- 4 dif sub 3 lineto
- 3 4 dif sub lineto
- 2 dif add 3 lineto
- closepath
- fill
- } def
- /Weave
- {
- 0 3 dif add moveto
- 1 dif sub 4 lineto
- 0 1 dif add moveto
- 1 dif lineto
- 3 dif sub 4 moveto
- 4 dif sub 3 lineto
- 1 dif sub 0 moveto
- 2 dif sub 1 lineto
- 4 3 dif add moveto
- 3 2 dif add lineto
- 3 dif sub 0 moveto
- 1 2 dif sub lineto
- 4 1 dif add moveto
- 2 dif add 3 lineto
- dif 1 moveto
- 3 4 dif sub lineto
- LineWidth 100 div setlinewidth
- stroke
- } def
- end
- /BuildChar
- { 4 0
- -0.1 -0.1 4.1 4.1
- setcachedevice
- exch begin
- Encoding exch get
- CharProcs exch get
- end
- exec
- } def
- end
- /pntsize 1000 Frequency div def
- /FillFont newfont definefont pop
- /FillFont findfont pntsize scalefont setfont
- eoclip newpath
- Grey 100 div 1 exch sub setgray
- Bblly pntsize Bbury
- { Bbllx exch moveto
- { (a) show
- currentpoint
- pop Bburx gt
- {exit} if
- } loop
- } for
- 0 setgray
- Bblly pntsize Bbury
- { Bbllx exch moveto
- { (b) show
- currentpoint
- pop Bburx gt
- {exit} if
- } loop
- } for
- } bind def
- %@Fill
- /Birds %Birds,4, Frequency:=8, Lineáwidth:=4, Foregroundágray:=100, Backgroundágray:=0
- {
- /BackgroundGray exch -1 100 InRange def
- /ForegroundGray exch 0 100 InRange def
- /Linewidth exch 0 100 InRange def
- /Frequency exch 2 100 InRange def
- /newfont 10 dict def
- newfont begin
- /FontMatrix [1 162 div 0
- 0 1 162 div
- 0 0] def
- /FontType 3 def
- /FontBBox [-92 -150 46 12] def
- /Encoding 256 array def
- 0 1 255 {Encoding exch /.notdef put} for
- /BuildChar
- { 138 0
- -92 -150 46 12
- setcachedevice
- pop begin
- -92 -150 moveto
- -92 12 lineto
- 46 12 lineto
- 46 -150 lineto
- closepath
- clip
- newpath
- 2 {
- gsave
- 3 {
- -10 -8 moveto
- 60 24 -54 60 -9 72 curveto
- -2.5 73.7 11.5 70.3 29 75.4 curveto
- -54 6 moveto
- -45 14 -27 16 -18 18 curveto
- 27 27 -81 54 -9 90 curveto
- -126 9 moveto
- -114 27 -66 66 -54 24 curveto
- -53 21 -49 15 -43 12 curveto
- [ -1 0
- 0 1
- 0 0 ] concat
- 135 -81 translate
- } repeat
- Linewidth pntsize div 162 mul setlinewidth
- stroke
- grestore
- 138 0 translate
- } repeat
- end
- } def
- end
- /pntsize 1174 Frequency div def
- /FillFont newfont definefont pop
- /FillFont findfont pntsize scalefont setfont
- eoclip
- BackgroundGray 0 ge
- { BackgroundGray 100 div 1 exch sub setgray fill }
- { newpath } ifelse
- ForegroundGray 100 div 1 exch sub setgray
- /urx Bburx pntsize add def
- /ury Bbury pntsize add def
- Bblly pntsize ury
- { Bbllx exch moveto
- { (a) show
- currentpoint
- pop urx gt
- {exit} if
- } loop
- } for
- } bind def
- %@Fill
- /Bricks %Bricks,4, Frequency:=8, Lineáwidth:=5, Foregroundágray:=100, Backgroundágray:=0
- {
- /BackgroundGray exch -1 100 InRange def
- /ForegroundGray exch 0 100 InRange def
- /Linewidth exch 0 100 InRange def
- /Frequency exch 2 100 InRange def
- /newfont 10 dict def
- newfont begin
- /FontMatrix [1 0 0
- 1 0 0] def
- /FontType 3 def
- /FontBBox [0 0 1 1] def
- /Encoding 256 array def
- 0 1 255 {Encoding exch /.notdef put} for
- /BuildChar
- { 1 0
- -0.1 -0.1 1.1 1.1
- setcachedevice
- pop begin
- 0 0 moveto
- 1 0 lineto
- 1 .5 lineto
- 0 .5 lineto
- closepath
- .5 .5 moveto
- .5 1 lineto
- Linewidth pntsize div setlinewidth
- stroke
- end
- } def
- end
- /pntsize 1000 Frequency div def
- /FillFont newfont definefont pop
- /FillFont findfont pntsize scalefont setfont
- eoclip
- BackgroundGray 0 ge
- { BackgroundGray 100 div 1 exch sub setgray fill }
- { newpath } ifelse
- ForegroundGray 100 div 1 exch sub setgray
- Bblly pntsize Bbury
- { Bbllx exch moveto
- { (a) show
- currentpoint
- pop Bburx gt
- {exit} if
- } loop
- } for
- } bind def
- %@Fill
- /Bubbles %Bubbles,5, Numberá(sqáinch):=25, Maxásize:=300:, Minásize:=10, Lineáwidth:=10, Randomáseed:=0
- { srand
- /LineWidth exch 0 50 InRange def
- /MinSize exch 1 1000 InRange def
- /MaxSize exch MinSize 1000 InRange def
- /Number exch 1 250 InRange def
- eoclip
- newpath
- /pntsize MaxSize MinSize div cvi def
- /dx Bburx Bbllx sub def
- /dy Bbury Bblly sub def
- dx dy mul Number mul 1000000 div cvi
- { rand dx mod Bbllx add
- rand dy mod Bblly add
- rand pntsize mod 1 add pntsize exch div MinSize mul
- 3 copy
- 2 index add
- exch
- moveto
- pop
- 0 360 arc
- gsave
- 0 setgray
- LineWidth setlinewidth
- stroke
- grestore
- 1 setgray
- fill
- } repeat
- } bind def
- %@Fill
- /Carpet %Carpet,5, Frequencyá(dpi):=72, Gray:=100, Gammaá(boxásize):=50, Modáfactor:=3, Alpha:=10
- {
- /Alpha exch def
- /Modf exch def
- /Gamma exch def
- /Grey exch 0 100 InRange def
- /Frequency exch 10 300 InRange def
- /Beta1 -10 def
- /Beta2 -15 def
- eoclip newpath
- /wz 360 def
- 2 1 Gamma sqrt
- { dup Gamma exch mod
- 0 eq { dup wz exch mod
- 0 eq { /wz wz 2 index div cvi def
- } if
- } if
- pop
- } for
- /newfont 10 dict def
- newfont begin
- /FontMatrix [1 wz div 0
- 0 1 wz div
- 0 0] def
- /FontType 3 def
- /FontBBox [0 0 wz wz] def
- /Encoding 256 array def
- 0 1 255 {Encoding exch /.notdef put} for
- /BuildChar
- { wz 0
- -0.1 -0.1 wz 0.1 add wz 0.1 add
- setcachedevice
- pop begin
- 0 1 wz
- { 0 1 wz
- { 1 index 2 copy
- Gamma mul Beta2 add sin
- exch Gamma mul Beta1 add sin
- add Alpha mul cvi Modf mod
- 0 eq { moveto
- 1 0 rlineto
- 0 1 rlineto
- -1 0 rlineto
- closepath
- fill }
- { pop pop } ifelse
- } for
- pop
- } for
- end
- } def
- end
- /pntsize wz 1000 mul Frequency div def
- /FillFont newfont definefont pop
- /FillFont findfont pntsize scalefont setfont
- Grey 100 div 1 exch sub setgray
- Bblly pntsize Bbury
- { Bbllx 1 index moveto
- { (a) show
- currentpoint
- dup 3 index sub
- pntsize 2 div gt { pntsize sub } if
- 1 index Bburx gt
- {pop pop pop exit} if
- moveto
- } loop
- } for
- } bind def
- %@Fill
- /CircleGrid %CircleGrid,5, Frequency:=6, Lineáwidthá1:=6, Lineáwidthá2:=6, Grayá1:=40, Grayá2:=40
- {
- /Grey2 exch -1 100 InRange def
- /Grey1 exch -1 100 InRange def
- /LineWidth2 exch 0 100 InRange def
- /LineWidth1 exch 0 100 InRange def
- /Frequency exch 1 72 InRange def
- /newfont 10 dict def
- newfont begin
- /FontMatrix [1 3 sqrt 3 mul div 0
- 0 1 3 sqrt 3 mul div
- 0 0] def
- /FontType 3 def
- /FontBBox [0 0 2 3 sqrt 3 mul] def
- /Encoding 256 array def
- 0 1 255 {Encoding exch /.notdef put} for
- Encoding 97 /OneCircle put
- Encoding 98 /OneCircleFilled put
- Encoding 99 /TwoCircles put
- Encoding 100 /TwoCirclesFilled put
- /CharProcs 5 dict def
- CharProcs begin
- /.notdef {} def
- /OneCircle
- { 1 3 sqrt 2 div add 3 sqrt 5 mul 2 div moveto
- 1 3 sqrt 5 mul 2 div 3 sqrt 2 div 0 360 arc
- LineWidth1 pntsize div 3 sqrt 3 mul mul setlinewidth
- stroke
- } def
- /OneCircleFilled
- { 1 3 sqrt 2 div add 3 sqrt 5 mul 2 div moveto
- 1 3 sqrt 5 mul 2 div 3 sqrt 2 div 0 350 arc
- fill
- } def
- /TwoCircles
- { 1 3 sqrt 2 div add 3 sqrt 2 div moveto
- 1 3 sqrt 2 div dup 0 360 arc
- 1 3 sqrt 2 div add 3 sqrt 3 mul 2 div moveto
- 1 3 sqrt 3 mul 2 div 3 sqrt 2 div 0 360 arc
- LineWidth2 pntsize div 3 sqrt 3 mul mul setlinewidth
- stroke
- } def
- /TwoCirclesFilled
- { 1 3 sqrt 2 div add 3 sqrt 2 div moveto
- 1 3 sqrt 2 div dup 0 360 arc
- 1 3 sqrt 2 div add 3 sqrt 3 mul 2 div moveto
- 1 3 sqrt 3 mul 2 div 3 sqrt 2 div 0 360 arc
- fill
- } def
- end
- /BuildChar
- {3 2 div 3 sqrt 3 mul 2 div
- -0.1 -0.1 2.1 3 sqrt 3 mul 0.1 add
- setcachedevice
- exch begin
- Encoding exch get
- CharProcs exch get
- end
- exec
- }def
- end
- /pntsize 3000 Frequency div def
- /FillFont newfont definefont pop
- /FillFont findfont pntsize scalefont setfont
- /Bbllx Bbllx pntsize sub def
- /Bblly Bblly pntsize sub def
- /Bburx Bburx pntsize add def
- /Bbury Bbury pntsize add def
- eoclip newpath
- Grey1 0 ge
- { Grey1 100 div 1 exch sub setgray
- Bblly pntsize Bbury
- { Bbllx 1 index moveto
- { (b) show
- currentpoint
- dup 3 index sub
- pntsize 2.1 div gt { pntsize sub } if
- 1 index Bburx gt
- {pop pop pop exit} if
- moveto
- } loop
- } for
- } if
- Grey2 0 ge
- { Grey2 100 div 1 exch sub setgray
- Bblly pntsize Bbury
- { Bbllx 1 index moveto
- { (d) show
- currentpoint
- dup 3 index sub
- pntsize 2.1 div gt { pntsize sub } if
- 1 index Bburx gt
- {pop pop pop exit} if
- moveto
- } loop
- } for
- } if
- LineWidth1 0 gt
- { 0 setgray
- Bblly pntsize Bbury
- { Bbllx 1 index moveto
- { (a) show
- currentpoint
- dup 3 index sub
- pntsize 2.1 div gt { pntsize sub } if
- 1 index Bburx gt
- {pop pop pop exit} if
- moveto
- } loop
- } for
- } if
- LineWidth2 0 gt
- { 0 setgray
- Bblly pntsize Bbury
- { Bbllx 1 index moveto
- { (c) show
- currentpoint
- dup 3 index sub
- pntsize 2.1 div gt { pntsize sub } if
- 1 index Bburx gt
