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- The following example programs demonstrate a number of useful features of
- the InterBase programming interface. Only the api<n>.c programs are
- available on Windows 3.1 clients (except api9f.c and api16.c).
- All others are available on all platforms.
- Note that the following environment variables need to be set before running
- the examples (before loading Windows for the InterBase Client for Windows):
- ISC_USER - A valid username on the server.
- ISC_PASSWORD - The password for the above user.
- ISC_DATABASE - The path to the employee.gdb example database, including
- server name. For example, to connect to the NT server
- named "NTserver" via NetBEUI:
- ISC_DATABASE=\\NTserver\c:\ibserver\examples
- This assumes that InterBase was installed to the
- default directory on the server, c:\ibserver.
- In addition, a guest account should be created with the username "guest"
- and password "guest" before running api15 and winevent.
- Embedded Static SQL
- Program Description
- --------- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- stat1.e Illustrates a simple update to an existing table, commit, rollback.
- stat2.e Illustrates singleton select.
- stat3.e Illustrates a simple cursor -- declare/open/close/fetch.
- stat4.e Show 'declare table' and 'create table'.
- stat5.e Demonstrate 'update where current of'.
- stat6.e Select an array.
- stat7.e Illustrate blob cursor for select.
- stat8.e Illustrate blob cursor for insert.
- stat9.e Execute and select from a stored procedure.
- stat10.e Demonstrate 'set database', 'connect' and 'set transaction'.
- stat11.e Demonstrate 'set transaction' with various isolation options.
- stat12.e Event wait and signaling.
- stat12t.e
- WHENEVER SQLERROR and BASED_ON clause are illustrated by many programs.
- ^L
- Embedded Dynamic SQL
- Program Description
- --------- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- dyn1.e Execute 'create database' statement as a static string.
- dyn2.e 'Execute immediate', and 'prepare' and 'execute'.
- dyn3.e Dynamic cursor for select with output SQLDA allocated.
- dyn4.e Execute an update query with parameter markers and input SQLDA.
- dyn5.e Demonstrate dynamic reallocation of SQLDA and 'describe' statement.
- dynfull.e A full_dsql program (process unknown statements).
- VARY struct is used by dyn3.e, dynfull.e.
- ^L
- API Interface
- Program Description
- --------- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- api1.c Execute 'create dabatabase' statement as a static string.
- Demonstrates zero database handle.
- api2.c 'Execute immediate', and 'prepare' and 'execute'.
- api3.c Dynamic cursor for select with output SQLDA allocated.
- api4.c Execute an update query with parameter markers and input SQLDA.
- api5.c Demonstrate dynamic reallocation of SQLDA and 'describe' statement.
- apifull.c A full_dsql program (process unknown statements).
- Demonstrates stmt_info calls and numeric scale.
- api6.c Assemble an update current of statement, based on a dynamic
- cursor name. Free a statement handle and re-use it as the cursor.
- api7.c Demonstrate blob_open, get_segment.
- api8.c Demonstrate create_blob, put_segment.
- api9.c Demonstrate blob_open2 (using blob filter).
- api9f.c Filter for api9.c. (Not part of Windows 3.1 clients)
- api10.c Update an array using get_slice/put_slice.
- api11.c Execute and select from a stored procedure.
- api12.c A program with several active transactions.
- api13.c A multi-database transaction with 2-phase commit.
- api14.e Combine the three programming styles in one program.
- api15.c Construct a database parameter buffer. db_info calls.
- api16.c Demonstrate asynchronous event trapping
- (Not available on Windows 3.1 clients)
- winevent.c Demonstrate asynchronous event trapping
- (Replacement for api16.c on Windows 3.1 Client)
- api16t.c Identical to stat12t, this triggers the event for api16.
- VARY struct is used by api3.c, apifull.c, and api14.e.
- SQLCODE extraction from status is covered by several programs.
- Zero transaction handle is covered in several programs, ex. api14.e.