33 The Only Show And Tell Software \nfor Windows NT
34 Movie View Size
35 Play Button
36 Pause Button
37 Rewind Button
38 Fast Forward Button
39 ScreenCam Movies (*.scm)|*.scm|Stand-alone Movies (*.exe)|*.exe|Video for Windows files (*.avi)|*.avi|Sound-only files (*.wav)|*.wav|All files (*.*)|*.*||
40 Record Button
41 Clear Button
42 Microphone Button
43 Both Button
44 Camera Button
45 Segments Button
46 Duration Window
47 Sound Button
48 Stop Button
49 Sound Box
50 Open File
51 - default
52 Copr. ⌐ 1994, 1998 Lotus Development Corp.\nAll rights reserved.\n\nThis software is subject to the Lotus Software Agreement, Restricted Rights for U.S. government users, and applicable export regulations.
100 OLE initialization failed. Make sure that the OLE libraries are the correct version.
101 File Details
102 Default Caption Background
103 Default Caption Font
131 This is a trial version of Lotus ScreenCam. You may use it until %1 to create and save %2 screen movie(s).
132 This is a trial version of Lotus ScreenCam. You must unlock this application to allow further use.
135 full size
136 reduced size
137 Movie Segment %1 of %2
138 Movie Segment %1
139 (%1)
141 &Play
149 (none)
153 F2
154 F3
155 F5
156 F6
157 F7
158 F8
159 F9
160 F10
161 F11
162 F12
163 Pre&v
164 Ne&xt
165 Shift+
166 Ctrl+
168 Alt+
169 ESC
170 This script text was taken from Caption Script File:\n
171 Caption Script File description:\n
172 CAUTION! Do not remove caption starting and ending delimiter strings (e.g., '>>>', '<<<').
173 These strings indicate enclosed caption text. Place the delimiters at the beginning of a line.
174 Could not locate the beginning of caption text.
175 \n\nPlease check your text file and make sure that all caption delimiters are present. If in doubt, save an existing caption script as a text file to view the proper format.
176 Could not locate the end of caption %1.
177 \n\nContinue loading file?
186 &Undo Clear Soundtrack Ctrl+Z
187 &Undo Ctrl+Z
188 &Undo Clear Screentrack Ctrl+Z
189 &Undo Cut Ctrl+Z
190 &Undo Copy Ctrl+Z
191 &Undo Paste Ctrl+Z
192 &Undo Paste Property Ctrl+Z
193 Clear Scr&eentrack
194 Clear Sou&ndtrack
195 Cu&t Ctrl+X
196 &Edit
197 &Copy Ctrl+C
198 &Paste Ctrl+V
199 &Copy as Object Ctrl+C
200 Arial
201 -13
202 &File
203 &New Ctrl+N
204 &Open... Ctrl+O
205 &Save Ctrl+S
206 Save &As...
207 &Update Ctrl+S
208 Save Copy &As...
227 Small Fonts
230 -9
231 -15
232 MS Sans Serif
235 &View Text ESC
236 &Edit Text
240 Text
241 Number
242 Time
243 Embedded
244 Referenced
247 Caption %1 of %2
252 Sample movie description.
253 06:19:18 PM Today
255 (captioned)
256 Thumbnail (%1):
257 stored
258 generated
259 unavailable
278 Low Bit Rate (20:1)
280 none
281 unknown
282 VocalTec IMA ADPCM (2:1)
283 DSP TrueSpeech (8:1)
284 Lernout && Hauspie (16:1)
308 (Evaluation Version)
309 \n\nPlease contact Lotus Development Corp. at 1-800-343-5414 for information on availability of this product. Or visit the Lotus Website at http://www.lotus.com/screencam.
310 This is an evaluation copy of Lotus ScreenCam NT. Saving of movies and captions, and object linking and embedding is disabled.
311 Your trial period for use of Lotus ScreenCam, which extended through %1, has expired.
312 This version of ScreenCam may be used during a trial period only. This trial period expires on %1.
313 Your key has been verified. Thank you for purchasing this Lotus product.
314 Your trial period for use of Lotus ScreenCam has expired.
315 This version of Lotus ScreenCam will only record screen activity in Windows NT.\n\nIt does not support Windows 3.1, Windows for Workgroups, or Windows 95.
