home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 23001 Insufficient memory
- 23002 Failure to lock memory
- 23003 Table/View/Index/Column name exceeds maximum length
- 23004 Invalid character
- 23005 Undefined symbol
- 23006 37000: Missing string terminator
- 23007 String length exceeds maximum token length
- 23008 37000: Name, constant, or expression expected
- 23009 37000: Invalid constant
- 23010 37000: Name expected (cannot be reserved word)
- 23011 37000: Left parenthesis missing
- 23012 37000: Right parenthesis missing
- 23013 37000: Keyword FROM expected
- 23014 37000: Keyword BY expected
- 23015 37000: Keyword AND expected
- 23016 37000: Keywords BETWEEN, LIKE, or IN expected
- 23017 37000: Column name or number expected in ORDER BY
- 23018 37000: Keyword SET expected
- 23019 37000: Equals sign expected
- 23020 37000: Keyword INTO expected
- 23021 37000: Keyword IS expected
- 23022 37000: Keyword VALUES or SELECT expected
- 23023 37000: Keyword TO expected
- 23024 37000: Keyword ON expected
- 23025 37000: Keyword TABLE, INDEX, or VIEW expected
- 23026 37000: Keyword AS expected
- 23027 37000: Keyword SELECT expected
- 23028 37000: Keyword FOR expected
- 23029 37000: Integer expected
- 23030 37000: Data type keyword expected
- 23031 37000: Incomplete SQL statement
- 23032 37000: Keyword TABLE expected
- 23033 37000: ADD clause expected in ALTER TABLE
- 23034 37000: Keyword UPDATE expected
- 23035 37000: Keyword OF expected
- 23036 37000: SELECT cannot include both FOR UPDATE OF and ORDER BY clauses
- 23037 37000: Keyword WITH expected
- 23038 37000: Comma or right parenthesis expected
- 23039 37000: UNION/ORDER BY clause not allowed in CREATE VIEW
- 23040 37000: Keyword ASC or DESC, comma, or right parenthesis expected
- 23041 37000: Keyword ASC or DESC, or comma expected
- 23042 37000: Invalid SQL statement
- 23043 37000: Right bracket expected
- 23044 37000: Keyword NULL is expected
- 23045 37000: Invalid character length
- 23046 22003: Float value out of range
- 23047 22003: Numeric value out of range
- 23048 37000: Subquery not allowed in group defn.
- 23049 37000: Keyword INDEX expected
- 23050 37000: Keyword KEY expected
- 23051 37000: Keyword CHECK/DEFAULT expected
- 23052 37000: Keyword PRECISION expected
- 23053 37000: Character string expected
- 23054 37000: Too many columns or expressions in this statement
- 23055 37000: This scalar function is not supported
- 23056 37000: Table constraint definition is not supported
- 23057 37000: GRANT statement is not supported
- 23058 37000: REVOKE statement is not supported
- 23059 37000: Keyword OUTER expected
- 23060 37000: Keyword JOIN expected
- 23061 37000: Keyword ON expected
- 23062 37000: Only one outer join is allowed in a SELECT statement
- 23063 37000: Table reference has to be a table name or an outer join escape clause in a FROM clause
- 23064 37000: Incorrect syntax near '%s'
- 23065 37000: String literal is limited to 254 bytes
- 23066 37000: Time interval keyword expected
- 23100 37000: Table not included in current statement
- 23101 S0022: Undefined column name - %s
- 23102 37000: Ambiguous column name - %s
- 23103 21S01: Insert value list does not match column list
- 23104 37000: Value must match column data type
- 23105 S0001: Table or object name already exists - %s
- 23106 S0021: Column name already exists - %s
- 23107 37000: * allowed for COUNT function only
- 23108 Alias name already exists
- 23109 Invalid column number in ORDER BY clause
- 23110 37000: Too many values specified in INSERT
- 23111 S0002: Table does not exist - %s
- 23112 S0002: View does not exist - %s
- 23113 S0012: Index does not exist - %s
- 23114 S0002: Synonym %s does not exist
- 23115 37000: First argument of LIKE clause must be a CHAR column
- 23116 37000: Second argument of LIKE clause must be a character string
- 23117 GROUP BY column(s) not specified in SELECT clause
- 23118 ORDER BY column(s) not specified in SELECT clause
- 23119 Nested function not allowed
- 23120 37000: Invalid argument for aggregate function
- 23121 All SELECT items must be GROUP BY columns or aggregate functions
