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- 0 HEAD
- 1 SOUR PAF 2.2
- 1 DATE 24 OCT 1991
- 0 @S1@ SUBM
- 1 NAME Denis Robert Reid
- 1 ADDR 149 Kimrose Lane
- 2 CONT Broadview Heights, Ohio 44147-1258
- 2 CONT U.S.A.
- 1 PHON (216) 237-5364
- 1 COMM Many thanks to all those who with their comments, suggestions and
- encouragement
- 2 CONT have made this project great fun.
- 1 COMM Special thanks to Mr. James W. Green III who provided valuable
- genealogical
- 2 CONT information for the early Kings of Scotland, Sovereign Princes
- of Wales
- and
- 2 CONT the House of Cerdic.
- 1 COMM Denis R. Reid
- 2 CONT October 24, 1991
- 0 @I1@ INDI
- 1 NAME Victoria /Hanover/
- 1 TITL Queen of England
- 1 SEX F
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE 24 MAY 1819
- 2 PLAC Kensington,Palace,London,England
- 1 DEAT
- 2 DATE 22 JAN 1901
- 2 PLAC Osborne House,Isle of Wight,England
- 1 BURI
- 2 PLAC Royal Mausoleum,Frogmore,Berkshire,England
- 1 REFN 1
- 1 NOTE Victoria, Queen of England, Empress of India; aka: Alexandrina Victoria
- 2 CONT Reign: 20 Jun 1837 - 22 Jan 1901; Crowned: Westminster Abbey 28 Jun 1838;
- 2 CONT She became queen at age 18. Her 63 year reign was the longest in the history of
- 2 CONT England. Her descendants, including 40 grandchildren, married into almost
- 2 CONT every royal family of Europe. With her personal example of honesty, patriotism
- 2 CONT and devotion to family life, Victoria became a living symbol of the solidity of
- 2 CONT the British Empire. The many years of her reign, often referred to as the
- 2 CONT Victorian age, witnessed the rise of middle class and were marked by a deeply
- 2 CONT conservative morality and intense nationalism. She was obsessed with the
- 2 CONT collecting of memorabilia of her family. She mourned her late husband, Albert,
- 2 CONT for more than 40 years.
- 1 FAMS @F1@
- 1 FAMC @F42@
- 0 @I2@ INDI
- 1 NAME Albert Augustus Charles//
- 1 TITL Prince
- 1 SEX M
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE 26 AUG 1819
- 2 PLAC Schloss Rosenau,Near Coburg,Germany
- 1 DEAT
- 2 DATE 14 DEC 1861
- 2 PLAC Windsor Castle,Berkshire,England
- 1 BURI
- 2 PLAC Royal Masoleum,Frogmore,Windsor,England
- 1 NOTE Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, aka: The Prince Consort of Queen
- 2 CONT Victoria; Christened: (Francis) Albert Augustus Charles Emmanuel; He was an
- 2 CONT active and effective patron of the arts and sciences, organizing
- such
- 2 CONT enterprises as the epochal Great Exhibition of 1851 to stimulate
- the
- growth of
- 2 CONT British commerce, industry and national pride. Although regarded
- by many
- 2 CONT Britons as a meddling foreigner, Albert succeeded in strengthening
- the
- monarchy
- 2 CONT and in encouraging social progress. Overburdened with work, he
- succumbed
- to
- 2 CONT typhoid fever at the age of 42.
- 1 FAMS @F1@
- 1 FAMC @F43@
- 0 @I3@ INDI
- 1 NAME Victoria Adelaide Mary//
- 1 TITL Princess Royal
- 1 SEX F
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE 21 NOV 1840
- 2 PLAC Buckingham,Palace,London,England
- 1 CHR
- 2 DATE 10 FEB 1841
- 2 PLAC Throne Room,Buckingham Palac,England
- 1 DEAT
- 2 DATE 5 AUG 1901
- 2 PLAC Friedrichshof,Near,Kronberg,Taunus
- 1 BURI
- 2 PLAC Friedenskirche,Potsdam
- 1 NOTE Victoria Adelaide Mary Louise
- 1 FAMS @F3@
- 1 FAMC @F1@
- 0 @I4@ INDI
- 1 NAME Edward_VII /Wettin/
- 1 TITL King of England
- 1 SEX M
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE 9 NOV 1841
- 2 PLAC Buckingham,Palace,London,England
- 1 DEAT
- 2 DATE 6 MAY 1910
- 2 PLAC Buckingham,Palace,London,England
- 1 NOTE Christened: Albert Edward; called, "The Peacemaker"
- 2 CONT Reign: 1901-1910; It is not always realized that Queen Victoria
- was the
- last
- 2 CONT sovereign of the House of Hanover and King Edward VII was the first
- of
- the
- 2 CONT House of Wettin or the House of Saxony. Edward VII, in an outburst
- of
- 2 CONT anti-German feeling engendered by the First World War, changed
- the name
- of his
- 2 CONT "House and Family" from Wettin to Windsor in 1917. Edward gave
- his name
- to the
- 2 CONT Edwardian period.
- 1 FAMS @F2@
- 1 FAMC @F1@
- 0 @I5@ INDI
- 1 NAME Alice Maud Mary//
- 1 TITL Princess
- 1 SEX F
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE 25 APR 1843
- 2 PLAC Buckingham,Palace,London,England
- 1 DEAT
- 2 DATE 14 DEC 1878
- 2 PLAC Darmstadt,,,Germany
- 1 NOTE Alice died at thirty-five from an epidemic of diphtheria that swept
- the
- palace
- 2 CONT affecting all but one of her children. aka: Princess Alice of
- Great
- Britain;
- 2 CONT Alice, Reigning Grand Duchess of Hesse; Alice Maud Mary (Fatima)
- 1 FAMS @F8@
- 1 FAMC @F1@
- 0 @I6@ INDI
- 1 NAME Alfred Ernest Albert//
- 1 TITL Prince
- 1 SEX M
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE 6 AUG 1844
- 2 PLAC Windsor Castle,Berkshire,England
- 1 DEAT
- 2 DATE 30 JUL 1900
- 2 PLAC Schloss Rosenau,Near Coburg
- 1 NOTE Prince Alfred; The only child of Queen Victoria not born at Buckingham
- Palace;
- 2 CONT He was born at Windsor Castle; aka: Alfred Ernest Albert, Duke
- of
- Edinburgh,
- 2 CONT reigning Duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha from 1893.
- 1 FAMS @F26@
- 1 FAMC @F1@
- 0 @I7@ INDI
- 1 NAME Helena Augusta Victoria//
- 1 TITL Princess
- 1 SEX F
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE 25 MAY 1846
- 2 PLAC Buckingham,Palace,London,England
- 1 DEAT
- 2 DATE 9 JUN 1923
- 2 PLAC Schomberg House,Pall Mall,London,England
- 1 NOTE Helena, Princess Christian of Schleswig-Holstein; Known as "Lenchen"
- to
- the
- 2 CONT family.
- 1 FAMS @F32@
- 1 FAMC @F1@
- 0 @I8@ INDI
- 1 NAME Louise Caroline Alberta//
- 1 TITL Princess
- 1 SEX F
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE 18 MAR 1848
- 2 PLAC Buckingham,Palace,London,England
- 1 DEAT
- 2 DATE 3 DEC 1939
- 2 PLAC Kensington,Palace,London,England
- 1 BURI
- 2 PLAC Frogmore,,,England
- 1 NOTE Titles: Princess Louise, Duchess of Argyll. Cremated at Golders
- Green
- 2 CONT Crematorium. Ashes buried in the Royal Burial Ground at Frogmore.
- 1 FAMS @F69@
- 1 FAMC @F1@
- 0 @I9@ INDI
- 1 NAME Arthur William Patrick//
- 1 TITL Prince
- 1 SEX M
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE 1 MAY 1850
- 2 PLAC Buckingham,Palace,London,England
- 1 DEAT
- 2 DATE 16 JAN 1942
- 2 PLAC Bagshot Park,Surrey
- 1 NOTE Prince Arthur William Patrick Albert, Duke of Connaught and Strathearn.
- 1 FAMS @F34@
- 1 FAMC @F1@
- 0 @I10@ INDI
- 1 NAME Leopold George Duncan//
- 1 TITL Prince
- 1 SEX M
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE 7 APR 1853
- 2 PLAC Buckingham,Palace,London,England
- 1 DEAT
- 2 DATE 28 MAR 1884
- 2 PLAC Cannes
- 1 NOTE aka: Leopold, Duke of Albany; Leopold George Duncan Albert, Duke
- of
- Albany.
- 1 FAMS @F5@
- 1 FAMC @F1@
- 0 @I11@ INDI
- 1 NAME Beatrice Mary Victoria//
- 1 TITL Princess
- 1 SEX F
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE 14 APR 1857
- 2 PLAC Buckingham,Palace,London,England
- 1 DEAT
- 2 DATE 26 OCT 1944
- 2 PLAC Bantridge Park,Balcombe,Sussex,England
- 1 NOTE aka: Princess Beatrice, Princess Henry of Battenberg; Elizabeth
- Longford, in
- 2 CONT "Life of Elizabeth II" shows Beatrice's birthdate as: 1858. Birthdate
- shown
- 2 CONT from Debrett's Book of Royal Children, Charles Kidd & Patrick
- Montague-Smith.
- 2 CONT Christened: Beatrice Mary Victoria Feodore.
- 1 FAMS @F6@
- 1 FAMC @F1@
- 0 @I12@ INDI
- 1 NAME Alexandra of_Denmark "Alix"//
- 1 TITL Princess
- 1 SEX F
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE 1 DEC 1844
- 2 PLAC Yellow Palace,Copenhagen,Denmark
- 1 DEAT
- 2 DATE 20 NOV 1925
- 2 PLAC Sandringham,,Norfolk,England
- 1 BURI
- 2 PLAC St. George Chap.,Windsor,Berkshire,England
- 1 NOTE Towards the end of her life the Queen became almost completely
- deaf and
- 2 CONT suffered from mild senile dementia. She resided chiefly at Sandringham
- House,
- 2 CONT Norfolk, which Edward VII had purchased as Prince of Wales. In
- her
- drives
- 2 CONT about the countryside she would graciously wave and bow to the
- cows in
- the
- 2 CONT fields, the faithful Princess Victoria always in attendance.
- 2 CONT Princess of Wales (1863-1901) Queen Alexandra (1901-1910) Queen
- Mother
- 2 CONT (1910-1925); Pictures of her as a young woman show a sad, soulful
- look
- in her
- 2 CONT eyes; she walked with a limp (which was imitated by society).
- She is
- often
- 2 CONT shown in pictures wearing gobs of jewelry.
