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- Release Notes for BirthWrite Windows Genealogy Program
- Version 1.5a
- (C) Copyright Richard McDonald, 1994-95
- This document contains release notes for BirthWrite Windows Genealogy
- program. Information in this document is more current than that in the
- online Help. This document also contains information that is not in
- the online Help on installation and setup.
- ------------------------
- How to Use This Document
- ------------------------
- To view README.TXT on screen in Windows Notepad, maximize the Notepad window.
- To view the Summary of Changes for this release, scroll to the last section
- of the document.
- ------------------------
- Installation Notes
- ------------------------
- If you received BirthWrite in a Zip file, then you should unzip it to a
- diskette or directory with some name like TEMP. Then run the SETUP.EXE
- file to install BirthWrite.
- If you received BirthWrite as a set of files on a diskette, then just run
- the SETUP.EXE like you would with any Windows Program.
- It is NOT advisable to run Setup from File Manager. Please run it from the
- File-Run pulldown menu. Otherwise you may see a "file in use" error.
- BirthWrite was implemented in Visual Basic. What that means to you is that
- there will be more files installed on the system than just the programs
- .EXE and .HLP files.
- The complete package contains the following files:
- \BIRTHWRI\BIRTHWRI.EXE .... you may have changed this
- \BIRTHWRI\BIRTHWRI.HLP directory name at install
- Two files were eliminated from the release 1.2 install process.
- \WINDOWS\SYSTEM\MSABC110.DLL (not required)
- \DOS\SHARE.EXE (already included in system)
- This program requires Windows 3.1 or subsequent release.
- ------------------------
- ------------------------
- Unless you have Windows for Workgroups, you MUST - repeat
- MUST - put the statement
- C:\DOS\SHARE.EXE /L:500 /F:5100
- in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file before any WIN statement that may be there.
- If it's already there, ensure that the values are at least as large as those listed.
- If you have Windows for Workgroups or OS/2, you don't require to the Share
- command in your AUTOEXEC.BAT.
- ------------------------
- Space Requirements
- ------------------------
- Depending on if you have other Visual Basic applications installed or not,
- BirthWrite will require anywhere from .5 Mb to 3 Mb. If you should have a
- failure during install due to lack of disk space, please clear AT LEAST 3Mb
- of disk space to ensure correct installation. Then retry.
- ------------------------
- Printing
- ------------------------
- Printing can generate pretty big files. If your swap file isn't big enough,
- the program and Windows could hang - that is - stop entirely. Please give
- yourself lots of swap space if you're planning to print any reports with
- a lot of people. This is a general Windows problem and not a problem with
- BirthWrite.
- ------------------------
- Display size
- ------------------------
- BirthWrite works OK on a VGA screen. However, for best results I strongly
- recommend that you use at least 800x600 resolution. I personally use
- 1280x1024 so I can get lots of windows going.
- ------------------------
- If you delete BirthWrite
- ------------------------
- If you delete BirthWrite from your system AND it is the only Visual Basic
- application installed, then you will need to delete each of the files
- in the list above. Do not delete SHARE.EXE.
- If you have installed other Visual Basic applications or if you are not
- sure if you have installed other Visual Basic applications, then you
- should only delete the files in the \BIRTHWRI directory.
- ------------------------
- If you have other Visual Basic applications
- ------------------------
- BirthWrite was written using Visual Basic Version 3.0 with fixes from
- MicroSoft applied.
- If you install BirthWrite using the install EXE provided, BirthWrite will
- operate correctly. It is possible that the install process could update
- files common to most Visual Basic programs. If that happens, the behavour
- of the already installed program could change. It might even fail. If this
- happens, please contact me or the author of your other program. Generally,
- you should be OK.
- ------------------------
- Registration
- ------------------------
- BirthWrite is shareware. You are granted by the author a license to use it
- for 10 days for evaluation. If you decide to use it beyond those terms,
- you are expected to pay for a full use license. You may also redistribute
- BirthWrite as you see fit provided that no supplied materials are modified
- and all materials are shipped.
- Cost of registering for a full use license is $30.00 US ($35.00 Cdn).
- Registered users will get my attention when it comes to support. Otherwise
- the program is fully functional.
- Please read the registration section of the online help.
