home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #
- # Strings for tabs
- /DebugTab/Title "Debug Tab"
- /TestTab/Title "Test Tab"
- /InspectorTab/Title "Properties"
- /EveTestTab/Title "EVE Test"
- /LayersTab/Title "Layers"
- /LibraryTab/Title "Library"
- /CharacterTab/Title "Character"
- /InspectorTab/Mixed "Mixed Selection"
- /InspectorTab/Mixed/Message "Objects of different\ntypes are selected"
- /InspectorTab/Disc "Disc"
- /InspectorTab/Disc/Name "Name:"
- /InspectorTab/Disc/Name/tip "Name of the disc"
- /InspectorTab/Disc/Description "Description:"
- /InspectorTab/Disc/Description/tip "Description of the current disc"
- /InspectorTab/Disc/Startup "First Play:"
- /InspectorTab/Disc/Startup/tip "The First Play menu or chapter point"
- /InspectorTab/Disc/OverrideEnd "Override:"
- /InspectorTab/Disc/OverrideEnd/tip "Replaces the link of the destination with this new destination"
- /InspectorTab/Disc/RemoteTitleButton "Title Button:"
- /InspectorTab/Disc/RemoteTitleButton/tip "The link tied to the Title button on the remote control"
- /InspectorTab/Disc/TvStandard "TV Standard:"
- /InspectorTab/Disc/SetAudio "Set Audio:"
- /InspectorTab/Disc/SetSub "Set Subtitle:"
- /InspectorTab/Disc/SetAudio/tip "Set the default audio track to be played for the disc"
- /InspectorTab/Disc/SetSub/tip "Set the default subtitle track to be played for the disc"
- /InspectorTab/Menu "Menu"
- /InspectorTab/Menu/Name "Name:"
- /InspectorTab/Menu/Name/tip "The name of the menu"
- /InspectorTab/Menu/Description "Description:"
- /InspectorTab/Menu/Description/tip "A description of the menu"
- /InspectorTab/Menu/Movie "Video:"
- /InspectorTab/Menu/Movie/tip "Use a video clip in menu as background"
- /InspectorTab/Menu/Audio "Audio:"
- /InspectorTab/Menu/Audio/tip "Play background audio in menu"
- /InspectorTab/Menu/LoopPoint "Loop Point:"
- /InspectorTab/Menu/LoopPoint/tip "Loop back to this time"
- /InspectorTab/Menu/LoopCount "Loop #:"
- /InspectorTab/Menu/LoopCount/tip "The number of times the menu is played"
- /InspectorTab/Menu/Duration "Duration:"
- /InspectorTab/Menu/Duration/tip "The duration of this menu"
- /InspectorTab/Menu/EndAction "End Action:"
- /InspectorTab/Menu/EndAction/tip "The action to use when the menu is closed"
- /InspectorTab/Menu/OverrideEnd "Override:"
- /InspectorTab/Menu/OverrideEnd/tip "Replaces the end action with this link"
- /InspectorTab/Menu/HoldForever "Hold Forever"
- /InspectorTab/Menu/HoldForever/tip "Hold this menu forever"
- /InspectorTab/Menu/DefaultButton "Default Button:"
- /InspectorTab/Menu/DefaultButton/tip "The button highlighted by default in this menu"
- /InspectorTab/Menu/ButtonOffset "Offset:"
- /InspectorTab/Menu/ButtonOffset/tip "Increase all menu button numbers by this amount"
- /InspectorTab/Menu/ColorGroup "Color Set:"
- /InspectorTab/Menu/ColorGroup/tip "Specify color set for the menu"
- /InspectorTab/Menu/AnimateButtons "Animate Buttons"
- /InspectorTab/Menu/AnimateButtons/tip "Animate menu buttons"
- /InspectorTab/Menu/AutoRouteButtons "Automatically Route Buttons"
- /InspectorTab/Menu/AutoRouteButtons/tip "Set menu button-routing algorithm"
- /InspectorTab/Menu/AspectRatio "Aspect Ratio:"
- /InspectorTab/Menu/AspectRatio/tip "Sets Standard (4 : 3) or Wide Screen (16 : 9)"
- /InspectorTab/Timeline "Timeline"
- /InspectorTab/Timeline/Name "Name:"
- /InspectorTab/Timeline/Name/tip "The name of this timeline"
- /InspectorTab/Timeline/Description "Description:"
- /InspectorTab/Timeline/Description/tip "A description of this timeline"
- /InspectorTab/Timeline/EndAction "End Action:"
- /InspectorTab/Timeline/EndAction/tip "The action to use when the timeline completes playing"
- /InspectorTab/Timeline/OverrideEnd "Override:"
- /InspectorTab/Timeline/OverrideEnd/tip "Replaces the end action's end action with this link"
