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/OSLocaleItems/Font "MS Shell Dlg" /Dialogs/OKButton "&OK" /Dialogs/CancelButton "Cancel" /Dialogs/YesButton "&Yes" /Dialogs/NoButton "&No" /Dialogs/AboutButton "About" /Dialogs/DoneButton "&Done" /Dialogs/BrowseButton "B&rowse..." /Dialogs/DefaultButton "Defaults" /Dialogs/BackButton "<&Back" /Dialogs/NextButton "&Next>" /Dialogs/LocateAsset "Locate Asset" /Dialogs/ReplaceAsset "Replace Asset" /Dialogs/Cancel/Confirm "Do you really want to cancel?" /Dialogs/Cancelling "Cancelling..." /Dialogs/BrowseForFolderTitle "Browse for a folder" /Dialogs/NSTCSafe "NTSC Colors Only" /Dialogs/Title/AboutPlugins "About Plugins" /Dilaogs/Title/ImportAsAsset "Import as Asset" /Dialogs/Title/ImportAsMenu "Import as Menu" /Dialogs/Title/ImportSubtitles "Import Subtitles" /Dialogs/Title/LibraryNewItem "New Library Item" /Dialogs/Title/SaveFrame "Save Frame as File" /Dialogs/Title/ColorPicker "Color Picker" /DataFiles/PaletteCfg "PaletteConfig.xml" /DataFiles/ProjSettings "ProjectPrefs.xml" /DocTemplate/NewDocTitle "Untitled" /DocTemplate/DocName "DVD Project" /DocTemplate/FilterName "Adobe Encore DVD Project files (*.ncor)" /DocTemplate/FilterExtension ".ncor" /DocTemplate/RegFileTypeId "AdobeEncoreDVD.Document" /DocTemplate/RegFileTypeName "Adobe Encore DVD Project" # StarupStatus Strings /about/kCreatingGraphicsMemory "Allocating Graphics Memory" /about/eInitializingToolSetter "Initializing Tool Manager" /about/eInitializingArizona "Initializing PSD Support" /about/eInitializingTranscoding "Initializing Transcoding" /about/eReadingPreferences "Loading Preferences" /about/kCreatingControls "Creating Controls" /about/kInitializingLibrary "Initializing Library" /about/kInitializingFinal "Prepare to surge to sublight speed . . . ENGAGE!" # Build strings (for use in Splash Screen, About Box, etc.) /about/kProductName "Adobe Encore DVD" /about/kCompanyName "Adobe" /about/kLicensedToString "Licensed to:" /about/kSpecialUserString "A special thanks to ^1, the most important person on the planet." # Undo strings /undo/undoBase "Undo ^1" /undo/redoBase "Redo ^1" /undo/undoCant "Can't Undo\aCtrl+Z" # note: shortcut must match /undo/win/undoShortcutStr /undo/redoCant "Can't Redo\aShift+Ctrl+Z" # note: shortcut must match /undo/win/redoShortcutStr /undo/win/undoShortcutStr "\aCtrl+Z" /undo/win/redoShortcutStr "\aShift+Ctrl+Z" # Default names /name/emptyLink "None" # File Filter string fragments /FileFilter/AllFiles "All Files (*.*)|*.*|" /FileFilter/AllFormats "All Formats" /FileFilter/MenuFiles "Menu Files (*.psd)|*.psd|" /FileFilter/MenuFormats "Menu Formats" /FileFilter/LibraryFiles "Library Files (*.psd, *.bmp, *.gif, *.jpg, *.jpeg, *.png, *.tif, *.tiff, *.emf)|*.psd; *.bmp; *.gif; *.jpg; *.jpeg; *.png; *.tif; *.tiff; *.emf|All Files (*.*)|*.*||" /FileFilter/PhotoshopFiles "Photoshop Files (*.psd)|*.psd|" # File Filter string fragments for the file flavors we recognize. # these are used in the drop down file type lists in Open and Save /FileFilter/applicationx/EncoreDVD "Adobe Encore DVD Project" /FileFilter/applicationx/cddvdimage "CD/DVD Image File" /FileFilter/applicationx/colorset "Color Set File" /FileFilter/audio/wav "Audio file" /FileFilter/audio/ac3 "AC3 audio" /FileFilter/audio/mpeg "MPEG audio" /FileFilter/video/mpeg "MPEG video" /FileFilter/video/mov "Quicktime file" /FileFilter/image/still "Still file" /FileFilter/video/avi "Video file" /FileFilter/text/scripttext "Script File" # # Credit strings for about, splash, etc. No empty strings allowed. # String IDs must be sequential, and you're allowed to go up to 898. # The code reads IDs until it doesn't get one (which it sees as an empty string, which is why you can't have empties). # # To create this chunk easily from a text file that has returns to delimit paragraphs: # 1. Open in BBEdit. # 2. Search for "\r" and replace with "\\n\r" (marxxxxx all real returns with \n). # ks # 3. Hard wrap to 72 character, with paragraph fill off. # 4. Search for "^(.*)$" and replace with "xxxxx + 0 \"\1 \"" # kCreditsStringBase # 5. Search for "\n "" and replace with "\n"" (don't want spaces after returns). # 6. Run the Add/Remove line numbers extension, and put in numbers with no space starting at 0. # 7. Search for "([0-9]+)\tSOL kCreditsStringBase" and replace with "\tSOL xxxxx + \1". # kCreditsStringBase # # For small tweaks, you can remove the numbers by searching for " \+ [0-9]+" and replacing with "", then do steps 6 & 7 again. # /splash/000 "(c) Copyright 2002-2003 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved.\n" /splash/001 "Adobe, the Adobe logo and Adobe Encore are either registered trademarks or trademarks of\n" /splash/002 "Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries. The double-D symbol\n" /splash/003 "is a trademark of Dolby Laboratories. Protected by U.S. Patents 5,737,599; 5,781,785;\n" /splash/004 "5,819,301; 5,943,063; 5,995,086; 6,049,339; 6,073,148; 6,289,364; Patents Pending.\n" /splash/005 "U.S. Pat. Des. 318,290; 327,902; 327,903; 337,604; 338,907; 371,799; 454,582. Contains an\n" /splash/006 "implementation of the LZW algorithm licensed under U.S. Patent 4,558,302. Protected by one\n" /splash/007 "or more patents owned or licensed by Dolby Laboratories Licensing Corporation. A list of\n" /splash/008 "applicable patents can be found on Dolby's extranet website.\n" /credits/000 "\n" /credits/001 "Includes DVD creation technology used under license from Sonic Solutions.\n" /credits/002 "Copyright 1996-2003 Sonic Solutions. All Rights Reserved.\n" /credits/003 "\n" /credits/004 "Portions utilize Microsoft Windows Media Technologies.\n" /credits/005 "Copyright (c) 1999-2001 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.\n" /credits/006 "\n" /credits/007 "Contains Padus Foundation Class software copyright 2002 Padus, Incorporated.\n" /credits/008 "\n" /credits/009 "This product includes software developed by the\n" /credits/010 "Apache Software Foundation (http://www.apache.org/).\n" /credits/011 "\n" /credits/012 "Portions of this product were created using LEADTOOLS,\n" /credits/013 "copyright 1991-2002, LEAD Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved.\n" /credits/014 "\n" /credits/015 "Confidential unpublished work. Copyright 1992-1997 Dolby Laboratories, Inc.\n" /credits/016 "All rights reserved. Manufactured under license from Dolby Laboratories. \n" /credits/017 "The Dolby Digital encoder included in this product provides integrated 2 channel encoding.\n" /credits/018 "Adobe Encore DVD also supports importing multichannel 5.1 encoded Dolby Digital audio.\n" /credits/019 "Full featured, multichannel, Dolby Digital encoding is available for professional\n" /credits/020 "applications like transferring films or commercial broadcasts to DVD.\n" /credits/021 "\n" /credits/022 "\n" /credits/023 "\n" /credits/024 "Adobe Encore DVD Team: Giles Baker, Ed Daranciang, James A. Moorer, Tom Pierce,\n" /credits/025 "Juan Soberanis, Jason Yang, Jill Devlin, Trent Happel, Stephen Inoue, Wendell MacRae,\n" /credits/026 "Paul Siegel, John Skidgel, Randy Riggins, Mitch Hendrickson, Norman Stratton, Ken Rice,\n" /credits/027 "Tom Bednarz, Steve Dandaneau, Craig D'Andrea, Joe Bowden, Larry Sullivan, Wilson Chan,\n" /credits/028 "Lisa Yuen, Steve Troppoli, David Durkee, Kelly Quinn, Todd Rosenthal, Nobuko Buonanno,\n" /credits/029 "Midori Lucas, Tomoko Yamura\n" /credits/030 "\n" /credits/031 "\n" /credits/032 "\n" /credits/033 "India Team: Lekhraj Sharma, Anand Kamat, Manish Gupta, Sankar Dey Sarkar,\n" /credits/034 "Shailesh Kumar, Rajat Bansal, Rahul Vishwaroop, Aurobinda Datta, Rajesh Lamba\n" /credits/035 "\n" /credits/036 "Instructional Communications: Elliot Meacham, Priscilla Walker, Alan Reade\n" /credits/037 "\n" /credits/038 "Worldwide Services and Support: Pam Treece, Matt Cockburn, Jennifer Domeier,\n" /credits/039 "John Donaldson, Silke Galloway, Valerie Hemmen, Yukiko Kuboi, Masahito Miyano,\n" /credits/040 "Devon Westerholm, Mitch Wood\n" /credits/041 "\n" /credits/042 "Localization: Mieko Ogura, Kunio Nomura, Yuji Oe, Warren Peet, Chih-Tun Lee,\n" /credits/043 "Maki Hirata, Yinghong Zhang, Yoshitaka Kasugai, Yuko Mori, Noriko Kawashima,\n" /credits/044 "Guta Davis, Itsuki Chida, Yuki Kambara\n" /credits/045 "\n" /credits/046 "Legal: Lynsey Sayers, Bill Mitchell, Gary Spiegel, Kevin O'Neill, MeMe Rasmussen\n" /credits/047 "\n" /credits/048 "Special thanks to: Lorraine Todd, Marianne Deaton, Bill Hensler, Dave Trescot,\n" /credits/049 "Erica Schisler, Barry Hills, Dave Valiulis, Margot McClaughry, John Farmer, Tim Wright,\n" /credits/050 "Julie Kmoch, Rick Wulff, Patty Wilson, Troy Gaul, Patrick O'Neill, Dennis Eckersley,\n" /credits/051 "Justin Landon, Matt McClellan, Dave Helmly, Daniel Brown, Nick Vicars-Harris,\n" /credits/052 "Greg Gilley, Bryan Lamkin, Bruce Lee and all of external_adobedvd.