857 Rearrange windows or activate specified windows.
859 Create, open, save, print documents or exit Approach
860 Run an Approach add-in
863 &Import Approach File...
864 &Import Data...
865 Basics
866 Options
867 Fields in %s
868 Print Se&tup...
869 Pa&ge Setup...
870 Browse
871 Close
872 Delete
873 Dial
874 Replicate
875 Edit
876 Enter
877 Exit
878 Export
879 Find
880 Records
881 View
882 Import
883 Mail
884 Menu Switch
885 Message
886 Spell Check
887 Open
888 Print Preview
889 Print
890 Run
891 Save
892 Zoom
893 Set
894 Sort
895 Page To
896 Tab
898 Send Key
899 FillField
900 Show Internet Tools
941 Print Current Page
942 Close and Disconnect
950 Design or change a new or existing view
951 View, calculate, or modify the data in the database
952 Find a set of records
953 Go to the first record
954 Go to the previous record
955 Go to the next record
956 Go to the last record
957 Enter the new or modified record, or perform the find
958 Create a new record
959 Delete the current record
960 Print the current view
961 Used to select, move or stretch objects
962 Draw a new text block
963 Draw a new rectangle
964 Draw a new ellipse
965 Draw a new line
966 Draw a new rounded rectangle
967 Draw a new field object
968 Draw a new checkbox
969 Draw a new button
970 Draw a new PicturePlus object
971 Zoom in for a closer look
972 Zoom out to see more
973 Constrain fields to only horizontal movement
974 Move fields freely
1001 Create a new database and Approach file
1002 Open an existing Approach file or database
1003 Save the current Approach file; data is saved automatically
1004 Save a copy of the current Approach file and its databases
1005 Delete an Approach or database file
1008 Join databases together to create relationships
1009 Create new fields; define field types and options
1011 Print the current view
1012 Specify paper, orientation, margin, and printer settings
1013 Quit Approach and prompt to save all unsaved files
1014 Close the active window
1015 Display information about the current Approach file
1020 Record or stop transcripting
1029 Define security levels for users, groups, and databases
1030 Send the current file, view or data by electronic mail
1037 Save the current view in jDoc or HTML format
1040 Dial a number
1050 Open %s
1060 Visit the Lotus Internet sites
1061 Saves the current view as jDoc or HTML and posts it to your preferred site
1062 Opens a file from the Internet
1063 Saves a file to the Internet
1064 Set autoconnect preferences for FTP servers
1210 Create and modify macros to automate tasks
1279 Show the LotusScript editor
1330 When in Design, show or hide the ruler
1504 Use the InfoBox to set the properties of the selected view
1529 Show or hide the status bar at the bottom of the screen
1530 Show or hide the action bar
1531 Show or hide the tabs at the top of each view
1532 Maximize viewing area by hiding SmartIcons, status bar, action bar, and view tabs
1538 Show or hide the Internet Tools
1539 Use the InfoBox to set the properties of the selected view
1540 Use the InfoBox to set the properties of the selected object
1542 Show or hide the SmartIcons
1543 When in Design, show drawing tools
1901 Size and stack open windows diagonally
1902 Change to the window containing this document
1995 Display a list of Help topic categories
1996 Display information on keyboard shortcuts
1997 Display information on how to use Approach help
1999 Display the Approach release number and copyright
2000 Search for help topics associated with a keyword
2001 Display information about new features
2002 Display instructions of common Approach tasks
2003 Display information on Approach functions
2004 Display information on working with other Lotus applications
2005 Display information on Lotus Customer Support
2006 Take a tour of Approach
2010 Open or Edit a SQL file using the SQL Assistant
2012 Display all Finds and Sorts created using the Find Assistant
2015 Tile all windows so that they are taller than they are wide
2016 Tile all windows so that they are wider than they are tall
2017 Go to the Lotus Home Page
2018 Go to the Lotus FTP site
2019 Go to the Lotus Customer Support page
3403 Enter
3405 Constrain fields to only horizontal movement
3408 Escape
3424 When in Design, draw a chart
4006 Add or merge data from different data formats
4007 Export data to different data formats
4018 Find and correct misspelled or duplicate words
4201 Reverse the last action
4202 Cut the selection and put it on the clipboard
4203 Copy the selection and put it on the clipboard
4204 Insert the clipboard contents at the cursor or last place clicked
4205 Select all of the objects on the current view
4206 Copy the selected graphic to a file
4207 Insert a graphic or OLE object from a file
4208 Duplicate the current view
4209 Delete the current view
4211 Clear the selection
4212 Insert the active OLE object at last place clicked
4213 When in Design, create and insert an OLE object into the current view
4214 Allow links to be viewed, updated or removed
4216 Find and replace text in the current selection, record, or found set
4217 Opens the application of the selected linked object for editing
4218 When in Design, add a custom control
4240 When in Design, draw a line
4241 When in Design, draw a text block
4242 When in Design, draw a circle or an ellipse
4243 When in Design, draw a square or a rectangle
4244 When in Design, draw a rectangle with rounded corners
4245 When in Design, draw a field box
4246 When in Design, draw a radio button
4247 When in Design, draw a check box
4248 When in Design, draw a PicturePlus field
4249 When in Design, draw a button
4250 When in Design, draw lines, rectangles, ellipses and other objects
4251 Insert special date, time, page number or field symbols in a text block
4252 Insert the date, time, or previous value
4253 When a column is highlighted, select the header or cells
4254 Find, find again, and find all records
4255 Set the priority of the selected object(s)
4260 Remove style and effects from selected text
4261 Bold selected text
4262 Underline selected text
4263 Italicize selected text
4264 Align the text to the left
4265 Align the text to the center
4266 Align the text to the right
4267 Justify the both the left and right
4268 Single space the text
4269 Double space the text
4270 Strike a line through the selected text
4271 Space the text 1.5 lines
4321 Go to Design to edit and lay out views in the current Approach file
4322 Go to Browse to enter, review, find and sort data
4324 Display the current view as it will be printed
4326 When in Design or Print Preview, zoom in on the current view
4327 When in Design or Print Preview, display the current view at its actual size
4328 When in Design or Print Preview, zoom out on the current view
4331 When in Design, snap objects to the grid
4335 When in Design, turn on or off the grid lines
4341 When in Design, display actual data instead of field names
4342 Drag a field from the list to add to the view
4343 When in Design, show or hide the report panel labels
4350 Zoom to 200%
4351 Zoom to 100%
4352 Zoom to 85%
4353 Zoom to 75%
4354 Zoom to 50%
4355 Zoom to 25%
4398 Sort the field or rows selected in an ascending order
4399 Sort the field or rows selected in a descending order
4401 Find all records that meet the find conditions
4402 Add another search example to the find conditions
4403 Find all of the records in the database
4404 Update data to see changes by others working on the same file
4405 Create a new record
4406 Delete the selected record(s)
4407 Hide the selected record(s)
4408 Sort the database according to the defined sort order
4409 Advances the database to the next record
4410 Returns the database to the previous record
4411 Returns the database to the first record
4412 Advances the database to the last record
4414 Show the last find conditions to narrow the search
4415 Set the data in the selected field to the defined value for each record
4416 Duplicate the selected record(s)
4417 Delete all the records in the found set
4419 Find duplicate or unique records
4425 Calculate the average of the values in the selected column
4426 Calculate the number of items in the selected column
4427 Calculate the sum of the values in the selected column
4428 Display the minimum value of the selected column
4429 Display the maximum value of the selected column
4430 Calculate the standard deviation of the values in the selected column
4431 Calculate the variance of the values in the selected column
4438 Calculate the column by the selected formula
4439 When a column is highlighted, select the cells
4440 When a column is highlighted, select the header
4441 Add a crosstab column to summarize the data
4442 Add a crosstab row to summarize the data
4443 Edit the label of the selected column
4445 Show the Find/Sort Assistant
4446 Restore the last find
4447 Clear the current find
4501 Create a new form using the Form Assistant
4502 Create a new report using the Report Assistant
4503 Create a new mailing label using the Mailing Label Assistant
4505 When in Design, change or review the data entry order
4506 When in Design, add a panel that groups the data in the report
4508 When in Design, add a panel to the form that lists related records
4510 Inserts a header at the top of the report
4511 Inserts a footer at the bottom of the report
4512 Show or hide the title page of the report
4513 Create a new form letter using the Form Letter Assistant
4520 Create a new worksheet using the Worksheet Assistant
4521 Create a new crosstab using the Crosstab Assistant
4522 Create a new chart using the Chart Assistant
4523 Create a new envelope using the Envelope Assistant
4525 View and modify the chart data source
4526 Duplicate the current worksheet as a report
4527 Inserts a different header and footer on the first page of the report
4545 Clear tabs
4546 Reset tabs
4547 Undo tabs
4601 Place the selected objects in front of the stack of objects
4602 Place the selected objects at the back of the stack of objects
4603 Place the selected objects one layer forward in the stacking order
4604 Place the selected objects one layer backward in the stacking order
4605 Group the selected objects into one object
4606 Ungroup the selected grouped objects for editing
4607 Align the selected objects to each other or to the grid
4608 Insert special symbols to display the current page when in Browse
4609 Insert today's date in a field in Browse or a text block in Design
4610 Insert special symbols in to the text block to display field data
4613 Insert the prevous record's values in the selected field
4614 Insert the current time in a field in Browse or a text block in Design
4622 Duplicate the current page
4627 Add a page to the current view
4628 Delete the current page
4629 View the underlying data
4700 Switch between different views within the current Approach file
5545 Specify default settings for display, databases, and more
5546 Create and modify SmartIcon bars
5547 Define a named style; apply named styles to objects
5548 Create and modify menus to be used in Browse
5549 Copy the selected item's style and apply it to other objects
5700 Run the selected macro
7000 Edit the selected OLE object
8000 Change the window size
8001 Change the window position
8002 Reduce the window to an icon
8003 Enlarge the active window to full size
8004 Switch to the next window in Approach
8005 Quit Approach and prompt to save the Approach file
8006 Restore the window to normal size
8007 Allow switching to other tasks in the Task List
8008 Import an Approach file
8009 Change to the window for this file
8010 Create, open, save, print documents or exit Approach
8011 Undo, cut, copy, paste, duplicate, and delete views
8012 Switch between Browse and Design. Show and hide view attributes
8013 Create views, add panels, and define fields and joins
8014 Change the properties of the selected object
8015 Rearrange windows or activate specified windows
8016 List Help Topics, take a tour, or display the Approach release number and copyright
8018 Move, size or close application window
8019 Find, sort, duplicate, or delete records
8020 Insert column
8021 Insert row
8022 Edit heading
8023 Select heading
8024 Select column
8025 Select row
8026 Move column
8027 Move row
8028 Size column
8029 Size row
8040 New
8041 Import Picture
8042 Export Data
8043 Save Approach File As
8044 Save Table As
8048 Add
8049 Add Index
8050 Create &type:
8051 Files &type:
8052 Export &type:
8053 Save as &type:
8054 Save as &type:
8055 View file &type:
8056 Import &type:
8057 Delete &type:
8058 Add file &type:
8059 Add index &type:
8060 Create &in:
8061 Import fr&om:
8062 Export t&o:
8063 Save &in:
8064 Save &in:
8065 Import fr&om:
8066 Import fr&om:
8067 Delete &in:
8068 Add fr&om:
8069 Index &in:
8070 C&reate
8071 &Import
8072 &Export
8073 &Save
8074 &Save
8075 &Import
8076 &Import
8077 &Delete
8078 &Add
8079 &Add
8080 Export Picture
8081 Picture &type:
8082 Export t&o:
8083 &Export
8090 Click Proceed to create the new SmartMaster. To ensure uniqueness, all of the associated files will end with '%s'. If desired, change the names later using File - Save As.