316 Lotus ScreenCam Movie v2.1
317 Lotus ScreenCam Movie v2.0
318 Lotus ScreenCam Movie v1.0
319 Lotus ScreenCam Movie Pre-Release
320 Lotus ScreenCam 97 Movie
321 Monochrome (1 bit)
322 4 color (2 bit)
323 16 color (4 bit)
324 256 color (8 bit)
325 High color (16 bit)
326 True color (24 bit)
327 True color (32 bit)
328 Black
329 Gray
330 Silver
331 White
332 Yellow
333 Olive
334 Green
335 Lime
336 Aqua
337 Teal
338 Blue
339 Navy
340 Purple
341 Fuschia
342 Red
343 Maroon
344 Bold Italic
345 Italic
346 Bold
347 Regular
400 The colored bar in the Duration Window indicates how much of the movie has played. It is green during playback, and red when the movie is paused.
401 Click the Play/Pause button to play the movie, or pause it at its current location.\n\n
402 During playback, your mouse pointer changes when it is over the movie. Use the secondary mouse button to view movie properties.
403 Click the Rewind button to return to the beginning of the movie.\n\n
404 If the movie is currently playing, ScreenCam goes to the beginning of the movie and resumes playing. Otherwise, click Play to resume playing.
405 Click the Fast Forward button to move quickly toward the end of the movie.\n\n
406 The movie continues forward as long as you hold the button down. After five seconds, the button turns bright green and the movie progresses as fast as possible.
407 Move the ScreenCam control panel, caption, or movie by clicking and dragging anywhere you see the hand.
408 The Sound Box displays if your PC does not contain sound hardware.\n\n
409 The box is dimmed if the current movie was recorded without sound.
410 The Sound Button displays if your PC contains sound hardware, but you cannot adjust the volume through software. Click the button to turn sound on or off.\n\n
411 The button is dimmed if the current movie was recorded without sound.
412 The Volume Control displays if your PC contains sound hardware and you can adjust the volume from a PC program. Drag the handle up to raise the volume, and down to lower it.\n\n
413 The control is dimmed if the current movie was recorded without sound.
414 Click the Stop button to halt movie playback. ScreenCam returns to the beginning of the movie.
415 Click the Segments button to display a menu of movie segments. Select a segment to move immediately to that part of the movie.
416 Click the Record button to begin recording a movie. The control panel will be replaced by the red Stop panel.
417 This panel appears in the bottom right corner of your screen, or wherever you left it from your last recording.\n\n
418 While ScreenCam is preparing to record, the mouse pointer changes to a stopwatch. Wait until the stopwatch changes back to the pointer to begin recording.
419 Click the Pause button to pause recording a movie. The Pause button will change to the Record button, and the panel will flash to show that recording is paused.
420 Click Record to resume recording.\n\n
421 Click the Stop button to stop recording a movie. The full control panel will reappear where you left it when you started recording. The stop panel will be recorded in your movie.\n\n
422 Move the Stop panel by clicking and dragging anywhere you see the hand mouse pointer.
423 Click the Clear button to clear the current movie.\n\nThe Clear button performs the same action as selecting File New from the main menu.
424 Click the Mic button if you want to record sound only. Click Record to begin recording.\n\n
425 The Mic button is disabled while a movie is playing, or if your PC does not contain sound hardware.
426 Click the Both button if you want to record both sound and screen activity. Click Record to begin recording.\n\n
427 The Both button is disabled while a movie is playing, or if your PC does not contain sound hardware.
428 Click the Camera button if you want to record screen activity only. Click Record to begin recording.\n\n
429 The Camera button is disabled while a movie is playing.
430 Lotus ScreenCam records all screen activity as well as your voice (if your PC has sound hardware).\n\nTo begin recording, click the Record button.\n\n
431 If you want help about any of the controls, point to one and press your secondary mouse button.\n\nYou can also press F1 at any time for more help.
