2904 Cannot rename a tag which has already been kept
2905 At least one Body Text has to be kept
2906 Cannot rename Generated tags
2907 Cannot substitute a tag which has been renamed
2908 Style
2909 Tag
2910 Keep
2911 New Name
2912 Substitute
2913 Above/Below
2914 Straddle Text
2915 Text flows Left
2916 Left, then Right
2917 Text through Frame
2918 Text flows Right
2919 Left wrap
2920 Right wrap
2921 Tag Window
2922 Files
2923 Popup
2924 Jump
2925 Help/On-line Macro
2926 Message Box
2927 AVI/Sound File
2928 None
2929 Either Page
2930 Custom
2931 (None)
2932 d-MMM
2933 d-MMM-yy
2934 dd MMMM, yyyy
2935 dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy
2936 dddd, dt MMMM, yyyy
2937 dddd, MMMM dt, yyyy
2938 MM/dd/yy
2939 MMM-yy
2940 MMMM dd, yyyy
2941 MMMM, d, yyyy
2942 MMMM, dd, yyyy
2943 yy/MM/dd
2944 M/d/yy h:mm
2945 hh:mm AM/PM
2946 hh:mm:ss AM/PM
2947 hh:mm
2948 hh:mm:ss
2949 mm:ss
2950 mm:ss.0
2951 [h]:mm:ss
2952 Style
2953 Number Width
2954 Alignment
2955 Include
2956 inches
2957 picas
2958 millimeters
2959 ciceros
2960 agates
2961 inches decimal
2962 Left
2963 Right
2964 Center
2965 Decimal
2966 Highest Right
2967 inches
2968 millimeters
2969 picas, points
2970 points
2971 ciceros, didots
2972 didots
2973 New From Template
2974 General
2975 The Samples folder was not found.\n%s has been created.
2976 Template
2977 Size
2978 Type
2979 Modified
2980 Corel VENTURA Publication Template
2981 Corel SGML Publication Template
2982 *.vp
2983 *.smg
2984 *.sty
2985 *.csc
2986 Corel VENTURA Publication Wizard
2987 *.pub
2988 Default.vp
2989 (Normal Text)
2990 &Details
2991 Pr&esets
2992 Admin.
2993 Chapter
2994 Publication
2995 View
2996 User
2997 On
2998 Description
2999 Em Dash
3000 En Dash
3001 Discretionary Hyphen
3002 Optional Hyphen
3003 Em Space
3004 En Space
3005 Nonbreaking Space
3006 Copyright
3007 Registered
3008 Trademark
3009 ...
3010 Single Opening Quote
3011 Single Closing Quote
3012 Double Opening Quote
3013 Double Closing Quote
3014 Extended Characters
3015 Apply Value to All
3016 &What's This?
3017 Left
3018 Right
3019 Center
3020 Cell
3021 Skew text
3022 inches
3023 <Selected Paragraph>
3024 Kern Pair Already Exists...Operation Ignored
3025 Copy buffer empty - nothing pasted
3026 Pair already exists - Replace ?
3027 Corel VENTURA
3028 &Add
3029 &Replace
3030 Failed to open text file
3031 Duplicate pair : %d, %d
3032 The file "%s" is not a valid Kern Pair text file.\nCheck line %d.
3033 Failed to export text file
3034 Apply the %1 modifications made to '%2'?
3035 Vertical Grid
3036 Horizontal Grid
3037 Outline Selection
3038 Figure Space
3039 Thin Space
3040 Close
3041 Leader
3042 Custom Leader
3043 Spacing
3044 Position
3045 Align
3046 Leadered
3047 Include Font
3048 Font
3049 Show Units
3050 Edit Equation
3051 Absolute
3052 Break
3053 Insert the
3054 Character
3055 Font
3056 <Current Properties>
3057 <Current Tag>
3066 Small Caps
3067 *.vp*
3068 vp6
3069 Text Files (*.txt)|*.txt|All Files (*.*)|*.*||
3070 *.txt
3071 txt
3072 ANSI
3073 Scripts
3074 VENTURA Scripts
3075 Enter Username
3076 Library
3077 &Update From
3078 Default
3079 Replace old Kern Value (%3.1f) with new Kern Value (%3.1f) ?
3080 Setting will not affect dialogs already open. Do you wish to close all the dialogs?
3081 *.htm
3082 HTM files (*.htm)
3083 htm
3084 Publish As Corel Barista
3085 Save the current page tag properties ?
3086 Check-in
3087 Component
3092 Animals
3093 [No Marker]
3094 s
3095 Page
3096 Chapter
3097 Edit Number/Cross-Reference
3098 Edit Date & Time
3099 Edit Variable Marker
3100 Edit Hidden Text
3101 Edit Marker Name
3102 Check-in Components
3103 UnCheck-out
3104 <None>
3105 #
3106 Index Entry
3107 Sort Key
3108 User Name
3109 User-Defined
3110 Hairline
3111 1 point
3112 1 1/2 point
3113 2 point
3114 3 point
3115 4 point
3116 6 point
3117 8 point
3118 10 point
3119 12 point
3120 18 point
3121 Double 1/2 point
3122 Thick-Thin
3123 Thin-Thick
3124 Three Line
3125 Triple 1/2 point
3126 Punctuation
3127 ANSI Value
3128 Overhang %
3129 None
3130 Document Scripts
3131 picas/agates
3132 Others...
3133 256 Colors
3134 16 Colors
3135 Black & White
3136 Current Page
3137 &Folder && File name :
3138 &Folder Only :
3139 Left/Either Page
3140 Right/Either Page
3141 Apply changes made to tag '%1'?
3142 &Apply overrides to '%s' ?
3143 Welcome to the new VENTURA...
3144 Enumerating Fonts...
3145 Creating Environment...
3150 Corel VENTURA (TM)
3151 Version 8
3152 Version 8.429
3154 \n\nKodak Digital Science ICC API copyright ⌐ 1995-1997 Eastman Kodak Company.
3155 \n\nPortions copyright ⌐ Zsoft Corporation.
3156 \n\nThe Paint Alchemy and Terrazzo Plug-In Filters ⌐
3157 1996 XAOS, Tools, Inc. All rights reserved.
3158 \n\nDIC Color Guide Process Color Note computer simulations used in this
3159 product may not match DIC Color Guide and DIC Color Guide Part2
3160 identified solid color standards. Use current DIC Color Guide Process Color
3161 Note Manuals for better use. DIC, DIC Color Guide Process Color Note Part2
3162 are trademarks of Dainippon Ink && Chemicals, Inc.
3163 \n\nBar Code Pro« by Allen Lubow; program by Xinying Gu copyright ⌐
3164 1991-1996 SYNEX. All rights reserved. Bar Code Pro« is a registered
3165 trademark of SYNEX. The barcode technology used in CorelDRAW is based
3166 on Bar Code Pro« by SYNEX, publishers of microcomputer software,
3167 barcode readers and scanners. For more information on the use of
3168 barcode call SYNEX at (718) 499-6293, fax (718) 768-3997, or write
3169 to SYNEX, 692 10th St, Brooklyn, NY 11215-4502 or visit their homepage
3170 at http://www.snx.com
3171 \n\nAdobe File Utilities filters and converters copyright ⌐ 1986-1996
3172 Adobe Systems Incorporated. Adobe and the Adobe logo are trademarks of
3173 Adobe Systems Incorporated. Contains an implementation of the LZW
3174 algorithm licensed under Patent No. 4,558,302.
3175 Equation Editor«, a special version of Design Science's MathType⌐, is customized for use with Corel applications. If you work with a lot of equations, you may find
3176 that the extended version of the Equation Editor, called MathType is better suited to your needs. For further information on MathType, contact Design Science at
3177 Design Science, Inc., 4028 Broadway, Long Beach, CA 90803. Ph : 800-827-0685, 310-433-0685. Fax : 310-433-6969. Internet : mtsales@mathtype.com.\n
3180 Copyright ⌐ 1988-1998 Corel Corporation.
3181 All rights reserved.
3185 Do you want to replace the existing script?
3186 Figure
3187 Table
3188 <Normal>
3189 CorelVENTURA 8.0 Publication
3190 Apply changes to current Rule Tag?
3191 <None>
3192 Empty frames:
3193 Unanchored frames:
3194 VENTURA graphic objects:
3195 Tri-Fold Card
3196 Header/Footer Formats
3197 Printer paper orientation does not match document.\n\nAdjust printer automatically?
3198 not found. Please browse through folders and find this style file
3199 Name of the stylefile cannot be changed
3200 Cannot have duplicate tag names
3201 Cannot substitute a tag which has already been kept
3202 Size
3203 Color
3204 Pen
3205 Style
3206 Width
3207 Space
3208 #
3209 Page # Right
3210 Chapter # - Page # Right
3211 Text Left
3212 Text Centered
3213 Text Right
3214 Text Left and Page # Right
3215 Page # and Text Centered
3216 Page # Left and Text Right
3217 Text Left and Chapter # - Page # Right
3218 Chapter # - Page # and Text Centered
3219 Chapter # - Page # Left and Text Right
3220 Text Left and Date/Time Right
3221 Text and Date/Time Centered
3222 Date/Time Left and Text Right
3223 Page (Text) and Page # Right
3224 No Header
3225 No Footer
3226 \nPANTONE« and other Pantone, Inc. trademarks are the property of Pantone, Inc.
3227 \nSix-color Process System Patent Pending - Pantone, Inc. ⌐ Pantone, Inc., 1989, 1996
3228 \nKodak Digital Science ICC API copyright ⌐ 1995-1997 Eastman Kodak Company.
3229 Kodak Digital Science Pantone Hexachrome Precision Transforms
3230 Copyright ⌐ 1996 Eastman Kodak company.\n
3231 DIC Color Guide and DIC Traditional Color of Nippon
3232 Copyright ⌐ Dianippon Ink & Chemicals, Inc.
3235 Dot
3236 Line
3237 Ellipse
3238 Prefix
3239 Number Format
3240 Suffix
3241 None
3242 Start a New Publication
3243 Open the Last Edited Publication
3244 Open an Existing Publication
3245 Delete Paragraph Tag
3246 Delete Paragraph Tag(s)
3247 Delete Frame Tag
3248 Delete Frame Tag(s)
3249 Delete Character Tag
3250 Delete Character Tag(s)
3251 Delete Rule Tag
3252 Delete Rule Tag(s)
3255 COREL
3257 This is a sample of the kerning
3258 Unnamed File
3259 Page
3260 Ask always
3261 Always insert
3262 Never insert
3263 Corel VENTURA has detected an auto-backup publication.\n\nWould you like to retrieve it?
3264 Character
3265 Select First Color
3266 Select Last Color
3267 Uppercase
3268 No Uppercase
3269 First Match
3270 Last Match
3271 &Update with publication numbering
3272 No Contents
3273 An attribute name or value contains one of the invalid characters:
3274 Duplicate attributes are not allowed.
3275 <Name>
3276 <Value>
3277 http://
3278 ftp://
3279 telnet://
3280 news:
3281 www.
3282 @
3283 _top
3284 _parent
3285 _self
3286 _blank
3287 Example: http://www.corel.com
3288 Enter the name of an anchor if you want to jump
3289 to a specific location on a web page.
3290 Example: webmaster@corel.com
3291 This type of link lets your readers send you an
3292 email if they have access to email from their browser.
3293 The hyperlink will jump to a chapter.
3294 Select a marker if you want to jump to a specific
5841 CorelMEMO is not found in the Registration Database
5842 %u Frames and %u Graphics objects
5843 %u Frames
5844 %u Graphics objects
5845 VENTURA Text
5847 Unknown Object
5848 Frame
5849 Graphics Object
5850 Page Tag
5851 Frame Tag
5852 Paragraph Tag
5853 Rule Tag
5854 Character Tag
5855 Tag
5856 OLE
5857 Group Object
5858 Chapter Object
5860 Stylesheet
5861 Table
5862 Text
5863 No item matched
5865 %.3f x %.3f mm (%.3f x %.3f inch)
5866 Insert Page(s)
5867 &Undo Insert Page(s)
5868 R&edo Insert Page(s)
5869 Delete Page(s)
5870 &Undo Delete Page(s)
5871 R&edo Delete Page(s)
5872 Load Stylesheet
5873 &Undo Load Stylesheet
5874 R&edo Load Stylesheet
5876 Stylesheet (*.sty; *.vp)
5877 *.sty; *.vp
5879 Table\nTable object
5880 Unable To Create IInContext Object
5881 Unable to Find IInContext Server
5885 IC2::IDocument::Load Failed
5892 Unable to Create IEditStream Object
5893 Link File
5894 &Undo Link File
5895 R&edo Link File
5896 Link Picture
5897 &Undo Link Picture
5898 R&edo Link Picture
5899 Link Chapter
5900 &Undo Link Chapter
5901 R&edo Link Chapter
5902 Link Stylesheet
5903 &Undo Link Stylesheet
5904 R&edo Link Stylesheet
5905 &Property bar:
5906 Chapter Set Properties
5907 &Undo Chapter Set Properties
5908 R&edo Chapter Set Properties
5909 Artistic Text
5910 Paste failed because the copy area (%d x %d) and the paste area (%d x %d) are different
5911 You must type a name.
5912 The name must be less than 25 characters.
5914 A name cannot contain any of the following characters:\n \ " ''
5915 Sorry, that file is not a valid archive.
5918 New &Index...
5919 New Index
5920 New &Page Tag
5922 Cut Page Tag
5923 Delete Page Tag
5924 Cut ''%s''.
5925 &Reformat With:
5926 Chapter1
5927 Style
5928 &Update Chapter
5929 &Embed Chapter
5930 &Update Stylesheet
5931 &Embed Stylesheet
5932 &Update File
5933 &Embed File
5934 U&ncheck Out
5935 Chec&k Out
5936 Chec&k In
5937 Import Chapter
5938 Chapters (*.chp)|*.chp|All Files (*.*)|*.*||
5939 .chp
5940 Chapter1
5941 Browse
5942 All Files
5943 (*.*)
5944 *.*
5945 Chapter Files
5946 (*.chp)
5947 *.chp
5948 Chapter delete failed.
5949 .sty
5950 Are you sure you want to cut ''
5951 Are you sure you want to remove the selected files?
5952 Are you sure you want to delete ''
5953 Are you sure you want to delete the selected chapters?
5954 &Paste
5955 Do you wish to save the publication before copying it?
5956 A publication must always have at least one chapter.\nThe last chapter will not be deleted.
5957 Publication must be saved before Archiving.
5958 Save changes to ''
5959 This publication already contains a chapter called ''
5960 ''.\n\nWould you like to replace the existing chapter?
5962 Chapter replace failed.
5963 This chapter already contains a file called ''
5964 ''.\n\nThe file name will be changed to ''%s''.
5965 Confirm File Replace
5966 .VP
5967 .PUB
5968 This file is already linked to the Chapter.
5969 The Stylesheet cannot be loaded because some parts of the publication are read-only.
5970 Chapter Move
5971 &Undo Chapter Move
5972 R&edo Chapter Move
5973 &New Table of Contents...
5974 New Table of Contents
5975 Duplicate tag names in selected paragraphs.\nGenerate new tags for duplicates ?
5976 Non-contiguous paragraphs cannot be arranged side-by-side.
5977 Reference Pg. %d in Chp. %d
5978 Reference Figure in Chp. %d
5979 Reference Table in Chp. %d
5980 Reference Section in Chp. %d
5981 Reference Caption in Chp. %d
5982 Reference Variable in Chp. %d
5983 Reference First Match in Chp. %d
5984 Reference Last Match in Chp. %d
5985 Reference Current Match in Chp. %d
5986 Reference Chp. %d & Pg. %d
5987 Reference Chp. %d & Section
5988 Reference Pg. %d & Section in Chp. %d
5989 Reference Chapter %d
5990 Chp.
5991 Pg.
5992 Apply Page Tag
5993 &Undo Apply Page Tag
5994 R&edo Apply Page Tag
5995 Invalid EQN syntax:
5996 to
5997 Footnote Text
5998 Endnote Text
6000 Embed
6001 &Undo Embed
6002 R&edo Embed
6003 VENTURA has not found the cross-reference to ''%s'' in the remainder of the document.\nGo to the cross reference again to continue searching from the beginning.
6005 The marker ''%s'' does not exist in the current publication.
6006 Insert Number/Cross-Reference
6007 &Undo Insert Number/Cross-Reference
6008 R&edo Insert Number/Cross-Reference
6009 Insert Marker
6010 &Undo Insert Marker
6011 R&edo Insert Marker
6012 Insert Variable Marker
6013 &Undo Insert Variable Marker
6014 R&edo Insert Variable Marker
6015 Insert Hidden Text
6016 &Undo Insert Hidden Text
6017 R&edo Insert Hidden Text
6018 Insert Index Entry
6019 &Undo Insert Index Entry
6020 R&edo Insert Index Entry
6021 Insert Footnote
6022 &Undo Insert Footnote
6023 R&edo Insert Footnote
6024 Insert Endnote
6025 &Undo Insert Endnote
6026 R&edo Insert Endnote
6027 Insert Date-Time
6028 &Undo Insert Date-Time
6029 R&edo Insert Date-Time
6030 [%d x %d] Table
6031 no indexes
6032 no table of contents
6033 no markers or cross-references
6034 and
6035 or
6036 Your publication contains one or more fonts which is not one of the Java system fonts.\nThese fonts will be mapped to one of: TimesRoman, Helvetica, or Courier.\n\nDo you want to proceed?
6037 Warning
6038 Scan Picture
6039 &Undo Scan Picture
6040 R&edo Scan Picture
6041 Convert Picture To Graphic Object(s)
6042 &Undo Convert Picture To Graphic Object(s)
6043 R&edo Convert Picture To Graphic Object(s)
6045 VENTURA File\nVENTURA Text, Graphic File or Page Tag
6046 Convert To Frame
6047 &Undo Convert To Frame
6048 R&edo Convert To Frame
6049 no %s
6050 [P#]
6051 Frame Tag
6052 &Undo Frame Tag
6053 R&edo Frame Tag
6054 Linked or External Components will not be sent with Publication.
6055 Delete Cells
6056 &Undo Delete Cells
6057 R&edo Delete Cells
6058 Table Delete
6059 &Undo Table Delete
6060 R&edo Table Delete
6061 Checked In
6062 &Import
6063 Cancel
6064 Lock Guideline(s)
6065 &Undo Lock Guideline(s)
6066 R&edo Lock Guideline(s)
6067 Unlock Guideline(s)
6068 &Undo Unlock Guideline(s)
6069 R&edo Unlock Guideline(s)
6070 Auto Wrap
6071 &Undo Auto Wrap
6072 R&edo Auto Wrap
6073 Insert Index Entry
6074 Recent File
6075 Kerning %d ems%%
6076 Shift Up %d pt
6077 Color RGB(%d, %d, %d)
6078 Black
6079 70% Black
6080 Dk Gray
6081 Gray
6082 Lt Gray
6083 20% Black
6084 10% Black
6085 White
6086 Blue
6087 Cyan
6088 Green
6089 Yellow
6090 Red
6091 Magenta
6092 Purple
6093 Orange
6094 Pink
6095 Dk Brown
6096 Close
6097 &Help
6098 &Options...
