3031 Select the features of Freelance Graphics you want to install.
3032 The minimum files necessary to run Freelance Graphics.
3033 SmartMaster looks control the look of your presentation. Each look is a collection of page layouts with a stylistically consistent design.
3034 Clip Art files
3036 Export filters for graphic files
3037 Import filters for graphic files
3038 Movie files (*.aim). You can add movies to Freelance Graphics presentations.
3039 Sound files (*.wav). You can add sounds to Freelance Graphics presentations.
3040 Content topics require specific diagrams, clip art, and SmartMaster looks. If you have already opted to not install any of these, but do want to install content topics, Install automatically selects and installs only those files \nthat it requires.
3041 Freelance Graphics Help files. The Guide Me feature in Freelance Graphics also relies on the Help files.
3042 VGA Display Type provides support for 640 x 480 and 800 x 600 displays.
3043 SVGA Display Type provides support for 1024 x 768 displays.
3044 Bulleted list page layout from this SmartMaster look:
3045 Windows TrueType fonts used by Freelance Graphics
3046 Lotus Freelance Graphics Release 9
3047 Mobile Screen Show Player files. If you opt not to install Mobile Screen Show Player files, you will disable the TeamShow feature in Freelance Graphics.
3048 Diagram files
3049 Lotus SmartSuite
3050 Freelance Graphics Folder
3051 Freelance Graphics Server Folder
3052 Freelance Graphics Distribution Folder
3054 SmartMaster Looks
3055 Freelance
3056 98.0
3057 Lotus Freelance Graphics
3058 Freelance 9 Mobile Screen Show Player
3059 Freelance 9 Mobile Screen Show Install
3060 Freelance Graphics 9 TeamShow
3061 Freelance Product Updates
3062 Older Versions Found
3063 FLGApp
3064 Freelance Graphics Presentation Library database, for Notes Version 4.x.
3065 Freelance Graphics Presentation Library database, for Notes Version 3.x.
3092 Freelance Graphics was unable to install the font files because you had read-only access to your windows system folder. The product will still run properly.
3094 Spell Check
3095 Spell Check checks for misspelled and repeated words. In SmartSuite, deselecting this option deselects it for all products.