- {pop pop pop exit} if
- moveto
- } loop
- } for
- } if
- } bind def
- %@Fill
- /Construction %Construction,4, Frequency:=8, Lineáwidth:=5, Foregroundágray:=100, Backgroundágray:=0
- {
- /BackgroundGray exch -1 100 InRange def
- /ForegroundGray exch 0 100 InRange def
- /Linewidth exch 0 100 InRange def
- /Frequency exch 2 100 InRange def
- /newfont 10 dict def
- newfont begin
- /FontMatrix [ .1 0
- 0 .1
- 0 0] def
- /FontType 3 def
- /FontBBox [-1 -1 9.66 11] def
- /Encoding 256 array def
- 0 1 255 {Encoding exch /.notdef put} for
- /BuildChar
- { 8.66 5
- -1 -1 9.66 11
- setcachedevice
- pop begin
- 1 0 moveto
- 0 0 1 -60 300 arc
- 3 sqrt 5 mul .5 add 5 3 sqrt 2 div sub lineto
- 3 sqrt 5 mul 5 1 -60 420 arc
- .5 10 3 sqrt 2 div add lineto
- 0 10 1 60 180 arc
- -1 0 lineto
- -.5 3 sqrt 2 div moveto
- 3 sqrt 5 mul .5 sub 5 3 sqrt 2 div add lineto
- 3 sqrt 5 mul .5 sub 5 3 sqrt 2 div sub moveto
- -.5 10 3 sqrt 2 div sub lineto
- 1 10 moveto
- 1 0 lineto
- Linewidth pntsize div 10 mul setlinewidth
- stroke
- end
- } def
- end
- /pntsize 1126 Frequency div def
- /FillFont newfont definefont pop
- /FillFont findfont pntsize scalefont setfont
- /Bbllx Bbllx pntsize sub def
- eoclip
- BackgroundGray 0 ge
- { BackgroundGray 100 div 1 exch sub setgray fill }
- { newpath } ifelse
- ForegroundGray 100 div 1 exch sub setgray
- Bblly pntsize Bbury
- { Bbllx 1 index moveto
- { (a) show
- currentpoint
- dup 3 index sub
- pntsize 2.1 div gt { pntsize sub } if
- 1 index Bburx gt
- {pop pop pop exit} if
- moveto
- } loop
- } for
- } bind def
- %@Fill
- /Cracks %Cracks,5, Number:=20, Maxálength:=125, Minálength:=75, Stepálength:=14, Lineáwidth:=5
- {
- /LineWidth exch 0 100 InRange def
- /StepLength exch 1 100 InRange def
- /MinLength exch 1 300 InRange def
- /MaxLength exch MinLength 300 InRange MinLength wDstChck def
- /Number exch 1 100 InRange def
- eoclip newpath
- /dx Bburx Bbllx sub def
- /dy Bbury Bblly sub def
- Number {
- gsave
- /theta rand 360 mod def
- rand dx mod Bbllx add
- rand dy mod Bblly add
- moveto
- StepLength dup scale
- LineWidth StepLength div setlinewidth
- MinLength
- MaxLength MinLength sub
- rand 1 index mod 2 index add
- {
- currentpoint translate
- rand 120 mod 60 sub theta add dup rotate
- 0 0 moveto
- 1 0 lineto
- stroke
- 1 0 moveto
- neg rotate
- } repeat
- grestore
- pop pop
- } repeat
- } bind def
- %@Fill
- /Craters %Craters,5, Number:=15, Maximumásize:=300, Minimumásize:=75, Backgroundágray:=0, Randomáseed:=0
- { srand
- /BackgroundGrey exch 0 100 InRange def
- /MinSize exch 1 500 InRange def
- /MaxSize exch MinSize 500 InRange MinSize wDstChck def
- /Number exch 1 50 InRange def
- eoclip
- BackgroundGrey 100 div 1 exch sub setgray
- fill
- /pntsize 333 def
- /dx Bburx Bbllx sub def
- /dy Bbury Bblly sub def
- /DifSize MaxSize MinSize sub cvi def
- Bbllx Bblly translate
- matrix currentmatrix
- dx dy mul 1000000 div Number mul cvi {
- dup
- rand dx mod rand dy mod translate
- /size rand DifSize mod MinSize add def
- 0 0 size .7 mul 0 360 arc
- BackgroundGrey 100 div 1 exch sub setgray fill
- 0
- { rand 18 mod add 10 add
- dup 360 gt { pop exit } if
- dup rotate
- size 5 div 0 moveto
- rand 300 mod 200 add 500 div size mul 0 lineto
- dup neg rotate
- } loop
- 0 setgray
- 5 setlinewidth
- stroke
- setmatrix
- } repeat
- pop
- } bind def
- %@Fill
- /Crosshatching %Crosshatching,5, Maxádistance:=75, Minádistance:=0, Lineáwidth:=5, Angle:=45, Randomáseed:=0
- { srand
- /Angle exch -180 180 InRange def
- /LineWidth exch 0 100 InRange def
- /MinDist exch 0 500 InRange def
- /MaxDist exch MinDist 500 InRange MinDist wDstChck def
- eoclip
- newpath
- /pntsize MaxDist MinDist sub def
- /dx2 Bburx Bbllx sub 2 div def
- /dy2 Bbury Bblly sub 2 div def
- /hyp2 dx2 dup mul dy2 dup mul add sqrt def
- Bbllx Bblly translate
- dx2 dy2 translate
- Angle rotate
- LineWidth setlinewidth
- /wd hyp2 neg def
- { /wd rand pntsize mod MinDist add wd add def
- wd hyp2 neg moveto
- wd hyp2 lineto
- stroke
- wd hyp2 gt {exit} if
- } loop
- Angle -2 mul rotate
- /wd hyp2 neg def
- { /wd rand pntsize mod MinDist add wd add def
- wd hyp2 neg moveto
- wd hyp2 lineto
- stroke
- wd hyp2 gt {exit} if
- } loop
- } bind def
- %@Fill
- /CrystalLattice %CrystalLattice,4, Frequency:=4, Backágray:=100, Frontágray:=0, Scalingá(%):=75
- {
- /Scaling exch 10 100 InRange def
- /FrontGrey exch 0 100 InRange def
- /BackGrey exch -100 100 InRange def
- /Frequency exch 1 50 InRange def
- /newfont 10 dict def
- newfont begin
- /FontMatrix [1 0
- 0 1
- 0 0] def
- /FontType 3 def
- /FontBBox [0 0 1 1] def
- /Encoding 256 array def
- 0 1 255 {Encoding exch /.notdef put} for
- /BuildChar
- { 1 0
- -0.1 -0.1 1.1 1.1
- setcachedevice
- pop begin
- gsave
- 0 0 moveto
- 3 { 1 0 lineto
- currentpoint translate
- 90 rotate
- } repeat
- closepath
- .05 setlinewidth
- stroke
- grestore
- gsave
- 4 { .2 0 moveto
- 0 0 .2 0 360 arc
- fill
- 1 0 translate
- 90 rotate
- } repeat
- grestore
- end
- } def
- end
- /pntsize 1000 Frequency div cvi def
- /FillFont newfont definefont pop
- /FillFont findfont pntsize scalefont setfont
- /dx Bburx Bbllx sub def
- /dy Bbury Bblly sub def
- eoclip newpath
- currentscreen
- 3 -1 roll
- pop 120
- 3 1 roll
- setscreen
- Bbllx dx 2 div add Bblly dy 2 div add translate
- /dx dx 100 mul Scaling div def
- /dy dy 100 mul Scaling div def
- Scaling 100 div dup scale
- 100 Scaling div log 10 div 10 exch exp
- BackGrey 0 100 InRange 100 div FrontGrey BackGrey sub 1000 div FrontGrey .1 sub 100 div
- { 1 exch sub setgray
- dup dup scale
- dy 2 div cvi dup pntsize mod pntsize 2 div sub sub neg
- pntsize dy pntsize add 2 div
- { dx 2 div cvi dup pntsize mod pntsize 2 div sub sub neg
- 1 index moveto
- { (a) show
- currentpoint
- dup 3 index sub
- pntsize 2.1 div gt { pntsize sub } if
- 1 index dx pntsize add 2 div gt
- { pop pop pop exit } if
- moveto
- } loop
- } for
- } for
- pop
- } bind def
- %@Fill
- /Denim %Denim,5, Frequency:=72, Maxágray:=100, Minágray:=0, Halftoneáscreen:=60, Randomáseed:=0
- { srand
- /Screen exch 30 300 InRange def
- /MinGrey exch 0 100 InRange def
- /MaxGrey exch MinGrey 100 InRange def
- /Frequency exch 1 300 InRange def
- eoclip newpath
- currentscreen
- 3 -1 roll
- pop Screen
- 3 1 roll
- setscreen
- /dx Bburx Bbllx sub def
- /dy Bbury Bblly sub def
- /wf Frequency 1000 div def
- /dgrey MaxGrey MinGrey sub 100 div def
- Bbllx Bblly translate
- /str 512 string def
- dx wf mul cvi 1 add dy wf mul cvi 1 add 8 [wf 0 0 wf 0 0]
- { dgrey MinGrey 2.55 mul
- 0 1 511
- { str exch
- rand -11 bitshift 255 and 4 index mul 3 index add cvi
- put
- } for
- pop pop
- str
- }image
- } bind def
- %@Fill
- /DNA %DNA,5, Frequency:=4, Lineáwidth:=1, Foregroundágray:=100, Backgroundágray:=0, Spacingá(%):=100
- {
- /Spacing exch 1 300 InRange def
- /BackgroundGray exch -1 100 InRange def
- /ForegroundGray exch 0 100 InRange def
- /Linewidth exch 0 100 InRange def
- /Frequency exch 1 100 InRange def
- /newfont 10 dict def
- newfont begin
- /FontMatrix [1 360 div 0
- 0 1 360 div
- 0 0] def
- /FontType 3 def
- /FontBBox [-20 0 20 360] def
- /Encoding 256 array def
- 0 1 255 {Encoding exch /.notdef put} for
- /BuildChar
- { Spacing 110
- -20 0 20 360
- setcachedevice
- pop begin
- Linewidth pntsize mul 110 div setlinewidth
- 0 0 moveto
- 0 1 360
- { dup sin 20 mul exch lineto
- } for
- stroke
- 20 0 moveto
- 0 1 360
- { dup cos 20 mul exch lineto
- } for
- stroke
- 0 20 360
- { dup dup sin 20 mul exch moveto
- dup cos 20 mul exch lineto
- } for
- stroke
- end
- } def
- end
- /pntsize 2000 Frequency div def
- /FillFont newfont definefont pop
- /FillFont findfont pntsize scalefont setfont
- eoclip
- BackgroundGray 0 ge
- { BackgroundGray 100 div 1 exch sub setgray fill }
- { newpath } ifelse
- ForegroundGray 100 div 1 exch sub setgray
- Bblly pntsize sub pntsize Bbury pntsize add
- { Bbllx 1 index moveto
- { (a) show
- currentpoint
- dup 3 index sub
- pntsize 2.1 div gt { pntsize sub } if
- 1 index Bburx gt
- {pop pop pop exit} if
- moveto
- } loop
- } for
- } bind def
- %@Fill
- /Fishscale %Fishscale,4, Frequency:=8, Lineáwidth:=5, Foregroundágray:=100, Backgroundágray:=0
- {
- /BackgroundGray exch -1 100 InRange def
- /ForegroundGray exch 0 100 InRange def
- /Linewidth exch 0 100 InRange def
- /Frequency exch 2 100 InRange def
- /newfont 10 dict def
- newfont begin
- /FontMatrix [1 0 0
- 1 0 0] def
- /FontType 3 def
- /FontBBox [0 0 1 1] def
- /Encoding 256 array def
- 0 1 255 {Encoding exch /.notdef put} for
- /BuildChar
- { 1 0
- 0 0 1 1
- setcachedevice
- pop begin
- 0.5 0.5 0.5 360 180 arcn