6099 &Special
6100 Angle: %s degrees
6101 Attribute Setting
6102 Index Entry
6103 Index-See
6104 Footnote
6105 Index-See Also
6106 Anchor
6107 Hidden Text
6108 Equation
6109 Number/Cross-Reference
6110 Marker
6111 Variable Marker
6112 Date & Time
6113 Character Tag Begin
6114 Character Tag End
6115 Endnote
6117 Horiz. Tab
6118 Line Break
6119 Em Space
6120 En Space
6121 Figure Space
6122 Thin Space
6123 Nonbreaking Space
6124 Paragraph End
6125 End of File
6126 OLE Object
6127 Add Page Tag
6128 &Undo Add Page Tag
6129 R&edo Add Page Tag
6130 Rename Page Tag
6131 &Undo Rename Page Tag
6132 R&edo Rename Page Tag
6133 Rectangle
6134 Ellipse
6135 Polygon
6136 Curve
6137 Frame:
6138 Group of %d Objects
6140 Navigators
6141 Libraries
6142 The publication must be saved before you can copy it.\nDo you wish to save it now?
6143 The publication must be saved before you can drag it.\nDo you wish to save it now?
6284 This file is already linked to the Publication.
6285 Linking to the library has failed.\nPlease save the library first.
6286 "%1" was created with an earlier version of Corel VENTURA.\nIf you save it with the same filename, you will not be able to reopen it in the version with which it was created.
6287 Replace contents of file "%1" ?
6288 Generate Default Rule Tags
6289 &Undo Generate Default Rule Tags
6290 R&edo Generate Default Rule Tags
6291 This file cannot be browsed for.
6292 TOC Generation
6293 &Undo TOC Generation
6294 R&edo TOC Generation
6295 Replace
6296 &Undo Replace
6297 &Redo Replace
6298 Proofread
6299 &Undo Proofread
6300 &Redo Proofread
6301 You need an existing VENTURA library for this command.
6302 The specified VENTURA library name is invalid.
6303 %s ... Chp. %i Pg. %i
6304 Text (*
6305 Pictures (*
6306 Script export failed.
6307 Script import failed.
6308 Script edit failed.
6309 %d x %d pages
6310 Cancel
6311 This publication already contains a chapter called ''%s''.\n\nThe chapter name will be changed to ''%s''.
6312 Index Generation
6313 &Undo Index Generation
6314 R&edo Index Generation
6315 Default
6316 Convert to Flowing Text
6317 &Undo Convert to Flowing Text
6318 R&edo Convert to Flowing Text
6319 Copy To Facing Page
6320 &Undo Copy To Facing Page
6321 R&edo Copy To Facing Page
6322 Mirror To Facing Page
6323 &Undo Mirror To Facing Page
6324 R&edo Mirror To Facing Page
6325 TOC Properties
6326 &Undo TOC Properties
6327 R&edo TOC Properties
6328 Create TOC
6329 &Undo Create TOC
6330 R&edo Create TOC
6331 Delete TOC
6332 &Undo Delete TOC
6333 R&edo Delete TOC
6334 Rename TOC
6335 &Undo Rename TOC
6336 R&edo Rename TOC
6337 Index Properties
6338 &Undo Index Properties
6339 R&edo Index Properties
6340 Create Index
6341 &Undo Create Index
6342 R&edo Create Index
6343 Delete Index
6344 &Undo Delete Index
6345 R&edo Delete Index
6346 Rename Index
6347 &Undo Rename Index
6348 R&edo Rename Index
6349 VENTURA cannot open the document
6350 Headers/Footers QuickFormat
6351 &Undo Headers/Footers QuickFormat
6352 R&edo Headers/Footers QuickFormat
6353 %d points, %s, %s:
6354 %d points, %s:
6355 Very Loose Tracking
6356 Loose Tracking
6357 Normal Tracking
6358 Tight Tracking
6359 Very Tight Tracking
6360 See Graphic.
6361 List of Figures
6362 List of Chapters
6363 :
6364 Make Spread
6365 &Undo Make Spread
6366 R&edo Make Spread
6367 Remove Spread Effect
6368 &Undo Remove Spread Effect
6369 R&edo Remove Spread Effect
6370 Check out failed.\nYou may not have access rights to check out this file,\nor the file may already be checked out.
6371 Some files could not be checked out.\nYou may not have access rights to check out these files,\nor the files may already be checked out, or deleted by other users of this publication.
6372 Framemaker Interchange Format (*.MIF)
6373 *.MIF*
6374 Pagemaker 6 (*.PM6)
6375 *.PM6*
6376 Remove Overrides
6377 &Undo Remove Overrides
6378 R&edo Remove Overrides
6379 Transfer Overrides
6380 &Undo Transfer Overrides
6381 R&edo Transfer Overrides
6382 Endnotes
6383 There is insufficient memory for the Navigator to continue.
6384 Update the frame tag(s) ?
6385 Linked files cannot be dropped on linked chapters.
6394 This operation may take several minutes.\nDo you want to continue?
6395 Synchronize Index/TOC
6396 &Undo Synchronize Index/TOC
6397 R&edo Synchronize Index/TOC
6398 This chapter already contains a file named ''%s''.
6399 Barista does not support rotating images or text!
6400 (Recovered)
6700 Do you want to replace your existing stylesheet?\nReplacing a stylesheet cannot be undone.
6707 Publication Properties
6708 &Undo Publication Properties
6709 &Redo Publication Properties
6710 %1\nThis is not a Corel VENTURA Chapter file
6711 Cannot embed device font (%s)!
6712 Out of disk space, writing library : %1\nFree disk space and press Retry or press Cancel to abandon saving.
6713 Table
6714 %d Row(s) x %d Column(s)
6715 Internal Error, Please use Save As to save file
6716 Formatter error has occurred.
6717 First Match
6718 Last Match
6719 Current Match
6723 Publish as HTML Properties
6724 &Undo HTML Properties
6725 R&edo HTML Properties
6726 This publication already contains a text file called ''%s''.\n\nThe text file name will be changed to ''%s''.
6727 Backup of
6728 Autosave of
6729 Autosaving...
6730 VENTURA Could Not Create The Backup File.\nPlease Check Available Disk Space In:
6731 This item is checked out by another user.\nIt cannot be deleted.
6732 Changes To Publication Have Not Been Saved.
6733 The following "Export On Save" file(s) were not loaded.\n%s
6734 VENTURA Cannot SaveAs Over A MultiUser Pub:\n
6735 One or more of the selected items are checked out by another user.\nThese items will not be deleted.
6736 You must check out the publication to be able to delete chapters.
6737 The library cannot be set to single user while it\nor one of it's items it checked out.
6738 Header Frame
6739 Footer Frame
6740 Selected Text
6741 Text File
6758 File Delete
6759 &Undo File Delete
6760 R&edo File Delete
6761 This page tag already contains a file named ''%s''.
6762 This page tag already contains a file called ''
6763 %s could not be imported.\n Would you like to embed it?
6764 This font is not in the font list of the publication. The publication must be checked out to apply this font.
6766 Disk space is very low on the drive that contains your Windows swapfile.\nPlease free up some disk space on the swapfile drive before continuing.
6767 Publication Version is incompatible
6768 Object Condition
6769 &Undo Object Condition
6770 R&edo Object Condition
6771 Cannot save over the existing file
6772 Error loading TrueDoc library: 'CSR32D.DLL'.
6773 Paste Page Tag
6774 &Undo Paste Page Tag
6775 &Redo Paste Page Tag
6777 Fix Format Error
6778 &Undo Fix Format Error
6779 R&edo Fix Format Error
6780 New Tag ...
6781 Update Tags
6782 Convert Graphic Object(s) To Picture
6783 &Undo Convert Graphic Object(s) To Picture
6784 R&edo Convert Graphic Object(s) To Picture
6785 Export Picture
6786 Unembed Graphic File
6787 &Undo Unembed Graphic File
6788 R&edo Unembed Graphic File
6789 &Unembed File
6790 Untitled
6791 Paragraph Numbering
6792 &Undo Paragraph Numbering
6793 R&edo Paragraph Numbering
6794 %s Page: %d
6795 Page Tag: %s
6796 Find & Replace
6797 VectorPicture
6798 Image
6799 Equation
6800 Graphics
6801 PlugInFilters
6802 Dirs
6803 LetPluginDoDisplay
6804 FileExtensions
6805 ,;
6806 *.dll,*.8b?,*.eff
6807 PluginInitStartup
6808 Not Installed
6809 Plug-in effect
6810 Embed Watermark...
6811 A format error occurs when Corel VENTURA cannot continue the text flow in a frame or a page. You can manually fix the error by changing the properties of the frame, page, or text. Or, you can let Corel VENTURA diagnose and provide suggestions for correcting the error by clicking the Fix Error button.
6812 Frame Conditions
6813 Tag Conditions
6814 Paragraph Conditions
6815 Table Conditions
6817 7.0
6818 8.0
6819 Unknown
6820 VENTURA Navigator
6821 Version 7.0
6822 Version 8.0
6823 Saving...
6824 All Files (*.*)|*.*||
6825 Acquire From File
6826 &Undo Acquire From File
6827 R&edo Acquire From File
6828 Workspace
6829 &Name:
6830 Defined &text:
6831 Type a name and defined text which can be inserted before or after any paragraph or character tag.
6832 &Variable marker:
6833 &Substitutions:
6834 Type a marker name and define substitution text. This text will be inserted wherever matching variable markers are found in your publication.
6835 Corel VENTURA Publication (VP)
6836 *.vp
6837 Import Stylesheet
6838 New Paragraph Tag
6839 New Character Tag
6840 New Frame Tag
6841 New Page Tag
6842 New Rule Tag
6843 Delete Page Tags
6844 The Stylesheet ccould not be loaded.
6845 Update
6846 Corel VENTURA MultiUser Publication (MVP)
6847 *.mvp
6848 New Tag
6849 Delete Tag
6850 Tag Properties
6851 Rename Tag
6852 Cut
6853 %s is already in use.
6854 Conditions
6855 Ed&it
6856 Function
6857 Date && Time
6858 Ed&it Item...
6859 The version of the item you dropped is incompatible with this library.\nItems must be the same version as the library.
6860 <%s text>
6861 Failed to initialize Spell Assist.
6862 Failed to initialize Hyphenator.
6863 Failed to initialize Thesaurus.
6864 Spell Check : Language initialization failed.
6865 Hyphenator : Language initialization failed.
6866 Thesaurus : Initialization failed.
6867 Word
6868 Sentence
6869 Paragraph
6870 Entire Publication
6871 Selected text
6872 Selected Objects
6873 Current Chapter
6874 Current Page
6875 Error reading WT config file.
6876 No Language
6877 Afrikaans
6878 Arabic
6879 Catalan
6880 Chinese-Simplified
6881 Chinese-Traditional
6882 Croatian
6883 Czech
6884 Danish
6885 Dutch
6886 English-Australia
6887 English-Canada
6888 English-U.K.
6889 English-U.S.
6890 English-Japanese
6891 Finnish
6892 French-Canadian
6893 French-National
6894 Galician
6895 German-National
6896 German-Switzerland
6897 Greek
6898 Hebrew
6899 Hungarian
6900 Icelandic
6901 Italian
6902 Japanese
6903 Korean
6904 Norwegian
6905 Polish
6906 Portuguese-Brazil
6907 Portuguese-Portugal
6908 Russian
6909 Slovak
6910 Slovenian
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6912 Spanish-Spain
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6929 Page Tag Footer - %s (Right Page)
6930 Copy
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6932 Embedded
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6935 Linking to the library has failed.\nThe library must be the same version.
6936 Page Numbering
6937 &Undo Page Numbering
6938 &Redo Page Numbering
6939 Table Numbering
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6957 Op&tions
6958 Cannot execute command. Printer not accessible.
6959 (MultiUser Publication)
6960 Save &As Version %1
6961 The following profile is selected in the Color Manager to handle CMYK conversions: %s.
6962 No profile has been selected in the Color Manager to handle CMYK conversions.
6963 Move To Page Tag
6964 &Undo Move To Page Tag
6965 R&edo Move To Page Tag
6966 The Chapter cannot be replace, the new chapter will be renamed to %s
6967 You must check out the Chapter to be able to Replace an existing chapters.\nthe new chapter will be renamed to %s
6968 This publication already contains a chapter called ''%s''.\nand it cannot be replaced \nThe chapter name will be changed to ''%s''.
6969 Replace Existing chapter %s or rename to %s.\nReplacing a Chapter cannot be undone.
6995 Change the widow and orphans setting to 1 for this frame
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7001 Enable 'Size frame to fit text'
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7004 Indents exceed column width
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7013 No previous errors
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7022 Size && Position,
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7025 Rotation,
7026 Rotation,
7027 Anchor,
7028 Anchor,
7029 Anchor,
7030 Anchor,
7031 Flow,
7032 Flow,
7033 Margins,
7034 Margins,
7035 Margins,
7036 Margins,
7037 Margins,
7038 Margins,
7039 Margins,
7040 Margins,
7041 Outside Margins,
7042 Outside Margins,
7043 Outside Margins,
7044 Outside Margins,
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7046 Columns,
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7048 Column Settings,
7049 Contents,
7050 Contents,
7051 Contents,
7052 Picture Size && Position,
7053 Picture Size && Position,
7054 Picture Size && Position,
7055 Picture Size && Position,
7056 Picture Size && Position,
7057 Picture Size && Position,
7058 Halftone,
7059 Halftone,
7060 Halftone,
7061 Widows,
7062 Orphans,
7063 Text Positioning,
7064 Text Positioning,
7065 Vertical Justification,
7066 Vertical Justification,
7067 Vertical Justification,
7068 Vertical Justification,
7069 Vertical Justification,
7070 Rules,
7071 Fill,
7072 Vertical Rules,
7073 Vertical Rules,
7074 Conditions,
7075 Captions,
7076 Page Size,
7077 Orientation,
7078 Page Header,
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7080 Frames/Graphic Objects,
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7206 Import Paragraph Tags
7207 &Undo Import Paragraph Tags
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7215 Import Page Tags
7216 &Undo Import Page Tags
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7218 Import Rule Tags
7219 &Undo Import Rule Tags
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7221 Delete '%s' from Chapter
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7223 R&edo Delete Text From Chapter
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7732 Remove '%s' from Page Tag
7733 Remove Picture from Frame
7734 Remove Picture from Page
7735 Delete Picture from Page Tag
7736 Remove Text from Frame
7737 Remove Text from Page
7741 The master publication could not be accessed.
7742 The publication is read only and will be opened in browse mode.\nYou will not be able to perform any MultiUser operations.
7743 You do not have sufficient rights to access this publication.
7744 The working copy of the publication could not be created in this location.
7745 The working copy could not be opened.\nYou can create a new working copy by selecting the master publication in the open dialog.
7746 The working copy is no longer a MultiUser publication.\nYou can create a new working copy by selecting the master publication in the open dialog.
7747 You cannot save the working copy over the master copy.
7748 The previous MultiUser operation was not terminated correctly.\nAlthough you may continue to work, it is recommended that you save your changes, close and reopen the publication before continuing.
7749 The master publication could not be accessed.\nYou will be able to work locally on any checked out components, but will not be able to check in at this time.\nChecked out components can be saved to the working copy and checked in later.
7750 The master publication is currently being accessed by another user.\nThe operation cannot be performed at this time.
7751 You do not have sufficient rights to check out the publication.
7752 You do not have sufficient rights to check out chapters.
7753 This chapter is already checked out by %s.
7754 You still have components checked out which will not be available to other users.\nDo you want to close with these still checked out?
7755 Not all of the components were available to be checked out.
7756 Not all of the components were available to be checked in.
7757 Not all of the components were abailable to be undo checked out.
7758 Unable to get latest version of all of the components.
7759 Not all of the components were available to be updated.
7760 Revert to the last checked in version and lose all current changes.\nDo you wish to continue?
7761 Revert to the last checked in version and lose all current changes to this publication.\nDo you wish to continue?
7762 Revert to the last checked in version and lose all current changes to this chapter.\nDo you wish to continue?
7763 Revert to the last checked in version and lose all current changes to this text file.\nDo you wish to continue?
7764 Revert to the last checked in version and lose all current changes to this picture.\nDo you wish to continue?
7765 Revert to the last checked in version and lose all current changes to this style sheet.\nDo you wish to continue?
7766 You need a username to enable MultiUser capabilities.\nSee the help section on Start up options to launch with a username.
7767 This publication must be saved before links can be made to it.
7768 The library must be checked in before it is closed.\nWould you like to check it in and close it now?
7769 MultiUser Messages
7770 The style sheet must be checked out to modify frame tag properties.
7771 The style sheet must be checked out to modify page tag properties.
7772 The style sheet must be checked out to modify rule tag properties.
7773 The style sheet must be checked out to modify paragraph tag properties.
7774 The style sheet must be checked out to modify character tag properties.
7775 The style sheet must be checked out to add tags.
7776 The style sheet must be checked out to delete tags.
7777 The style sheet must be checked out to merge tags.
7778 The style sheet must be checked out to modify AutoNumbering properties.
7779 The publication must be checked out to modify frame tag properties.
7780 The publication must be checked out to modify page tag properties.
7781 The publication must be checked out to modify rule tag properties.
7782 The publication must be checked out to modify paragraph tag properties.
7783 The publication must be checked out to modify character tag properties.
7784 The publication must be checked out to add tags.
7785 The publication must be checked out to delete tags.
7786 The publication must be checked out to merge tags.
7787 The publication must be checked out to modify AutoNumbering properties.
7788 The publication and chapter containing the Table of Contents must be checked out to update the Table of Contents.
7789 The publication and chapter containing the Index must be checked out to update the Index.
7790 One or more of the chapters in the publication were not checked out.\nReplacements could not be made in these chapters.
7791 The chapter must be checked out to replace text in it.
7792 The publication must be checked out to replace text in page tags.
7793 The chapter must be checked out to modify chapter properties.
7794 This item is read only, check out the appropriate components to make modifications.
7795 The publication must be checked out to modify publication properties.
7796 The publication and chapters containing any Table of Contents and Index files must be\nchecked out to modify any Table of Contents and Index properties.
7797 The chapter containing the file must be checked out to modify the file's properties.
7798 The file must be checked out to modify file properties.
7799 The chapter must be checked out to import files into it.
7800 One or more of the chapters are not checked out. The files will not be imported into these chapters.
7801 The chapter must be checked out to import files into it.
7802 One or more of the chapters are not checked out. The files will not be imported into these chapters.
7803 The library must be checked in to establish links to it.
7804 The library must be checked out in order to make modifications.
7805 After an Undo CheckOut of the publication, you should do a Get Latest Version All to ensure the publication is up to date.
7806 The stylesheet must be checked out to modify the file's properties.
7901 No markup
7902 RTF markup
7903 Corel VENTURA markup
7904 RTF & Corel VENTURA markup
7905 The properties of this item cannot be modified. Use Paragraph Tag properties.
7906 The library %s could not be found.
7907 This publication is already checked out by %s.
7908 This component is already checked out.
7909 This component is already checked out by %s.
7910 You no longer have this component checked out. Please Undo Check Out.
7911 Are you sure you want to force an undo checkout of this component?
7912 The library file is read only.\nYou will not be able check out the library until it becomes writable.
7913 The library file %s is read only or\ncould not be accessed.
7914 RTF Export Options
7915 Publication RTF Export on Save Options
7916 &Name:
7917 Name:
7918 Chapter Conditions
7919 Paragraph Tag Conditions
7920 Frame Tag Conditions
7921 Update the picture file %s in %s ?
7922 Copy with &links to
7923 &Folder...