8091 Click Proceed to create the new SmartMaster. To ensure uniqueness, all of the associated files will end with '%s'. If desired, change the names later using File - Save As.
8092 Click Replace to overwrite the existing files.
8093 Duplicate file names have been found while creating this SmartMaster.\n\nThe following files already exist in the SmartMaster directory: \n%s
8094 The following file already exists in the SmartMaster directory: \n%s
8095 $
8096 2
8097 0
8098 0
8099 Save View As
8100 Couldn't open file.
8101 Couldn't read file.
8102 Couldn't save file.
8103 Invalid filename.
8104 Couldn't create object from file.
8105 Couldn't write object.
8106 Couldn't read object.
8107 Couldn't delete object.
8108 Couldn't cut object.
8109 Couldn't copy object.
8110 Couldn't paste object from clipboard.
8111 Couldn't create OLE object.
8112 Unable to create OLE object. Create operation was either cancelled, resulted in an OLE server error, or the server did not respond.
8113 Object is currently busy.
8114 Server unexpectedly ended the DDE conversation.
8115 Couldn't launch OLE server application.
8116 Couldn't update object.
8117 Couldn't freeze object.
8118 Couldn't update link options.
8119 Couldn't process command, OLE server busy.
8120 Couldn't reconnect link to the OLE server.
8121 Couldn't connect to the OLE server. The link may be broken.
8162 Scripts have errors, correct them now before saving?
8181 Closing the current Debugger will stop the script your are debugging. Do you wish to stop debugging?
8182 Unable to Find String
8183 Unable to Add Section
8184 Continue execution of script?
8185 Invalid tab stop. Set tab stop between %d and %d characters
8186 iKeywordColor
8187 iCommentColor
8188 iIdentifierColor
8189 iDirectiveColor
8190 iErrorColor
8191 sFontName
8192 iFontSize
8193 iTabWidth
8194 bSmartIndent
8195 bShowErrCount
8196 Script
8197 iCharSet
8200 Arial
8201 Helvetica
8202 GillSans
8210 Times New Roman
8211 Times
8212 TimesNewRomanPS
8213 idBaseOptApproach
8214 Courier New
8215 Courier
8250 Fixed
8251 General
8252 Currency
8253 Currency with decimals
8254 Percent
8255 Percent with decimals
8256 Telephone
8257 Social security
8258 Scientific
8259 Zip code
8260 Zip code plus 4
8290 W: %d%c%02.2d H: %d%c%02.2d
8291 L: %d%c%02.2d T: %d%c%02.2d
8292 %d%%
8294 Mail
8295 Auto Dialer
8296 Macro
8298 Notes FX
8299 Bubble Help
8301 Title
8302 Text
8303 ,
8304 No Warning Dialogs
8305 Disconnect
8306 Current Record
8307 Found Set
8308 File:
8309 Cut
8310 Copy
8311 Paste
8312 Paste Special
8313 Select All
8314 Next
8315 Previous
8316 Current
8317 Number:
8318 First
8319 Last
8320 New
8321 Hide
8322 Duplicate
8327 In
8328 to Actual Size
8329 Out
8330 Shift
8331 and return to the next line in this macro
8332 if (%.30s) is true %.25s %.20s
8333 if (%.30s) is true %.25s %.20s else %.25s %.20s
8334 Approach File as: %s
8335 continue if (%.47s...)
8336 continue if (%.27s...), else run:
8337 First Page
8338 Last Page
8339 Previous Page
8340 NOT IsLastRecord()
8341 Next Page
8342 Page Number
8343 to 200%
8344 to 85%
8345 Macro Save File As
8346 Macro Open File
8347 Macro Delete File
8348 to 75%
8349 to 50%
8350 to 25%
8353 using stored find
8354 and Pause for Input
8355 Again and Pause for Input
8356 All
8357 Refresh
8360 and run %s when none found
8362 using Find Assistant and Pause for Input
8365 Duplicates with first
8366 Duplicates without first
8367 Distinct records
8370 from Server: %s to database: %s
8375 Switch To:
8376 Show:
8377 Hide:
8380 (A)
8381 (D)
8385 OK
8440 run macro:
8441 run & return from macro:
8442 continue this macro
8443 end this macro
8450 ApproachDocRouteSteps
8451 ApproachDocRoute
8452 ApproachTableNames
8453 ApproachViewNames
8454 ApproachMacroNames
8455 ApproachDocRouteCurrentStep
8456 ApproachDocRouteRetWhenDone
8457 ApproachDocRouteOriginator
8458 ApproachIsBlankArray
8459 fxupdate
8460 Script Services
8461 Script IDE
8462 Script LSX
8463 Data Engine
8464 Dialog Editor
8470 Do you want to forward this routed document on to: %s?
8471 When you are finished with the attachment, choose File TeamMail Send to Next Stop to continue the route.
8475 sIconBarOLEIPServe
8481 On_Changed_%s
8485 twips
8490 File: %s
8491 Field: %s
8492 Type: %s
8493 Width: %s
8500 Application
8501 Files
8502 File
8503 Layouts
8504 Layout
8505 Macros
8506 Macro
8507 Databases
8508 Database
8509 Fields
8510 Field
8511 Query
8650 Repeated word:
8651 Unknown word:
8652 Checking for alternatives
8653 No alternative found.
8654 A<ernatives:
8655 &Current record
8656 &Current view
8657 Entire wor&ksheet
8658 Unknown language %u
8670 Search string not found.
8671 1 occurrence of the string was replaced.
8672 %lu occurrences of the string were replaced.
8673 No more matches found.
8674 Search Complete
8675 Searching Current Selection
8676 Searching Current Record
8677 Searching Found Set
8678 Searching Entire Worksheet
8690 Unable to load OLE object due to incorrect or missing license.
8700 value
8701 average
8702 count
8703 sum
8704 minimum
8705 maximum
8706 standard deviation
8707 variance
8717 Average:
8718 Number of Items:
8719 Total:
8720 Minimum:
8721 Maximium:
8722 Standard Deviation:
8723 Variance:
8780 Total
8783 %s by %s
8784 %s of %s
8785 Summaries
8786 iXTabDescValues
8787 Average
8788 Count
8789 Total
8790 Minimum
8791 Maximium
8792 Standard Deviation
8793 Variance
8798 iWorksheetSmartDrag
8799 iCrosstabSmartDrag
8800 .\n
8801 \n
8802 . \n
8840 D/MM/YY
8841 D MMM
8842 D MMM YY
8843 DD/MM/YY
8844 DD-MMM
8845 DD-MMM-YY
8846 DDD
8848 DDDD
8849 DDDD, MMM D
8851 MM/DD
8852 MM/DD/YY
8853 MMM
8854 MMM YY
8855 MMM-YY
8856 MMMM
8858 DD.MM
8859 DD.MM.YY
8860 Q4
8861 4QYY
8862 4QYYYY
8863 YYQ4
8864 YYYYQ4
8865 Q4 YYYY
8866 Q4, YYYY
8867 44 Qtr. YY
8868 44 Qtr. YYYY
8869 44 Quarter, YY
8870 444 Quarter, YYYY
8875 D/M/YYYY
8876 M/D/YYYY
8950 Alphabet Example
8951 Display as entered
9000 an Existing File...
9001 Hide SmartIcons
9002 Show SmartIcons
9003 Assistant
9004 Lotus Settings
9005 Chart Support
9006 OLE
9007 Net-It Now! SE
9015 Cancel
9020 Object type: %s
9100 %s
9150 ICONS\
9198 Don't change
9199 No label
9200 Above
9201 Left
9202 Right
9203 Below
9300 ApproachStart
9301 ApproachEnd
9302 ApproachDone
9400 Approach Starting
9401 Approach Closing
9402 Approach Operation Completed
9450 Default
9451 Year
9452 Quarter
9453 Month
9454 Week
9455 Day of Week
9456 1st Character
9457 1st 2 Characters
9458 1st 3 Characters
9459 1st 4 Characters
9460 1st 5 Characters
9461 Hour
9462 Minute
9463 10s
9464 25s
9465 50s
9466 100s
9467 500s
9468 1000s
9469 5000s
9470 10000s
9471 50000s
9472 100000s
9473 500000s
9500 Validation
9501 Default Value
9502 Field Format
9503 Value List
9504 Field Name
9505 Data Type
9506 Size
9507 Description
9508 Fixed
9509 Default Order
9510 Field Name
9511 Data Type
9512 Custom Order
9513 Start
9514 Width
9515 PicturePlus Options
9516 Variable Options
9517 Define Formula
9518 Define Summary
9519 Creating New Database: %s
9520 &Template:
9521 OLE Enable - %s
9522 OLE Disable
9523 Field Definition
9524 Formula / Options
9525 %d fields
9526 Initial Value: '%s'
9527 Running Total
9528 Auto-enter Serial
9529 Previous Record
9530 Creation Date
9531 Creation Time
9532 Auto-enter Data
9533 Creation Formula
9534 Modification Date
9535 Modification Time
9536 Modification Formula
9537 Filled In
9538 Unique
9539 Range
9540 Value List
9541 In Existing Field: %s
9542 When Formula Is True
9544 %d field
9575 Text - Fixed-Length
9576 dBASE III+
9577 dBASE IV
9578 Foxpro
9579 Text - Delimited
9580 Lotus 1-2-3
9581 Excel
9582 Query
9583 Add-In
9584 SmartMaster
9600 Lotus Applications
9601 Notes
9602 _SDK.DLL
9603 _LIB.DLL
9604 _NSF.DLL
9610 123
9617 _NET.DLL
9621 _FT.DLL
9622 _NIF.DLL
9624 _REG.DLL
9627 123w
9629 FLW
9634 Notes
9650 ParadoxCaseSensitive
9651 sParadoxSharingMethod
9660 &Find Ctrl+F
9661 &Find More Ctrl+F
9662 &Find using Report Ctrl+F
9663 &Find using Labels Ctrl+F
9664 &Find using Letter Ctrl+F
9665 &Find using Chart Ctrl+F
9666 &Find using Crosstab Ctrl+F
9667 &Find using Worksheet Ctrl+F
9668 &Find using Envelope Ctrl+F
9669 &Find using Form Ctrl+F
9670 Menu Type
9671 Menu Name
9672 Item Action
9673 Item Name
9674 Menu
9675 ReadOnly
9676 Custom Menu %d
9680 Rename the current Named Find/Sort or make a copy with this new name?
9683 Cancel
9684 &Assistant
9685 &View
9686 All Records
9687 <Current Find/Sort>
9688 Would you like to define your find using the current view or the Find/Sort Assistant?
9700 sLastReturnAddress
9701 iUseReturnAddress
9702 sFirstSalutationStr
9703 sSecondSalutationStr
9704 Dear
9705 :
9706 iUseSalutation
9707 sLastClose
9708 Sincerely yours,\n\n\n\n
9709 iUseClose
9710 iAddEnvelope
9711 iDefaultEnvelope
9712 sDefaultWidth
9713 sDefaultHeight
9714 Envelopes
9715 iEnvelopeLandscape
9750 iObjectEdgeStyle
9751 iPartEdgeStyle
9752 lPartFillColor
9753 lPartLineColor
9754 lPartShadowColor
9755 iPartPenWidth
9756 iPartBorders
9757 lLabelTextColor
9758 iDataOnly
9759 iVerticalWriting
9760 0
9800 Text object
9801 Rectangle
9802 Rounded rectangle
9803 Ellipse
9804 Line
9805 Chart
9806 Field: %s
9807 Calculated Field
9808 Check box
9809 Check box group
9810 Radio button
9811 Radio button group
9812 PicturePlus field: %s
9813 Button
9814 Picture
9815 OLE object
9816 Multiple objects
9817 Group
9830 Header
9831 Footer
9832 Body
9833 Page
9834 Column
9835 Column: %s
9836 Group &Properties... Alt+Enter
9837 Group &Object
9840 Repeating Panel
9841 Summary Panel
9850 View: %s
9851 Form: %s
9852 Report: %s
9853 Mailing Labels: %s
9854 Form Letter: %s
9855 Worksheet: %s
9856 Crosstab: %s
9857 Chart: %s
9870 Text &Object
9871 Rectangle &Object
9872 Ellipse &Object
9873 RoundRect &Object
9874 Line &Object
9875 Chart &Object
9876 Field &Object
9877 CheckBox &Object
9878 PicturePlus &Object
9879 RadioButton &Object
9880 Button &Object
9881 CheckGroup &Object
9882 Multiple &Objects
9883 RadioGroup &Object
9884 RadioGroup &Properties... Alt+Enter
9885 Text &Properties... Alt+Enter
9886 Rectangle &Properties... Alt+Enter
9887 Ellipse &Properties... Alt+Enter
9888 RoundRect &Properties... Alt+Enter
9889 Line &Properties... Alt+Enter
9890 Chart &Properties... Alt+Enter
9891 Field &Properties... Alt+Enter
9892 CheckBox &Properties... Alt+Enter
9893 PicturePlus &Properties... Alt+Enter
9894 RadioButton &Properties... Alt+Enter
9895 Button &Properties... Alt+Enter
9896 CheckGroup &Properties... Alt+Enter
9897 Objects &Properties... Alt+Enter
9898 &Properties... Alt+Enter
9899 Object &Properties... Alt+Enter
9900 &Object
9920 Approach Object
9950 Show data from %s for records where the value in %s matches %s in the current record.
9951 Show data from %s for records where the value in %s matches %s in the current record.
9959 MS Sans Serif
9960 Helv
9961 _AutoCalc
9962 Auto_Average_of_%s
9963 Auto_Count_of_%s
9964 Auto_Sum_of_%s
9965 Auto_Minimum_of_%s
9966 Auto_Maximum_of_%s
9967 Auto_Std_Dev_of_%s
9968 Auto_Variance_of_%s
9980 *
9981 ?
9982 &
9983 ...
9984 ..
9986 @
9987 !
9988 ~
9989 if
10000 Create a chart from the crosstab data
10001 Select a chart type
10003 Set the style and properties of the selected chart
10004 View and modify the title
10005 View and modify the legend
10007 View and modify the series
10008 View and modify the series labels
10009 View and modify the plot
10010 View and modify the note
10011 View and modify the table
10016 Apply a chart style
10017 Create a chart style
10018 Make the currently specified style the default
10019 Specify a chart style directory
10020 View and modify the X axis and grids
10021 View and modify the Y axis and grids
10100 Average of %s
10101 Count of %s
10102 Total of %s
10103 Minimum of %s
10104 Maximum of %s
10105 Standard Deviation of %s
10106 Variance of %s
10120 Add Index
10121 Create Object
10122 Open
10123 Print
10124 Print Setup
10125 Options
10126 SmartIcons
10128 Page Setup
10150 Auto_%d_Char_of_%s
10151 Auto_Every_%d_of_%s
10152 Auto_Year_of_%s
10153 Auto_Quarter_of_%s
10154 Auto_Month_of_%s
10155 Auto_Week_of_%s
10156 Auto_Day_of_Week_of_%s
10157 Auto_Hour_of_%s
10158 Auto_Minute_of_%s
10200 iDefaultFormStyle
10201 iDefaultFormLayout
10202 iDefaultReportStyle
10203 iDefaultReportLayout
10204 iDefaultLetterStyle
10205 iDefaultLetterLayout
10206 iDefaultChartStyle
10207 iDefaultChartLayout
10208 iDefaultEnvelopeLayout
10209 iDefaultEnvelopeStyle
10300 <CIRCULAR>
10400 Browse
10401 Design
10402 Find
10403 Find All
10404 Sort
10405 New Record
10406 OK
10407 Cancel
10408 New Condition
10409 Clear All
10410 Find Special
10411 Find Assistant
10412 Recall Last Find
10413 Clear Tabs
10414 Revert
10500 Regular
10501 Italic
10502 Bold
10503 Bold Italic
10550 &Open
10551 &Control
10552 Unknown OLE Control
10601 Lotus Notes
10602 Lotus 1-2-3
10603 Lotus Ami Pro
10604 Lotus Freelance Graphics
10605 Lotus Organizer
10606 Lotus Improv
10607 Lotus cc:Mail
10608 Lotus SmartPics
10609 Lotus Screencam
10650 Approach Object Data
10651 Approach Object Data
10652 Text
10653 text
10654 TIFF
10655 TIFF
10656 Picture (Metafile)
10657 a static picture
10658 Picture (DIB)
10659 a static picture
10660 Picture (Bitmap)
10661 a static picture
11000 Approach Defined Error
11001 Script Editor for "%.20s%s"
11002 LotusScript Runtime Error
11003 Error Initializing Script Services
11004 Error on LSIOpen
11005 Couldn't open the IDE
11006 Script Error
11007 Bad Object Pointer in Bind Member
11008 Bad Object Pointer in Method Call
11009 Invalid Method Call
11010 Internal Script Error: Invalid Local ADT Message
11011 Bad Object Pointer in Property
11012 Named Style Does Not Exist
11013 IconBar Does Not Exist
11014 Menu Does Not Exist
11015 Table Name Does Not Exist
11016 Field Name Does Not Exist
11017 This Field is Read-Only
11018 You have attempted to access or modify a property of a field that is not located on the active view. To perform this operation, the view that contains the field must be the last active view of the document.
11019 Named Product Object is not in the current document's scope.
11020 Invalid Page Number.
11021 This Form already has the maximum # of pages.
11022 Named Find Does Not Exist
11023 Error -- Open Document Method Failed.
11024 You cannot delete the only page on a form.
11025 This operation is only valid for calculated fields.
11026 Invalid Name. Cannot Bind to Object's Property or Method.
11027 Font Name Does Not Exist
11028 Column Name Does Not Exist
11029 Duplicate Style Name passed to MakeNamedStyle.
11030 Bad Style Name passed to MakeNamedStyle.
11031 You can perform this operation only when the object is contained in the currently visible View.
11032 You can perform this operation only when the object is contained in the currently visible Page.
11033 Illegal Call. Objects must be contained within the same View.
11034 Illegal Call. Objects must be contained within the same Page.
11035 Incorrect Parameter: You must pass a reference to a View Object
11036 Incorrect Parameter: Uninitialized Object Reference.
11037 Incorrect Parameter: You must pass a reference to a Panel Object
11038 Illegal Object Name.
11039 Duplicate Object Name.
11040 Cannot set a calculation field into the tab order.
11041 Invalid Calculation Type. You must supply a valid enumeration constant for this value.
11042 Cannot set text into a PicturePlus field.
11043 Invalid Chart Type. You must supply a valid enumeration constant for this value.
11044 Incorrect Parameter to ReplaceWithResultSet - Arg 2: You must pass a 2 dimensional string array of field pairs.
11045 ReplaceWithResultSet Failed. Couldn't map any of the field pairs to each other.
11046 ReplaceWithResultSet method Failed.
11047 Incorrect Parameter: You must pass a reference to a ResultSet Object
11048 Error Running LSS - Line: %d
11049 You cannot perform this operation on a Calculation or Variable table.
11050 Error Creating ResultSet.
11051 Couldn't delete file: %s. The file does not exist.
11052 Couldn't delete file: %s. The file is in use.
11053 Script
30000 Approach
30001 Lotus Approach
30002 Lotus SmartSuite
32450 Color, border, and line style
32451 Page numbers and data to print
32452 Basic properties
32453 Report options
32454 Define and/or attach macros
32455 Number format
32456 Font, attribute, and color
32457 Formula properties
32458 Named style
32459 Object alignment
32460 Size and print
32461 Margins for current view
32462 Summary panel position
32608 Could not find Notes database: "%s".\n\nWould you like to search local domain servers for a replica of this database?
32609 Could not find replica of Notes database: "%s".
32610 Replica found on server: "%s".\n\nConnect to this database?
32700 Summary panels where this field is placed
32701 !
32702 Look &in:
32703 S&ervers:
32704 bytes
32705 iShowCalcInJoin
32706 iSpellCheckInstalled
32707 iHelpInstalled
32708 iSampleInstalled
32709 iTutorialInstalled
32710 iActionBarVisible
32711 iActionBarState
32732 RegInfoPath
32733 tutorial\apptutor.exe
32734 ApproachSMaster
32735 .mpr
32736 Approach SmartMaster
32737 DefaultIcon
32738 Unknown Item
32739 There is no information available for this %s table.
32740 iReadBlock
32741 iReadIncremental
32742 <unbound field>
32743 The name of this object cannot be set.
32744 %s is an illegal object name. Please enter another name without any of the following characters: ()!@#$%^
32745 %s is already the name of another object. Please enter a different name.
32746 %s is an Approach temporary directory and will be deleted upon exiting Approach. Please choose another directory.
32750 Not a number. Add button for %s anyway?
32751 Not a date. Add button for %s anyway?
32752 Not a time. Add button for %s anyway?
32753 Value too long to fit into %s. Add button for it anyway?
32754 Text too long to fit into %s (should be %d characters or fewer). Add button for it anyway?
32755 Number too long to fit into %s (integer part should be %d digits or fewer). Add button for it anyway?
32756 Not enough memory to display all buttons for field "%s" in the list.
32757 Unable to load the Tour file %s. Please insert your CD-ROM in the drive. Or, to install the Tour, run the Approach Install Program, select Customize features, and select Tour.
32758 Unable to load the Tour demo file %s. Please insert your CD-ROM in the drive. Or, to install the Tour, run the Approach Install Program, select Customize features, and select Tour.