- 0 1 0.5 270 360 arc
- 1 1 0.5 180 270 arc
- Linewidth pntsize div setlinewidth
- stroke
- end
- } def
- end
- /pntsize 1000 Frequency div def
- /FillFont newfont definefont pop
- /FillFont findfont pntsize scalefont setfont
- eoclip
- BackgroundGray 0 ge
- { BackgroundGray 100 div 1 exch sub setgray fill }
- { newpath } ifelse
- ForegroundGray 100 div 1 exch sub setgray
- Bblly pntsize Bbury
- { Bbllx exch moveto
- { (a) show
- currentpoint
- pop Bburx gt
- {exit} if
- } loop
- } for
- } bind def
- %@Fill
- /Grass %Grass,5, Number:=100, Maximumásize:=35, Minimumásize:=7, Gray:=0, Randomáseed:=0
- { srand
- /Grey exch -1 100 InRange def
- /MinSize exch 1 100 InRange def
- /MaxSize exch MinSize 100 InRange MinSize wDstChck def
- /Number exch 1 500 InRange def
- eoclip
- Grey 0 ge
- { Grey 100 div 1 exch sub setgray fill }
- { newpath } ifelse
- /Bbllx Bbllx MaxSize sub def
- /Bblly Bblly MaxSize sub def
- /dx Bburx Bbllx sub def
- /dy Bbury Bblly sub def
- /dSize MaxSize MinSize sub def
- dx dy mul 1000000 div Number mul cvi
- {
- matrix currentmatrix
- rand dx mod Bbllx add
- rand dy mod Bblly add
- translate
- rand dSize mod MinSize add
- dup scale
- -0.5 0 moveto
- rand 14 mod 7 sub
- -0.5 3 2 index 3 div 0.3 sub 10 4 index 10 curveto
- 3 div 0.3 add 10 0.5 3 0.5 0 curveto
- gsave
- 1 setgray
- fill
- grestore
- 0.1 setlinewidth
- 0 setgray
- stroke
- setmatrix
- } repeat
- } bind def
- %@Fill
- /Hatching %Hatching,5, Maxádistance:=75, Minádistance:=0, Lineáwidth:=5, Angle:=45, Randomáseed:=0
- { srand
- /Angle exch -180 180 InRange def
- /LineWidth exch 0 100 InRange def
- /MinDist exch 0 500 InRange def
- /MaxDist exch MinDist 500 InRange MinDist wDstChck def
- eoclip
- newpath
- /pntsize MaxDist MinDist sub def
- /dx2 Bburx Bbllx sub 2 div def
- /dy2 Bbury Bblly sub 2 div def
- /hyp2 dx2 dup mul dy2 dup mul add sqrt def
- Bbllx Bblly translate
- dx2 dy2 translate
- Angle rotate
- LineWidth setlinewidth
- /wd hyp2 neg def
- { /wd rand pntsize mod MinDist add wd add def
- wd hyp2 neg moveto
- wd hyp2 lineto
- stroke
- wd hyp2 gt {exit} if
- } loop
- } bind def
- %@Fill
- /Hexagons %Hexagons,4, Frequency:=8, Lineáwidth:=5, Foregroundágray:=100, Backgroundágray:=0
- {
- /BackgroundGray exch -1 100 InRange def
- /ForegroundGray exch 0 100 InRange def
- /LineWidth exch 0 100 InRange def
- /Frequency exch 2 100 InRange def
- /newfont 10 dict def
- newfont begin
- /FontMatrix [1 3 sqrt div 0
- 0 1 3 sqrt div
- 0 0] def
- /FontType 3 def
- /FontBBox [0 0 2 3 sqrt] def
- /Encoding 256 array def
- 0 1 255 {Encoding exch /.notdef put} for
- /BuildChar
- { 3 2 div 3 sqrt 2 div
- -0.1 -0.1 2.1 3 sqrt 0.1 add
- setcachedevice
- pop begin
- 1 2 div 0 moveto
- 3 2 div 0 lineto
- 2 3 sqrt 2 div lineto
- 3 2 div 3 sqrt lineto
- 1 2 div 3 sqrt lineto
- 0 3 sqrt 2 div lineto
- closepath
- LineWidth pntsize div 3 sqrt mul setlinewidth
- stroke
- end
- } def
- end
- /pntsize 1155 Frequency div def
- /FillFont newfont definefont pop
- /FillFont findfont pntsize scalefont setfont
- eoclip
- BackgroundGray 0 ge
- { BackgroundGray 100 div 1 exch sub setgray fill }
- { newpath } ifelse
- ForegroundGray 100 div 1 exch sub setgray
- Bblly pntsize Bbury
- { Bbllx 1 index moveto
- { (a) show
- currentpoint
- dup 3 index sub
- pntsize 2 div gt { pntsize sub } if
- 1 index Bburx gt
- {pop pop pop exit} if
- moveto
- } loop
- } for
- } bind def
- %@Fill
- /Honeycomb %Honeycomb,5, Frequency:=4, Backágray:=100, Frontágray:=0, Scalingá(%):=75, Lineáwidth:=5
- {
- /LineWidth exch 0 100 InRange def
- /Scaling exch 10 100 InRange def
- /FrontGrey exch 0 100 InRange def
- /BackGrey exch -100 100 InRange def
- /Frequency exch 1 50 InRange def
- /newfont 10 dict def
- newfont begin
- /FontMatrix [1 3 sqrt div 0
- 0 1 3 sqrt div
- 0 0] def
- /FontType 3 def
- /FontBBox [0 0 2 3 sqrt] def
- /Encoding 256 array def
- 0 1 255 {Encoding exch /.notdef put} for
- /BuildChar
- { 3 2 div 3 sqrt 2 div
- -0.1 -0.1 2.1 3 sqrt 0.1 add
- setcachedevice
- pop begin
- 1 2 div 0 moveto
- 3 2 div 0 lineto
- 2 3 sqrt 2 div lineto
- 3 2 div 3 sqrt lineto
- 1 2 div 3 sqrt lineto
- 0 3 sqrt 2 div lineto
- closepath
- LineWidth pntsize div 3 sqrt mul setlinewidth
- stroke
- end
- } def
- end
- /pntsize 1000 Frequency div cvi def
- /FillFont newfont definefont pop
- /FillFont findfont pntsize scalefont setfont
- /dx Bburx Bbllx sub def
- /dy Bbury Bblly sub def
- eoclip newpath
- currentscreen
- 3 -1 roll
- pop 120
- 3 1 roll
- setscreen
- Bbllx dx 2 div add Bblly dy 2 div add translate
- /dx dx 100 mul Scaling div def
- /dy dy 100 mul Scaling div def
- Scaling 100 div dup scale
- 100 Scaling div log 10 div 10 exch exp
- BackGrey 0 100 InRange 100 div FrontGrey BackGrey sub 1000 div FrontGrey .1 sub 100 div
- { 1 exch sub setgray
- dup dup scale
- dy 2 div cvi dup pntsize mod pntsize 2 div sub sub neg
- pntsize dy pntsize add 2 div
- { dx 2 div cvi dup pntsize mod pntsize 2 div sub sub neg
- 1 index moveto
- { (a) show
- currentpoint
- dup 3 index sub
- pntsize 2.1 div gt { pntsize sub } if
- 1 index dx pntsize add 2 div gt
- { pop pop pop exit } if
- moveto
- } loop
- } for
- } for
- pop
- } bind def
- %@Fill
- /Impact %Impact,5, Lineáwidth:=5, Stepálength:=15, Maximumáangle:=40, Minimumáangle:=10, Randomáseed:=0
- { srand
- /MinAng exch 2 90 InRange def
- /MaxAng exch MinAng 90 InRange MinAng wDstChck def
- /Step exch 10 500 InRange def
- /Linewidth exch 0 100 InRange def
- eoclip
- newpath
- /dx Bburx Bbllx sub def
- /dy Bbury Bblly sub def
- /DifAng MaxAng MinAng sub def
- Bbllx Bblly translate
- dx 2 div dy 2 div translate
- Linewidth Step div setlinewidth
- Step Step scale
- /theta 0 def
- { matrix currentmatrix
- /theta theta rand DifAng mod add MinAng add def
- theta 360 gt {pop exit} if
- theta rotate
- 0 0 moveto
- rand 150 mod 50 add
- {
- currentpoint translate
- rand 120 mod 60 sub theta add dup rotate
- 1 0 lineto
- neg rotate
- } repeat
- stroke
- setmatrix
- } loop
- } bind def
- %@Fill
- /Landscape %Landscape,4, Depth:=6, Maximumágray:=100, Minimumágray:=0, Randomáseed:=0
- {
- srand
- /MinGrey exch 0 100 InRange def
- /MaxGrey exch MinGrey 100 InRange def
- /maxdepth exch 1 7 InRange def
- /dGrey MaxGrey MinGrey sub 200 div def
- /AvGrey MaxGrey MinGrey add 200 div def
- eoclip newpath
- /depth 0 def
- /ardepth 2 maxdepth 1 sub exp cvi def
- /height 1.8 8 maxdepth sub exp def
- /horz 0 def
- /vert 0 def
- /Array ardepth 1 add array def
- 0 1 ardepth
- { Array exch ardepth 1 add array put
- } for
- 0 1 ardepth
- { Array exch get
- 0 1 ardepth
- { 2 copy 0 put
- pop
- } for
- pop
- } for
- /Square
- {
- /depth depth 1 add def
- depth maxdepth eq
- {
- Array horz get vert get dup 1 add dup moveto %ur
- Array horz 1 add get vert get dup 1 add lineto %ul
- Array horz 1 add get vert 1 add get dup dup lineto %ll
- Array horz get vert 1 add get dup 1 add exch lineto %lr
- closepath
- sub
- dGrey mul AvGrey add
- setgray
- fill }
- {
- /wd 2 maxdepth depth sub 1 sub exp cvi def
- Array horz wd 2 mul add get vert wd 2 mul add get
- Array horz get vert wd 2 mul add get
- Array horz wd 2 mul add get vert get
- Array horz get vert get
- 4 copy add add add 4 div
- rand 50 mod 25 sub height div 2 depth exp div add
- Array horz wd add get
- vert wd add 2 index put pop
- 3 index 2 index add 2 div
- rand 50 mod 25 sub height div 2 depth exp div add
- Array horz wd 2 mul add get
- vert wd add 2 index put pop
- 3 index 3 index add 2 div
- rand 50 mod 25 sub height div 2 depth exp div add
- Array horz wd add get
- vert wd 2 mul add 2 index put pop
- horz 0 eq
- { 2 index 1 index add 2 div
- rand 50 mod 25 sub height div 2 depth exp div add
- Array horz get
- vert wd add 2 index put pop
- } if
- vert 0 eq
- { 1 index 1 index add 2 div
- rand 50 mod 25 sub height div 2 depth exp div add
- Array horz wd add get
- vert 2 index put pop
- } if
- pop pop pop pop
- .5 .5 translate
- .5 .5 scale
- Square
- 2 2 scale
- /horz horz 2 maxdepth depth sub 1 sub exp cvi add def
- -.5 0 translate
- .5 .5 scale
- Square
- 2 2 scale
- /horz horz 2 maxdepth depth sub 1 sub exp cvi sub def
- /vert vert 2 maxdepth depth sub 1 sub exp cvi add def
- .5 -.5 translate
- .5 .5 scale
- Square
- 2 2 scale
- /vert vert 2 maxdepth depth sub 1 sub exp cvi sub def
- /horz horz 2 maxdepth depth sub 1 sub exp cvi add def
- /vert vert 2 maxdepth depth sub 1 sub exp cvi add def
- -.5 0 translate
- .5 .5 scale
- Square
- 2 2 scale
- /horz horz 2 maxdepth depth sub 1 sub exp cvi sub def
- /vert vert 2 maxdepth depth sub 1 sub exp cvi sub def
- } ifelse
- /depth depth 1 sub def