7924 The library is already checked out.
7925 The library is already checked out by %s.
7926 You no longer have the library checked out. Please Undo Check Out.
7927 This component no longer exists in the library, you will have to embed it.
7929 Picture Edit-In
7930 &Undo Picture Edit-In
7931 R&edo Picture Edit-In
7932 Text Edit-In
7933 &Undo Text Edit-In
7934 R&edo Text Edit-In
7935 &Edit in
7936 word processor
9002 January February March April May June July August September October November December
10551 <FORM>\n<SELECT NAME='VPGeneratedCombo' onChange='onChangeVPGeneratedCombo( this )'>\n%s%s%s%s</SELECT>\n</FORM>\n
10552 <OPTION %s>%s\n
10553 Cyan
10554 Magenta
10555 Yellow
10556 Black
11201 Returns the serial value of date TEXT.
11202 is an alphanumeric date enclosed in quotation marks.
11203 Returns the serial value of the date specified by YEAR, MONTH, DAY.
11204 is an integer from 1900 to 2099 inclusive.
11205 is an integer from 1 to 12 inclusive.
11206 is an integer from 1 to 31 inclusive.
11207 Returns a serial value specified by time TEXT.
11208 is a textual time format enclosed in double quotation marks.
11209 Returns the (decimal) serial value specified by HOUR, MINUTE, and SECOND.
11210 is an integer.
11211 is an integer.
11212 is an integer.
11213 Returns the number of days between DATE1 and DATE2, using METHOD.
11214 is a serial date number representing the start date.
11215 is a serial date number representing the end date.
11216 Returns the day of the month for serial date NUMBER.
11217 is a serial date number.
11218 Returns the month specified by serial value NUMBER.
11219 is a serial value.
11220 Returns the year specified by serial value NUMBER.
11221 is a serial value.
11222 Returns the hour specified by serial value NUMBER.
11223 is a serial value.
11224 Returns the minute specified by serial value NUMBER.
11225 is a serial value.
11226 Returns the number of seconds specified by serial value NUMBER.
11227 is a serial value.
11228 Returns the day of the week for serial value NUMBER.
11229 is a serial value.
11230 is an integer from 1 to 3, which determines the type of return.
11233 Returns the serial value referring to the current day's date.
11234 Returns the serial value specifying the current date and time.
11235 Returns the modified Bessel function, ln(x).
11236 any real number which specifies the value at which to evaluate the function.
11237 an integerterm_integer which specifies the order of the Bessel function.
11238 Returns the Bessel function, Jn(x).
11239 any real number which specifies the value to be used in evaluating BESSELJ.
11240 an integer which specifies the order of the Bessel function.
11241 Returns the modified Bessel function, kn(x).
11242 any real number which specifies the value to be used to evaluate BESSELK.
11243 an integer which specifies the order of the Bessel function.
11244 Calculates the Bessel function, yn(x).
11245 any real number which specifies the value to use in evaluating BESSELY.
11246 an integerterm_integer which specifies the order of the Bessel function.
11247 Compares two values and returns the value 1 if they are equal and 0 if they are not.
11248 is any real number.
11249 is any real number.
11250 Returns the value of the complementary error function integrated from x to infinity.
11251 is a real number.
11252 Returns the error function.
11253 is a real number.
11254 is a real number.
11255 Returns a value for the natural logarithm of the gamma function.
11256 is a positive real number.
11257 Returns the value of the Gamma function.
11258 is a positive real number.
11259 Compares two values; returns 1 if number is greater than or equal to step and 0 otherwise.
11260 any real number to be compared to step.
11261 any real number which is the threshold value; if a value is omitted, zero is used.
11262 Converts real and imaginary coefficients into a complex number (x+yi or x+yj).
11263 any real number which specifies the real coefficient of the complex number.
11264 the imaginary coefficient of a complex number.
11265 is the suffix for the coefficient of a complex number; if the suffix is not specified, 'i' is used.
11266 Returns the absolute value of a complex number in the form x+yi or x+yj.
11267 is a complex number.
11268 Returns the imaginary coefficient of a complex number in the form x+yi or x+yj.
11269 is a complex number.
11270 Returns the imaginary coefficient of a complex number in the form x+yi or x+yj.
11271 is a complex number.
11272 Returns the angle, A, in radians, of a complex number. \n \n
11273 is a complex number.
11274 Returns the complex conjugate of a complex number in the form x+yi or x+yj.
11275 is a complex number.
11276 Returns a cosine of a complex number.
11277 is a complex number.
11278 Returns the exponential of a complex number in the form x+yi or x+yj.
11279 is a complex number.
11280 Returns the natural logarithm of a complex number in the form x+yi or x+yj.
11281 is a complex number.
11282 Returns the base 10 (common) logarithm of a complex number in the form x+yi or x+yj.
11283 is a complex number.
11284 Returns the base 2 logarithm of a complex number in the form x+yi or x+yj.
11285 is a complex number.
11286 Returns the sine of a complex number in the form x+yi or x+yj.
11287 is a complex number.
11288 Returns a square root of a complex number.
11289 is a list of complex numbers.
11290 Returns the result of a complex number in the form x+yi or x+yj raised to a power.
11291 is a complex number.
11292 is a real number.
11293 Returns the product of two or more complex numbers in the form x+yi or x+yj.
11294 is a list of complex numbers.
11295 Returns the difference of two complex numbers in the form x+yi or x+yj.
11296 is a complex number.
11297 is a complex number.
11298 Returns the sum of two or more complex numbers in the form x+yi or x+yj.
11299 is a list of complex numbers.
11300 Returns the BASE-logarithm of a complex number.
11301 is a complex number.
11302 is a real number.
11303 Returns the accrued interest between given dates.
11304 the serial date value for the issue date of the security.
11305 the serial date value indicating the first interest payment.
11306 the serial date value for the date of the security's settlement.
11307 the annual coupon rate for the security.
11308 is a number indicating the par value; if no par value is entered, $1000 is used as a default.
11309 the number of annual coupon payments; for annual payments, frequency = 1; for semiannual, frequency = 2; for quarterly, frequency = 4.
11310 an integer indicating the day count basisterm_basis to use.
11311 Returns the interest accrued on a security based on PAR between ISSUE and MATURATION, using rate COUPON and day count BASIS.
11312 is a serial date value indicating the issue date.
11313 is a serial date value indicating the maturation date.
11314 is a percentage indicating the annual coupon rate.
11315 is the par value.
11316 is an integer indicating the day count to use.
11317 Returns the number of days from the beginning of the coupon period to the date of settlement.
11318 is a serial date value indicating the date of settlement.
11319 is a serial date value indicating the date of maturation.
11320 is an integer indicating the number of annual coupon payments.
11321 is an integer indicating the type of day count to use.
11322 Returns the number of days between the SETTLEMENT and MATURATION.
11323 is a serial date value specifying the date of settlement.
11324 is a serial date value specifying the date of settlement.
11325 is an integer indicating the number of annual coupon payments.
11326 is an integer indicating the type of day count to use.
11327 Returns the duration of the coupon period (in days) from SETTLEMENT to MATURATION.
11328 is a serial date value specifying the date of settlement.
11329 is a serial date value specifying the date of settlement.
11330 is an integer indicating the number of annual coupon payments.
11331 is an integer indicating the type of day count to use.
11332 Calculates the next coupon date following SETTLEMENT.
11333 is a serial date value specifying the date of settlement.
11334 is a serial date value specifying the date of maturation.
11335 is an integer indicating the number of annual coupon payments.
11336 Calculates the next coupon date following SETTLEMENT.
11337 Returns the number of coupons payable between SETTLEMENT and MATURATION.
11338 is a serial date value specifying the date of settlement.
11339 is a serial date value specifying the date of maturation.
11340 is an integer indicating the number of annual coupon payments.
11341 Returns the number of coupons payable between SETTLEMENT and MATURATION.
11342 Calculates the coupon date prior to SETTLEMENT.
11343 is a serial date value specifying the date of settlement.
11344 is a serial date value specifying the date of maturation.
11345 is an integer indicating the number of annual coupon payments.
11346 Calculates the coupon date prior to SETTLEMENT.
11347 Returns the cumulative interest paid (between two periods) from START to END.
11348 is a real number representing the interest rate.
11349 is an integer representing the total number of payment periods.
11350 is a number representing the present value.
11351 is an integer representing the the start period in the calculation.
11352 is an integer representing the the end period in the calculation.
11353 is an integer (either 0 or 1) indicating the time payments are due.
11354 Returns the cumulative principal paid on a loan from START to END.
11355 is a real number representing the interest rate.
11356 is an integer representing the total number of payment periods.
11357 is a number representing the present value.
11358 is an integer representing the the start period in the calculation.
11359 is an integer representing the the start period in the calculation.
11360 is an integer (either 0 or 1) indicating the time payments are due.
11361 Uses the fixed-declining balance method to return the depreciation of assets over a given period.
11362 is a number indicating the original cost.
11363 is a real number indicating the asset's salvage value.
11364 is a real number specifying the useful life of the asset.
11365 is a real number specifying the number of periods, in the same units as lifetime.
11366 is a number indicating the number of months in the first year.
11367 Uses the double-declining balance method to return the depreciation of assets over a given period.
11368 is a number indicating the original cost.
11369 is a real number indicating the asset's salvage value.
11370 is a real number specifying the useful life of the asset.
11371 is a real number specifying the number of periods, in the same units as lifetime.
11372 is a number indicating the number of months in the first year.
11373 Returns a securities discount rate.
11374 is a serial date value specifying the date of settlement.
11375 is a serial date value specifying the date of maturation.
11376 is the price for each $100 face value of the security.
11377 is the redemption value for each $100 face value of the security.
11378 Returns a securities discount rate.
11379 Returns dollar prices in decimals.
11380 is a fractional number.
11381 is the fraction's denominator.
11382 Returns dollar prices in fractions.
11383 is a real number.
11384 is the fraction's denominator.
11385 Returns the annual duration for a security with periodic interest payments.
11386 is a serial date value specifying the date of settlement.
11387 is a serial date value specifying the date of maturation.
11388 is the annual coupon rate for the security.
11389 is the annual yield for the security.
11390 is an integer indicating the number of annual coupon payments.
11391 is the type of day count being used.
11392 Returns the effective annual interest rate, given the nominal annual interest rate and the number of compounding periods per year.
11393 is the nominal interest rate.
11394 is an integer representing the total number of payment periods per year.
11395 Returns a series of compound interest rates and calculates the future value of the initial principal.
11396 is a number representing the initial sum.
11397 is the series of interest rates charged.
11398 Returns the future value of an investment where the interest rate and periodic payments are constant.
11399 is a real number representing the interest rate.
11400 is an integer representing the total number of payment periods.
11401 is a number representing the payment you make per period.
11402 is a number representing the present value.
11403 is an integer (either 0 or 1) indicating the time payments are due.
11404 Returns the interest rate for an invested security.
11405 is a serial date value specifying the date of settlement.
11406 is a serial date value specifying the date of maturation.
11407 is a number representing the sum invested in the security.
11408 is the redemption value for each $100 face value of the security.
11409 is the type of day count being used.
11410 Returns the interest payment for an investment for a set period based on a constant interest rate and constant payments.
11411 is a real number representing the interest rate.
11412 is a real number specifying the number of periods, in the same units as lifetime.
11413 is an integer representing the total number of payment periods.
11414 is a number representing the present value.
11415 is a number representing the future value.
11416 is an integer (either 0 or 1) indicating the time payments are due.
11417 Returns the internal rate of return for a series of cash flows.
11418 is an array or a reference to a range of cells.
11419 is your estimate of the outcome.
11420 Returns the modified Macauley duration for a security with a par value of $100.
11421 is a serial date value specifying the date of settlement.
11422 is a serial date value specifying the date of maturation.
11423 is the annual coupon rate for the security.
11424 is the annual yield for the security.
11425 is an integer indicating the number of annual coupon payments.
11426 is the type of day count being used.
11427 Returns the modified internal rate of return for a series of periodic cash flows, taking into account both the cost of the initial investment and the interest received on reinvestment of income.
11428 is an array or a reference to a range of cells.
11429 is the interest rate paid on funds borrowed for investment.
11430 is the interest rate received on reinvested funds.
11431 Returns the annual nominal interest rate given the effective rate of interest and the number of compounding periods per year.
11432 is a real number representing the interest rate.
11433 is an integer representing the total number of payment periods per year.
11434 Returns the number of periods or payments needed to repay a loan based on the given payment, interest rate for each period, and amount of principal.
11435 is a real number representing the interest rate.
11436 is a number representing the payment you make per period.
11437 is a number representing the present value.
11438 Calculates the net present value of an investment based on a series of periodic cash flows and a discount rate.
11439 is a real number representing the interest rate.
11440 is a list of payments and income expressed as an array.
11441 Returns the periodic payment for an annuity based on constant payments and a constant interest rate.
11442 is a real number representing the interest rate.
11443 is an integer representing the total number of payment periods.
11444 is a number representing the present value.
11445 is a number representing the future value.
11446 is an integer (either 0 or 1) indicating the time payments are due.
11447 Returns the payment on the principal for an investment for a given period based on periodic, constant payments and a constant interest rate.
11448 is a real number representing the interest rate.
11449 is a real number specifying the number of periods, in the same units as lifetime.
11450 is an integer representing the total number of payment periods.
11451 is a number representing the present value.
11452 is a number representing the future value.
11453 is an integer (either 0 or 1) indicating the time payments are due.
11454 Returns the price for each $100 face value of a discounted security.
11455 is a serial date value specifying the date of settlement.
11456 is a serial date value specifying the date of maturation.
11457 is a real number specifying the security's discount rate.
11458 is the redemption value for each $100 face value of the security.
11459 is the type of day count being used.
11460 Returns the price for each $100 face value of a security that pays interest upon maturation.
11461 is a serial date value specifying the date of settlement.
11462 is a serial date value specifying the date of maturation.
11463 is a serial date value.
11464 is a real number representing the interest rate.
11465 is the annual yield for the security.
11466 is the type of day count being used.
11467 Returns the price for each $100 face value of a security that returns periodic interest.
11468 is a serial date value specifying the date of settlement.
11469 is a serial date value specifying the date of maturation.
11470 is a real number representing the interest rate.
11471 is the annual yield for the security.
11472 is the redemption value for each $100 face value of the security.
11473 is an integer indicating the number of annual coupon payments.
11474 is the type of day count being used.
11475 Returns an investment's present value (the total present worth of a series of future payments.)
11476 is a real number representing the interest rate.
11477 is an integer representing the total number of payment periods.
11478 is a number representing the payment you make per period.
11479 is a number representing the futurevalue.
11480 is an integer (either 0 or 1) indicating the time payments are due.
11481 Returns the interest rate per period of an annuity.
11482 is an integer representing the total number of payment periods.
11483 is a number representing the payment you make per period.
11484 is a number representing the present value.
11485 is a number representing the future value.
11486 is an integer (either 0 or 1) indicating the time payments are due.
11487 is your estimate of the outcome.
11488 Returns the amount received at maturity for a fully invested security.
11489 is a serial date value specifying the date of settlement.
11490 is a serial date value specifying the date of maturation.
11491 is a number representing the sum invested in the security.
11492 is a real number specifying the security's discount rate.
11493 is the type of day count being used.
11494 Calculates the straight-line depreciation of an asset for a single period.
11495 is a real number representing the initial cost.
11496 is a real number indicating the asset's salvage value.
11497 is a real number specifying the useful life of the asset.
11498 Returns sum-of-years' digits depreciation of an asset for a given period.
11499 is a number indicating the original cost.
11500 is a real number indicating the asset's salvage value.
11501 is a real number specifying the useful life of the asset.
11502 is a real number specifying the number of periods, in the same units as lifetime.
11503 Returns the bond-equivalent yield for a Treasury bill
11504 is a serial date value specifying the date of settlement.
11505 is a serial date value specifying the date of maturation.
11506 is a real number specifying the security's discount rate.
11507 Returns the price per $100 face value for a Treasury bill.
11508 is a serial date value specifying the date of settlement.
11509 is a serial date value specifying the date of maturation.
11510 is a real number specifying the security's discount rate.
11511 Returns the yield for a Treasury bill.
11512 is a serial date value specifying the date of settlement.
11513 is a serial date value specifying the date of maturation.
11514 is the price for each $100 face value of the security.
11515 Returns the depreciation of an asset for a specified period using the double declining balance or any other specified method.
11516 is a number indicating the original cost.
11517 is a real number indicating the asset's salvage value.
11518 is a real number specifying the useful life of the asset.
11519 is an integer representing the the start period in the calculation.
11520 is an integer representing the the end period in the calculation.
11521 is the rate at which the balance declines.
11522 is a logical value.
11523 Calculates the internal rate of return for regular or irregular cash flow schedules.
11524 is an array or a reference to a range of cells.
11525 is an array of payment dates matched with cash flow payments.
11526 is your estimate of the outcome.
11527 Returns the net present value for regular or irregular cash flow schedules.
11528 is a real number representing the interest rate.
11529 is an array or a reference to a range of cells.
11530 is an array of payment dates matched with cash flow payments.
11531 Returns the annual yield for a discounted security.
11532 is a serial date value specifying the date of settlement.
11533 is a serial date value specifying the date of maturation.
11534 is the price for each $100 face value of the security.
11535 is the redemption value for each $100 face value of the security.
11536 is the type of day count being used.
11537 Returns the annual yield of a security that pays interest at maturity.
11538 is a serial date value specifying the date of settlement.
11539 is a serial date value specifying the date of maturation.
11540 is a serial date value.
11541 is a real number representing the interest rate.
11542 is the price for each $100 face value of the security.
11543 is the type of day count being used.
11544 Returns the yield on a security that returns periodic interest.
11545 is a serial date value specifying the date of settlement.
11546 is a serial date value specifying the date of maturation.
11547 is a real number representing the interest rate.
11548 is the price for each $100 face value of the security.
11549 is the redemption value for each $100 face value of the security.
11550 is an integer indicating the number of annual coupon payments.
11551 is the type of day count being used.
11552 Returns the logical value TRUE.
11553 Returns the logical value of FALSE.
11554 Returns TRUE if COND1, COND2, etc., are true, and FALSE otherwise.
11555 is a list of conditions.
11556 Returns TRUEVALUE if TEST is true, and FALSEVALUE otherwise.
11557 any logical expression that can be evaluated as TRUE or FALSE.
11558 the value that is returned if test is TRUE; if omitted and test is TRUE, TRUE is returned.
11559 the value that is returned if test is FALSE; if omitted and test is FALSE, FALSE is returned.
11560 Returns the logical reverse of LOGICAL.
11561 represents any combination of numbers, expressions, cell references separated by commas; or an array of values.
11562 Returns TRUE if any of LOGIC1, LOGIC2, etc., is true, and otherwise FALSE.
11563 represents any combination of numbers, expressions, cell references separated by commas; or an array of values.
11564 Returns TRUE if at least one of LOGIC1, LOGIC2, etc., is false, and otherwise FALSE.
11565 represents any combination of numbers, expressions, cell references separated by commas; or an array of values.
11566 Returns TRUE if none of LOGIC1, LOGIC2, etc., is true, and otherwise FALSE.
11567 represents any combination of numbers, expressions, cell references separated by commas; or an array of values.
11568 Returns TRUE if one and only one of LOGIC1, LOGIC2, etc., is true, and otherwise FALSE.
11569 represents any combination of numbers, expressions, cell references separated by commas; or an array of values.
11570 represents any combination of numbers, expressions, cell references separated by commas; or an array of values.
11571 Returns the character specified by code NUMBER.
11572 is an integer referring to a serial value.
11573 Returns a single new word, consisting of TEXT1, TEXT2, etc.
11574 is a list of text strings.
11575 Returns the absolute value of NUMBER.
11576 is a real number of which you want the absolute value.
11577 Returns the inverse hyperbolic cosine of NUMBER.
11578 is a number between -1 and 1 which is the cosine of the angle you want.