- Thanks
- Richard McDonald
- ------------------------
- Summary of Changes
- ------------------------
- Release 1.5a - 30 Oct '95
- - MSAFINX.DLL missing in distribution package
- - not a problem for existing users.
- - causes BirthWrite not to start for new users.
- Release 1.5 - 12 Oct '95
- - Graphical Report Printing:
- Ancestor and descendent charts can be printed in a graphical form.
- Charts are generated for the current individuals displayed when
- print is selected. Relationship lines are drawn between each person
- shown on the chart.
- Large trees will print seamlessly across multiple pages on fan-fold
- paper. Wallpaper your room with your family tree. The fonts can be
- changed so you can make it as big as you like.
- - Print Preview: All reports are shown in a preview screen before they
- are printed. This allows you to check the report before printing it.
- - Family Sheet Index: Family sheet reports are cross referenced between
- each other, but there is no way to find a specific individual. The
- index lists each individual and the sheet that they appear on. This
- allows you to print book like reports about your family.
- - Family Sheet Photos: Photos can be printed on the family sheet. The
- photo is printed 2 inches wide on the right side of the sheet. The
- height of the photo is determined by the aspect ratio of the photo.
- Printing of the photo is optional as it takes time and system resources.
- Also, some printers may not support graphic printing.
- - Query: As well as finding entries by searching by name or id number,
- you can now search for entries using a number of fields including
- birth and death date and place plus others.
- - General Improvements: Many improvements have been made to the printing
- system. Specifically:
- - Family Sheet Header: Now includes the name, type of report, and
- number of generations being printed. Also includes page number
- which may be different from the sheet number if a sheet flows
- over more than one page.
- - Font Handling: BirthWrite 1.4 reports were optimized for a narrow
- range of font sizes. This release handles larger fonts somewhat
- better.
- - Photo Support: PhotoÆs are now stored with their aspect ratio (ratio
- of height to width). Resizing the photo will maintain the aspect
- ratio regardless of the size of the photo.
- - Marriage Page Tabs: Fixed the tab order on the marriage page of
- the individual details window.
- - Christening Date: By popular demand, added support for Christening
- date and place. Included GEDCOM import and export.
- - GEDCOM date import: Now recognize 'c', 'circa' for circa dates.
- Release 1.4 - 01 Nov '94
- - Family sheet reports: This new report prints all information about an
- individual (except photos). A set of family sheets can be produced for
- the ancestors or descendents of the current individual. Within the set,
- each sheet is cross referenced with other sheets within the family.
- - Photo support: PhotoÆs can now be stored with any individual.
- - Ordered Lists: Lists of children are now shown in birth order with
- the eldest first.
- - Misc Fixes:
- - Graphical chart display: Under some circumstances, the peoples
- names will overlap on the display of a descendent chart.
- - Marriage Status and End dates: On the Marriage details notebook
- page, clicking on any pushbutton cleared ALL pushbuttons. Push
- buttons have been grouped to correct the behaviour.
- - Marriage end date: This date was not saved if the individual was new.
- - Spouse drop down list: On the tree display, the spouse drop down list
- had the first spouse in the list selected. Now shows the current
- spouse as selected. Also corrected name format to match that
- used in the tree display.
- - GEDCOM import: Misc fixes applied to improve support.
- - Date handling: Improved recognition of dates.
- - ID Numbers: No recognize hex id numbers.
- - Merge with empty: Merging GEDCOM file with an empty data
- base caused a program failure.
- - Divorces/Adoptions: Fixed some problems.
- - Messges: Messages are only issued once for each problem found.
- - Spelling: Fixed a very silly one on the main window at startup.
- - Fathers become mothers: This is a nasty little bug that showed up in
- release 1.1 and IÆve had enough comments that I added some checks
- on it in release 1.3. I had thought it might be a user problem related to
- BirthWrite accepting same sex marriages, but alas, a user took me
- through a scenario to show me what happened. With that I tracked
- it down to a coding error of mine. Apologies to all.
- Release 1.3 - 23 Jul '94
- - improved performance of most data base accesses.
- - printing/previewing of descendent/ancestor trees in chart format
- - accessed via print push button.
- - chart version of either type of tree will be previewed from print dialog box.
- Print can be invoked from the preview display.