- 1 FAMS @F2@
- 1 FAMC @F74@
- 0 @I13@ INDI
- 1 NAME Albert Victor Christian//
- 1 TITL Duke
- 1 SEX M
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE 8 JAN 1864
- 2 PLAC Frogmore House,Windsor,Berkshire,England
- 1 DEAT
- 2 DATE 14 JAN 1892
- 2 PLAC Sandringham,,Norfolk,England
- 1 NOTE Albert Victor Christian Edward, Duke of Clarence; "Eddy" He was
- of
- limited
- 2 CONT intellect, almost ineducable, and when he reached young manhood
- his
- dandyism
- 2 CONT earned him the nickname of "Prince Collar and Cuffs". His sexual
- proclivites
- 2 CONT were doubtful and he was believed to frequent a male brothel on
- Cleveland
- 2 CONT Street. He became engaged to Princess May of teck, but before
- the
- marriage
- 2 CONT could take place he succumbed to typhoid fever. Princess May was
- passed
- on as
- 2 CONT fiancee to his younger brother George (later, George V).
- 1 FAMC @F2@
- 0 @I14@ INDI
- 1 NAME George_V /Windsor/
- 1 TITL King of England
- 1 SEX M
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE 3 JUN 1865
- 2 PLAC Marlborough Hse,London,England
- 1 CHR
- 2 DATE 7 JUL 1865
- 1 DEAT
- 2 DATE 20 JAN 1936
- 2 PLAC Sandringham,Norfolk,England
- 1 BURI
- 2 DATE 28 JAN 1936
- 2 PLAC Windsor Castle,St. George Chap.,Berkshire,England
- 1 NOTE King George V of England; Christened: George Frederick Ernest Albert;
- Known as
- 2 CONT "Georgie" to the family. Debrett's Book of Royal Children list
- the date
- of
- 2 CONT death as 27 Jan. He was a very strict father. He passed away
- a 5 min.
- before
- 2 CONT midnight on 20 Jan. At age 16, George V employed a Japanese practition
- er
- to
- 2 CONT tattoo a large blue and red dragon on his right arm. He was known
- as the
- Sailor
- 2 CONT Prince; he entered the Royal Navy in 1877 and after an active naval
- career and
- 2 CONT successive promotions, rose to the rank of vice admiral in 1903.
- The
- 2 CONT outstanding event of the reign of George V was World War I. Following
- 2 CONT England's declaration of war on Germany, the king renounced all
- the
- German
- 2 CONT titles belonging to him and his family and changed the name of
- the royal
- house
- 2 CONT to Windsor. (from Saxe-Coburg-Gotha).
- 1 FAMS @F7@
- 1 FAMC @F2@
- 0 @I15@ INDI
- 1 NAME Louise Victoria Alexandra//
- 1 TITL Princess Royal
- 1 SEX F
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE 20 FEB 1867
- 2 PLAC Marlborough,House,London,England
- 1 DEAT
- 2 DATE 4 JAN 1931
- 2 PLAC Portman Square,London,England
- 1 NOTE Louise, Duchess of Fife; Louise Victoria Alexandra Dagmar, Princess
- Royal.
- 2 CONT aka: LuLu;
- 1 FAMS @F29@
- 1 FAMC @F2@
- 0 @I16@ INDI
- 1 NAME Victoria Alexandra Olga//
- 1 SEX F
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE 6 JUL 1868
- 2 PLAC Marlborough,House,London,England
- 1 DEAT
- 2 DATE 3 DEC 1935
- 2 PLAC Coppins,Iver,Bucks,England
- 1 NOTE aka: Victoria Alexandra Olga Mary
- 1 FAMC @F2@
- 0 @I17@ INDI
- 1 NAME Maude Charlotte Mary//
- 1 TITL Princess
- 1 SEX F
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE 26 NOV 1869
- 2 PLAC Marlborough,House,London,England
- 1 DEAT
- 2 DATE 20 NOV 1938
- 2 PLAC London,England
- 1 NOTE Princess Maude Charlotte Mary Victoria, later: Maude, Queen of
- Norway.
- 1 FAMS @F21@
- 1 FAMC @F2@
- 0 @I18@ INDI
- 1 NAME John Alexander //
- 1 SEX M
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE 6 APR 1871
- 1 DEAT
- 2 DATE 7 APR 1871
- 1 NOTE Died shortly after birth. aka: Alexander
- 1 FAMC @F2@
- 0 @I19@ INDI
- 1 NAME George Victor of_Waldeck//
- 1 TITL Prince
- 1 SEX M
- 1 NOTE aka: George Victor, Prince of Waldeck and Pyrmont
- 1 FAMS @F67@
- 0 @I20@ INDI
- 1 NAME Frederick_III //
- 1 TITL German Emperor
- 1 SEX M
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE 18 OCT 1831
- 2 PLAC Neues Palais,Potsdam,Germany
- 1 DEAT
- 2 DATE 15 JUN 1888
- 2 PLAC Neues Palais,Potsdam,Germany
- 1 BURI
- 2 PLAC Friedenskirche,Potsdam,Germany
- 1 NOTE Frederick III, Emperor of Germany; German Emperor and King of
- Prussia
- 2 CONT Liberal in his political views, he opposed Prince Otto von Bismark
- throughout
- 2 CONT the ministry of the latter. A man of learning and culture, Frederick
- 2 CONT patronized art and literature and encouraged the work of the royal
- museums. As
- 2 CONT Crown Prince Frederick William, he was genially called "Our Fritz"
- by the
- 2 CONT German people, most of whom anticipated with pleasure his accession
- to
- the
- 2 CONT throne. Frederick became ill, however, in 1887 and lived only
- three
- months
- 2 CONT after succeeding to the throne on his father's death. Reign: March
- 9-June 15,
- 2 CONT 1888.
- 1 FAMS @F3@
- 1 FAMC @F147@
- 0 @I21@ INDI
- 1 NAME William_II //
- 1 TITL German Emperor
- 1 SEX M
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE 27 JAN 1859
- 2 PLAC Berlin,Germany
- 1 DEAT
- 2 DATE 4 JUN 1941
- 2 PLAC Haus Doorn,Netherlands
- 1 NOTE Emperor of Germany; aka: Kaiser Wilhelm II. Ascended the throne
- of
- Imperial
- 2 CONT Germany in 1888. He was exiled in the Netherlands after his abdication
- in
- 2 CONT 1918. He was exilied for 22 yrs. Family of the Hohenzollerns.
- 2 CONT Full name: Friedrich Wilhelm Viktor Albert, Emperor of Germany
- and King
- of
- 2 CONT Prussia. (1888-1918). His policies helped bring about World War
- I.
- William's
- 2 CONT first major action as emperor was his dismissal in 1890 of the
- aged
- chancellor
- 2 CONT Prince Otto von Bismarck, who had been largely responsible for
- the growth
- of
- 2 CONT the German Empire under the emperor's grandfather, William I. The
- emperor
- 2 CONT believed that he ruled by divine right; foreign affairs interested
- him,
- but his
- 2 CONT policies were contradictory and confused. He professed deep friendship
- for
- 2 CONT Great Britain but drove that country into an alliance with France
- and
- Russia by
- 2 CONT his aggressive program of colonial commercial and naval expansion.
- He was
- 2 CONT buried with military honors by order of Adolf Hitler.
- 1 FAMS @F136@
- 1 FAMS @F146@
- 1 FAMC @F3@
- 0 @I22@ INDI
- 1 NAME Louis_IV of_Hesse //
- 1 TITL Grand Duke
- 1 SEX M
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE 1837
- 1 DEAT
- 2 DATE 1892
- 1 NOTE Title: Louis IV of Hesse; Grand Duke Louis IV of Hesse and The
- Rhine;
- 2 CONT aka: Ludwig IV, Grand Duke of Hesse and The Rhine.
- 1 FAMS @F8@
- 1 FAMC @F114@
- 0 @I23@ INDI
- 1 NAME Helena Frederica of_Waldeck//
- 1 TITL Princess
- 1 SEX F
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE 17 FEB 1861
- 2 PLAC Arolsen
- 1 DEAT
- 2 DATE 1 SEP 1922
- 2 PLAC Tyrol
- 1 NOTE Princess of Waldeck-Pyrmont; 5th dau. of George Victor, Prince
- of Waldeck
- and
- 2 CONT Pyrmont and Helena Wilhelmina Henrietta Pauline Marianne of Nassau;
- had
- issue.
- 2 CONT aka: Princess Helena of Waldeck
- 1 FAMS @F5@
- 1 FAMC @F67@
- 0 @I24@ INDI
- 1 NAME Alice of_Athlone //
- 1 TITL Princess
- 1 SEX F
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE 1883
- 1 DEAT
- 2 DATE JAN 1981
- 1 NOTE Alice, Countess of Athlone; Lived in an apartment of Kensington
- Palace
- called,
- 2 CONT Clock House. aka: Princess Alice of Albany
- 1 FAMS @F38@
- 1 FAMC @F5@
- 0 @I25@ INDI
- 1 NAME Henry Maurice of_Battenberg//
- 1 TITL Prince
- 1 SEX M
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE 1858
- 1 DEAT
- 2 DATE 1896
- 1 NOTE aka: Henry of Battenberg; Prince Henry Maurice of Battenberg.
- 1 FAMS @F6@
- 1 FAMC @F109@
- 0 @I26@ INDI
- 1 NAME Alexander of_Carisbrooke //
- 1 TITL Marquess
- 1 SEX M
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE 1886
- 1 DEAT
- 2 DATE 23 FEB 1960
- 1 BURI
- 2 PLAC Whippingham Ch.,Isle of Wight,England
- 1 NOTE Cremated at Golders Green Crematorium, and had his ashes deposited
- in the
- 2 CONT Battenberg Chapel at Whippingham Church, Isle of Wight. One of
- only
- seven
- 2 CONT members of the Royal Family who have been cremated.
- 2 CONT Orig: Prince Alexander of Battenberg
- 1 FAMS @F142@
- 1 FAMC @F6@
- 0 @I27@ INDI
- 1 NAME Victoria Eugenie "Ena"//
- 1 TITL Queen of Spain
- 1 SEX F
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE 1887
- 1 DEAT
- 2 DATE 1969
- 2 PLAC Lausanne
- 1 NOTE Princess Ena of Battenberg; Transmitted hemophillia via Victoria
- I, her
- 2 CONT grandmother to her 1st and 4th sons. aka: Princes Victoria Eugenie
- 1 FAMS @F143@
- 1 FAMC @F6@
- 0 @I28@ INDI
- 1 NAME Leopold //
- 1 SEX M
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE 1889
- 1 DEAT
- 2 DATE 1922
- 1 FAMC @F6@
- 0 @I29@ INDI
- 1 NAME Maurice //
- 1 TITL Prince
- 1 SEX M
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE 1891
- 1 DEAT
- 2 DATE 1914
- 1 NOTE Killed during WWI.