- } def
- /dx Bburx Bbllx sub def
- /dy Bbury Bblly sub def
- /hyp dx dup mul dy dup mul add sqrt def
- Bbllx dx 2 div add Bblly dy 2 div add translate
- hyp 1.2 mul dup scale
- 45 rotate
- -.5 -.5 translate
- currentscreen
- 3 -1 roll
- pop 120
- 3 1 roll
- setscreen
- 0 0 0 0
- Square
- 4{ pop }repeat
- } bind def
- %@Fill
- /Leaves %Leaves,5, Numberá(sqáinch):=50, Maximumágray:=100, Minimumágray:=0, Maximumásize:=100, Minimumásize:=10
- {
- /MinSize exch 1 200 InRange def
- /MaxSize exch MinSize 200 InRange MinSize wDstChck def
- /MinGrey exch 0 100 InRange def
- /MaxGrey exch MinGrey 100 InRange def
- /Number exch 1 250 InRange def
- eoclip newpath
- currentscreen
- 3 -1 roll
- pop 90
- 3 1 roll
- setscreen
- /dx Bburx Bbllx sub def
- /dy Bbury Bblly sub def
- dx dy mul Number mul 1000000 div cvi
- {
- matrix currentmatrix
- rand dx mod Bbllx add
- rand dy mod Bblly add
- translate
- rand 360 mod
- rotate
- MaxSize MinSize eq
- { Maxsize 10.8 div }
- { rand MaxSize MinSize sub mod MinSize add 10.8 div } ifelse
- dup scale
- 17 0 moveto
- 65 -18 106 -13 125 0 curveto
- 106 13 65 18 17 0 curveto
- gsave
- MaxGrey MinGrey eq
- { MaxGrey 100 div }
- { rand MaxGrey MinGrey sub mod MinGrey add 100 div } ifelse
- setgray
- fill
- grestore
- 0.3 setlinewidth
- 0 setgray
- stroke
- setmatrix
- } repeat
- } bind def
- %@Fill
- /Mesh %Mesh,5, Frequency:=6, Squareásizeá(%):=80, Shadowáloweráleft:=3, Shadowáupperáright:=15, Foregroundágray:=100
- {
- /ForegroundGray exch 0 100 InRange def
- /Shadow2 exch 0 100 InRange def
- /Shadow1 exch 0 100 InRange def
- /SquareSize exch 1 100 InRange def
- /Frequency exch 1 25 InRange def
- /newfont 10 dict def
- newfont begin
- /FontMatrix [1 0
- 0 1
- 0 0] def
- /FontType 3 def
- /FontBBox [0 0 1 1] def
- /Encoding 256 array def
- 0 1 255 {Encoding exch /.notdef put} for
- /BuildChar
- { 1 0
- -0.1 -0.1 1.1 1.1
- setcachedevice
- pop begin
- 0 setlinejoin
- SquareSize 100 div dup scale
- 0 0 moveto
- 1 0 lineto
- 1 1 lineto
- 0 1 lineto
- closepath
- Shadow1 100 div
- 1 Shadow2 100 div sub
- 1 index dup moveto
- 1 index 1 index lineto
- dup dup lineto
- dup 2 index lineto
- closepath
- 2{pop}repeat
- fill
- end
- } def
- end
- /pntsize 1000 Frequency div def
- /FillFont newfont definefont pop
- /FillFont findfont pntsize scalefont setfont
- eoclip newpath
- ForegroundGray 100 div 1 exch sub setgray
- Bblly pntsize Bbury
- { Bbllx exch moveto
- { (a) show
- currentpoint
- pop Bburx gt
- {exit} if
- } loop
- } for
- } bind def
- %@Fill
- /Motifs %Motifs,4, Motif:=1, Frequency:=2, Spacingá(%):=100, Foregroundágray:=100
- {
- /ForegroundGray exch 0 100 InRange def
- /Spacing exch 1 300 InRange def
- /Frequency exch 1 25 InRange def
- /Character exch 1 8 InRange def
- /str 1 string def
- str 0 Character put
- /newfont 10 dict def
- newfont begin
- /FontMatrix [.001 0
- 0 .001
- 0 0] def
- /FontType 3 def
- /FontBBox [0 0 500 1000] def
- /Encoding 256 array def
- 0 1 255 {Encoding exch /.notdef put} for
- Encoding 1 /CanadianFlag put
- Encoding 2 /Corels put
- Encoding 3 /Globe put
- Encoding 4 /CubeSolid put
- Encoding 5 /CubeFrame put
- Encoding 6 /Balls put
- Encoding 7 /Checkerboard put
- Encoding 8 /CCCTlogo put
- /CharProcs 9 dict def
- CharProcs begin
- /.notdef {} def
- /CanadianFlag
- { 9.6 9.6 scale
- 9 -30 translate
- -9 60 moveto
- -9 30 lineto
- -1 30 lineto
- -1 60 lineto
- closepath
- 43 60 moveto
- 43 30 lineto
- 35 30 lineto
- 35 60 lineto
- closepath
- 17 58 moveto
- 15 54 lineto
- 12 55 lineto
- 14 47 lineto
- 10 51 lineto
- 10 49 lineto
- 05 50 lineto
- 07 45 lineto
- 05 45 lineto
- 12 39 lineto
- 10 37 lineto
- 16.5 38 lineto
- 16.5 32 lineto
- 17.5 32 lineto
- 17.5 38 lineto
- 24 37 lineto
- 22 39 lineto
- 29 45 lineto
- 27 45 lineto
- 29 50 lineto
- 24 49 lineto
- 24 51 lineto
- 20 47 lineto
- 22 55 lineto
- 19 54 lineto
- closepath
- % 0.3 setlinewidth
- % stroke
- fill
- } def
- /Corels
- { 250 250 translate
- 113 113 scale
- 7 { 45 rotate
- gsave
- 1 2 sqrt div 1 add 0 translate
- .5 .5 moveto
- -.5 .5 lineto
- -.5 -.5 lineto
- .5 -.5 lineto
- closepath
- fill
- grestore
- } repeat
- } def
- /Globe
- {
- 250 250 translate
- 250 250 scale
- 0 1 4
- { matrix currentmatrix exch
- 22.5 mul sin
- 1 scale
- 0 0 1 90 450 arc
- setmatrix
- } for
- -3 1 3
- { 22.5 mul sin
- dup
- dup mul 1 sub neg sqrt
- dup neg 2 index moveto
- exch lineto
- } for
- .01 setlinewidth
- stroke
- } def
- /CubeSolid
- {
- 250 250 translate
- 145 145 scale
- /Rotm
- { 30 matrix rotate transform
- exch 3 1 roll
- 30 matrix rotate transform
- pop exch
- moveto
- } bind def
- /Rotl
- { 30 matrix rotate transform
- exch 3 1 roll
- 30 matrix rotate transform
- pop exch
- lineto
- } bind def
- 1 1 1 Rotm
- -1 1 1 Rotl
- -1 -1 1 Rotl
- 1 -1 1 Rotl
- closepath
- -1 1 1 Rotm
- -1 1 -1 Rotl
- 1 1 -1 Rotl
- 1 -1 -1 Rotl
- 1 -1 1 Rotl
- 1 1 1 Rotm
- 1 1 -1 Rotl
- .01 setlinewidth
- stroke
- } def
- /CubeFrame
- {
- 250 250 translate
- 145 145 scale
- /Rotm
- { 30 matrix rotate transform
- exch 3 1 roll
- 30 matrix rotate transform
- pop exch
- moveto
- } bind def
- /Rotl
- { 30 matrix rotate transform
- exch 3 1 roll
- 30 matrix rotate transform
- pop exch
- lineto
- } bind def
- 1 1 1 Rotm
- -1 1 1 Rotl
- -1 -1 1 Rotl
- 1 -1 1 Rotl
- closepath
- 1 1 -1 Rotm
- -1 1 -1 Rotl
- -1 -1 -1 Rotl
- 1 -1 -1 Rotl
- closepath
- 1 1 1 Rotm
- 1 1 -1 Rotl
- -1 1 1 Rotm
- -1 1 -1 Rotl
- -1 -1 1 Rotm
- -1 -1 -1 Rotl
- 1 -1 1 Rotm
- 1 -1 -1 Rotl
- .01 setlinewidth
- stroke
- } def
- /Balls
- { 250 250 translate
- 225 225 scale
- 0 0 1.1 0 360 arc
- -0.32 0.55 translate
- 30 rotate
- 1 2 div 1 3 div scale
- 0 0 1.1 360 0 arcn
- fill
- } def
- /Checkerboard
- { 0 0 moveto
- 500 0 lineto
- 500 500 lineto
- 0 500 lineto
- closepath
- fill
- } def
- /CCCTlogo
- {
- 4.8 4.8 scale
- -21 -26 translate
- 36.4 28.4 moveto
- 70 38 35 196 176.7 arcn
- 35.1 40 35 42 24 41 curveto
- 21 37 24 38 22 32 curveto
- 21 28 25 27 28 28 curveto
- 33 26 32 30 36.4 28.4 curveto
- 36.5 48.2 moveto
- 70 38 35 163.1 144.5 arcn
- 40 59 39 60 36 61 curveto
- 33 63 29 62 27 61 curveto
- 24 58 29 55 26 54 curveto
- 24 53 25 50 25 50 curveto
- 28 47 30 44 36.5 48.2 curveto
- 44.3 61.7 moveto
- 70 38 35 137.3 111.5 arcn
- 56 81 52 75 53 81 curveto
- 52 87 50 81 46 84 curveto
- 37 84 40 80 40 76 curveto
- 42 70 35 73 44.3 61.7 curveto
- 60.8 71.8 moveto
- 70 38 35 105.3 80.0 arcn
- 78 72 78 76 77 80 curveto
- 77 81 80 82 79 83 curveto
- 77 85 74 84 70 85 curveto
- 65 85 69 80 62 80 curveto
- 59 77 61 74 60.8 71.8 curveto
- 97.1 60.1 moveto
- 70 38 35 39.2 66.4 arc
- 81 74 82 78 85 81 curveto
- 91 81 98 84 95 76 curveto
- 98 74 115 77 103 72 curveto
- 101 68 100 61 97.1 60.1 curveto
- 100 56 moveto
- 70 38 35 31 11.6 arcn
- 113 42 114 49 118 50 curveto
- 115 57 123 56 120 60 curveto
- 115 60 116 64 109 63 curveto
- 104 62 107 57 100 56 curveto
- 105 39 moveto
- 70 38 35 1.6 -14.8 arcn
- 107 27 110 28 112 27 curveto
- 115 27 111 31 118 32 curveto
- 120 33 125 33 122 36 curveto
- 121 37 119 38 117 39 curveto
- 113 46 112 39 105 39 curveto
- fill
- } def
- end
- /BuildChar
- {Spacing 100 div 500 mul dup
- -0.1 -0.1 500.1 1000.1
- setcachedevice
- exch begin
- Encoding exch get
- CharProcs exch get
- end
- exec
- }def
- end
- /pntsize 100000 Frequency div Spacing div def
- /FillFont newfont definefont pop
- /FillFont findfont pntsize scalefont setfont
- /increment Spacing 100 div pntsize mul def
- eoclip newpath
- ForegroundGray 100 div 1 exch sub setgray
- Bblly increment Bbury
- { Bbllx 1 index moveto
- { str show
- currentpoint
- dup 3 index sub
- increment 2.1 div gt { increment sub } if
- 1 index Bburx gt
- {pop pop pop exit} if
- moveto
- } loop
- } for
- } bind def
- %@Fill
- /Octagons %Octagons,4, Frequency:=8, Lineáwidth:=5, Foregroundágray:=100, Backgroundágray:=0
- {
- /BackgroundGray exch -1 100 InRange def
- /ForegroundGray exch 0 100 InRange def
- /Linewidth exch 0 100 InRange def
- /Frequency exch 2 100 InRange def
- /newfont 10 dict def
- newfont begin
- /FontMatrix [1 2 sqrt 1 add div 0
- 0 1 2 sqrt 1 add div
- 0 0] def
- /FontType 3 def
- /FontBBox [0 0 2 sqrt 1 add 2 sqrt 1 add] def
- /Encoding 256 array def
- 0 1 255 {Encoding exch /.notdef put} for
- /BuildChar
- { 2 sqrt 1 add 0
- -0.5 -0.5 2 sqrt 1.5 add 2 sqrt 1.5 add
- setcachedevice
- pop begin
- 1 2 sqrt div 0 moveto
- 1 2 sqrt div 1 add 0 lineto
- 2 sqrt 1 add 1 2 sqrt div lineto
- 2 sqrt 1 add 1 2 sqrt div 1 add lineto
- 1 2 sqrt div 1 add 2 sqrt 1 add lineto
- 1 2 sqrt div 2 sqrt 1 add lineto
- 0 1 2 sqrt div 1 add lineto
