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- %%BeginFile: pdf.prc
- %%Copyright: Copyright 1987-1996 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
- /initialize {
- _ColorSep5044? {sep_ops begin 50 dict begin} if
- newpath
- } bd
- /terminate {
- _ColorSep5044? {end end} if
- } bd
- Level2? StartLoad
- { /m/moveto ld
- /l/lineto ld
- /c/curveto ld
- /setSA/setstrokeadjust ld
- } EndLoad
- Level2? not StartLoad
- {
- /pl {
- transform
- 0.25 sub round 0.25 add exch
- 0.25 sub round 0.25 add exch
- itransform
- } bd
- /m { _sa? { pl } if moveto } bd
- /l { _sa? { pl } if lineto } bd
- /c { _sa? { pl } if curveto } bd
- /setSA { /_sa? xdd } bd
- } EndLoad
- /v { currentpoint 6 2 roll c } bd
- /y { 2 copy c } bd
- /h/closepath ld
- /d/setdash ld
- /j/setlinejoin ld
- /J/setlinecap ld
- /M/setmiterlimit ld
- /w/setlinewidth ld
- /cf currentflat def
- /i {
- dup 0 eq { pop cf } if
- setflat
- } bd
- /ilp { /_lp /none dd } bd
- /sfc {
- _lp /fill ne {
- _sfcs
- _sfc
- /_lp /fill dd
- } if
- } dd
- /ssc {
- _lp /stroke ne {
- _sscs
- _ssc
- /_lp /stroke dd
- } if
- } dd
- /n {
- _doClip 1 ge {
- _doClip 1 eq { clip } { eoclip } ifelse
- /_doClip 0 dd
- } if
- newpath
- } bd
- /f {
- _doClip 1 ge
- {
- gsave sfc fill grestore
- _doClip 1 eq { clip } { eoclip } ifelse
- newpath
- ilp
- /_doClip 0 dd
- }
- { sfc fill }
- ifelse
- } bd
- /f* {
- _doClip 1 ge
- {
- gsave sfc eofill grestore
- _doClip 1 eq { clip } { eoclip } ifelse
- newpath
- ilp
- /_doClip 0 dd
- }
- { sfc eofill }
- ifelse
- } bd
- /S {
- _doClip 1 ge
- {
- gsave ssc stroke grestore
- _doClip 1 eq { clip } { eoclip } ifelse
- newpath
- ilp
- /_doClip 0 dd
- }
- { ssc stroke }
- ifelse
- } bd
- /s { h S } bd
- /B {
- _doClip dup 1 ge
- gsave f grestore
- {
- gsave S grestore
- 1 eq { clip } { eoclip } ifelse
- newpath
- ilp
- /_doClip 0 dd
- }
- { pop S }
- ifelse
- } bd
- /b { h B } bd
- /B* {
- _doClip dup 1 ge
- gsave f* grestore
- {
- gsave S grestore
- 1 eq { clip } { eoclip } ifelse
- newpath
- ilp
- /_doClip 0 dd
- }
- { pop S }
- ifelse
- } bd
- /b* { h B* } bd
- /W { /_doClip 1 dd } bd
- /W* { /_doClip 2 dd } bd
- /q/save ld
- /Q { restore ilp } bd
- Level2? StartLoad
- { /defineRes/defineresource ld
- /findRes/findresource ld
- currentglobal
- true systemdict /setglobal get exec
- [/Function /ExtGState /Form]
- { /Generic /Category findresource dup length dict copy /Category defineresource pop }
- forall
- systemdict /setglobal get exec
- } EndLoad
- Level2? not StartLoad
- { /AlmostFull?