- 1 FAMC @F6@
- 0 @I30@ INDI
- 1 NAME Mary_of_Teck (May) //
- 1 TITL Queen
- 1 SEX F
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE 26 MAY 1867
- 2 PLAC Kensington,Palace,London,England
- 1 DEAT
- 2 DATE 24 MAR 1953
- 2 PLAC Marlborough Hse,London,England
- 1 BURI
- 2 DATE 31 MAR 1953
- 2 PLAC St. George's,Chapel,Windsor Castle,England
- 1 NOTE Christened: Victoria Mary Augusta Louis Olga Pauline Claudine Agnes;
- Known as:
- 2 CONT Princess May; After 1910, Queen Mary (The ocean line, The Queen
- Mary
- was
- 2 CONT named after her). Queen Mary was a shy woman, whose only broadcast
- contact
- 2 CONT with the people of Britain or her Empire consisted of the twenty-
- eight
- words
- 2 CONT with which she christened the massive Cunard line that bore her
- name.
- But she
- 2 CONT set a social example even more formidable than that of her husband,
- and
- she
- 2 CONT molded her own family, including her grandchildren, in a most
- definite
- 2 CONT fashion. Known as: Mary (1867-1953); Princess May of Teck (1867-
- 1893);
- Duchess
- 2 CONT of York (1893-1901); Princess of Wales (1901-1910); Queen Mary
- (1910-1936);
- 2 CONT Queen Mother (1936-1953)
- 1 FAMS @F7@
- 1 FAMC @F41@
- 0 @I31@ INDI
- 1 NAME Edward_VIII /Windsor/
- 1 TITL Duke of Windsor
- 1 SEX M
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE 23 JUN 1894
- 2 PLAC White Lodge,Richmond Park,Surrey,England
- 1 DEAT
- 2 DATE 28 MAY 1972
- 2 PLAC Paris,,,France
- 1 BURI
- 2 PLAC Frogmore,Windsor,Berkshire,England
- 1 NOTE Edward VIII, King of England; later titled as: Duke of Windsor
- when he
- 2 CONT abdicated the throne to marry Mrs. Wallis Warfield Simpson. Christened
- :
- Edward
- 2 CONT Albert Christian George Andrew Patrick David. Reign: 20 Jan 1936
- to 11
- Dec
- 2 CONT 1936. His reign was only 326 days long. Title: Edward VIII, King
- of
- Great
- 2 CONT Britain and Northern Ireland and Emperor of India. He abdicated
- in favor
- of
- 2 CONT his brother, the Duke of York, who became King George VI. Edward
- married Mrs.
- 2 CONT Simpson in June of 1937. Because his wife was not accorded the
- privileges of a
- 2 CONT royal Duchess in England, the Duke of Windsor resided abroad.
- In 1937
- he
- 2 CONT observed social and housing conditions in Germany and visited Adolf
- Hitler.
- 2 CONT During World War II he served as a Major General in the British
- Expeditionary
- 2 CONT Froce, and he was a governor of the Bahama Islands from 1940 to
- 1945.
- After
- 2 CONT the war he lived as a private British citizen, chiefly in the
- United
- States
- 2 CONT and France. At the funeral of George VI in Feb. 1952, he took
- part in a
- 2 CONT British royal ceremony for the first time since his abdication.
- The Duke
- 2 CONT wrote, "A King's Story" (1951) which was made into a film in 1967,
- and
- "Windsor
- 2 CONT Revisited" (1960). Edward was a Freemason. Tsarevich Nicholas
- II and
- his
- 2 CONT finance, Alix were the godparents at Edward's baptism. Seven different
- names
- 2 CONT of the Duke of Windsor: 1. Prince Edward of York 2. Prince Edward
- of
- Cornwall
- 2 CONT and York 3. Duke of Cornwall 4. Edward, Prince of Wales 5. King
- Edward
- 2 CONT 6. Prince Edward 7. Duke of Windsor. He is famous for popularizing
- a
- fat
- 2 CONT symmetrical knot for a necktie called the Windsor knot.
- 1 FAMS @F20@
- 1 FAMC @F7@
- 0 @I32@ INDI
- 1 NAME George_VI /Windsor/
- 1 TITL King of England
- 1 SEX M
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE 14 DEC 1895
- 2 PLAC York Cottage,Sandringham,Norfolk,England
- 1 DEAT
- 2 DATE 6 FEB 1952
- 2 PLAC Sandringham,Norfolk,England
- 1 BURI
- 2 DATE 11 MAR 1952
- 2 PLAC St. George Chap.,,Windsor,England
- 1 NOTE Christened: Albert Arthur Frederick George. Known to the Royal
- Family as
- 2 CONT Bertie; Was Prince Albert, Duke of York (1920-1936); Acceded
- as George
- VI
- 2 CONT following his brother's abdication on 11 Dec 1936. The reign of
- George
- VI was
- 2 CONT marked by the relinquishment of the title of Emperor of India,
- following
- the
- 2 CONT partition of India in 1947 into Pakistan and India. George VI
- had cancer
- of
- 2 CONT the lung (one lung had be removed). He died of cancer after a
- long
- illness.
- 2 CONT Bertie had a speech defect which made him stutter and stammer.
- 1 FAMS @F12@
- 1 FAMC @F7@
- 0 @I33@ INDI
- 1 NAME Mary /Windsor/
- 1 TITL Princess Royal
- 1 SEX F
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE 25 APR 1897
- 2 PLAC York Cottage,Sandringham,Norfolk,England
- 1 DEAT
- 2 DATE 28 MAR 1965
- 2 PLAC Harewood House,Yorkshire,,England
- 1 NOTE Christened: Victoria Alexandra Alice Mary, but always known by
- her last
- name,
- 2 CONT Mary. Mary was to prove the brightest of the family. Her eldest
- brother
- once
- 2 CONT said that it was a pity she would not succeed, for "she was much
- cleverer than
- 2 CONT me". In 1932 she was declared Princess Royal. The Princess Royal
- died
- 2 CONT suddenly and unexpectedly in the garden of Harewood House, Yorkshire.
- aka:
- 2 CONT Mary, Princess Royal and Countess of Harewood.
- 1 FAMS @F18@
- 1 FAMC @F7@
- 0 @I34@ INDI
- 1 NAME Henry William Frederick/Windsor/
- 1 TITL Duke
- 1 SEX M
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE 31 MAR 1900
- 2 PLAC York Cottage,Sandringham,Norfolk,England
- 1 DEAT
- 2 DATE 1974
- 1 NOTE Title: Duke of Gloucester; Died following an affliction of the
- nervous
- system.
- 2 CONT Christened: Henry William Frederick Albert
- 1 FAMS @F19@
- 1 FAMC @F7@
- 0 @I35@ INDI
- 1 NAME George Edward Alexander/Windsor/
- 1 TITL Duke of Kent
- 1 SEX M
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE 20 DEC 1902
- 2 PLAC York Cottage,Sandringham,Norfolk,England
- 1 DEAT
- 2 DATE 25 AUG 1942
- 2 PLAC Morven,,,Scotland
- 1 NOTE aka: Prince George; Christened: George Edward Alexander Edmund;
- Died in
- an air
- 2 CONT crach in Scotland when he was serving in the RAF as an air commodore.
- He
- was
- 2 CONT troubled by drug addiction during his youth.
- 1 FAMS @F17@
- 1 FAMC @F7@
- 0 @I36@ INDI
- 1 NAME John Charles Francis/Windsor/
- 1 TITL Prince
- 1 SEX M
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE 12 JUL 1905
- 2 PLAC York Cottage,Sandringham,Norfolk,England
- 1 DEAT
- 2 DATE 18 JAN 1919
- 2 PLAC Wood Farm,Wolferton,Norfolk,England
- 1 BURI
- 2 PLAC Sandringham,Norfolk,,England
- 1 NOTE Prince John developed epliepsy when he was young. His condition
- deteriorated,
- 2 CONT and by a decision made when he had reached the age of 11, he was
- removed
- from
- 2 CONT home and taken to Wood Farm, Wolferton, near Sandringham, to be
- looked
- after
- 2 CONT exclusively by Mrs. Bill and a man servant. John died in his 14th
- year.
- 1 FAMC @F7@
- 0 @I37@ INDI
- 1 NAME Nicholas_II Alexandrovich /Romanov/
- 1 TITL Tsar of Russia
- 1 SEX M
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE 18 MAY 1868
- 2 PLAC Tsarskoye Selo,Pushkin,,Russia
- 1 DEAT
- 2 DATE 16 JUL 1918
- 2 PLAC Ekaterinburg,,,Russia
- 1 NOTE Tsar of all the Russias; Emperor and Autocrat of all the Russias,
- Tsar
- of
- 2 CONT Moscow, Kiev, Vladimir, etc., etc. Forced to abdicate in March
- 1917 and
- held
- 2 CONT captive by the Bosheviks. "Nicky" was 5'7" tall. Coronation held
- in the
- 2 CONT Uspensky Cathedral inside the walls of Moscow's ancient fortress,
- the
- Kremlin,
- 2 CONT on May 26, 1896. Birth date was May 6 (according to the old Russian
- Calander).
- 2 CONT The Romanovs were shot by Bolshevik soldiers in Ekaterinburg (now
- Sverdlovsk).
- 2 CONT Various versions of the event are told. Although Nicholas's English,
- French
- 2 CONT and German were excellent, he preferred to speak Russian. He spoke
- Russian to
- 2 CONT his children and wrote in Russian to his mother. Only to the Empress
- 2 CONT Alexander, whose Russian was awkward, did he speak and write in
- English.
- The
- 2 CONT Russian city of Sverdlovsk (Ekaterinburg) was the place that the
- U-2
- pilot,
- 2 CONT Francis Gary Powers was shot down in May, 1960. Nicholas, a slavophile
- ,
- 2 CONT preferred the term, Tsar, over Emperor (which is a far higher title).
- 1 FAMS @F4@
- 1 FAMC @F9@
- 0 @I38@ INDI
- 1 NAME Victoria Alberta of_Hesse//
- 1 TITL Princess
- 1 SEX F
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE 1863
- 1 DEAT
- 2 DATE 1950
- 1 NOTE Victoria, Marchioness of Milford Haven. Princess Victoria of Hesse
- and
- the
- 2 CONT Rhine.
- 1 FAMS @F27@
- 1 FAMC @F8@
- 0 @I39@ INDI
- 1 NAME Alexandra Fedorovna "Alix"//
- 1 TITL Tsarina
- 1 SEX F
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE 6 JUN 1872
- 2 PLAC Darmstadt,,,Germany
- 1 DEAT
- 2 DATE 16 JUL 1918
- 2 PLAC Ekaterinburg,,,Russia
- 1 NOTE Tsarina of Russia. aka: Empress; Alicky; Alix of Hesse-Darmstadt;
- Princess of
- 2 CONT Hesse-Darmstadt; Alix Victoria Helena Louise Beatrice, Princess
- of
- 2 CONT Hesse-Darmstadt; Named Alix after her mother, Princess Alice
- of
- England, the
- 2 CONT third of Queen Victoria's nine children. Her mother called her,
- "Sunny".
