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INI File | 1994-06-08 | 15.5 KB | 315 lines |
- [01]
- Mannaz - The Self
- The Self is the starting point. Examine your relationship with
- yourself, for from this relationship flow all relationships with
- others. The counsel of this rune is perspective - do not consider
- the world in relation to your SELF, be modest in your
- accomplishments and do not act from a sense of self-importance.
- [01R]
- Mannaz - The Self (Reversed)
- This rune reversed indicates a need for honesty with yourself.
- Face up, admit, release yourself from false vanities. The counsel
- is clear; only by looking inwards can you identify the enemy of
- progress. Be warned - avoid self-aggrandisement at all costs. You
- are at a new beginning, and to fall for the suble persuasions of
- your own ego will lead to nothingness.
- [02]
- Gebo - Partnership
- Some form of union is indicated by this rune. You must be careful,
- however, not to collapse yourself into this union; for true
- partnership can only be achieved by equals co-operating wholly.
- This message is particularly important when the partnership is
- between yourself and your higher soul, or the Divine - The Gods
- enter only into equal partnerships. This rune signifies the gift
- of freedom, from which all other gifts spring.
- [03]
- Ansuz - Signals
- This rune puts you on notice that the mechanism of self-change is
- attempting to operate - be especially receptive to signals, signs
- and portends. Often the message is of a new life unfolding - new
- connections and linkages opening up unexpected pathways to change.
- On a deeper level, you must listen to the promptings of your inner
- self, for we all carry the Divine inside us.
- [03R]
- Ansuz - Signals (Reversed)
- As one of the cycle runes, Ansuz reversed is telling you that what
- appears to be a failure in communication, or a reluctance on your
- part to accept something, may in fact be an opportunity. Clean out
- the old and allow the new to bloom.
- [04]
- Othila - Separation
- This is a confirmation of your feeling that certain paths are
- diverging, separating in some way. Like the viper, a skin is being
- shed. The counsel of this rune is that a radical severance is at
- hand, and you should submit to this flow, perhaps even retreat
- while the new skin hardens.
- This rune is concerned on the physical level with property, or
- aquisitions. Be aware, though that you may have to give up your
- old skin in order to benefit from the new.
- [04R]
- Othila - Separation (Reversed)
- Be warned against automatic or 'knee-jerk' reactions to some
- situation. Do not be bound by your conditioning; act according to
- what feels right. Going with the flow is important here, rigidity
- or stubborness is pointless. Radical departures are at hand.
- Remember - we do without doing, and everything gets done.
- [05]
- Uruz - Strength
- Termination and new beginnings. Your present way of life has
- outgrown it's usefulness, and the death of this life will release
- energy for your re-birth. Uruz is properly the rune of passage, and
- as such, part of the cycle of self-transformation. Be aware that a
- passage into darkness may be necessary before you once again stand
- in the light.
- Opportunity often comes disguised as loss, and by sifting through
- the ashes you may well find a new perspective.
- [05R]
- Uruz - Strength (Reversed)
- Missed opportunities are the warning of Uruz. It calls for serious
- questioning into the quality of your relationship with your SELF.
- Do not be afraid - remember the constant cyclic qualities of nature
- and understand that an end for one person is a beginning for another.
- [06]
- Perth - Initiation
- At a personal level, deep transformational forces are at work here.
- This transformation may not be readily apparent to others; after all
- becoming WHOLE is a secret process. A sudden revelation may be
- indicated, perhaps into how your existing life works.
- On the mundane level, surprise gains may be indicated.
- [06R]
- Perth - Initiation (Reversed)
- Be warned; you expect too much. Do not concentrate on past glories or
- hoped-for outcomes - live in the present:- the only time in which self
- change can be achieved. You may experience setbacks, delays,
- obstructions. Your feeling may be to interpret this as 'bad luck'.
- Not so; it is an obstacle course, a challenge specific to the
- initiation you are being offered. Stay centered, accept the humour of
- the situation, and carry on regardless.
- [07]
- Nauthiz - Constraint
- The lesson of this rune is the necessity of dealing with or
- confronting a severe constraint. The implicit message here is that
- such a constraint may well be caused by your own actions or mind-set.
- There will be holdups in your plans, obstacles in your path -
- reasons to consider carefully before you act.
- [07R]
- Nauthiz - Constraint (Reversed)
- The Great Teacher, disguised as the Bringer of Pain and Hardship.
- A cleansing is required. If successful, your will and character are
- both strengthened. This troublesome time must be endured with modesty
- and good temper:- remember that the original meaning of the word
- 'suffering' was simply 'undergoing'. By acknowledging that you cannot
- evade the problem, you can face and overcome it. The best steel is
- forged in the hottest flame.