- 0 1 2 sqrt div lineto
- closepath
- Linewidth pntsize div 2 sqrt 1 add mul setlinewidth
- stroke
- end
- } def
- end
- /pntsize 1000 Frequency div def
- /FillFont newfont definefont pop
- /FillFont findfont pntsize scalefont setfont
- eoclip
- BackgroundGray 0 ge
- { BackgroundGray 100 div 1 exch sub setgray fill }
- { newpath } ifelse
- ForegroundGray 100 div 1 exch sub setgray
- Bblly pntsize Bbury
- { Bbllx pntsize Bburx
- { 1 index moveto
- (a) show
- } for
- pop
- } for
- } bind def
- %@Fill
- /Patio %Patio,4, Frequency:=8, Lineáwidth:=5, Foregroundágray:=100, Backgroundágray:=0
- {
- /BackgroundGray exch -1 100 InRange def
- /ForegroundGray exch 0 100 InRange def
- /Linewidth exch 0 100 InRange def
- /Frequency exch 2 100 InRange def
- /newfont 10 dict def
- newfont begin
- /FontMatrix [2 7 div 0
- 0 2 7 div
- 0 0] def
- /FontType 3 def
- /FontBBox [0 0 3 sqrt 2 mul 7 2 div] def
- /Encoding 256 array def
- 0 1 255 {Encoding exch /.notdef put} for
- /BuildChar
- { 3 sqrt 3 mul 2 div 3 2 div
- -0.5 -0.5 3 sqrt 2 mul 0.5 add 7 2 div 0.5 add
- setcachedevice
- pop begin
- 3 sqrt 3 2 div translate
- 3 sqrt 2 div 1 2 div moveto
- 3 { 120 rotate
- 3 sqrt 2 div -3 2 div lineto
- 3 sqrt -1 lineto
- 3 sqrt 0 lineto
- 3 sqrt 2 div 1 2 div lineto
- } repeat
- Linewidth pntsize div 7 2 div mul setlinewidth
- stroke
- end
- } def
- end
- /pntsize 1250 Frequency div def
- /FillFont newfont definefont pop
- /FillFont findfont pntsize scalefont setfont
- /Pointsize pntsize 6 mul 7 div def
- eoclip
- BackgroundGray 0 ge
- { BackgroundGray 100 div 1 exch sub setgray fill }
- { newpath } ifelse
- ForegroundGray 100 div 1 exch sub setgray
- Bblly Pointsize Bbury
- { Bbllx 1 index moveto
- { (a) show
- currentpoint
- dup 3 index sub
- Pointsize 2 div gt { Pointsize sub } if
- 1 index Bburx gt
- {pop pop pop exit} if
- moveto
- } loop
- } for
- } bind def
- %@Fill
- /Rectangles %Rectangles,5, Area:=100, Number:=50, Lineáwidth:=5, Gray:=0, Randomáseed:=0
- {
- srand
- /Grey exch 0 100 InRange def
- /Linewidth exch 0 100 InRange def
- /Number exch 1 200 InRange def
- /area exch 10 300 InRange def
- /dx Bburx Bbllx sub 2 mul def
- /dy Bbury Bblly sub 2 mul def
- /Area area 10000 mul def
- eoclip newpath
- Linewidth setlinewidth
- Bbllx dx 2 div sub Bblly dy 2 div sub translate
- % Area log
- Number {
- rand dx mod rand dy mod moveto
- % rand 180 mod 90 sub 100 div dup dup mul 1 exch sub sqrt
- % exch atan 180 div 1 index mul 10 exch exp
- rand Area mod rand Area mod mul sqrt sqrt
- dup 0 rlineto
- 0 Area 2 index div rlineto
- dup neg 0 rlineto
- closepath
- pop
- gsave
- Grey 100 div 1 exch sub setgray
- fill
- grestore
- 0 setgray
- stroke
- } repeat
- } bind def
- %@Fill
- /Reptiles %Reptiles,5, Frequency:=4, Grayá1:=60, Grayá2:=30, Grayá3:=0, Lineáwidth:=8
- {
- /LineWidth exch 0 250 InRange def
- /Gray3 exch 0 100 InRange 100 div def
- /Gray2 exch -1 100 InRange 100 div def
- /Gray1 exch -1 100 InRange 100 div def
- /Frequency exch 1 100 InRange def
- /newfont 10 dict def
- newfont begin
- /FontMatrix [2 7 div 0
- 0 2 7 div
- 0 0] def
- /FontType 3 def
- /FontBBox [-1.73 -1.86 2.36 2.0] def
- /Encoding 256 array def
- 0 1 255 {Encoding exch /.notdef put} for
- Encoding 97 /ReptilesStroked put
- Encoding 98 /ReptileFilled put
- /CharProcs 3 dict def
- CharProcs begin
- /.notdef {} def
- /ReptilesStroked
- {
- %3 sqrt 3 2 div translate
- 3 sqrt 2 div 1 2 div moveto
- 3
- {
- 120 rotate
- 0 0 moveto
- 0.32 -0.40 lineto
- 0.32 -0.48 lineto
- 0 -0.72 lineto
- 0.05 -1.03 moveto
- 0.4 -0.76 lineto
- 0.84 -0.84 lineto
- 0.5 -0.96 lineto
- 0.31 -1.18 lineto
- 0.87 -1.5 moveto
- 0.58 -1.28 lineto
- 0.8 -1.14 lineto
- 0.94 -1.18 lineto
- 1.24 -1.08 lineto
- 1.42 -1.18 lineto
- 1.68 -1.02 moveto
- 1.52 -0.84 lineto
- 1.64 -0.66 lineto
- 1.73 -0.36 lineto
- 1.73 0 moveto
- 1.41 -0.26 lineto
- 1.32 -0.49 lineto
- 1.06 -0.24 lineto
- 1.42 0.18 lineto
- 0.87 0.57 moveto
- 0.87 0.26 lineto
- 0.99 0.26 lineto
- 1.05 0.12 lineto
- 0.82 -0.07 lineto
- 0.68 -0.07 lineto
- 0.62 0.36 lineto
- 3 sqrt 2 div 1 2 div moveto
- } repeat
- LineWidth Pointsize div 7 2 div mul setlinewidth
- stroke
- } def
- /ReptileFilled
- {
- 0 0 moveto
- 0.32 -0.40 lineto
- 0.32 -0.48 lineto
- 0 -0.72 lineto
- -0.40 -0.55 lineto
- -0.47 -0.68 lineto
- -0.42 -0.97 lineto
- -0.27 -0.99 lineto
- -0.21 -0.88 lineto
- 0.05 -1.03 lineto
- 0.4 -0.76 lineto
- 0.84 -0.84 lineto
- 0.5 -0.96 lineto
- 0.31 -1.18 lineto
- 0.32 -1.39 lineto
- 0.55 -1.60 lineto
- 0.59 -1.74 lineto
- 0.82 -1.86 lineto
- 0.87 -1.5 lineto
- 0.58 -1.28 lineto
- 0.8 -1.14 lineto
- 0.94 -1.18 lineto
- 1.24 -1.08 lineto
- 1.42 -1.18 lineto
- 1.52 -1.45 lineto
- 1.45 -1.81 lineto
- 1.74 -1.47 lineto
- 1.68 -1.02 lineto
- 1.52 -0.84 lineto
- 1.64 -0.66 lineto
- 1.73 -0.36 lineto
- 2.28 -0.46 lineto
- 2.36 -0.11 lineto
- 2.12 -0.15 lineto
- 1.73 0 lineto
- 1.41 -0.26 lineto
- 1.32 -0.49 lineto
- 1.06 -0.24 lineto
- 1.42 0.18 lineto
- 1.21 0.41 lineto
- 1.11 0.60 lineto
- 0.87 0.57 lineto
- 0.87 0.26 lineto
- 0.99 0.26 lineto
- 1.05 0.12 lineto
- 0.82 -0.07 lineto
- 0.68 -0.07 lineto
- 0.62 0.36 lineto
- 0.26 0.52 lineto
- 0.19 0.48 lineto
- closepath
- fill
- } def
- end
- /BuildChar
- {
- 3 sqrt 3 mul 2 div 3 2 div
- -1.83 -1.96 2.46 2.1
- setcachedevice
- exch begin
- Encoding exch get
- CharProcs exch get
- end
- exec
- } def
- end
- /Pointsize 2000 Frequency div def
- /FillFont newfont definefont pop
- /FillFont findfont Pointsize scalefont setfont
- /pntsize Pointsize 6 mul 7 div def
- /HeightDiff Pointsize 2 mul 7 div .49 mul def
- eoclip newpath
- currentscreen
- 3 -1 roll
- pop 120
- 3 1 roll
- setscreen
- Bblly pntsize Bbury pntsize add HeightDiff add
- {
- Bbllx 1 index moveto
- {
- currentpoint
- 1 index exch
- 2 copy 2 copy translate
- 240 rotate
- Gray1 0 ge
- { Gray1 1 exch sub setgray
- (b) show
- } if
- 0 0 moveto
- -240 rotate
- neg exch neg exch translate
- 2 copy translate
- 120 rotate
- Gray2 0 ge
- { Gray2 1 exch sub setgray
- (b) show
- } if
- 0 0 moveto
- -120 rotate
- neg exch neg exch translate
- Gray3 1 exch sub setgray
- (b) show
- currentpoint
- dup 4 index sub
- pntsize 2.1 div gt { pntsize sub } if
- 3 -1 roll Bburx gt
- {pop pop pop exit} if
- moveto
- } loop
- } for
- LineWidth 0 gt
- {
- 0 setgray
- Bblly pntsize Bbury pntsize add
- {
- Bbllx 1 index moveto
- {
- (a) show
- currentpoint
- dup 3 index sub
- pntsize 2.1 div gt { pntsize sub } if
- 1 index Bburx gt
- {pop pop pop exit} if
- moveto
- } loop
- } for
- } if
- } bind def
- %@Fill
- /SpiderWeb %SpiderWeb,5, Lineáwidth:=5, Separation:=300, Maximumáangle:=40, Minimumáangle:=10, Randomáseed:=0
- { srand
- /MinAng exch 2 90 InRange def
- /MaxAng exch MinAng 90 InRange MinAng wDstChck def
- /Sep exch 10 500 InRange def
- /Linewidth exch 0 100 InRange def
- eoclip
- newpath
- /dx Bburx Bbllx sub def
- /dy Bbury Bblly sub def
- /hyp dx dup mul dy dup mul add sqrt def
- /DifAng MaxAng MinAng sub def
- Bbllx Bblly translate
- dx 2 div dy 2 div translate
- /theta 0 def
- /dtheta 0 def
- { 0 0 moveto
- /theta theta dtheta add def
- theta 360 ge
- { exit } if
- /dtheta rand DifAng mod MinAng add def
- theta dtheta add 350 gt
- { /dtheta 360 theta sub def } if
- hyp theta cos mul hyp theta sin mul lineto
- 0 Sep hyp
- {
- dup theta cos mul
- 1 index theta sin mul
- moveto
- dup theta dtheta add cos theta cos add mul
- 1 index theta dtheta add sin theta sin add mul
- 2 index
- theta 180 add dtheta add
- theta 180 add
- arcn
- pop
- } for
- Linewidth setlinewidth
- stroke
- } loop
- } bind def
- %@Fill
- /Spirals %Spirals,4, Size:=150, Lineáwidth:=5, Foregroundágray:=100, Backgroundágray:=0
- {
- /BackgroundGrey exch -1 100 InRange def
- /ForegroundGray exch 0 100 InRange def
- /Linewidth exch 0 100 InRange def
- /Size exch 10 500 InRange def
- eoclip
- BackgroundGrey 0 ge
- { BackgroundGrey 100 div 1 exch sub setgray fill }
- { newpath } ifelse
- /cx Bburx Bbllx add 2 div def
- /cy Bbury Bblly add 2 div def
- /pntsize2 Size 2 div def
- /cy2 cy pntsize2 add def
- /hyp Bburx Bbllx sub dup mul
- Bbury Bblly sub dup mul
- add sqrt 2 div def
- ForegroundGray 100 div 1 exch sub setgray
- Linewidth setlinewidth
- 0 Size hyp
- { cx cy 2 index 90 270 arc
- cx cy2 2 index pntsize2 add -90 90 arc
- pop
- } for
- stroke
- } bind def
- %@Fill
- /Spokes %Spokes,5, Number:=120, Lineáwidth:=5, Horizontal:=0, Vertical:=0, Foregroundágray:=100
- { %def -- Fill function that fills with spokes
- /ForegroundGray exch 0 100 InRange def
- /wY exch 0 100 InRange def
- /wX exch 0 100 InRange def
- /LineWidth exch 0 100 InRange def