- { dup maxlength exch length sub 2 le
- } bind def
- /Expand
- { 1 index maxlength mul cvi dict
- dup begin exch { def } forall end
- } bind def
- /xput
- { 3 2 roll
- dup 3 index known not
- { dup AlmostFull? { 1.5 Expand } if
- } if
- dup 4 2 roll put
- } bind def
- /defineRes
- { _categories 1 index known not
- { /_categories _categories 2 index 10 dict xput store
- } if
- _categories exch 2 copy get 5 -1 roll 4 index xput put
- } bind def
- /findRes
- { _categories exch get exch get
- } bind def
- } EndLoad
- /cs
- {
- dup where { pop load } if
- dup /_fcs xdd
- ucs
- _cpcf exch get
- /_fc xdd
- /_fp null dd
- } bd
- /CS
- {
- dup where { pop load } if
- dup /_scs xdd ucs _cpcs exch get /_sc xdd /_sp null dd
- } bd
- /ucs {
- dup type /arraytype eq
- { dup 0 get
- dup /Indexed eq
- { pop 0 get }
- { /Pattern eq
- { dup length 2 eq
- { 1 get ucs }
- { 0 get }
- ifelse }
- { 0 get }
- ifelse }
- ifelse }
- if }
- bd
- /_cpcf
- 15 dict dup begin
- /DefaultGray _f1 def
- /DeviceGray _f1 def
- /DefaultRGB _f3 def
- /DeviceRGB _f3 def
- /DeviceCMYK _f4 def
- /CalGray _f1 def
- /CalRGB _f3 def
- /CalCMYK _f4 def
- /Lab _f3 def
- /Pattern _f0 def
- /Indexed _f1 def
- /Separation _f1 def
- /CIEBasedA _f1 def
- /CIEBasedABC _f3 def
- end
- dd
- /_cpcs
- 15 dict dup begin
- /DefaultGray _s1 def
- /DeviceGray _s1 def
- /DefaultRGB _s3 def
- /DeviceRGB _s3 def
- /DeviceCMYK _s4 def
- /CalGray _s1 def
- /CalRGB _s3 def
- /CalCMYK _s4 def
- /Lab _s3 def
- /Pattern _s0 def
- /Indexed _s1 def
- /Separation _s1 def
- /CIEBasedA _s1 def
- /CIEBasedABC _s3 def
- end
- dd
- Level2? not StartLoad {
- /ri/pop ld
- /makePat/pop ld
- } EndLoad
- Level2? StartLoad {
- /ri
- {
- /findcolorrendering isdefined?
- {
- mark exch
- findcolorrendering
- counttomark 2 eq
- { type /booleantype eq
- { dup type /nametype eq
- { dup /ColorRendering resourcestatus
- { pop pop
- dup /DefaultColorRendering ne
- {
- /ColorRendering findresource
- setcolorrendering
- } if
- } if
- } if
- } if
- } if
- cleartomark
- }
- { pop
- } ifelse
- } bd
- /makePat /makepattern ld
- } EndLoad
- Level2? not _ColorSep5044? or StartLoad
- {
- /L1setcolor {
- aload length
- dup 0 eq
- { pop .5 setgray }
- { dup 1 eq
- { pop setgray }
- { 3 eq
- { setrgbcolor }
- { setcmykcolor }
- ifelse }
- ifelse }
- ifelse
- } bind dd
- /_sfcs { } dd
- /_sscs { } dd
- } EndLoad
- Level2? not _ColorSep5044? not and StartLoad
- {
- /_sfc { _fc L1setcolor } dd
- /_ssc { _sc L1setcolor } dd
- } EndLoad
- Level2? _ColorSep5044? not and StartLoad
- {
- /_sfcs
- {
- _fcs setcolorspace
- } bind dd
- /_sscs
- {
- _scs setcolorspace
- } bind dd
- /_sfc
- {
- _fc aload pop
- _fp null eq
- { setcolor }
- { _fp setpattern }
- ifelse
- } bind dd
- /_ssc
- {
- _sc aload pop
- _sp null eq { setcolor } { _sp setpattern } ifelse
- } bind dd
- } EndLoad
- /sc
- {
- _fc astore pop
- ilp
- } bd
- /SC
- {
- _sc astore pop
- ilp
- } bd
- /scn {
- dup type /dicttype eq
- { dup /_fp xdd
- /PaintType get 1 eq
- { /_fc _f0 dd ilp }
- { /_fc _cpcf _fcs ucs get dd
- sc }
- ifelse }
- { sc }
- ifelse
- } bd
- /SCN {
- dup type /dicttype eq
- { dup /_sp xdd
- /PaintType get 1 eq
- { /_sc _s0 dd ilp }
- { /_sc _cpcs _scs ucs get dd
- SC }
- ifelse }
- { SC }
- ifelse
- } bd
- /g { /DefaultGray cs sc } bd
- /rg { /DefaultRGB cs sc } bd
- /k { /DeviceCMYK cs sc } bd
- /G { /DefaultGray CS SC } bd
- /RG { /DefaultRGB CS SC } bd
- /K { /DeviceCMYK CS SC } bd
- /cm { _mtx astore concat } bd
- /re {
- 4 2 roll m
- 1 index 0 rlineto
- 0 exch rlineto
- neg 0 rlineto
- h
- } bd
- /RC/rectclip ld
- /EF/execform ld
- /PS { cvx exec } bd
- /initgs {
- /DefaultGray where
- { pop }
- { /DefaultGray /DeviceGray dd }