- [08]
- Inguz - Fertility
- New beginnings... on a personal level, Inguz embodies your need to
- share, the yearning to be desired, perhaps a search for
- similarities. Inguz requires that you complete your beginnings; in
- return it promises the strength to achieve completion, to reach a
- resolution. If you have some project or goal, make it your first
- priority to complete that task. From a mental perspective, perhaps
- some difficult state of mind needs to be resolved, and quickly.
- As the rune of new beginnings, Inguz may be warning you to free
- yourself from a rut, a stale relationship, some habit or pattern,
- perhaps.
- [09]
- Eihwaz - Defence
- There is a blockage in your path, although the delay this entails
- may turn out to be beneficial. Eihwaz counsels patience; do not
- rush forward blindly. Often this rune is interpreted as instruction
- to wait, to let the tangled strands of fate unwind themselves.
- It is unlikely that acting directly will affect the situation to
- your advantage. Wait on the will of the Gods.
- [10]
- Algiz - Protection
- This rune is primarily concerned with the control of your emotions.
- During times of change, perhaps quite stressful times, it is
- important not to sink self-indulgently into your emotions. The pain
- you may be feeling is a reminder that the battle of the spiritual
- warrior is always with the self, not an external enemy. Also be
- aware that the only true protection is timely action and correct
- conduct. Do not try to deny what is happening, your protection lies
- in knowing that by right action, you WILL progress.
- [10R]
- Algiz - Protection (Reversed)
- Look carefully at associations you may be in the process of forming,
- or partnerships you already have. Algiz warns you that some other
- entity intends to 'use' you in some manner. Look to your own
- interests, and be informed that even if you do not win, you also do
- not lose, for you have learned from the experience.
- [11]
- Fehu - Possessions
- Fulfilment, ambitions satisfied, reward for your endeavours. Do you
- know the value of your gains? Are material things better than self
- knowing? Look deeply within for the true answer. Fehu is sometimes
- a warning not to gloat over success, but to share with others - a
- well nourished self is defined by the ability to nourish others.
- [11R]
- Fehu - Possessions (Reversed)
- Beware of wide ranging dispossession. Your current course of action
- may be leading you down the wrong path, and the almost certain outcome
- will be loss of one kind or another. Even if such a loss occurs, what
- can you learn from this situation? You may profit after all.
- [12]
- Wunjo - Joy
- One element of your self-transformation is complete, and you can now
- enjoy the fruits of your labours. This positive rune promises much,
- both material and spiritual; but the greatest gift it can bestow is
- the transmutation of knowledge into true understanding. A time of
- much achievement and happiness is heralded by this rune.
- [12R]
- Wunjo - Joy (Reversed)
- That which you seek seems frustratingly out of reach - the simple
- birth you were expecting has turned into a long drawn out process.
- Perhaps a crisis is at hand. Look to your defences, for by timely
- right action, you can still achieve your goal.
- [13]
- Jera - Harvest
- Any activity or enterprise you are engaged on will come to a
- beneficial ending. Jera advises you to keep your spirits up, for a
- span of time may be involved. Like the harvest, a full cycle of the
- year must be completed before you can reap. In addition, you can NOT
- speed this process up. Tugging at the corn stalks will not make them
- grow any faster.
- [14]
- Kano - Opening
- The sign of this rune is fire, and the light fire sheds on your own
- personal darkness. Kano portends a time of renewed clarity, of light,
- a clearness of vision; especially concerning the early stages of an
- enterprise. With the essential knowledge of where you are going, you
- can plan your route and arrive safely.
- [14R]
- Kano - Opening (Reversed)
- Darkness descending on some situation or relationship. Be warned
- that failure to acknowledge this little death will constitute a
- loss of opportunity. As one of the cycle runes, Kano reversed points
- to the death of a way of life which has become invalid through growth.
- Give up the old gladly, and prepare to live, for a short time, in the
- wilderness. The new life you unfurl is necessary to your growth.
- [15]
- Teiwaz - Warrior
- This is the rune of the spiritual warrior. Always his battle is with
- the self. The hallmark of the spiritual warrior is the willingness to
- follow the flow, to let the will of the Gods go through and beyond him.
- Patience is the message of this rune - action now may be counter
- productive. If the issue is romantic, Teiwaz indicates that the
- relationship is both timely and providential. A good match is likely.
- [15R]
- Teiwaz - Warrior (Reversed)
- By acting rashly, or too soon, you squander your energy fruitlessly.
- There may be a question of trust or confidence in your relationship.
- The counsel once again is PATIENCE.
