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- 0 Video Capture
- 1 AVI files (*.avi)|*.avi|
- 4 Free&ze Space
- 5 Unfree&ze Space
- 6 (Capture Mode)
- 7 (Untitled)
- 9 &Play Space
- 10 &Pause Space
- 12 Hide Status &Bar
- 13 Show Status &Bar
- 15 Hide &Control Bar
- 16 Show &Control Bar
- 17 Volume: Mute
- 20 KB
- 21 Bytes
- 30 Show &Ribbon
- 31 Hide &Ribbon
- 35 Win32s
- 36 Windows 95
- 37 Windows NT
- 50 ulconfig.dll
- 51 %s|VCFrame|2|5
- 52 &Run %s Ctrl+G
- 53 &To %s F7
- 54 &About %s...
- 55 &Capture to %s
- 56 .pal
- 57 Palette files (*.pal)|*.pal|
- 58 Generating palette mapping table...
- 60 All formats
- 61 Saving image to file...
- 63 &VCR
- 64 Video &Disc
- 65 %02ld:%02ld:%02ld:%02ld
- 66 gloss.hlp
- 67 Please finish the current operation first.
- 100 Frame %d
- 101 .avi
- 110 (%ld..%ld)
- 111 (11.025..44.1)
- 112 &Door Open Delete
- 113 &Door Closed Insert
- 205 Playback
- 206 Capture
- 207 Overlay
- 208 Preview
- 209 Helv
- 210 Free:
- 212 Saving video file...
- 213 , press Esc to abort.
- 214 Press F1 for help.
- 215 Audio
- 216 Video
- 217 Audio/Video
- 222 5
- 223 14,15,15,16,4,10
- 224 %d%%
- 225 %s MB
- 226 Volume: %d%%
- 227 In: %s
- 228 Out: %s
- 283 Add a new task
- 284 Edit a task
- 1001 %s KB
- 1002 %s Bytes
- 1003 %d.%03d Frames/Sec
- 1004 %ld Frames
- 1005 %d.%03d Secs
- 1006 %d Bit, [%d x %d]
- 1007 No Video
- 1008 0 Bytes
- 1009 None
- 1010 %d Bit, Mono, %d.%03d kHz
- 1011 %d Bit, Stereo, %d.%03d kHz
- 1012 No Audio
- 1013 Not Accessible
- 1014 Audio and Video
- 1015 Video Only
- 1016 Audio Only
- 1017 %s KB (%d%% in Memory)
- 1018 %s Bytes(%d%% in Memory)
- 1019 Default
- 1020 %d%%
- 1021 Run Length Encoding
- 1101 %d Bit RGB
- 1102 16 Bit Unpacked YUV
- 1103 %d Bit Compressed RGB
- 1104 16 Bit Compressed YUV
- 1110 Custom
- 1111 Hard disk 800 KB/Sec
- 1112 Hard disk 700 KB/Sec
- 1113 Hard disk 600 KB/Sec
- 1114 Hard disk 500 KB/Sec
- 1115 Hard disk 400 KB/Sec
- 1116 Hard disk 300 KB/Sec
- 1117 Hard disk 150 KB/Sec
- 1118 CD-ROM 450 KB/Sec
- 1119 CD-ROM 300 KB/Sec
- 1120 CD-ROM 150 KB/Sec
- 1203 Ad&vanced>>
- 1204 <<Ad&vanced
- 2000 Open an existing video file.
- 2001 Save a video sequence to a file with a specific name and path.
- 2002 Switch to %s.
- 2004 Define preferences for Video Capture.
- 2005 Exit %s.
- 2007 Define preferences for File Formats.
- 2009 Reopen the selected file.
- 2100 Play a video sequence.
- 2101 Pause a video sequence.
- 2102 Skip backwards through a video sequence.
- 2103 Skip forwards through a video sequence.
- 2104 Step back through a video sequence one frame at a time.
- 2105 Step forward through a video sequence one frame at a time.
- 2106 Play a video sequence in a continuous loop.
- 2107 Jump to the beginning of a video sequence.
- 2108 Jump to the end of a video sequence.
- 2109 Stop playing a video sequence and return to the first frame.
- 2110 Mark the current position on an MCI device as the starting point for capturing.
- 2111 Mark the current position on an MCI device as the ending point for capturing.
- 2113 Add a new MCI task
- 2120 Open the door of an MCI device.
- 2121 Close the door of an MCI device.
- 2200 Open and play video files.
- 2201 Display the video image as it will appear after capturing.
- 2202 Display the video source prior to capturing.
- 2203 Freeze the frame displayed from the video source.
- 2204 Place the program window in the center of the screen.
- 2205 Unfreeze the frame displayed from the video source.
- 2207 Play the audio track only.
- 2208 Play the video track only.
- 2209 Play both the audio and video tracks.
- 2210 Display file information about a video sequence.
- 2211 Hide status bar.
- 2212 Hide control bar.
- 2213 Show control bar.
- 2214 Hide Ribbon.
- 2215 Show Ribbon.
