Graphics Utilities_Corel CAPTURE.Description=Corel CAPTURE is an advanced screen capture utility with capabilities for Freehand, Shape, Screen or Window source selections.
Graphics Utilities_Corel MEDIA FOLDERS.Description=Corel MEDIA FOLDERS is a utility for visually managing graphic files, clipart, photos and more.
Graphics Utilities_Corel MEDIA FOLDERS.Display=Corel MEDIA FOLDERS
Graphics Utilities_Corel MEDIA FOLDERS_Program Files.Description=The program files are the main files required to run Corel MEDIA FOLDERS.
Graphics Utilities_Corel MEDIA FOLDERS_Program Files.Display=Program Files
Graphics Utilities_Corel MEDIA FOLDERS_Converter.Description=This utility will convert Corel Mosaic, Corel Gallery, and Corel Multimedia Manager files to Corel Media Folders.
Graphics Utilities_Corel MEDIA FOLDERS_Converter.Display=Album Converter
Graphics Utilities_Corel OCR-TRACE.Description=Corel OCR-TRACE is a bitmap to vector conversion utility with extensive tracing and optical character recognition capabilities.
Graphics Utilities_Corel OCR-TRACE_Sample Files.Description=The samples files include image and text-intensive bitmaps that can be used for testing with Corel OCR-TRACE.
Graphics Utilities_Color Profile Wizard.Description=Corel Color Profile Wizard tunes and installs color profiles for your printer, monitor, and input devices.
Graphics Utilities_Color Profile Wizard.Display=Corel Color Profile Wizard
Productivity Tools.Display=Productivity Tools
Productivity Tools_Corel SCRIPT EDITOR.Description=An OLE-enabled scripting utility which can be used for creating add-ons for Corel VENTURA and Corel PHOTO-PAINT.
Productivity Tools_Corel SCRIPT EDITOR_Help Files.Description=The help files contain conceptual and "how to" information for using Corel SCRIPT Editor.
Productivity Tools_Bitstream Font Navigator 30.Description=Bitstream Font Navigator is a font manager for Windows 95 and Windows NT 4.0 that allows you to view, catalog and install fonts.
Productivity Tools_Bitstream Font Navigator 30.Display=Bitstream Font Navigator 3.0
Productivity Tools_Corel Spelling Utility.Description= The Spell Utility allows you to create, edit, and convert Main Word Lists for use with the Grammatik and Spell Checker writing tools.
Productivity Tools_Service Bureau Profiler.Description=Allows you to create printing profiles for use with the Prepare for Service Bureau Wizard.
Productivity Tools_Service Bureau Profiler.Display=Corel Service Bureau Profiler
Productivity Tools_Corel VERSIONS.Description=Corel VERSIONS is a document revision tool that provides a method of archiving changes to Corel VENTURA files.
PageTitleLicense.Text=VENTURA 8 Trial Version License Agreement
PageTitleUser.Text=Personalize Corel VENTURA 8
PageTitleConfirm.Text=Verify personal information
PageTitleSerial.Text=Corel VENTURA 8 Serial number
PageTitleInstallType.Text=Corel VENTURA 8 Trial Version Setup Options
TypicalCheckText.Text=&Typical Setup
TypicalText.Text=This option includes Corel VENTURA, Help Files, and commonly used Productivity Tools, Accessories and Fonts.
CompactCheckText.Text=Com&pact Setup
CompactText.Text=This option includes Corel VENTURA, and a minimum of Accessories.
CustomCheckText.Text=&Custom Setup
CustomText.Text=This option includes choices of all the major applications, Productivity Tools, Utilities, File Types.
ResidualCheckTitle.Text=&Run from CD-ROM drive
ResidualCheckText.Text=Allows you to leave some files on the CD-ROM for any of the above setups. You will save disk space, but you will be required to insert the CD-ROM each time you wish to run the program.
PageTitleTempFolder.Text=Temp Folder Selection for Corel VENTURA 8 Trial Version
RAMERROR.Message=It has been determined that you do not have enough RAM to properly operate VENTURA 8. \
Do you want to continue the VENTURA 8 setup anyway?
OSERROR.Message=VENTURA 8 does not support your current operating system. Do you want to continue \
the VENTURA 8 setup anyway?