11579 Returns the arccosine of NUMBER.
11580 is a number between -1 and 1 which is the cosine of the angle you want.
11581 Returns the inverse hyperbolic sine of NUMBER.
11582 is a real number which specifies the hyperbolic sine of an angle.
11583 Returns the arcsine of NUMBER.
11584 is a real number from -1 to 1 inclusive, which specifies the sine of the angle.
11585 Returns the inverse hyperbolic tangent of NUMBER.
11586 is a real number between -1 and 1, which specifies the hyperbolic tangent of an angle.
11587 Returns the arctangent of NUMBER.
11588 is a real number which specifies the tangent of an angle.
11589 Returns the nearest integer to NUMBER, toward zero, or the nearest multiple of number SIGNIFICANCE.
11590 a real number which specifies the number to round.
11591 a real number which specifies the multiple of significance -- that is, the number by which x can be evenly divided without leaving a remainder.
11592 Returns the number of unordered SUBGROUP combinations for NUMBER objects.
11593 is a positive integer.
11594 a positive integer equal to or less than group.
11595 Returns the hyperbolic cosine of ANGLE.
11596 is a real number.
11597 Returns the cosine of ANGLE.
11598 a real numberterm_real_number which specifies the angle measured in radians.
11599 Returns the nearest even integer to NUMBER, away from zero.
11600 is a real number.
11601 Returns e raised to NUMBER.
11602 is a real number.
11603 Returns the double factorial of NUMBER.
11604 is a real number.
11605 Returns the factorial of NUMBER.
11606 is a real number.
11607 Returns the nearest integer to NUMBER, toward zero.
11608 is a real number.
11609 is an integer.
11610 Returns the greatest common denominator between NUMBER1 and NUMBER2.
11611 is an integer.
11612 Returns the nearest integer to NUMBER, toward zero.
11613 is a real number.
11614 Returns the multiplicative inverse of NUMBER.
11615 is a real number.
11616 Returns the lowest common multiple between NUMBER1 and NUMBER2.
11617 is an integer.
11618 Returns the natural logarithm of NUMBER.
11619 is a positive real number.
11620 Returns the logarithm of NUMBER to base 10.
11621 is a positive real number.
11622 Returns the logarithm of NUMBER to BASE.
11623 is a positive real number.
11624 is a positive real number.
11625 Returns the division remainder of NUMBER by DIVISOR.
11626 is a real number specifying the number to divide.
11627 is a real number specifying the divisor.
11628 Returns the NUMBER rounded to the nearest multiple of MULTIPLE.
11629 is a real number.
11630 is a real number specifying the multiple to which you want to round NUMBER.
11631 Returns a ratio of the factorial of the sum of NUMBER1, NUMBER2, etc. to the product of factorials.
11632 is a list of positive real numbers.
11633 Returns the odd integer nearest NUMBER away from zero.
11634 is a real number.
11635 Returns a decimal version of the percentage resulting from NUMBER being divided by 100.
11636 is a real number.
11637 Returns the value of mathematical constant Pi (3.141592654).
11638 Returns the product of NUMBER1, NUMBER2,...,NUMBER30.
11639 is a list of real numbers. At least one number is required.
11640 Returns the quotient of a division of NUMBER1 and NUMBER2.
11641 is a real number.
11642 is a real number.
11643 Returns a random number between NUMBER1 and NUMBER2.
11644 is a real number indicating the lower boundary.
11645 is a real number indicating the upper boundary.
11646 Returns a random number between 0 and 1.
11647 Returns NUMBER rounded to DECIMAL number of decimal places.
11648 is a real number specifying the value to round.
11649 is a real number specifying the number of decimal places to round NUMBER to.
11650 Calculates the sum of the power series defined by X, N, M, and COEFFICIENT.
11651 is a real number specifying the input value to the power series.
11652 is a real number specifying the initial degree to raise x.
11653 is a real number specifying the amount to increase or decrease n for each term in the series.
11654 is a real number or array of real numbers specifying the coefficients by which successive powers of x are multiplied.
11655 Returns the sign of NUMBER, indicated by -1 if NUMBER is negative, 1 if NUMBER is positive, and 0 if NUMBER is 0.
11656 is a real number.
11657 Returns the hyperbolic sign of NUMBER.
11658 is a real number.
11659 Returns the sine of ANGLE.
11660 is a real number specifying the angle in radians.
11661 Returns the square root of the product of NUMBER and Pi.
11662 is a non-negative real number.
11663 Returns the square root of NUMBER.
11664 is a non-negative real number.
11665 Returns the sum of the products of ARRAY1, ARRAY2, ....
11666 is a list of arrays of real numbers.
11667 Returns the sum of the squares of NUMBER1,NUMBER2,..., NUMBER30.
11668 is a list of real numbers.
11669 Returns the sum of the difference of squares of ARRAY1 and ARRAY2.
11670 is a range or array of real numbers.
11671 is a range or array of real numbers.
11672 Returns the sum of the sum of squares of ARRAY1 and ARRAY2.
11673 is a range or array of real numbers.
11674 is a range or array of real numbers.
11675 Returns the sum of squares of differences of ARRAY1 and ARRAY2.
11676 is a range or array of real numbers.
11677 is a range or array of real numbers.
11678 Returns the sum of NUMBER1, NUMBER2, ..., NUMBER30.
11679 is a list of real numbers or references to real numbers.
11680 Returns the hyperbolic tangent of ANGLE.
11681 is a real number.
11682 Returns the tangent of ANGLE.
11683 is a real number specifying an angle in radians.
11684 Returns X truncated to DIGITS number of digits, rounded toward 0.
11685 is a real number specifying the number to truncate.
11686 is an integer specifying the precision of truncation.
11687 Returns ANGLE converted from degrees to radians.
11688 is a real number.
11689 Returns ANGLE converted from radians to degrees.
11690 is a real number.
11691 Returns the arctangent from coordinates X and Y.
11692 is a real number representing the x-coordinate.
11693 is a real number representing the y-coordinate.
11694 Returns the cotangent of ANGLE.
11695 a real number which specifies the angle measured in radians for which you wish to determine the cotangent.
11696 Returns the secant of ANGLE.
11697 is a real number.
11698 Returns the cosecant of ANGLE.
11699 a real numberterm_real_number which specifies the angle measured in radians for which you wish to determine the cosecant.
11700 Returns NUMBER raised to POWER.
11701 is a real number.
11702 is a real number.
11703 Returns the mean of the absolute deviations of a list of arguments from their mean.
11704 is a list of real numbers.
11705 Returns the average (arithmetic mean) of a list of arguments.
11706 is a list of real numbers.
11707 Returns the cumulative beta probability density function.
11708 is a real number between the upper and lower limits of the range.
11709 is a positive real number.
11710 is a positive real number.
11711 is a real number.
11712 is a real number.
11713 Calculates the inverse value of the cumulative beta probability density function.
11714 is a non-negative real number.
11715 is a positive real number.
11716 is a positive real number.
11717 is a real number.
11718 is a real number.
11719 Returns the magnitude of the individual term binomial probability distribution.
11720 is an integer.
11721 is an integer.
11722 is a non-negative real number.
11723 is a logical value.
11724 Returns the one-tailed probability of the chi-squared (x2) distribution.
11725 is a non-negative real number.
11726 a positive integer which specifies the number of degrees of freedom.
11727 Returns the inverse of the chi-squared descrete distribution, such that if p=CHIDIST(x, df), then x=CHIINV(p, df).
11728 a non-negative real number between 0.0 and 1.0 which specifies the probability to be used with the chi-squared distribution.
11729 a positive integer which specifies the number of degrees of freedom.
11730 Returns the result of the test of independence.
11731 a list of values separated by commas; or an array of values which specifies the observations to test.
11732 a list of values separated by commas; or an array of values which specifies the expected data.
11733 Returns nonblank cells in a list
11734 list
11735 Returns how many numbers in a list.
11736 list
11737 Returns the confidence interval for a population mean.
11738 is a positive real number.
11739 is a positive integer.
11740 is an integer greater than 1.
11741 Returns the correlation coefficient between two ranges of data.
11742 is an array of real numbers.
11743 is an array of real numbers.
11744 Returns covariance, which is the average of the products of paired deviations of two data ranges.
11745 is an array of real numbers or a range of data values.
11746 is an array of real numbers or a range of data values.
11747 Returns the smallest value for which the cumulative binomial distribution is greater than or equal to a criterion value.
11748 is an integer.
11749 Returns the sum of the squared deviations of data points from their sample mean.
11750 is a list of real numbers or array references.
11751 Returns the exponential distribution.
11752 is a non-negative real number.
11753 is a positive real number.
11754 is a logical value.
11755 Returns the F distribution.
11756 is a non-negative real number.
11757 is a non-negative real number.
11758 is a non-negative real number.
11759 Returns the inverse of the F distribution, such that if p=FDIST(x, df1, df2), then FINV(p, df1, df2)=x.
11760 is a non-negative real number.
11761 is a non-negative real number.
11762 is a non-negative real number
11763 Returns the inverse of the Fisher transformation.
11764 is a real number.
11765 Returns the Fisher transformation.
11766 is a real number from -1 to 1, inclusive.
11767 Returns a predicted value of the dependent variable for the given independent variable x based on a linear regression of the values.
11768 is a real number.
11769 is an array of data values.
11770 is an array of data values.
11771 Returns the result of a one-tailed probability that the variances in array1 and array2 are not significantly different.
11772 is an array of real numbers.
11773 is an array of real numbers.
11774 Calculates the gamma distribution.
11775 is a non-negative real number.
11776 is a positive real number.
11777 is a positive real number.
11778 is a logical value.
11779 Returns the inverse of the gamma cumulative distribution.
11780 is a non-negative real number between 0 and 1.
11781 is a positive real number.
11782 is a positive real number.
11783 Calculates the geometric mean of the data range containing only positive values.
11784 is a list of positive real numbers.
11785 Returns the harmonic mean of a data range.
11786 is a list of real numbers.
11787 Returns the probability of a given number of sample successes.
11788 a positive integer which specifies the number of successes in the sample.
11789 a positive integer which specifies the size of the sample.
11790 a positive integer which specifies the number of successes in the population.
11791 a positive integerterm_integer which specifies the population size.
11792 Returns the intercept of the linear regression.
11793 is an array of values.
11794 is an array of values.
11795 Returns the kurtosis coefficient of a data range.
11796 is a list of real numbers.
11797 Returns the k-th largest value in a data range.
11798 is an array of real numbers.
11799 is a positive integer, less than or equal to the number of elements in ARRAY.
11800 Returns the inverse magnitude of the lognormal distribution.
11801 is a real number between 0 and 1.
11802 is a real number.
11803 is a positive real number.
11804 Returns the cumulative lognormal distribution of x, where ln(x) is normally distributed with parameters mean and st_dev.
11805 is a positive real number.
11806 is a real number.
11807 is a positive real number.
11808 Returns the largest number in the data range.
11809 is a list of real numbers.
11810 Returns the median value in the data range.
11811 is a list of real numbers.
11812 Returns the smallest number in the data range.
11813 is a list of real numbers.
11814 Returns the value of the most frequently repeated data points in the data range.
11815 is a list of real numbers.
11816 Returns the negative binomial distribution.
11817 is a non-negative integer.
11818 is a non-negative integer.
11819 is a real number between 0 and 1.
11820 Returns the normal distribution for the specified mean and standard deviation.
11821 is a real number.
11822 is a real number.
11823 is a positive real number.
11824 is a logical value.
11825 Returns the inverse of the normal distribution.
11826 is a real number between 0 and 1.
11827 is a real number.
11828 is a positive real number.
11829 Returns the standard cumulative normal distribution.
11830 is a real number.
11831 Returns the inverse of the standard cumulative normal distribution.
11832 is a real number between 0 and 1.
11833 Returns the Pearson product moment correlation coefficient, r, reflecting the extent of a linear relationship between two data sets.
11834 is an array of values.
11835 is an array of values.
11836 Returns the k-th percentile of the values contained in a data range.
11837 is an array of real numbers.
11838 is a real number between 0 and 1, inclusive.
11839 Returns the percentage rank of a value contained in a data range compared with the other values.
11840 is an array of real numbers.
11841 is a number from ARRAY.
11842 is an integer.
11843 Returns how many permutations may result from a defined number of given objects.
11844 is a non-negative integer
11845 is a non-negative integer.
11846 Returns the Poisson distribution.
11847 is a positive real number.
11848 is a positive real number.
11849 is a logical value.
11850 Returns the probability that the values in xrange belong to the interval bounded by limit1 and limit2.
11851 is an array of values.
11852 is an array of probabilities.
11853 is a real number.
11854 is a real number.
11855 Returns the quartile of a data set.
11856 is an array of real number.
11857 is an integer.
11858 Returns the rank of a number in an array of values.
11859 is a real number.
11860 is an array of real numbers.
11861 is an integer.
11862 Returns the square of the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient, r, based on two known arrays of data.
11863 is an array of values.
11864 is an array of values.
11865 Returns the skewness of a distribution.
11866 is a list of real numbers.
11867 Returns the slope of the linear regression.
11868 is an array of values.
11869 is an array of values.
11870 Returns the specified smallest value in a data range.
11871 is an array of real numbers.
11872 is a positive integer.
11873 Returns the standardized value of the variable x from a distribution characterized by the mean value and standard deviation.
11874 is a real number.
11875 is a real number.
11876 is a positive real number.
11877 Returns the standard deviation based on the entire population.
11878 is a list of real numbers.
11879 Returns the estimate of standard deviation based on a sample.
11880 is a list of real numbers.
11881 Returns the standard error of the forecast y-value for the x-values of a regression.
11882 is an array of values.
11883 is an array of values.
11884 Returns the student's T-distribution with df.
11885 is a real number.
11886 is a non-negative integer.
11887 is either 1 or 2.
11888 Returns the inverse of the student's T-distribution with df.
11889 is a real number between 0 and 1.
11890 is a non-negative integer.
11891 Returns the mean of a range within a data set.
11892 is an array of real numbers.
11893 is a real number from 0 to 1 exclusive.
11894 Returns the probability associated with a student's T-test.
11895 is an array of real numbers.
11896 is an array of real numbers.
11897 is either 1 or 2.
11898 is either 1, 2, or 3.
11899 Returns variance based on the entire population.
11900 is an array of values.
11901 Returns variance based on a sample of the population.
11902 is a list of values.
11903 Returns the Weibull distribution.
11904 is a real number
11905 is a positive real number.
11906 is a positive real number.
11907 is a logical value.
11908 Returns the two-tailed probability of a z-test.
11909 is an array of real numbers.
11910 is a real number.
11911 is the known population standard deviation.
11917 Returns the logarithm of NUMBER to base 2.
11918 is a positive real number.
11919 Returns the quotient of two complex numbers in the form x+yi or x+yj.
11920 the complex numerator or dividend, enclosed in double quotation marks.
11921 any complex number for which you want to determine the exponential, placed in double quotation marks.
11924 Converts a number from a system to another.
11925 Returns the number of work days between serial dates START and END, less the days specified by the list of serial date list HOLIDAYS.
11926 is a serial data value.
11927 is a serial data value.
11928 list of serial data values of holidays.
11929 Returns the year fraction representing number of whole days between a given START and END date.
11930 is the serial value of a starting date.
11931 is the serial value of a ending date.
11932 is an integer indicating the day count to use.
12288 %s separation
12289 Page %d
12290 Default
12291 Printer paper orientation does not match document.\n\nAdjust printer automatically?
12292 Unable to create printing resource lists.
12293 Unable to write %s.
12294 Unable to allocate memory.
12295 No printers have been installed.
12296 %d %% Complete
12297 Composite
12298 Tile %d of %d
12299 Band %d
12300 Disabled
12301 Analyzing Document...
12302 Even & Odd
12303 Even Pages
12304 Odd Pages
12305 %d spot color separations are about to be output. Are you sure you want to continue?
12306 Spot Color Separations Warning:
12307 If any spot colors are used
12308 If more than 1 spot colors used
12309 If more than 2 spot colors used
12310 If more than 3 spot colors used
12312 Left & Right
12313 Left Pages
12314 Right Pages
12315 &Maximum:
12316 Wi&dth:
12317 No printers are installed. Would you like to add one?
12320 There is an object with a very complex outline.
12322 Outlines with more than 500 nodes may cause limitcheck errors
12323 on Level 1 PostScript devices. It would be best to redesign
12324 such objects so that fewer nodes are necessary.
12330 Locate external bitmap
12331 Transparency in the document is complex and computation could be lengthy.\nSubstitute a faster but less accurate approach (recommended)?
12336 There is an object with a complex fill and a complex outline.
12339 Objects with more than 300 nodes that contain complex
12340 fills may cause limitcheck errors on Level 1 PostScript
12341 devices. It would be best to redesign such objects so
12342 that fewer nodes are necessary.
12352 There is a clipping path (e.g., a Lens or PowerClip) that
12353 contains many nodes.
12355 Complex clipping paths may cause limitcheck errors on
12356 Level 1 PostScript devices. It would be best to redesign
12357 such clipping paths so that they use as few nodes and
12358 subpaths as possible.
12368 There is an object with multiple subpaths that contains a
12369 texture fill.
12371 Objects comprised of multiple subpaths that contain
12372 texture fills may cause limitcheck errors on Level 1
12373 PostScript devices. These objects should be redesigned so
12374 that only one curve, with no subpaths, exists.
12384 There is a clipping path (e.g., a Lens or PowerClip), with
12385 multiple subpaths, that contains a bitmap.
12387 Bitmaps inside complex clipping paths may cause limitcheck
12388 errors on Level 1 PostScript devices. These objects should
12389 be redesigned so that only one curve, with no subpaths,
12390 exists.
12400 There is a text object that contains a texture fill.
12402 Text objects that contain texture fills may cause
12403 limitcheck errors on Level 1 PostScript devices. This is
12404 because multiple subpaths are usually necessary in order to
12405 render text objects.
12416 There is a linear fountain fill that will likely show
12417 banding on output.