- /InspectorTab/Timeline/RemoteMenu "Menu Remote:"
- /InspectorTab/Timeline/RemoteMenu/tip "The link tied to the Menu button on the remote control"
- /InspectorTab/Timeline/Size "Encoded Size:"
- /InspectorTab/Timeline/Size/tip "The size the timeline will occupy on disc"
- /InspectorTab/Timeline/Duration "Duration:"
- /InspectorTab/Timeline/Duration/tip "The end point of the last clip on the timeline"
- /InspectorTab/Timeline/SubTracks "Subtitle Tracks:"
- /InspectorTab/Timeline/SubTracks/tip "The total number of subtitle tracks in the timeline"
- /InspectorTab/Timeline/AudTracks "Audio Tracks:"
- /InspectorTab/Timeline/AudTracks/tip "The total number of audio tracks in the timeline"
- /InspectorTab/Timeline/ColorSet "Color Set:"
- /InspectorTab/Timeline/ColorSet/tip "The Color Set to use"
- /InspectorTab/Timeline/AudioTrack "Set Audio:"
- /InspectorTab/Timeline/AudioTrack/tip "Which audio stream to use"
- /InspectorTab/Timeline/SubtitleTrack "Set Subtitle:"
- /InspectorTab/Timeline/SubtitleTrack/tip "Which subtitle stream to use"
- /InspectorTab/Timeline/AspectRatio "Aspect Ratio:"
- /InspectorTab/Timeline/AspectRatio/tip "Sets Standard (4 : 3) or Wide Screen (16 : 9)"
- /InspectorTab/Button "Button"
- /InspectorTab/Button/Name "Name:"
- /InspectorTab/Button/Name/tip "Name of the current button"
- /InspectorTab/Button/Number "Number:"
- /InspectorTab/Button/Number/tip "Number of the current button"
- /InspectorTab/Button/AutoActivate "Auto Activate"
- /InspectorTab/Button/AutoActivate/tip "Auto-run the Destination link when selected"
- /InspectorTab/Button/Link "Link:"
- /InspectorTab/Button/Link/tip "To where the button links"
- /InspectorTab/Button/OverrideEnd "Override:"
- /InspectorTab/Button/OverrideEnd/tip "Replaces the end action with this link"
- /InspectorTab/Button/ColorSet "Highlight:"
- /InspectorTab/Button/ColorSet/tip "Highlight group used with this button"
- /InspectorTab/Button/CreateSub "Create Text Subpicture"
- /InspectorTab/Button/CreateSub/tip "Button generates subpicture from text layers"
- /InspectorTab/VideoClip "Video Clip"
- /InspectorTab/VideoClip/File "Name:"
- /InspectorTab/VideoClip/File/tip "File name of the video clip"
- /InspectorTab/VideoClip/Location "Location:"
- /InspectorTab/VideoClip/Location/tip "Full path to the video clip"
- /InspectorTab/VideoClip/Duration "Duration:"
- /InspectorTab/VideoClip/Duration/tip "The length of the video clip"
- /InspectorTab/VideoClip/InPoint "In-Point:"
- /InspectorTab/VideoClip/InPoint/tip "Where the clip begins on the timeline"
- /InspectorTab/VideoClip/OutPoint "Out-Point:"
- /InspectorTab/VideoClip/OutPoint/tip "Where the clip ends on the timeline"
- /InspectorTab/VideoClip/SourceIn "Source In:"
- /InspectorTab/VideoClip/SourceIn/tip "The clip's start source time"
- /InspectorTab/VideoClip/OriginalSize "Original:"
- /InspectorTab/VideoClip/OriginalSize/tip "The original size of the clip"
- /InspectorTab/VideoClip/EstimatedSize "Encoded:"
- /InspectorTab/VideoClip/EstimatedSize/tip "Size of the clip after encoding"
- /InspectorTab/VideoClip/Format "Format:"
- /InspectorTab/VideoClip/Format/tip "Video's format and name of codec"
- /InspectorTab/AudioClip "Audio Clip"
- /InspectorTab/AudioClip/File "Name:"
- /InspectorTab/AudioClip/File/tip "The name of the audio clip"
- /InspectorTab/AudioClip/Location "Location:"
- /InspectorTab/AudioClip/Location/tip "Full path to the audio clip"
- /InspectorTab/AudioClip/Duration "Duration:"
- /InspectorTab/AudioClip/Duration/tip "The length of the audio clip"
- /InspectorTab/AudioClip/Format "Format:"
- /InspectorTab/AudioClip/Format/tip "The format of the audio clip"
- /InspectorTab/AudioClip/In "In-Point:"
- /InspectorTab/AudioClip/In/tip "Where the audio clip begins on the timeline"