- [16]
- Berkana - Growth
- Care and awareness are required. Go into the matter deeply, for
- Berkana is one of the cycle runes, and indicates growth, either
- materially or spiritually. The message of this rune is to consult
- your motives. Are you acting from a sense of self, or for good
- reasons? The blossoming this rune foretells is well worth the
- patience and self sacrifice needed.
- [16R]
- Berkana - Growth (Reversed)
- Events or certain aspects of your character are interfering with
- the growth of new life processes. Examine your part in what has
- taken place. Have you put your WANTS above the NEEDS of others?
- If so, no progress can be made. Consider how you would feel if
- the situation was reversed.
- [17]
- Ehwaz - Movement
- The rune of transit. This may apply to any sphere of your life, be it
- a new home, job, a new attitude to life. It can also indicate an
- improvement, a 'bettering' in a situation. Whatever the question, the
- answer is 'change is coming'.
- [17R]
- Ehwaz - Movement (Reversed)
- You actions may not be timely. The message here is to avoid action.
- What is yours will ultimately come to you anyway.
- [18]
- Laguz - Flow
- This rune signals a time for cleansing, revaluing, realigning your
- life. A call to self awareness may be the message of this rune, in
- preparation for a period of self transformation. Success now depends
- on going with your intuition, tuning in to your own innermost feelings.
- [18R]
- Laguz - Flow (Reversed)
- Be careful about overreaching yourself; be careful not to try too hard.
- Your strength has limits - go beyond those limits and you may have
- cause for regret. Laguz reversed can be a warning about the dangers
- inherent in ignoring your own feelings. We all know what is good and
- what is bad.
- [19]
- Hagalaz - Disruption
- This rune indicates a need to break free from material concerns and
- remember what is actually important - self knowledge. There will be
- disruption to your plans, for this rune is the 'Awakener' - forces and
- events beyond your control are coming into effect. These forces may
- not be external, they may be manifestations of the imbalance you
- experience internally. At it's most forceful, this rune portends a
- radical discontinuity to your life. Be warned, therefore be aware,
- therefore turn what follows to your advantage by understanding it.
- [20]
- Raido - Communication
- Not everything can be accomplished by our own actions - sometimes
- others must be involved. Clear communication is the only way to
- achieve this. This rune does not necessarily imply other parties;
- the communication heralded could be between you and your inner self.
- [20R]
- Raido - Communication (Reversed)
- Be attentive to personal relationships, for at this time, ruptures
- are likely.Effort may be required from you; ensure you keep your
- good humour.
- On a deeper level, blockages in your path may actually be rerouting
- opportunities. Remember that the only two destinations are union
- and reunion.
- [21]
- Thurisaz - Gateway
- The gateway is a place of inaction - the border between the mundane
- and the divine. This rune may signify your readiness to pass through
- a transformation of some sort, but be warned, as a rune of inaction,
- Thurisaz demands that you contemplate very deeply before committing
- to the passing. It may be necessary to let go of the past before
- you can step through to your future...
- [21R]
- Thurisaz - Gateway (Reversed)
- Hasty decisions now will cause regrets later. Observe the growth
- process, and pause to make sure you understand the nature of the
- changes you undergo. If you are in pain, be sure that you are not
- suffering over your suffering! Before you act, check your motives,
- for your impulses now must be tempered by thought or you may well
- act from weakness, deceiving yourself all the while.
- [22]
- Dagas - Breakthrough
- The final rune in the cycle of transformation, Dagas heralds a 180
- degree turn in attitudes; almost a rebirth after your long
- transformation. A major period of achievement and prosperity is
- often introduced by this rune. Night ends, the daylight appears.
- This is not, however a license to behave recklessly, as that which
- the Gods give, they can also take away.
- [23]
- Isa - Standstill
- The period of gestation that precedes a re-birth. All things have
- come to a complete halt, and you may feel powerless to do anything
- except submit. Positive accomplishment is unlikely now, you are
- frozen into inactivity. The likelyhood is that you are clinging on
- to some past notion, and it is this which has frozen you. Let go,
- and you may bring on a thaw. Above all, be aware that stubbornly
- trying to effect your will can accomplish nothing at this point.
- [24]
- Sowelu - Wholeness
- A rune of great power, making life force available to you. The
- counsel now is to open yourself up, admit that which you have long
- denied. In this way can you achieve wholeness, which is in essence
- simply the self knowledge of your own being.
- [25]
- Odin - The Unknowable
- The blank rune can portend a death, but that death is usually
- symbolic. It may relate to a relationship, a job, anything. On a
- deeper level, Odin informs you that NOTHING is predestined,
- everything can be avoided, given right thought and right
- knowledge. Often this rune is a confirmation that the process of
- self change is active in your life.
- [00]