32769 Internal Error. (%d)
32770 Internal Error (resources).
32771 Internal error: bitmap missing for button %d.
32772 Internal error: couldn't load string %d.
32773 Internal error: couldn't build string.
32774 Do you really want to delete the database %s?
32775 Enter a number from 1 to %u for the number of columns.
32776 Enter a number from 1 to %u for the number of labels across the page.
32777 %d labels won't fit between the left and right margins.\nEnter a number from 1 to %d for the number of labels across the page, or reduce the Horiz. Label Size or Left or Right margin.
32778 Enter a number from 1 to %d for the number of pages.
32779 Enter a number from 1 to %d for the number of lines.
32780 This is not a valid measurement.
32781 %d labels won't fit between the top and bottom margins.\nEnter a number from 1 to %d for the number of labels down the page, or reduce the Vert. Label Size or Top or Bottom margin.
32782 The current printer setup cannot print a %s by %s label. Go to Mailing Label Options and adjust the label and margin dimensions or click on the Printer Setup button and select a different printer, paper size or orientation.
32783 The current printer setup cannot print a %s by %s label. Go to Mailing Label Options and adjust the label and margin dimensions or click on the Printer Setup button and select a different printer, paper size or orientation.
32784 The current printer may not be able to print as close as %s from the top of the page. Your output may appear clipped.\n\nProceed?
32785 The current printer may not be able to print as close as %s from the bottom of the page. Your output may appear clipped.\n\nProceed?
32786 The current printer may not be able to print as close as %s from the left of the page. Your output may appear clipped.\n\nProceed?
32787 The current printer may not be able to print as close as %s from the right of the page. Your output may appear clipped.\n\nProceed?
32788 The top and bottom margins are as large as or larger than the height of a page on the current printer. Specify smaller margins or a different printer.
32789 The left and right margins are as large as or larger than the width of a page on the current printer. Specify smaller margins or a different printer.
32790 The current printer setup cannot print %d labels across the page. Go to Mailing Label Options and enter a number from 1 to %d in the Across box for Number of labels. Or try changing the label width and Printer Setup.
32791 The current printer setup cannot print %d labels down the page. Go to Mailing Label Options and enter a number from 1 to %d in the Down box for Number of labels. Or try changing the label height and Printer Setup.
32792 A label must be wider than %s.
32793 A label must be taller than %s.
32794 Add one or more fields.
32795 A View named %s already exists. Use another name for this View.
32796 A View may have %d fields or fewer.
32799 Enter a name for this view.
32800 Not enough memory to perform that operation.
32801 Memory is low. Please close some windows.
32802 A stored find does not exist for the current view. The macro will find all records.
32803 Couldn't find deleted view %s. The Macro will not continue.
32804 The macros in this file are obsolete and have not be loaded.
32805 This view contains old macros. Please save this file to convert them.
32806 There is a problem with the "Run...when" formula. Please check the macro's set up.
32807 There is a problem with the "Set" formula. Please check the macro's set up
32808 A sort is not defined for this macro.\nTurn off the "Sort" checkbox, or define a sort using the "Edit Sort" button.
32809 The record that was current when the macro chain was started is no longer in the current found set. Some steps of macro "%s" will be skipped.
32810 Macro "%s" sets field "%s." Deleting %s will turn off "Set Field" for that macro, and will delete the contents of %s in each record of the database.
32811 Macros "%s" set field "%s." Deleting %s will turn off "Set Field" for those macros, and will delete the contents of %s in each record of the database.
32812 Macro %s couldn't set field "%s." Continue running the macro?
32813 Abandon changes to the current macro?
32814 The selected macros are run by other macros. Are you sure you want to delete?
32815 The next macro in this chain has been deleted.
32816 This macro switches to a view that has been deleted. Turn off "Switch To" or select a new view.
32817 Specify a view to which this macro will switch, or turn off "Switch To."
32818 No more than %d macros can be defined. Delete or change an existing macro.
32819 Abandon changes to macros?
32820 Macro "%s" sets field "%s." Changing %s to a calculated field will turn off "Set Field" for that macro, and will delete the contents of %s in each record of the database.
32821 Macros "%s" set field "%s." Changing %s to a calculated field will turn off "Set Field" for those macros, and will delete the contents of %s in each record of the database.
32822 Macro "%s" tried to set the calculated field "%s." %s will not be changed.\n\nContinue the macro?
32823 Macro "%s" sets field "%s." Changing %s to a PicturePlus field will turn off "Set Field" for that macro, and will delete the contents of %s in each record of the database.
32824 Macros "%s" set field "%s." Changing %s to a PicturePlus field will turn off "Set Field" for those macros, and will delete the contents of %s in each record of the database.
32825 Macro error. Unable to complete Find Special. The database it was defined for has been changed. The macro chain will stop.
32826 Macro error. Unable to set field in Print Preview. Continue running the macro?
32827 Macro error. Unable to dial field in Print Preview. Continue running the macro?
32828 Macro error. Unable to substitute field in string "%s".
32829 Macro import halted. No more than %d macros allowed per document.
32830 Error Dialing
32831 Error running script in macro "%s."
32832 Cannot join these two databases because it would create a circular join.
32833 There was a problem in reading the Relational Options of one of these joins. The Relational Options were all turned off.
32834 Closing database %s will delete view %s.\n\nAre you sure you want to close %s?
32835 Closing database %s will delete views %s.\n\nAre you sure you want to close %s?
32836 Closing database %s will delete repeating panels in view %s.\n\nAre you sure you want to close %s?
32837 Closing database %s will delete repeating panels in views %s.\n\nAre you sure you want to close %s?
32838 Closing database %s will delete view %s and repeating panels in view %s.\n\nAre you sure you want to close %s?
32839 Closing database %s will delete views %s and repeating panels in view %s.\n\nAre you sure you want to close %s?
32840 Closing database %s will delete view %s and repeating panels in views %s.\n\nAre you sure you want to close %s?
32841 Closing database %s will delete views %s and repeating panels in views %s.\n\nAre you sure you want to close %s?
32842 Can only join %d databases. Close some databases before proceeding.
32843 Can only join %d databases. Close some databases before pressing OK.
32844 Join already exists.
32845 Unable to build an index required for the join. Some of your joined records may not display properly. Make sure there is enough disk space and the combined length of the joined fields is less than 450 characters.
32846 Unable to build an index required for the picklist. The picklist will be blank. Make sure there is enough disk space and, if the picklist is conditional, the combined length of the fields involved is le \nss than 450 characters.
32848 Replace existing "%s"?
32849 Are you sure you want to permanently delete "%s"?
32864 The "In" option requires a field. Select a field or turn off the "In" option.
32865 Please specify a formula for this field.
32866 Unable to evaluate the formula specified. Please define a valid formula.
32867 Internal error (autofill).
32868 Internal error (validate).
32869 "%s" includes characters that cannot be in a valid %s field name.
32870 Discard the changes made to the current field?
32871 %s has no fields. Add one or more fields (other than calculated or variable) to %s.
32872 Serial Numbers must be integers between %ld and %ld.
32873 Serial Number Increment must be an integer between %ld and %ld. (0 is not allowed)
32874 A %s database may only have %d fields.
32875 Add the Data Entry Options for field %s to new field %s?
32876 Add the Formula for field %s to new field %s?
32877 Add the Variable Options for field %s to new field %s?
32878 " is not a valid character for a %s field. To enter a name with lowercase or special characters, place " before and after the name.
32879 Cannot change the field type of a Key Field.
32880 Cannot reduce the Length of a Key Field.
32881 Cannot reduce the Number of Decimals of a Key Field.
32882 Cannot delete a Key Field.
32883 Cannot delete a field used in a Join.
32884 Cannot change the type of a field used in a Join to %s.\n\nA Joined field's type must be Calculated, Date, Numeric, Text or Time.
32885 This change may erase or truncate the contents of the field in each record of the database.
32886 This change may truncate the contents of the field in each record of the database.
32887 Deleting this field will erase its contents in each record of the database.
32888 The formula in the "Formula is true" validation option must return a yes/no value. For example, Length(FieldName)=5.
32889 Can not delete %s.
32912 Permanently delete the current record?
32913 Permanently delete the selected records?
32914 Are you sure you want to permanently delete all the records in the found set?
32915 Delete the named find "%s"?
32916 Delete the current View?
32917 Named find is in use. Can not delete.
32918 This operation will delete all data for field "%s" in the found set. Do you really wish to do this?
32919 Named find referenced by a macro. Delete anyway?
32920 The current View is "Switched To" by a macro. Are you sure you want to delete it?
32928 None of the current types default to using the extension "%s."\nPlease specify a type.
32929 The name "%s" is not the name of a %s file.\n%s files may only have extensions of %s.
32930 "%s" is not a valid path.
32931 You must have a connection to use this database.
32932 Couldn't find file "%s."
32934 Someone is using %s.
32935 The specified filename and path is too long. Please specify a path and filename that is 260 characters or fewer.
32936 The name "%s" has too long an extension. Please specify an extension that is three characters or fewer.
32937 The name "%s" has more than one ''.''
32938 The name "%s" contains a character that can not be used in a filename ("%c").
32939 Approach can not use the special DOS file %s.
32940 Cannot delete %s because it is in use.
32941 Do you really want to delete the file %s?
32943 The two passwords don't match.
32944 Please specify a file extension when using type "All"
32945 You are already using %s.
32946 DOS error. (%d)
32947 Couldn't create a key field for a copy of this database. (%d)
32948 Couldn't open this database. (%d)
32949 Adding a key field to the existing database %s will delete any existing Paradox forms, reports, or validations.\n\nAre you sure you want to add a key field to %s?
32950 Cannot use ' %c ' as a text separator.
32951 &Select one or more fields whose contents will be different for each record in %s:
32952 Couldn't create database "%s." You may not have the authorization to create a new database, disk may be full, too many files may be open, or a disk error may have occurred.
32953 Close "%s" before deleting it.
32954 %s is in use.
32955 "%s" includes characters that cannot be in a valid %s database name.
32956 Can only export fields from a SQL database to a Query file.
32957 Cannot Export calculated fields, variable fields, or fields from more than one database to a Query file.
32958 Cannot Export Found Set to a Query file because it is sorted on fields from more than one database or on calculated fields. Export All Records or change or remove the sort.
32959 Cannot Export Found Set to a Query file because it is sorted on fields from another database or on calculated fields. Export All Records or change or remove the sort.
32960 Cannot Export Found Set to a Query file because the current "find" is on fields from more than one database or on calculated fields. Export All Records or change the find conditions.
32961 Cannot Export Found Set to a Query file because the current "find" is on fields from another database or on calculated fields. Export All Records or change the find conditions.
32962 Hidden records will be included in the Exported Query File.
32963 No password will be set for %s.
32964 Select one or more fields to Export.
32965 Cannot Export the Found Set to a Query file because the current find cannot be expressed in SQL.
32966 Cannot Save As a Query file because the current find cannot be expressed in SQL.
32967 Couldn't Export data (%d).
32968 Couldn't Save database %s (%d).
32969 Can only save a SQL database as a Query file.
32970 Cannot save database as a Query file because it is sorted on fields from more than one database or on calculated fields. Change or remove the sort.
32971 Cannot save database as a Query file because it is sorted on fields from another database or on calculated fields. Change or remove the sort.
