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- 1000 Unable to allocate or reallocate memory from the global heap.
- 1001 Unable to lock a memory block in global heap.
- 1002 Unable to find folder.
- 1003 Too many applications are using the dialog box.
- 1004 Internal bug! Please contact your Ulead distributor.
- 1005 Invalid file-searching criteria.
- 1006 Invalid characters in pathname.
- 1007 Unable to rename the file '%s'. Filename may already exist, be invalid, read-only, or in use.
- 1008 The Windows system buffer for list boxes is full, some files cannot be shown.
- 1009 Unable to delete file '%s'. \n\nIt may be read only, in use or missed.\n\nDo you want to continue?
- 1010 Are you sure you want to delete the file \n\n'%s' ?\n
- 1011 Unable to delete file '%s'. \n\nIt may be read only, in use or missed.
- 1012 The system buffer is full, please select fewer files.
- 1013 The Browse dialog box is in use.
- 1014 Unable to find folder '%s'.
- 2000 %d &Files found:
- 2001 Name
- 2002 Type
- 2003 Size
- 2004 Date/Time
- 2010 Bytes
- 2011 KB
- 2012 Press ESC to Abort.
- 2014 Dir &name:
- 3001 Maping not correct, do you want to remap it?
- 3002 No logical drive exist, do you want to map it?