11 The InterBase service is currently running.%sPlease stop the service and try again.
12 Removing InterBase from the registry will prevent\nall applications that use InterBase from working.\n\nAre you sure you want to continue?
13 The InterBase configuration information was not found in the registry. %sUsing default values.
14 An error occured launching the application.%sPlease make sure there are enough Windows resources free.
15 An error occured launching the browser.%sPlease make sure there are enough Windows resources free.
16 The InterBase service could not be started.%sPlease make sure that this account has the proper account priviledges.
17 The InterBase service could not be stopped.%sPlease make sure that this account has the proper account priviledges.
18 The InterBase service could not be paused.%sMake sure that the service is running before trying to pause it.
19 The InterBase service could not be removed from the services database.
20 This login does not have the proper security to open the services database.
21 The InterBase service that is being queried is currently marked as deleted.
22 The InterBase service has been disabled.%sUse the Windows control panel to re-enable it.
23 The InterBase service is already running.
24 The InterBase service is not running.%sThe service must be started before continuing.
25 The path specified for the service is not found.
26 Drive %s: is not responding.
27 You must specify the directory containing the InterBase license file.\nClick the browse button to choose a valid directory.
28 The InterBase server could not be added to the Windows startup group.%sYou need administrator rights to add icons to common program groups.
29 The InterBase server could not be removed from the Windws startup group.%sYou need administrator rights to add icons to common program groups.
30 The InterBase configuration information could not be added to the registry.
31 The InterBase configuration information from the startup group could not be read.
32 The server could not be found in directory %s.
33 %s is not a valid directory. Defaulting to the current drive and directory.
34 InterBase does not seem to be installed to %s. Please check to be sure the root directory is correct.
35 One of the following files could not be found in %s.\n INTERBASE.MSG\n IB_LICENSE.DAT\n ISC4.GDB\nPlease click on the browse button to choose a different directory.