12419 The following actions can eliminate banding:
12421 ╖ reduce the length of the fountain fill
12422 ╖ increase the number of fountain steps
12423 ╖ increase the range of color in the fill
12424 ╖ output to a higher resolution
12425 ╖ output using a lower screen frequency
12432 Layout
12433 Separations
12434 Options
12435 Special
12440 Cyan
12441 Magenta
12442 Yellow
12443 Black
12444 Color
12445 Frequency
12446 Angle
12447 Overprint
12449 Standard Defaults
12450 No PostScript screen sets found in CORELPRN.INI!
12451 Unable to locate the file %s in the data directory \nor the custom directory!\n
12452 Default
12453 Dot
12454 Line
12455 No colors were chosen for separation!
12456 Number of fountain steps must be between 0 and %d inclusive!
12462 Some values are invalid. Make sure that values are\npositive and that angles do not exceed 360 degrees
12463 The value entered for the angle is invalid.\nMake sure it is between -360 and 360 degrees.\n
12464 The value entered for the frequency is invalid,\nMake sure it is a positive number.\n
12465 Print Job Info Sheet to Text File
12467 Text File (*.txt)|*.txt|All Files (*.*)|*.*||
12468 Print Job Info Sheet
12470 Print Job Info File (*.pji)|*.pji|All Files (*.*)|*.*||
12473 High
12474 Medium
12475 Low
12476 Draft
12477 The character '%c' cannot be used in the range of page numbers to be printed.
12478 You must specify at least one valid page number to be printed.\nCheck your page range and even/odd pages setting.
12485 %s%5.1f x %5.1f Millimeters
12486 %ld dpi
12487 %ld dpi x %ld dpi
12488 (%s)
12489 %s%ld dpi
12490 %s%3.4f Inches
12491 %s%3.4f x %3.4f Inches
12492 %s%3.3f Points
12493 %3.3f Points
12561 Print Job Information:
12562 Application Information
12563 Filename:
12564 Application:
12565 Version:
12567 Device Name:
12568 Driver Information
12569 Driver Name:
12570 Driver File:
12571 Resolution:
12572 Job Information
12573 Mode:
12574 Invert:
12575 Mirror:
12576 AutoFlatness:
12577 AutoSpreading:
12578 Fountain Steps:
12579 For Macintosh:
12580 Color Profile:
12581 Screen Frequency:
12582 Bleed Limit:
12583 Crop Marks:
12584 Registration Marks:
12585 File Information:
12586 Densitometer Scale:
12587 Calibration Bar:
12588 Copies:
12589 Separation Information
12590 %s:
12593 Flatness:
12594 Maximum Spread:
12595 Text Above:
12596 Font(s)
12597 Font(s) Required
12598 Font(s) Supplied
12599 OPI Linked Images
12600 None
12601 Yes
12602 No
12603 Enabled
12604 Disabled
12605 Separations
12606 No
12607 Yes
12608 No
12609 Yes
12610 See Separation Information
12611 degrees
12612 lpi
12614 Landscape
12615 Portrait
12616 N/A
12617 Do not know where to output the sheet.\n Go into Info Settings and specify a destination\n
12618 Printer Default
12619 PostScript Level:
12620 Bitmap Color Space:
12621 Auto Increase Fountain Steps:
12622 Optimize Fountain fills:
12623 Current Selection:
12624 Bitmap Printing:
12625 Output Entire Bitmap
12626 Output in 64K Chunks
12627 Preview Image Default:
12628 Off At Startup
12629 On At Startup
12630 Bitmap Font Limit (PS):
12631 Bitmap Font Size Threshold (PS):
12632 Overprint Black Threshold (PS):
12633 Fill Clipping:
12634 Use Driver Clipping For Fills
12635 Use Software Clipping For Fills
12636 Grayscale Driver Bitmap Output (PS):
12637 Send Color Bitmaps As Color
12638 Send Color Bitmaps As Grayscale
12639 PostScript 2 Stroke Adjust (PS):
12640 Off
12641 On
12642 Registration Mark Type:
12643 Standard Bullseye
12644 Half Inverted Bullseye
12645 Square and Circle
12646 Elongated Bullseye
12647 Driver Banding:
12648 Let Driver Handle Banding
12649 Send Bands to Driver
12650 Corel Logo
12651 Print Preview Drag Mode:
12652 Drag Marquee
12653 Drag Full Image
12654 Page Orientation Warning:
12655 Off
12656 On
12657 Composite Crop Marks (PS):
12658 Output in Black Only
12659 Output in CMYK
12660 Text Output Method:
12661 All Text as Graphics
12662 Text as Text When Possible
12663 Conform to DSC (PS):
12664 Off
12665 On
12666 Resolve DCS Links (PS):
12667 Leave DCS Links Unresolved
12668 Substitute Plates at Print Time
12669 Bitmap Chunk Overlap Pixels:
12670 Default To Fast Mode
12671 &Help
12672 Unable to read print styles database; print styles will not be available.
12673 Limit on number of print styles has been reached; unable to add another style.
12674 The print style:\n\n %s\n\nalready exists. Do you wish to update it with new settings?
12675 Unable to save print style. Please ensure that CORELPRN.INI has read/write access.
12676 Cannot remove style:\n\n %s\n\nStyle does not exist.
12677 You are about to delete the print style: %s\n\nDo you wish to proceed?
12678 Unable to remove style:\n\n %s
12679 You must enter a valid name for the style in order to save it.
12681 %s Defaults
12682 Unable to load the specified print style.
12683 Insufficient memory or system resources to carry out this operation.\nClose some applications and try again.
12684 Custom (Current settings not saved)
12717 Print to File:
12718 Fixed Spread:
12774 Job Information Sheet Settings
12775 Advanced Separations Settings
12776 Layout Settings
12777 Separations Settings
12778 Prepress Settings
12779 Miscellaneous Settings
12780 Proofing and Color Settings
12781 PostScript Settings
12782 Fixed Auto Spreading
12783 Auto Trapping Settings
12784 Center Page
12785 Fit to Page
12786 Maintain Aspect Ratio
12787 Print Tiled Pages
12788 Signature Layout
12789 N-up Format
12790 Tile Overlap
12792 Print Separations
12793 Print Separations in Color
12794 Convert Spot Colors to CMYK
12795 Print Empty Plates
12796 Print File Information
12797 Position File Info Within Page
12798 Print Crop Marks
12799 Exterior Crop Marks Only
12800 Print Registration Marks
12801 Color Calibration Bar
12802 Densitometer Scales
12803 Invert
12804 Mirror
12805 Print Job Information Sheet
12806 Always Overprint Black
12807 Auto Spreading
12808 Auto Spread Maximum
12809 Auto Spread Text
12810 Fountain Steps
12811 Width Scale Factor
12812 Height Scale Factor
12813 Job Info Sheet Contents
12814 Job Info Sheet Location
12815 Bleed Amount
12816 Print Vectors
12817 Print Bitmaps
12818 Print Text
12819 Print All Text in Black
12820 All Colors Black
12821 Fit Marks and Layout to Page
12822 Maximum Points per Curve
12823 Curve Flatness
12824 Auto Increase Flatness
12825 Complex Object Warnings
12826 Download Type 1 Fonts
12827 Convert True Type to Type 1
12828 PostScript Level
12829 Auto Increase Fountain Steps
12830 Optimize Fountain Fills
12831 Banded Fountain Fill Warnings
12832 Output Color Bitmaps in RGB
12833 Maintain OPI Links
12834 Print Page Numbers
12835 Screening
12836 Halftone Type
12837 Hexachrome Plates
12838 Apply Settings to All Pages
12839 Screen Frequency
12840 High Solid Ink Density
12841 Densitometer Densities
12842 Job Name / Slug Line
12843 Bounding Box
12844 Use JPEG Compresssion
12845 JPEG Quality Factor
12846 Too Many Spot Colors Warning
12847 Too Many Fonts Warning
12858 You are about to delete the style: %s\n\nDo you wish to proceed?
12864 Full Page
12865 Book
12866 Booklet
12867 Tent-Card
12868 Side-Fold Card
12869 Top-Fold Card
12870 Tri-Fold Card
12871 As in document (%s)
12872 Double Sided Full Page
12879 Error loading %s.
12896 Ready
12897 Paused
12898 Error
12899 Pending Deletion
12900 Paper Jam
12901 Paper Out
12902 Manual Feed
12903 Paper Problem
12904 Offline
12905 I/O Active
12906 Busy
12907 Printing
12908 Output Bin Full
12909 Not Available
12910 Waiting
12911 Processing
12912 Initializing
12913 Warming Up
12914 Toner Low
12915 No Toner
12916 Page Punt
12917 User Intervention Required
12918 Out Of Memory
12919 Door Open
12920 Server Unknown
12921 ;
12922 Default printer
12923 %d documents waiting
12924 1 document waiting
12933 PagePath Section
12934 Refeed this stack with this sheet
12935 in the direction of the arrow.
12936 Use the smaller arrow if your printer feeds the paper along the long edge.
12937 FACE UP
12945 The first side of your print job is being printed.\n\nWhen the printer is finished, follow the instructions on top of the stack of printed sheets.\n\nOnce you have done this, click OK to print the second side.
12946 The first side of your print job is being printed.\n\nWhen the printer is finished, refeed the stack for printing on the second side. The stack should be fed %s, with the %s edge that came out of the printer facing into the paper feed.\n\nOnce you have done this, click OK to print the second side.
12947 face up
12948 face down
12949 first
12950 last
12960 RGB
12961 CMYK
12962 Page Numbers:
12963 Client Information
12964 Client Name:
12965 Company Name:
12966 Mailing Address:
12967 Phone Number:
12968 Fax Number:
12969 Email Address:
12970 Job Name:
12971 Job Comments:
12975 Documents to print
12976 C&urrent page
12977 C&urrent slide
12978 C&urrent thumbnail
12979 C&urrent frame
12980 C&urrent handout
12984 Pa&ges:
12985 Sl&ide&s:
12986 Thumbna&ils:
12987 Fr&ames:
12988 H&andouts:
12992 &Apply settings to all pages
12993 &Apply settings to all slides
12994 &Apply settings to all thumbnails
12995 &Apply settings to all frames
12996 &Apply settings to all handouts
13000 &Pages per sheet:
13001 Slides &per sheet:
13002 Thumbnails &per sheet:
13003 Frames &per sheet:
13004 Handouts &per sheet:
13008 Style name cannot be empty.
13009 0░
13010 180░
13011 Front frame
13012 Back frame
13013 Unable to access printer driver.Try removing and reinstalling this printer driver.
13014 The Position style:\n\n %s\n\nalready exists. Do you wish to update it with new settings?
13015 The style:\n\n %s\n\nalready exists. Do you wish to update it with new settings?
13016 Manual Double-Sided Printing
13017 You are printing a double-sided layout on a non-duplexing printer.\n\nChoose Yes to be prompted when to flip the paper to duplex manually.\nChoose No to disable the prompts and print on one side only.\n
13018 The left and top bounding box positions must be smaller than the right and bottom positions
13019 Note that this action will reset any changes you have made to the image positions or the list of separation colors in Print Options or Print Preview.
13020 Note that this action will reset any changes you have made to the list of separation colors in Print Options or Print Preview.
13022 This is the name of a built-in style that cannot be changed.
13131 Plate: %d of %d
13132 Preparing document fonts
13133 Color profile:
13134 %.5g lpi at %.5g degrees
13136 Default screen
13137 Composite
13152 No Error
13153 Unknown Error
13154 Out Of Memory
13155 Invalid Parameters
13156 Could Not Write Output
13157 Could Not Create Command Block
13158 No Output Stream Specified
13159 Could Not Read Input
13160 Invalid Block Type
13161 String Too Large
13162 No Graphics State Available
13163 No Graphics Vector Fill Available
13164 No Text Block Available
13165 No Printing State Available
13166 No Printer Vector Fill Available
13167 Invalid Parameter To Print Routine
13168 No Text Block Available
13169 Cannot Print Outside of Text Block
13264 Page %d
13265 Slide %d
13266 Thumbnail %d
13267 Frame %d
13268 Handout %d
13272 Page Size:
13273 Slide Size:
13274 Thumbnail Size:
13275 Frame Size:
13276 Handout Size:
13280 Page Orientation:
13281 Slide Orientation:
13282 Thumbnail Orientation:
13283 Frame Orientation:
13284 Handout Orientation:
13290 %s%3.4f %s
13291 %s%3.4f x %3.4f %s
13292 %3.4f x %3.4f %s
13293 %3.4f %s
13296 Full Page
13297 Book
13298 Booklet
13299 Tent-Card
13300 Side-Fold Card
13301 Top-Fold Card
13302 Tri-Fold Card
13303 Manual
13304 Clipping factors:
13305 Scale factor:
13307 User Defined
13308 Cannot Open File
13309 Form Already Exists OverWrite?
13312 &Printer Capabilities
13313 Device Mode Information:
13314 Device Name:
13315 Version Number:
13316 Printer Driver Version:
13317 Size:
13318 Driver Extra:
13319 Fields:
13320 Orientation:
13321 Portrait
13322 Landscape
13323 Paper Size:
13324 Paper Length:
13325 Paper Width:
13326 Scale (%):
13327 Copies:
13328 Default Source:
13329 Print Quality:
13330 High
13331 Medium
13332 Low
13333 Draft
13334 Color:
13335 On
13336 Off
13337 Duplex:
13338 Simplex
13339 Horizontal
13340 Vertical
13344 Y Resolution:
13345 TrueType Options:
13346 Prints TT as Graphics
13347 Downloads TT Fonts as Soft Fonts
13348 Substitutes Device Fonts for TT
13349 Collate:
13350 True
13351 False
13352 From Name:
13353 Pixels (per logical inch):
13354 Color Resolution (in bits per pixel):
13355 Width (in pixels):
13356 Height (in pixels):
13357 Device's display mode:
13358 Text mode
13360 Frequency (htz):
13361 ICM Handled:
13362 Disabled:
13363 Windows:
13364 Device Driver:
13365 Destination Device:
13366 Color Matching Methods:
13367 Optimize for Color Saturation:
13368 Optimize for Color Contrast:
13369 Optimize to Match the Exact Color:
13370 Media Type:
13371 Plain Paper:
13372 Glossy Paper:
13373 Transparent Film:
13374 Dither Type:
13375 Non
13376 A Coarse Brush
13377 A Fine Brush
13378 Line Art Dithering
13379 Grayscale
13380 Device Capabilities:
13381 Device Type:
13382 PostScript
13383 Non-PostScript
13384 Device Technology:
13385 Vector Plotter
13386 Raster Display
13387 Raster Printer
13388 Raster Camera
13389 Character Stream
13390 Metafile
13391 Display File
13392 Physical Width (mm):
13393 Physical Height (mm):
13394 Width of the Screen (pixels):
13395 Height of the Screen (raster lines):
13396 Number of Pixels Hor (logical inch):
13397 Number of Pixels Ver (logical inch):
13398 Color Bits (pixel):
13399 Color Planes (pixel):
13400 Device-Specific Brushes:
13401 Device-Specific Pens:
13402 Device-Specific Fonts:
13403 System Colors:
13404 Relative Pixel Width:
13405 Relative Pixel Height:
13406 Relative Pixel Diagonal Width:
13407 Reserved:
13408 Entries in System Palette:
13409 Reserved Entries in System Palette:
13410 Color Resolution:
13411 Physical Width (device units):
13412 Physical Height (device units):
13413 Horizontal Physical Printable Area:
13414 Vertical Physical Printable Area:
13415 Horizontal Scaling Factor:
13416 Vertical Scaling Factor:
13417 Vertical Refresh Rate:
13418 Width of the Virtual Desktop (pixels):
13419 Height of the Virtual Desktop (pixels):
13420 Horizontal Drawing Alignment:
13421 Clipping Capabilities:
13422 Clip Output to Rectangle
13424 Raster Capabilities:
13425 Requires Banding Support
13426 Transfer Bitmaps
13427 Support Bitmaps Larger than 64K
13428 Supports SetDIBits and GetDIBits
13429 Supports SetDIBits To Device
13430 Flood Fills
13431 Support Windows 2.0 Features
13432 Specifies a Palette-Based Device
13433 Capable of Scaling
13434 Supports StretchBlt
13435 Supports StretchDIBits
13436 Curve Capabilities:
13437 Does not Support
13438 Draw Circles
13439 Draw Pie Wedges
13440 Draw Chord Arcs
13441 Draw Ellipses
13442 Draw Wide Borders
13443 Draw Styled Borders
13444 Draw Wide Styled Borders
13445 Draw Interiors
13446 Draw Rounded Rectangles
13447 Line Capabilities:
13448 Not Supported
13449 Draw A Polyline
13450 Draw a Marker
13451 Draw Multiple Markers
13452 Draw Wide Lines
13453 Draw Styled Lines
13454 Draw Wide and Styled Line
13455 Draw Interiors
13456 Polygon Capabilities:
13457 Not Supported
13458 Draw Alternate-fill Polygons
13459 Draw Rectangles
13460 Draw Winding-fill Polygons
13461 Draw Single Scan Line
13462 Draw Wide Borders
13463 Draw Styled Borders
13464 Draw Wide and Styled Borders
13465 Draw Interiors
13466 Text Capabilities:
13467 Capable of Character Output Precision
13468 Capable of Stroke Output Precision
13469 Capable of Stroke Clip Precision
13470 Capable of 90-degree Character Rotation
13472 Capable of Any Character Rotation
13473 Scale in X and Y Direction
13474 Capable of Doubled Character for Scaling
13475 Uses Integer Multiples for Scaling
13476 Uses Multiples for Exact Scaling
13477 Draw Double-Weighted Characters
13478 Italics
13479 Underline
13480 Draw Strikeouts
13481 Draw Raster Fonts
13482 Draw Vector Fonts
13483 Must be Zero
13484 Can not Scroll using Bit-Block Transfer
13485 Yes
13486 No
13488 Saves current print settings in the current print style
13489 Saves current print settings as a new print style
13490 Deletes the current print style
13491 Prints all or part of the document
13492 Immediately prints the current sheet only
13493 Chooses printer to use and/or changes printer properties
13494 Closes print preview, returning to edit mode
13495 Exits the application and prompts to save changes
13496 Overrides preview type to show a composite image of all colors on each sheet
13497 Overrides preview type to show color separations that will be printed for each sheet
13498 Shows only a specific color separation for each sheet
13499 Represents the image to be printed by a gray bounding box
13500 Quickly shows a rough approximation of the image to be printed
13501 Draws a more accurate version of the image to be printed
13502 Overrides preview type to show how sheets would appear if printed in color
13503 Overrides preview type to show how sheets would appear if printed in grayscale
13504 Shows or hides the edge of the printable area for the current printer
13505 Shows or hides boundaries between pages when print tiled pages is on
13506 Shows a fold at the upper right corner of the page
13507 Shows or hides handles that can be used to move or resize the image
13508 Shows or hides the main print preview toolbar
13509 Shows or hides the status bar
13510 Shows or hides the rulers
13511 Shows the current view in full-screen preview mode
13512 Changes the current zoom (magnification) setting
13513 Jumps to a specific location in the document
13514 Resizes or repositions image(s) to be printed
13515 Edits page layout
13516 Edits rows and colums of pages
13517 Changes basic color separation settings
13518 Changes advanced screening parameters
13519 Changes miscellaneous print options
13520 Turns on or off printer's marks and other prepress settings
13521 Changes PostScript-specific settings
13522 Sets up a job information sheet to be printed with the document
13523 Sets up double-sided printing on a single-sided printer
13524 Opens the search dialog box, which searches for help on a specific topic
13525 Invokes context-sensitive help
13526 &Close
13527 Print
13528 Print Options
13529 Close Print Preview
13530 Print Style
13531 Save Print Style As
13532 Delete Print Style
13533 Pick Tool
13534 Zoom Tool
13535 Zoom Factor
13536 Full Screen
13537 Layout
13538 Separations
13539 Help
13540 Previous Sheet
13541 Next Sheet
13542 Mirror
13543 Invert
13544 Densitometer Scales
13545 Color Calibration Bar
13546 Registration Marks
13547 Crop Marks
13548 Page Numbers
13549 File Information
13550 Close
13551 You must specify at least one valid chapter number to be printed.
13552 &Options...
13553 You must specify at least one valid page number to be printed.\nCheck your page range and left/right pages setting.