32972 Cannot save database as a Query file because the current "find" is on fields from more than one database or on calculated fields.\n\nFind on fields from the current database only or find all records.
32973 Cannot save database as a Query file because the current "find" is on fields from another database or on calculated fields.\n\nFind on fields from the current database only or find all records.
32974 Hidden records will be included in the Query File.
32975 Could not open %s because its server is not responding.
32976 The entry in %s is too long.
32977 The text entered into %s is too long. The text must have %d characters or fewer.
32978 The number entered into %s is too long. The integer part of the number must have %d digits or fewer.
32979 The entry in %s is not a number.
32980 The entry in %s is not a date.
32981 The entry in %s is not a time.
32982 %s must be filled in and cannot be left blank.
32983 The entry in %s must be unique.
32984 The entry in %s must be in the range "%s" to "%s".
32985 The entry in %s is not 'one of' the items in the data validation list.
32986 The entry in %s must match an entry in the "Check Entered Data" field.
32987 The entry into %s is invalid.
32988 The integer part of %s must be %d digits or fewer.
32989 %s is limited to %d characters.
32990 Not a number. Add to the value list for %s anyway?
32991 Not a date. Add to the value list for %s anyway?
32992 Not a time. Add to the value list for %s anyway?
32993 Value too long to fit into %s. Add to the value list anyway?
32994 Text too long to fit into %s (should be %d characters or fewer). Add to the value list anyway?
32995 Number too long to fit into %s (integer part should be %d digits or fewer). Add to the value list anyway?
32996 Too many database values for field "%s" to display all in the dialog list.\n\nThe Value List will function normally.
32997 The variable field's default value is not a number.
32998 The variable field's default value is not a date.
32999 The variable field's default value is not a time.
33000 The variable field's default value is too long.
33001 The variable field's default text is too long (should be %d characters or fewer).
33002 The variable field's default number is too long (integer part should be %d digits or fewer).
33004 The view name you supplied uses too many forbidden characters. Please supply another view name.
33008 No records found. Do you want to Find Again?
33009 No records found by macro %s. The macro chain will stop.
33010 There is a missing single quote (') in this field. If you wish to find a value with a quote in it, type the quote twice ('').
33011 There is a missing double quote (") in this field. If you wish to find a value with a quote in it, type the quote twice ("").
33012 There is a missing ')'. Each '(' not within quotes requires a matching ')'.
33013 There is a missing '('. Each ')' not within quotes requires a matching '('.
33014 There is a missing value in %s. A value is needed to compare to the field.
33016 The find rule in %s is not valid.
33017 Couldn't complete find or sort. The find or sort may be invalid or your computer may be out of disk space.
33018 Cancel changes to the current record(s)?
33019 Illegal use of find operators. If you wish to find a value with a find operator in it, type the value in single quotes.
33020 Couldn't complete this find. This find must be run in a view where %s is the main database.
33021 No records found.
33022 This find can not be saved.
33024 A list of items must be defined to create the drop-down list.
33025 This string is too long for available memory. Specify a shorter string.
33026 Select a list field and a description field, or turn off the description checkbox.
33027 At least one checkbox must be defined to create the checkbox group for this field.
33028 At least one radio button must be defined to create the radio button group for this field.
33040 Do you want to save %s?
33041 Incorrect password for the Approach file %s.
33042 Couldn't complete this operation because it requires Design privileges.
33043 Do you want to save the current transcript?
33044 Unable to import interlaced GIF files.
33056 For each record in the found set, set field "%s" to:
33057 The Formula in the data entry option equates to an incompatible data type for this field.
33061 %s already exists. Do you want to replace this file?
33072 Must Preview Summary Reports.
33073 Couldn't launch SmartMaster "%s" because it is not located in your current SmartMaster directory. Specify the new directory in the General tab of the Approach Preferences dialog.
33074 Couldn't find SmartMaster "%s". Please check your spelling.
33088 Internal Error: Couldn't lock DIB memory.
33089 Clear the drawing?
33093 Permanently delete the currently selected macros from the Approach file?
33094 Current macro step not valid. Discard current changes?
33095 Save changes to the current macro?
33096 Macro name invalid. Discard macro changes?
33097 Macro %s couldn't delete file: %s. The file is in use.
33098 Macro %s couldn't delete file: %s. The file does not exist.
33099 Macro %s couldn't open file: %s. The file does not exist.
33100 Macro %s couldn't delete file: %s.
33101 Macro %s couldn't open file: %s. Open Error: %d
33102 Macro %s couldn't open file: %s. Not enough memory.
33104 Windows Internal Dialog Error 0x%x.
33105 No default printer.\n\nUse the Control Panel to install and select a default printer.
33106 No printers installed.\n\nUse the Control Panel to install and select a printer.
33107 Couldn't initialize the %s on %s. The printer may not be turned on, the disk may be full or memory may be low.
33108 Couldn't initialize the %s on %s. The printer may not be turned on, the disk may be full, memory may be low, or Adobe Type Manager may be running.
33109 Can't print this kind of paper on the current printer. Select a different printer or a different paper size.
33110 Invalid formula in macro "%s"
33111 Macro %s couldn't switch to deleted menu: %s.
33112 Double click a connection in the list to open.
33113 Double click a database or user ID in the list to open.
33114 Select a table in the list to open.
33115 Select a table in the list to delete.
33116 Select a table in the list to import.
33117 Double click the %s folder to access %s data.
33118 Double click on a server to open.
33120 Couldn't connect to server. (%d)
33136 Field %s is used in a Join. Map %s to a Numeric, Text, Date, or Time field in database %s.
33137 Can only import into one database at a time. Clear Mappings?
33138 Cannot map %s to %s because %s is used in a join, and %s is a %s field.\n\nSelect a Numeric, Text, Date, or Time field.
33139 Cannot map %s to %s because %s is not a PicturePlus field.\n\nSelect a PicturePlus field.
33140 Cannot map %s to %s because %s is a PicturePlus field.\n\nSelect a field of any type other than PicturePlus.
33152 Enter a number from 1 to %d.
33153 Enter a number from 1 to %u.
33154 Enter a number from 1 to %lu.
33155 Enter a number from 1 to %ld.
33156 Enter a number that is 1 or greater.
33168 Select a font.
33169 %s is not available. Select another font.
33170 Default font size is a not a number from %d to %d.\n\nDefault font size was reset to %d.
33171 Default label font size is a not a number from %d to %d.\n\nDefault label font size was reset to %d.
33180 Interrupt macro?
33181 Running macro. Press ESC to interrupt.
33196 A %s field's name may be 1 to %d characters long.
33197 A %s field's total length must be from 1 to %d.
33198 A %s field may have 0 to %d decimal places.
33199 A %s numeric field's name may be 1 to %d characters long.
33200 A %s numeric field's total length must be from 1 to %d.
33201 A %s numeric field may have 0 to %d decimal places.
33202 A %s text field's name may be 1 to %d characters long.
33203 A %s text field's total length must be from 1 to %d.
33204 A %s text field may have 0 to %d decimal places.
33205 A %s date field's name may be 1 to %d characters long.
33206 A %s date field's total length must be from 1 to %d.
33207 A %s date field may have 0 to %d decimal places.
33208 A %s time field's name may be 1 to %d characters long.
33209 A %s time field's total length must be from 1 to %d.
33210 A %s time field may have 0 to %d decimal places.
33211 A %s memo field's name may be 1 to %d characters long.
33212 A %s memo field's total length must be from 1 to %d.
33213 A %s memo field may have 0 to %d decimal places.
33214 A %s boolean field's name may be 1 to %d characters long.
33215 A %s boolean field's total length must be from 1 to %d.
33216 A %s boolean field may have 0 to %d decimal places.
33217 A calculated field's name may be 1 to %d characters long.
33218 A calculated field's total length must be from 1 to %d.
33219 A calculated field may have 0 to %d decimal places.
33220 A %s PicturePlus field's name may be 1 to %d characters long.
33221 A %s PicturePlus field's total length must be from 1 to %d.
33222 A %s PicturePlus field may have 0 to %d decimal places.
33223 A variable field's name may be 1 to %d characters long.
33224 A variable field's total length must be from 1 to %d.
33225 A variable field may have 0 to %d decimal places.
33244 ;Invalid Handle passed to ImageMan.
33245 ;Internal Error - DLL function not found.
33246 ;Internal Error - Unable to allocate memory.
33247 ;File does not have valid extension.
33248 ;Internal Error - Unable to load requested DLL.
33249 ;Current printer unable to print raster images.
33250 ;Source rectangle is outside image boundaries.
33251 ;Cannot use ImgGetDIB on vector images.
33252 \nFile:
33253 No File
33254 Invalid File
33255 Not valid type
33256 align: Bad alignment word %X.
33257 DoMainTileDlgCreate: Bad type passed in?
33258 DoSubTileDlgCreate: Bad type passed in?
33259 DoMainTileDlgOptions: Bad type passed in?
33260 No DILs were found during initialization.
33261 Unsupported Option.
33276 Couldn't open help file.
33277 Your table data is unsuitable for a SmartMaster and will be converted to dBASE IV
33292 Select a field upon which summaries will group, or select a different summary type.
33308 Couldn't convert %s.
33324 ('Incomplete format')
33330 OLE Set Data While Checking Mail
33341 Demonstration Version
33356 DynaLink error.
33357 Couldn't load the %s DynaLink.
33358 Couldn't find %s.
33368 Some of the Fields to Export can not be stored in %s files.\n\nContinue exporting the other fields?
33369 None of the Fields to Export can be stored in %s files.
33380 Duplicated field name: '%s'
33395 A style's name cannot contain a ':'
33396 Can't base this style on "%s" because it is based on the current style, or based on a style that is based on the current style.\n\nSelect another style, or change "%s" so that it no longer depends on this s \ntyle.
33397 There is already a style named "%s." Choose another name for this style.
33398 Discard changes made to the current style?
33399 Are you sure you want to delete style "%s?"
33450 A name must be given to each custom menu. Please type in a name for this menu.
33451 This menu name already exists. Please change the name to something else.
33452 Permanently delete the currently selected menu from the Approach File?
33453 Cannot restructure %s. It contains fields not handled by Approach.
33454 Error while compiling expression for Field Fill.
33456 Mail error: %s
33457 A Windows system or resource error occurred
33458 Mail application error
33459 You do not have enough memory to complete this operation
33460 Unable to establish a DDE conversation
33461 A mail application is not installed
33462 Your disk does not have enough room to complete this operation
33463 Timeout waiting for mail application to respond
33464 Mail login error
33465 Too many recipient names
33466 Recipient name does not have a unique match
33467 The amount of text in the message exceeds your mail application's limit
33468 Your mail application does not support this operation
33469 A configuration problem was detected in your mail application
33470 You entered an incorrect password to access your mail application
33471 Your mail application encountered a bad signature
33472 An error occurred while trying to read or write a file
33473 The version of your mail application does not support this operation
33474 Error attaching file to mail message
33475 An invalid session was detected
33476 Cancel Button
33477 An invalid parameter was detected
33478 You must enter a password to access your mail application
33479 Cannot find VIM.DLL
33480 Mail server is busy. Please try again.
33503 Mail Route Error
33504 Save changes to table "%s"?
33505 Unable to load Notes Library. Check to see that Lotus Notes .DLL files are in the Lotus Notes directory and that they are in the path of your computer.