3096 LotusScript Help Files
3097 Australian Dictionary
3100 Cmptr Grphics Metafile(CGM)
3101 Micrografx Designer 3.0(DRW)
3102 AutoCAD Draw Intrchg(DXF)
3103 Targa Bitmap (TGA)
3104 HP Graphics Gallery (GAL)
3105 Hrvd Grphs for Windows (PRS)
3106 HP Graphics Language (HGL)
3107 Macintosh PICT (PCT)
3108 Adobe(AI) / Encap PS(EPS)
3109 AutoShade Rendering (RND)
3110 WordPerfect Graphic (WPG)
3113 Graphics Interchange(GIF)
3114 Zsoft PC P/B Bitmap (PCX)
3115 Tag Image (TIF)
3116 OS/2 Metafile (MET)
3117 Windows Bitmap (BMP)
3118 PowerPoint 3.0 - 7.0 (PPT)
3120 JPEG-encoded bitmap (JPG)
3121 Kodak Photo CD (PCD)
3122 Portable Network Graphic (PNG)
3130 Windows Bitmap (BMP)
3131 Graphics Interchange(GIF)
3132 Zsoft PC P/B Bitmap (PCX)
3133 Tag Image (TIF)
3134 Targa Bitmap (TGA)
3135 Cmptr Grphics Metafile(CGM)
3136 Adobe(AI) / Encap PS(EPS)
3137 WordPerfect Graphic (WPG)
3139 OS/2 Metafile (MET)
3140 World Wide Web Pres (HTM)
3200 1998
3201 1997
3202 3 - line
3203 4 - square
3204 Abstract
3205 Angles
3206 Architecture
3207 Australia
3208 Basic line
3209 Beveled rule
3210 Block line
3211 Blocks
3212 Bluegray
3213 Brass
3214 Bullets
3216 Buttons
3217 Canada (maple leaf)
3218 Canada map
3219 Capitol building - U.S.
3220 Circle
3221 Corporate
3222 Cuisine
3223 Currency
3224 Custom - vertical
3225 Deco
3227 Dotline - 1
3228 Dotline - 2
3229 EEC
3230 Elegance
3231 Europe
3232 Farm
3233 Festive
3234 Finance
3235 Flags
3236 Food
3237 Forest
3238 Frame
3239 France
3240 Gears
3241 Germany
3242 Gradated - 1
3243 Gradated - 2
3244 Gradated - 3
3245 Gradated line
3246 Graph line
3247 Holland
3248 Italy
3249 Japan
3250 Japanese flag
3251 Liberty (Statue of Liberty)
3252 Marble
3253 Medical - l
3254 Medical - 2
3255 Multimedia 3d
3256 Multimedia blue
3257 Multimedia pastel
3258 Multimedia purple
3259 Multimedia shapes
3260 Multimedia sketch
3261 Multimedia square
3262 Multimedia stage
3263 Multimedia stripe
3264 Meeting - 1
3265 Meeting - 2
3266 Mktgplan
3267 Motion
3268 Mountain
3269 Neo
3270 Night sky
3271 Notebook
3272 Oil refinery
3273 Oil rig
3274 Ornate
3275 Pacific
3276 Page
3277 Pencil
3278 Pillar
3279 Pill bottle
3280 Plane
3281 Presentation
3282 Pyramid
3283 Rainbow
3285 Rushmore
3286 Scrim
3287 Shadowed box
3288 Shimmer
3289 Ship
3290 Sketch
3291 Skyline
3292 Southwest
3293 Space
3294 Spain
3295 Spotlight
3296 Stack
3297 Stock market
3298 Sweep
3299 Symbol box
3300 Test tube
3301 Tiles
3302 Tractor
3303 Tube
3304 Textured basket
3305 Textured blue
3306 Textured electronics
3307 Textured fiber
3308 Textured granite
3309 Textured leaf
3310 Textured marble green
3311 Textured marble rose
3312 Textured marble white
3313 Textured paper
3314 Textured pebble
3315 Textured red
3316 Textured rivets
3317 Textured rock
3318 Textured speckles
3319 Textured swirl
3320 Textured teal
3321 Textured wood
3322 Textured water drop
3323 Textured water wave
3324 United Kingdom
3325 USA flag
3326 USA map
3328 Vertical bar
3329 Waffle
3330 Wave
3331 World - 1
3350 f32main.exe
3351 flw.ri
3352 flg.v20
3353 flg.020
3354 flg3.ini
3355 win.ini
3356 lotus.ini
3357 flgtls3.ini
3358 ltchen22.dll
3359 ltsuser1.dic
3360 flgres8.dll
3361 flgib8en.dll
3362 flgresv.dll
3363 flgibven.dll
3364 blank.mas
3365 isgdi32.dll
3367 default.smi
3368 multimed.smi
3369 readme.wri
3370 gradline.mas
3400 Africa (maps)
3401 Agenda
3402 Animals
3403 Arrows
3404 Asia
3405 Asia (maps)
3406 Atlantic (maps)
3407 Australia & New Zealand(maps)
3408 Austrian (maps)
3409 Benelux
3410 Benelux (maps)
3411 British Isles (maps)
3412 Building
3413 Buttons
3414 Canada
3415 Canada (maps)
3416 Cartoons
3417 China (maps)
3418 Closure
3419 Common objects
3420 Communications
3421 Computer peripherals
3422 Computer
3423 Custom
3424 Entertainment
3425 Environment
3426 Europe (maps)
3427 European Union (maps)
3428 Finance
3429 Flags
3430 Food
3431 France
3432 France (maps)
3434 Germany (map)
3435 Germany
3436 Hands
3437 Hong Kong (maps)
3438 Iberia (maps)
3439 Industry