- 23122 Only one column may be SELECTed in a subquery
- 23123 S0011: Index name already exists
- 23124 Aggregate function allowed in WHERE clause only if the column is under a HAVING clause
- 23125 37000: Number of view columns does not match number of SELECT columns
- 23126 37000: View column names must be specified
- 23127 CHECK OPTION not supported
- 23128 View is not updatable - %s
- 23129 Column is not updatable - %s
- 23130 View defined with GROUP BY cannot be used in a join
- 23131 View defined with GROUP BY cannot be used in a query including a GROUP BY clause
- 23132 37000: Incorrect data type for arguments in scalar function
- 23133 37000: Incorrect number of arguments in scalar function
- 23134 37000: Only one DISTINCT allowed in any SELECT clause
- 23135 An illegal table is referenced in a subselect FROM clause
- 23136 HAVING clause must include aggregate functions
- 23137 Views cannot be INDEXed
- 23138 Cursor not updatable - %s
- 23139 Cursor not declared - %s
- 23140 UPDATE column(s) not defined in cursor declaration - %s
- 23141 Cursor declaration does not include the FOR UPDATE OF clause - %s
- 23142 Different table name is specified in cursor declaration - %s
- 23143 GROUP BY clause needed
- 23144 Column name missing in AVG, MAX, MIN, or SUM function
- 23145 37000: Incompatible data types in expression
- 23146 37000: Incompatible data types in comparison
- 23147 3C000: Duplicate cursor name
- 23148 37000: Comparison operator or keyword expected
- 23149 37000: Invalid arithmetic expression
- 23150 No alias defined for self-join - %s
- 23151 Invalid string operator
- 23152 Cannot ALTER views
- 23153 Invalid INSERT item
- 23154 Invalid unary operator
- 23155 Value exceeds column length
- 23156 Select columns have to be in agg. fct.
- 23157 Alias name needed
- 23158 No GROUP BY or HAVING in a nested subquery of a basic predicate
- 23159 Internal semantic checker error
- 23160 Scope table overflow in semantic checker
- 23161 Internal temp. query array overflow in semantic checker
- 23162 DISTINCT is not supported
- 23163 Unique index is not supported
- 23164 UNION is not supported
- 23165 NULL can only be used in INSERT item or UPDATE assignment
- 23166 View definition can only include single table, no agg. fct, group by or having, and no subquery
- 23168 Select on View cannot include agg. fct., HAVING/GROUP BY/ORDER BY
- 23169 No join on view query
- 23170 37000: CASCADE or RESTRICT DROP not supported
- 23171 37000: No ESCAPE clause in LIKE predicate
- 23172 37000: Invalid datetime value
- 23174 Operation not allowed for an internal field
- 23175 SELECT * not allowed on Universal Relation
- 23176 Only SELECT or CREATE VIEW allowed on Universal Relation
- 23177 Only self-join allowed on Universal Relation
- 23178 Check Clause cannot have SELECT expression
- 23179 Correlated column must be a Group By column
- 23180 No select item is available
- 23181 Invalid decimal length
- 23182 Invalid string length for comparison
- 23183 37000: Parameter markers not allowed in the SELECT list
- 23184 Illegal use of parameter marker
- 23185 42000: Insufficient access right to create a Universal view
- 23186 Rich Text field can only be used in a WHERE clause with the LIKE predicate
- 23187 37000: Invalid column name: %s
- 23188 DISTINCT in aggregate function must be followed by a column name
- 23189 37000: Number of columns must be the same in UNION operation
- 23190 Data type mismatch of corresponding columns in UNION operation
- 23191 Join condition in outer join must contain only columns of the outer join tables - %s
- 23192 Search condition in outer join must be a join condition
- 23193 Only column may be compared with null
- 23194 ORDER BY clause must use integers in a UNION query
- 23195 Parameter marker not allowed in DDL
- 23201 Internal optimizer error
- 23202 Internal code gen. error
- 23203 23000: Table cannot be dropped as there are one or more Views dependent on it
- 23204 Rowset size is too large and is changed to %s
- 23205 Subquery of a basic predicate (=,!=,<,<=,>,>=) returns more than one value