- Alix
- 2 CONT is the closest Germanic pronunciation of Alice. Alexandra had
- red-gold
- hair.
- 2 CONT The Empress and her powerful influence on her husband may have
- contributed to
- 2 CONT the downfall of Imperial Russia. she seldom smiled, was deeply
- religious and
- 2 CONT turned to a Siberian peasant mont, Gregory Rasputin (later murdered)
- for
- 2 CONT spiritual consultation, primarily because of the hoplessness of
- her son
- 2 CONT Alexis' hemophillia. Her Russian was not very good. She was hated
- by
- the
- 2 CONT Russian Nobility and the people of Russia (who considered her too
- Germanic).
- 1 FAMS @F4@
- 1 FAMC @F8@
- 0 @I40@ INDI
- 1 NAME Alexander_III Alexandrovich /Romanov/
- 1 TITL Tsar of Russia
- 1 SEX M
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE 1845
- 1 DEAT
- 2 DATE 1 NOV 1894
- 2 PLAC Livadia,Crimea,Near Yalta,Russia
- 1 BURI
- 2 DATE 19 NOV 1894
- 2 PLAC Cathedral of the,Fortress of P&P,St. Petersburg,Russia
- 1 NOTE Emperor of Russia; Reign: 1881 - 1894; Alexander II acceded to
- the
- throne
- 2 CONT upon the assassination of his father, Alexander II in 1881. Alexander
- III's
- 2 CONT 13-year reign was characterized by police repression, industrial
- expansion, and
- 2 CONT a shift in foreign policy away from alliance with Germany to entente
- with
- 2 CONT France. He was 6'4" tall. Alexander III was a giant of a man,
- and proud
- of his
- 2 CONT physical strength. He could tear a pack of card in half, bend
- an iron
- poler
- 2 CONT over his knees and crush a silver rouble with his bare hands.
- His eyes
- were
- 2 CONT expressionless and he moved in a peculiarly ungainly way. Almost
- every
- drop of
- 2 CONT blood in his veins was German, but he had the stubborn, enigmatic
- look of
- a
- 2 CONT Russian peasant. He died at 2:30 PM of a kidney ailment, diagnosed
- 2 CONT as nephritis by his doctor. In reaction to the assassination
- of his
- father,
- 2 CONT he restored much of the absolutism of the reign of Nicholas I and
- sternly
- 2 CONT repressed all revolutionary agitation. Alexander tried to impose
- the
- Russian
- 2 CONT language on all of his subjects, persecuted the Jews, and restricted
- education.
- 2 CONT His foreign policy was marked by a close union iwth France in oppositio
- n
- to the
- 2 CONT Triple Alliance.
- 1 FAMS @F9@
- 1 FAMC @F11@
- 0 @I41@ INDI
- 1 NAME Dagmar "Marie" //
- 1 TITL Tsarina
- 1 SEX F
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE 1847
- 1 DEAT
- 2 DATE OCT 1928
- 2 PLAC Copenhagen,,,Denmark
- 1 NOTE Dagmar of Denmark; aka: Dowager Empress Maria Alexandrovna; Consort
- of
- 2 CONT Alexander III. In April 1919, as the Red Army approached the Crimea,
- the
- 2 CONT seventy-two year old Empress left on board a British battleship,
- H.M.S.
- 2 CONT Marlborough. She rejected the fact that her son, Nicholas II and
- his
- family
- 2 CONT was murdered in Ekaterinburg. She received a pension of $48,000
- a year
- from
- 2 CONT King George V of England (her nephew) after humiliation by her
- nephew,
- King
- 2 CONT Christian who subjected her to numerous petty financial humiliations.
- 2 CONT In Russia known as: Marie Feodorovna
- 1 FAMS @F9@
- 1 FAMC @F74@
- 0 @I42@ INDI
- 1 NAME Nicholas_I /Romanov/
- 1 TITL Tsar of Russia
- 1 SEX M
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE 1796
- 1 DEAT
- 2 DATE 1855
- 1 NOTE Known as: "The Iron Tsar"; Reign: 26 Dec 1825 to 1855.
- 1 FAMS @F10@
- 1 FAMC @F469@
- 0 @I43@ INDI
- 1 NAME Charlotte of_Prussia //
- 1 TITL Princess
- 1 SEX F
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE 1798
- 1 DEAT
- 2 DATE 1860
- 1 NOTE Princess Charlotte of Prussia; Empress Alexandra Feodorovna.
- 1 FAMS @F10@
- 1 FAMC @F145@
- 0 @I44@ INDI
- 1 NAME Alexander_II Nicholoevich /Romanov/
- 1 TITL Tsar of Russia
- 1 SEX M
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE 1818
- 1 DEAT
- 2 DATE 13 MAR 1881
- 1 NOTE Reign: 1855 to 1881; On March 3, 1861, over the strong objections
- of the
- 2 CONT landowning nobility, Alexander II freed the serfs and began a program
- of
- 2 CONT dramiatic reform. He abolished corporal punishment, restructured
- the
- judiciary
- 2 CONT and the educational system and denied many of the privileges the
- nobility
- had
- 2 CONT enjoyed. In fact, the emancipation of the serfs brought financial
- hardship to
- 2 CONT many landowning families. Tsar Alexander II could not admit that
- reform
- had
- 2 CONT failed and that his regime was ingrained with terror, choking in
- bureaucracy,
- 2 CONT drowning in ignorance and greed. He grew more rigid, more cranky,
- more
- 2 CONT repressive and now the deadly spiral spun faster and faster. More
- young
- men
- 2 CONT and women arrested; more violence against the state; more attempts
- at
- 2 CONT assassination; more assassinations; more arrests; more executions.
- Tsar
- 2 CONT Alexander II was assassinated by revolutionaries. Notes: Harrison
- E.
- Salisbury
- 2 CONT (American Historian)
- 1 FAMS @F11@
- 1 FAMS @F593@
- 1 FAMC @F10@
- 0 @I45@ INDI
- 1 NAME Marie of_Hesse- Darmstadt//
- 1 SEX F
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE 1824
- 1 DEAT
- 2 DATE 1880
- 1 NOTE Became Marie Feodorovna, Empress of Russia
- 1 FAMS @F11@
- 1 FAMC @F110@
- 0 @I46@ INDI
- 1 NAME Olga Nicholovna /Romanov/
- 1 TITL Grand Duchess
- 1 SEX F
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE NOV 1895
- 2 PLAC Alexander Palace,Tsarskoe Selo,,Russia
- 1 DEAT
- 2 DATE 18 JUL 1918
- 2 PLAC Ekaterinburg,,,Russia
- 1 NOTE Shot by Bolsheviks along with her family, the family doctor and
- some
- servants.
- 2 CONT Bodies were thrown down a mine shaft, covered with gasoline and
- burned.
- aka:
- 2 CONT Grand Duchess Olga Nicolaievna. She weighed 9 lbs. at birth.
- Her father
- was
- 2 CONT 27 and her mother only 23 at her birth.
- 1 FAMC @F4@
- 0 @I47@ INDI
- 1 NAME Tatiana Nicholovna //
- 1 TITL Grand Duchess
- 1 SEX F
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE JUN 1897
- 1 DEAT
- 2 DATE 18 JUL 1918
- 2 PLAC Ekaterinburg,,,Russia
- 1 FAMC @F4@
- 0 @I48@ INDI
- 1 NAME Maria Nicholovna /Romanov/
- 1 TITL Grand Duchess
- 1 SEX F
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE MAY 1899
- 1 DEAT
- 2 DATE 18 JUL 1918
- 2 PLAC Ekaterinburg,,,Russia
- 1 FAMC @F4@
- 0 @I49@ INDI
- 1 NAME Anastasia Nicholovna /Romanov/
- 1 TITL Grand Duchess
- 1 SEX F
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE JUN 1901
- 1 DEAT
- 2 DATE 18 JUL 1918
- 2 PLAC Ekaterinburg,,,Russia
- 1 FAMC @F4@
- 0 @I50@ INDI
- 1 NAME Alexis Nicolaievich /Romanov/
- 1 TITL Tsarevich
- 1 SEX M
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE 12 AUG 1904
- 2 PLAC Peterhof,Near,St. Petersburg,Russia
- 1 DEAT
- 2 DATE 18 JUL 1918
- 2 PLAC Ekaterinburg,,,Russia
- 1 NOTE His Imperial Highness Alexis Nicolaievich Sovereign Heir Tsarevich,
- Grand Duke
- 2 CONT of Russia. He was a Hemophilliac (via his Mother from Victoria).
- 8 lbs.
- at
- 2 CONT birth.
- 1 FAMC @F4@
- 0 @I51@ INDI
- 1 NAME Elizabeth Angela Marguerite/Bowes-Lyon/
- 1 TITL Lady
- 1 SEX F
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE 4 AUG 1900
- 2 PLAC ,,London,England
- 1 CHR
- 2 DATE 23 SEP 1900
- 1 NOTE Formerly: Lady Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon; Duchess of York (1923-1936).
- 2 CONT Queen Consort, 1936-1952; Queen Mother from 1952. aka: Queen
- Elizabeth,
- the
- 2 CONT Queen Mother. Now lives at Clarence House, London; Royal Lodge,
- Windsor;
- 2 CONT Birkhall, Balmoral; Castle of Mey, Caithnesshire. Queen Elizabeth
- the
- Queen
- 2 CONT Mother decends from Henry VII, King of England. Elizabeth was
- the
- youngest
- 2 CONT daughter and 9th child. Spent her childhood at Glamis Castle in
- Scotland; The
- 2 CONT precise location of her birth in London is unknown; When she married
- in
- 1923,
- 2 CONT she became HRH the Duchess of York; Queen Elizabeth (known as
- the
- smiling
- 2 CONT Queen) is most beloved by all of her countrymen and women. The
- Queen
- Mother is
- 2 CONT 5'2" tall and has blue eyes.
- 1 FAMS @F12@
- 1 FAMC @F46@
- 0 @I52@ INDI
- 1 NAME Elizabeth_II Alexandra Mary/Windsor/
- 1 TITL Queen of England
- 1 SEX F
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE 21 APR 1926
- 2 PLAC 17 Bruton St.,London,W1,England
- 1 NOTE aka: Princess Elizabeth of York (as a child); Heir Presumptive;
- Full
- name:
- 2 CONT Elizabeth Alexandra Mary; Family called her, "Lillibet". Title:
- Elizabeth II
- 2 CONT Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
- Elizabeth
- 2 CONT was born by Caesarean section at 2:40 am.