- /InspectorTab/AudioClip/Out "Out-Point:"
- /InspectorTab/AudioClip/Out/tip "Where the audio clip ends on the timeline"
- /InspectorTab/AudioClip/SourceIn "Source In:"
- /InspectorTab/AudioClip/SourceIn/tip "The clip's start source time"
- /InspectorTab/AudioClip/Size "Original:"
- /InspectorTab/AudioClip/Size/tip "The original size of the clip"
- /InspectorTab/AudioClip/EstimatedSize "Encoded:"
- /InspectorTab/AudioClip/EstimatedSize/tip "Size of the clip after encoding"
- /InspectorTab/Subtitle "Subtitle Clip"
- /InspectorTab/Subtitle/Text "Text:"
- /InspectorTab/Subtitle/Text/tip "The text of the subtitle"
- /InspectorTab/Subtitle/ColorGroup "Color Group:"
- /InspectorTab/Subtitle/ColorGroup/tip "Specify the color group for this subtitle"
- /InspectorTab/Subtitle/Duration "Duration:"
- /InspectorTab/Subtitle/Duration/tip "The length of this subtitle"
- /InspectorTab/Subtitle/InPoint "In-Point:"
- /InspectorTab/Subtitle/InPoint/tip "Where the subtitle begins on the timeline"
- /InspectorTab/Subtitle/OutPoint "Out-Point:"
- /InspectorTab/Subtitle/OutPoint/tip "Where the subtitle ends on the timeline"
- /InspectorTab/Subtitle/FillColor "Fill Color:"
- /InspectorTab/Subtitle/FillColor/tip "The subtitle fill color"
- /InspectorTab/Subtitle/AntiAliasColor "Anti-alias Color:"
- /InspectorTab/Subtitle/AntiAliasColor/tip "The third color used for anti-aliasing"
- /InspectorTab/Subtitle/OutlineColor "Outline Color:"
- /InspectorTab/Subtitle/OutlineColor/tip "The subtitle outline color"
- /InspectorTab/Subtitle/Alignment "Alignment:"
- /InspectorTab/Subtitle/Alignment2 "from top"
- /InspectorTab/Subtitle/Alignment/tip "The text's vertical position within the subtitle's bounding box"
- /InspectorTab/Subtitle/Stroke "Stroke:"
- /InspectorTab/Subtitle/Stroke/tip "The width of the subtitle outline"
- /InspectorTab/StillClip "Still Clip"
- /InspectorTab/StillClip/File "Name:"
- /InspectorTab/StillClip/File/tip "The name of this still clip"
- /InspectorTab/StillClip/Location "Location:"
- /InspectorTab/StillClip/Location/tip "Full path to this still clip"
- /InspectorTab/StillClip/Format "Format:"
- /InspectorTab/StillClip/Format/tip "The format of the still clip"
- /InspectorTab/StillClip/Duration "Duration:"
- /InspectorTab/StillClip/Duration/tip "The length of this still clip"
- /InspectorTab/StillClip/InPoint "In-Point:"
- /InspectorTab/StillClip/InPoint/tip "Where the clip begins on the timeline"
- /InspectorTab/StillClip/OutPoint "Out-Point:"
- /InspectorTab/StillClip/OutPoint/tip "Where the clip ends on the timeline"
- /InspectorTab/StillClip/OriginalSize "Original:"
- /InspectorTab/StillClip/OriginalSize/tip "The original size of the still clip"
- /InspectorTab/StillClip/EstimatedSize "Encoded:"
- /InspectorTab/StillClip/EstimatedSize/tip "Size of clip after encoding"
- /InspectorTab/Chapter "Chapter"
- /InspectorTab/Chapter/Number "Chapter #:"
- /InspectorTab/Chapter/Number/tip "The number of this chapter point in the timeline"
- /InspectorTab/Chapter/Name "Name:"
- /InspectorTab/Chapter/Name/tip "The name of this chapter point in the timeline"
- /InspectorTab/Chapter/Description "Description:"
- /InspectorTab/Chapter/Description/tip "A description of this chapter point"
- /InspectorTab/Chapter/Location "In:"
- /InspectorTab/Chapter/Location/tip "The timecode location of this chapter"
- /InspectorTab/Chapter/Poster "Poster:"
- /InspectorTab/Chapter/Poster/tip "The frame of the video shown for video buttons"
- /InspectorTab/Asset "Asset"
- /InspectorTab/Asset/Name "Name:"
- /InspectorTab/Asset/Name/tip "The asset's name"
- /InspectorTab/Asset/Path "Path:"
- /InspectorTab/Asset/Path/tip "The asset's location on your computer"
- /InspectorTab/Asset/Category "Media Category:"
- /InspectorTab/Asset/Category/tip "The contents of the asset"