432 You can distribute both .SCM and .EXE format ScreenCam movies, as well as the ScreenCam player (SCPLAYER.EXE), free of charge.\n\n
433 For any ScreenCam movie that you distribute for commercial purposes, you shall reproduce the ScreenCam logo (file SC_TM.EPS in your ScreenCam \LOGOS directory)
434 (i) in your product splash screen and about box, (ii) on your media, CD-ROM, Internet Home Page or other on-line service offering, and (iii) on your packaging.
435 You are not permitted to copy or distribute the ScreenCam recorder (SCRCAMNT.EXE).\n\n
436 Use, duplication, or sale of any portion of this product, except as described in the Lotus License Agreement, is strictly forbidden.
437 /S - hide the ScreenCam title (beginning) and product (end) screens\n
438 /P - wait for the user to click the Play button to begin playback\n
439 /R - repeat playback of the movie\n
440 /C - close the movie when it has finished playing\n
441 /H - hide the control panel during playback\n
442 /2 to /9 - play the movie the specified number of times\n
443 Press the %1 hot key to stop recording.
444 /VXX,YY - if the movie is smaller than full screen, locate movie view at screen position XX,YY from the upper left\n
445 Save changes to caption script %1?
446 Your Video for Windows movie will require nearly %1 KB of disk space.
447 \n\nYou can reduce this size by choosing a lower frame rate or selecting the current view size, if available.
448 You can also reduce the size by choosing a smaller color palette for your monitor (modify your Display Properties from the Windows Control Panel).
449 \n\nClick Cancel if you do not want to create a Video for Windows movie at this time.
450 Lotus ScreenCam Movie
451 Lotus ScreenCam Caption Window
452 Lotus ScreenCam Playback View
453 Lotus ScreenCam Caption Script
500 An error was encountered during this operation.
501 Cannot load file %1 because it has an unrecognized format, its data/size is invalid, or it does not exist.\n\nPlease select a different file to open.
502 The movie %1 requires a later version of Lotus ScreenCam.\n\nPlease contact Lotus at 1-800-343-5414 in the U.S. for more information. In Canada, call 1-800-GO-LOTUS.
503 Cannot locate packed dynamic library in file %1.
504 You do not have enough free disk space to save this movie.\n\nRemove some files to free more space, or choose a different drive.
505 Cannot create a stand-alone movie because the file %1 is missing.\n\nPlease reinstall Lotus ScreenCam.
506 Cannot locate sound data in file %1.
507 Could not compress or decompress sound data.
508 Could not locate file %1.\n\nPlease choose a different file.
509 Could not locate file %1 along this path.\n\nPlease choose a different location.
510 Too many files are currently open.\n\nPlease close one or more files and attempt this operation again.
511 Cannot access file %1.\n\nThe file may not exist, or you may not have sufficient access privileges.
512 The file %1 does not exist or may have been corrupted in a prior operation.\n\nPlease try this operation again or choose a different file.
513 The directory is full.\n\nPlease choose a different location.
514 Cannot access the desired location in file %1.\n\nPlease try this operation again or choose a different file.
515 A disk error was encountered during a read or write of file %1.\n\nPlease make sure that your disk is in good condition, or choose a different file.
516 Could not access file %1 due to a sharing violation.\n\nThe file may be located on a read-only drive, or it may be in use by another application.
517 A locking violation was encountered while trying to access file %1.\n\nThe file may be located on a read-only drive, or it may be in use by another application.
518 Could not save file %1 because the disk is full.\n\nPlease choose a different location.
519 The end of file %1 was reached unexpectedly.\n\nPlease try this operation again or choose a different file.
520 An error was encountered while accessing file %1.\n\nPlease try this operation again or choose a different file.
521 Cannot allocate memory for data buffer.
522 This movie cannot be saved as a Video for Windows file because it does not contain screen activity.
523 \n\nChoose a different file type, or enter a .scm file extension before saving your movie.
524 This movie cannot be saved as a Waveform Audio file because it does not contain a soundtrack.
525 Cannot load required file (%1).
526 \n\nIf this fails, the file may be missing or damaged. You may need to reinstall Lotus ScreenCam or restart Windows.
527 \n\nYou will not be able to send mail via Lotus Notes or Lotus cc:Mail from ScreenCam. Please verify that your mail system is correctly configured before trying again.
