PC World Komputer 1998 October A
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Installing ViaVoice
To install ViaVoice, navigate to the \Extra\ViaVoice directory, run
the SETUP.EXE program, and follow the instructions.
Installing SmartSuite Millennium Edition Trial CD
* If you have a previous version of the application you are installing
from the trial CD, you should specify a different directory for the
trial version. If you do not specify a different directory, the install
program overwrites the previous version of the application with the
trial version.
* If you have previously installed SmartSuite 97 and you do not want
to upgrade your 97 applications to SmartSuite Millennium Edition, you
should specify a different main directory and different product
directories for the trial version. You can specify the directories
for SmartSuite Millennium Edition from the install program dialog boxes.
You can specify the main folder in the Specify Lotus SmartSuite Folder
dialog box. You can specify the product folders in the
Select Lotus SmartSuite Applications dialog box.
* If you have previously installed a 16-bit version of SmartSuite, you
should not have the install program remove obsolete files. Choose "No"
in the Obsolete Files dialog box.
If you experience problems running the SmartSuite Millennium Trial CD:
* The SmartSuite Millennium Trial CD runs best when your display is set
above 256 colors. To view or change your display configuration, choose
Display from the Control Panel folder and select the Settings tab.
* If the performance is slow, quit any other applications you might
have running, including any background applications like network
managers, backup software, screensavers, etc.
* For documents that were created using nonstandard ATM fonts, you may
need to disable ATM when printing documents. Consult your ATM manual
for instructions.
* If you are having trouble with sound, make sure that the computer you
are using has a sound board. Also, check that the speakers are plugged
in, connected to the computer, and turned on. Be sure that the volume
control is set loud enough for you to hear it.
* Some of the SmartSuite trial applications have Guided Tours that give
you a quick overview of product features. If you plan to use the Guided
Tours, you should install the trial applications to your hard drive.
* If you have technical questions regarding the product trial versions,
you can look for help on the Lotus Web page. Lotus' support page on
the Web provides complete access to the Lotus Technical Support Library.
This library gives you access to a wealth of technical information
including current drivers, demo programs, application templates and
much more.