- 2 CONT Coronation Date: 2 June 1953 at Westminster Abbey;
- 2 CONT Acceded 6 Feb 1952. Residences: Buckingham Palace, London, SW1;
- 2 CONT Windsor Castle, Berkshire; Sandringham House, Norfolk; Balmoral
- Castle,
- 2 CONT Aberdeenshire. Her royal birth was witnessed by a member of Parliament
- (a
- 2 CONT practice that was eliminated after the birth of her sister, Margaret).
- She is
- 2 CONT addressed as "Your Majesty" by everyone outside of the immediate
- family.
- 2 CONT Elizabeth II is 5'4" tall and has blue eyes.
- 1 FAMS @F14@
- 1 FAMC @F12@
- 0 @I53@ INDI
- 1 NAME Margaret Rose /Windsor/
- 1 TITL Princess
- 1 SEX F
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE 21 AUG 1930
- 2 PLAC Glamis Castle,,Angus,Scotland
- 1 NOTE Privately educated. After the death of her father, King George
- VI in
- 1952, she
- 2 CONT assumed various ceremonial duties, such as official tours of Commonweal
- th
- 2 CONT territories. She was refused permission in 1955 to marry the divorced
- Royal
- 2 CONT Air Force captain Peter Townsend (1914- ), a former member of
- her
- father's
- 2 CONT staff. aka: Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowdon. Margaret
- and her
- 2 CONT husband, Anthony Armstron-Jones, Earl of Snowdon were divorced
- in 1978.
- She
- 2 CONT was the last Royal born in England that required a Parliamentary
- witness
- for
- 2 CONT the Royal birth; the practice ended when her father decreed that
- there
- was no
- 2 CONT longer need for such anachronistic nonsense. Margaret is 5'2"
- tall and
- has
- 2 CONT blue eyes. She supposedly has size 2 1/2 shoes. She is a heavy
- smoker
- despite
- 2 CONT her doctor's warnings. Margaret was a lively and talented girl,
- and was
- always
- 2 CONT considered to be the beauty of the family.
- 1 FAMS @F13@
- 1 FAMC @F12@
- 0 @I54@ INDI
- 1 NAME Anthony Charles Robert/Armstrong-Jones/
- 1 TITL Earl of Snowdon
- 1 SEX M
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE 1930
- 1 NOTE Anthony Armstrong-Jones was a British photographer and a commoner
- who in
- 1961
- 2 CONT was created 1st Earl of Snowdon. There was a 2 year separation
- preceeding the
- 2 CONT divorce which became final in 1978.
- 1 FAMS @F13@
- 0 @I55@ INDI
- 1 NAME David Albert Charles/Armstrong-Jones/
- 1 TITL Vicount Linley
- 1 SEX M
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE 3 NOV 1961
- 1 NOTE When he was three years old, Viscount Linley had his ears adjuested
- by a
- 2 CONT plastic surgeon at Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children.
- He prefers
- to
- 2 CONT be known as, David Linley. He is the only member of the royal
- family to
- have
- 2 CONT made his way in the world using his hands, employing the creative
- talents
- he
- 2 CONT inherited from his photographer. Linley prefers the company of
- creative
- people
- 2 CONT to his royal cousins, although he is a close friend of Prince Andrew.
- Linley's
- 2 CONT name has been linked with that of Susannah Constantine and Kate
- Menzies,
- but as
- 2 CONT of this writing he reminas a bachelor and one of the most sought-
- after
- dinner
- 2 CONT guests at smart parties in London and New York.
- 1 FAMC @F13@
- 0 @I56@ INDI
- 1 NAME Sarah Frances Elizabeth/Armstrong-Jones/
- 1 TITL Lady
- 1 SEX F
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE 1 MAY 1964
- 1 NOTE Following a royal tradition, Lady Sarah showed minimal academic
- talent at
- 2 CONT Bedales School. The rules of title dictate that although her mother
- is a
- royal
- 2 CONT princess, Lady Sarah can inherit neither title nor position from
- her;
- she is
- 2 CONT Lady Sarah because her father is an earl. Her only route to higher
- station is
- 2 CONT through marriage.
- 1 FAMC @F13@
- 0 @I57@ INDI
- 1 NAME Philip /Mountbatten/
- 1 TITL Prince
- 1 SEX M
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE 10 JUN 1921
- 2 PLAC Isle of Kerkira,Mon Repos,Corfu,Greece
- 1 NOTE HRH Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh; Consort of Queen Elizabeth
- II.
- 2 CONT Philip spent his childhood in England at the home of his uncle,
- Louis
- 2 CONT Mountbatten, 1st Earl Mountbatten of Burma, and began a naval career
- in
- 1939,
- 2 CONT when he entered the Royal Naval College, Dartmouth. He served
- in both
- the
- 2 CONT Mediterranean and Pacific theaters during World War II and married
- the
- then
- 2 CONT Princess Elizabeth in 1947, at which time he was named Duke of
- Edinburgh.
- In
- 2 CONT 1957 he was created Prince of the United Kingdom. Prince Philip,
- and
- active
- 2 CONT advocate of sports, science and education has made many goodwill
- trips
- 2 CONT throughout the world, both as representative of and in company
- with
- Queen
- 2 CONT Elizabeth. Before his marriage he was simply: Lieutenant Philip
- Mountbatten.
- 2 CONT He was naturalized as a British citizen in 1947. His title: Baron
- of
- 2 CONT Greenwich, Earl of Merioneth and Duke of Edinburgh; Granted the
- style
- and
- 2 CONT titular dignity of a Prince of the United Kingdom on 22 Feb 1957.
- He was
- born
- 2 CONT as: HRH Prince Philip of Greece and Denmark. There was not actual
- divorce
- 2 CONT between Prince Philip's parents, but they separated while Philip
- was
- still a
- 2 CONT small boy. His father took off to indulge himself in the fleshpots
- of
- Monte
- 2 CONT Carlo while his mother lived in turn with her four daughters, all
- of whom
- had
- 2 CONT married German Princelings. Philip was taken care of by his Mountbatte
- n
- 2 CONT relatives in England, who also paid for his schooling. As a result
- of
- the
- 2 CONT family split, World War II found Philip serving in the British
- Navy
- while his
- 2 CONT brothers-in-law were fighting on the side of Germany.
- 2 CONT Philip was a baby of only eighteen months, fifth in line of succession
- to the
- 2 CONT Greek throne, when his family had to flee into exile. The was
- 1922 and
- Greece
- 2 CONT was under the heels of a revolutionary junta. Philip's father,
- Prince
- Andrew,
- 2 CONT was arrested and tossed into jail. Others who opposed the new
- regime had
- 2 CONT already been summarily executed and Andrew seemed assured of the
- same
- fate.
- 2 CONT Philip's mother left the family's island home on Corfu and journeyed
- to
- Athens
- 2 CONT in an attempt to save her husband. She appealed for help to her
- cousing,
- 2 CONT England's King George V. He dispatched a Britich secret-service
- agent,
- 2 CONT Commander Gerald Talbot, to Athens with instructions to negotiate
- Prince
- 2 CONT Andrew's release or, if that failed, to rescue him from prison.
- After
- much
- 2 CONT ado, the family was finally saved. Prince Philip was born Philippos
- 2 CONT Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderbert-Glucksburn, Prince of Greece. Philippos
- became
- 2 CONT Philip during schooldays in England. He took the name, Mountbatten
- when
- he
- 2 CONT relinquished his Greek Title to take British citizenship prior
- to
- marrying
- 2 CONT Elizabeth. His own choice of name was actually Philip Oldcastle,
- but he
- was
- 2 CONT finally prevailed upon to take the Mountbatten surname of his mother's
- family.
- 2 CONT Elizabeth calls him, "Darling" in private and he is "Papa" to his
- sons
- and
- 2 CONT daughter. His aides address him as "Sir". Toeveryone else, he
- is or
- should
- 2 CONT be, "Your Royal Highness" the first time he is addressed and "Sir"
- thereafter.
- 2 CONT Occupation listed on his passport is given as: Prince of the Royal
- Household.
- 2 CONT Philip is 5'11 1/2" (nearly 6ft.) tall.
- 1 FAMS @F14@
- 1 FAMC @F28@
- 0 @I58@ INDI
- 1 NAME Charles Philip Arthur/Windsor/
- 1 TITL Prince
- 1 SEX M
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE 14 NOV 1948
- 2 PLAC Buckingham,Palace,London,England
- 1 CHR
- 2 DATE 15 DEC 1948
- 2 PLAC Buckingham,Palace,Music Room,England
- 1 NOTE Charles was born on a Sunday at 9:14 pm and weighed 7lb. 6oz.
- 2 CONT HRH The Prince of Wales. When Elizabeth II ascended the throne,
- Charles
- 2 CONT automatically became Duke of Cornwall, Duke of Rothesay, Earl
- of
- Carrick,
- 2 CONT Baron Renfrew, Lord of the Isles and Great Steward of Scotland,
- Knight of
- the
- 2 CONT Garter. Charles was christened: Charles Philip Arthur George.
- He was
- created
- 2 CONT Prince of Wales in 1958 and invested as such in 1969 on his coming
- of
- age.
- 2 CONT He assumed his seat in the House of Lords in February 1970 and
- became the
- first
- 2 CONT to the British Crown to earn a university degree when he was graduated
- with
- 2 CONT honors from the University of Cambridge in June 1970.
- 2 CONT University of Cambridge in June 1970. Like his father, he should
- properly be
- 2 CONT addressed as "Your Royal Highness" the first time and "Sir" thereafter.
- He
- 2 CONT does not care to be called, Prince (an American custom). He thinks
- it
- makes
- 2 CONT him sound like a police dog. He doesn't mind being called Charles
- or
- Charlie.
- 2 CONT Charles is an opera lover andis president of the Friends of the
- Royal
- Opera
- 2 CONT House. He is 5' 11" tall.
- 1 FAMS @F16@
- 1 FAMC @F14@
- 0 @I59@ INDI
- 1 NAME Anne Elizabeth Alice/Windsor/
- 1 TITL Princess
- 1 SEX F
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE 15 AUG 1950
- 2 PLAC Clarence House,St. James,,England
- 1 CHR
- 2 DATE 21 OCT 1950
- 2 PLAC ,,,England
- 1 NOTE aka: Princess Anne Elizabeth Alice Louise Mountbatten-Windsor.
- 2 CONT The least popular of the Royal Family, Anne is 5'6 1/2" tall.
- She is an
- 2 CONT avid horsewoman, as is her husband, Capt. Mark Phillips. Anne has
- refused
- all
- 2 CONT titles for herself and her children (other than those she was born
- with).
