The file, %s, cannot be saved because your disk is full or damaged.
Check the properties of your disk using the Windows Explorer, or use SCANDISK to see if your disk is full. If your disk is full, delete unwanted files to free up disk space and then try saving the file again. Freelance Graphics cannot create the temporary file named %s because of memory constraints. There may be insufficient disk space or you may be out of memory.
Check the properties of your disk using the Windows Explorer, or use SCANDISK to see if your disk is full.
If your disk is full, delete unwanted files to free up disk space and then try again.
To make memory available, close other applications, or, if no other applications are running, close other windows in Freelance Graphics. TeamShow was not able to find any computer with that address
on the same network as you. Attributes cannot be set for metafiles or PostScript objects.
If you have a metafile, ungroup it and edit its individual parts. When you ungroup the metafile, its appearance may change and any links that may have existed are broken.
To ungroup a metafile, select it, click the right mouse button over it, and choose Ungroup.
If you have a PostScript object, you cannot ungroup it. You have to import the file again. When prompted to make it a PostScript object, select No. To import the file:
1. Choose File - Open.
2. Under Files of type, select the file type you want to import.
3. Specify or highlight the file you want to import.
4. Click Open to import the file. The name you entered is already in the list. It will be ignored. The current file could not be saved because Freelance Graphics does not have access to the drive.
If you are trying to save to a floppy disk, make sure the floppy is in the drive and is not write-protected. Freelance Graphics could not load your mail system.
Either your mail program has not been correctly installed, or
your mail system is currently down. Freelance Graphics could not log in to your mail system.
Your mail system may be down or may be busy. An error occurred while attempting to create your mail message.
Either one or more names on your recipient list are not correct, or there is no room on your disk to store a temporary file.
Check your recipient list for correct names.
Check the properties of your disk using the Windows Explorer, or use SCANDISK to see if your disk is full, if your disk is full, delete unwanted files to free up disk space.