1 { HTML version of a default file type. The user should provide a description or explanation here for the HTML version of this file. }
2 <BR><A HREF = "%s" > %s </A>
3 What do you want to convert to HTML?
4 What do you want to convert to Print snapshots?
19 Convert %s to HTML.
20 Convert %s to Print snapshot (jDoc).
21 Use File Defaults
22 Entire Workbook
23 Sheet: %s
24 Range: %s
26 None.
1016 %s is not a valid range name. Please select one from the drop-down list.
1017 %s is not a valid sheet name. Please select one from the drop-down list.
1018 Can't open 1-2-3.
1019 Cannot find 1-2-3.
1020 1-2-3 is not correctly installed. Please re-install.
1021 The 1-2-3 file you are publishing does not contain a named range. Name the range in 1-2-3 and save the file; then publish it.
1022 1-2-3 is currently running. Before converting a 1-2-3 file, or changing its properties in FastSite, you need to exit 1-2-3. Once you exit 1-2-3, you will be able to convert or change properties in FastSite.
40000 SCP
40001 SSHT
40002 SRNG
40003 SHT%d
40004 RNG%d
40006 JSRNG
40007 Set d = GetObject("%s")\nd.PublishWhat = %d\nd.PublishOutputType = %d\nSet r = d.Ranges(%s)\nSet d.Publishrange = r\nd.Publish("%s")
40008 Set d = GetObject("%s")\nd.PublishWhat = %d\nd.PublishOutputType = %d\nd.Publish("%s")
40010 Set d = GetObject("%s")\nd.PublishWhat = %d\nd.PublishOutputType = %d\nSet r = d.Sheets(%s)\nSet d.Publishsheet = r\nd.Publish("%s")
40011 Set d = GetObject("%s")\nSet x = d.ranges\nOpen "%s" For Output Access Write As #1\nForall range In x\nWrite #1, range.name\nEnd Forall\nClose #1\n
40012 Set d = GetObject("%s")\nSet x = d.sheets\nOpen "%s" For Output Access Write As #1\nForall sheet In x\nWrite #1, sheet.name\nEnd Forall\nClose #1
40013 Set d = GetObject("%s")\nd.PublishWhat = %d\nd.PublishOutputType = %d\nSet r = d.Sheets("%s")\nSet d.Publishsheet = r\nd.Publish("%s")