13554 &Print... Ctrl+P
13555 &Print Ctrl+P
13556 %d%%
13557 To Page
13558 To Width
13559 To Height
13560 To Selected
13561 To Fit
13562 AaBbCcDdEeXxYyZz
13563 (Print Preview)
13564 Page %d
13565 Sheet %d
13566 Front
13567 Back
13568 -
13570 PMS
13571 CV
13572 Seps
13573 Composite
13574 CMYK
13575 Hexachrome
13576 &&
13577 Spot
13578 Printer:
13579 Composite
13580 (%s)
13581 Sheet
13582 Side
13583 Plate
13584 Page(s)
13585 %d of %d
13586 ,
13587 No pages are selected for printing.
13588 No plates matching the View|Plate setting are selected for printing.
13589 Color Separations To Print
13590 Currently Selected Printer
13591 PostScript Printer
13592 Color Printer
13593 Grayscale Printer
13594 Width: %s Height: %s Position: (%s, %s)
13595 Scale: %.lf%%
13596 Scale: (%.lf%%, %.lf%%)
13597 Selection:
13598 None
13599 ,
13600 Positive Image / Emulsion Up
13601 Positive Image / Emulsion Down
13602 Negative Image / Emulsion Up
13603 Negative Image / Emulsion Down
13604 %s Densitometer Scale
13605 Toolbar
13606 Prepress Bar
13607 Shows or hides the toolbar with printers marks and prepress settings
13608 Shows or hides the bounding box which printer's marks are aligned to
13612 Automatically sets the preview type to match what will be printed
13613 Displays program information and copyright
13614 Non-PostScript Printer
13615 PostScript Printer - AdobePS Driver
13616 No
13617 Color Separations Are Off
13618 Current Selection
13619 Color Printer - Grayscale Mode
13620 Preview of duotone separations is not supported
13762 The current settings for this document will cause %d fonts to be\ndownloaded to the printer. This could overrun memory and prevent\nthe page(s) from printing.\n\nAre you sure you want to continue?
13763 Not configured
13764 Not configured for composite
13765 Not configured for separations
13766 No color profile has been setup for separations. Use Corel Color Manager to configure a separations profile.
13767 Preview Color Default:
13768 Auto (Simulate Output)
13769 Color
13770 Grayscale
13771 Preview Separations Default:
13772 Auto (Simulate Output)
13773 Composite
13774 Off
13776 Prepare For Service Bureau Wizard
13777 %s is currently gathering linked image files used by your document.
13778 %s is currently assembling information about your document.
13779 %s is currently creating a %s file.
13780 %s is currently printing your document to a .PRN file.
13781 The gathering of files for your service bureau was not completed.
13782 \n\nIf you wish to change any of your previous settings or try again, click Back. Click Cancel if you wish to exit the Prepare For Service Bureau Wizard.
13783 UserName
13784 CompanyName
13785 MailingAddress
13786 PhoneNumber
13787 FaxNumber
13788 EmailAddress
13789 PrepareForServiceBureauWizard
13791 Corel Service Bureau Profiles (*.csp)
13792 Browse Service Bureau Profiles
13793 Choose Location
13795 Folder (*.*)
13798 The location you specified could not be found or created.\n\nClick back to select another location.
13800 (%s)
13802 To change color calibration to use this profile, choose 'Set Profiles' and change the %s profile. When you are finished, click Next to continue.
13803 composite
13804 separations
13806 The gathering of files for your service bureau was not completed. The following files were not created:
13807 \n
13808 \n
13809 %s x %s %s
13810 (%s)
13811 The service bureau has requested the use of color calibration.\n\nYou do not have color management installed with %s. You must exit %s to install the color management component. Please save your work before exiting.\n\nPress cancel to exit this wizard and then run Setup from %s CD #1. Choose the Custom option and select Color Management in the Graphics Utilities section.
13812 The service bureau requests that the following color profile be used as the %s printer profile:
13813 Your document's page size is too large for the current physical page size. The document page size selected in page setup must be small enough to fit within the physical page selected in printer properties, while still leaving a %s %s margin on all sides.\n\nClick Cancel if you wish to return to your document to adjust its page size, or click Back to change the page size in printer properties.
13814 Unable to find the file:\n\n %s\n\nDo you wish to continue gathering files, omitting this file?
13815 The folder where files are being gathered to already contains a file named:\n\n %s\n\nDo you wish to replace this file?
13816 You have cancelled the gathering of files for your service bureau.
13817 Font Name
13818 Filename
13819 Fonts.TXT
13820 Below is a list of the fonts used by %s.\n\nFont Name Path\n----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n
13821 %-25.25s %s\n
13822 ,
13823 Links.TXT
13824 Below is a list of externally linked images used by %s.\n\n
13825 %s\n
13826 Your document's page size is too large for the largest physical page size supported by this service bureau. The document page size selected in page setup must be no larger than %s. \n\nClick Cancel if you wish to return to your document to adjust its page size, or click Back to select a different profile.
13828 The selected service bureau profile is not intended for use with this version of %s. Using this profile may not produce the results requested by the service bureau.\n\nDo you wish to proceed using this profile?
13829 Download profile from Internet...
13830 This service bureau profile was created for %s, and cannot be used with %s.\n\nClick Back to select a different profile, or click Cancel to exit the Prepare For Service Bureau Wizard.
13831 Any
13832 The service bureau has requested that you set the printer page size to %s.
13833 Your document page size set in page setup is %s.
13834 This is the minimum printer page size that may be used to print your document.
13835 To allow for any printer's marks outside this area, the minimum printer page size that may be used to print your document is %s.
13836 The largest printer page size supported by the service bureau is %s.\n\nIn Printer Properties, choose a printer page size that is within this range.
13837 JobInfo.TXT
13840 Resolve External Bitmaps
13841 Limit Bleed
13842 Image Position Preset
13843 All Colors Grayscale
13844 Print Pictures & Graphics
13845 Print Hidden Pictures
13846 Use Advanced Settings
13847 Screening Settings
13848 Resolution
13849 Basic Screen
13850 Marks Alignment Rectangle
13851 Auto-Position Marks Rectangle
13852 Application Information
13853 Driver Information
13854 Font Information
13855 Links Information
13856 Job Information
13857 Separaton Information
13858 Send to Text File
13859 Sent to Printer
13860 Text File Name
13861 Print File Name
13862 Print Driver Name
13863 Print Device Name
13864 Apply Default To All Pages
13888 Print
13889 Print Options
13890 Level 1
13891 Level 2
13892 PostScript 3
13893 Prepress...
13894 N-up Format
13895 Signature Layout
13896 Signature Layout (Front)
13897 Signature Layout (Back)
13898 Nothing is selected to be printed. Check your page range and/or color separation settings.
13899 You have requested that the name of the current signature layout be included in this print style. However, the current signature layout has not been saved.\n\nDo you wish to save the current signature layout?\n\n
13900 Choose Yes to save this signature layout now, No to continue saving this print style without the name of a signature layout, or Cancel if you do not wish to save this print style at this time.
13901 You have requested that the name of the current n-up format be included in this print style. However, the current n-up format has not been saved.\n\nDo you wish to save the current n-up format?\n\n
13902 Choose Yes to save this n-up format now, No to continue saving this print style without the name of a n-up format, or Cancel if you do not wish to save this print style at this time.
13903 Generic Profile
13904 One signature per sheet (1-up)
13905 1 x 2 (2-up)
13906 2 x 1 (2-up)
13907 2 x 2 (4-up)
13908 2 x 3 (6-up)
13909 3 x 2 (6-up)
13910 3 x 3 (9-up)
13911 3 x 4 (12-up)
13912 4 x 3 (12-up)
13913 4 x 4 (16-up)
13914 Custom
13920 As in document
13921 Fit to page
13922 Center of page
13923 Top center
13924 Left center
13925 Right center
13926 Bottom center
13927 Top left corner
13928 Top right corner
13929 Bottom left corner
13930 Bottom right corner
13931 Custom
13936 -
13937 Not installed
13938 Not used for grayscale output
13939 Option
13940 Setting
13941 No printers installed
13942 Do not override
13943 (Portrait)
13944 (Landscape)
13945 Tiled pages: off
13946 Tiled pages: 1
13947 Tiled pages: %d
13948 x 1
13949 x %d
13950 Selection:
13951 Page range:
13952 (%s, %s)
13953 Maximum zoom level achieved.
13954 Zoom
13955 Pick Tool
13956 Signature Layout
13957 N-up Format
13958 Marks Placement
13959 Zoom Tool
13960 x:
13961 y:
13962 %
13963 Profiles
13964 Print
13965 You cannot print more than one document simultaneously. You must either wait for the current print job to finish or cancel it.
13966 &Help
13967 Microsoft Fax Driver
13968 PUB:
13969 There are no colors available for separation. Color separations have been turned off.
13970 Blank Page Insertion
13971 When printing, do you want %s to use your left/right page settings, inserting blank pages where necessary?
13972 Blank Page
13973 This document contains one or more EPS or duotone files. Convert Spot to CMYK will not apply to spot colors in these files. Any objects in these files using spot colors will be dropped.
13974 corelap.hlp
13984 On
13985 NT Double Download Workaround (PS):
13986 Off
13987 On
13988 NT Bookman Download Workaround (PS):
13989 Render to Bitmap Resolution (PS):
13990 Automatic
13991 150 dpi
13992 200 dpi
13993 250 dpi
13994 300 dpi
13995 350 dpi
13996 400 dpi
13997 450 dpi
13998 500 dpi
13999 550 dpi
14000 600 dpi
14074 \n\nThe file did not contain information about how to represent this ink in either of the CMYK or RGB color spaces. It has been assigned CMYK values of 100, 100, 100, 100. You may use the palette editor to assign new CMYK values for this user ink.
14075 There is an EPS or duotone file in this document that references an ink called %s. This ink was not found in any of the existing spot color palettes. It has been added to the User Defined Inks palette.
14076 Error loading %s.
14077 Cannot Open File
14078 User Defined
14079 Form Already Exists OverWrite?
14336 Corel Color Manager
14337 unnamed color
14338 unknown INK
14339 unknown PANTONE color %d
14340 white
14341 BLACK
14342 Transparent
14344 color %d
14368 CMY
14369 CMYK
14370 CMYK255
14371 RGB
14372 HSB
14373 Grayscale
14374 Uniform Colors
14376 PANTONE« Process Colors
14378 Netscape Navigator (TM)
14379 Microsoft« Internet Explorer
14380 TRUMATCH Colors
14381 FOCOLTONE Colors
14382 Custom Palette
14383 Lab
14384 XYZ
14385 User Defined Inks
14386 YIQ
14387 HLS
14388 Palette
14389 Mixing Area
14390 Color Blend
14391 Registration Color
14392 SpectraMaster« Colors
14394 DIC Colors
14395 Lab Colors
14396 Image Palette
14397 Color Harmonies
14398 Ink
14399 Black Body
14400 Standard VGA
14401 System
14402 Uniform Colors
14403 Microsoft (R) Internet Explorer
14416 Le&vel:
14417 T&int:
14418 &C:
14419 &M:
14420 &Y:
14421 &K:
14422 &R:
14423 &G:
14424 &B:
14425 &H:
14426 &S:
14427 &B:
14428 &L:
14429 &a:
14430 &b:
14431 &X:
14432 &Y:
14433 &Z:
14434 &Y:
14435 &I:
14436 &Q:
14437 &L:
14438 &H:
14439 &S:
14440 B&lend:
14441 &O:
14442 Brush T&ype
14443 &Hard
14444 &Medium
14445 &Soft
14446 Unable to add color, color already in palette
14447 Value 1
14448 Value 2
14449 M&ore >>
14450 << &Less
14464 inch
14465 Default
14466 Dot
14467 Line
14468 Not enough disk space to save file %s.
14469 Opening
14470 Reading
14471 Writing
14472 Corel Color Manager
14473 Error %s %s file.
14474 untitled.cpl
14475 Custom palette (*.cpl)|*.cpl|
14476 Process palette (*.pal)|*.pal|
14477 Spot palette (*.ipl)|*.ipl|
14478 Select Color
14483 Delete '%s' from palette?
14484 You have not saved the changes to %s. Opening a new palette will discard these changes.\n\nDo you wish to continue opening a new palette?
14485 You have not saved the changes to %s. Creating a new palette will discard these changes.\n\nDo you wish to continue creating a new palette?
14486 The current custom palette is a Process Palette (%s) and cannot be saved under the *.%s format. To save your changes, rename the palette to a Custom Palette (*.%s).\nDo you wish to continue and discard your changes?
14487 The current custom palette is a Spot Palette (%s) and cannot be saved under the *.%s format. To save your changes, rename the palette to a Custom Palette (*.%s).\nDo you wish to continue and discard your changes?
14488 %s is not a valid palette filename.
14489 Not Enough Memory, Please close some applications and try again.
14490 Can't find file %s in directory %s
14493 untitled.bmp
14494 Color mixing files (*.bmp)| *.bmp|
14495 Open Color Mix File
14496 Save Color Mix File
14497 Open Palette
14498 Save Palette As
14499 New Palette
14500 BMP File (*.bmp)|*.bmp|
14501 Load Mixing Area File
14502 Save Mixing Area File As
14503 Error opening file %s.
14504 %s is not a valid mixing area file.\nOnly 1, 4, 8, and 24 bit non-compressed .BMP files are supported.
14505 Error reading file %s.
14506 Error - low memory.
14507 Open Palette...
14561 Warning
14617 C:
14618 M:
14619 Y:
14620 R:
14621 G:
14622 B:
14623 The specified color name has already been used. Please choose another name for this color.
14625 Hex. Yellow
14626 The number of colors in the Custom Color Palette has reached its maximum. Adding the new color will cause the last color to be overwritten.\nWould you like to add this color?
14627 Adding all colors will cause the maximum number of colors in the Custom Color Palette to be exceeded by %d colors. Delete some colors from the Custom Palette, or create a new palette before adding these colors.
14628 Custom Colors -
14640 OK
14641 %s calibration error.
14642 General error. Please check your Profile generating procedure.
14643 Not Enough Memory. Please close some applications and try again.
14644 Cannot open file %s.
14645 Incorrect file format or Bad values in %s.
14646 Not enough disk space, or file %s is read only.
14647 Incorrect file format or Bad values in %s.
14648 %s calibration error.
14649 %s calibration error.
14650 Exit Corel Color Manager?
14651 Time out
14652 Can't overwrite %s !
14653 File %s does not exist !
14654 Scanner calibration file %s does not exist.
14655 The file %s is read only. Please change the file attributes and try again.
14656 %s is not a valid System Profile.
14657 Incorrect file format or bad values in measurement file %s. Check that all colors are in XYZ100; check also that the file contains %d colors.
14658 Gam&ut Alarm
14659 &Measure From
14660 &None
14661 &Gretag SPM55
14662 XRite &DTP22
14664 Do you want to overwrite the existing file ?
14665 Other...
14666 Please wait...
14667 Generating the System Profile %s
14688 &Add Color to Palette
14689 &Swap Color
14690 B&rush Size
14691 &Small
14692 &Medium
14693 &Large
14694 &Color Viewer
14695 CMY&K - 3D Subtractive
14696 &RGB - 3D Additive
14697 HSB - &Hue Based (Default)
14698 HSB - &Brightness Based
14699 &CMY - 3D Subtractive
14700 HSB - &Wheel Based
14701 &Lab - Device Independent
14702 &YIQ - Television
14703 HSB - &Saturation Based
14704 &Load Bitmap...
14705 Sa&ve Bitmap...
14706 Cl&ear Bitmap
14707 Show Color Names
14708 &PostScript Options...
14709 &Grid Size
14710 Color Options
14711 Palette Options
14712 Mod&el:
14713 Typ&e:
14714 Mod&el:
14715 Selecte&d Color
14716 Add A&ll Grid Colors to Palette
14717 &Get Color
14718 &What's This?
14720 \ColorMgr.exe
14722 Could not load the Color Profile Wizard. Please ensure it is properly installed.
14723 Color Manager - Error
14724 Color Manager was unable to detect the selected device. \n Please check that the correct device has been selected, \n and that connections are in order.
14725 Color Manager was unable to read the measurement. Please try again.
14726 Device failed to validate password.\n Possible transmission error, please check connections and try again.
14727 An unspecified device error occurred with the Colortron II
14728 &XRite 918
14729 &Colortron II
14731 The DLL's %s and %s are both required for the Colortron II,\n and at least one could not be found.
14732 %s, which is required for the Colortron II, \ncould not be found.
14745 The calibration was successful.
14746 The calibration was not successful. Please try again.
14752 K:
14753 H:
14754 S:
14755 B:
14756 L:
14757 a:
14758 b:
14759 O:
14760 Color Name -
14761 Color Manager was unable to read the measurement. \n Please take the measurement again and check that \n Your Colortron II is calibrated correctly.
14762 The Colortron II is known to conflict with certain \ntablets causing them to function improperly. Do you \nstill wish to use the Colorton II?
21973 '%s - %s' is no longer available. A component\nof your application may have been uninstalled.
21974 '%s - %s' is no longer available.
21975 Reset the status bar to original settings? (This operation cannot be undone)
21976 Wednesday, September 30, 2000
21977 Table
21978 Columns
21979 Cancel
21980 &Update
21981 Save Copy &As...
21982 Main Table
21983 Clear Bitmap\nThis will clear off all the drawing irrevocably.\nAre you sure you want to proceed?
21984 Copy Bitmap\nSome other application has the clipboard ownership.\nRetry after closing all other applications.
21985 Paste Bitmap\nThis operation will erase the bitmap being edited.\nDo you want to continue?
21986 Paste Bitmap\nUnable to complete operation.\nMake sure that the clipboard contains a bitmap.
21987 Restore Defaults\nYou will lose the customized button properties irrevocably.\nAre you sure you want to proceed?
21988 Import Bitmap\nBitmap too large for the toolbar button.\nDo you want to shrink it to fit?\n\nHint: Shrinking may distort the image\n Click NO if you want to pan around the cropped bitmap
21989 Import Bitmap\nBitmap too large for the toolbar button.\nDo you want to shrink it to fit?\n\nHint: Shrinking may distort the image\n Click NO if you want to pan around the bitmap
21990 Drop File\nInvalid file format.\nYou can drop only .BMP and .DIB files
21991 Button Properties
21992 Edit &Scale...
21993 Re&solution...
21994 per tick
21995 Roll-Up Groups
21996 %s : %s
21997 This will cause the drawing scale to be reset to 1.0. Continue?
21998 Keyboard Shortcuts
21999 Page : %d
22000 Text File (*.txt)
22001 *.txt
22003 Spacing
22004 Frequency
22005 &X1:
22006 Y&1:
22007 &X:
22008 &Y:
22009 There is already a Roll-Up Group with that name. Please use a different name.
22010 &Other...
22011 1:
22012 2:
22013 3:
22014 Rotation values
22015 Link files
22016 The item '%s' referred by this link file is missing.\n\n Do you want to try to resolve the link ?
22017 Unable to delete the file '%s'\nA read-only attribute may be the cause.
22018 Unable to launch '%s'
22019 Shortcut to
22020 The maximum number of tabs are already present
22021 CorelDRAW!
22022 Error
22023 Error saving file
22024 Error allocating memory
22025 Image
22026 Text
22027 Shortcut Key Configuration
22028 Save the current shortcut key configuration in\n'%s' ?
22029 Reset to default application settings?
22030 Shortcut key Files (*.sck) | *.sck||
22031 Command\nTable\nKeyStroke\nDescription
22032 Keyboard Shortcuts
22033 Page : %d
22034 Shortcut keys print better in landscape mode\n Do you want to print in landscape mode?
22035 &Options <<
22528 Uniform Fill
22529 Outline Color
22530 Uniform Transparency
22656 Two-Color Foreground
22657 Two-Color Background
22658 Fountain Fill
22659 Uniform Fill
22660 User Defined
22661 Are you Sure You Want to Delete?
22662 Label Name cannot be Empty
22663 Cannot Open File
22664 Label form name \n %s already exists\n Overwrite?
22672 Customize Label
22673 The current label layout does not allow the specified number of\nlabels to fit across the page.
22674 The current label layout does not allow the specified number of\nlabels to fit down the page.
22675 The current label layout does not allow the specified number of\nlabels to fit across and down the page.
22688 Right Side
22689 Left Side
22690 Booklet
22691 Book
22692 Full Page
22693 Side-Fold Card
22694 Tent Card
22695 Top-Fold Card
22696 One page per sheet
22697 Two pages per sheet
22698 Four pages per sheet
22700 Cut in middle
22701 Fold in middle
22702 Fold on top
22703 Fold on left
22704 OK
22705 Cancel
22706 &Help
22707 Page Setup
22708 Label Types
22709 %s, %s
22710 %.4g %s
22711 in.