- - limitations
- - prints only one page. Anything off the page will not be printed.
- Go for landscape printing and a large paper printer. You can specify
- that the page boundries should be displayed to let you know how bad
- it'll be.
- - can only display trees of a certain size. Once the size is exceeded,
- the building of the chart is stopped and the chart shown as far
- as it got.
- For BirthWrite 1.3, consider chart printing to be in beta form. It'll
- get better with BirthWrite 1.4.
- - added page breaks to text version of descendent chart. Upon encountering
- a new page, the immediate ancestors of the individual who caused the page
- break will be printed at the top of the page. This allows you to tell
- from one page how a descendent relates to the individual. Try it with a
- large tree. You'll see.
- - changed create File-New dialog from a Windows "Open" dialog to a
- Windows "Save-As" dialog. Shouldn't mean much to you, but you'll see
- that the file name list box is now grayed out. You can still select
- from the grayed out list. Selecting a file that already exists will
- result in a confirmation prompt before existing data base is deleted.
- - can now choose from 4 different date formats. See the "Options" pull down.
- - added new fields to the data base for marriage status including date of
- ending and marriage status. GEDCOM import and export supported.
- Only married, divorced and annulled marriage settings are exported.
- - age (if alive) and age at death displayed on details screen
- - improved GEDCOM import a little;
- - now handle OCCU, RESI, and EDUC tags
- - handle dates like 1795/96 by translating into About 1795
- - handle marriage DIV and ANUL tags with dates
- - can print error report
- - misc bugs fixed
- - nasty little one when creating a new data base. If the sex is changed
- from female to male, then a Type Mismatch error will occur. Only ocurs
- on first individual when creating a new data base.
- - if the addition of a new individual is cancelled, under some
- circumstances, the redisplay of the tree may abend with error "No
- current record".
- - converting data base from 1.1 to 1.2 upon opening data base would cause
- tool bar to clear. Toolbar now displayed correctly after conversion.
- - cleaned up startup of new tree display. Used to show incomplete tree.
- Now paints the tree before displaying it.
- - displaying About screen with a no data base open causes user interface
- to lock up. Now can close About screen with OK push button.
- - upgraded install program
- - eliminated a number of bugs caused by Microsoft install program.
- Release 1.2 - 15 May '94
- - added GEDCOM Export support
- - improved performance of GEDCOM Import.
- - unrecognized GEDCOM fields are written as notes.
- - replaced Details and More Info display with a single window with index
- tabs to select the information required. This is known in the trade as
- a "Notebook" control.
- - added Adopted field to the data base. Data bases are automatically
- converted when they are opened. You will be asked if you want to do the
- conversion.
- - added birth dates and titles to list of individuals. My famiy has too
- many John Denison's to easily tell which is being selected.
- - added Window Cascade push button. I found I was using it quite a bit
- with my laptops small VGA screen.
- - optionally can choose to print statistics with descendents.
- Statisitics include number of people per generation.
- - added Cut/Copy/Paste/Delete push buttons to Notes section. These use
- the standard Windows Clipboard.
- - misc bugs fixed
- - when showing multiple trees and a details screen, closing a tree
- display that is currently driving the details display would cause
- a error
- - GEDCOM submitter fields were not being length checked.
- - occasionally the tree display would paint twice when the number of
- children would cause a change in the size of the children list.
- - married date wasn't being checked after an error found.
- - checking incomplete dates such as only month and day specified.
- - fixed GEDCOM import keycap changing
- - added a few more hourglass icons for long running tasks.
- Still to come.....
- - printing of graphic style charts.
- Release 1.1 - 04 Apr '94
- - fixed a couple of spelling mistakes
- - added hourglass to a couple of long running functions
- - clarified message shown when attempt made to deleted someone with
- siblings. Can't delete then because of "blank" parents recorded to hold
- family together.
- - clarified dialog box shown upon first time use. Now says that user can
- create a new data base OR import gedcom.
- - adjusted size of child list for large families so that list always has
- a little white space.
- - "about" dialog box disappears on it's own without requiring OK to be
- clicked.
- - fixed "delete tree" icon so that it didn't change to "add tree" icon
- after use.
- Release 1.0 - 31 Mar '94
- - Initial release