BOTHERROR.Message=VENTURA 8 does not support your current operating system nor do you have the \
minimum required RAM on your system. Do you want to continue the VENTURA 8 setup anyway?
BB1Text1 = \n
BB1Text2 = Hello \u,\n\n Thank you for using Corel VENTURA 8. Today, professional publishing is more sophisticated than ever - publishers want to create directories, financial reports, technical documents, and design-intensive graphic layouts without having to use multiple applications. That's why Corel created Corel VENTURA 8, a comprehensive desktop publishing solution that gives you everything you need to get professional results.\n\n Corel VENTURA 8 delivers the reliability, tools, and performance you need to produce exceptional documents with ease.
BB2Text1 = \n
BB2Text2 = \n The redesigned Corel VENTURA 8 interface lets you tailor your work environment to your individual needs, whether you create short, layout-intensive publications; long, structured publications; or any kind of document you can imagine.\n \n The VENTURA Navigator window and the new Tag Window are dockable, allowing you to make the best use of your screen real estate. When you dock the VENTURA Navigator window or the Tag Window, the workspace automatically zooms to maintain your publication view.\n\n Previous versions of Corel VENTURA used paragraph overrides to format individual paragraphs, which resulted in you having to juggle two text modes (tags and overrides). In Corel VENTURA 8, the streamlined interface lets you apply changes to a specific paragraph or paragraph tag in a single mode.
BB3Text1 = \n
BB3Text2 = \n Corel VENTURA 8 is a powerful and versatile desktop publishing program ideal for creating all kinds of publications; whether long, medium, or short length; emphasizing graphics or structure. For this release, Corel has added several performance enhancements to improve efficiency and productivity, including improved image handling, frame control, and publication display.\n\n You control the picture display resolution by adjusting it in the Frame properties dialog box. Opening and saving your file, and screen redraw has never been faster!
BB4Text1 = \n
BB4Text2 = \n You no longer need a separate application to apply effects to bitmaps in your publications. Corel VENTURA 8 gives you sophisticated editing tools to use on your imported bitmap and vector images. You can also combine graphic objects to create complex pictures without even closing your publication. \n\n To minimize the use of system resources when working with complex graphic objects, you can convert the selected objects to a picture, which you can also export and use in other programs.
BB5Text1 = \n
BB5Text2 = \n Corel VENTURA 8 gives you WYSIWYG Web publishing! The new Current Page with the Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) Layout option generates pages that use the positioning tag in Microsoft« Internet ExplorerÖ 4.0 and Netscape Navigator« 4 to create multiple-page HTML documents. The new Frame tab in the Publish to HTML dialog allows you to define how Corel VENTURA 8 generates HTML frames and the contents of those frames.\n\n You can insert an HTML hyperlink with just a few keystrokes. The Hyperlink dialog box allows you to create hyperlinks to chapters, files, Email addresses, and URLs. When publishing your publication in HTML, you can use specific markers and target frames for your hyperlinks. Support has also been added for File Transfer Protocol (FTP), news, and mailto protocols.
BB6Text1 = \n
BB6Text2 = \n Corel VENTURA 8 uses Corel's latest print and graphics engines, giving Corel VENTURA 8 the same printing capabilities as the award winning CorelDRAW 8 and Corel PHOTO-PAINT 8 applications. Printing enhancements let you print chapters by name and print chapters or pages as separate files when printing to file.\n\n The ColorSync« 2.0-standard color management system licensed from Kodak uses ICC compliant color profiles to ensure accurate color representation during scanning, display, and printing. Corel VENTURA 8 also includes built-in support for acquiring colors using a spectrophotometer.
BB7Text1 = \n
BB7Text2 = \n Corel VENTURA 8 offers tight integration with other Corel graphics products, as well as many of today's most commonly used software programs. All Corel version 8 graphics products share a consistent menu structure that lets users apply their knowledge of one product to the others, so you won't lose valuable time with an unfamiliar interface.\n\n Extended OLE support and improved import/export features make it easy to include text, tables, and graphics created in other programs in your Corel VENTURA 8 publications.
BB8Text1 = \n
BB8Text2 = \n Thank you again for using Corel VENTURA 8. We value your input and welcome any comments, compliments, and suggestions. You can communicate with us via our Web Site at We hope you enjoy Corel VENTURA 8 as much as we enjoyed creating it for you, the desktop publishing professional!