- ifelse
- /DefaultRGB where
- { pop }
- { /DefaultRGB /DeviceRGB dd }
- ifelse
- 0 g 0 G
- [] 0 d 0 j 0 J 10 M 1 w
- true setSA
- } bd
- 21 dict dup begin
- /CosineDot
- { 180 mul cos exch 180 mul cos add 2 div } bd
- /Cross
- { abs exch abs 2 copy gt { exch } if pop neg } bd
- /Diamond
- { abs exch abs 2 copy add .75 le
- { dup mul exch dup mul add 1 exch sub }
- { 2 copy add 1.23 le
- { .85 mul add 1 exch sub }
- { 1 sub dup mul exch 1 sub dup mul add 1 sub }
- ifelse }
- ifelse } bd
- /Double
- { exch 2 div exch 2 { 360 mul sin 2 div exch } repeat add } bd
- /DoubleDot
- { 2 { 360 mul sin 2 div exch } repeat add } bd
- /Ellipse
- { abs exch abs 2 copy 3 mul exch 4 mul add 3 sub dup 0 lt
- { pop dup mul exch .75 div dup mul add 4 div
- 1 exch sub }
- { dup 1 gt
- {pop 1 exch sub dup mul exch 1 exch sub
- .75 div dup mul add 4 div 1 sub }
- { .5 exch sub exch pop exch pop }
- ifelse }
- ifelse } bd
- /EllipseA
- { dup mul .9 mul exch dup mul add 1 exch sub } bd
- /EllipseB
- { dup 5 mul 8 div mul exch dup mul exch add sqrt 1 exch sub } bd
- /EllipseC
- { dup .5 gt { 1 exch sub } if
- dup .25 ge
- { .5 exch sub 4 mul dup mul 1 sub }
- { 4 mul dup mul 1 exch sub }
- ifelse
- exch
- dup .5 gt { 1 exch sub } if
- dup .25 ge
- { .5 exch sub 4 mul dup mul 1 sub }
- { 4 mul dup mul 1 exch sub }
- ifelse
- add -2 div } bd
- /InvertedDouble
- { exch 2 div exch 2 { 360 mul sin 2 div exch } repeat add neg } bd
- /InvertedDoubleDot
- { 2 { 360 mul sin 2 div exch } repeat add neg } bd
- /InvertedEllipseA
- { dup mul .9 mul exch dup mul add 1 sub } bd
- /InvertedSimpleDot
- { dup mul exch dup mul add 1 sub } bd
- /Line
- { exch pop abs neg } bd
- /LineX
- { pop } bd
- /LineY
- { exch pop } bd
- /Rhomboid
- { abs exch abs 0.9 mul add 2 div } bd
- /Round
- { abs exch abs 2 copy add 1 le
- { dup mul exch dup mul add 1 exch sub }
- { 1 sub dup mul exch 1 sub dup mul add 1 sub }
- ifelse } bd
- /SimpleDot
- { dup mul exch dup mul add 1 exch sub } bd
- /Square
- { abs exch abs 2 copy lt { exch } if pop neg } bd
- end
- { /Function defineRes pop } forall
- /Identity {} /Function defineRes pop
- _ColorSep5044? StartLoad {
- /_defaulttransferfunc currenttransfer def
- /currentcolortransfer where
- { pop /_defaultcolortransferfuncs [ currentcolortransfer ] def }
- if
- /concattransferfuncs {
- [ 3 1 roll /exec load exch /exec load ] cvx
- } bd
- /concatandsettransfer {
- /_defaulttransferfunc load concattransferfuncs settransfer
- } bd
- /concatandsetcolortransfer {
- colorplate 0 eq
- {
- _defaultcolortransferfuncs aload pop
- 8 -1 roll 5 -1 roll concattransferfuncs 7 1 roll
- 6 -1 roll 4 -1 roll concattransferfuncs 5 1 roll
- 4 -1 roll 3 -1 roll concattransferfuncs 3 1 roll
- concattransferfuncs
- setcolortransfer
- } if
- colorplate 1 ge colorplate 4 le and
- {
- 4 colorplate sub index 4 { exch pop } repeat
- concatandsettransfer
- } if
- colorplate 5 ge
- {
- 0 index 4 { exch pop } repeat
- concatandsettransfer
- } if
- } bd
- /tn5044sethalftone
- {
- begin
- HalftoneType 5 eq
- { [/Default /Cyan /Magenta /Yellow /Black /Default /Default /Default]
- colorplate get
- here not {
- /Default here not { currentdict } if
- } if
- }
- { currentdict }
- ifelse
- end
- begin
- /TransferFunction here
- {
- concatandsettransfer
- currentdict dup length dict
- begin
- {
- 1 index /TransferFunction ne { def } { pop pop } ifelse
- } forall
- currentdict
- end
- }
- {
- currentdict
- } ifelse
- end
- sethalftone
- } bd
- } EndLoad
- Level2? StartLoad {
- /gs
- {
- begin
- /SA here { setstrokeadjust } if
- /OP here { setoverprint } if
- /BG here { setblackgeneration } if
- /UCR here { setundercolorremoval } if
- /TR here
- {
- _ColorSep5044?