- 2216 View MCI batch capture log.
- 2219 Display system information.
- 2299 Define video data characteristics.
- 2300 of no use.
- 2301 Adjust the color and position of the displayed video.
- 2302 Select the type of video source and connector.
- 2303 Define audio data characteristics.
- 2304 Select a device.
- 2306 Select VCR device.
- 2349 Select Video Disc device.
- 2359 Select the type of video compression
- 2399 Capture a single frame and transfer it onto the clipboard.
- 2400 Capture a single frame and pass it to %s.
- 2401 Capture a single frame and save it to file.
- 2403 Capture a video sequence.
- 2404 Capture an Indexed 256-Color palette.
- 2405 Continue to display video while capturing.
- 2499 Silence audio output.
- 2500 Adjust sound to 10% of the maximum volume.
- 2501 Adjust sound to 20% of the maximum volume.
- 2502 Adjust sound to 30% of the maximum volume.
- 2503 Adjust sound to 40% of the maximum volume.
- 2504 Adjust sound to 50% of the maximum volume.
- 2505 Adjust sound to 60% of the maximum volume.
- 2506 Adjust sound to 70% of the maximum volume.
- 2507 Adjust sound to 80% of the maximum volume.
- 2508 Adjust sound to 90% of the maximum volume.
- 2509 Maximum volume.
- 2599 Go to the contents screen of the help.
- 2600 Search for help on a specific topic.
- 2601 Access the Windows guide to using Microsoft Help.
- 2602 Display the Video Capture product information box.
- 2603 Display information on other Ulead products.
- 2604 Transferring data...
- 2606 File management and display setting commands.
- 2607 Control bar commands.
- 2608 Switch modes and video display options.
- 2609 Define the audio and video characteristics of the displayed video.
- 2610 Commands to capture video sequences and single frames.
- 2611 Commands to capture, load, save and copy palettes.
- 2612 Access to the on-line help.
- 2613 Run other Ulead programs.
- 2614 Capture a single frame to the clipboard or %s.
- 2615 Control the audio output of a video sequence.
- 2616 Select an MCI device.
- 2617 Customize certain display and feature options.
- 2626 Opening VCR device...
- 2627 Opening Video Disc...
- 2628 Capturing video; current: %%s, In: %s, Out: %s, press Esc to abort.
- 2629 Capturing audio data...
- 2630 Capturing video sequence...
- 2699 Copy the current palette and place it onto the clipboard.
- 2700 Save the current palette to file.
- 2701 Paste the palette from the clipboard into the current video sequence.
- 2702 Load a palette into the current video sequence.
- 5000 Error in initialization. Please close program and try again.
- 5001 Unable to start capturing.
- 5002 Total %ld frames captured, %ld are dropped frames.
- 5003 Unable to open file with the current DVMCI driver.
- 5004 Unable to display file.
- 5005 Unable to switch to capture mode.
- 5006 Unable to capture palette.
- 5007 Invalid number, or outside the value range.
- 5009 Unable to save file.
- 5012 Capture failure. No video data was captured.
- 5014 Incorrect wave-in format.
- 5016 Unable to capture audio data.
- 5017 Unable to capture data.
- 5018 Unable to continue capturing.
- 5019 Receiving image...
- 5020 Unable to play file.
- 5021 Unable to open %s, bad or missing execution file.
- 5022 The file extension must be '.AVI'.
- 5023 Unable to run this program.
- 5024 Unable to show the product information box.
- 5025 Unable to copy palette to clipboard.
- 5026 Unable to save palette to file.
- 5027 Unable to paste palette from clipboard.
- 5028 Unable to load palette from file.
- 5029 Unable to capture image to file.
- 5030 Unable to continue. A problem was encountered when saving to Album.
- 5031 Unable to open video device.
- 5032 Unable to stop video device.
- 5033 Unable to play video device.
- 5034 Unable to pause video device.
- 5035 Unable to step to next frame.
- 5036 Unable to step to previous frame.
- 5037 Unable to forward video device.
- 5038 Unable to rewind video device.
- 5039 Unable to go to the start point of the video disc.
- 5040 Unable to go to the end point of the video disc.
- 5041 Invalid time code.
- 5042 The mark in value must be smaller than the mark out value.
- 5043 Unable to access the Save Options dialog box. This dialog box may be in use or locked.
- 5044 Bad floating point value or out of range (1.00, 30.0).
- 5045 Capture time or frame rate too low.
- 5046 The CLV media type of disc cannot use single step capturing.
- 5047 Unable to go to the specified media position.
- 5048 The mark in value exceeds the media length.
- 5049 The mark out value exceeds the media length.
- 5050 Please wait while the media device is ejected.
- 5051 Please wait while the media device is inserted.
- 5052 The estimated file size may be larger than the available disk space. Do you want to continue?
- 5053 Insufficient disk space, please free some disk space and then try again.
- 5054 Unable to capture, please change (or check) your video format.
- 5055 Dropped %ld of %ld frames (%d.%02d%%) during capture.