22712 The printer is currently set to use an unrecognized paper size. Paper type not changed.
22713 Cannot Set From Printer
22714 Paper Color
22715 The new page type could not be saved.
22716 Unable to save Paper Type, the specified name already exists.
22717 Failed to delete Paper Type file.
22718 Are you sure you want to delete the paper type
22719 Are you sure you want to rename the paper type
22720 Failed to rename Paper Type file.
22721 Save &Custom Page
22722 &Delete Custom Page
22723 Page Background
22724 Please choose a bitmap by clicking on the Browse button.
22725 File %s not found.
22726 The Paper Type file %s already exists. Do you want to replace it?
22727 Multi-layer bitmaps cannot be used as a background image. Please select another bitmap file format
22787 %
22788 Delete last selected arrow?
22789 Outline Color
22791 Vector Pattern
22792 Vector Pattern
22793 Two-Color Bitmap Pattern
22794 Error: Nothing selected, cannot delete.
22795 Delete Full-Color Pattern
22796 Error: File %s has been deleted.
22797 Delete File: %s?
22798 Delete currently selected Two-Color Pattern?
22799 Delete Two-Color Pattern
22800 Two-Color Foreground
22801 Two-Color Background
22802 Fountain Fill
22803 Uniform Fill
22804 Full-Color Bitmap Pattern
22805 Tiles.ini Not Found
22806 Delete currently selected Bitmap Pattern?
22807 Delete Bitmap Pattern
22808 Cannot Open Full-Color Bitmap File
22809 Load
22810 Pattern File (*.pat)|*.pat||
22812 Could not import selected file
22813 Delete currently selected Full-Color Pattern?
22814 Error: Could not
22815 There are too many dots and dashes, please remove some to continue.
22816 Fountain Fill
22817 Default
22818 Delete preset: %s?
22819 Edit Line Style Warning
22820 2-color
22821 Full color
22822 Bitmap
22832 %s is read only. \n\n CorelDRAW cannot create the arrow !
22833 Create Arrow
22835 Delete Arrowhead
22848 Linear
22849 Radial
22850 Conical
22851 Square
22852 Preset already exists,\n Overwrite ?
22853 Rectangular
22864 Texture Fill
22865 The format of the file %s is not currently supported for use as a fill.
22866 Style Name:
22867 Arrowhead file CORELDRW.END could not be found
22868 Save Texture as
22869 Texture exists in this Library,\n Overwrite ?
22870 Please enter a different name.
22871 Delete Texture: %s?
22872 Texture Options
22873 %s bytes
22874 Error generating Texture
22875 Insufficient memory to complete Texture
22876 Are you sure?
22877 Function not found in TXR_EngineProc
22878 TXR_EngineProc not found in Texture DLL
22879 Texture DLL not found
22880 Could not find your Texture directory
22890 Error during Save As
22891 Texture file CORELDRW.TXR could not be found.
22892 You cannot Save in the Styles Library
22893 Cannot Open Texture Bitmap File
22894 None
22895 Hairline
22896 Could not create any new outline style,\nthe maximal number of outline styles being reached.\n\nPlease remove some outline styles if you want to add new ones.
22897 Fountain Transparency
22898 Texture Fill
22899 Texture Transparency
22900 Pattern Fill
22901 Pattern Transparency
23552 Invalid Custom Directory specified in corelapp.ini.
23554 coreldrw.hlp
23555 Find and Replace
23556 Find has reached the end of the text.\nDo you want to continue the search\nfrom the beginning of the text?
23557 Search text not found!
23558 Unknown Operation
23559 Typing
23560 Break Paragraph
23561 Delete
23562 Delete Selection
23563 Paste
23564 Cut
23565 Select Text
23566 Cursor Move
23567 Apply Style
23568 Revert To Style
23569 Change Multiple Attributes
23570 Change Alignment
23571 Change Spacing
23572 Change Tabs
23573 Change Bullet
23574 Change Indents
23575 Change Hypenation
23576 Change Color
23577 Change Typeface
23578 Change Type Style
23579 Change Type Size
23580 Change Type Angle
23581 Change Character Shifts
23582 Change Range Kerning
23583 Change Line Attributes
23584 Change Drop Cap
23585 Change Case
23586 Replace Text
23587 Change Paragraph Text Frame
23588 Drag and Drop Text
23589 Change Anchor Name
23590 Change HotLink
23591 Change Text Interactively
23592 Type Assist
23593 .?!& í┐
23594 monday
23595 tuesday
23596 wednesday
23597 thursday
23598 friday
23599 saturday
23600 sunday
23602 This entry already exists. Do you want to Replace it?
23603 Are you sure you want to delete this entry?
23604 % of Char. height
23605 points
23606 % of Pt. size
23607 AaBbYyZz
23608 This is a TrueType font.
23609 This is a PostScript Type 1 font.
23610 (none)
23611 Single Thin
23612 Single Thin Word
23613 Single Thick
23614 Single Thick Word
23615 Double Thin
23616 Double Thin Word
23617 ╞x╞xAa12
23618 Thin
23619 Thin-Italic
23620 ExtraLight
23621 ExtraLight-Italic
23622 Light
23623 Light-Italic
23624 Normal
23625 Normal-Italic
23626 Medium
23627 Medium-Italic
23628 SemiBold
23629 SemiBold -Italic
23630 Bold
23631 Bold-Italic
23632 ExtraBold
23633 ExtraBold-Italic
23634 Black
23635 Black-Italic
23636 (Not Found)
23637 There are no fonts available for text.
23638 (none)
23639 Small CAPS
23640 All CAPS
23641 Subscript
23642 Superscript
23643 Bullet
23644 Drop cap
23645 Default Graphic
23646 Default Artistic Text
23647 Default Paragraph Text
23649 Edit Underline
23650 Edit Overscore
23651 Edit Strikethru
23652 Paragraph Text Frames:
23653 Linked Frames:
23654 Empty Frames:
23655 Not all of the text fits in the frames.
23656 Not all of the text fits in the frame.
23657 Artistic Text Objects:
23658 Paragraphs:
23659 Paragraphs:
23660 Lines:
23661 Words:
23662 Characters:
23663 \nAll Text In Document
23664 Selection:\n%d Artistic Text Object, %d Paragraph Text Frame
23665 Selection:\n%d Artistic Text Object, %d Paragraph Text Frames
23666 Selection:\n%d Artistic Text Objects, %d Paragraph Text Frame
23667 Selection:\n%d Artistic Text Objects, %d Paragraph Text Frames
23668 \nSelection: Artistic Text Object
23669 \nSelection: %d Artistic Text Objects
23670 \nSelection: Paragraph Text Frame
23671 \nSelection: Linked Paragraph Text Frames
23672 \nSelection: %d Paragraph Text Frames
23673 Number of styles used:
23674 Fonts used:
23675 Bullet &indent:
23676 There are already %d tabs which is the maximum number allowed.
23677 There are no symbol fonts installed.
23678 Selected Frames Only
23679 Selected And Subsequent Frames
23680 All Frames
23681 This action cannot be completed because it would produce a paragraph that is greater than the maximum allowable length.
23682 Can't Allocate memory to be used for proof reading a sentence.\nSentence skipped
23683 Error allocating memory.\nProcess is not completed.
23684 This is not a valid number.\nCan't set the new font size.
23685 Text import error
23686 This action cannot be completed because it would produce a text object with too many paragraphs.
23687 Font Options
23688 Please select at least one font option
23689 Please select at least one type of style in the style list
23690 There isn't any text in this document!
23691 No fonts available. Reset all options.
23697 Spell Assist internal error '%d'.
23698 Add
23699 No Alternate Spelling
23701 Cannot initialize Spell Assist
23702 Cannot initialize QuickSpell plug-in
23703 Error while checking word
23704 Cannot initialize Hyphenation
23705 Cannot shutdown Hyphenation
23706 Soft Returns
23707 Hard Returns
23708 Tabs
23709 Spaces
23710 Fail to set spell assist data
23711 Grayscale value:
23712 Tint value:
23713 Format Text
23717 !%),.?]}íúñѺ¿⌐¬½¼¡«»░▐▀üAüBüCüDüEüFüGüHüIüJüKüRüSüTüUüXü[üfühüjülünüpürütüvüxüzü9 üRüìüÄü ü ü± x í ú Ñ º ┴ ß π σ ∞Æ@ÆBÆDÆFÆHÆbÆÆÆ& Æ! ÆÄÆ" Æ
23718 $([\{óüeügüiükümüoüqüsüuüwüyüÅüÉü
23719 ,.íñüAüBüCüD
23720 Top
23721 Bottom
23722 Full
23723 Center
23724 Left
23725 Right
23726 Decimal
23727 Tabs
23728 Alignment
23729 Leadered
24848 Invalid file handle
24849 Out of Memory
24850 Invalid resource data
24851 I/O read error
24852 I/O write error or Disk is full
24853 Invalid file format
24854 Invalid header
24855 Invalid bitmap raw data
24856 Invalid compress data
24857 Internal Memory is corrupted
24858 Key is not in registry file.
24859 Invalid Parameters.
24860 Invalid filter.
24862 User Aborted
24863 Stack Violation
24864 Unrecoverable Error
24865 Invalid Arithmetic operation
24866 Memory Access Violation
24868 All Files
24869 *.*
24870 Import
24871 Export
24872 Full Image
24873 Crop
24874 Resample
24875 Partial Load
24903 Import Into Bitmap
24904 Bitmap Export
24916 Black and White
24917 Grayscale (8-bit)
24918 16 Colors
24919 Paletted (8-bit)
24920 RGB Color (24-bit)
24921 CMYK Color (32-bit)
24922 Option&s >>
24923 Option&s <<
24924 Pixels , Black and White (1-bit)
24925 Pixels , 16 Colors (4-bit)
24926 Pixels , Grayscale (8-bit)
24927 Pixels , 256 Colors (8-bit)
24928 Pixels , 16.7 Million Colors (24-bit)
24929 Pixels , 16.7 Million Colors (32-bit)
24930 Unknown
24931 Imp&ort
24932 E&xport
24933 bytes
24938 1 to 1
24939 640x480(VGA)
24940 800x600(SVGA)
24941 1024x768
24942 Custom
24943 Initial DIR
24944 Prev Check
24945 Import Type
24946 Use Def Value
24950 OPEN File Dialog
24951 SAVE File Dialog
24952 Option State
24954 Filter Manager
24955 Dithered
24956 Size Index
24957 Identical Value
24958 H Resolution
24959 V Resolution
24960 Width
24961 Height
24962 Anti Alias
24963 Resolution Index
24964 300 DPI
24965 200 DPI
24966 150 DPI
24967 75 DPI
24968 FAX Fine (200x100)
24969 FAX Normal (100x100)
24970 Color Index
24971 Color Profile
24972 Fountain Steps
24973 Aspect Ratio
24974 Apply Mask
24975 Uncompressed
24978 already exists.\n\nReplace existing file?
24979 Cannot access this file because it is being used by another process
24981 is not the same format as the selected filter.
24982 A problem occurred when opening the file.
24992 Raster
24993 Vector
24994 Text
24995 Animation
24996 Sound
25014 Check for Watermark
25017 Internet
25018 There must be at least one import/export filter available. A random filter was enabled.
25019 There are no import filters available
25020 There are no export filters available
25021 No Selection
25024 Pixels , Duotone (8-bit)
25025 Pixels , Lab Color, 16.7 Million Colors (24-bit)
25026 There are no internet filters available
25027 To enable changes to the installed filters, please close and re-open the current dialog
25028 Pixels , %ld Colors (%d-bit)
25029 Pixels , Grayscale (16-bit)
25030 Pixels , RGB (48-bit)
25031 Group Selected
25032 %s has an invalid file format
25033 %s\nPath does not exist.\nPlease verify the correct path was given.
25118 Font Manager
25119 No fonts were found. This application may not have been properly installed.
25120 No fonts were found. This application may not have been properly installed.
25121 Invalid font directory specified in corelapp.ini.
25122 A problem occurred accessing %s from the Font Navigator Catalog. The file\nfor this font should be located at %s.\n\nPlease ensure the Font Navigator Catalog has up to date information about\nthe fonts on the system. %s will be temporarily used to replace\n%s until the issue is resolved.
25125 (Not Found)
25344 Object Properties
25600 Width: %.2f Height: %.2f inches
25601 Select one or more objects
25602 Transform the selected objects
25603 Drag the mouse to draw
25604 Scale: %.1f %%
25605 Y Scale: %.1f %%
25606 X Scale: %.1f %%
25607 DX: %.2f DY: %.2f inches
25608 Angle: %.1f degrees
25609 Object Properties
26147 &Edit
26148 &Edit,0,2
26149 &Open,0,2
26150 \nPresentation Exchange Objects have full display capabilities, but logical information may not be preserved.
26375 Limit of %d 'plug-in' filters reached - Ignoring the rest.
26376 Could not load %s.
26378 a memory full
26379 a user cancelled
26380 a read error
26381 a write error
26382 an open error
26383 an I/O error
26384 an error
26385 a null handle error
26386 a disk full error
26387 an end-of-file error
26388 Plug-in filter '%s' in file %s reported %s condition.
26389 an error %d
26390 Unknown
26391 Other
26392 a bad parameters
26393 an unsupported image type
26394 This plug-in is attemping to use a feature not implemented by Corel PHOTO-PAINT.
26395 Warning
26397 a missing .ini file
26399 Some plug-ins could not be loaded. There could be a memory shortage.
26401 an internal error
26402 This filter does not support the current image type.
27461 Memory
27462 File
27463 Buffered
27464 An Unknown Error has occured in the Twain Source Manager during Initialization.\n\nTwain functionality will be disabled.
27465 The Twain Source Manager could not be Loaded, the file Twain_32.dll is either missing or corrupted.\n\nTwain functionality will be disabled.
27466 The Twain Source Manager could not be Initialized.\n\nTwain Functionality will be disabled.
27467 No Twain Drivers could be found.\n\nPlease make sure that your Twain Driver(s) have been installed properly.
27468 The Selected Twain Driver could not be enabled.\n\nThe driver is either busy, or the Hardware is not installed properly.
27469 An Unknown Error has occured during Image Acquisition.
27470 A Low Memory Error occured during Twain Image Acquisition.\n\nPlease try reducing the size of your Image.
27471 A Low Disk Space Error has occured during Twain Image Acquisition.\n\nPlease try reducing the size of your Image, or free up some disk space.
27472 The Selected Image is too large.\n\nPlease try reducing the size of your Image.
27474 The Twain Driver could not complete the Image Acquisition to Memory.\n\nPlease try Buffered, or File Mode from the Options Dialog.
27475 The Twain Driver could not complete the Image Acquisition in Buffered Mode.\n\nPlease try Memory, or File Mode from the Options Dialog.
27476 The Twain Driver could not complete the Image Acquisition to File.\n\nPlease try Memory or Buffered Mode from the Options Dialog.
27477 An Unknown Error occured when creating a temporary file.\n\nPlease check your Windows temp Directory and try again.
27478 The Selected Image has an unsupported Pixel Depth.\n\nPlease try reducing the number of colors in your image.
27479 Buffered Transfer Mode does not support Planar Data.\n\nPlease try Native or File Transfer Mode with this Twain Driver.
27480 This image contains an unsupported image data type.\n\nPlease check the options in your Twain Driver for B&W, Gray, or RGB Selections.
27481 This Twain Driver does not support File Transfer Mode.\n\nPlease try Native, or Buffered Mode from the Options Dialog.
27482 CorelSCAN 8
27483 Failed to launch CorelSCAN correctly
27490 Failed: %s %s\n\nIn order to use CorelSCAN with this Twain Driver, you must scan with the Vendor User Interface.
27491 Set Current
27493 Get Supported
27494 Get Current
27495 Image Layout
27496 Resolution
27497 Bit Depth
27498 Pixel Type
27499 CorelSCAN has detected a serious problem with a previous test using this device.\n\nDo you wish to try the test again?
27501 Testing: %s
27502 Feeder
27503 Native Resolution
27504 Physical Size
27505 Scan
27506 The Current TWAIN Driver has already been tested. \n\nDo you wish to perform the test again?
27507 CorelSCAN is about to begin a scan compatibility\ntest for the driver you have selected. Please\nsave ALL your work before starting this test.\n\nDo you wish to proceed?
27508 Protocol
27509 Scanner
27510 Unknown
27511 Driver UI
27512 Feeder
27513 Flat Bed
27514 An unknown error has occured.\n\nPlease make sure you Scanner software is installed properly.
27515 An error has occured while trying to access a Scanner protocol.\n\nPlease make sure your Scanner software is installed properly
27516 There is no Scanner currently selected.\n\nPlease choose the scanner you wish to use.
27517 No Scanners could be detected in your system.\n\nPlease make sure you have installed the software for your Scanner correctly
27519 A Low Memory Error occured.\n\nPlease try reducing the size of your Image, or close some applications
27520 A Low Disk Space Error has occured.\n\nPlease try reducing the size of your Image, or free up some disk space.
27521 There is a problem with the Image paramaters used for this scan.\n\nPlease try adjusting your Image and try again.
27522 An error occured while trying to create Scan Buffers.\n\nPlease free some memory and try again.
27523 Scanner reports that incoming image data is Planar.\n\nCorel currently does not support Planar Image Data.
27524 This image contains an unsupported image data type.\n\nPlease check the options in your Twain Driver for B&W, Gray, or RGB Selections.
27525 The Selected Image has an unsupported Pixel Depth.\n\nPlease try reducing the number of colors in your image.
27526 An error occured while trying to start your Scanner.\n\nPlease make sure it is connected properly.
27527 Generic Profile
27528 An error occured trying to start your scanner's Automatic Document Feeder.\n\nPlease make sure it is connected properly.
27529 You cannot run multiple instance of CorelSCAN
27530 None
27920 (PANOSE default)
27921 (Corel default)
27922 Temp
27923 Perm
27924 Save changes to your font matching exceptions file?
27925 Save changes
27926 Install font from Bitstream Font Navigator Font Catalog
28065 Blank font name
28066 Font names may not be left blank.
28067 Exception conflict
28068 A matching exception already exists for this font.
28069 Duplicate Macintosh name
28070 An alternate spelling rule for this Macintosh font name already exists.
28071 Duplicate Windows name
28072 An alternate spelling rule for this Windows font name already exists.
28073 Memory allocation failure
28074 An error occurred allocating memory.
28075 List full
28076 No more entries can be added to the required list.
28160 US
28161 Writing Tools
28162 &Close
28163 &Help
28164 Spell Checker
28165 Thesaurus
28166 Grammatik
28170 Word
28171 Sentence
28172 Paragraph
28173 Document
28174 Selected Text
28175 Highlighted Text
28190 Cannot Initialize Writing Tools.
28191 Unable to initialize Writing Tools Registry.
28192 has not been installed.
28193 No Writing Tools have been installed.
28671 CorelCMS
28673 The file %1 is READ ONLY. Changes will not be saved.
28674 No application is associated with the filename extension: %1.
28675 OLE 2.0 initialization failed. Make sure that the OLE libraries are the correct version.
28676 <Page Tag View>
28677 At least one HTML frame has no content. \nDelete frame without content or specify content for frame.
28678 Cannot link a file to a different version publication.\nThe file will be embeded.
28689 The File Named/Generated\n%1\nalready exists in the current chapter\nPlease select a different name.
28690 Could not initialize color management.
28691 Generated Tags cannot be renamed!
28692 Do you wish to apply the changes made to <%s>?
28693 No HTML table of contents defined.
28694 No HTML index defined.
28695 '%s' already exists in this chapter.
