home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
Null Bytes Alternating | 1997-01-09 | 5.5 KB | 91 lines |
- '++LotusScript Development Environment:2:5:(Options):0:66
- '++LotusScript Development Environment:2:5:(Forward):0:1
- Declare Sub Documentopened(Source As Application, Document As DOCUMENT)
- Declare Sub ClearVals
- Declare Sub Documentclose(Source As Application)
- '++LotusScript Development Environment:2:5:(Declarations):0:2
- '++LotusScript Development Environment:2:2:BindEvents:1:129
- Private Sub BindEvents(Byval Objectname_ As String)
- Static Source As APPLICATION
- Set Source = Bind(Objectname_)
- On Event Documentopened From Source Call Documentopened
- On Event Documentclose From Source Call Documentclose
- End Sub
- '++LotusScript Development Environment:2:2:Documentopened:1:12
- Sub Documentopened(Source As Application, Document As DOCUMENT)
- On Error Resume Next
- If gInit = 1 Then
- End
- End If
- 'Make sure the collections are updated first
- Doevents
- If Lcase$(Left(Document.name ,6)) = "db2www" Then
- i = 0
- 'CurrentApplication.visible = False
- CurrentDocument.window.visible = False
- gFlagLoaded = 0 'Flag used to determine if values in assistant need to be reset
- gPageLoaded = 0
- gCurPage = 1
- WebTemplate = ""
- Set CurrentWindow.Activeview =CurrentDocument.WWW~ Assistant
- Call Clearvals
- gInit = 1
- End If
- Err = 0
- End Sub
- '++LotusScript Development Environment:2:2:ClearVals:1:8
- Sub ClearVals
- On Error Resume Next
- 'Dim obtype As Long
- 'blank out some values and set some default values
- numrows = 0
- c = 0
- '**************There's currently a problem with accesssing all the objects on a multipage form, so we'll specify
- 'what we want cleared:
- With CurrentDocument.WWW~ Assistant.body
- .txtimagepath.text = "\images"
- .txtmacropath.text = ""
- .txtExeName.text = ""
- .txtnumrows.text=""
- .cbxPromptUserid.setstate(True)
- .cbxUseUserid.setstate(True)
- .cbxUsePswd.setstate(True)
- .rdoSqlOff.setstate(True)
- .rdoSearchAnd.setstate(True)
- .rdoNoConvert.setstate(True)
- .rdoFormPost.setstate(True)
- 'one panel2
- source.lbformsP2.background.color.setrgb color_white
- source.lbformsP2.font.color.setrgb color_black
- source.lbformsP2.readonly = False
- 'Let's set default values into the Step 3 screen:
- .txtUserid.readonly = 0
- .txtPswd.readonly = 0
- .txtUserid.background.color.setrgb color_white
- .txtPswd.background.color.setrgb color_white
- .txtUserid.text = "userid"
- .txtPswd.text = "password"
- 'Default values in panel 4:
- .txtNumRows.text = "0" 'The number of rows to return in the report
- .txtNumRows.background.color.setrgb color_30_gray
- .txtNumRows.font.color.setrgb color_12_gray
- 'default values in panel 5:
- .txtImagePath.text = "/images"
- .txtExeName.text = "/cgi-bin/db2www.exe"
- End With
- 'Clear any errors
- Err = 0
- End Sub
- '++LotusScript Development Environment:2:2:Documentclose:1:12
- Sub Documentclose(Source As Application)
- ReturnWinTitle
- End Sub