- She
- 2 CONT and her husband run the 750 acres of Gatcombe Park in Gloucestershire
- as
- a
- 2 CONT commercial farm. Gatcombe was bought for the couple by the Queen
- as a
- belated
- 2 CONT wedding gift for her daughter.
- 1 FAMS @F15@
- 1 FAMC @F14@
- 0 @I60@ INDI
- 1 NAME Andrew Albert Christian/Windsor/
- 1 TITL Duke of York
- 1 SEX M
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE 19 FEB 1960
- 2 PLAC Belgian Suite,Buckingham,Palace,England
- 1 NOTE Registered on 22 March 1960 as: Andrew Albert Christian Edward.
- No
- photographs
- 2 CONT of the christening were released and the Prince was not seen in
- public
- for the
- 2 CONT first sixteen months of his life. The first view the public had
- of
- Prince
- 2 CONT Andrew was on the balcony of Buckingham Palace following Trooping
- the
- Colour in
- 2 CONT June 1961. A most beautiful film of the wedding ceremony was produced
- by
- the
- 2 CONT BBC and available on video tape. Andrew is 6 feet tall. He served
- as a
- 2 CONT helicopter pilot during the Falkland War with Argentina. The tabloids
- called
- 2 CONT him, "Randy Andy" because of his romances prior to Sarah Ferguson
- with
- Koo
- 2 CONT Stark the soft porn film star. The Yorks are building a sexteen
- bedroom
- mansion
- 2 CONT at Sunninghill Park, near Ascot. It is a gift to the couple from
- Queen
- 2 CONT Elizabeth II and is estimated to cost 1 million Bristish Pounds
- to build.
- 2 CONT (1989)
- 1 FAMS @F53@
- 1 FAMC @F14@
- 0 @I61@ INDI
- 1 NAME Edward Anthony Richard/Windsor/
- 1 TITL Prince
- 1 SEX M
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE 10 MAR 1964
- 2 PLAC Buckingham,Palace,London,England
- 1 CHR
- 2 DATE 2 MAY 1964
- 1 NOTE Christened: Edward Antony Richard Louis. The family name,
- Mountbatten-Windsor
- 2 CONT was made by decree of Elizabeth II. aka: Prince Edward, Duke of
- Kent II.
- 2 CONT Edward is 6 feet tall.
- 1 FAMC @F14@
- 0 @I62@ INDI
- 1 NAME Mark Anthony Peter/Phillips/
- 1 TITL Captain
- 1 SEX M
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE 22 SEP 1948
- 1 NOTE Captain Mark Anthony Peter Phillips. He has refused a title so
- far,
- 2 CONT therefore, his children have no titles. However, their Royal Grandmoth
- er
- may
- 2 CONT make them a Lord and Lady later so that they do not feel inferior.
- 1 FAMS @F15@
- 0 @I63@ INDI
- 1 NAME Peter Mark Andrew/Phillips/
- 1 SEX M
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE 15 NOV 1977
- 2 PLAC St. Mary's Hosp.,Paddington,London,England
- 1 CHR
- 2 DATE 22 DEC 1977
- 2 PLAC Music Room,Buckingham,Palace,England
- 1 NOTE Peter weighed 7 lb. 9oz. at birth.
- 1 FAMC @F15@
- 0 @I64@ INDI
- 1 NAME Zara Anne Elizabeth/Phillips/
- 1 SEX F
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE 15 MAY 1981
- 2 PLAC St. Marys Hosp.,Paddington,London,England
- 1 FAMC @F15@
- 0 @I65@ INDI
- 1 NAME Diana Frances /Spencer/
- 1 TITL Lady
- 1 SEX F
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE 1 JUL 1961
- 2 PLAC Park House,Sandringham,Norfolk,England
- 1 CHR
- 2 PLAC Sandringham,Church,Norfolk,England
- 1 NOTE Lady Diana Spencer (before her marriage to Charles) was popularly
- known
- as:
- 2 CONT "Shy Di". Diana Spencer's ancestry (through her father) links
- her with
- more
- 2 CONT than one King and she and Prince Charles are 16th cousins, once
- removed.
- Diana
- 2 CONT weighed 7 lbs. 12 oz. at birth. She is 5' 10" tall, has blond
- hair and
- blue
- 2 CONT eyes. Diana's descent from Frank Work links her with many famous
- Americans:
- 2 CONT George Washington, John Adams (2nd U.S. Pres.), The Roosevelt
- family,
- Calvin
- 2 CONT Coolidge, John Pierpont Morgan, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Louisa
- M.
- Alcott,
- 2 CONT Ralph Waldo Emerson, Gloria Vanderbilt, Erle Stanley Gardner,
- General
- George
- 2 CONT Patton, George Gallup (of Gallup polls fame) Nelson Bunker Hunt,
- Orson
- 2 CONT Welles, Humphrey Bogart and Lee Remick, among others. Their engagement
- was
- 2 CONT announced by Buckingham Palace on 24 February 1981.
- 1 FAMS @F16@
- 1 FAMC @F78@
- 0 @I66@ INDI
- 1 NAME Marina of_Greece //
- 1 TITL Princess
- 1 SEX F
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE 30 NOV 1906
- 2 PLAC Athens,Greece
- 1 DEAT
- 2 DATE 1968
- 2 PLAC Kensington,Palace,,England
- 1 FAMS @F17@
- 1 FAMC @F76@
- 0 @I67@ INDI
- 1 NAME Edward George Nicholas/Windsor/
- 1 TITL Duke of Kent
- 1 SEX M
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE 9 SEP 1935
- 2 PLAC 3 Belgrave Sq.,,England
- 1 NOTE Prince Edward George Nicholas Paul Patrick. (Alan Hamilton in the
- Royal
- 100
- 2 CONT lists his birth date as 9 Oct 1935). He and his wife present the
- trophies at
- 2 CONT Wimbledon every year and is less well known in his position as
- head of
- the
- 2 CONT English Freemasonry movement. His title in that capacity being
- Grand
- Master of
- 2 CONT the United Grand Lodge of England. His wife is a commoner, the
- strikingly
- 2 CONT elegant Katharine Worsley. The Kents have no lands or estate of
- their
- own. They
- 2 CONT sold the family home of Coppins, in the village of Iver, Buckinghamshir
- e,
- and
- 2 CONT are now grace-and-favor tenants of the Queen at Anmer Hall, a large
- house
- on
- 2 CONT the Sandringham estate. They also have a grace-and-favor residence
- in
- St.
- 2 CONT James' Palace known as York House.
- 1 FAMS @F31@
- 1 FAMC @F17@
- 0 @I68@ INDI
- 1 NAME Henry George Charles/Lascelles/
- 1 TITL Viscount
- 1 SEX M
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE 1882
- 1 DEAT
- 2 DATE 1947
- 1 NOTE Viscount Lascelles; later the 6th Earl of Harewood.
- 1 FAMS @F18@
- 0 @I69@ INDI
- 1 NAME Alice Christabel /Montagu-Douglas/
- 1 TITL Lady
- 1 SEX F
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE 25 DEC 1901
- 2 PLAC London,England
- 1 NOTE Lady Alice Montagu-Douglas-Scott (Dau. of the 7th Duke of Buccleuch
- and
- 9th
- 2 CONT Duke of Queensberry) and Lady margaret Alice Bridgeman, 2d dau.
- of the
- 4th Earl
- 2 CONT of Bradford.
- 1 FAMS @F19@
- 1 FAMC @F296@
- 0 @I70@ INDI
- 1 NAME Bessiewallis /Warfield/
- 1 SEX F
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE 1896
- 2 PLAC ,,,U.S.A.
- 1 DEAT
- 2 DATE 24 APR 1986
- 2 PLAC Paris,,,France
- 1 BURI
- 2 PLAC Frogmore,Windsor,Berkshire,England
- 1 NOTE Born Bessiewallis Warfield, she later dropped the "Bessie". She
- became
- the
- 2 CONT Duchess of Windsor. aka: Wallis Warfield; Wallis Windsor. Wallis
- first
- 2 CONT married Earl Winfield Spencer Jr. in 1916; div. in 1927. Wallis
- next
- married
- 2 CONT Ernest Simpson in 1928; div. in 1937. She then married the former
- King
- of
- 2 CONT England, Edward VIII, after his abdication. He later became the
- Duke of
- 2 CONT Windsor.
- 1 FAMS @F20@
- 1 FAMS @F24@
- 1 FAMS @F25@
- 1 FAMC @F55@
- 0 @I71@ INDI
- 1 NAME Charles Haakon_VII //
- 1 TITL King of Norway
- 1 SEX M
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE 1872
- 2 PLAC Charlottenlund,Denmark
- 1 DEAT
- 2 DATE 1957
- 1 NOTE Prince Charles (or Carl) of Denmark; Later became King Haakon
- VII of
- Norway.
- 2 CONT He was elected to the throne of newly independent Norway as the
- result of
- a
- 2 CONT plebiscite in 1905.
- 2 CONT Though a Danish prince, he became the founder of the first Norwegain
- 2 CONT Royal House for 600 years. Haakon died in 1957 at the age of 85,
- by
- which time
- 2 CONT he had become the world's oldest and longest-reigning monarch.
- Olav V,
- who
- 2 CONT read international law and politics and Balloli College as a young
- man,
- 2 CONT succeeded to the throne in 1957. His son, Crown Prince Harald,
- has
- married a
- 2 CONT commoner Sonja Haraldsen. They have one son and one daughter.
- 1 FAMS @F21@
- 1 FAMC @F218@
- 0 @I72@ INDI
- 1 NAME Henry of_Prussia //
- 1 TITL Prince
- 1 SEX M
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE 1862
- 1 DEAT
- 2 DATE 1929
- 1 FAMS @F22@
- 1 FAMC @F3@
- 0 @I73@ INDI
- 1 NAME Sigismund //
- 1 SEX M
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE 1864
- 1 DEAT
- 2 DATE 1866
- 1 FAMC @F3@
- 0 @I74@ INDI
- 1 NAME Victoria //
- 1 TITL Princess
- 1 SEX F
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE 1866
- 1 DEAT
- 2 DATE 1929
- 1 NOTE Victoria, Princess of Schaumburg-Lippe.
- 1 FAMS @F138@
- 1 FAMS @F442@
- 1 FAMC @F3@
- 0 @I75@ INDI
- 1 NAME Waldemar //
- 1 SEX M
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE 1868
- 1 DEAT
- 2 DATE 1879
- 1 FAMC @F3@
- 0 @I76@ INDI
- 1 NAME Sophie of_Prussia //
- 1 TITL Queen of Greece
- 1 SEX F
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE 14 JUN 1870
- 2 PLAC Potsdam,Germany
- 1 DEAT
- 2 DATE 13 JAN 1932
- 2 PLAC Frankfurt,Germany
- 1 BURI
- 2 PLAC Tatoi,Near Athens,Greece
- 1 NOTE aka: Sophie of Prussia.
