/ProjWin/TranscodeNow/ConfirmTranscodeAlreadyLegal "The file you are about to transcode is already legal for DVD. Transcoding will affect its quality. Do you want to proceed?"
/ProjWin/TranscodeNow/ConfirmTranscodeAlreadyLegalMultiple "One or more of the files you are about to transcode are already legal for DVD. Transcoding will affect their quality. Do you want to proceed?"
# deed strings
/CreateBinDeed/Title "New Folder Name"
/CreateBinDeed/Msg "Enter a name for the new folder"
/CreateBinDeed/DesiredName "Untitled Folder"
/CreateBinDeed/BaseName "Untitled Folder ^1"
/CreateBinDeed/NonUniqueNamePrompt "The named entered is already used by another folder. Do you want to try another one?"
/CreateMoveDeed/DefaultName "Untitled Timeline"
/CreateMovieDeed/BaseName "^1 ^2"
/AddAssetDeed/progress/title "Import as Asset"
/AddAssetDeed/error/AlreadyImportedWarning "The file ^1 is already imported into this project."
/AddAssetDeed/error/GenericImportError "Could not import file ^1.\nThe file may be corrupt or the type may not be supported."
/AddAssetDeed/error/UnsupportedType "Could not import file ^1.\nThe file type is not supported."
/AddAssetDeed/error/NoAudioEdits "Could not import file ^1.\nAudio edits are not supported."
/AddAssetDeed/error/AudioDecodingFailed "Could not import file ^1.\nDecoding of audio failed."
/AddAssetDeed/error/CompressedImages "Could not import file ^1.\nCompressed images are not supported."
/AddAssetDeed/error/MissingAssets "Could not import file ^1.\nThis asset depends on other files that could not be found."
/AddAssetDeed/error/CopyProtected "Could not import file ^1.\nThe file is copy protected and cannot be used."
/AddAssetDeed/error/AssetNotNTSC "Could not import file ^1.\nThis project requires video to be encoded as NTSC"
/AddAssetDeed/error/AssetNotPAL "Could not import file ^1.\nThis project requires video to be encoded as PAL"
/AddAssetDeed/error/Not8BitImage "Could not import file ^1.\nThe file does not have 8-bit pixels. Please use Photoshop to convert image to 8-bit."
/RemoveObjectDeed/error/AssetNotRemovable "The ^1 ^2 cannot be deleted because it is in use in the current project."
/RemoveObjectDeed/error/FolderNotRemovable "The folder ^1 cannot be deleted because it contains items that are in use in the current project."
/RemoveObjectDeed/error/asset "asset"
/RemoveObjectDeed/RemoveFolderPrompt "Are you sure you want to delete the folder '^1' and all its contents from the current project?"
/RemoveObjectDeed/RemoveMultFolderPrompt "Are you sure you want to delete the selected folders and their contents from the current project?"
/RemoveObjectDeed/RemovePGCPrompt "Are you sure you want to delete the ^1 '^2' from the current project?"
/RemoveObjectDeed/RemoveMultMenus "Are you sure you want to delete the selected menus from the current project?"
/RemoveObjectDeed/RemoveMultTimelines "Are you sure you want to delete the selected timelines from the current project?"
/RemoveObjectDeed/RemoveMultMenusAndTimelines "Are you sure you want to delete the selected menus and timelines from the current project?"
/RemoveObjectDeed/RemoveMultMenusAndFldrs "Are you sure you want to delete the selected menus and folders from the current project?"
/RemoveObjectDeed/RemoveMultTimelinesAndFldrs "Are you sure you want to delete the selected timelines and folders from the current project?"
/RemoveObjectDeed/MultGeneric "Are you sure you want to delete the selected items from the current project?"
/RemoveObjectDeed/RemoveMultAllKinds "Are you sure you want to delete the selected menus, timelines, and folders from the current project?"
/RemoveObjectDeed/RemoveMenuCaption "Delete Menu Confirmation"
/undo/ProjWin/LegalizeMultipleAssets "Swap and Scale Assets"
#next one is never shown, but just in case...
/undo/ProjWin/TranscodeOnImport "Transcode on Import"
/DVDDisc/CheckForErrors "Check Links..."
/DVDDisc/Browse "Browse..."
/DVDDisc/Clear "Clear"
/DVDDisc/ROMFolder "DVD-ROM Content"
/DVDDisc/ROMFolderStatic "To add files to the DVD disc that are readable on a computer, click the Browse button and choose a folder on your hard drive."
/DVDDisc/OtherTasks "Other Tasks"
/DVDDisc/OtherTasksStatic "Use the buttons below to set project settings, validate links, and to burn the project to disc, tape or to a file on your computer."
/DiscUsagePlacard/ROMSpaceUsed "^1 used for DVD-ROM content."
/NewProject/progress/title "New Project"
/OpenProject/progress/title "Open Project"
/SaveProject/progress/title "Save Project"
/SaveProjectAs/progress/title "Save Project As"
/ProjWin/tooltip/ToggleAsset "Toggle display of Assets"
/ProjWin/tooltip/ToggleMenu "Toggle display of Menus"
/ProjWin/tooltip/ToggleTimeline "Toggle display of Timelines"
/ProjWin/tooltip/NewFolder "Create a new Folder"
/ProjWin/tooltip/NewMenu "Create a new Menu"
/ProjWin/tooltip/NewTimeline "Create a new Timeline"
/ProjWin/tooltip/Delete "Delete selected items"
/ProjWin/reimport/title "Reimport Assets"
/ProjWin/reimport/message "Importing assets..."
/ImportStillDlog/Title "Import Still"
/ImportStillDlog/Static1 "The graphic to be imported does not have a DVD aspect ratio."
/ImportStillDlog/Static2 "You can add a matte to the image to match the DVD aspect ratio, or you can choose not to scale it."
/ImportStillDlog/RB1 "&Matte graphic."
/ImportStillDlog/RB1Static "Choose this if you are adding the graphic to a timeline"
/ImportStillDlog/RB1Static_2 "By default, a new file containing the matted image is created inside of the project data directory. Use this button to change the location of the new file."
/ImportStillDlog/RB2 "&Do not scale graphic."
/ImportStillDlog/RB2Static "Choose this if you are adding the graphic to a menu or do not want a matte."
/ImportStillDlog/NoPromptCheck "&Use this settings for all stills being imported."