- 23206 SQL Statement is too long
- 23300 01002: Disconnect error
- 23301 01004: Data truncated
- 23302 01006: Privilege not revoked
- 23303 01S00: Invalid string connection attribute
- 23304 01S02: Options value changed
- 23305 07001: Wrong number of parameters
- 23306 07006: Restricted data type attribute violation
- 23307 08001: Unable to connect to data source
- 23308 08002: Connection in use
- 23309 08003: Connection not open
- 23310 08004: Data source rejected establishment of connection
- 23311 08007: Connection failure during transaction
- 23312 08S01: Communication link failure
- 23313 22001: Data truncation
- 23314 22003: Numeric value out of range
- 23315 22005: Error in assignment
- 23316 22008: Data value is not a valid date, time or timestamp
- 23317 24000: Invalid cursor state
- 23318 25000: Invalid transaction state
- 23319 28000: Invalid authorization specification
- 23320 34000: Invalid cursor name
- 23321 37000: Syntax error or access violation
- 23322 3C000: Duplicate cursor name
- 23323 40001: Serialization failure
- 23324 42000: Syntax error or access violation
- 23325 70100: Operation aborted
- 23326 IM001: Driver does not support this function
- 23327 IM002: Data source name not found and no default driver specified
- 23328 IM003: Driver specified by data source name could not be loaded
- 23329 IM004: Driver's SQLAllocEnv failed
- 23330 IM005: Driver's SQLAlloconnect failed
- 23331 IM006: Driver's SQLSetConnectOption failed
- 23332 IM007: No data source specified; dialog prohibited
- 23333 IM008: Dialog failed
- 23334 IM009: Unable to load translation DLL
- 23335 S0001: Base table or view already exists - %s
- 23336 S0002: Base table not found - %s
- 23337 S0011: Index already exists - %s
- 23338 S0012: Index not found - %s
- 23339 S0021: Column already exists - %s
- 23340 S0022: Column not found - %s
- 23341 S1000: %s
- 23342 S1001: Memory allocation failure
- 23343 S1002: Invalid column number
- 23344 S1003: Program type out of range
- 23345 S1004: SQL data type out of range
- 23346 S1008: Operation canceled
- 23347 S1009: Invalid argument value
- 23348 S1010: Function sequence error
- 23349 S1012: Invalid transaction code
- 23350 S1015: No cursor name available
- 23351 S1090: Invalid string or buffer length
- 23352 S1091: Descriptor type out of range
- 23353 S1092: Option type out of range
- 23354 S1093: Invalid parameter number
- 23355 S1094: Invalid scale value
- 23356 S1095: Function type out of range
- 23357 S1096: Information type out of range
- 23358 S1097: Column type out of range
- 23359 S1098: Scope type out of range
- 23360 S1099: Nullable type out of range
- 23361 S1100: Uniqueness option out of range
- 23362 S1101: Accuracy option out of range
- 23363 S1102: Table type out of range
- 23364 S1104: Invalid precision value
- 23365 S1106: Fetch type out of range
- 23366 S1107: Row value out of range
- 23367 S1109: Invalid cursor position
- 23368 S1110: Invalid driver completion
- 23369 S1111: Invalid bookmark. Bookmark can only be specified within the rowset
- 23370 S1C00: Driver not capable
- 23371 S1T00: Timeout expired
- 23400 Invalid date value
- 23401 Invalid time value
- 23402 Invalid timestamp value
- 23403 Statistics not available for Universal Relation
- 23404 Unable to save the stack
- 23405 Data truncation for column %s: set length for Text or Rich Text field to higher limit in ODBC.INI
- 23406 Modifying a table which has been opened read only is not allowed
- 23407 Notes Initialization failed
- 23408 Notes Thread Initialization failed
- 23409 Thread timed out
- 23410 Internal MT failed
- 23500 Unrecognized parse node type
- 23501 Check condition too long
- 23502 Notes API driver error: %s
- 23503 Cannot open specified database
- 23504 ISAM Internal Error: Null Database Handle
- 23505 Record has no non-NULL items
- 23506 @If(
- 23507 ; @Success; @Failure(
- 23508 Input Validation Failed for field -
- 23509 @@105@@
- 23510 [Form] =
- 23511 @@SELECT@@ Form =
- 23512 @@102@@
- 23513 @Doc
- 23514 @@152@@
- 23515 @@154@@
- 23516 @@156@@
- 23517 @@157@@
- 23518 @~OBSOLETE
- 23519 @@104@@(
- 23520 !