- /InspectorTab/Asset/Type "File Type:"
- /InspectorTab/Asset/Type/tip "The asset's media type"
- /InspectorTab/Asset/Transcode "Transcode:"
- /InspectorTab/Asset/Transcode/tip "The asset's transcode settings"
- /InspectorTab/Asset/Size "Size:"
- /InspectorTab/Asset/Size/tip "The asset's size"
- /InspectorTab/Asset/Dimensions "Dimensions:"
- /InspectorTab/Asset/Dimensions/tip "The dimensions in pixels of the asset"
- /InspectorTab/Asset/LastModified "Last Modified:"
- /InspectorTab/Asset/LastModified/tip "The date the asset was last modified"
- /InspectorTab/Asset/Duration "Duration:"
- /InspectorTab/Asset/Duration/tip "The duration of the asset"
- /InspectorTab/Asset/Description "Description:"
- /InspectorTab/Asset/Description/tip "A description of this asset"
- # this is shared by charactor tab and text subtitle script importing dialog
- # currently the tooltip is set as speced in subtitle_import spec
- # if there is need to use different tooltip, make another copy for subtitle dialog
- /InspectorTab/text/fontfamily/tip "Set the font family"
- /InspectorTab/text/fontface/tip "Set the font style"
- /InspectorTab/text/size/tip "Set the font size"
- /InspectorTab/text/leading/tip "Set the leading"
- /InspectorTab/text/tracking/tip "Set the tracking for selected characters"
- /InspectorTab/text/kerning/tip "Set the kerning"
- /InspectorTab/text/baseshift/tip "Baseline Shift"
- /InspectorTab/text/outline/tip "Set the stroke weight"
- /InspectorTab/text/hscale/tip "Horizontally Scale"
- /InspectorTab/text/vscale/tip "Vertically Scale"
- /InspectorTab/text/antialias/tip "Text Antialias Mode"
- /InspectorTab/text/fbold/tip "Faux Bold"
- /InspectorTab/text/fitalic/tip "Faux Italic"
- /InspectorTab/text/allcap/tip "All Caps"
- /InspectorTab/text/samllcap/tip "Small Caps"
- /InspectorTab/text/just_left/tip "Align Left"
- /InspectorTab/text/just_right/tip "Align Right"
- /InspectorTab/text/just_center/tip "Align Center"
- /InspectorTab/text/just_last_left/tip "Justify Last Left"
- /InspectorTab/text/v_just_left/tip "Align Top"
- /InspectorTab/text/v_just_right/tip "Align Bottom"
- /InspectorTab/text/v_just_last_left/tip "Justify Last Top"
- /InspectorTab/text/vert_orient/tip "Vertically Oriented Text"
- /InspectorTab/text/hori_orient/tip "Horizontally Oriented Text"
- /InspectorTab/text/vert_pos/tip "Set the vertical position from the top"
- /InspectorTab/text/hori_pos/tip "Set the horizontal position from the right"
- /InspectorTab/text/fontface/tip "Set the font style"
- /InspectorTab/text/fontfamily/tip "Set the font family"
- /InspectorTab/text/color "Color:"
- /InspectorTab/text/tsume "Tsume:"
- /InspectorTab/text/kinsoku_shori "Kinsoku Shori:"
- /InspectorTab/text/mojikumi "Mojikumi:"
- /Library/Menus "Show menus"
- /Library/Buttons "Show buttons"
- /Library/Images "Show images"
- /Library/Place "Place"
- /Library/Replace "Replace"
- /Library/NewMenu "New Menu"
- /Library/NewItem "Add Item"
- /Library/DeleteItem "Delete Item"
- /Library/Context/Place "Place"
- /Library/Context/Replace "Replace"
- /Library/Context/NewMenu "Create New Menu"
- /Library/Context/SetDefMenu "Set as Default Menu"
- /Library/Context/SetDefBut "Set as Default Button"
- /Library/Context/NewItem "Add Item..."
- /Library/Context/DeleteItem "Delete\tDel"
- /Library/ConfirmDelete/Title "Delete Library Item"
- /Library/ConfirmDelete/Prompt "Are you sure you want to remove '^1'? It will be permanently deleted and cannot be undone."
- /Library/ConfirmReplace/Prompt "An item named ^1 already exists in the library. Do you want to replace it?"
- /Library/RenameTemplate "^1 ^2^3" # ^1 is basename, ^2 is a serial number to make the name unique, ^3 is the extension (including the '.').
- # always end the file with an empty line
- # end of file