33506 Lotus Notes must be installed on this machine in order to use this feature.
33507 A field must be selected to match.
33508 Notes Database Replication successful.
33509 The Calculated field formula is Invalid. Define a valid formula before continuing.
33510 Changing database templates will replace all current fields with the predefined fields of the chosen template. Continue?
33511 You cannot map a PicturePlus field to a %s field. A PicturePlus field must be mapped to another PicturePlus field.
33512 You cannot map a %s field to a PicturePlus field. A PicturePlus field must be mapped to another PicturePlus field.
33513 You cannot map a Memo field to a %s field. A Memo field must be mapped to another Memo field or a Text field.
33514 Notes Database Replication failed. Please make sure you have entered a valid filename.
33515 You cannot map a PicturePlus field to a Lotus Notes Rich-Text field. PicturePlus fields cannot be imported into Lotus Notes databases.
33516 You have mapped a PicturePlus field to a %s field. References to %s in calculated fields, finds, sorts, macros, etc. may be lost.
33517 You have mapped a %s field to a PicturePlus field. References to %s in calculated fields, finds, sorts, macros, etc. may be lost.
33585 ERR
33590 The paste was canceled after modifying %u rows. Would you like to Undo the modifications?
33591 The paste was canceled after modifying %u rows and adding %u. Would you like to Undo the modifications?
33592 The paste was canceled after adding %u rows.
33595 One or more of the destination columns cannot be modified.
33596 The data has too many columns to paste at the current location.
33597 Tabular data cannot be pasted into %s fields.
33599 The crosstab groupings produce too many data points. Either remove a grouping field or do a "Find" to limit the data set.
33600 Field %s is a PicturePlus field. It will not be used for crosstab groupings.
33601 Field %s is a Memo field. It will not be used for crosstab groupings.
33602 Couldn't create crosstab, no valid grouping fields given.
33603 Invalid crosstab grouping field.
33604 You must have a connection to use this database.\n\nYou can open a new connection by selecting a database folder.
33605 Couldn't access Notes database: "%s".\n\nYou may not have authorization to access the database, another Notes client is using the database, share.exe may not be installed or server is not responding.
33606 You must be connected to a server to use this database.
33607 You must select a category or database to proceed.
33619 Couldn't fit all the selected fields onto the body. The first %d field(s) were added. Go to Design and choose Add Field from the Worksheet or Form menu to add the remaining field(s).
33620 Couldn't fit all the selected fields onto the repeating panel. The first %d field(s) were added.
33621 Couldn't fit all the fields onto the view. The first %d field(s) were added.
33623 The maximum number of Repeating Panels per form is %d. One or more panels will not be copied.
33625 At least one user or group must have Design privileges.
33626 At least one user or group must be able to modify passwords.
33627 Permanently delete the selected users or groups from the Approach file?
33628 This password is already in use.
33629 This user or group name is alredy in use.
33630 Please enter a user or group name.
33631 Some users or groups have no password assigned. Do you want to delete them?
33635 Manager
33636 Designer
33637 Editor
33638 Reader
33645 Dropping text here will overwrite record data.\n\nWould you like to continue with the drop?
33646 The ReplaceAll operation cannot be undone.\n\nAre you sure you wish to proceed?
33647 Unable to load the Lotus Speller. Please re-install Approach.
33648 Unable to initialize the Lotus Speller. Please re-install Approach.
33649 Unable to open the user dictionary file.
33650 Cannot modify the user dictionary because it is in use by another program.
35000 Always
35001 Browse
35002 Chart
35003 Crosstab
35004 Design
35005 Envelope
35006 Find
35007 Form
35008 Form Letter
35009 Internet Tools
35010 Mailing Labels
35011 Print Preview
35012 Report
35013 Report Column
35014 Worksheet
35500 Avg of %s
35501 Count of %s
35502 Sum of %s
35503 Min of %s
35504 Max of %s
35505 SD of %s
35506 VAR of %s
35600 Title
35750 Afrikaans
35751 Catalan
35752 Czech
35753 Danish
35754 Dutch
35755 Dutch Belgian
35756 Dutch Preferred
35757 American
35758 British
35759 Australian
35760 English (Canadian)
35761 English (New Zealand)
35762 English (Ireland)
35763 English (South Africa)
35764 English (Jamaica)
35765 English (Carribean)
35766 Medical
35767 British Medical
35768 British Medical IZE
35769 Finnish
35770 French
35771 French Belgian
35772 French Canadian
35773 French Swiss
35774 French Luxembourg
35775 German
35776 German Swiss
35777 German Austrian
35778 German Luxembourg
35779 German Liechtenstein
35780 Greek
35781 Hungarian
35782 Italian
35783 Italian Swiss
35784 Norwegian
35785 Nynorsk
35786 Polish
35787 Portuguese
35788 Brazilian
35789 Russian
35790 Russian Io
35791 Spanish
35792 Spanish (Mexican)
35793 Spanish (Modern)
35794 Spanish (Guatemala)
35795 Spanish (Costa Rica)
35796 Spanish (Panama)
35797 Spanish (Dominican Republic)
35798 Spanish (Venezuela)
35799 Spanish (Colombia)
35800 Spanish (Peru)
35801 Spanish (Argentina)
35802 Spanish (Ecuador)
35803 Spanish (Chile)
35804 Spanish (Uruguay)
35805 Spanish (Paraguay)
35806 Spanish (Bolivia)
35807 Swedish
35999 Page %s
36000 Step %d: Fields
36001 Step %d: Title
36002 Step %d: Panel
36003 Step %d: Page Number
36004 Step %d: Date
36006 Step %d: Rows
36007 Step %d: Columns
36008 Step %d: Groups
36009 Step %d: Totals
36010 Step %d: Grand Totals
36011 Step %d: From
36012 Step %d: Start
36013 Step %d: End
36014 Step %d: To
36015 Step %d: X-Axis
36016 Step %d: Y-Axis
36017 Step %d: Pie fields
36018 Step %d: Series
36019 Step %d: Values
36021 Step %d: Worksheet
36027 Step %d: Fields
36028 Step %d: Groups
36029 Step %d: Repeating Fields
36030 Step %d: Summary
36032 Step %d: Envelope
36034 Step %d: From
36035 Step %d: Layout
36037 Step %d: Printer
36500 Sheet
38000 Cannot find LotusChart section in LTSTOOLS.INI
38001 Could not load DLL: \n%s
38002 Select a field for the x-axis
38003 Select fields for the y-axis
38004 Cannot create Approach chart
38005 Cannot create Approach chart
38006 Chart limit of %d reached
38007 Error saving chart to file
38008 Approach Chart Error
38009 Error creating Lotus chart
38010 Chart
38011 Chart Data Source Assistant
38012 @
38013 Chart Warning
38014 Lotus Chart allows only 30 data series to be plotted in a chart. You have specified more than 30 data series. Lotus Chart will plot the first 30 data series and will ignore the rest.
38015 Invalid path in LotusChart section of LTSTOOLS.INI
38049 Preferred Font
38050 Notes
38051 IntelliCache
38052 CacheSpace
38053 CacheInc
38054 CacheStart
38055 CacheAutoSize
38056 CacheTextMin
38070 Create a New File Using a SmartMaster
38071 Select a SmartMaster
38072 Get a head start on your work by creating a new file based on one of these SmartMaster types. Select Blank Database if you don't want to use a SmartMaster.
38073 Open an Existing Approach File
38074 Select an Approach File to Open
38075 Select a file from your most recently used files.\nClick the "Browse for More Files..." button to open a file that is not listed.
38076 Applications
38077 Templates
38080 Approach Backend Link Directories
38081 Level
38082 Entry in Types ComboBox
38083 Erase on Closure of Approach
38084 TableCtl.ini
38085 Main
38086 dbId
38087 Directory Type
38088 Database
38089 Category
38090 Directory
38091 Server
38092 Top Level Directory
38093 PConnect
38094 Connected
38095 ODBC DS Category
38100 OLE Custom Controls
38101 iCount
38102 SMasters
38103 Work
38104 LastDB4Dir
38105 DefaultMailingLabelType
38106 The High-Powered Database\nthe Whole Team Can Use
38387 <FONT SIZE=2>Send your comments to: <a href="mailto:%s"><i>%s</i></a></FONT><br>
38388 <FONT SIZE=2>Published by <a href=http://www.lotus.com>Lotus® Approach®</a></FONT><address></address></body></html>
38390 .&APR only
38391 .&APA only
38392 .&MPR only
38393 .AP&R and Data
38394 .A&PA and Data
38395 .MP&R and Data
38398 Compact, cross-platform, high-fidelity documents, viewable by Java enabled browsers
39000 iReadOnly
39001 iIncludeSystemTable
39002 iCacheTableNameOn
39003 SQL
39004 ODBC
39100 Lotus 1-2-3 (*.WK1)|*.WK1|
40000 Database
40001 Step %d: Select the database you wish to query.
40002 Tables
40003 Step %d: Select the tables containing the data.
40004 Join
40005 Step %d: Show how the tables are related by joining them.
40006 Where
40007 Step %d: Place restrictions on the resulting data set.
40008 Fields
40009 Step %d: Select the fields you wish to see.
40010 Sort
40011 Step %d: Select how you want the resulting data set sorted.
40012 SQL
40013 Step %d: Edit the SQL statement (optional).
40014 Find Type
40015 Find Type: Select the type of find.
40016 Condition %d
40017 Condition %d: Select a field, an operator, and enter the values you want to find.
40018 Condition %d: Select more or fewer records. Then select the field, operator, and value.
40019 Sort
40020 Sort: Select the fields to sort (optional).
40021 Name
40022 Name: Create a name for your Find/Sort (optional).
40023 Find Duplicates
40024 Find Duplicates: Select the database to find on and then the fields.
40025 Find Distinct
40026 Find Distinct: Select the database to find on and then the fields.
40027 Formula
40028 Formula: Define the formula for the find.
40029 Find Top/Lowest
40030 Find Top/Lowest: Select whether you want a top or lowest value find and then pick the field.
40031 Query by Box
40032 Query by Box: Define your find condition.
40033 Basic Find
40034 Select "Basic Find" for your most common finds. The Find/Sort Assistant will guide you through the process of defining your find conditions.
40035 Find duplicate records
40036 Select "Find duplicate records", for example, when trying to locate records that have been accidentally typed in twice.
40037 Find distinct records
40038 Select "Find distinct records", for example, when trying to locate just one record for each customer before printing form letters or mailing labels.
40039 Find the top or lowest values
40040 Select "Find the top or lowest values", for example, when you're on a report and wish to find the top 10 sales people in a region.
40043 Find using Query by Box
40044 Select "Find using Query by Box" for sophisticated find conditions that require the setting of AND and OR precedence. Use the innovative Lotus Query by Box technology to define your find.
40045 Find All (clear find)
40046 Select "Find All" when you want to clear your find and to get back to the original set of records. Click the Done button to complete the task.