- /Number exch 4 360 InRange def
- eoclip
- newpath
- /Flen Bburx Bbllx sub dup mul Bbury Bblly sub dup mul add sqrt def
- Bbllx Bblly translate
- Bburx Bbllx sub wX mul 100 div Bbury Bblly sub wY mul 100 div translate
- 360 Number div
- Number {
- 0 0 moveto
- Flen 0 lineto
- dup rotate
- } repeat
- pop
- ForegroundGray 100 div 1 exch sub setgray
- LineWidth setlinewidth
- stroke
- } bind def
- %@Fill
- /Squares %Squares,4, Frequency:=8, Lineáwidth:=5, Foregroundágray:=100, Backgroundágray:=0
- {
- /BackgroundGray exch -1 100 InRange def
- /ForegroundGray exch 0 100 InRange def
- /Linewidth exch 0 100 InRange def
- /Frequency exch 2 100 InRange def
- /newfont 10 dict def
- newfont begin
- /FontMatrix [1 0 0
- 1 0 0] def
- /FontType 3 def
- /FontBBox [0 0 1 1] def
- /Encoding 256 array def
- 0 1 255 {Encoding exch /.notdef put} for
- /BuildChar
- { 1 0
- -0.1 -0.1 1.1 1.1
- setcachedevice
- pop begin
- 0 0 moveto
- 0 1 lineto
- 1 1 lineto
- 1 0 lineto
- Linewidth pntsize div setlinewidth
- stroke
- end
- } def
- end
- /pntsize 1000 Frequency div def
- /FillFont newfont definefont pop
- /FillFont findfont pntsize scalefont setfont
- eoclip
- BackgroundGray 0 ge
- { BackgroundGray 100 div 1 exch sub setgray fill }
- { newpath } ifelse
- ForegroundGray 100 div 1 exch sub setgray
- Bblly pntsize Bbury
- { Bbllx exch moveto
- { (a) show
- currentpoint
- pop Bburx gt
- {exit} if
- } loop
- } for
- } bind def
- %@Fill
- /StarOfDavid %StarOfDavid,4, Frequency:=8, Lineáwidth:=5, Foregroundágray:=100, Backgroundágray:=0
- {
- /BackgroundGray exch -1 100 InRange def
- /ForegroundGray exch 0 100 InRange def
- /Linewidth exch 0 100 InRange def
- /Frequency exch 2 100 InRange def
- /newfont 10 dict def
- newfont begin
- /FontMatrix [1 3 sqrt 2 mul div 0
- 0 1 3 sqrt 2 mul div
- 0 0] def
- /FontType 3 def
- /FontBBox [0 0 2 3 sqrt 2 mul] def
- /Encoding 256 array def
- 0 1 255 {Encoding exch /.notdef put} for
- /BuildChar
- { 1 3 sqrt
- -0.1 -0.1 2.1 3 sqrt 2 mul 0.1 add
- setcachedevice
- pop begin
- 1 2 div 0 moveto
- 3 2 div 0 lineto
- 2 3 sqrt 2 div lineto
- 3 2 div 3 sqrt lineto
- 1 2 div 3 sqrt lineto
- 0 3 sqrt 2 div lineto
- closepath
- Linewidth pntsize div 3 sqrt 2 mul mul setlinewidth
- stroke
- end
- } def
- end
- /pntsize 1732 Frequency div def
- /FillFont newfont definefont pop
- /FillFont findfont pntsize scalefont setfont
- eoclip
- BackgroundGray 0 ge
- { BackgroundGray 100 div 1 exch sub setgray fill }
- { newpath } ifelse
- ForegroundGray 100 div 1 exch sub setgray
- Bblly pntsize Bbury
- { Bbllx pntsize sub 1 index moveto
- { (a) show
- currentpoint
- dup 3 index sub
- pntsize 2.1 div gt { pntsize sub } if
- 1 index Bburx gt
- {pop pop pop exit} if
- moveto
- } loop
- } for
- } bind def
- %@Fill
- /Stars %Stars,4, Number:=100, Maximumásize:=300, Minimumásize:=3, Randomáseed:=0
- { srand
- /MinSize exch 1 1000 InRange def
- /MaxSize exch MinSize 1000 InRange def
- /Number exch 1 2000 InRange def
- /newfont 10 dict def
- newfont begin
- /FontMatrix [1 0 0
- 1 0 0] def
- /FontType 3 def
- /FontBBox [0 0 1 1] def
- /Encoding 256 array def
- 0 1 255 {Encoding exch /.notdef put} for
- /BuildChar
- { 1 0
- -0.1 -0.1 1.1 1.1
- setcachedevice
- pop begin
- 1 .5 moveto
- .5 .5 .5 0 360 arc
- fill
- end
- } def
- end
- /FillFont newfont definefont pop
- /FillFont findfont 2 scalefont setfont
- /dx Bburx Bbllx sub def
- /dy Bbury Bblly sub def
- eoclip
- 0 setgray
- fill
- 1 setgray
- /mtx matrix currentmatrix def
- dx dy mul Number mul 100000 div cvi
- { rand dx mod Bbllx add
- rand dy mod Bblly add
- moveto
- MaxSize rand MaxSize MinSize div cvi mod 1 add div 10 div
- dup scale
- (a) show
- mtx setmatrix
- } repeat
- } bind def
- %@Fill
- /StarShapes %StarShapes,5, Points:=5, Frequency:=2, Spacing:=100, Angle:=36, Gray:=100
- {
- /Grey exch 0 100 InRange def
- /Theta exch 1 90 InRange def
- /Spacing exch 1 300 InRange def
- /Frequency exch 1 25 InRange def
- /Points exch 1 15 InRange def
- /str 1 string def
- str 0 Points put
- /newfont 10 dict def
- newfont begin
- /FontMatrix [.001 0
- 0 .001
- 0 0] def
- /FontType 3 def
- /FontBBox [0 0 500 1000] def
- /Encoding 256 array def
- 0 1 255 {Encoding exch /.notdef put} for
- /BuildChar
- {Spacing 100 div 500 mul dup
- -0.1 -0.1 500.1 1000.1
- setcachedevice
- exch begin
- 250 250 translate
- 250 250 scale
- 90 rotate
- dup
- 180 exch div dup sin exch cos div
- Theta 2 div dup sin exch cos div
- 1 0 moveto
- 2 index
- {
- 360 3 index div rotate
- dup dup 3 index add div
- dup 3 index mul neg
- lineto
- 1 0 lineto
- } repeat
- closepath
- fill
- pop pop pop
- end
- }def
- end
- /pntsize 100000 Frequency div Spacing div def
- /FillFont newfont definefont pop
- /FillFont findfont pntsize scalefont setfont
- /increment Spacing 100 div pntsize mul def
- eoclip newpath
- Grey 100 div 1 exch sub setgray
- Bblly increment Bbury
- { Bbllx 1 index moveto
- { str show
- currentpoint
- dup 3 index sub
- increment 2.1 div gt { increment sub } if
- 1 index Bburx gt
- {pop pop pop exit} if
- moveto
- } loop
- } for
- } bind def
- %@Fill
- /StoneWall %StoneWall,4, Frequency:=15, Maximumágray:=100, Minimumágray:=0, Lineáwidth:=5
- {
- /Linewidth exch 0 100 InRange def
- /MinGrey exch 0 100 InRange def
- /MaxGrey exch MinGrey 100 InRange def
- /Frequency exch 1 50 InRange def
- /DifGrey MaxGrey MinGrey sub def
- DifGrey 0 eq
- { /DifGrey 1 def
- } if
- Linewidth Frequency mul 250 div setlinewidth
- eoclip newpath
- 0 srand
- currentscreen
- 3 -1 roll
- pop 100
- 3 1 roll
- setscreen
- /dy Bbury Bblly sub def
- /dx Bburx Bbllx sub def
- Bbllx Bbury translate
- 250 Frequency div dup scale
- dy 920 div Frequency mul cvi {
- 0 0 moveto
- /x0 0 def
- /y0 0 def
- /x1 0 def
- /y1 0 def
- /x2 0 def
- /y2 0 def
- /x3 0 def
- /y3 0 def
- 0 5 dx 200 div Frequency mul
- { rand 50 mod 25 div 1 sub add
- x3 y3 moveto
- x2 y2 x1 y1 x0 y0 curveto
- dup rand 30 mod 15 div neg 2 sub
- 2 copy
- /y0 exch def
- /x0 exch def
- lineto
- dup rand 50 mod 10 div 2.5 sub add rand 50 mod 10 div neg
- 1 index rand 50 mod 10 div
- 4 index rand 30 mod 15 div 2 add
- 6 copy
- /y3 exch def
- /x3 exch def
- /y2 exch def
- /x2 exch def
- /y1 exch def
- /x1 exch def
- curveto
- pop
- closepath
- gsave
- rand DifGrey mod MinGrey add 100 div 1 exch sub setgray fill
- grestore
- 0 setgray stroke
- } for
- 0 -4 translate
- } repeat
- } bind def
- %@Fill
- /Text %Text,5, Font:=1, Character:=67, Frequency:=4, Spacing:=100, Backgroundágray:=0
- {
- /BackGrey exch -1 100 InRange def
- /Spacing exch 30 300 InRange def
- /Frequency exch 1 50 InRange def
- /Character exch 33 255 InRange def
- /Font exch 1 35 InRange def
- /pntsize 100000 Frequency div Spacing div def
- Font 1 eq { /Times-Roman } if
- Font 2 eq { /Times-Italic } if
- Font 3 eq { /Times-Bold } if
- Font 4 eq { /Times-BoldItalic } if
- Font 5 eq { /Helvetica } if
- Font 6 eq { /Helvetica-Oblique } if
- Font 7 eq { /Helvetica-Bold } if
- Font 8 eq { /Helvetica-BoldOblique } if
- Font 9 eq { /Courier } if
- Font 10 eq { /Courier-Oblique } if
- Font 11 eq { /Courier-Bold } if
- Font 12 eq { /Courier-BoldOblique } if
- Font 13 eq { /Symbol } if
- Font 14 eq { /AvantGarde-Book } if
- Font 15 eq { /AvantGarde-BookOblique } if
- Font 16 eq { /AvantGarde-Demi } if
- Font 17 eq { /AvantGarde-DemiOblique } if
- Font 18 eq { /Bookman-Demi } if
- Font 19 eq { /Bookman-DemiItalic } if
- Font 20 eq { /Bookman-Light } if
- Font 21 eq { /Bookman-LightItalic } if
- Font 22 eq { /Helvetica-Narrow } if
- Font 23 eq { /Helvetica-Narrow-Bold } if
- Font 24 eq { /Helvetica-Narrow-BoldOblique } if
- Font 25 eq { /Helvetica-Narrow-Oblique } if
- Font 26 eq { /NewCenturySchlbk-Roman } if
- Font 27 eq { /NewCenturySchlbk-Bold } if
- Font 28 eq { /NewCenturySchlbk-Italic } if
- Font 29 eq { /NewCenturySchlbk-BoldItalic } if
- Font 30 eq { /Palatino-Roman } if
- Font 31 eq { /Palatino-Bold } if
- Font 32 eq { /Palatino-Italic } if
- Font 33 eq { /Palatino-BoldItalic } if
- Font 34 eq { /ZapfChancery-MediumItalic } if
- Font 35 eq { /ZapfDingbats } if
- findfont pntsize scalefont setfont
- /str 1 string def
- str 0 Character put
- /increment Spacing 100 div pntsize mul 2 mul def
- eoclip
- BackGrey 0 ge
- { BackGrey 100 div 1 exch sub setgray fill }
- { newpath } ifelse
- /Bbury Bbury pntsize add def
- 0 setgray
- Bblly increment Bbury
- { Bbllx 1 index moveto
- { str show
- currentpoint increment 2 div add
- dup 3 index sub
- increment 2.1 div gt { increment sub } if
- 1 index Bburx gt
- {pop pop pop exit} if
- moveto
- } loop
- } for