- 1 FAMS @F139@
- 1 FAMC @F3@
- 0 @I77@ INDI
- 1 NAME Charlotte of_Saxe- Meiningen//
- 1 TITL Duchess
- 1 SEX F
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE 1860
- 1 DEAT
- 2 DATE 1919
- 1 NOTE Charlotte, Duchess of Saxe-Meiningen.
- 1 FAMS @F137@
- 1 FAMC @F3@
- 0 @I78@ INDI
- 1 NAME Margarete of_Hesse //
- 1 TITL Princess
- 1 SEX F
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE 1872
- 1 DEAT
- 2 DATE 1954
- 1 NOTE Princess Margarete Frederick-Charles of Hesse.
- 1 FAMS @F140@
- 1 FAMC @F3@
- 0 @I79@ INDI
- 1 NAME Irene of_Hesse //
- 1 TITL Princess
- 1 SEX F
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE 1866
- 1 DEAT
- 2 DATE 1953
- 1 NOTE Princess Irene of Hesse; Irene, Princess Henry of Prussia.
- 1 FAMS @F22@
- 1 FAMC @F8@
- 0 @I80@ INDI
- 1 NAME Waldemar //
- 1 SEX M
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE 1889
- 1 DEAT
- 2 DATE 1945
- 1 NOTE Waldemar was a hemophiliac.
- 1 FAMC @F22@
- 0 @I81@ INDI
- 1 NAME Henry //
- 1 SEX M
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE 1900
- 1 DEAT
- 2 DATE 1904
- 1 NOTE Henry was a hemophiliac
- 1 FAMC @F22@
- 0 @I82@ INDI
- 1 NAME Child_#3 //
- 1 SEX M
- 1 FAMC @F22@
- 0 @I83@ INDI
- 1 NAME Ernest Louis //
- 1 TITL Grand Duke
- 1 SEX M
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE 1868
- 1 DEAT
- 2 DATE 1937/1938
- 1 NOTE Grand Duke Ernest Louis of Hesse. Ernest Louis, Reigning Grand
- Duke of
- Hesse.
- 2 CONT His death is listed as 1937 according to J. Packard in the Queen
- and Her
- Court.
- 2 CONT Death as 37 in Royal Web by Ladislas Farago and Andrew Sinclair.
- 1 FAMS @F49@
- 1 FAMS @F157@
- 1 FAMC @F8@
- 0 @I84@ INDI
- 1 NAME Elizabeth "Ella" //
- 1 TITL Grand Duchess
- 1 SEX F
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE 1864
- 1 DEAT
- 2 DATE 17 JUL 1918
- 2 PLAC Alapayevsk,Ural Mts.,,Russia
- 1 NOTE Princess Elizabeth of Hesse. Elizabeth, Grand Duchess Sergius
- of
- Russia.
- 2 CONT Grand Duchess Elizabeth was murdered by the Bolsheviks and thrown
- down an
- 2 CONT abandoned mine shaft (presumably alive). The couple remained childless
- .
- 1 FAMS @F144@
- 1 FAMC @F8@
- 0 @I85@ INDI
- 1 NAME Mary "May" //
- 1 SEX F
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE 1874
- 1 DEAT
- 2 DATE 1878
- 2 PLAC Hesse-Darmstadt,Palace,,Germany
- 1 NOTE May died when a diptheria epidemic swept the palace in Hesse-Darmstadt.
- 1 FAMC @F8@
- 0 @I86@ INDI
- 1 NAME Frederick //
- 1 SEX M
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE 1870
- 1 DEAT
- 2 DATE 1873
- 1 FAMC @F8@
- 0 @I87@ INDI
- 1 NAME William Henry Andrew/Windsor/
- 1 TITL Prince
- 1 SEX M
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE 18 DEC 1941
- 2 PLAC Hadley Common,Hertfordshire,England
- 1 CHR
- 2 DATE 22 FEB 1942
- 2 PLAC Private Chapel,Windsor Castle,Berkshire,England
- 1 DEAT
- 2 DATE 28 AUG 1972
- 2 PLAC Near,Wolverhampton,England
- 1 NOTE Prince William of Glouscester died in a plane crash in 1972. He was taking part
- 2 CONT in the Goodyear Air Race near Wolverhampton. He was born by Caesarian section.
- 1 FAMC @F19@
- 0 @I88@ INDI
- 1 NAME Richard Alexander Walter/Windsor/
- 1 TITL Prince
- 1 SEX M
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE 26 AUG 1944
- 2 PLAC Hadley Common,Hertfordshire,England
- 1 CHR
- 2 DATE 20 OCT 1944
- 2 PLAC Private Chapel,Windsor Castle,Berkshire,England
- 1 NOTE Prince Richard of Gloucester. Duke of Gloucester, 2nd.
- 2 CONT He was born by Caesarian section (as was his brother) when his mother was 42.
- 2 CONT The Gloucesters live quietly on their estate at Barnwell, which consists of
- 2 CONT 2,500 acres and is farmed by the Duke. His mother, Princess Alice, Duchess of
- 2 CONT Gloucester also lives there. He is known affctionately in the royal family as
- 2 CONT "Proggy" (Prince Richard of Gloucester), the bespectacled Duke dislikes
- 2 CONT alcohol and detests smoking. He and his wife also have grace-and-favor
- 2 CONT apartments at Kensington Palace.
- 1 FAMS @F23@
- 1 FAMC @F19@
- 0 @I89@ INDI
- 1 NAME Birgitte of_Denmark /von_Deurs/
- 1 TITL Duchess
- 1 SEX F
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE 1947
- 1 NOTE Daughter of a Danish lawyer. Now Duchess of Gloucester.
- 1 FAMS @F23@
- 0 @I90@ INDI
- 1 NAME Alexander Patrick Gregers//
- 1 TITL Earl of Ulster
- 1 SEX M
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE 24 OCT 1974
- 2 PLAC St. Marys Hosp.,Paddington,London,England
- 1 CHR
- 2 DATE 9 FEB 1975
- 2 PLAC Barnwell Church
- 1 NOTE Alexander Patrick Gregers Richard, Earl of Ulster. Born by Caesarian section
- 2 CONT and weighed only four lbs. He will one day inherit the manor of Barnwell and
- 2 CONT the title Duke of Gloucester, but he will be a common or garden duke - if dukes
- 2 CONT can ever be common or garden- and not a royal duke like his father and
- 2 CONT grandfather. Except in the direct line of succession, the style "Royal
- 2 CONT Highness" is inherited from the sovereign only for two generation and dies with
- 2 CONT the death of the sovereign's grandson.
- 1 FAMC @F23@
- 0 @I91@ INDI
- 1 NAME Earl Winfield /Spencer/
- 1 TITL Jr.
- 1 SEX M
- 1 FAMS @F24@
- 0 @I92@ INDI
- 1 NAME Ernest /Simpson/
- 1 SEX M
- 1 FAMS @F25@
- 0 @I93@ INDI
- 1 NAME Frances /Burke_Roche/
- 1 TITL Hon.
- 1 SEX F
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE 1936
- 1 NOTE Mother of the Princess of Wales, formerly the Lady Diana Spencer. The wedding
- 2 CONT of Frances and her husband rivaled Elizabeth II. They were married in
- 2 CONT Westminster Abbey. Elizabeth and Philip were among the wedding guests. So
- 2 CONT were Elizabeth's mother and sister, three royal aunts and two cousins. In all
- 2 CONT there were over a thousand guests. After thirteen years and four children they
- 2 CONT were divorced. Frances was named as the other woman in a divorce action
- 2 CONT brought by Janet Shand Kydd. Diana's father then divorced her mother on the
- 2 CONT grounds of adultery and there was a bitter battle for the custody of the
- 2 CONT children, which the father won. Frances married the wealthy Peter Shand Kydd
- 2 CONT and retreated with him to an isolated part of Scotland. Diana was heart-broken
- 2 CONT and her tendency to bite her nails stems from that time. There was a further
- 2 CONT family upset later when Diana's father became involved with the woman who is
- 2 CONT now her stepmother, the flamboyant Countess of Dartmouth, daughter of that
- 2 CONT writer of so many love stories, Barbara Cartland. The Earl of Dartmouth
- 2 CONT divorced his countess, and Diana's father married her. Diana's two elder
- 2 CONT sisters have never really taken to their stepmother. Diana herself is more
- 2 CONT tolerant while still remaining close and loyal to her real mother. The divorce
- 2 CONT became absolute in 1969 after being separated since 1967.
- 1 FAMS @F78@
- 1 FAMS @F297@
- 1 FAMC @F119@
- 0 @I94@ INDI
- 1 NAME Marie Alexandrovna //
- 1 TITL Grand Duchess
- 1 SEX F
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE 17 OCT 1853
- 2 PLAC St. Petersburg,,,Russia
- 1 DEAT
- 2 DATE 25 OCT 1920
- 2 PLAC Zurich,,,Switzerland
- 1 NOTE Marie, Grand Duchess of Russia. Dau. of Alexander II, Emperor of Russia and
- 2 CONT his first wife, Marie of Hesse; had issue. Other charts show her death year
- 2 CONT as 1940.
- 1 FAMS @F26@
- 1 FAMC @F11@
- 0 @I95@ INDI
- 1 NAME Alfred //
- 1 TITL Prince
- 1 SEX M
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE 1874
- 1 DEAT
- 2 DATE 1899
- 1 NOTE Alfred, Prince of Saxe-Coburg.
- 1 FAMC @F26@
- 0 @I96@ INDI
- 1 NAME Marie of_Saxe-Coburg and_Gotha//
- 1 TITL Queen of Romania
- 1 SEX F
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE 29 OCT 1875
- 2 PLAC Eastwell Park,Kent,England
- 1 DEAT
- 2 DATE 10 JUL 1938
- 2 PLAC Castle Pelesch,Sinaia,Romania
- 1 NOTE Marie, Queen of Romania.
- 1 FAMS @F100@
- 1 FAMC @F26@
- 0 @I97@ INDI
- 1 NAME Victoria Melita of_Edinburgh//
- 1 TITL Grand Duchess
- 1 SEX F
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE 1876
- 2 PLAC Malta
- 1 DEAT
- 2 DATE 1936
- 1 NOTE Victoria, (1) Grand Duchess Ernest of Hesse (2) Grand Duchess Cyrill of Russia.
- 2 CONT Divorced in 1901. Married 2nd time in 1905. Victoria Melita was married first
- 2 CONT to a nobleman from the bottomless reservoir of minor German royalty, Ernst
- 2 CONT Ludwig, Grand Duke of Hesse. But it was an unhappy union which soon ended in
- 2 CONT divorce. He eye then lighted on her first cousin Kirill, the son of her
- 2 CONT mother's brother Vladimir; The couple were witness events that lead to the
- 2 CONT 1917 Revolution in St. Petersburg after being banished from Russia by Nicholas
- 2 CONT II (a member of his Imperial family had married a divorced woman without the
- 2 CONT Tzar's permission). Aka: Victoria Feodorovna. They spent some time in exile
- 2 CONT in Finland; finally settled in France where her husband tried to revive the
- 2 CONT Russian Monarch proclaiming his right to the throne.