528 Reset all Hot Keys to their default values?
529 \n\nYou will not be able to play the soundtrack of movies containing compressed sound.
530 Please select a default background before continuing.
531 Please select a background file before setting a default.
532 Please select a valid background file before setting a default.
533 You do not have enough free disk space to record a movie.\n\nYou should remove some files to free more space before recording a movie. You can also choose Edit - Preferences to select a different location for temporary files.
534 You have a limited amount of free disk space remaining. You may not have enough disk space to hold your entire movie.\n\nDo you wish to record at this time?
535 ScreenCam cannot determine if there is sufficient free disk space to allow recording.\n\nUse Edit - Preferences to verify that a temporary location has been specified.
536 \n\nYou will not be able to display captions or record without the stop panel.
537 Please make sure that all Hot Keys have values.\n\nClick Reset to restore all Hot Keys to their default values.
538 Please enter a value which does not include F1 or F4.
539 Extended Keys (such as INSERT, END, PAGE UP, etc.) cannot be used as Hot Keys. Please enter a different value.
540 The %1 and %2 Hot Keys cannot have the same value.\n\nPlease make sure that these keys are unique.
541 The Hot Key values you entered will be verified and stored. However, you cannot display captions or record without the stop panel because the Hot Key library was not successfully loaded.
542 You will also be unable to compress the soundtrack of movies during File - Save.
543 \n\nYou will not be able to record screen activity.
544 Recording is being halted so that you will have enough disk space to save a movie of this length.
545 \n\nBefore recording another movie, remove some files to free more space, or choose Edit - Preferences to change the temporary file location to a different drive.
546 The number of segments in your movie has exceeded the maximum limit. Only the first 20 segments will appear in the popup menu when you click the Segments button on the control panel.
547 Do you wish to continue saving this file?
548 Creating movie frames ...
549 Your movie will require an estimated %1 KB more disk space than is available on this drive.\n\nDo you wish to continue saving this file?
550 \n\nLoad the file as format type '%1'?
551 \n\nSave the file as format type '%1'?
552 The file extension .%1 is not a recognized ScreenCam movie extension.
553 The file extension .%1 is not a recognized ScreenCam caption script extension. If you want to open a ScreenCam movie, choose Edit - Movie, and then choose File - Open.
554 The file extension .%1 is not a recognized bitmap extension.
555 Processing audio data ...
556 Cannot compress or decompress sound data because the library %1 was not loaded.
557 Copying data ...
558 Cannot save movie to a file named %1.\n\nPlease choose a different filename.
559 Cannot hide the Stop panel or display a logo because Hot keys are not available.\n\nYour Preferences will be changed to make the Stop panel visible.
560 The number of captions in your caption script has exceeded the maximum limit. All captions beyond the 100th caption will be discarded.
562 Your movie is %1 shorter than the selected file.\n\nDo you really want to combine the two?
563 Your movie is %1 longer than the selected file.\n\nDo you really want to combine the two?
564 If you want to open a ScreenCam caption script, choose Edit - Captions, and then choose File - Open.
565 Cannot play sound because the sound device is already in use. Wait until it is free and then try again.
566 Cannot access sound driver/hardware. Please make sure that your sound hardware is properly connected to your machine and turned on.
567 \n\nUse the ScreenCam control panel to turn sound back on.
568 Could not allocate buffer for audio data.
569 Could not locate correct position in audio data stream.
570 Incorrect buffer size encountered during audio processing.
571 Could not compress or read audio data.
572 Your recording is being halted because your system's audio device is not available (another application may be playing audio).\n\nTry recording audio later when the device is free.
573 \n\nYou will not be able to share data with Lotus Notes documents using Notes /FX. Please verify that Lotus Notes is correctly installed before trying again.
574 If you have another instance of ScreenCam running, close it and click 'Retry'.
575 \n\nIf you click 'Ignore', you will not be able to play the soundtrack of movies containing compressed sound.
576 \n\nIf you click 'Ignore', you will not be able to record screen activity.
577 \n\nIf you click 'Ignore', you will not be able to display captions or record without the stop panel.