\n" /registration/invalidSerial "Adobe Encore cannot run because a valid serial number cannot be found." # Size Strings /size/unit_gb "%s GB" /size/unit_mb "%s MB" /size/unit_kb "%s KB" /size/unit_byte "%s bytes" /time/unit_hour " hour" /time/unit_min " min" /time/unit_sec " sec" # Build DVD Dialogs /builddlg/source "Source" /builddlg/curproject "Current Project" /builddlg/otherproject "Other Project" /builddlg/dvdvolume "DVD Volume" /builddlg/discimage "Disc Image" /builddlg/search "Search" /builddlg/writer "Writer" /builddlg/sourceprompt "Create Using:" /builddlg/destlocation "Location:" /builddlg/destpath "Destination Path" /builddlg/replasset "Replace unencoded assets when done" /builddlg/invalid_source "Invalid source; please select another source." /builddlg/fail_creat_folder "Failed to create the destination folder" /builddlg/save_and_continue "&Save and Continue" /builddlg/replace_title "Replace Folder" /builddlg/replace "&Replace" /builddlg/open_overview "Check Links" /builddlg/ignore_continue "&Ignore and Continue" /builddlg/asksave_title "Save Project" /builddlg/broke_link_title "Broken Links Found" /builddlg/orphan_pgc_title "Orphan Menus or Timelines Found" /builddlg/discoversize_title "Project Size Larger than Media" /builddlg/discoversize_msg "The estimated project size is larger than the target media chosen. While this is an estimate, the project may fail to build." /builddlg/timelineoverate_title "Timeline Data Rate Exceeds DVD Specifications" /builddlg/timelineoverate_msg "One or more timelines in the project have data rates that exceed DVD specifications. While this is an estimate, the project may fail to build." # media type /builddlg/media_dvd_r "DVD-R" /builddlg/media_dvd_ra "DVD-R for Authoring" /builddlg/media_dvd_minus_rw "DVD-RW" /builddlg/media_dvd_ram "DVD-RAM" /builddlg/media_dvd_rom "DVD-ROM" /builddlg/media_dvd_plus_r "DVD+R" /builddlg/media_dvd_plus_rw "DVD+RW" /builddlg/media_cd_r "CD-R" /builddlg/media_cd_rw "CD-RW" /builddlg/media_cd_rom "CD-ROM" /builddlg/media_cd_ram "CD-RAM" /builddlg/media_hd "Hard disk" /builddlg/media_dlt "DLT" /builddlg/media_unknown "Unknown" # Build DVD Disc Dlg /builddisc/caption "Make DVD Disc" /builddisc/recorder "Recorder:" /builddisc/writespeed "Write Speed:" /builddisc/copycount "Number of Copies:" /builddisc/testwrite "Test before writing" /builddisc/no_recorder "None found" /builddisc/speed_unit "x" # speed such as 1x, 2x, 4x, 8x /builddisc/device_desc "^1 ^2 ^3 (Firmware ^4)" /builddisc/auto_speed "Auto" /builddisc/not_blank "Disc is not blank. " /builddisc/ask_erase "Do you want to erase it?" /builddisc/device_notready_title "Device Not Ready" /builddisc/media_notready_title "Media Not Ready" /builddisc/devstate_unknown "Device status unknown" /builddisc/devstate_unknownerror "Unknown device error" /builddisc/devstate_nomedia "No media present" /builddisc/devstate_identmedia "Identifying media" /builddisc/devstate_badmedia "Invalid media" /builddisc/devstate_ready "Device ready" /builddisc/devstate_busy "Device busy" /builddisc/mediastate_unknown "Media status unknown" /builddisc/mediastate_wp "Media is write protected" /builddisc/mediastate_cartridgewp "Cartridge is write protected" /builddisc/mediastate_persistentwp "Media is persistent write protected" /builddisc/mediastate_powerdownwp "Media is powerdown write protected" /builddisc/mediastate_upsidedown "Media is upside-down" /builddisc/mediastate_notblank "Media is not blank" /builddisc/mediastate_incompatible "Media is incompatible" /builddisc/mediastate_unknownformat "Unknown media format" /builddisc/mediastate_incompatformat "Incompatible media format" /builddisc/mediastate_notadisc "Not a disc" /builddisc/mediastate_unknownerror "Unknown media error" /builddisc/mediastate_ready "Media ready" /builddisc/mediastate_timeout "Time out" # Build DVD Image Dlg /buildimage/caption "Make DVD Image" /buildimage/dest_exist "A file already exist at the specified destination. Do you want to replace it?" # Build DVD Folder Dlg /buildfolder/caption "Make DVD Folder" /buildfolder/invalid_dest "Destination folder does not exist, do you want to create it?" /buildfolder/dest_exist "A folder with that name already exists at the specified destination. Do you want to replace it?" # Build DVD Master Dlg /buildmaster/caption "Make DVD Master" /buildmaster/device "Device" /buildmaster/no_recorder "No device" /buildmaster/recalc_layerbreak "Use Existing Layer Break if Possible" # Build -- Set Layer Transition Dialog /buildsetlayer/title "Set Layer Transition" /buildsetlayer/prompt "The project is a dual layer disc and Encore couldn't create the layer transition automatically. Select where the transition should occur in the \"^1\" timeline below." /buildsetlayer/putatchapter "Place transition at chapter point:" /buildsetlayer/putattime "Place