- } bind def
- %@Fill
- /Tiles %Tiles,4, Frequency:=8, Lineáwidth:=5, Foregroundágray:=100, Backgroundágray:=0
- {
- /BackgroundGray exch -1 100 InRange def
- /ForegroundGray exch 0 100 InRange def
- /Linewidth exch 0 100 InRange def
- /Frequency exch 2 100 InRange def
- /newfont 10 dict def
- newfont begin
- /FontMatrix [1 0 0
- 1 0 0] def
- /FontType 3 def
- /FontBBox [0 0 2 1] def
- /Encoding 256 array def
- 0 1 255 {Encoding exch /.notdef put} for
- /BuildChar
- { 2 .5
- -0.1 -0.1 2.1 1.1
- setcachedevice
- pop begin
- 0 0 moveto
- 1.5 0 lineto
- 1.75 0 .25 180 90 arcn
- 1.75 .5 .25 -90 90 arc
- 1.75 1 .25 270 180 arcn
- 0 1 lineto
- Linewidth pntsize div setlinewidth
- stroke
- end
- } def
- end
- /pntsize 500 Frequency div def
- /FillFont newfont definefont pop
- /FillFont findfont pntsize scalefont setfont
- eoclip
- BackgroundGray 0 ge
- { BackgroundGray 100 div 1 exch sub setgray fill }
- { newpath } ifelse
- ForegroundGray 100 div 1 exch sub setgray
- Bblly pntsize Bbury
- { Bbllx 1 index moveto
- { (a) show
- currentpoint
- dup 3 index sub
- pntsize 2.1 div gt { pntsize sub } if
- 1 index Bburx gt
- {pop pop pop exit} if
- moveto
- } loop
- } for
- } bind def
- %@Fill
- /TreeRings %TreeRings,5, Maxádistance:=150, Minádistance:=0, Lineáwidth:=5, Backgroundágray:=0, Randomáseed:=0
- { srand
- /BackGrey exch -1 100 InRange def
- /LineWidth exch 0 100 InRange def
- /MinDist exch 0 500 InRange def
- /MaxDist exch MinDist 500 InRange MinDist wDstChck def
- eoclip
- BackGrey 0 ge
- { BackGrey 100 div 1 exch sub setgray fill }
- { newpath } ifelse
- /cx Bburx Bbllx add 2 div def
- /cy Bbury Bblly add 2 div def
- /pntsize MaxDist MinDist sub def
- /hyp Bburx Bbllx sub dup mul Bbury Bblly sub dup mul add sqrt def
- /wr 0 def
- 0 setgray
- LineWidth setlinewidth
- {
- /wr rand pntsize mod MinDist add wr add def
- cx wr add cy moveto
- cx cy wr 0 360 arc
- stroke
- wr hyp gt {exit} if
- } loop
- } bind def
- %@Fill
- /Triangle %Triangle,4, Frequency:=8, Lineáwidth:=5, Foregroundágray:=100, Backgroundágray:=0
- {
- /BackgroundGray exch -1 100 InRange def
- /ForegroundGray exch 0 100 InRange def
- /Linewidth exch 0 100 InRange def
- /Frequency exch 2 100 InRange def
- /newfont 10 dict def
- newfont begin
- /FontMatrix [ 1 3 sqrt div 0
- 0 1 3 sqrt div
- 0 0] def
- /FontType 3 def
- /FontBBox [0 0 1 3 sqrt] def
- /Encoding 256 array def
- 0 1 255 {Encoding exch /.notdef put} for
- /BuildChar
- { 1 0
- -0.1 -0.1 1.1 3 sqrt 0.1 add
- setcachedevice
- pop begin
- 0 0 moveto
- 1 3 sqrt lineto
- 0 3 sqrt lineto
- 1 0 lineto
- closepath
- 0 3 sqrt 2 div moveto
- 1 3 sqrt 2 div lineto
- Linewidth pntsize div 3 sqrt mul setlinewidth
- stroke
- end
- } def
- end
- /pntsize 1732 Frequency div def
- /FillFont newfont definefont pop
- /FillFont findfont pntsize scalefont setfont
- eoclip
- BackgroundGray 0 ge
- { BackgroundGray 100 div 1 exch sub setgray fill }
- { newpath } ifelse
- ForegroundGray 100 div 1 exch sub setgray
- Bblly pntsize Bbury
- { Bbllx pntsize sub pntsize 3 sqrt div Bburx
- { 1 index moveto
- (a) show
- } for
- pop
- } for
- } bind def
- %@Fill
- /Waves %Waves,5, Frequency:=6, Lineáwidth:=5, Foregroundágray:=100, Backgroundágray:=0, Spacingá(%):=100
- {
- /Spacing exch 30 300 InRange def
- /BackgroundGray exch -1 100 InRange def
- /ForegroundGray exch 0 100 InRange def
- /Linewidth exch 0 100 InRange def
- /Frequency exch 2 100 InRange def
- /newfont 10 dict def
- newfont begin
- /FontMatrix [1 84 div 0
- 0 1 84 div
- 0 0] def
- /FontType 3 def
- /FontBBox [37 56 111 114] def
- /Encoding 256 array def
- 0 1 255 {Encoding exch /.notdef put} for
- /BuildChar
- { 74 0
- 36.9 55.9 111.1 114.1
- setcachedevice
- pop begin
- 1 1.5 scale
- 37 38 moveto
- 76 38 79 73 111 57 curveto
- 80 60 80 38 111 38 curveto
- Linewidth pntsize div 84 mul setlinewidth
- stroke
- end
- } def
- end
- /pntsize 783 Frequency div def
- /FillFont newfont definefont pop
- /FillFont findfont pntsize scalefont setfont
- /Height pntsize Spacing 100 div mul def
- /Bbllx Bbllx Height sub def
- /Bblly Bblly Height sub def
- /Bburx Bburx Height add def
- /Bbury Bbury Height add def
- eoclip
- BackgroundGray 0 ge
- { BackgroundGray 100 div 1 exch sub setgray fill }
- { newpath } ifelse
- ForegroundGray 100 div 1 exch sub setgray
- Bblly Height Bbury
- { Bbllx exch moveto
- { (a) show
- currentpoint
- pop Bburx gt
- {exit} if
- } loop
- } for
- } bind def
- %------ Color PostScript fills added for v6.0
- %@Fill
- /ColorBubbles %ColorBubbles,5, Numberá(sqáinch):=25, Maxásize:=300, Minásize:=10, Lineáwidth:=10, Randomáseed:=0
- { srand
- /LineWidth exch 0 50 InRange def
- /MinSize exch 1 1000 InRange def
- /MaxSize exch MinSize 1000 InRange def
- /Number exch 1 250 InRange def
- /SetRandomRGB
- {
- 3 %put 3 random numbers between 0 and 1 on the stack
- {rand 100 mod 1 add 100 div 1 exch sub}
- repeat
- setrgbcolor
- } def
- eoclip
- newpath
- /pntsize MaxSize MinSize div cvi def
- /dx Bburx Bbllx sub def
- /dy Bbury Bblly sub def
- dx dy mul Number mul 1000000 div cvi
- { rand dx mod Bbllx add
- rand dy mod Bblly add
- rand pntsize mod 1 add pntsize exch div MinSize mul
- 3 copy
- 2 index add
- exch
- moveto
- pop
- 0 360 arc
- gsave
- SetRandomRGB
- LineWidth setlinewidth
- stroke
- grestore
- 1 setgray
- fill
- } repeat
- } bind def
- %@Fill
- /ColorCircles %ColorCircles,4, Numberá(sqáinch):=25, Maxásize:=300, Minásize:=10, Randomáseed:=0
- { srand
- /MinSize exch 1 1000 InRange def
- /MaxSize exch MinSize 1000 InRange def
- /Number exch 1 250 InRange def
- /SetRandomRGB
- {
- 3 %put 3 random numbers between 0 and 1 on the stack
- {rand 100 mod 1 add 100 div 1 exch sub}
- repeat
- setrgbcolor
- } def
- eoclip
- newpath
- /pntsize MaxSize MinSize div cvi def
- /dx Bburx Bbllx sub def
- /dy Bbury Bblly sub def
- dx dy mul Number mul 1000000 div cvi
- { rand dx mod Bbllx add
- rand dy mod Bblly add
- rand pntsize mod 1 add pntsize exch div MinSize mul
- 3 copy
- 2 index add
- exch
- moveto
- pop
- 0 360 arc
- SetRandomRGB
- fill
- } repeat
- } bind def
- %@Fill
- /ColorCrosshatching %ColorCrosshatching,5, Maxádistance:=75, Minádistance:=0, Lineáwidth:=5, Angle:=45, Randomáseed:=0
- { srand
- /Angle exch -180 180 InRange def
- /LineWidth exch 0 100 InRange def
- /MinDist exch 0 500 InRange def
- /MaxDist exch MinDist 500 InRange MinDist wDstChck def
- /SetRandomRGB
- {
- 3 %put 3 random numbers between 0 and 1 on the stack
- {rand 100 mod 1 add 100 div 1 exch sub}
- repeat
- setrgbcolor
- } def
- eoclip
- newpath
- /pntsize MaxDist MinDist sub def
- /dx2 Bburx Bbllx sub 2 div def
- /dy2 Bbury Bblly sub 2 div def
- /hyp2 dx2 dup mul dy2 dup mul add sqrt def
- Bbllx Bblly translate
- dx2 dy2 translate
- Angle rotate
- LineWidth setlinewidth
- /wd hyp2 neg def
- { /wd rand pntsize mod MinDist add wd add def
- wd hyp2 neg moveto
- wd hyp2 lineto
- SetRandomRGB
- stroke
- wd hyp2 gt {exit} if
- } loop
- Angle -2 mul rotate
- /wd hyp2 neg def
- { /wd rand pntsize mod MinDist add wd add def
- wd hyp2 neg moveto
- wd hyp2 lineto
- SetRandomRGB
- stroke
- wd hyp2 gt {exit} if
- } loop
- } bind def
- %@Fill
- /ColorFishscale %ColorFishscale,3, Frequency:=8, Lineáwidth:=5, Backgroundágray:=0
- {
- /BackgroundGray exch -1 100 InRange def
- /Linewidth exch 0 100 InRange def
- /Frequency exch 2 100 InRange def
- /SetRandomRGB
- {
- 3 %put 3 random numbers between 0 and 1 on the stack
- {rand 100 mod 1 add 100 div 1 exch sub}
- repeat
- setrgbcolor
- } def
- /newfont 10 dict def
- newfont begin
- /FontMatrix [1 0 0
- 1 0 0] def
- /FontType 3 def
- /FontBBox [0 0 1 1] def
- /Encoding 256 array def
- 0 1 255 {Encoding exch /.notdef put} for
- /BuildChar
- { 1 0
- 0 0 1 1
- setcachedevice
- pop begin
- 0.5 0.5 0.5 360 180 arcn
- 0 1 0.5 270 360 arc
- 1 1 0.5 180 270 arc
- Linewidth pntsize div setlinewidth
- stroke
- end
- } def
- end
- /pntsize 1000 Frequency div def
- /FillFont newfont definefont pop
- /FillFont findfont pntsize scalefont setfont
- eoclip
- BackgroundGray 0 ge
- { BackgroundGray 100 div 1 exch sub setgray fill }
- { newpath } ifelse
- Bblly pntsize Bbury
- { Bbllx exch moveto
- {
- SetRandomRGB
- (a) show
- currentpoint
- pop Bburx gt
- {exit} if
- } loop
- } for
- } bind def
- %@Fill
- /GreenGrass %GreenGrass,5, Number:=100, Maximumásize:=35, Minimumásize:=7, Gray:=0, Randomáseed:=0
- { srand
- /Grey exch -1 100 InRange def
- /MinSize exch 1 100 InRange def
- /MaxSize exch MinSize 100 InRange MinSize wDstChck def
- /Number exch 1 500 InRange def
- eoclip
- Grey 0 ge
- { Grey 100 div 1 exch sub setgray fill }