40050 contains the character(s)
40051 %1 like '%%%2%%'
40052 starts with the character(s)
40053 %1 like '%2%%'
40054 ends with the character(s)
40055 %1 like '%%%2'
40056 is exactly equal to
40057 %1 = %2
40058 is not equal to
40059 %1 <> %2
40060 is greater than (>)
40061 %1 > %2
40062 is greater than or equal to (>=)
40063 %1 >= %2
40064 is less than (<)
40065 %1 < %2
40066 is less than or equal to (<=)
40067 %1 <= %2
40068 is exactly equal to
40069 %1 = '%2'
40070 is not equal to
40071 %1 <> '%2'
40072 is after
40073 %1 > '%2'
40074 is after or equal to
40075 %1 >= '%2'
40076 is before
40077 %1 < '%2'
40078 is before or equal to
40079 %1 <= '%2'
40080 is on the date(s)
40081 %1 = %2
40082 is not on the date
40083 %1 <> %2
40084 is after the date(s)
40085 %1 > %2
40086 is on or after the date(s)
40087 %1 >= %2
40088 is before the date(s)
40089 %1 < %2
40090 is on or before the date(s)
40091 %1 <= %2
40092 is at the time(s)
40093 %1 = %2
40094 is not at the time
40095 %1 <> %2
40096 is at a later time than
40097 %1 > %2
40098 is at the same or later time than
40099 %1 >= %2
40100 is at an earlier time than
40101 %1 < %2
40102 is at the same or earlier time than
40103 %1 <= %2
40104 is between
40105 (%1 BETWEEN %2 and %3)
40106 is between
40107 (%1 BETWEEN '%2' and '%3')
40108 is equal to the month
40109 %1 = %2
40110 is equal to the day
40111 %1 = %2
40112 is equal to the year
40113 %1 = %2
40114 This month
40115 Next month
40116 Last month
40117 January
40118 February
40119 March
40120 April
40121 May
40122 June
40123 July
40124 August
40125 September
40126 October
40127 November
40128 December
40129 Today
40130 Tomorrow
40131 Yesterday
40132 Monday
40133 Tuesday
40134 Wednesday
40135 Thursday
40136 Friday
40137 Saturday
40138 Sunday
40139 AND
40140 OR
40141 and
40142 Top
40143 Top (%)
40144 Lowest
40145 Lowest (%)
40146 %d
40147 %d %%
40148 top
40149 lowest
40150 From database %1, find the %2 %3 values in field %4\n
40151 From database %1, find the %2 %3 values in field %4 from the current found set\n
40152 Find records in database %1 with distinct %2 value(s)\n
40153 Find records in database %1 with duplicate %2 value(s)\n
40154 Find records in database %1 with duplicate %2 value(s), excluding the first record found in each set of duplicates\n
40155 Ascending
40156 Descending
40157 Sorted in %1 order by %2\n
40158 then %1 order by %2\n
40159 Find using SQL
40160 Select "Find using SQL" when you want to locate records using SQL.
40161 Step %d: Edit the SQL expression (optional).
40162 *'%1'*
40163 '%1'
40164 *'%1'
40165 = %1
40166 <> %1
40167 > %1
40168 >= %1
40169 < %1
40170 <= %1
40171 = '%1'
40172 <> '%1'
40173 > '%1'
40174 >= %1
40175 < %1
40176 <= %1
40177 = %1
40178 <> %1
40179 > %1
40180 >= %1
40181 < %1
40182 <= %1
40183 = %1
40184 <> %1
40185 > %1
40186 >= %1
40187 < %1
40188 <= %1
40189 %1...%2
40190 %1...%2
40191 if (MonthName(%1) = '%2')
40192 if (DayName(%1) = '%2')
40193 if (Year(%1) = %2)
40194 is between
40195 (%1 BETWEEN %2 and %3)
40196 %1...%2
40197 is between
40198 (%1 BETWEEN %2 and %3)
40199 %1...%2
40200 is exactly equal to
40201 %1 = %2
40202 = %1
40203 is not equal to
40204 %1 <> %2
40205 <> %1
40206 In database "%1", find all records in field "%2" that %3 %4\n
40207 %1\nin database "%2", find all records in field "%3" that %4 %5\n
40208 True
40209 False
40210 contain the character(s)
40211 start with the character(s)
40212 end with the character(s)
40213 are exactly equal to
40214 are not equal to
40215 are greater than (>)
40216 are greater than or equal to (>=)
40217 are less than (<)
40218 are less than or equal to (<=)
40219 are exactly equal to
40220 are not equal to
40221 are after
40222 are after or equal to
40223 are before
40224 are before or equal to
40225 are on the date(s)
40226 are not on the date
40227 are after the date(s)
40228 are on or after the date(s)
40229 are before the date(s)
40230 are on or before the date(s)
40231 are at the time(s)
40232 are not at the time
40233 are at a later time than
40234 are at the same or later time than
40235 are at an earlier time than
40236 are at the same or earlier time than
40237 are between
40238 are between
40239 are equal to the month
40240 are equal to the day
40241 are equal to the year
40242 are between
40243 are between
40244 are exactly equal to
40245 are not equal to
40246 is blank
40247 are blank
40248 %1 IS NULL
40249 =
40250 is not blank
40251 are not blank
40252 %1 IS NOT NULL
40253 <>
40254 Step %d: Select the fields to group by.
40255 Group By
40301 %s cannot be found. Do you wish to delete this entry from your list of recently used files?
40302 Refresh Interval
40305 Rich Text File (*.RTF)|*.RTF|
40306 Rich Text File
40307 Text File (*.TXT)|*.TXT|
40308 Text File
40309 HTML File (*.htm;*.html)|*.*|
40310 HyperText Markup Language
40311 jDoc (*.htm;*.html)|*.*|
40312 jDoc
55536 There was a disk error while trying to read this Approach file.
55537 There was a disk error while trying to write this Approach file. Your computer may be out of disk space.
55538 Couldn't open the file %s
55539 Couldn't create the file %s
55540 Couldn't find the PowerKey for the database %s.
55541 Couldn't open the database %s. (%d)
55542 This Approach file may be damaged (Record header size 0x%lX bytes too large).
55543 This Approach file may be damaged (Record header size 0x%lX bytes too small).
55544 Couldn't open "%s" because it was last saved with a newer version of Lotus Approach. To upgrade in the U.S. call 800-343-5414. In Canada call 800-GO-LOTUS.
55545 This file was last saved with a previous version of Lotus Approach. Do you want to convert it to Lotus Approach Release 9? (Earlier versions of Approach will not be able to read this converted file)
55546 Couldn't find database "%s." Do you want to replace its use with another database?
55547 There was an disk error expanding this Approach transfer file. Your computer may be out of disk space.
55548 Couldn't open the file %s for writing. Another user may have it open.
55549 Couldn't execute the SQL statement for the table "%s." Do you want to edit the SQL statement to make it valid?
55550 A password must be supplied to open this file.
55551 Couldn't find a PowerKey needed for an import or export macro step.
55552 This field is used in a join. Modifying this field is not revertible.
55553 Someone modified this record in the database %s. Do you want to overwrite those changes?
55554 Someone deleted this record in the database %s.
55555 Someone locked this record in the database %s. Try again?
55556 This record doesn't pass the validation rules for database %s.
55557 Fail to add this record to the database %s. You may not have the authorization or an error has occurred. (%d)
55558 Fail to modify this record in the database %s.You may not have the authorization or an error has occurred. (%d)
55559 Fail to delete this record in the database %s. You may not have the authorization or an error has occurred. (%d)
55560 Couldn't delete %s. (%d)
55561 Couldn't delete %s.
55562 The database %s won't be deleted because it no longer exists, is in use, or is not opened with read-write access.
55563 The contents of the PicturePlus field %s is too large.
55568 Stop
55569 Skip
55570 Skip All
55571 %s is the primary key value of an existing record in %s. Do you want to stop the import, skip this record, or skip all records with duplicate primary keys?
55572 Some of the records in the new database have primary key values that are not unique. These records will be left out.
55573 %s is the primary key value of another record in %s. Change %s to something else.
55574 Unable to convert a record during import. Do you want to stop the import, skip this record, or skip all unconvertable records?
55575 Can't update records using import files of type .txt, .wk*, or .xl*.\n\nOpen the .txt, .wk*, or .xl* file with Approach to create a .dbf file, and update records by importing that .dbf file.
55584 Cannot change calculated fields.
55585 Cannot search for running summary values.
55586 Cannot search for memos.
55587 Cannot search PicturePlus fields.
55588 Cannot insert a record into %s. Switch to a View based on %s, or adjust the join options.
55589 Cannot edit field. Check to see that a valid field has been assigned to this field box in Design.
55590 This calculated field uses a formula that refers to itself. Cannot find on circular calculations.
55591 Cannot Import a database into itself.
55592 Cannot Save a database over itself.
55593 Values in the field "%s" are not grouped together. Resort so they are?
55594 Cannot edit Memo at this time.
55595 Cannot edit PicturePlus field at this time.
55596 Cannot search for variable field values.
55597 This field is read-only.
55598 Already saving a database into %s. Choose another name for this database.
55599 This file is an Approach transfer file and cannot be modified. Please use Save As to create a standard Approach file.
55600 Cannot "Find" from this view. Switch to another view and try again.
55601 Cannot "Find Again" from this view. Switch to another view and try again.
55603 Cannot "Save As" in Print Preview. Turn off Print Preview and try again.
55604 Cannot "Import Data" in Print Preview or on Crosstabs. Turn off Print Preview and try again.
55605 Cannot "Export Data" in Print Preview or on Crosstabs. Turn off Print Preview and try again.
55606 Cannot add new records into %s. Join is based on calculated field(s). Switch to a View based on %s.
55607 Cannot delete or modify a field used in a join.
55608 Permission is required to enter a value into this field for a new record.
55609 Permission is required to modify this field.
55610 Cannot search for unbound field values.
55616 A field must be of type Text or Number to use the Serial Number data entry option.
55617 A field must be of type Text or Date to use the Current Date data entry option.
55618 A field must be of type Text or Time to use the Current Time data entry option.
55619 The value in the 'Data' data entry option is too long.
55620 The value in the 'Data' data entry option is not a number.
55621 The value in the 'Data' data entry option is not a date.
55622 The value in the 'Data' data entry option is not a time.
55623 The number for the Starting Serial Number is too long for this field.
55624 One of the end points of the 'From/to' data entry option is not valid for this field.
55625 One of the values in the 'One of' data entry option is not valid for this field.
55626 The automatic field entry failed for %s.
55629 Macro error. Import table has changed, unable to import data.
55630 One or more fields in this Approach file do not match up with current database fields. Do you want to map fields before continuing?
55631 Cannot change Paradox networking when there are Paradox databases open.
55632 The database %s has been set to read-only.
55633 Cannot modify the database %s because someone is using it.
55634 Cannot open the database %s because it is open exclusively.
55635 Cannot delete the database %s because someone is using it.
55636 Cannot find the Memo and PicturePlus file for %s.
55637 The file %s is read-only.
55638 Cannot compress %s because someone is using it.
55639 There was an error compressing %s. (%d)
55641 Unable to open the database %s because a valid password was not entered.
55642 Cannot open the database %s exclusively because someone is using it.
55643 This printer driver cannot print continuous-feed labels. Obtain an updated driver from your manufacturer.
55644 Cannot open this database on the server because it does not have a Unique Index or Timestamp.\n\nDownload a copy of the database?