transition between ^1 and ^2." # Build Summary dlg /buildsum/caption ": Summary" /buildsum/discattr "Summary" /buildsum/discname "Disc Name:" /buildsum/dataformat "Data Format:" /buildsum/size "%s, %s" /buildsum/media "Media and size:" /buildsum/compatible "Compatibility:" /buildsum/transcode "Transcoding:" /buildsum/progress "Progress" /buildsum/totalsize "%s of %s" /buildsum/size_unknown "Size Unknown" /buildsum/totalcompl "Data Written:" /buildsum/timetogo "Time Remaining:" /buildsum/build "B&uild" /buildsum/stop "&Stop" /buildsum/defdiscname "[Using Existing Name]" /buildsum/comp_none "None" /buildsum/comp_settop "Set-top DVD players" /buildsum/comp_dvd_rom "DVD-ROM drives" /buildsum/comp_dvd_ram "DVD-RAM drives" /buildsum/comp_dvd_minus_rw "DVD-RW drives" /buildsum/comp_dvd_plus_rw "DVD+RW drives" /buildsum/comp_cd_rom "CD-ROM drives" /buildsum/comp_pc_sw "PC-based software DVD players" /buildsum/transcode_no "Don't replace unencoded assets when done" /buildsum/transcode_yes "Replace unencoded assets when done" /buildsum/format_udf "UDF 2.0 Disc" /buildsum/format_volume "DVD Volume" /buildsum/status_estimate "Estimating..." /buildsum/status_readybuild "Ready to build" /buildsum/status_concelling "Cancelling... Please wait!" /buildsum/totalsize_calc "Calculating..." /buildsum/building "Building..." /buildsum/complete "%s Completed" /buildsum/buildcancelled "Build cancelled" /buildsum/failbuild "%s Failed" /buildsum/ask_cancel "Do you want to cancel the build?" /buildsum/build_type_disc "disc" /buildsum/build_type_dvdfolder "DVD folder" /buildsum/build_type_image "image" /buildsum/subtask_complete "Writing %s. Completed" /buildsum/build_motion_menu "Building motion menus..." /buildsum/build_transcoding "Transcoding..." /buildsum/build_menu "Building menus..." # Restore from master dlg /buildrestore/caption "Restore" /buildrestore/restore "Restore" /buildrestore/restore_complete "Restore master. Completed" # Undo strings /undo/builddlg/makedvd "Make DVD changes" # message dialog /CheckPromptDialog/DontShowMessage "Don't show again" /VmrWarning/Title "Warning" # Transcode Now dialog /transcodenow/cancelled "Transcode cancelled" /transcodenow/cancelling "Cancelling..." /transcodenow/preparing "Preparing to transcode..." /transcodenow/complete "Transcode completed" /transcodenow/failed "Transcode failed" /transcodenow/caption "Transcode Progress" /transcodenow/cancel/title "Cancel Transcode" /transcodenow/cancel/confirm "Cancel the transcode?" /transcodenow/cancel/cancelOne "&Yes" /transcodenow/cancel/cancelAll "Cancel &All" /transcodenow/cancel/neverMind "&No" /transcodenow/rollup/transcoding "Transcoding ^1 (^2^3)" /transcodenow/rollup/importing "Importing ^1" /transcodenow/pass/1 " : First Pass" /transcodenow/pass/2 " : Second Pass" /transcodenow/pass/single "" /transcodenow/what/video "Video" /transcodenow/what/audio "Audio" /transcodenow/MofN "Transcoding ^1 of ^2" # Preset Conflict Dialog /PresetConflict/DialogTitle "Preset Has Been Modified" /PresetConflict/Header "The preset \"^1\" has been modified in another ^2 project. Please choose an option below:" /PresetConflict/UseCached "Use this preset and update the shared preset." /PresetConflict/UseShared "Use the shared preset and update this preset." /PresetConflict/CreateNew "Use this preset, but create a new preset for it and don't modify the shared preset." /PresetConflict/NewPresetName "Name:" /PresetConflict/SuggestedPreset "Copy of ^1" /PresetConflict/ExistsConfirm "A preset with that name already exists. Overwrite it?" /PresetConflict/CouldNotCreate "The preset could not be created with the name you chose. Please choose another option or a new name." /PresetConflict/SharedPresetGone "The preset \"^1\" has been deleted by another ^2 project, but is still in use in yours. Would you like to recreate it based on your copy?" # Preset mining, upgrading, etc... (Tickler/ProgressDialog strings) /presets/Scanning "Preparing transcode settings" /presets/Upgrading "Converting preset" /presets/Creating "Saving transcode presets" # Preset import problems /presets/import/badTVstandard/caption "Incorrect TV standard" /presets/import/badTVstandard/message "The TV standard of the preset you are trying to import does not match that of your project. You cannot import the preset into this project." /presets/import/badTVstandard/caption "Invalid preset" /presets/import/badTVstandard/message "The preset you are trying to import is not compatible. You cannot import this preset." # Preferences dialog /preferences/caption "Preferences" /preferences/general "General" # /preferences/guidesandgrid "Guides & Grid" /preferences/menus "Menus" /preferences/timelines "Timelines" /preferences/subtitles "Subtitles" /preferences/encoding "Encoding" /preferences/mastering "Mastering" /preferences/simulation "Preview" /preferences/LocalDisk "Local Disk" /preferences/TVStandardMenu "TV Standard for New Projects:" /preferences/PromptForTVStandard "Prompt for TV Standard" /preferences/RegTVStandard "TVStandard" /preferences/NTSC "NTSC" /preferences/PAL "PAL" /preferences/ShowToolTips "Show tool tips" /preferences/RegShowToolTips "ShowToolTips" /preferences/BeepWhenDone "Beep when done" /preferences/RegBeepWhenDone "BeepWhenDone" /preferences/SmartQuotes "Use smart quotes" /preferences/RegSmartQuotes "UseSmartQuotes" /preferences/VerbosePropPals "Display text labels in Properties palette" /preferences/RegVerbosePropPals "TextInPropPalettes" /preferences/Startup "Startup" /preferences/None "None" /preferences/DefaultLanguage "Default subtitle language:" /preferences/RegSubtitleLang "SubtitleLanguage" /preferences/German "Deutsch" /preferences/English "English" /preferences/Spanish "Espanol" /preferences/French "Francais" /preferences/Japanese "Japanese" /preferences/Italian "Italiano" /preferences/DefaultSubLength "Default subtitle length:" /preferences/RegSubtitleLength "SubtitleDuration" /preferences/Seconds "Seconds" /preferences/RouteUpDown "Route up/down" /preferences/RegRouteUpDown "RouteUpDown" /preferences/WrapUpDown "Wrap around up/down:" /preferences/RegWrapUpDownType "WrapUpDownType" /preferences/WrapSame "Wrap within the same column" /preferences/WrapNext "Wrap to the next column" /preferences/WrapSameRow "Wrap within the same row" /preferences/WrapNextRow "Wrap to the next row" /preferences/RegWrapUpDown "WrapUpDown" /preferences/RouteLeftRight "Route left/right" /preferences/RegRouteLeftRight "RouteLeftRight" /preferences/WrapLeftRight "Wrap around left/right:" /preferences/RegWrapLeftRight "WrapLeftRight" /preferences/RegWrapLeftRitType "WrapLeftRightType" /preferences/DefaultStill "Default still length:" /preferences/RegStillLength "DefaultStillLength" /preferences/DefaultNumAudio "Default number of audio tracks:" /preferences/RegNumAudioTracks "DefaultNumberAudioTracks" /preferences/DefaultNumSubtitle "Default number of subtitle tracks:" /preferences/RegNumSubtitleTrac "DefaultNumberSubtitleTracks" /preferences/DefaultAudioEncode "Default audio encoding scheme:" /preferences/RegAudioEncode "AudioEncodingScheme" /preferences/DolbyDigital "Dolby Digital" /preferences/MPEG "MPEG-1 Layer II" /preferences/PCM "PCM" /preferences/CopyProtection "Copy protection on" /preferences/RegCopyProtection "CopyProtection" /preferences/CGMS "CGMS:" /preferences/RegCGMS "CGMSCopyProtection" /preferences/CopyPermitted "Copy permitted without restriction (Off)" /preferences/OneGeneration "One generation allowed" /preferences/NoCopies "No copies allowed" /preferences/CSSOff "CSS off" /preferences/CSSOn "CSS on" /preferences/RegCSS "CSSCopyProtection" /preferences/Macrovision "Macrovision:" /preferences/RegMacrovision "MacrovisionCopyProtection" /preferences/Off "Off" /preferences/TypeI "Type I" /preferences/TypeII "Type II" /preferences/TypeIII "Type III" /preferences/TVMode "TV mode:" /preferences/RegTVMode "SimulationTVMode" /preferences/16x9 "16:9" /preferences/4x3Letterbox "4:3 Letter Box" /preferences/MenuLanguage "Menu language:" /preferences/RegSimMenuLanguage "SimulationMenuLanguage" /preferences/PlayerRegion "Player region code:" /preferences/RegPlayerRegion "SimulationPlayerRegionCode" /preferences/1NorthAmerica "1 - Canada, United States & US Territories" /preferences/2Japan "2 - Japan, Europe, South Africa, & the Middle East" /preferences/3EastAsia "3 - Southeast Asia, East Asia, & Hong Kong" /preferences/4Australia "4 - Australia, Mexico, Central & South America" /preferences/5Russia "5 - Russia, India, Pakistan, Africa, & North Korea" /preferences/6China "6 - China" /preferences/7Reserved "7 - Reserved" /preferences/8International "8 - International venues (airplanes, cruise ships, etc.)" /preferences/AudioLangPref "Audio language:" /preferences/RegAudioLanguage "SimulationAudioLanguage" /preferences/SubLangPref "Subtitle language:" /preferences/RegSimSubtitleLang "SimulationSubtitleLanguage" /preferences/def_colorset_menu "Menu Default" /preferences/def_colorset_movie "Timeline Default" /preferences/RecorderIndex "CurrentRecorderIndex" /preferences/DLTIndex "CurrentDLTIndex" /preferences/RegVmrMessage "ShowVmrWarning" /preferences/DefMenuColorSet/NormPat "MenuNormPat" /preferences/DefMenuColorSet/NormE1 "MenuNormE1" /preferences/DefMenuColorSet/NormE2 "MenuNormE2" /preferences/DefMenuColorSet/G1SelPat "MenuG1SelPat" /preferences/DefMenuColorSet/G1SelE1 "MenuG1SelE1" /preferences/DefMenuColorSet/G1SelE2 "MenuG1SelE2" /preferences/DefMenuColorSet/G1ActPat "MenuG1ActPat" /preferences/DefMenuColorSet/G1ActE1 "MenuG1ActE1" /preferences/DefMenuColorSet/G1ActE2 "MenuG1ActE2" /preferences/DefMenuColorSet/G2SelPat "MenuG2SelPat" /preferences/DefMenuColorSet/G2SelE1 "MenuG2SelE1" /preferences/DefMenuColorSet/G2SelE2 "MenuG2SelE2" /preferences/DefMenuColorSet/G2ActPat "MenuG2ActPat" /preferences/DefMenuColorSet/G2ActE1 "MenuG2ActE1" /preferences/DefMenuColorSet/G2ActE2 "MenuG2ActE2" /preferences/DefTLColorSet/NormPat "TLNormPat" /preferences/DefTLColorSet/NormE1 "TLNormE1" /preferences/DefTLColorSet/NormE2 "TLNormE2" /preferences/DefTLColorSet/G1SelPat "TLG1SelPat" /preferences/DefTLColorSet/G1SelE1 "TLG1SelE1" /preferences/DefTLColorSet/G1SelE2 "TLG1SelE2" /preferences/DefTLColorSet/G1ActPat "TLG1ActPat" /preferences/DefTLColorSet/G1ActE1 "TLG1ActE1" /preferences/DefTLColorSet/G1ActE2 "TLG1ActE2" /preferences/DefTLColorSet/G2SelPat "TLG2SelPat" /preferences/DefTLColorSet/G2SelE1 "TLG2SelE1" /preferences/DefTLColorSet/G2SelE2 "TLG2SelE2" /preferences/DefTLColorSet/G2ActPat "TLG2ActPat" /preferences/DefTLColorSet/G2ActE1 "TLG2ActE1" /preferences/DefTLColorSet/G2ActE2 "TLG2ActE2" # color set dialog /colorset/menu_title "Menu Color Set" /colorset/movie_title "Timeline Color Set" /colorset/colorset_label "Color Set:" /colorset/menu_normalgroup "Normal Group" /colorset/menu_highlightgroup1 "Highlight Group 1" /colorset/menu_highlightgroup2 "Highlight Group 2" /colorset/color_lable "Color" /colorset/opacity_lable "Opacity" /colorset/menu_color1 "Color 1:" /colorset/menu_color2 "Color 2:" /colorset/menu_color3 "Color 3:" /colorset/tl_fill "Fill/Color 1:" /colorset/tl_stroke "Stroke/Color 2:" /colorset/tl_antialias "Anti-alias/Color 3:" /colorset/selected_color_set "Selected State Colors" /colorset/activated_color_set "Activated State Colors" /colorset/use_selected_colors "Use Selected Colors for Activated Colors" /colorset/movie_group1 "Subtitle Group 1" /colorset/movie_group2 "Subtitle Group 2" /colorset/movie_group3 "Subtitle Group 3" /colorset/constrast_num "^1 %" /colorset/new_palette "New Palette" /colorset/preview "Preview" /colorset/copy_palette_name "Copy of ^1" /colorset/delete_ask "Delete the color set \"^1\"?" /colorset/new_title "New Color Set" /colorset/new_name "New color set name:" /colorset/save_title "Save Color Set File" /colorset/import_title "Import Color Set File" /colorset/delete_title "Delete Color Set" /colorset/menu_deed "Edit Menu Color Set" /colorset/movie_deed "Edit Timeline Color Set" /colorset/progress/title "Color Set Change" /colorset/progress/message "Apply color set changes." /colorset/new/tip "New color set..." /colorset/export/tip "Export to color set file..." /colorset/import/tip "Import from color set file..." /colorset/delete/tip "Delete color set" /colorset/automenu "Automatic" # import subtitle dialog /importspu/text_title "Import Subtitles (Text Script)" /importspu/image_title "Import Subtitles" /importspu/pickcolor_title "Map Colors" /importspu/text_group "Text" /importspu/vert_pos_after "from top" /importspu/hori_pos_after "from right" /importspu/asian_text_options "Asian Text Options" /importspu/kinsoku_shori "Kinsoku Shori:" /importspu/kinsoku_order "Kinsoku Order:" /importspu/asian_leading "Leading:" /importspu/burasagari "Burasagari" /importspu/position "Position" /importspu/subtitle_setting "Subtitle Settings" /importspu/track_lable "Track:" /importspu/color_set "Color Set:" /importspu/timecode "Timecode:" /importspu/timecode_relative "Relative" /importspu/timecode_absolute "Absolute" /importspu/show_safe_area "Show title safe guide" /importspu/map_color "Map Colors" /importspu/background "Background:" /importspu/background/tip "Pick a color for Background" /importspu/text_fill "Fill/Color 1:" /importspu/text_fill/tip "Pick a color for text fill" /importspu/text_outline "Outline/Color 2:" /importspu/text_outline/tip "Pick a color for text outline" /importspu/color_info "Color Info" /importspu/color_r "R:" /importspu/color_r/tip "Red" /importspu/color_b "B:" /importspu/color_b/tip "Blue" /importspu/color_g "G:" /importspu/color_g/tip "Green" /importspu/color_h "H:" /importspu/color_h/tip "Hue" /importspu/color_s "S:" /importspu/color_s/tip "Saturation" /importspu/color_bright "B:" /importspu/color_bright/tip "Bright" /importspu/pos_left/tip "Set the left edge" /importspu/pos_right/tip "Set the right edge" /importspu/pos_top/tip "Set the top edge" /importspu/pos_bottom/tip "Set the bottom edge" /importspu/track/tip "Select a track" /importspu/language/tip "Select a language" /importspu/colorset/tip "Select a color set" /importspu/colrgroup/tip "Select a color group" /importspu/ab_tc/tip "Zero timecode offset" /importspu/rel_tc/tip "Relative timecode offset" /importspu/rel_tc_str/tip "Assign a relative timecode offset" /importspu/toggle_titlesafe/tip "Toggle title safe area" /importspu/text_tracking/tip "Set the tracking" /importspu/new_track "New" /importspu/ask_clear_track_title "Replace Subtitles" /importspu/ask_clear_track "Do you want to import subtitles into this track? This will overwrite the existing subtitle clips." /importspu/ask_change_colorset/title "Change Color Set?" /importspu/ask_change_colorset "Changing the current Timeline Color Set will affect the color of other subtitles in this Timeline. Do you wish to Continue?" /importspu/progress/title "Import Progress" /importspu/progress/message "Importing subtitles." /reencodespu/progress/title "Progress" /reencodespu/progress/message "Apply subtitle changes." /language/desc/Abkhazian "Abkhazian" /language/desc/Afar "Afar" /language/desc/Afrikaans "Afrikaans" /language/desc/Albanian "Albanian" /language/desc/Amharic "Amharic" /language/desc/Arabian "Arabian" /language/desc/Armenian "Armenian" /language/desc/Assamese "Assamese" /language/desc/Aymara "Aymara" /language/desc/Azerbajani "Azerbaijani" /language/desc/Bashkir "Bashkir" /language/desc/Basque "Basque" /language/desc/Bengali "Bengali" /language/desc/Bhutani "Bhutani" /language/desc/Bihari "Bihari" /language/desc/Bislama "Bislama" /language/desc/Breton "Breton" /language/desc/Bulgarian "Bulgarian" /language/desc/Burmese "Burmese" /language/desc/Byelorussian "Byelorussian" /language/desc/Cambodian "Cambodian" /language/desc/Catalan "Catalan" /language/desc/Chinese "Chinese" /language/desc/Corsican "Corsican" /language/desc/Croatian "Croatian" /language/desc/Czech "Czech" /language/desc/Danish "Danish" /language/desc/Dutch "Dutch" /language/desc/English "English" /language/desc/Esperanto "Esperanto" /language/desc/Estonian "Estonian" /language/desc/Faroese "Faeroese" /language/desc/Fiji "Fiji" /language/desc/Finnish "Finnish" /language/desc/French "French" /language/desc/Frisian "Frisian" /language/desc/Galician "Galician" /language/desc/Georgian "Georgian" /language/desc/German "German" /language/desc/Greek "Greek" /language/desc/Greenlandic "Greenlandic" /language/desc/Guarani "Guarani" /language/desc/Gujarati "Gujarati" /language/desc/Hausa "Hausa" /language/desc/Hebrew "Hebrew" /language/desc/Hindi "Hindi" /language/desc/Hungarian "Hungarian" /language/desc/Icelandic "Icelandic" /language/desc/Indonesian "Indonesian" /language/desc/Interlingua "Interlingua" /language/desc/Interlingue "Interlingue" /language/desc/Inupiak "Inupiak" /language/desc/Irish "Irish" /language/desc/Italian "Italian" /language/desc/Japanese "Japanese" /language/desc/Javanese "Javanese" /language/desc/Kannada "Kannada" /language/desc/Kashmiri "Kashmiri" /language/desc/Kazakh "Kazakh" /language/desc/Kinyarwanda "Kinyarwanda" /language/desc/Kirghiz "Kirghiz" /language/desc/Kirundi "Kirundi" /language/desc/Korean "Korean" /language/desc/Kurdish "Kurdish" /language/desc/Laotian "Laothian" /language/desc/Latin "Latin" /language/desc/Latvian_Lettish "Latvian, Lettish" /language/desc/Lingala "Lingala" /language/desc/Lithuanian "Lithuanian" /language/desc/Macedonian "Macedonian" /language/desc/Malagasy "Malagasy" /language/desc/Malay "Malay" /language/desc/Malayalam "Malayalam" /language/desc/Maltese "Maltese" /language/desc/Maori "Maori" /language/desc/Marathi "Marathi" /language/desc/Moldavian "Moldavian" /language/desc/Mongolian "Mongolian" /language/desc/Nauru "Nauru" /language/desc/Nepali "Nepali" /language/desc/Norwegian "Norwegian" /language/desc/Occitan "Occitan" /language/desc/Oriya "Oriya" /language/desc/Oromo_Afan "Oromo (Afan)" /language/desc/Pashto_Pushto "Pashto, Pushto" /language/desc/Persian "Persian" /language/desc/Polish "Polish" /language/desc/Portuguese "Portuguese" /language/desc/Punjabi "Punjabi" /language/desc/Quechua "Quechua" /language/desc/Rhaeto_Romance "Rhaeto-Romance" /language/desc/Romanian "Romanian" /language/desc/Russian "Russian" /language/desc/Samoan "Samoan" /language/desc/Sangho "Sangro" /language/desc/Sanskrit "Sanskrit" /language/desc/Scots_Gaelic "Scots Gaelic" /language/desc/Serbian "Serbian" /language/desc/Serbo_Croatian "Serbo-Croatian" /language/desc/Sesotho "Sesotho" /language/desc/Setsuana "Setswana" /language/desc/Shona "Shona" /language/desc/Sindhi "Sindhi" /language/desc/Singhalese "Singhalese" /language/desc/Siswati "Siswati" /language/desc/Slovak "Slovak" /language/desc/Slovenian "Slovenian" /language/desc/Somali "Somali" /language/desc/Spanish "Spanish" /language/desc/Suahili "Swahili" /language/desc/Sudanese "Sudanese" /language/desc/Swedish "Swedish" /language/desc/Tagalog "Tagalog" /language/desc/Tajik "Tajik" /language/desc/Tamil "Tamil" /language/desc/Tatar "Tatar" /language/desc/Telugu "Telugu" /language/desc/Thai "Thai" /language/desc/Tibetan "Tibetan" /language/desc/Tigrinya "Tigrinya" /language/desc/Tonga "Tonga" /language/desc/Tsonga "Tsonga" /language/desc/Turkish "Turkish" /language/desc/Turkmen "Turkmen" /language/desc/Twi "Twi" /language/desc/Ukrainian "Ukrainian" /language/desc/Urdu "Urdu" /language/desc/Uzbek "Uzbek" /language/desc/Vietnamese "Vietnamese" /language/desc/Volapyk "Volapuk" /language/desc/Welsh "Welsh" /language/desc/Wolof "Wolof" /language/desc/Xhosa "Xhosa" /language/desc/Yiddish "Yiddish" /language/desc/Yoruba "Yoruba" /language/desc/Zulu "Zulu" /language/desc/notset "Not Set" /dropshadow/edit_deed "Drop Shadow Layer Effect" /SpecifyLink/title "Specify Link" /SpecifyLink/target "Target:" /SpecifyLink/audio "Audio:" /SpecifyLink/subtitle "Subtitle:" # system info dialog /sysinfodlg/title "System Info" /sysinfodlg/copy "Copy" /sysinfodlg/copy/tip "Copy the system information to clipboard" /sysinfodlg/os_type "System: ^1" /sysinfodlg/no_os_info "No os info available" /sysinfodlg/version_format "version %d.%d %s (Build %d)" /sysinfodlg/short_version_format "%s (Build %d)" /sysinfodlg/sp_format ", Service Pack %d" /sysinfodlg/cpu_type "System Architecture:" /sysinfodlg/cpu_num "Cpu ^1: ^2" /sysinfodlg/cpu_unknown "Unknown processor" /sysinfodlg/ram "Total Physical Memory: ^1" /sysinfodlg/video_display "Video Display: ^1" /sysinfodlg/video_driver "Video Driver: ^1" /sysinfodlg/serial_no "^1 Serial Number: ^2" /sysinfodlg/product_ver "Product Version: ^1" /sysinfodlg/no_product_ver "unknown" /sysinfodlg/dvd_device "DVD Devices Installed:" /sysinfodlg/no_dvd_device " None" /sysinfodlg/dvd_description " ^1 (Firmware: ^2)" /sysinfodlg/codec_list "Installed Codecs:" /sysinfodlg/no_codec " None" /sysinfodlg/codec_audio_capture "Audio Capture Sources:" /sysinfodlg/codec_audio_compress "Audio Compressors:" /sysinfodlg/codec_audio_render "Audio Renderers:" /sysinfodlg/codec_midi_render "Midi Renderers:" /sysinfodlg/codec_device_control "Device Control:" /sysinfodlg/codec_extern_render "External Renderers:" /sysinfodlg/codec_video_capture "Video Capture Sources:" /sysinfodlg/codec_video_compress "Video Compressors:" /sysinfodlg/codec_directshow "DirectShow Filters:" /sysinfodlg/VMR/NotUsed "VMR not being used" /sysinfodlg/VMR/Version "VMR version: ^1" /sysinfodlg/VMR/MixerMode " VMR in mixer mode" /required/hardware/soundCard "Adobe Encore cannot run because a sound card cannot be found." /required/hardware/directShow1 "The graphics card in this computer does not fully support DirectShow VMR System requirements. " /required/hardware/directShow2 "Due to this, subtitles and motion menu highlights will not be shown correctly in Preview. " /required/hardware/directShow3 "They will build correctly to disc, however. " /required/hardware/directShow4 "Please check with your graphics card vendor for driver updates to improve DirectShow support." #### begin - do not localize /registration/appcode "AENC" /registration/regurl "https://store.adobe.com/WebObjects/WEC?pageID=RegMp1" /registration/appname "Adobe Encore DVD" /registration/appver "1.0" /registration/RegistryPath "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall\\{f2cf483c-7eee-4b64-a730-14f83cd5affe}" /registration/userkey "NAME" /registration/serialkey "SERIAL" /registration/companykey "COMPANY" /preferences/DefaultsRegistryPath "Software\\Adobe\\Adobe Encore DVD\\Defaults" /preferences/prefsRegestryPath "Software\\Adobe\\Adobe Encore DVD\\Prefs" /clipboard/SLOTextClipboardType "Photoshop Text" /help/helpdir "Help" /help/helpfile "help.html" /help/onlinesupporturl "http://www.adobe.com/support/products/encore.html" # part of the script format we defined /importspu/scriptformat_display_label "display_area" /importspu/scriptformat_directory_label "directory" #### end - do not localize #### next string is locale based /registration/zstringfile "WAUtils_en_US.dat" # end with a blank line