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- Medival War v1.6
- Introduction
- ============
- Welcome to the world of MEDIEVAL WAR. This README.TXT file contains
- information on how to install the program, playing the game, and
- registration. (Please remember that this program runs under Microsoft Windows
- 3.1 or equivalent.)
- Installation
- ============
- Installing Medieval War is extremely easy.
- STEP #1: Start Microsoft Windows.
- STEP #2: From the File sub-menu menu in Program Manager, choose
- Run...
- STEP #3: Specify the location of the Medieval War files and type
- "install".
- Ex: a:install
- Ex: c:\apl\comm\install
- STEP #4: The installation program will prompt you to enter the
- destination drive/directory.
- Ex: c:\medwar
- STEP #5. The installation program will finish the installation
- automatically.
- File list
- =========
- This is a complete file list.
- 1. INSTALL.EXE - the installation program.
- 2. INSTALL.INI - the installation information file.
- 3. MEDWAR.EXE - the main game program.
- 4. MEDWAR.HLP - the on-line help file.
- 5. NEW.SCN - a newer scenario.
- 6. ORIGINAL.SCN - the original scenario.
- 7. PBM.SCN - a play-by-mail scenario.
- 8. README.TXT - this file.
- 9. CATALOG.TXT - a list of B.P.S., Inc's shareware titles.
- 10. ORDER.FRM - the form for registering Medieval War.
- 11. FILE_ID.DIZ - the description file.
- 12. VENDINFO.DIZ - the vendor information file.
- Changes from version 1.5
- ========================
- The number of starting pieces (from 0 to 15) may be specified. There
- are also a few minor bug fixes.
- Playing the game
- ================
- MEDIEVAL WAR is played on a grid of variable size depending on the
- scenario. There are various islands throughout the grid with cities, forests,
- and mountains. You and your opponents (computer or human) start the game
- with one city each.
- The object of the game is to build up your forces and capture cities
- until you are strong enough to attack the other players. To win the game you
- must capture all of your opponent's cities and destroy all of your
- opponent's pieces or force all of your opponents to surrender.
- You begin the game by naming your first city then selecting the type
- of piece that you want to start building in that city. We recommend that you
- begin with a light infantry piece as they can both explore and take cities
- fairly well. When your first piece has been built, you will see it on top of
- your city and you will also be able to see the map one square in all
- directions. The rest of the squares on the map should be black. This is
- because you haven't explored them yet. To explore, use the mouse to drag the
- first piece one square in any direction. This will allow you to see more of
- the map because any square within one square of your piece will become
- uncovered. Each uncovered square will remain so until the end of the game.
- Continue moving around until you have found an empty city (a white L-shaped
- structure within a square). To capture it, move on top of it. Two things may
- happen: your piece might be destroyed or your piece might take the city. If
- you take the city, it will turn your color and your piece will disappear,
- becoming a garrison force inside the city. You will also be prompted to
- select what your new city will start to build.
- Meanwhile your other city is building a second piece. To change the
- type of piece that is being built in a city, double-click on that city. A
- dialog-box will pop up allowing you to change the piece. Any turns that went
- into building the original piece will be lost if it is changed. If you are
- stuck on an island, build a light galleon to get off. Move a light infantry
- or other land piece on top of the transport to load it. Then move the
- transport over the sea to find a new island.
- This is a brief introduction. To get more help about the rules of the
- game use the extensive on-line help by pressing F1.
- Registration
- ============
- MEDIEVAL WAR is a shareware program that has a two week evaluation
- period after which a payment of $29.95 is required. As shareware, MEDIEVAL
- WAR was distributed freely in order to allow people to "test drive" it. The
- try-before-you-buy concept allows users to find out which programs are useful
- before purchasing them. If a shareware program is useful or entertaining,
- please support it through registration. The registration fee for MEDIEVAL WAR
- is only $29.95 and entitles you to the newest version of the program, special
- extensions that allow for the easy creation of games, extra games and
- scenarios (such as Agincourt and Hastings), sound files, a printed manual,
- customer support (through the mail or on Compuserve, AOL, or the Internet),
- an account on our BBS, and information (and discounts) on other offerings
- from Burnham Park Software, Inc. To register, send your name, address, and a
- check or money order to:
- Burnham Park Software, Inc.
- P.O. Box #814
- Chicago, IL 60690-0814
- Phone: (312) 922-6313
- BBS: (312) 922-2839
- Compuserve: 71532,3271
- AOL: Burnsoft
- Internet: burnsoft@aol.com
- Disclaimer
- ==========
- Medieval War is supplied as is. The author disclaims all warranties,
- expressed or implied, including, without limitation, the warranties of
- merchantability and of fitness for any purpose. The author assumes no
- liability for damages, direct or consequential, which may result from the use
- of Medieval War.
- ASP Ombusman statement
- ======================
- Burnham Park Software, Inc. is a member of the Association of
- Shareware Professionals (ASP). ASP wants to make sure that the shareware
- principle works for you. If you are unable to resolve a shareware-related
- problem with an ASP member by contacting the member directly, ASP may be
- able to help. The ASP Ombudsman can help you resolve a dispute or problem
- with an ASP member, but does not provide technical support for members'
- products. Please write to the ASP Ombudsman at 545 Grover Road, Muskegon, MI
- 49442-9427 USA, FAX 616-788-2765 or send a CompuServe message via CompuServe
- Mail to ASP Ombudsman 70007,3536.