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- [MediaStudio Pro]
- [Features] [Screen shots] [Trial version]
- The New Standard in
- Digital Video Editing !
- [Media Studio Pro] MediaStudio Pro 2.5 represents the most versatile
- and professional video editing software you can buy
- today. Unmatched rendering quality and 32-bit video power for Windows 95
- and NT offer unrivaled ease-of-use and artistic freedom for multimedia
- developers and video enthusiasts of all kinds. Capture and edit video and
- audio on 101 tracks, add filters, transitions and text using ultra-smooth
- 3D movement, and output to your hard disk, VCR, TV or CD-ROM recorder.
- Featuring a complete set of multimedia production tools, MediaStudio is
- the new standard in video editing.
- -----------------------------------------------------------
- The Power to Produce! [up button]
- MediaStudio Pro 2.5 now comes [guide]
- with all-new Video Capture and
- Video Editor modules designed to Besides being the most comprehensive
- tap the power of Windows 95 and multimedia solution ever developed,
- NT. These 32-bit programs MediaStudio Pro is also the most
- deliver faster results using the tightly integrated. A powerful
- same easy-to-use interface. Multimedia Converter lets you
- Plus, MediaStudio Pro now comes batch-process a wide range of files,
- with advanced sub-pixel and change their attributes. Whether
- rendering, allowing the creation scanning snapshots into Image
- of smooth, broadcast quality Editor, experimenting with
- video. transformation effects using Morph
- Editor or adjusting waveforms with
- [skier art] Audio Editor, MediaStudio Pro
- delivers the goods. With such a wide
- Working on 101 video and audio range of features, anyone can easily
- tracks, you can choose from over produce original material,
- 100 different transitions and 50 high-quality videos and multimedia
- filters, or apply APS plug-ins presentations.
- directly. Color, chroma, luma,
- alpha key or image and video [guide]
- mattes give you the results you
- want!
- The new rendering engine guarantees the ultra-smooth movement of titles,
- images and video along 3D paths. For editing large video files, there's a
- time-saving Proxy Mode feature. Also, easy cue and trim management makes
- synchronizing your projects a snap.
- With MediaStudio Pro You Get: [up button]
- [art 2] 1. Drag-and-Drop thumbnails
- representing video, audio,
- The Video Solution you've been image and animation files
- waiting for with: directly into projects, up to
- 101 separate video and audio
- * Sub-pixel rendering for tracks give you the freedom
- broadcast-quality video to express your ideas to
- * On-the-fly previewing their fullest!
- * Support for SMPTE time codes and 2. You can flag important
- EDL output information and synchronize
- * Time and Space estimation when your video with cues !
- creating videos 3. Drag-and-Drop your own
- * Integrated suite of programs for variations of 103 transitions
- all your image, video and audio between video tracks such as
- needs. Comes with Video capture, burn, fade, wipe, roll and
- Audio Editor Morph Editor, Image many more!
- Editor, Multimedia Converter, 4. Produce professional titling
- Album and over 400 MB of video, with anti-aliasing, shadow,
- audio, animation and image outline and other effects!
- samples to get you started! 5. Integrate sound effects
- customized in Audio Editor
- into any of Video Editor's
- 101 audio tracks. And much
- more!
- [audio] [quote]
- Powerful Image, Audio, Video, and Animation File Formats [up button]
- Conversion with Multimedia Converter
- With conversion between over Powerful, intuitive with 32-bit video
- forty video, audio, image and performance under Windows 95 and NT and
- animation file formats, professional features, MediaStudio Pro
- Multimedia Converter is the has all it takes for unlimited
- tool of choice for desktop multimedia creativity.
- videographers. You can adjust
- the color depth, resolution, [promo pic]
- size and many other factors
- during conversion. Multimedia Software ConfigurationMicrosoft Windows
- Converter allows you to 95, MediaStudio Pro, Ulead PhotoImpact,
- drag-and-drop multiple files ImagePals, Powerpoint, Word⌐ 1995, 1996
- directly from Album or File Ulead Systems, Inc. All rights
- Manager and you can save your reserved. Ulead is a registered
- settings and file lists for trademark and the Ulead Systems logo,
- future batch processing. MediaStudio Pro, and Multimedia
- Converter are trademarks of Ulead
- [album] Systems, Inc. General notice: Some of
- the product names used herein have been
- Another valuable addition is used for identification purposes only
- Morph Editor which allows you and may be trademarks of their
- to morph between two images respective holders.
- of any size with special
- effects filters and warping.
- Other programs include CD
- Browser for reading images
- off Kodak PhotoCD and other
- collections, Control Center
- access to the entire set of
- MediaStudio Pro programs, and
- a Viewer program for
- comparing images, zooming
- in/out and copying selections
- to Image Editor or the
- clipboard .
- For existing MediaStudio Pro users, be sure to to check out the
- MediaStudio Users' Group (MUG). This independently run group provides a
- forum for users to post messsages, problems and advice for the
- MediaStudio community.
- Studio | Press | Ulead Products [up button]
- Technical Support | Registration | Purchase Info
- Copyright⌐ 1997, Ulead Systems, Inc.
- If you have any problem browsing our web site, please contact
- webmaster@ulead.com.tw.
- -o0o-