28696 '%s' already exists in this page tag.
28697 Spell Check Complete
28698 Not enough memory to continue
28699 Find Completed.
28700 Find Completed - No occurrences found.
28701 VENTURA has finished searching the document.
28702 VENTURA has finished replacing all occurrences.
28703 Error : Invalid find text.
28704 Specified text not found
28705 '%s' already exists in this stylesheet.
28707 Do You wish to apply the changes made to
28708 ALERT : Same frame name cannot be assigned to more than one frame.
28713 No filename specified.
28714 Unable to start print job.
28715 A filename or directory has been specified \nthat has too many characters or has invalid characters. \nCorrect it and try again or select Cancel.
28716 You have chosen a location other than the Barista folder. Barista Classes must be in the new location for the applet to function properly.
28717 Two or more paragraphs are of the same Tag. \nIf you are in the Tagged text tool mode, you have to \nselect paragraphs of different tags to make \nthem side-by-side
28718 You need consecutive paragraphs selected \nto make them side-by-side.
28719 Do you want to delete all frames in this page?
28720 Delete Frame Tag
28721 Rename Frame Tag
28722 There are no documents in your history list. Opening a new document.
28723 Error reading %s file.
28724 <Selected Frame>
28725 You must enter a tag name.
28726 Cancel Undo
28727 This is a Pre-Release Version Pub.\nWould you like to try and open it anyhow?
28728 Corel VENTURA does not support the fast-save option in Word for Windows.\nPlease return to Word for Windows and resave the document with the fast-save option turned off.
28729 Corel VENTURA does not support document passwords in Word for Windows.\nPlease return to Word for Windows and resave the document with the password option removed.
28730 Cannot find the library
28731 Menu Initialization Error
28732 Cannot allocate menu tracking table
28733 You cannot Tag the base page frame.
28734 Headers, Footers, and other \nRepeating Frames cannot be tagged.
28735 You cannot Tag Captions.
28736 You cannot delete system frame tags.
28737 You cannot rename system frame tags.
28738 Cannot add the tag '%s' because it has already been defined.
28739 Cannot rename the tag to '%s' because it has already been defined.
28740 Add Frame Tag
28742 Error In Reconnecting Object
28743 Operation Failed - Object is Busy
28744 OLE Client Initialization Failed
28745 That character is not a \nvalid leader character. \nPlease enter another.
28748 The object %s has been changed.\nDo you wish to update it ?
28749 Error while getting a file name
28750 Cannot find the string
28751 %s is read-only.\nDo you want to replace it?
28752 %s already exists.\nDo you want to replace it?
28771 Library could not be loaded.
28772 Use Cascading Style Sheet must be enabled to publish page using CSS layout.\nEnable CSS and continue?
28777 You can't delete the default %s tag(s).
28778 Could not create a new publication.
28779 Could not open publication.
28780 There is already a tag named '
28781 '.\nTry a different tag name.
28782 You must enter a tag name.
28783 You can't rename
28784 There is already a file named '
28785 '.\nTry a different name.
28786 You must enter a name.
28787 The Rename is supported only for text files.
28788 Invalid Word.
28789 Could not open thesaurus database file.
28790 Did not find any definitions for this word.
28791 Duplicate user name.
28792 This will delete the Default.vp template, any changes you have\npreviously made to your Default.vp template will be lost.
28793 There is no page at this number.
28794 This name is already in use.
28795 No Conditional Text Selected.
28796 Cannot delete a non-existing name.
28797 The file "%1" could not be deleted.
28798 Cannot rename with this name.
28799 File Format Not Recognized! \nPlease Choose a Specific Filter and Try Again.
28800 File cannot be loaded
28801 File already Imported, \nPlease COPY and PASTE
28802 File with this name exists, \nthe name will be changed to\n
28803 End of publication reached.
28804 Beginning of publication reached.
28805 Publication not loaded.
28806 End of chapter reached.
28807 Beginning of chapter reached.
28808 Chapter not loaded.
28809 End of file reached.
28810 Beginning of file reached.
28811 File not loaded.
28812 Are you sure you want to delete '%s' ?
28813 VENTURA has reached the beginning. \nWould you like to continue the search from the end?
28814 VENTURA has reached the end. \nWould you like to continue the search from the beginning?
28815 The publication '%s' has been made Read-Only.\nYou will need to Check Out the publication components\n using the Navigator before you can edit the current publication.\n
28816 Ruler color cannot be set for Zero-Width Gutter Rules.\nDo you want to set the Gutter Rule width to a default of
28817 Pen style color cannot be set for Zero-Width Gutter Rules.\nDo you want to set the Gutter Rule width to a default of
28818 Insufficient rights to change this property
28819 Cannot delete the default administrator '%s'.
28820 MultiUser Access will be removed.
28821 Insufficient rights to change the password.
28822 Invalid rights for user '%s' to open '%s'.
28823 Invalid password.
28824 '%s' is defined for another frame in this publication. This frame's name will be set to '%s'
28825 An Unknown Error has occured in the Twain Source Manager during Initialization.\n\nTwain functionality will be disabled.
28826 The Twain Source Manager could not be Loaded, the file Twain_32.dll is either missing or corrupted.\n\nTwain functionality will be disabled.
28827 The Twain Source Manager could not be Initialized.\n\nTwain Functionality will be disabled.
28828 No Twain Drivers could be found.\n\nPlease make sure that your Twain Driver(s) have been installed properly.
28829 The Selected Twain Driver could not be enabled.\n\nThe driver is either busy, or the Hardware is not installed properly.
28830 An Unknown Error has occured during Image Acquisition.
28831 A Low Memory Error occured during Twain Image Acquisition.\n\nPlease try reducing the size of your Image.
28832 A Low Disk Space Error has occured during Twain Image Acquisition.\n\nPlease try reducing the size of your Image, or free up some disk space.
28833 The Selected Image is too large.\n\nPlease try reducing the size of your Image.
28834 The Twain Driver could not complete the Image Acquisition.\n\nPlease try adjusting your Image and try again.
28835 The Twain Driver could not complete the Image Acquisition to Memory.\n\nPlease try Buffered, or File Mode from the Options Dialog.
28836 The Twain Driver could not complete the Image Acquisition in Buffered Mode.\n\nPlease try Memory, or File Mode from the Options Dialog.
28837 The Twain Driver could not complete the Image Acquisition to File.\n\nPlease try Memory or Buffered Mode from the Options Dialog.
28838 An Unknown Error occured when creating a temporary file.\n\nPlease check your Windows temp Directory and try again.
28839 \n\nThis Picture will occupy \n
28840 KBytes, within your publication.\n\nWould you prefer to leave it external?
28841 Invalid File Name, Please enter again
28842 Dupicate File Name, Please enter again
28843 Save Scanned File
28844 tutorial.hlp
28845 ventura.hlp
28846 One or more components of this publication '%s' are currently checked out.\nMultiUser rights cannot be revoked with the components checked out.
28847 This component is already in use by '%s'.
28848 Please check the syntax '%s'.
28849 Two or more consecutive Conditions. Please check the syntax '%s'.
28851 Do you want to revert to the saved version?
28852 The dimensions and/or inside margins you have set for this frame are invalid.\nThe offending setting(s) will be reset to the previous value(s).
28853 The dimensions and/or inside margins you have set for this page are invalid.\nThe offending setting(s) will be reset to the previous value(s).
28854 Do you want to replace it?
28855 %s already exists. Do you want to replace it?
28856 %s is read-only. Do you want to replace it?
28857 The directory %1 does not exist.\nCreate?
28858 Cannot create the directory: %1.
28859 You must specify a directory.
28860 Another VENTURA publication must be open to import HTML setup.
28861 The filename %1\ncontains one or more of the characters ' !#\%;/'.\nThese characters will be converted to underscores '_'.
28862 The Main HTML file and the HTML TOC file both have the name %1.\nChange one of the names and re-publish.
28863 Cannot create the file: %1.
28864 Change current publication to 'Auto HTML tags' and overwrite custom HTML text setup?
28865 The directory %1 is marked as read-only.
28866 The Library '%1' has been made Read-Only.\nYou will need to Check Out before you can edit it.\n
28867 The Library '%1' is currently Checked Out.\n Do you want to Check In ?\n
28868 The Display Text and Link Address entries cannot be empty.
28869 The TOC %1 does not exist.
28870 The index %1 does not exist.
28871 Encountered VENTURA Picture Frame: no HTML output.
28872 Equation encountered: no HTML output.
28873 You must be in page layout view to Publish current page to HTML.
28874 Password has been successfully changed.
28875 Cannot load graphics file: %1.
28876 Error : Invalid replace text.
28877 Text in this frame or page is being forced out by large margins or objects.
28878 Paragraph doesn't fit because of Keep With Next setting for Tag '%s'.
28879 Paragraph doesn't fit because Breaks Within are not allowed for Tag '%s'.
28880 Paragraph doesn't fit because of Widow/Orphan settings.
28881 Paragraph doesn't fit because inter-line is too large for Tag '%s'.
28882 Paragraph doesn't fit because frame columns are too small.
28883 Table doesn't fit because it cannot break across pages.
28884 Table doesn't fit because specified custom width is too small.
28885 Table doesn't fit because it is too wide for the frame or page.
28886 Table doesn't fit because inter-column spacing specified is too large.
28887 Table doesn't fit because paragraph inter-line is too large.
28888 Table doesn't fit because cell width cannot accommodate one or more paragraphs.
28889 '%s' is defined as a Marker name in this publication. This frame's name will be set to '%s'
28890 '%s' is already defined in this publication.
28891 Frame Anchor name cannot be Empty. The name will be restored to the original.
28892 '%s' is already in use by another frame in this publication. This frame's name will be set to '%s'
28893 %d replacements were made.
28894 The page tag %s has already been deleted.
28895 The user '%s' has got some components of this publication checked out.
28896 Graphics file of this name exists in this publication, \nDo you want a copy of that file?
28897 File copy failed. Could not copy %1 to %2.
28898 Revert %1 to last saved version,\nand lose all current changes?
28899 Cannot Revert to last Saved File.\nFile %1 not found.
28901 Unable to replace destination file. It might still be in use.
28902 Uncompressed
28903 File is not RGB, no calibration performed.
28904 Corel VENTURA
28905 This will reformat the %2 using the specified tag.\n\nTo retain this %2's unique properties, hold the SHIFT key while selecting the new tag.
28906 You can't apply a page tag to a page in the page tag view.
28907 Tag names cannot contain any of the the following characters: /\:*?"<>|
28908 A paragraph tag named '%s' is already defined. This paragraph tag's name will be set to '%s'
28909 A character tag named '%s' is already defined. This character tag's name will be set to '%s'
28910 Link Status
28911 Cannot link a stylesheet to a different version publication.
28912 Copy with links failed. You must copy the components of this file yourself.
28913 The publication must be saved before executing the 'Prepare for Service Bureau' command.
28914 corelap.hlp
33413 Imports an image from an external device\nAcquire
33414 Selects an external device for importing images\nSelect Source
33415 Adds an existing chapter\nImport Chapter
33416 Adds a new chapter\nNew Chapter
33417 Archives current version of the publication\nArchive Version
33418 Publishes as Adobe Acrobat\nPublish as Adobe Acrobat
33421 Publishes as HTML\nPublish as HTML
33422 Publishes as Corel Barista\nPublish as Corel Barista
33423 Exports the text in the selected frame\nExport Text
33424 Imports a picture\nImport Picture
33425 Loads a stylesheet\nImport Stylesheet
33426 Imports text\nImport Text
33427 Opens or creates a new publication based on an existing publication\nNew from Template
33428 Modifies the properties of the publication\nPublication Properties
33429 Removes a file\nRemove File
33430 Exports the picture in the selected frame\nExport Picture
33431 Retrieves the currently archived publication\nRetrieve Current
33432 Retrieves a copy of an archived publication\nRetrieve Publication
33433 Saves all open publications\nSave All
33434 Saves the current page as an EPS file\nSave Page As EPS
33435 Displays information about the publication\nProperties
33437 Updates page numbers, references, table of contents and indexes\nUpdate Publication
33438 Imports text and pictures\nImport Text And Pictures
33439 Publishes as a Cascading Style Sheet (CSS)\nPublish as CSS
33440 Opens last saved version from disk\nRevert...
33441 Acquires an image using CorelSCAN; CorelSCAN is a wizard-driven scanning utility\nAcquire using CorelSCAN\nAquire From CorelSCAN
33442 Displays the publication information\nPublication Info...
33447 Removes the selected object(s)\nDelete
33448 Duplicates the selected object(s) and offsets by a specified amount\nDuplicate
33449 Edits a special item\nEdit Item
33450 Opens the Fit Text to Path dialog\nFit Text to Path
33451 Groups the selected objects\nGroup
33452 Pastes an OLE object into the current publication\nPaste Special
33453 Reverses the last undo\nRedo
33454 Finds and replaces the specified text or the specified formatting\nFind && Replace
33455 Reverses the last action\nUndo Ctrl+Z
33456 Ungroups the selected group of objects\nUngroup
33457 Lock page tag objects in page layout view\nLock Page Tag Objects
33460 Opens an image using scanner profile\nAcquire From File
33467 Inserts a footnote reference\nInsert Footnote
33468 Inserts an equation\nInsert Equation
33469 Inserts a chapter number\nInsert Chapter Number
33470 Inserts a date and time\nInsert Date && Time
33471 Inserts an endnote reference\nInsert Endnote
33472 Inserts a marker\nInsert Marker
33473 Inserts a page number\nInsert Page Number
33474 Inserts a variable marker\nInsert Variable Marker
33475 Inserts a number or cross-reference\nInsert Number/Cross-Reference
33476 Inserts hidden text\nInsert Hidden Text
33477 Inserts a hyperlink\nInsert Hyperlink
33478 Inserts an automatic counter in the caption of a frame\nInsert Figure Number
33479 Inserts an automatic counter in the caption of a frame\nInsert Table Number
33480 Inserts an item\nInsert
33486 Deletes the specified page(s) from the publication\nDelete Pages
33487 Inserts the specified number of page(s) in the publication\nInsert Pages
33489 Reverses the stacking order of the selected objects\nReverse Order
33490 Places the selected object(s) back one position\nBack One
33491 Brings the selected object(s) forward one position\nForward One
33492 Places the selected object(s) at the back\nTo Back
33493 Places the selected object(s) at the front\nTo Front
33494 Orders the selected object(s)\nOrder
33495 Allows editing of page numbering\nPage Numbering
33500 Toggles between frames on the page\nNext Frame
33501 Toggles between frames on the page\nPrevious Frame
33502 Toggles between the text and the frame selection\nToggle Frame
33506 Toggles color calibration\nColor calibration
33507 Applies accurate color correction level to the publication\nAccurate Color Correction
33508 Applies fast color correction level to the publication\nFast Color Correction
33509 Turns the gamut alarm on or off (toggle)\nGamut Alarm
33510 Applies no color correction to the publication\nNo Color Correction
33511 Simulates the selected printer's colors\nColor Correction - Simulate Printer
33512 Shows or hides the column guides (toggle)\nShow Column Guides
33513 Shows or hides the footnotes & endnotes (toggle)\nEnable Footnotes && Endnotes
33514 Jumps to a specified page in the publication\nGo To Page
33515 Shows or hides the grid (toggle)\nShow Grid
33516 Shows or hides the guidelines (toggle)\nShow Guidelines
33517 Shows or hides all pictures (toggle)\nHide All Pictures
33518 Shows or hides the current picture (toggle)\nHide This Picture
33519 Shows the publication in page layout view (toggle)\nPage Layout View
33520 Shows the publication in page tag view (toggle)\nPage Tag View
33521 Shows or hides the page footer (toggle)\nShow Footer
33522 Shows or hides the page header (toggle)\nShow Header
33523 Redraws the current window\nRefresh Window
33524 Shows or hides the ruler (toggle)\nShow Rulers
33525 Shows the publication in copy editor view (toggle)\nCopy Editor View
33526 Opens the Toolbars dialog\nToolbars Dialog
33527 Open the Zoom Dialog\nZoom
33528 Shows or hides non-printing items (toggle)\nNon-printing Items
33531 Shows or hides the Status Bar (toggle)\nShow Status Bar
33533 Shows or hides the Property Bar (toggle)\nShow Property Bar
33534 Shows or hides the Standard Toolbar (toggle)\nShow Standard Toolbar
33535 Shows or hides the Workspace Toolbar (toggle)\nShow Workspace Toolbar
33536 Shows or hides the Toolbox (toggle)\nShow Toolbox
33537 Shows or hides the Alignment Toolbar (toggle)\nShow Alignment Toolbar
33538 Shows or hides the Recording and Script Toolbar (toggle)\nShow Recording && Script Toolbar
33539 Shows or hides the Spell Checker Toolbar (toggle)\nShow Spell Checker Toolbar
33540 Shows or hides the Table Functions Toolbar (toggle)\nShow Table Functions Toolbar
33541 Shows or hides the Text Toolbar (toggle)\nShow Text Toolbar
33542 Shows or hides the Find and Replace Toolbar (toggle)\nShow Find && Replace Toolbar
33549 Snaps objects to the columns (toggle)\nSnap to Columns
33550 Snaps objects to the inter-line (toggle)\nSnap to Inter-line
33551 Snaps objects to the grid (toggle)\nSnap to Grid
33552 Shows or hides the frame borders (toggle)\nShow Frame Borders
33553 Snaps objects to the guidelines (toggle)\nSnap to Guidelines
33554 Applies color correction to text\nApply Color Correction to Text
33555 Snaps objects to other objects (toggle)\nSnap to Objects
33557 Embeds the graphic\nEmbed
33561 Lists all the available/active page tags\nPage Tag List
33562 Applies page tag\nApply Page Tag
33563 Allows skewing, rotation, moving and editing of Artistic Text graphic\nEdit Artistic Text
33564 Changes the brightness, contrast and intensity in imported bitmaps\nBrightness/Contrast Image
33565 Converts the image to 16 color\nConvert to 16 Color
33566 Converts the image to paletted color\nConvert to paletted Color
33567 Converts the image to black and white\nConvert to B&&W
33568 Converts the image to 32-bit CMYK color\nConvert to CMYK
33569 Converts the image to duotone color\nConvert to Duotone
33570 Converts the image to 256 grayscale\nConvert to Gray
33571 Converts the image to 24-bit RGB color\nConvert to RGB
33572 Straightens the image in the image window\nDeskew Image
33573 Flips the image horizontally\nFlip Image Horizontally
33574 Halftones the image\nHalftone Image
33575 Resamples the image\nResample Image
33576 Modifies the properties of the chapter\nChapter Properties
33577 Modifies the properties of the character tag\nCharacter Tag Properties
33578 Converts the selected object to a curve object\nConvert To Curves
33579 Edits tracking and kerning\nTracking && Kerning
33580 Formats the properties of the selected frame\nFrame Properties
33581 Modifies the properties of the selected page tag\nPage Tag Properties
33582 Modifies the properties of the selected paragraph or tag\nParagraph/Tag Properties
33583 Modifies the properties of the selected paragraph or tag\nParagraph/Tag Properties
33584 Updates the automatic paragraph numbering in the current chapter\nUpdate AutoNumbering
33585 Formats the properties of the selected text\nSelected Text Properties
33586 Formats the properties of the selected text\nSelected Text Properties
33587 Applies a set of formatting to a table\nTable Properties
33588 Generates a table of contents or index\nTable of Contents/Index