- 23521 &
- 23522 |
- 23523 !=
- 23524 >
- 23525 >=
- 23526 <
- 23527 <=
- 23528 @@118@@(
- 23529 =
- 23530 -
- 23531 +
- 23532 /
- 23533 *
- 23534 86400
- 23535 @@180@@([Abbreviate];@@103@@)
- 23536 @@135@@(
- 23537 @@166@@(
- 23538 @@94@@(
- 23539 @@97@@(
- 23540 @@95@@(
- 23541 @@96@@(
- 23542 @@100@@(
- 23543 @@120@@(
- 23544 @@98@@(
- 23545 @@65@@(
- 23546 @@207@@(
- 23547 @@203@@(
- 23548 @@208@@(
- 23549 @@204@@(
- 23550 @@205@@(
- 23551 @@206@@(
- 23552 1 / @Tan(
- 23553 * 180) /
- 23554 / 180) *
- 23555 @@210@@
- 23556 @@129@@(
- 23557 @@128@@(
- 23558 @@127@@(
- 23559 @@69@@(
- 23560 @@167@@(
- 23561 @@130@@(
- 23562 @@211@@(
- 23563 @@66@@(
- 23564 @@212@@(
- 23565 @@75@@(
- 23566 @@76@@(
- 23567 @@44@@
- 23568 @@119@@(
- 23569 @@84@@(
- 23570 Sunday
- 23571 Monday
- 23572 Tuesday
- 23573 Wednesday
- 23574 Thursday
- 23575 Friday
- 23576 Saturday
- 23577 @@80@@(
- 23578 @@81@@(
- 23579 @@82@@(
- 23580 @@79@@(
- 23581 January
- 23582 February
- 23583 March
- 23584 April
- 23585 May
- 23586 June
- 23587 July
- 23588 August
- 23589 September
- 23590 October
- 23591 November
- 23592 December
- 23593 1; 1; 1; 2; 2; 2; 3; 3; 3; 4; 4; 4
- 23594 @@83@@(
- 23595 @@78@@(
- 23596 @@88@@(
- 23597 @@87@@(
- 23598 @@86@@(
- 23599 S2
- 23600 @@198@@(
- 23602 @@209@@(
- 23603 $Title =
- 23604 [$Title] =
- 23605 @@213@@(
- 23700 CATALOG
- 23701 Databases by _Server
- 23702 Pathname
- 23703 Title
- 23704 Server
- 23705 ODBC.INI
- 23706 $SQL_
- 23707 default
- 23708 MaxSubquery
- 23709 MaxStmtLen
- 23710 MaxRels
- 23711 MaxVarcharLen
- 23712 KeepTempIdx
- 23713 MaxLongVarcharLen
- 23714 Notes Databases|*.NSF|All Files|*.*|
- 23715 Text
- 23716 Rich Text
- 23717 Number
- 23718 Time
- 23719 max length
- 23720 precision,scale
- 23721 local
- 23722 NSF
- 23723 [Lotus][ODBC Lotus Notes]
- 23724 [Lotus Notes Server]
- 23725 Choose local Notes database:
- 23726 January
- 23727 February
- 23728 March
- 23729 April
- 23730 May
- 23731 June
- 23732 July
- 23733 August
- 23734 September
- 23735 October
- 23736 November
- 23737 December
- 23738 Sunday
- 23739 Monday
- 23740 Tuesday
- 23741 Wednesday
- 23742 Thursday
- 23743 Friday
- 23744 Saturday
- 23745 CHAR
- 23746 VARCHAR
- 23748 INTEGER
- 23749 SMALLINT
- 23750 REAL
- 23751 DOUBLE
- 23752 FLOAT
- 23753 DECIMAL
- 23754 NUMERIC
- 23755 DATE
- 23756 TIME
- 23758 TYPE_NAME
- 23759 DATA_TYPE
- 23764 NULLABLE
- 23768 MONEY
- 23773 SCOPE
- 23775 DATA TYPE
- 23776 TYPE NAME
- 23778 LENGTH
- 23779 SCALE
- 23782 TABLE_NAME
- 23783 NON_UNIQUE
- 23785 INDEX_NAME
- 23786 TYPE
- 23787 SEQ_IN_INDEX
- 23791 PAGES
- 23802 TABLE_NAME
- 23804 DATA_TYPE
- 23805 TYPE_NAME
- 23807 LENGTH
- 23808 SCALE
- 23809 RADIX
- 23810 NULLABLE
- 23811 REMARKS
- 23817 TABLE_NAME
- 23818 TABLE_TYPE
- 23819 REMARKS
- 23820 ALIAS
- 23821 FORM
- 23822 SYNONYM
- 23824 TABLE
- 23825 VIEW
- 23829 Lotus Notes
- 23830 FORM
- 23831 02.00
- 23832 WorkAround
- 23833 Thread Timeout
- 23834 Map Special Chars
- 23835 NSQLV32.DLL