- 1 FAMS @F49@
- 1 FAMS @F343@
- 1 FAMC @F26@
- 0 @I98@ INDI
- 1 NAME Alexandra //
- 1 TITL Princess
- 1 SEX F
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE 1878
- 1 DEAT
- 2 DATE 1942
- 1 NOTE Alexandra, Princess of Hohenlohe-Langenburg.
- 1 FAMS @F961@
- 1 FAMC @F26@
- 0 @I99@ INDI
- 1 NAME Beatrice //
- 1 TITL Princess
- 1 SEX F
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE 1884
- 1 DEAT
- 2 DATE 1966
- 1 NOTE Beatrice, Princess Alfonso of Spain.
- 1 FAMS @F960@
- 1 FAMC @F26@
- 0 @I100@ INDI
- 1 NAME Louis of_Battenberg //
- 1 TITL Prince
- 1 SEX M
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE 1854
- 1 DEAT
- 2 DATE 1921
- 1 NOTE Louis of Battenberg. Later, 1st Marquess of Milford Haven.
- 2 CONT aka: Prince of Battenberg. Admiral of the Fleet
- 1 FAMS @F27@
- 1 FAMC @F109@
- 0 @I101@ INDI
- 1 NAME Alice of_Battenberg //
- 1 TITL Princess
- 1 SEX F
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE 1885
- 1 DEAT
- 2 DATE ABT 1967
- 2 PLAC Buckingham,Palace,London,England
- 1 NOTE Died while living at Buckingham Palace. The Book of Royal Lists by Brown &
- 2 CONT Cunliffe list the year of her death as: 1969. 1967 is used by Debrett's Book
- 2 CONT of Royal Children by Kidd and Montague-Smith. Henry Rasof in "Charles and
- 2 CONT Diana" lists her death at: 1960.
- 1 FAMS @F28@
- 1 FAMC @F27@
- 0 @I102@ INDI
- 1 NAME George /Mountbatten/
- 1 TITL Marquess
- 1 SEX M
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE 1892
- 1 DEAT
- 2 DATE 1938
- 1 NOTE George of Battenberg, 2nd Marquess of Milford Haven.
- 1 FAMS @F176@
- 1 FAMC @F27@
- 0 @I103@ INDI
- 1 NAME Louis of_Burma /Mountbatten/
- 1 TITL Earl Mountbatten
- 1 SEX M
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE 1900
- 2 PLAC Windsor,Berkshire,England
- 1 DEAT
- 2 DATE 27 AUG 1979
- 2 PLAC Donegal Bay,County Sligo,Ireland
- 1 NOTE Louis of Battenberg, 1st Earl Mountbatten of Burma. British naval officer
- 2 CONT educated at Osborne and Dartmouth Royal Navy colleges and at Christ's College,
- 2 CONT University of Cambridge. Because of anti-German sentiment, his father
- 2 CONT anglicized the family name to Mountbatten in 1917. Mountbatten served as
- 2 CONT British viceroy of India from March to August 1947, and governor-general of the
- 2 CONT new dominion of India from August 1947 to June 1948. Mountbatten was killed
- 2 CONT when a bomb, planted by terrorists of the Irish Republican Army blew up his
- 2 CONT fishing boat in Donegal Bay, near his home.
- 1 FAMS @F175@
- 1 FAMC @F27@
- 0 @I104@ INDI
- 1 NAME Andrew of_Greece //
- 1 TITL Prince
- 1 SEX M
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE 1882
- 1 DEAT
- 2 DATE 1944
- 1 NOTE Prince Andrew of Greece and Denmark.
- 1 FAMS @F28@
- 1 FAMC @F75@
- 0 @I105@ INDI
- 1 NAME Alexander /Duff/
- 1 TITL Duke of Fife
- 1 SEX M
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE 1849
- 1 DEAT
- 2 DATE 1912
- 1 FAMS @F29@
- 0 @I106@ INDI
- 1 NAME Alexandra /Windsor/
- 1 TITL Princess
- 1 SEX F
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE 25 DEC 1936
- 1 NOTE The Hon. Mrs. Angus Ogilvy. Christened: Alexandra Helen Elizabeth Olga
- 2 CONT Christabel. Princess Alexandra and her husband, Angus Ogilvy, live at Thatched
- 2 CONT House Lodge, which is leased from the Crown Estates. This early
- 2 CONT eighteenth-century house is the only one within the royal parkof Richmond still
- 2 CONT in private hands. It has three acres of grounds and is surrounded by tall
- 2 CONT bushes to keep the deer (and the public) at bay. There two children were born
- 2 CONT there. Princess Alexandra has always shouldered a large burden of royal public
- 2 CONT duties and is a particularly popular figure. She is 6 feet tall. She has made
- 2 CONT something of a speciality of representing the Queen at the weddings of
- 2 CONT distantly-related European royalty.
- 1 FAMS @F30@
- 1 FAMC @F17@
- 0 @I107@ INDI
- 1 NAME Michael /Windsor/
- 1 TITL Prince
- 1 SEX M
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE 4 JUL 1942
- 2 PLAC Coppins,,England
- 1 NOTE Prince Michael relinquished his place in the line of succession because of his
- 2 CONT marriage to a divorced Catholic, but Buckingham Palace subsequently announced
- 2 CONT that his children would still be elibible to succeed to the throne.
- 2 CONT Christened: Michael George Charles Franklin. -The last name was in honor of
- 2 CONT President Rossevelt, who was a close friend of the Duke, and one of the baby's
- 2 CONT godfathers, although at the height of the war, he was unable to attend the
- 2 CONT christening. His father was killed in a flying accident only seven weeks after
- 2 CONT Prince Michael's birth. He is a director of Standard Telephones and Cables and
- 2 CONT three other City companies.
- 1 FAMS @F103@
- 1 FAMC @F17@
- 0 @I108@ INDI
- 1 NAME Angus /Ogilvy/
- 1 TITL Hon.
- 1 SEX M
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE 1928
- 1 NOTE An Untitled businessman.
- 1 FAMS @F30@
- 0 @I109@ INDI
- 1 NAME James Robert Bruce/Ogilvy/
- 1 SEX M
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE 29 FEB 1964
- 2 PLAC Thatched House,Lodge,,England
- 1 FAMC @F30@
- 0 @I110@ INDI
- 1 NAME Marina Victoria Alexandra/Ogilvy/
- 1 SEX F
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE 31 JUL 1966
- 2 PLAC Thatched House,Lodge,Richmond Park,England
- 1 FAMC @F30@
- 0 @I111@ INDI
- 1 NAME Katharine /Worsley/
- 1 TITL Duchess of Kent
- 1 SEX F
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE 1933
- 1 NOTE A striking beauty, the Duchess is a commoner.
- 1 FAMS @F31@
- 1 FAMC @F367@
- 0 @I112@ INDI
- 1 NAME George Philip of_St._Andrews/Windsor/
- 1 TITL Earl
- 1 SEX M
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE 26 JUN 1962
- 1 CHR
- 2 DATE 14 SEP 1962
- 2 PLAC Buckingham,Palace,Music Room,England
- 1 NOTE George Philip Nicholas; George, Earl of St. Andrews.
- 2 CONT He weighed 6lb 4oz and like most of the House of Windsor, has blue eyes and
- 2 CONT fair hair.
- 1 FAMC @F31@
- 0 @I113@ INDI
- 1 NAME Helen Marina Lucy/Windsor/
- 1 TITL Lady
- 1 SEX F
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE 28 APR 1964
- 1 CHR
- 2 DATE 12 MAY 1964
- 2 PLAC Private Chapel,Windsor Castle,Berkshire,England
- 1 NOTE Lady Helen Marina Lucy Windsor.
- 1 FAMC @F31@
- 0 @I114@ INDI
- 1 NAME Nicholas Charles Edward/Windsor/
- 1 TITL Lord
- 1 SEX M
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE 25 JUL 1970
- 2 PLAC Kings College,Hospital,Denmark Hill
- 1 CHR
- 2 PLAC Private Chapel,Windsor Castle,Berkshire,England
- 1 NOTE Prince Charles is among his godparents. Lord Nicholas Charles Edward Jonathan
- 2 CONT Windsor.
- 1 FAMC @F31@
- 0 @I115@ INDI
- 1 NAME William Arthur Philip/Windsor/
- 1 TITL Prince
- 1 SEX M
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE 21 JUN 1982
- 2 PLAC St. Mary's Hosp.,Paddington,London,England
- 1 CHR
- 2 DATE 4 AUG 1982
- 2 PLAC Music Room,Buckingham,Palace,England
- 1 NOTE Prince William of Wales; Prince William Arthur Philip Louis; Born at 9:03 pm;
- 2 CONT Weighed 7 lbs 1 1/2 oz at birth. Called, "Wills" or "Wombat" by the family.
- 2 CONT Prince Charles likes to call him "Willie Wombat," but many people have pointed
- 2 CONT out that it is an unsuitably slothful name for so active a child.
- 1 FAMC @F16@
- 0 @I116@ INDI
- 1 NAME Henry Charles Albert/Windsor/
- 1 TITL Prince
- 1 SEX M
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE 15 SEP 1984
- 2 PLAC St. Mary's Hosp.,Paddington,London,England
- 1 NOTE Prince Henry Charles Albert David. Henry weighed 6 lbs 14 oz at birth.
- 2 CONT Henry Rasof (Charles & Diana) gives his birthday as: Sept. 13.
- 2 CONT Called, "Harry" by the family.
- 1 FAMC @F16@
- 0 @I117@ INDI
- 1 NAME (Frederick) Christian Charles//
- 1 TITL Prince
- 1 SEX M
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE 1831
- 1 DEAT
- 2 DATE 1917
- 1 NOTE Prince (Frederick) Christian Charles Augustus of Schleswig-Holstein.
- 1 FAMS @F32@
- 0 @I118@ INDI
- 1 NAME Marie Louise //
- 1 TITL Princess
- 1 SEX F
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE 1872
- 1 DEAT
- 2 DATE 1956
- 1 NOTE Divorced in 1900.
- 1 FAMS @F33@
- 1 FAMC @F32@
- 0 @I119@ INDI
- 1 NAME Aribert of_Anhalt //
- 1 SEX M
- 1 BIRT
- 2 DATE 1864
- 1 DEAT
- 2 DATE 1933
- 1 NOTE Divorced in 1900.
- 1 FAMS @F33@