- 6000 File [%s] already exists. Do you want to continue?
- 6001 Invalid compression scheme.
- 6002 The actual data rate exceeds the data transfer rate specified. Please select a new rate and try again.
- 6003 The actual data rate exceeds the data transfer rate specified. Do you wish to continue saving?
- 6004 File [%s] is already open in %s.
- 6100 File [%s] is invalid. Please rename it with an AVI extension and reopen.
- 6101 File already exists.
- 6500 The current editing task has been changed. Do you want to modify it?
- 6501 The current editing task has not been saved yet. Do you want to save it?
- 6502 Unable to process the Add command. The maximum number of tasks is 99.
- 6503 Capturing video: In: %s, Out: %s
- 6504 The current task has been suspended. Do you want to cancel all remaining tasks?
- 6505 Unable to capture. You must specify at least one MCI task to begin capturing.
- 6506 MCI Batch Capture File (*.bcf)|*.bcf|
- 6507 User Abort.
- 6508 No frames dropped.
- 6509 Unable to continue capturing. Error in setting up parameters.
- 6510 , step by step.
- 6511 , normal speed.
- 6512 In - %s, Out - %s
- 6513 Two or more tasks have the same Mark In and Mark Out values. Do you want to continue?
- 6514 The file name [%s] is used by another capture task, do you want to continue?
- 6515 Batch Setting - Total %d task(s)
- 6520 Capture to file : %s
- 6521 Settings : In: %s, Out: %s
- 6522 Message :
- 6523 Unable to write to log file [%s]. Disk may be full.
- 6550 Load Palette
- 6551 Save Palette
- 6552 IAC_E
- 6700 NTSC non-drop frame (30 f/s)
- 6701 NTSC drop frame (29.97 f/s)
- 6702 PAL (25 f/s)
- 6703 Support device playback control.
- 6704 Support device playback control and recording control.
- 7000 Open
- 7001 Save As
- 7002 Playback
- 7003 Overlay
- 7004 Preview
- 7005 Video Format
- 7006 Audio Format
- 7007 Video Display
- 7008 Video Source
- 7009 Capture to Clipboard
- 7010 Capture to File
- 7011 Capture Palette
- 7019 Capture to Image Editor
- 7020 Add an MCI Task
- 7021 Edit Current Selection
- 7022 Delete Current Selections
- 7023 Delete All
- 7024 Load Batch File
- 7025 Save Batch File
- 7026 Play Current Selection
- 7100 Stop
- 7101 Play
- 7102 Still
- 7103 Record
- 7104 Rewind
- 7105 Forward
- 7106 Previous
- 7107 Next
- 7108 Begin
- 7109 End
- 7110 Repeat
- 7111 Mark In
- 7112 Mark Out
- 7113 Add an MCI Task
- 7114 .bcf
- 7150 Open Batch Capture File
- 7151 Save Batch Capture File
- 7899 Run the program.
- 8985 Unable to update file header.
- 8986 Unable to read temporary file.
- 8988 Unable to write to temporary file.
- 8990 Unable to write to disk. Disk may be full or write protected.
- 8991 Unable to create file header.
- 8992 Unable to create temporary file.
- 8993 This file has been corrupted.
- 8995 Corrupted index table.
- 8996 This file has been corrupted.
- 8999 Incompatible data type.
- 9671 Media (or video disc) is not present. Please insert media and try again.
- 9672 Please adjust the MCI device mark in/out position.
- 9673 Unable to cue MCI device.
- 9674 The File Input/Output module does not support this data format.
- 9675 There are no File Input/Output modules installed.
- 9676 There are no palette entries.
- 9677 Invalid user ID.
- 9678 Unable to load ulconfig.dll.
- 9679 Please check your capture driver.
- 9680 Unable to open dialog box.
- 9681 Disk is full. Please decrease file size or save to another disk.
- 9682 File does not exist.
- 9683 File incompatible to DVMCI driver. Please check the original source.
- 9684 Unable to initialize DVMCI driver. Please check your Video for Windows runtime driver.
- 9685 Unable to create file. Disk may be full or write protected or file name incorrect.
- 9687 Incompatible file type.
- 9688 Unable to add data to wave-in driver.
- 9689 Unable to prepare data for wave-in driver.
- 9690 Unable to open wave-in device. Please check your audio device or driver.
- 9691 Wave-in format is incompatible to the audio device.
- 9692 Unable to register window class.
- 9693 Unable to create window.
- 9694 Unidentified error.
- 9695 Insufficient memory to perform the specified function.
- 9697 Unable to create compatible bitmap.
- 9698 Insufficient memory. Please close other applications to free up system resources.
- 9699 You must specify a path and filename before capturing.
- 9799 Unable to read file.
- 9894 Unable to compress data.
- 9895 Unable to decompress data.
- 9896 Data type conflict. Unable to compress/decompress data.
- 9898 Unable to run compression scheme.
- 9899 Unable to find compression scheme driver.
- 9997 No audio data.
- 9998 No video data.
- 9999 Insufficient memory, please close other applications to free up system resources.