- {
- dup xcheck
- { concatandsettransfer }
- { aload pop concatandsetcolortransfer }
- ifelse
- }
- {
- dup xcheck
- { settransfer }
- { aload pop setcolortransfer }
- ifelse
- } ifelse
- } if
- /sethalftonephase isdefined? { /HTP here { sethalftonephase } if } if
- /HT here
- { _ColorSep5044?
- { tn5044sethalftone }
- { sethalftone }
- ifelse
- } if
- end
- } bd
- /_defaulthalftone currenthalftone def
- } EndLoad
- Level2? not StartLoad {
- /gs
- {
- begin
- /SA here { /_sa? xdd } if
- /OP here { dup /_op? xdd
- /setoverprint where {pop setoverprint}
- {pop} ifelse
- } if
- /TR here
- {
- _ColorSep5044?
- { dup xcheck
- { concatandsettransfer }
- { aload pop concatandsetcolortransfer }
- ifelse
- }
- { dup xcheck
- { settransfer }
- { aload pop setcolortransfer }
- ifelse
- } ifelse
- } if
- /HT here
- { _ColorSep5044?
- { tn5044sethalftone }
- { sethalftone }
- ifelse
- } if
- end
- } bd
- 5 dict dup
- begin
- currentscreen 1 [/HalftoneType /SpotFunction /Angle /Frequency ]
- { exch def } forall
- end
- /_defaulthalftone exch def
- } EndLoad
- /int {
- dup 2 index sub 3 index 5 index sub div 6 -2 roll sub mul
- exch pop add exch pop
- } bd
- /limit {
- dup 2 index le { exch } if pop
- dup 2 index ge { exch } if pop
- } bd
- _ColorSep5044? StartLoad {
- /_sfc
- {
- _fp null eq
- { _fcs type /arraytype eq
- {_fcs 0 get /Separation eq
- {
- _fcs 1 get /All eq
- {
- _fc aload pop 1 exch sub
- /setseparationgray where pop begin setseparationgray end
- }
- {
- 1 _fcs 3 get exec _fcs 1 get
- /findcmykcustomcolor where pop begin findcmykcustomcolor end
- _fc aload pop
- /setcustomcolor where pop begin setcustomcolor end
- }
- ifelse
- }
- { _fc L1setcolor }
- ifelse
- }
- { _fc L1setcolor }
- ifelse
- }
- { _fc L1setcolor }
- ifelse
- } bind dd
- /_ssc
- {
- _sp null eq
- { _scs type /arraytype eq
- {_scs 0 get /Separation eq
- {
- _scs 1 get /All eq
- {
- _sc aload pop 1 exch sub
- /setseparationgray where pop begin setseparationgray end
- }
- {
- 1 _scs 3 get exec _scs 1 get
- /findcmykcustomcolor where pop begin findcmykcustomcolor end
- _sc aload pop
- /setcustomcolor where pop begin setcustomcolor end
- }
- ifelse
- }
- { _sc L1setcolor }
- ifelse
- }
- { _sc L1setcolor }
- ifelse
- }
- { _sc L1setcolor }
- ifelse
- } bind dd
- } EndLoad
- %%EndFile