55645 Cannot open this database on the server because it is based on an Oracle View of more than one table.\n\nDownload a copy of the database?
55646 There was an error modifying the database %s. (%d)
55647 Cannot sort on the field "%s".
55648 Cannot modify the formula of this Calculated field because it is used in a join.
55649 Incomplete entry. Please specify the %s.
55650 Unable to process a layout specification without any records. Please try again.
55651 Unable to import from the empty database: %s. Please try a file with records.
55652 Cannot join a field to 2 fields in the same database.
55653 Please enter a valid field name.
55654 Cannot obtain field names from file: %s.
55655 The database %s does not support modifications. Add or modify variable and calculated fields only.
55656 For Paradox 4.x case sensitivity to take effect, please close the file and reopen it.
55657 Unable to close this database because it contains an OLE embedded view.
55658 First select a server or an existing connection, select a database or directory, then table to open.
55659 Double click on a database in the directory list to view available forms, views, or tables to open.
55660 Select a file to open, or enter a new name.
55661 Select a table in the file name list to open.
55662 Cannot join to or alias from a view that has been opened as read-only.
55663 Cannot modify the type of this Calculated field because it is used in a join.
55664 The backend driver does not support this operation.
55665 Cannot change the type of this joined field to %s.\n\nThis field's type must be Date, Numeric, Text or Time.
55666 First select a server or an existing connection. Then select a database, directory or table to delete.
55667 Double click on a database in the directory list to view available forms, views, or tables to delete.
55668 Select a file to delete.
55669 Select a table in the file name list to delete.
55670 First select a server or an existing connection. Then select a database, directory or table to import.
55671 Double click on a database in the directory list to view available forms, views, or tables to import.
55672 Select a file to import.
55673 Select a table in the file name list to import.
55674 This database does not support creation or modification of %s fields.
55675 Help files have not been installed. Please re-install Approach, or install Help through the Approach Manual install option.
55676 Please enter a valid From...To range.
55677 You must define at least one item in the "One Of" Listbox.
55678 Couldn't find SmartIcons. Please run INSTALL.EXE to install (or re-install) Lotus Approach.
55679 Your changes to the Index section have not been committed. Are you sure you want to exit the dialog?
55680 Couldn't create database "%s." due to failure to create unique index.
55681 You must define a data source to proceed.
55682 Couldn't launch SmartMaster because file "%s" already exists in target directory "%s". Please delete, move or rename this file.
55683 Couldn't launch SmartMaster because file "%s" could not be copied to target directory "%s" from source directory "%s". Disk may be full, or source file or destination directory may be missing.
55684 You must assign a name to this find in the 'Name' panel.
55685 The SQL statement is invalid.
55686 An error occured while performing the find.
55687 Changing the SQL statement will mean that you can't go back through the assistant to change this particular query. Continue?
55688 Delete the current page?
55689 There is already a find with the name "%s". Please choose another name.
55690 Directory "%s" does not exist. Please check for available directories and re-enter.
55691 Directory "%s" is a temporary directory and cannot be used. Please choose another directory.
55692 Drive "%s" is a removeable drive and is an unsuitable choice. Please choose a directory on another drive.
55693 Drive "%s" is a CD-ROM drive and is an unsuitable choice. Please choose a directory on another drive.
55694 "%s" gives access to tables in an invalid table space. You will be moved back to a folder containing valid tables.
55695 No valid drilldown view was found.
55696 That name is reserved. Please choose another name.
55697 You can only modify this fieldtype in database %s to be a Text or Memo field.
55698 You can only modify this fieldtype in database %s to be a Memo or PicturePlus field.
55699 Not enough fields have been specified. Expected %d entries.
55700 The location of the valid filespace for this sequel statement could not be determined. Further files cannot be added.
55701 When trying to rebuild directory "%s", only "%s" could be built. Try rebuilding this directory structure through the Open Dialog.
55702 You cannot perform matchings on a PicturePlus field.
55703 You cannot perform matchings on a Memo field.
55705 Select a QMF object in the file name list to run on the QMF server.
55706 Select a QMF object in the file name list to import.
55707 You cannot continue without entering a name for this style
55708 You cannot continue without entering a description for this style
55709 You cannot continue without entering a name and description for this style
55710 Unable to initialize Internet access. Please re-install Approach.
55711 "%s" already exists. "%s" will be used intead.
55712 Unable to import the SQL statement.
55713 The SQL statement did not produce any data.
55714 Couldn't open the database %s (%d): SELECT statement contained picture field.
55715 You cannot use the character "%c" in a view name.
55716 This table %s contains text fields that are longer than 255 characters. These fields will appear truncated to 255 characters.
55717 The following error occured while publishing this document: "%s"
55718 Could not launch Net-It Now! SE. If you re-install Lotus Approach, then Net-It Now! SE will also be re-installed correctly.
58479 "%s" is not a valid name for a %s field because it is an ODBC keyword.
58480 "%s" is not a valid name for a %s database because it is an ODBC keyword.
58485 You may have selected an invalid or non-functional database type.
58490 Integrity constraint violation. You may have a duplicate key value or the operation you performed has violated referential integrity.
58491 You are not authorized to perform this operation.
58510 Cannot create database "%s" because it contains a field type unsupported by %s, probably a Memo or PicturePlus field.
58516 The existing connection has been used by another operation.
58517 Failed to make a connection to the database.
59000 Euro
59001 #,##0.00" euro";"("#,##0.00" euro)"
59002 ISO Euro
59003 "EUR "#,##0.00;"(EUR "#,##0.00")"
59004 ECU
59006 ISO ECU
59008 ECU
59009 XEU
59010 euro
59011 EUR
59012 2
59013 3
59014 2
59015 15
59016 14
59017 15
59018 14
59399 Approach could not establish a DDE connection to 1-2-3.
59400 A 1-2-3 data field contains a value whose datatype is not supported by Approach or does not match the datatype of the value in the first row of the 1-2-3 table.
59401 The specified range name already exists. Enter a new range name.
59402 1-2-3 could not be successfully restarted with WinExec.
59403 The connection to 1-2-3 was interrupted. To avoid unpredictable results, close and reopen all database files.
59404 A DDE timeout occurred trying to load a 1-2-3 program. Make sure you are not running this operation through a 1-2-3 macro.
59411 An 1-2-3 range was not selected or an internal error has occurred. Select the 1-2-3 range and try again.
59412 The requested record is no longer in the 1-2-3 table.
59413 An internal error has occurred: %d.
59414 Range contains versions and cannot be deleted.
59415 1-2-3 ranges being used by Lotus Approach cannot have duplicate field names.
59418 A field name in the 1-2-3 table is too large. See the Approach documentation for field name limits.
59420 The 1-2-3 table being used is protected; remove range protection to make changes to the table.
59427 1-2-3 database tables must be named, on-sheet ranges.
59428 1-2-3 database tables must have labels in the first row and cannot span more than one sheet.
59429 Invalid 1-2-3 range name or range name does not exist. Make sure the 1-2-3 table has a valid range name (up to 15 characters) and specify it again.
59430 An internal error has occurred: %d.
59431 A 1-2-3 program file could not be found or was not loaded.
59432 An internal error has occurred: %d.
59433 An internal error has occurred: %d.
59436 An internal error has occurred: %d.
59474 This table is too large for this 1-2-3 operation. Tables can have up to 100 columns and 8192 rows.
59475 The specified file cannot be found. Make sure the filename and path are correct.
59477 1-2-3 ranges being used by Lotus Approach cannot overlap.
59478 A 1-2-3 file name, range name or field name is too long to be processed or translated by Lotus Approach.
59479 Unable to redefine the 1-2-3 range for an insert or delete operation.
59482 Couldn't open or write to server's named pipe. Contact your system administrator, or check your network driver, network configuration and network cables.
59483 "%s" is not a valid name for a %s field because it is a %s keyword.
59484 "%s" is not a valid name for a %s database because it is a %s keyword.
59486 Cannot create a %s database with a Memo or PicturePlus field.
59487 Cannot change database "%s" because it is a %s database with a Memo or PicturePlus field.
59488 Cannot open "%s" because there is a problem with the syntax of the SELECT statement.
59489 Cannot change database "%s" because the server ran out of connections.
59492 Server is not available. Server may not be running, or may have run out of connections.
60000 No SendKey selected for edit.
60001 No SendKey selected for copy.
60002 No SendKey selected for delete.
60003 Delete SendKey %s?
60004 Discard current changes?
60005 Send Key reference sequence '%s' does not exist.
60006 The current keystroke contains a circular reference sequence '[[%s]]'.
60007 Send Key reference name(s) can not contain square brackets, "[" or "]".
60008 Send Key reference name '%s' already exists.
60009 While validating the '%s' keystroke sequence an non existent SendKey reference name was found. Do you wish to rectify now?
60010 A circular reference occured while validating the '%s' keystroke sequence. Do you wish to rectify now?
60011 SendKey
60020 Memo field can not be created in %s files. It will be converted to text field. \n\nDo you wish to continue ?
60024 Error reading "%s."
60025 Cannot open "%s" because it is missing a database type.
60026 Cannot open "%s" because it is missing a SELECT statement.
60027 Cannot open "%s" because it is a Query on an unknown database type.
60030 The name "%s" contains a character that can not be used in a filename.
60036 The name "%s" is too long for a %s database.
60434 Couldn't find server.
60435 Network driver not loaded.
60436 Invalid username or password.
60521 Too many files open. Close some files or increase SHARE.EXE buffer.
60528 An Oracle SQL database may have only one PicturePlus or Memo field.
60531 Cannot open "%s" because it was created with an unsupported version of %s.
60534 Too many files open. Close some files and try again.
61433 Cannot modify or insert a record because the numeric value is out of the range of the datatype representation.
61531 The contents of the Memo field %s is too large.
62531 Cannot open Paradox database "%s" because a Memo or PicturePlus field is a primary key field.
62533 Cannot open %s because it is a %s database without a key field (or key fields). Make a copy of this database with a key field (or key fields)?
64483 Cannot open Paradox 5.0 databases.
64484 Cannot open database "%s" because of a file mismatch. Check that your .NET file path matches other users of this database.
64485 Cannot open a Paradox 4.x database while in 3.5 networking mode.
64493 Could not modify the key field(s) of database "%s."
64500 Couldn't modify the record in database "%s". Your computer may be out of disk space.
64515 Cannot open database "%s" because it does not have a primary key.
64527 Error adding record to database "%s". Your computer may be out of disk space.
64533 The maximum record size was exceeded for "%s". Make fields smaller or use fewer fields.
64534 Couldn't open database %s because it is damaged.
64535 Couldn't find database "%s."
64536 Not enough memory is available for this operation; free up memory and try again.
65507 Couldn't open database "%s" because it is open in another language.\n\nCheck that all PCs have the same language setting in the International Control Panel.
65518 Cannot open database "%s" because it is encrypted.
65530 Don't have permission to perform that operation on database "%s".