3440 Ireland (maps)
3441 Italy
3442 Italy (maps)
3443 Japan (maps)
3444 Korea (maps)
3445 Latin America (maps)
3446 Legends
3447 Medical
3448 Men
3449 North America (maps)
3450 Network
3451 Next step
3452 Office objects
3453 Pacific (maps)
3454 People
3455 Poland (maps)
3456 Presentation
3457 Project
3458 Puzzle
3459 Roads
3460 Russia (maps)
3461 Sales
3462 South America (maps)
3463 Scandinavia (maps)
3464 Science
3465 Singapore (maps)
3466 Southeast Asia (maps)
3467 Spain
3468 Sports
3469 Switzerland (maps)
3470 Taiwan (maps)
3471 Textbox
3472 Time
3473 Transportation
3474 United Kingdom
3475 USA
3476 USA (maps)
3477 Weather
3478 Women
3479 World (maps)
3498 Sounds
3499 Movies
3500 Aircraft
3501 Arrow down left
3502 Arrow down right
3503 Arrow left down
3504 Arrow light (marquee)
3505 Arrow left up
3506 Arrow right down
3507 Arrow right up
3508 Arrow up left
3509 Arrow up right
3510 Award
3511 Balance
3512 Balloon - 1
3513 Balloon - 2
3514 Batter
3515 Bike
3516 Birdy
3518 Book
3519 Breakdown
3520 Breakout
3521 Buildup
3522 Calendar
3523 Car
3524 Champagne
3525 Clock
3526 Clouds
3527 Clouds with lightning
3528 Compete
3529 Copter
3531 Cursor
3532 Cutting costs
3533 Dinosaur
3534 Dog
3535 Door open
3536 Downsize
3537 Fireworks
3538 Flag waving
3539 Flip coin
3540 Food chain
3541 Frog - 2
3542 Global market
3543 Growth
3544 Handshake
3546 Hourglass
3547 Jackpot
3548 Lady bug
3549 Man
3550 Moneybag
3551 Mouse
3552 Network
3553 Off target
3554 On target
3555 Painted
3556 Parachute
3557 Plane
3559 Profit down
3560 Profit up
3561 Projector
3562 Question mark
3563 Shark
3565 Split down
3566 Split left
3567 Split right
3568 Split up
3569 Starburst - 1
3570 Starburst - 2
3571 Sun
3572 Synergy
3573 Unbalanced
3574 Upsize
3576 Winner
3578 Zap
3579 Applause
3580 Car skid
3581 Cheering
3582 Chime_a
3583 Chime_b
3584 Corporate (fanfare)
3586 Jazzy
3587 Lion roar
3588 Phone
3592 Pop
3593 Rain
3594 Ship's horn
3595 Ticking
3596 Trumpet
3597 Whistle
3650 Branch
3651 Custom
3652 Flow
3653 Gantt
3654 Graph
3655 Hub
3656 Network
3657 Pyramid
3658 Quality
3659 Section
3660 Target
3661 Timeline
3662 Venn
3700 Brainstorming Session
3701 Business Plan
3702 Competitor Analysis
3703 Corporate Overview
3704 Meeting - Standard
3705 Meeting - Team
3706 Market Research
3707 New Market Entry
3708 Orientation
3709 Product/Service Launch
3710 Positioning - Trout & Ries
3711 Product/Service Briefing
3712 Project Status Report
3713 Project Update
3714 Project Proposal
3715 Recommend a Strategy
3716 Strategic Alliance
3717 Training
3718 Benefits Plan
3719 Business Review
3720 Industry Analysis
3721 IT Strategy - Gemini Consulting
3722 Quality Improvement - Juran
3723 Sales - Zig Ziglar
3724 Sales - Ken Wax
3725 Strategic Plan - SLF
3726 Market Strategy - Kotler
3727 Market Segmentation - Kotler
3728 Marketing Mix - Kotler
3729 Marketing Plan - Kotler
3800 flwrsen.dll
3801 flwrs8en.d32
3802 flwib8en.d32
3803 flwrsven.d32
3804 flwibven.d32
3805 United States
3806 Error Creating Registry String
3807 Error Creating Registry Dword
3808 Windows/PM Bitmap
3809 Computer Graphics Metafile
3810 Micrografx Designer 3.0
3811 AutoCAD Drawing Interchange
3812 Encapsulated postscript
3813 Hewlett Packard Graphics Gallery
3814 Graphics Interchange
3815 Hewlett Packard Graphics Language
3816 OS/2 Metafile
3817 Zsoft PC Paintbrush Bitmap
3818 Macintosh PCT
3819 MS PowerPoint 3.0 - 7.0
3820 Harvard Graphics for Windows
3821 AutoShade Rendering
3822 Targa Bitmap
3823 WordPerfect Graphic
3824 Adobe Illustrator
3825 Windows Bitmap
3826 World Wide Web Presentation
3827 Tag Image
3828 Field1
3829 Field2
3830 Field3
3831 Field4
3832 Field5
3833 Field6
3834 Field7
3835 Field8
3836 JPEG-encoded bitmap
3837 Kodak Photo CD
3838 Portable Network Graphic
3840 Extension Class
3841 InFieldDLLExtension
3842 DLL To Load
3843 Execute Entry Point
3844 EntryPoint1
3845 Menu Text
3846 Save and &Go
3847 Prompt Text
3848 Package presentation for viewing on another machine