- { newpath } ifelse
- /Bbllx Bbllx MaxSize sub def
- /Bblly Bblly MaxSize sub def
- /dx Bburx Bbllx sub def
- /dy Bbury Bblly sub def
- /dSize MaxSize MinSize sub def
- dx dy mul 1000000 div Number mul cvi
- {
- matrix currentmatrix
- rand dx mod Bbllx add
- rand dy mod Bblly add
- translate
- rand dSize mod MinSize add
- dup scale
- -0.5 0 moveto
- rand 14 mod 7 sub
- -0.5 3 2 index 3 div 0.3 sub 10 4 index 10 curveto
- 3 div 0.3 add 10 0.5 3 0.5 0 curveto
- closepath
- gsave
- 0 %0 red
- rand 100 mod 1 add 100 div 1 exch sub %random green
- dup 0.7 lt {pop 0.7} if %above .7
- 0 %0 blue
- setrgbcolor
- fill
- grestore
- 0.1 setlinewidth
- 0 setgray
- stroke
- setmatrix
- } repeat
- } bind def
- %@Fill
- /ColorHatching %ColorHatching,5, Maxádistance:=75, Minádistance:=0, Lineáwidth:=5, Angle:=45, Randomáseed:=0
- { srand
- /Angle exch -180 180 InRange def
- /LineWidth exch 0 100 InRange def
- /MinDist exch 0 500 InRange def
- /MaxDist exch MinDist 500 InRange MinDist wDstChck def
- /SetRandomRGB
- {
- 3 %put 3 random numbers between 0 and 1 on the stack
- {rand 100 mod 1 add 100 div 1 exch sub}
- repeat
- setrgbcolor
- } def
- eoclip
- newpath
- /pntsize MaxDist MinDist sub def
- /dx2 Bburx Bbllx sub 2 div def
- /dy2 Bbury Bblly sub 2 div def
- /hyp2 dx2 dup mul dy2 dup mul add sqrt def
- Bbllx Bblly translate
- dx2 dy2 translate
- Angle rotate
- LineWidth setlinewidth
- /wd hyp2 neg def
- { /wd rand pntsize mod MinDist add wd add def
- wd hyp2 neg moveto
- wd hyp2 lineto
- SetRandomRGB
- stroke
- wd hyp2 gt {exit} if
- } loop
- } bind def
- %@Fill
- /GreenLeaves %GreenLeaves,5, Numberá(sqáinch):=50, Maximumágreen:=100, Minimumágreen:=70, Maximumásize:=100, Minimumásize:=10
- {
- /MinSize exch 1 200 InRange def
- /MaxSize exch MinSize 200 InRange MinSize wDstChck def
- /MinGreen exch 0 100 InRange def
- /MaxGreen exch MinGreen 100 InRange def
- /Number exch 1 250 InRange def
- eoclip newpath
- currentscreen
- 3 -1 roll
- pop 90
- 3 1 roll
- setscreen
- /dx Bburx Bbllx sub def
- /dy Bbury Bblly sub def
- dx dy mul Number mul 1000000 div cvi
- {
- matrix currentmatrix
- rand dx mod Bbllx add
- rand dy mod Bblly add
- translate
- rand 360 mod
- rotate
- MaxSize MinSize eq
- { Maxsize 10.8 div }
- { rand MaxSize MinSize sub mod MinSize add 10.8 div } ifelse
- dup scale
- 17 0 moveto
- 65 -18 106 -13 125 0 curveto
- 106 13 65 18 17 0 curveto
- gsave
- 0 % 0 red
- MaxGreen MinGreen eq
- { MaxGreen 100 div }
- { rand MaxGreen MinGreen sub mod MinGreen add 100 div } ifelse
- 0 % 0 blue
- setrgbcolor
- fill
- grestore
- 0.3 setlinewidth
- 0 setgray
- stroke
- setmatrix
- } repeat
- } bind def
- %@Fill
- /ColorLeaves %ColorLeaves,3, Numberá(sqáinch):=50, Maximumásize:=100, Minimumásize:=10
- {
- /MinSize exch 1 200 InRange def
- /MaxSize exch MinSize 200 InRange MinSize wDstChck def
- /Number exch 1 250 InRange def
- /SetRandomRGB
- {
- 3 %put 3 random numbers between 0 and 1 on the stack
- {rand 100 mod 1 add 100 div 1 exch sub}
- repeat
- setrgbcolor
- } def
- eoclip newpath
- currentscreen
- 3 -1 roll
- pop 90
- 3 1 roll
- setscreen
- /dx Bburx Bbllx sub def
- /dy Bbury Bblly sub def
- dx dy mul Number mul 1000000 div cvi
- {
- matrix currentmatrix
- rand dx mod Bbllx add
- rand dy mod Bblly add
- translate
- rand 360 mod
- rotate
- MaxSize MinSize eq
- { Maxsize 10.8 div }
- { rand MaxSize MinSize sub mod MinSize add 10.8 div } ifelse
- dup scale
- 17 0 moveto
- 65 -18 106 -13 125 0 curveto
- 106 13 65 18 17 0 curveto
- gsave
- SetRandomRGB
- fill
- grestore
- 0.3 setlinewidth
- 0 setgray
- stroke
- setmatrix
- } repeat
- } bind def
- %@Fill
- /ColorReptiles %ColorReptiles,2, Frequency:=4, Lineáwidth:=8
- {
- /LineWidth exch 0 250 InRange def
- /Frequency exch 1 100 InRange def
- /SetRandomRGB
- {
- 3 %put 3 random numbers between 0 and 1 on the stack
- {rand 100 mod 1 add 100 div 1 exch sub}
- repeat
- setrgbcolor
- } def
- /newfont 10 dict def
- newfont begin
- /FontMatrix [2 7 div 0
- 0 2 7 div
- 0 0] def
- /FontType 3 def
- /FontBBox [-1.73 -1.86 2.36 2.0] def
- /Encoding 256 array def
- 0 1 255 {Encoding exch /.notdef put} for
- Encoding 97 /ReptilesStroked put
- Encoding 98 /ReptileFilled put
- /CharProcs 3 dict def
- CharProcs begin
- /.notdef {} def
- /ReptilesStroked
- {
- %3 sqrt 3 2 div translate
- 3 sqrt 2 div 1 2 div moveto
- 3
- {
- 120 rotate
- 0 0 moveto
- 0.32 -0.40 lineto
- 0.32 -0.48 lineto
- 0 -0.72 lineto
- 0.05 -1.03 moveto
- 0.4 -0.76 lineto
- 0.84 -0.84 lineto
- 0.5 -0.96 lineto
- 0.31 -1.18 lineto
- 0.87 -1.5 moveto
- 0.58 -1.28 lineto
- 0.8 -1.14 lineto
- 0.94 -1.18 lineto
- 1.24 -1.08 lineto
- 1.42 -1.18 lineto
- 1.68 -1.02 moveto
- 1.52 -0.84 lineto
- 1.64 -0.66 lineto
- 1.73 -0.36 lineto
- 1.73 0 moveto
- 1.41 -0.26 lineto
- 1.32 -0.49 lineto
- 1.06 -0.24 lineto
- 1.42 0.18 lineto
- 0.87 0.57 moveto
- 0.87 0.26 lineto
- 0.99 0.26 lineto
- 1.05 0.12 lineto
- 0.82 -0.07 lineto
- 0.68 -0.07 lineto
- 0.62 0.36 lineto
- 3 sqrt 2 div 1 2 div moveto
- } repeat
- LineWidth Pointsize div 7 2 div mul setlinewidth
- stroke
- } def
- /ReptileFilled
- {
- 0 0 moveto
- 0.32 -0.40 lineto
- 0.32 -0.48 lineto
- 0 -0.72 lineto
- -0.40 -0.55 lineto
- -0.47 -0.68 lineto
- -0.42 -0.97 lineto
- -0.27 -0.99 lineto
- -0.21 -0.88 lineto
- 0.05 -1.03 lineto
- 0.4 -0.76 lineto
- 0.84 -0.84 lineto
- 0.5 -0.96 lineto
- 0.31 -1.18 lineto
- 0.32 -1.39 lineto
- 0.55 -1.60 lineto
- 0.59 -1.74 lineto
- 0.82 -1.86 lineto
- 0.87 -1.5 lineto
- 0.58 -1.28 lineto
- 0.8 -1.14 lineto
- 0.94 -1.18 lineto
- 1.24 -1.08 lineto
- 1.42 -1.18 lineto
- 1.52 -1.45 lineto
- 1.45 -1.81 lineto
- 1.74 -1.47 lineto
- 1.68 -1.02 lineto
- 1.52 -0.84 lineto
- 1.64 -0.66 lineto
- 1.73 -0.36 lineto
- 2.28 -0.46 lineto
- 2.36 -0.11 lineto
- 2.12 -0.15 lineto
- 1.73 0 lineto
- 1.41 -0.26 lineto
- 1.32 -0.49 lineto
- 1.06 -0.24 lineto
- 1.42 0.18 lineto
- 1.21 0.41 lineto
- 1.11 0.60 lineto
- 0.87 0.57 lineto
- 0.87 0.26 lineto
- 0.99 0.26 lineto
- 1.05 0.12 lineto
- 0.82 -0.07 lineto
- 0.68 -0.07 lineto
- 0.62 0.36 lineto
- 0.26 0.52 lineto
- 0.19 0.48 lineto
- closepath
- fill
- } def
- end
- /BuildChar
- {
- 3 sqrt 3 mul 2 div 3 2 div
- -1.83 -1.96 2.46 2.1
- setcachedevice
- exch begin
- Encoding exch get
- CharProcs exch get
- end
- exec
- } def
- end
- /Pointsize 2000 Frequency div def
- /FillFont newfont definefont pop
- /FillFont findfont Pointsize scalefont setfont
- /pntsize Pointsize 6 mul 7 div def
- /HeightDiff Pointsize 2 mul 7 div .49 mul def
- eoclip newpath
- currentscreen
- 3 -1 roll
- pop 120
- 3 1 roll
- setscreen
- Bblly pntsize Bbury pntsize add HeightDiff add
- {
- Bbllx 1 index moveto
- {
- currentpoint
- 1 index exch
- 2 copy 2 copy translate
- 240 rotate
- SetRandomRGB
- (b) show
- 0 0 moveto
- -240 rotate
- neg exch neg exch translate
- 2 copy translate
- 120 rotate
- SetRandomRGB
- (b) show
- 0 0 moveto
- -120 rotate
- neg exch neg exch translate
- SetRandomRGB
- (b) show
- currentpoint
- dup 4 index sub
- pntsize 2.1 div gt { pntsize sub } if
- 3 -1 roll Bburx gt
- {pop pop pop exit} if
- moveto
- } loop
- } for
- LineWidth 0 gt
- {
- 0 setgray
- Bblly pntsize Bbury pntsize add
- {
- Bbllx 1 index moveto
- {
- (a) show
- currentpoint
- dup 3 index sub
- pntsize 2.1 div gt { pntsize sub } if
- 1 index Bburx gt
- {pop pop pop exit} if
- moveto
- } loop
- } for
- } if
- } bind def
- %@Fill
- /StainedGlass %StainedGlass,2, Frequency:=15, Lineáwidth:=5
- {
- /Linewidth exch 0 100 InRange def
- /Frequency exch 1 50 InRange def
- /SetRandomRGB
- {
- 3 %put 3 randoms number between 0 and 1 on the stack
- {rand 100 mod 1 add 100 div 1 exch sub}
- repeat
- setrgbcolor
- } def
- Linewidth Frequency mul 250 div setlinewidth
- eoclip newpath
- 0 srand
- currentscreen
- 3 -1 roll
- pop 100
- 3 1 roll
- setscreen
- /dy Bbury Bblly sub def
- /dx Bburx Bbllx sub def
- Bbllx Bbury translate
- 250 Frequency div dup scale
- dy 920 div Frequency mul cvi {
- 0 0 moveto
- /x0 0 def
- /y0 0 def
- /x1 0 def
- /y1 0 def
- /x2 0 def
- /y2 0 def
- /x3 0 def
- /y3 0 def
- 0 5 dx 200 div Frequency mul
- { rand 50 mod 25 div 1 sub add
- x3 y3 moveto
- x2 y2 x1 y1 x0 y0 curveto
- dup rand 30 mod 15 div neg 2 sub
- 2 copy
- /y0 exch def
- /x0 exch def
- lineto
- dup rand 50 mod 10 div 2.5 sub add rand 50 mod 10 div neg
- 1 index rand 50 mod 10 div
- 4 index rand 30 mod 15 div 2 add
- 6 copy
- /y3 exch def
- /x3 exch def
- /y2 exch def
- /x2 exch def
- /y1 exch def
- /x1 exch def
- curveto
- pop
- closepath
- gsave
- SetRandomRGB
- fill
- grestore
- 0 setgray stroke
- } for
- 0 -4 translate
- } repeat
- } bind def